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The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   

The Permian in slope facies area of southern Guizhou consists of 16 third order sequences, which can be grouped as four sequence sets and further into two mesosequences. Most of them are delineated by conformable or submarine erosion surfaces, and well controlled by conodont and fusulinid zones. Four important sea-level falls are recognized in the area, which occur respectively at the basalSweetognathodus whitei zone, lowerS.aff.hanzhongensis zone, middleJinogondolella xuanhanensis zone and the basalClarkina yini zone. Among the recognized transgression events, three are regarded as the most significant. They occur respectively at the basalNeogondolella exculptus zone, basalJinogondolella nankingensis zone and the lowerClarkina postbitteri zone, and are all accompanied by faunal turnovers. The key surfaces in sequences can be used to fine-tune the boundaries of bio-chronozones, stages and series.  相似文献   

Abstract High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, was successfully established using core-log-seismic data integration. The construction of synthetic seismograms by the combination of physical properties and well-log data from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 797 was the key to accomplishing the high-resolution seismic stratigraphy. To achieve resolution comparable with well-log data and core lithology, single channel seismic reflection data taken from ODP underway geophysics were reprocessed, and then carefully compared with synthetic seismogram, core and well log profiles to identify seismic units. Ten seismic stratigraphic units were identified at the site, and seismic stratigraphic interpretation was successfully extended from the site to the nearby area along the Yamato Basin margin. The opal-A/opal-CT (biogenic silica/metastable diagenetic silica) boundary has different appearances at places from strong to weak, and mostly discontinuous. One of the significant results achieved from this study is clear distinction of the opal-A/CT boundary from a very strong reflector, which appears at 22 m below the opal-A/CT boundary. Through well-log and physical properties characterization of the different units, resistivity was found to be the best indicator of diatom content and with gamma-ray it also is an indicator of chert layers in the opal-CT zone. Velocity is not greatly effected by diatom ooze in the opal-A zone, however, it shows strong peaks and has an indirect relationship with gamma-ray in the opal-CT zone. Finally, successful correlation of Gamma-ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator density and resistivity peaks with strong seismic reflectors from upper and lower stratified layers may provide new information on the late Neogene paleoceanography of the Japan Sea in high-resolution scale.  相似文献   

Yong Il  Lee  Dong Hyun  Lim 《Island Arc》2008,17(1):152-171
Abstract The Gyeongsang Basin is a non‐marine sedimentary basin formed by extensional tectonism during the Early Cretaceous in the southeastern Korean Peninsula. The sediment fill starts with the Sindong Group distributed along the western margin of the basin. It consists of three lithostratigraphic units: the Nakdong (alluvial fan), Hasandong (fluvial) and Jinju (lacustrine) formations with decreasing age. Sindong Group sandstones are classified into four petrofacies (PF) based on their detrital composition: PF‐A consists of the lower Nakdong Formation with average Q73F12R15; PF‐B the upper Nakdong and lower Hasandong formations with Q66F15R18; PF‐C the middle Hasandong to middle Jinju formations with Q49F29R22; and PF‐D the upper Jinju Formation with Q26F34R41. The variations of detrital composition influenced the diagenetic mineral assemblage in the Sindong Group sandstones. Illite and dolomite/ankerite are important diagenetic minerals in PF‐A and PF‐B, whereas calcite and chlorite are dominant diagenetic minerals in PF‐C and PF‐D. Most of the diagenetic minerals can be divided into early and late diagenetic stages of formation. Early diagenetic calcites occur mostly in PF‐C, probably controlled by arid to semiarid climatic conditions during the sandstone deposition, no early calcite being found in PF‐A and PF‐B. Late‐stage calcites are present in all Sindong Group sandstones. The calcium ions may have been derived from shale diagenesis and dissolution of early stage calcites in the Hasandong and Jinju sandstones. Illite, the only diagenetic clay mineral in PF‐A and lower PF‐B, is inferred to be a product of kaolinite transformation during deep burial, and the former presence of kaolinite is inferred from the humid paleoclimatic conditions during the deposition of the Nakdong Formation. Chlorites in PF‐C and PF‐D are interpreted to be the products of transformation of smectitic clay or of precipitation from alkaline pore water under arid to semiarid climatic conditions. The occurrence of late‐stage diagenetic minerals largely depended on the distribution of early diagenetic minerals, which was controlled initially by the sediment composition and paleoclimate.  相似文献   

The petrography and major and trace element concentrations of the sandstones from the Tumengela Formation in the Woruo Mountain area, North Qiangtang Basin, are studied to determine their provenance, intensity of weathering and tectonic setting. The detrital compositions of the Tumengela sandstone samples are dominated by quartz (58.0–70.1 %, average 64.7 %) and lithic fragments (21.8–35.9 %, average 27.3 %), but low in feldspar content (4.9–12.9 %, average 8.0 %). The sandstones can be classified as litharenite and feldspathic litharenite according to their detrital compositions, which is consistent with the geochemical data. The detrital modal compositions reflect that these sandstones are probably derived from a recycled orogenic source. The index of chemical variability (ICV) and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio values suggest that the compositional maturity and recycling were moderate. The weathering indices such as the chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA), chemical index of weathering (CIW), and Al2O3–(CaO* + Na2O)–K2O (A–CN–K) diagram indicate that the intensities of weathering in the source area were moderate. The Al2O3/TiO2, Th/Co, La/Sc, La/Co, Th/Sc, Cr/Th ratio values and the discriminant function of the Tumengela sandstones indicate that the sediments were mainly derived from felsic source rocks, while also mixed with intermediate source rocks. The comparison of rare earth element patterns and its Eu anomalies to the probable source rocks infer that the sandstones were derived from the combination of granite, rhyolite, dacite, and gneisses. The proximal central uplift belt was probably the primary provenance area as evidenced by the petrographical and geochemical features of the Tumengela sandstones. The multidimensional tectonic discrimination diagram based on major elements show a collision setting (80 %) combined with a rift setting (20 %) for the Tumengela sandstones, which is consistent with the general geology of the study areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Sandstones from the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of Central Palawan are rich in quartz grains and acidic volcanic rock fragments. Potassium feldspar grains and granitic rock fragments are commonly observed. The moderate to high SiO2 and low FeO plus MgO contents of the sandstones support the proposal that clasts were derived from a continental source region. Southern China (Kwangtung and Fukien regions) is inferred to be the source area of the sandstones. The sedimentary facies of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession consist of turbidite and sandstones, suggesting that they were deposited in the deep sea portions of submarine-fans and basin plains situated along a continental margin. These features indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of the Central Palawan were derived and drifted from the southern margin of China. The tectonic history related to the formation of Palawan Island is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Mohe region near the border area of China with Russia is in Heilongjiang Province. Topographically the area consists of lower mountains or hills situated at the northern end of the Da Hinggan Mountains. Struc-turally the Mohe basin rests on the north margin of the Ergun Block, and the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen is lo-cated to the north of the basin. Due to poor access conditions and good vegetation coverage, previous researches on the basin are much weak with few spe-cial geological inves…  相似文献   

Landscapes in areas of active uplift and erosion can only remain soil‐mantled if the local production of soil equals or exceeds the local erosion rate. The soil production rate varies with soil depth, hence local variation in soil depth may provide clues about spatial variation in erosion rates. If uplift and the consequent erosion rates are sufficiently uniform in space and time, then there will be tendency toward equilibrium landforms shaped by the erosional processes. Soil mantle thickness would adjust such that soil production matched the erosion. Previous work in the Oregon Coast Range suggested that there may be a tendency locally toward equilibrium between hillslope erosion and sediment yield. Here results from a new methodology based on cosmogenic radionuclide accumulation in bedrock minerals at the base of the soil column are reported. We quantify how soil production varies with soil thickness in the southern Oregon Coast Range and explore further the issue of landscape equilibrium. Apparent soil production is determined to be an inverse exponential function of soil depth, with a maximum inferred production rate of 268 m Ma?1 occurring under zero soil depth. This rate depends, however, on the degree of weathering of the underlying bedrock. The stochastic and large‐scale nature of soil production by biogenic processes leads to large temporal and spatial variations in soil depth; the spatial variation of soil depth neither supports nor rejects equilibrium morphology. Our observed catchment‐averaged erosion rate of 117 m Ma?1 is, however, similar to that estimated for the region by others, and to soil production rates under thin and intermediate soils typical for the steep ridges. We suggest that portions of the Oregon Coast Range may be eroding at roughly the same rate, but that local competition between drainage networks and episodic erosional events leads to landforms that are out of equilibrium locally and have a spatially varying soil mantle. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the significant depositional setting information derived from well and seismic survey data for the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene forearc basin sediments in the central part of the Sanriku‐oki basin, which is regarded as a key area for elucidating the plate tectonic history of the Northeast Japan Arc. According to the results of well facies analysis utilizing cores, well logs and borehole images, the major depositional environments were of braided and meandering fluvial environments with sporadically intercalated marine incursion beds. Seismic facies, reflection terminations and isopach information provide the actual spatial distributions of fluvial channel zones flowing in a north–south trending direction. The transgression and regression cycles indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene successions can be divided into thirteen depositional sequences (Sequences SrCr‐0 to SrCr‐5, and SrPg‐1 to SrPg‐7). These depositional sequences demonstrate three types of stacking patterns: Types A to C, each of which shows a succession mainly comprising a meandering fluvial system, a braided fluvial system with minor meandering aspects in the upper part, and major marine incursion beds in the middle part, respectively, although all show an overall transgressive to regressive succession. The Type C marine incursion beds characteristically comprise bay center and tidal‐dominated bay margin facies. Basin‐transecting long seismic sections demonstrate a roll up structure on the trench slope break (TSB) side of the basin. These facts suggest that during the Cretaceous to Eocene periods, the studied fluvial‐dominated forearc basin was sheltered by the uplifted TSB. The selective occurrences of the Type C sequences suggest that when a longer‐scale transgression occurred, especially in Santonian and early Campanian periods, a large bay basin was developed, creating accommodation space, which induced the deposition of the Cretaceous Kuji Group along the arc‐side basin margin.  相似文献   

Petrographic analysis and chemical analysis of major and trace elements including rare earth elements of the Neoproterozoic sandstones from the Chandarpur Group and the Tiratgarh Formation have been carried out to determine their provenance, tectonic setting and weathering conditions. All sandstone samples are highly enriched in quartz but very poor in feldspar and lithic fragments. Petrographically and geochemically these sandstones are classified as subarkose, sublitharenite and arenite. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA mean 68) and Th/U ratios (mean 4.2) for these sandstones suggest their moderate weathering nature. Generally, all sandstone samples are strongly depleted in major elements (except SiO2), trace elements (except Zr) and REE in comparison with Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and Upper Continental Crust (UCC). Their mineralogy and mean of elemental ratios suitable for determination of provenance and tectonic setting, e.g. Al2O3/SiO2 (0.02), K2O/Na2O (10), Eu/Eu* (0.67), (La/Lu)n (10.4), La/Sc (3), Th/Sc (1.2), La/Co (0.22), Th/Co (0.08), and Cr/Th (7.2), support a felsic source and a passive margin tectonic setting for these sandstones. Also these key elemental ratios do not show much variation over a range of SiO2. Thus we attest their significance in determining source rock characteristics of quartz rich sandstones. Chondrite‐normalized REE patterns with LREE enrichment and a strong negative Eu anomaly are also attributed to felsic source rock characteristics for these sandstones. The source rocks identified are granite and gneiss of the Bastar craton. Minor amounts may have been derived from older supracrustals of the Bastar craton. However, the major element data of the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists when compared with those of the Neoproterozoic sandstones indicate that the schists were derived from a mafic source and deposited in an active continental margin tectonic setting. There is, however, little difference in CIA values between the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists and Neoproterozoic sandstones, indicating prevailing of similar (moderate‐intense) weathering conditions throughout the Proterozoic in the Bastar craton. Our study also suggests a change in the provenance and tectonic setting of deposition of sediments from dominantly a mafic source and an active continental margin in the Paleoproterozoic to dominantly granite and gneiss (felsic source) and a passive continental margin in the Neoproterozoic in the Bastar craton.  相似文献   

Sediment cores retrieved from landslide‐dammed Loon Lake recorded events back to the 5th century AD in a forested, mountainous catchment, thereby providing an opportunity to compare the impacts of known recent perturbations, including floods and timber harvesting with those of an early period in the cores, floods, fires, and earthquakes. High‐resolution multi‐parameter (grain size, %TC, %TN, and magnetic susceptibility) data allowed the core stratigraphy to be classified as background sedimentation and events. 137Cs and radiocarbon dating, as well as a varved record in the last 75 years provided age control. Mean mass accumulation rate from 1939 to 1978 AD, the time of peak timber harvest and a cool wet phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, was 0.79 (0.74–0.92, 95% C.L.) g cm‐2 y‐1, significantly higher than mean rates of both the more recent contemporary period (coincident with the passing of the legislation that regulated harvesting practices in the region), 1979–2012 AD, at 0.58 (0.48‐0.70) and the entire early period, 0.44 (0.41–0.46). Several event deposits are coeval with independently estimated ages of eight Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes in the early period, including the 1700 AD Mw 9.0 event. These deposits are predominantly formed by hyperpycnal flows, as are the known event deposits in the contemporary period. The high mass accumulation rate and greater frequency of thick event deposits during the early contemporary period point to the extraordinary role of timber harvesting in priming the landscape for subsequent sedimentary delivery during floods. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

丁巍伟  李家彪 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3038-3056
973项目"南海大陆边缘动力学与油气资源潜力"在南海南部陆缘采集了两条多道地震剖面,其中NH973-1测线始于南海西南次海盆,横跨了整个南沙地区,至于婆罗洲西北侧,NH973-2测线位于礼乐滩东侧.对地震剖面的解释共划分出7个层序界面,地层可以划分为5个构造沉积单元.根据地震解释对不同时期断层的水平断距进行了测量及分析,获取了与脆性拉张相关的伸展信息:研究区的拉张作用可以分为两期,主要的拉张作用发生在大陆裂谷期(古近纪),形成了一系列的地堑-半地堑以及翘倾断块.第二期拉张作用的时期为漂移期(晚渐新世-早中新世),断层活动强度明显变弱,并主要集中在洋陆过渡带.在南海南部陆缘广泛发育了碳酸盐沉积,其发育的时代和南海的海底扩张时期一致.对位于礼乐滩东西两侧的两条地震剖面伸展特征的分析表明,其根据断层水平断距获得脆性伸展因子与根据深反射地震及重力反演获得的全地壳伸展因子之间存在差异,表明南海南部陆缘的拉张在纵向上并非是均一的,而是取决于深度发生变化.  相似文献   

We present new data about the morphological and stratigraphic evolution and the rates of fluvial denudation of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain, a low‐relief landscape representing the northernmost sector of the Pliocene‐Pleistocene foredeep of the southern Apennines. The study area is located between the easternmost part of the southern Apennine chain and the Gargano promontory and it is characterized by several orders of terraced fluvial deposits, disconformably overlying lower Pleistocene marine clay and organized in a staircase geometry, which recorded the emersion and the long‐term incision history of this sector since mid‐Pleistocene times. We used the spatial and altimetric distribution of several orders of middle to late Pleistocene fluvial terraces in order to perform paleotopographic reconstruction and GIS‐aided eroded volumes estimates. Then, we estimated denudation rates on the basis of the terraces chronostratigraphy, supported by published OSL and AAR dating. Middle to upper Pleistocene denudation rates estimated by means of such an approach are slightly lower than 0.1 mm yr‐1, in good agreement with short‐term data from direct and indirect evaluation of suspended sediment yield. The analysis of longitudinal river profiles using the stream power erosion model provided additional information on the incision rates of the studied area. Middle to late Quaternary uplift rates (about 0.15 mm yr‐1), calculated on the basis of the elevation above sea level of marine deposits outcropping in the easternmost sector of the study area, are quite similar to the erosion rates average value, thus suggesting a steady‐state fluvial incision. The approach adopted in this work has demonstrated that erosion rates traditionally obtained by quantitative geomorphic analysis and ksn estimations can be successfully integrated to quantify rates of tectonic or geomorphological processes of a landscape approaching steady‐state equilibrium. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To constrain the depositional age of the lowermost Nakdong Formation in the Early Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, SHRIMP U–Pb age determination was carried out on zircon separates. The U–Pb compositions of detrital zircons from the Nakdong Formation yield a wide range of ages from the Archean to the Cretaceous but show a marked contrast in age distribution according to the geographical locations within the basin. The provenance of the southern Nakdong Formation is dominantly the surrounding Yeongnam Massif, which is composed of Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Triassic to Jurassic plutonic rocks, whereas the central to northern Nakdong Formation records significant sediment derivation from the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt, which is distributed to the northwest, in addition to the contribution from the Yeongnam Massif. It is suggested that the maximum depositional age of the Nakdong Formation is ca 127 Ma, based on its youngest detrital zircon age population. The onset of its deposition at 127 Ma coincided with the tectonic inversion in East Asia from a compressional to an extensional geodynamic setting, probably due to the contemporaneous change in the drift direction of the Izanagi Plate and its subsequent oblique subduction.  相似文献   

2010年9月3日16时35分46秒新西兰南岛Greendale附近发生了Mw7.0地震,震源深度约10.0 km.2011年2月21日新西兰南岛又发生了Mw6.1地震,为2010年Mw7.0主震后最大的一次余震,震源深度约5.0 km,发震断层为Christchurch南约9 km一条近东西走向逆冲的隐伏断层,该地震造成Christchurch城内多处建筑物严重损毁.本文分析了2010年新西兰地震事件Mw7.0主震与Mw6.1余震强地面运动的特征.新西兰Mw6.1余震近场强地面运动整体高于Mw7.0主震.将主震和余震的强震观测记录分别与新一代衰减关系(NGA)进行对比,发现余震强震观测数据整体高于其震级对应的NGA.分别选取距离主震和余震震中最近且强震观测记录最高的两个台站(GDLC台站和HVSC台站)作为参照台站,建立动态复合震源模型(DCSM)及有限断层随机振动模型(SFFM)进行强地面运动的模拟计算,分析两种模型的模拟结果并对比二者的优势及局限,以便在未来工作中更好地通过模型计算强地面运动特征,实现区域化特征快速、实时分析及局部重点、细致分析相结合的目标.  相似文献   

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