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Deep in the Earth, the electrical conductivity of geological material is extremely dependent on temperature. The knowledge of temperature is thus essential for any interpretation of magnetotelluric data in projecting lithospheric structural models. The measured values of the terrestrial heat flow, radiogenic heat production and thermal conductivity of rocks allow the extrapolation of surface observations to a greater depth and the calculation of the temperature field within the lithosphere. Various methods of deep temperature calculations are presented and discussed. Characteristic geotherms are proposed for major tectonic provinces of Europe and it is shown that the existing temperatures on the crust-upper mantle boundary may vary in a broad interval of 350–1,000°C. The present work is completed with a survey of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for selected crustal and upper mantle rocks within the interval 200–1,000°C. It is shown how the knowledge of the temperature field can be used in the evaluation of the deep electrical conductivity pattern by converting the conductivity-versustemperature data into the conductivity-versus-depth data.  相似文献   

The Banks (1969, 1972) and Parker (1970) models of the electrical conductivity distribution are critically reviewed along with classical models by Chapman (1919), Lahiri and Price (1939), Rikitake (1950a, b, c) and others. The modern models do not seem to account for the geomagnetic variations having a continuum spectrum and Sq at the same time. A large difference in response between the 1-day and 0.5-day period components of Sq is suspected to be caused by a resonance-like induction in the superficial layer of the earth. Dufficulties in determining the conductivity of the earth's top layer are also emphasized.An overall distribution of conductivity within the earth which seems to be the most reliable at present, is drawn mostly on the basis of Banks' model.  相似文献   

Two current rings have been observed in the equatorial plane of the earth at times of high geomagnetic activity. An eastward current exists between about 2 and 3.5 earth radii (Re) distant, and a larger, more variable companion current exists between about 4 and 9 Re. These current regions are loaded during geomagnetic substorms. They decay, almost exponentially, after the cessation of the particle influx that attends the solar wind disturbance. This review focuses upon characteristics needed for intelligent use of the ring current as a source for induction probing of the earth's mantle. Considerable difficulties are found with the assumption thatDst is a ring-current index.  相似文献   

A spectral stacking and smoothing procedure has been applied to unbroken hourly values of H and Z, for 1964 and 1965, from 17 observatories, in order to estimate the magnitude and phase of the P10 response of the Earth to long-period geomagnetic fluctuations. Exploratory techniques have been used to gauge when sufficient smoothing has been applied, and to identify the qualitative character of the global electrical conductivity of the Earth.  相似文献   

Beyond KTB - electrical conductivity of the deep continental crust   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Great strides have been made in understanding the upper part of the crust by in-situ logging in, and laboratory experiments on core recovered from super-deep bore-holes such as the KTB. These boreholes do not extend into the lower crust, and can contribute little to the elucidation of mechanisms that produce the high electrical conductivities that are commonly observed therein by magneto-telluric (MT) methods. Laboratory studies at simulated lower crustal conditions of temperature, pressure and saturation, on electrolyte saturated rocks thought to have been derived from the lower crust, have not been possible up until now due to their experimental difficulty. It is necessary to subject electrolyte-saturated rock samples to independently controlled confining and pore-fluid pressure, which implies that the rock be sleeved in some impermeable but deformable material, that can withstand the very high temperatures required. Metals are the only materials capable of being used, but these cause great difficulties for cell sealing and conductivity measurement. In this paper we describe recent breakthroughs in experimental work, specifically the development of two new types of sophisticated metal/ceramic seal, and a conductivity measurement technique that enables the measurement of saturated rock conductivity in the presence of a highly conducting metallic sleeve. The advances in experimental technique have enabled us to obtain data on the electrical conductivity of brine saturated basic, acidic and graphite-bearing rocks at lower crustal temperatures and raised pressures. These data have facilitated the comparison of MT derived crustal electrical conductivity profiles with profiles obtained from laboratory experiments for the first time. Initial modelling shows a good agreement between laboratory derived and MT derived profiles only if the mid-crust is composed of amphibolite pervaded by aqueous fluids, and the lower crust is composed of granulite that is saturated with aqueous fluids and/or contains interconnected grain surface films of graphite. The experimental data are consistent with a three layer crust consisting of an aqueous fluid saturated acidic uppermost layer, above an aqueous fluid saturated amphibolite mid-crust, and a granulite lowermost crust, which may or may not be saturated with aqueous fluids, but if not, requires the presence of an additional conduction mechanism such as conduction through thin graphite films.  相似文献   

An analysis of published papers containing magnetovariation sounding data (MVS) is carried out. A catalogue of the most trustworthy MVS parameters' values covering periods from 6 hours up to 11 years is compiled. With the help of averaged data of the magnetovariation sounding a planetary geoelectric profile is constructed meeting the requirements of up-to-date understanding of the physical processes in the Earth.  相似文献   


Synchronous annual variations in the geoelectric and geomagnetic field are studied on the basis of long-term electromagnetic monitoring. It is shown that the annual geoelectric variations have intraterrestrial origin and are not related to the annual geomagnetic variations. Temporal variations in the magnetotelluric impedance and magnetic tipper, which characterize the electrical conductivity of the geological environment, are analyzed. It is established that annual variations in the magnetotelluric impedance mainly describe the variations in the electrical conductivity of surface crustal layers and are less sensitive to the deep electrical conductivity of the Earth. The annual variations in the imaginary magnetic tipper at the periods of 1000–3000 s probably reflect the changes in conductivity of a deep transversal low-resistive zone (the fault). It is suggested that annual variations in the geoelectrical and geomagnetic fields, as well as in the electrical conductivity of the geological environment, arise as a response to the changes in the geodynamical processes caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.


Electrical conductivity anomalies in the earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anomalies of short-period geomagnetic variations have been found in various regions over the world. It is known that such anomalies arise from electromagnetic induction within an electrical conductivity anomaly or from local perturbation of induced electric currents by a conductivity anomaly. In order to investigate a regional electric state in the Earth, conductivity anomaly (CA) studies based on anomalous behaviors of geomagnetic variations have been extensively undertaken, as well as studies based on magnetotelluries in which induced currents are directly used.Some of the geomagnetic variation anomalies, however, turned out to be caused by surface conductors, such as sea water and sediments. Anomalies of this sort have been intensively studied and classified into coast, island, peninsula, and strait effects in the case of sea effects. Three-dimensional conduction or channelling of induced electric currents is sometimes observed in the cases of sediments and some crustal conductivity anomalies. However, anomalies of such surface origins often provide some information of the underground conductivity structure.Electrical conductivity anomalies can be classified into two types: anomalies originating in the crust and in the upper mantle. Many of crustal anomalies are well correlated with metamorphic belts, fracture zones, and hydrated layers, and magnetic and gravity anomalies are also often found over the conductivity anomalies. Most of mantle anomalies have been interpreted mainly in terms of high temperature and partial melting, since conductivity anomalies coincide well with anomalies in heat flow and seismic wave velocities.  相似文献   

Summary A modified Gerdien cell was designed, evaluated, and built for measurement of the polar conductivities in clouds. This conductivity dropsonde was attached to a U.S. Weather Bureau, 1680 mHz, radiosonde for telemetry and to measure pressure, temperature, and relative humidity profiles. The combined instruments were ejected from aircraft, and others were released from balloons into the region of interest.Eight flights were made during the 1967 thunderstorm season. Three of these drops were successful in measuring conductivity inside of electrically active clouds. Two fair-weather profiles were measured for comparison purposes, and three of the drops were faulty.These very preliminary results tend to indicate considerable electrical conductivity in thunderclouds. The data are too few to support a strong statement in favor of increased conductivity, but the instruments were sufficiently reliable to prove that the conductivity was not reduced, as is normally assumed, in the clouds investigated.This research was supported by the Atmospheric Sciences Section, National Science Foundation under Grant GA-701.  相似文献   

This paper examines the constraint placed by electrical conductivity on physical conditions existing within the mantle. Determination of bulk electrical conductivities of multiphase materials from knowledge of individual phase conductivities and their relative fractions is discussed in the light of recent studies of the equilibrium phase geometries of partial melts. It is concluded that existing models which are based on assumed geometries offer little refinement over Hashin-Shtrikman variational bounds. The possible effects of the gravitational field on phase geometry in partial melts and the resulting conductivity anisotropy are considered. At this time it appears that minimum melt fractions can be safely estimated from a knowledge of Earth conductivity combined with laboratory data on melt and crystalline conductivities and the Hashin-Shtrikman upper bound. The question of whether or not the asthenosphere corresponds to a zone of partial melting is also addressed.  相似文献   

For a number of applications in geoscience, electrical conductivity of water is often used as a collective measure of the concentration of dissolved solids. A method for temperature correction of electrical conductivity data based on regression analysis of the actual temperature/conductivity relationship of a number of water samples from natural streams is presented. It is shown that the generally used formulae for temperature correction give corrected results that deviate considerably from the values determined by actual measurements. The error increases with decreasing water temperature and may result in data that deviate by as much as 20 per cent from the true values. The implications are thus especially important for measurements of solute loads and concentrations during periods of low stream water tetaperatures e.g. during snowmelt.  相似文献   

Investigations of the lunar electrical conductivity were described in excellent reviews by Sonett (1974) and Dyalet al. (1976). In this paper we will try to consider some new aspects of this problem in comparison with the Earth's data.  相似文献   

Summary For the sake of helping to clarify the anisotropic behaviour of KTB borehole rock samples, AC (103 Hz) and DC electrical conductivities of powdered biotites and flogopites (sheet silicates) were investigated in various atmospheres (air, argon) at temperatures of 20–1200°C.Contribution No. 106/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental conditions and the thermodynamic parameters which may determine the bulk electrical conductivity of, for instance, basaltic rocks are briefly discussed. At present it is not known to what extent these numerous variables determine the electrical conductivity of rocks quantitatively, since all too many laboratory measurements did not account for the required number of variables to define the system. Thus it is difficult to decide whether or not laboratory measurements on rocks have duplicated their in-situ electrical conductivity.One approach is to calculate the bulk conductivity of rocks from conductivities of constituent minerals, since it is much easier to define the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions for a single phase system. Therefore, laboratory data of the electrical conductivity of minerals, i.e. olivines and pyroxenes, are discussed to some extent particularly in the context of point-defect concentrations as a function of pO2 and the chemical activitiesa of the binary components of the minerals.The evaluation of a quantitative relationship requires a careful sample characterization. To find a basis for a reasonable interpretation of in-situ resistivity data, the test samples should be selected in regard to those conditions which are believed to exist in the appropriate layer of the earth.  相似文献   

aam mam uu mn¶rt;muaamuu n¶rt; u u nua ua —aam auumu m mnam (200–1000°, 2 10–1 a). aa¶rt;u, m um na¶rt;a uu a n¶rt;u auumu mn¶rt;mu m mnam, u¶rt;m auumu ¶rt;a mn¶rt;mu mnam u n¶rt;m mu mnam uma.  相似文献   

为进一步探讨上地幔的高导层成因,了解碳酸盐在上地幔电性方面的作用并估算上地幔高导层的碳酸盐含量,本文对不同碳酸盐含量的橄榄岩及玄武岩样品在2~3 GPa、300~1300℃的条件下进行了电性实验研究.研究初步发现:碳酸盐熔体显著增强橄榄岩、玄武岩样品的导电能力;单纯用含硅酸盐熔体的橄榄岩或单纯用含水橄榄岩可能难以解释上地幔某些区域的异常高导现象;同样,单纯用碳酸盐化的橄榄岩可能也难以解释上地幔某些区域的高导现象;上地幔的高导区很可能是碳酸盐熔体、硅酸盐熔体及水的共存区域.  相似文献   

碳酸盐化橄榄岩的电性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步探讨上地幔的高导层成因,了解碳酸盐在上地幔电性方面的作用并估算上地幔高导层的碳酸盐含量,本文对不同碳酸盐含量的橄榄岩及玄武岩样品在2~3 GPa、300~1300℃的条件下进行了电性实验研究.研究初步发现:碳酸盐熔体显著增强橄榄岩、玄武岩样品的导电能力;单纯用含硅酸盐熔体的橄榄岩或单纯用含水橄榄岩可能难以解释上地幔某些区域的异常高导现象;同样,单纯用碳酸盐化的橄榄岩可能也难以解释上地幔某些区域的高导现象;上地幔的高导区很可能是碳酸盐熔体、硅酸盐熔体及水的共存区域.  相似文献   

通过引入带有二阶正则算子的正则化项,建立了一种双参数混合正则化方法.为确定最佳正则化参数,这里主要应用L-曲线法、偏差原理和广义交叉校验准则的优化组合来确定.首先对理论模型进行了数值模拟,通过与截断奇异值分解法、共轭梯度法及标准Tikhonov正则化法的结果比较,表明该方法不仅精度高,而且对于数据的随机扰动具有稳定性.然后将此方法应用于对电导率反演成像的计算中,得到的电导率反演成像精确细致可靠,也符合实际情况.这表明该方法求解地球物理反问题时,在增强反演的稳定性及减少多解性的同时,还能进一步提高反演计算速度.  相似文献   

A procedure is suggested of a more effective and faster computation of the impedance, the transfer function and amplitudes of the induced field in a spherically symmetric model of the electrical conductivity. The existing induction data have been supplemented by about 80 new values derived from the analysis of daily means. The fit of the existing 1-D models of the electrical conductivity of the mantle to the set of induction data is investigated. The characteristic equation for the free electromagnetic oscillations of a radially inhomogeneous Earth is derived and its possible importance in solving the inverse problem of electric conductivity is pointed out.  相似文献   

大地电磁(MT)资料显示,青藏高原地壳及地幔中普遍存在着高导层.作为大陆造山带中古洋盆岩石圈残片,蛇绿岩套的电导率测量可为了解古洋盆地区地壳及地幔的电性结构提供极其有用的信息.本研究中,我们在压力为1 GPa或3 GPa下,用交流阻抗谱法测量了采自西藏南部地区的蚀变辉长岩、玄武岩、角闪橄榄岩及方辉橄榄岩四个样品的阻抗谱,并进一步得出样品的电导率,不同样品电导率与温度之间的关系满足Arrhenius关系式.在实验温度范围内,蛇绿岩套电导率的对数logσ位于-6.0~-0.5 S/m之间,且随着温度的增高,不同样品电导率增大约4~5.5个量级.样品在未脱水的情况下,低温段的活化焓变化范围在0.4~0.6 eV之间,高温段的活化焓变化范围为1.7~2.6 eV之间.同时,我们研究了样品中结构水含量及铁含量对实验电导率的影响,验证了样品电导率与铁含量之间呈正比关系.当对样品结构水含量进行归一化后,相同温度下各样品的电导率随铁含量的增加而增大,而对样品铁含量归一化后,相同温度下各样品的电导率随样品中水含量的增加而增大.将实验电导率与藏南地区大地电磁结果进行了对比,发现本研究中各样品高温段实验电导率结果均落在大地电磁结果范围内.  相似文献   

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