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根据南阳1961 ̄1996年6年冬季气温的变化,利用气温均方差确定出冷暖月,年,用气温距平累计曲线找出增温期与变冷期的规律;再用分辨率高的最大熵谱法,确定冬季冷暖变化周期,并利用统计结果,确定冬季冷暖异常与气候变化的关系。  相似文献   

长期天气预报一直是气象工作者的一大难题。作者根据多年的预报经验,总结了冬季气候结春季天气的批示作用,在实际应用中证明是成功的。在此基础上进行了内在机制的初步探讨.  相似文献   

华东冬季异常冷暖与大气环流和海温的关系   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
利用1951-2007年华东地区14个代表站冬季(12-2月)温度资料和北半球500 hPa高度及北太平洋海温资料,通过合成分析、相关分析等方法,研究了华东地区冬季气温的气候变化及其与北半球500 hPa高度场、北太平洋海温场的关系.结果表明:华东地区冬季气温具有明显的年代际气候变化特征;前期夏季北半球500 hPa高度距平场和前期春季北太平洋海温距平场分布可作为华东冬季异常冷暖年的前兆信号;夏季北太平洋中部地区500 hPa高度场变化及前期10月西太平洋副高强弱变化,对华东地区冬季气温变化具有很好的指示性;春季南赤道海流区和西风漂流区海温异常变化,对华东地区冬季气温变化也具有很好的指示意义.  相似文献   

杨万春 《广东气象》2004,(4):10-11,21
本文通过制作曲江汛期旱涝指数和冬季冷指数,从强度方面简要地分析厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件与曲江汛期旱涝和冬季冷暖的统计关系。从而为当地的气候分析预测提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

1997.12~1998.2冬季天气气候回顾王素卿赵润娥李拽英(山西省气象台030006)(山西省气象局030002)1概况冬季(1997.12~1998.2)我省气温偏高,降水偏少。具有暖冬之称。季平均气温:北部高寒地区为-8.3~-10.4℃;北...  相似文献   

广东冬季气温变化的气候诊断分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
利用广东省36个地面站的实测资料,分析了广东冬季平均气温、最低气温的气候变化特征,包括温度变化趋势、突变、周期性,并探讨了影响广东冬季增暖的可能因素。得出:广东冬季气温具有增温趋势,特别是最低气温。冬季广东最低气温从60年代下半叶开始上升,80年代以来,增温幅度有所增大,进入暖期。  相似文献   

白彦芳  朱西德 《青海气象》2005,(2):63-64,58
2004年青海省总的气候特点是:全省气温明显偏高,大部分地区降水偏多。全省年平均气温较常年偏高0.8℃,比2003年偏低0.3℃,位居1961年以来第六个高温年。全省年降水量较常年偏多18.3mm,时空分布不均,春、秋季降水偏多,冬、夏季与历年同期平均值基本持平;除海西西部及祁连、玉树等局部地区降水偏少外,省内其余大部偏多或接近常年。  相似文献   

利用年轮与气候资料,依据树木气候学、树木生理生态学、森林气象学等原理,通过解析木及干基年轮与各种气候要素的相关统计和模拟分析等方法,揭示了树木年轮类型特征及其气候反应和形成规律;研究了年轮序列以及树木的高、径、材积等生长量序列的年际差异和主要的气候影响因素,给出两个生长阶段。  相似文献   

中国近46年冬季气温序列变化的研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
利用1951~1997年中国大陆695个站的实测气温资料和纬度余弦加权平均法建立了全国及8个区域近46扑冬季气温的时间序列,并对其变化特征作了分析研究。结果表明:我国冬季气温总体上呈非连续的增暖趋势。线性变化约为0.155℃。(10a)^-1,90年代较50年代约上升了0.61℃,其中1985年以后地肝极为明显;冬季气温变暖不完全是由夜间最低气温引起的,最高气温的变化也是近期气温增暖的重要特征;青  相似文献   

刚刚过去的冬季(2003年12月-2004年2月,下同),青海省总的气候特点是:降水北多南少,大部气温偏高。平均气温比往年同期偏高0.8℃,是1971年以来的第11个偏暖冬。  相似文献   

The impact of global warming on the warmest and coldest days of the annual cycle is explored according to an A2 scenario simulated by the CNRM-CM3 climate model in the framework of the IPCC AR4 intercomparison. Given the multi-model spread in IPCC projections, a validation strategy is proposed using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. Validation of the late twentieth century model climatology shows that warm and cold model events are slightly too long and infrequent. Although interannual trends in the warm (cold) day occurrence were positive (negative) only for six (three) of the nine considered sub-continental regions, simulated model trends are always positive (negative). This different behaviour suggests that simulated non-anthropogenic decadal variability is small relative to anthropogenic trends. Large-scale synoptic processes associated with European regional warm and cold peaks are also described and validated. Regional cold peaks are better reproduced than warm peaks, whose intensity accuracy is limited by other physical variables. Positive (negative) winter anomalies of sea and land surface temperature lead to summers with severe (weak) temperatures. These inter-annual anomalies are generated by a persistent pressure dipole over Europe. Regarding climate change, warm (cold) events will become more (less) frequent and longer (shorter). The number of warm days will largely rise and the number of cold days will dramatically decrease. The intensity of warm days will be particularly pronounced over Europe, given the projected summer drying in this region. However, according to the limited skill of the CNRM model, these results must be considered with caution.  相似文献   

选取全省各气象站1960~1999年40a的全年逐日平均气温和最低气温资料,从时间分布(年际变化、月变化)和空间分布两方面进行统计分析,从中找出了全省及各站点冷空气活动的规律,对预报员今后更准确的预报冷空气有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Climate change caused by anthropogenic activities has generated a variety of research focusing on investigating the past climate, predicting the future climate and quantifying the change in climate extreme events by using different climate models. Climate extreme events are valuable to evaluate the potential impact of climate change on human activities, agriculture and economy and are also useful to monitor the climate change on global scale. Here, a Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulation is used to study the future variations in the temperature extreme indices, particularly change in frequency of warm and cold spells duration over Pakistan. The analyses are done on the basis of simulating two 30 years simulations with the Hadley Center’s RCM PRECIS, at a horizontal resolution of 50 km. Simulation for the period 1961–1990 represents the recent climate and simulation for the period 2071–2100 represents the future climate. These simulations are driven by lateral boundary conditions from HadAM3P GCM of Hadley centre UK. For the validation of model, observed mean, maximum and minimum temperatures for the period 1961–1990 at all the available stations in Pakistan are first averaged and are then compared with the PRECIS averaged grid-box data. Also the observed monthly gridded data set of Climate Research Unit (UK) data is used to validate the model. Temperature indices in the base period as well as in future are then calculated and the corresponding change is observed. Percentile based spatial change of temperature shows that in summer, increase in daily minimum temperature is more as compared to the increase of daily maximum temperature whereas in winter, the change in maximum temperature is high. The occurrence of annual cold spells shows significantly decreasing trend while for warm spells there is slight increasing trend over Pakistan.  相似文献   

切变线冷区和暖区暴雨落区分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用常规、自动气象站、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料(1°×1°,逐6h)和WRF模式逐小时资料,对2010年6月30日—7月2日山东省暴雨过程的落区进行了分析.结果表明:本次暴雨过程具有暖区暴雨和冷区暴雨两种特征.暖区暴雨强度强、范围广、落区集中,位于925 hPa经向切变线右侧或者低涡的东南象限“人”字型切变线内、暖温度脊后部、地面低压前部南风区内;冷区暴雨区强度弱、范围小、落区分散,位于925 hPa经向切变线左侧、冷温度槽前、地面低压后部北风区内.冷区和暖区暴雨均位于大气可降水量大于70 kg/m^2的区域、低空急流顶端的左侧.低空急流与强降水同时开始或者低空急流提前1h开始,降水强度最大时段出现在850 hPa风速跃增后1~3h.只有冷区暴雨时,冷空气较弱,冷锋伸展高度较低,暴雨区位于冷锋后部θse锋区前沿、θse暖脊脊线顶点、强上升运动中心.冷区与暖区暴雨共存时,冷暖空气势力均比只有冷区暴雨时强,冷锋伸展高度较高,冷区与暖区暴雨均位于强上升运动中心南侧1个纬距内风速辐合处.只有暖区暴雨时,冷空气较强,冷锋伸展高度较高,暴雨区位于冷锋前1个纬距内、θse暖脊脊线与地面交点、上升运动中心.低层向北倾斜锋区的南北跨度与中层向南倾斜锋区的南北跨度的差值大小,直接影响上升运动的强度和暴雨区的分布.  相似文献   

根据国家采暖规范结合西安采暖的实际,对西安多年的逐日气象资料进行相关统计,分析了冷暖冬季的历史变化趋势。结果表明:冬季最低气温负积温的历年变化可较好地表示冬季冷暖的演变。并有冬季越来越暖,采暖期越来越短的趋势。说明气候变得对冬季采暖有利,在暖冬采暖可节约燃料,减少污染  相似文献   

依据地温与降水的相关关系,试用曲江冬春季深层地温作为前期预报因子,建立回归方程,作后期汛期(3—9月)月降水趋势预测。  相似文献   

Studying the vegetation feedback during warm periods of the past can lead to better understanding of those in the future.In this study,we conducted several simulations to analyze vegetation feedback during the mid-Pliocene warm period.The results indicate that the main features of vegetation change in the mid-Pliocene were a northward shift of needleleaf tree,an expansion of broadleaf tree and shrub,and a northward expansion of grass,as compared to the pre-industrial period.The global annual mean warming ratio caused by vegetation feedback was 12.1%,and this warming ratio was much larger in northern middle and high latitudes.The warming caused by vegetation change was directly related to the surface albedo change and was further amplified by snow/sea ice-albedo feedback.  相似文献   

Summary Limits of warm and cold stress in different climatic regions are determined by means of temperature, wind speed and humidity for the period 1976–1985. These values are measured at 2 PM local time during July for warm stress and at 7 AM local time during January for cold stress. Hvar (20 m ASL) is used to represent maritime climate, Zavian on the top of Mount Velebit (1594 m ASL) and Skrad (668 m ASL) in Gorski Kotar are representative of mountainous climate, and Zagreb (128 m ASL) is representative of continental low-land climate. Values of a biometeorological Temperature-Wind Speed-Humidity (TWH)-index higher than the 98% value of the theoretical distribution fitted to empirical data represent above normal extreme conditions at a given location, and TWH values less than 2% value of the theoretical distribution represent below normal extreme conditions. For similar temperatures, it will be extremely above normal at the top of Mount Velebit (Zavian) whilst normal on the coast (Hvar), and similarly, it will be extremely below normal in Hvar but normal at Zavian.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料及实况资料,分析四川地区1951~2007年1月典型冷、暖年及2008年1月四川低温雨雪冰冻天气的大气环流特征,发现:东亚冬季风异常偏强(偏弱)与四川隆冬季节气温偏低多阴雨雪天气(气温偏高晴少雨雪天气)明显相关,冷年表现为500hPa极涡在亚欧地区强度显著偏南(偏强),南支低槽活跃,西伯利亚~蒙古地面冷高压偏强,四川地区850hPa气温偏低,0℃线偏南,为明显的反气旋距平风场,低层湿度增加,暖年则与之相反。   相似文献   

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