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This work analyzes the noise impulses caused by a non-explosive demolition agent (NEDA), which was used as a stress source during experiments on the destruction of rock samples. As a result of our works, criteria have been obtained, which can be used for selection and filtration of acoustic noise pulses of a NEDA from the general flow of signals recorded at the registration of acoustic emission during deformation and destruction of rock samples.  相似文献   

Summary An instrument for the measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of rocks in situ or in the laboratory has been described. The instrument is a completely portable and transistorised unit having a range from 5 to 50000×10–6 CGS units of volume susceptibility. The accuracy of measurements is ±5%. It is rapid and simple in operation.This paper is published by the kind permission of the Director General, Geological Survey of India.  相似文献   

The laboratory ultrasonic pulse‐echo method was used to collect accurate P‐ and S‐wave velocity (±0.3%) and attenuation (±10%) data at differential pressures of 5–50 MPa on water‐saturated core samples of sandstone, limestone and siltstone that were cut parallel and perpendicular to the vertical borehole axis. The results, when expressed in terms of the P‐ and S‐wave velocity and attenuation anisotropy parameters for weakly transversely isotropic media (ɛ, γ, ɛQ, γQ) show complex variations with pressure and lithology. In general, attenuation anisotropy is stronger and more sensitive to pressure changes than velocity anisotropy, regardless of lithology. Anisotropy is greatest (over 20% for velocity, over 70% for attenuation) in rocks with visible clay/organic matter laminations in hand specimens. Pressure sensitivities are attributed to the opening of microcracks with decreasing pressure. Changes in magnitude of velocity and attenuation anisotropy with effective pressure show similar trends, although they can show different signs (positive or negative values of ɛ, ɛQ, γ, γQ). We conclude that attenuation anisotropy in particular could prove useful to seismic monitoring of reservoir pressure changes if frequency‐dependent effects can be quantified and modelled.  相似文献   

Summary A profile model of electric resistivity as a function of depth was compiled, the initial parameters being the values of the electric resistivity determined experimentally for basaltic and eclogitic rocks from the Bohemian Massif. The curves of the apparent resistivity were computed for this model and the measure of information evaluated for the various model layers. The dominant influence of the subsurface layer was proved.  相似文献   




Today’s fauna and flora are a continuation from their geological past. In order to better understand how patterns of biodiversity form and organic evolution takes place, it is necessary to study these flora and fauna over time.  相似文献   

复杂结构-桩-土振动台模型试验数据分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从分析复杂结构-桩-土振动台模型试验数据入手,用加速度动力系数、最大位移、最大正应变、最大动土压力等指标对结构的地震响应全面分析,并对比桩、地下结构、地上结构的不同响应,研究发现:结构不同部分最大地震响应发生的频率不尽相同,且受地震动频谱特性及自身频率影响,天津波加载时结构的地震响应较大;地表以下,当震级较小时,土-结构对地震动起放大作用,随着震级的增加,对地震动放大作用减缓甚至减小;最大位移随结构高度增加逐渐增大,在桩与地下结构交界处和地表处,位移改变较大;地下结构柱、桩最大正应变呈中间大、两头小分布;最大动土压力随着深度增加呈两头大、中间小分布,且地表处最大;总的土压力受最大动土压力影响较大,随深度增加有先降低、后增大的趋势.  相似文献   

Intrinsic wave attenuation at seismic frequencies is strongly dependent on rock permeability, fluid properties, and saturation. However, in order to use attenuation as an attribute to extract information on rock/fluid properties from seismic data, experimental studies on attenuation are necessary for a better understanding of physical mechanisms that are dominant at those frequencies. An appropriate laboratory methodology to measure attenuation at seismic frequencies is the forced oscillation method, but technical challenges kept this technique from being widely used. There is a need for the standardization of devices employing this method, and a comparison of existing setups is a step towards it. Here we summarize the apparatuses based on the forced oscillation method that were built in the last 30 years and were used to measure frequency‐dependent attenuation in fluid‐saturated and/or dry reservoir rocks under small strains (10?8–10?5). We list and discuss important technical aspects to be taken into account when working with these devices or in the course of designing a new one. We also present a summary of the attenuation measurements in reservoir rock samples performed with these apparatuses so far.  相似文献   

Summary The paper discusses the obvious experimental relation between the laboratory determinations of total gamma-ray activity, expressed in equilibrium uranium concentration, and heat production due to radioactive decay. The heat production data were calculated by means of the concentrations of uranium, thorium and potassium determined spectrometrically, together with the conversion factors into the rate of heat generation. The obtained relation may help define the typical heat production for characteristic surface rocks and estimate their contribution in heat flow study. Between the gamma-ray activity recorded during aeroradiometric mapping and the laboratory radiometric measurements of surface rock samples, there is also an experimental relation, which can be used further in estimating the value of surface heat production at a chosen locality.  相似文献   

The results of hardware and methodological developments for recording of electromagnetic emission (EME) generated by rock samples under loading in laboratory experiments are presented. The results of experiments with the instruments developed are described. The facilities developed made it possible to measure reliably the electromagnetic emission under conditions of high background of electromagnetic noise and to reduce the level of reliably recorded signals as compared with previous experiments. The results of observation of the appearance of electromagnetic emission in the experiments with the rock samples under laboratory conditions showed a high correlation of the time instants of generation of the electromagnetic emission and the changes of its parameters with the changes in the reactive resistivity of the rock sample and seismoacoustic emission activity in the controlled area of the sample. It is revealed that electromagnetic emission occurs and reaches its maximum on the descending branch of the plot of polarizability during rock destruction.  相似文献   

Thermo-mechanical physical modelling of continental subduction is performed to investigate the exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust. The model consists of two lithospheric plates made of new temperature sensitive analogue materials. The lithosphere is underlain by liquid asthenosphere. The continental lithosphere contains three layers: the weak sedimentary layer, the crust made of a stronger material, and of a still stronger lithospheric mantle. The whole model is subjected to a constant vertical thermal gradient, causing the strength reduction with depth in each lithospheric layer. Subduction is driven by both push force and pull force. During subduction, the subducting lithosphere is heating and the strength of its layers reduces. The weakening continental crust reaches maximal depth of about 120 km and cannot subduct deeper because its frontal part starts to flow up. The subducted crust undergoes complex deformation, including indicated upward ductile flow of the most deeply subducted portions and localised failure of the subducted upper crust at about 50-km depth. This failure results in the formation of the first crustal slice which rises up between the plates under the buoyancy force. This process is accompanied by the delamination of the crustal and mantle layers of the subducting lithosphere. The delamination front propagates upwards into the interplate zone resulting in the formation of two other crustal slices that also rise up between the plates. Average equivalent exhumation rate of the crustal material during delamination is about 1 cm/year. The crust-asthenosphere boundary near the interplate zone is uplifted. The subducted mantle layer then breaks off, removing the pull force and thereby stopping the delamination and increasing horizontal compression of the lithosphere. The latter produces shortening of the formed orogen and the growth of relief. The modelling reveals an interesting burial/exhumation evolution of the sedimentary cover. During initial stages of continental subduction the sediments of the continental margin are dragged to the overriding plate base and are partially accreted at the deep part of the interplate zone (at 60-70 km-depth). These sediments remain there until the beginning of delamination during which the pressure between the subducted crust and the overriding plate increases. This results in squeezing the underplated sediments out. Part of them is extruded upwards along the interplate zone to about 30-km depth at an equivalent rate of 5-10 cm/year.  相似文献   




地震岩石物理研究概述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
地震岩石物理是研究岩石物理性质与地震响应之间关系的一门学科,它通过对各种岩心资料、测井资料和地震资料进行综合分析,研究岩性、孔隙度、孔隙类型、孔隙流体、流体饱和度和频率参数等对岩石中弹性性质的影响,并提出利用地震响应预测岩石物理性质的理论和方法,是地震响应与储层岩石参数之间联系的桥梁,进行定量储层预测的基本前提.在查阅了大量相关资料的基础上,对国内外地震岩石物理研究现状进行了详细的概述,并总结了其存在问题和发展前景.  相似文献   

Auroras have been extensively studied using images obtained by space-borne experiments. We use global UVI images obtained from Polar and simultaneous plasma data obtained by the 3D instrument on Wind from the near-earth plasma sheet to study the dynamics of auroras with different size and intensity. Unstable phase space ion distributions are detected in the plasma sheet under diverse geomagnetic and solar wind IMF conditions (positive and negative Bz) and at all phases of a substorm. These results indicate that plasma instability processes with different disturbance levels operate in the plasma sheet and produce a continuum of auroral size and intensity. The criteria for triggering an instability are dependent on the local properties of the plasma distributions. These observations suggest a new framework to integrate previous and current results and a new way to examine the causal relationships of auroral and plasma sheet dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of radioactive(Th, U, K), major and selected trace(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) elements of granulites from the Saxonian Granulite Complex was studied. Similarly to the South Bohemian granulites, the Saxonian granulites can be divided according to the contents of their major and trace elements into two main groups, groupA containing mostly acid and subacid granulites (K 2 O>2.5%, SiO 2 >68%), and groupB containing mostly intermediate and basic granulites (K 2 O<2.5%, SiO 2 <68%). Statistically significant differences between groupsA andB were found for all major oxides and several trace elements(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). The Saxonian granulites follow the same calc-alkaline trend as the South Bohemian, granulitesA being placed mostly in the rhyolite field and granulitesB mostly in the dacite, andesite and basalt fields of this trend. The investigated granulites are characterized by a considerable scatter ofTh andU contents accompanied by very variableTh/U ratios; theTh andU concentrations of granulitesA are substantially lower than is usual for rocks of corresponding acidity.
¶rt;a an¶rt;u a¶rt;uamu(Th, U, K) u ua ¶rt;u(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) m aum n¶rt;a aaum na. naa, m u¶rt;aum n uu aam n aaum u ¶rt;u am aua, u u uu. aum n u uu ma a¶rt;um ¶rt; ¶rt;nn; nnA nua¶rt;ama a au¶rt; u au¶rt;aum (K 2 O>2,5%, Si O 2 >68%), nnB ¶rt;u u aum (K 2 O<2,5%, SiO 2 <68%). ¶rt; muunnau mm mamumuu m au ¶rt; a u u ¶rt; m ¶rt;u m(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). auaum n¶rt;¶rt;m um- m¶rt; a u -uaum;aumA a¶rt;ma a uum n, uaumB a a ¶rt;aum, a¶rt;um u aam n m m¶rt;a. ¶rt;aum — u unnA — aamum uu ¶rt;au da¶rt;uamu mTh uU.

A critical porosity model establishes the empirical relationship between a grain matrix and a dry rock by the concept of critical porosity. The model is simple and practical and widely used. But the critical porosity in the model is a fixed value that cannot relate to pore structure. The aim of this paper is to establish the theoretical relationship between critical porosity and pore structure by combining Kuster–Toksöz theory with the critical porosity model. Different from the traditional critical porosity model, critical porosity is not an empirical value but varied with pore shape and the ratio of bulk modulus versus shear modulus of the grain matrix. The substitution of the theoretical relationship into Kuster–Toksöz theory will generate the formulae for the bulk and shear moduli of multiple-porosity dry rocks, which is named the multiple-porosity variable critical porosity model. The new model has been used to predict elastic moduli for sandstone and carbonate rock. We compare the modelling results for P- and S-wave velocities and elastic moduli with the experimental data. The comparison shows that the new model can be used to describe the elastic properties for the rocks with multiple pore types.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):248-265
A weathering study of a fractured environment composed of granites and metasediments was conducted in Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (north of Portugal) and covered the hydrographic basin of Sordo river. Within the basin, a number of perennial springs were monitored for discharge rate, which allowed for the estimation of annual recharges. A small area of the basin was characterized for parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity, which, in combination with the previously calculated recharges, allowed for the calculation of a fracture surface area. The monitored springs were also sampled and analyzed for major inorganic compounds, and using a mole balance model the chemistry of the water samples was explained by weathering to kaolinite of albite–oligoclase plus biotite (granites) or of albite plus chlorite (metasediments). The number of moles of dissolved primary minerals (e.g. albite) could be calculated using this method. These mass transfers were then multiplied by the spring's median discharge rate and divided by the fracture surface area to obtain a weathering rate. Another weathering rate was determined, but using a BET surface area as normalizing factor. Comparing both rates with a representative record of laboratory as well as of field-based weathering rates, it has been noted that rates normalized by the BET were, as expected, similar to commonly reported field-based rates, whereas rates normalized by the fracture surface area were unexpectedly relatively close to laboratory rates (one order of magnitude smaller). The monitored springs are of the fracture artesian type, which means that water emerging at the spring site flowed preferentially through joints and fractures and that weathering took place predominantly at their walls. Consequently, it was concluded that the most realistic weathering rates are those normalized by the fracture surface area, and as a corollary that the gap between laboratory and field weathering rates might not be as wide as usually is reported to be.  相似文献   

We introduce a method for identifying the transverse dispersion coefficient in laboratory experiments based on the analytical solution of a pulse injection of a nonreactive solute in a soil column (cylindrical geometry) packed with a homogeneous porous medium. This method takes into account the effect of boundary conditions such as no flux on the column perimeter, and it does not need a priori knowledge of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient. Numerical applications of the method show that it is stable and robust and that the results are reasonably in accordance with those found using the classical maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

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