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The Paradox Basin is a large (190 km × 265 km) asymmetric basin that developed along the southwestern flank of the basement‐involved Uncompahgre uplift in Utah and Colorado, USA during the Pennsylvanian–Permian Ancestral Rocky Mountain (ARM) orogenic event. Previously interpreted as a pull‐apart basin, the Paradox Basin more closely resembles intraforeland flexural basins such as those that developed between the basement‐cored uplifts of the Late Cretaceous–Eocene Laramide orogeny in the western interior USA. The shape, subsidence history, facies architecture, and structural relationships of the Uncompahgre–Paradox system are exemplary of typical ‘immobile’ foreland basin systems. Along the southwest‐vergent Uncompahgre thrust, ~5 km of coarse‐grained syntectonic Desmoinesian–Wolfcampian (mid‐Pennsylvanian to early Permian; ~310–260 Ma) sediments were shed from the Uncompahgre uplift by alluvial fans and reworked by aeolian‐modified fluvial megafan deposystems in the proximal Paradox Basin. The coeval rise of an uplift‐parallel barrier ~200 km southwest of the Uncompahgre front restricted reflux from the open ocean south and west of the basin, and promoted deposition of thick evaporite‐shale and biohermal carbonate facies in the medial and distal submarine parts of the basin, respectively. Nearshore carbonate shoal and terrestrial siliciclastic deposystems overtopped the basin during the late stages of subsidence during the Missourian through Wolfcampian (~300–260 Ma) as sediment flux outpaced the rate of generation of accommodation space. Reconstruction of an end‐Permian two‐dimensional basin profile from seismic, borehole, and outcrop data depicts the relationship of these deposystems to the differential accommodation space generated by Pennsylvanian–Permian subsidence, highlighting the similarities between the Paradox basin‐fill and that of other ancient and modern foreland basins. Flexural modeling of the restored basin profile indicates that the Paradox Basin can be described by flexural loading of a fully broken continental crust by a model Uncompahgre uplift and accompanying synorogenic sediments. Other thrust‐bounded basins of the ARM have similar basin profiles and facies architectures to those of the Paradox Basin, suggesting that many ARM basins may share a flexural geodynamic mechanism. Therefore, plate tectonic models that attempt to explain the development of ARM uplifts need to incorporate a mechanism for the widespread generation of flexural basins.  相似文献   

The concept of‘syntectonic’ conglomerate is based on the idea that gravel progradation is mainly generated by an increase in tectonic uplift and erosion of a source area with attendant increase in sediment flux supplied to a basin. However, other mechanisms, such as changes in basin subsidence rates, sorting of supplied sediment, and capability of transporting streams, can also lead to progradation and be difficult to distinguish from a syntectonic origin. Here we use our previously developed model to help understand the origin of gravel progradation in three Neogene alluvial basins - the Bermejo Basin of Argentina, the Himalayan Foreland Basin, and the San Pedro Basin of southern Arizona - all of which have available high-resolution magnetostratigraphy. Interpretation of the origin of gravel progradation in these basins begins with calculation of basin equilibrium time, which is the time-scale required for the streams to reach a steady-state profile, assuming constant conditions. We then compare the time-scale of the observed changes in the basin with the equilibrium time to determine if and how the model can be applied to the stratigraphic record. Most of the changes we have studied occur on time scales longer than the equilibrium time (‘slow variations’), in which case the key to interpretation is the relationship between overall grain-size change and sedimentation rate in vertical sections. Of the three examples studied only one, the Bermejo Basin, is consistent with the traditional model of syntectonic progradation. Overall progradation in the two other basins is most consistent with a long-term reduction in basin subsidence rates. In addition, short-term variation in diffusivity or sediment flux, probably climatically driven, is the most likely control of small-scale progradation of gravel tongues in the San Pedro Basin. These results, along with observations from other basins, suggest that subsidence is clearly an important control on clastic progradation on ‘slow’ time scales (i.e. generally a million years or more). If subsidence rates are directly linked to tectonic events, then subsidence-driven progradation marks times of tectonic quiescence and is clearly not syntectonic in the traditional sense. These examples show that the model can be useful in interpreting the rock record, particularly when combined with other traditional basin-analysis techniques. In particular, our results can be used to help discriminate between clastic progradation due to tectonic origin and progradation resulting from other mechanisms in alluvial basins.  相似文献   

Evolution of the late Cenozoic Chaco foreland basin, Southern Bolivia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Eastward Andean orogenic growth since the late Oligocene led to variable crustal loading, flexural subsidence and foreland basin sedimentation in the Chaco basin. To understand the interaction between Andean tectonics and contemporaneous foreland development, we analyse stratigraphic, sedimentologic and seismic data from the Subandean Belt and the Chaco Basin. The structural features provide a mechanism for transferring zones of deposition, subsidence and uplift. These can be reconstructed based on regional distribution of clastic sequences. Isopach maps, combined with sedimentary architecture analysis, establish systematic thickness variations, facies changes and depositional styles. The foreland basin consists of five stratigraphic successions controlled by Andean orogenic episodes and climate: (1) the foreland basin sequence commences between ~27 and 14 Ma with the regionally unconformable, thin, easterly sourced fluvial Petaca strata. It represents a significant time interval of low sediment accumulation in a forebulge‐backbulge depocentre. (2) The overlying ~14–7 Ma‐old Yecua Formation, deposited in marine, fluvial and lacustrine settings, represents increased subsidence rates from thrust‐belt loading outpacing sedimentation rates. It marks the onset of active deformation and the underfilled stage of the foreland basin in a distal foredeep. (3) The overlying ~7–6 Ma‐old, westerly sourced Tariquia Formation indicates a relatively high accommodation and sediment supply concomitant with the onset of deposition of Andean‐derived sediment in the medial‐foredeep depocentre on a distal fluvial megafan. Progradation of syntectonic, wedge‐shaped, westerly sourced, thickening‐ and coarsening‐upward clastics of the (4) ~6–2.1 Ma‐old Guandacay and (5) ~2.1 Ma‐to‐Recent Emborozú Formations represent the propagation of the deformation front in the present Subandean Zone, thereby indicating selective trapping of coarse sediments in the proximal foredeep and wedge‐top depocentres, respectively. Overall, the late Cenozoic stratigraphic intervals record the easterly propagation of the deformation front and foreland depocentre in response to loading and flexure by the growing Intra‐ and Subandean fold‐and‐thrust belt.  相似文献   

Integrated geohistory analysis performed on high‐resolution stratigraphy of Venezia 1 and Lido 1 wells (Quaternary–Pliocene interval) and low‐resolution stratigraphy of a simulated well extending Lido 1 down to the base of Cenozoic (Palaeocene–Miocene interval) is used to reconstruct the interplay between subsidence and sedimentation that occurred in the Venice area (eastern Po Plain) during the last 60 Myr, and to discuss the relationships between calculated subsidence rates and time resolution of stratigraphic data. Both subsidence and sedimentation are mostly related to the tectonic evolution of the belts that surround the Venice basin, influencing the lithosphere vertical motions and the input of clastic sediments through time. In particular, two subsidence phases are recorded between 40–33.5 and 32.5–24 Myr (0.13 and 0.14 mm year?1, respectively), coeval with tectonic phases in the Dinaric belt. Vice versa, during the main South‐Alpine orogenic phase (middle–late Miocene), quiescence or little uplift (?0.03 mm year?1) reflects the location of the Venice area close to the peripheral bulge of the South‐Alpine foreland system. Early Pliocene evolution is characterised by a number of subsidence/uplift events, among which two uplifts occurred between 5–4.5 and 3–2.2 Myr (at ?0.4 and ?0.2 mm year?1, respectively) and can be correlated with tectonic motions in the Apennines. During the last million years, the Venice area was initially characterised by uplift (?0.6 mm year?1 rising to ?1.5 mm year?1 between 0.4 and 0.38 Myr), eventually replaced by subsidence at a rate ranging between 1.6 and 1.0 mm year?1 up to 0.12 Myr and then decreased to 0.4 mm year?1, as an average, up to present. Our results highlight that time resolution of the stratigraphic dataset deeply influences the order of magnitude obtained for the calculated subsidence rate. This is because subsidence seems to have worked through short‐lived peaks (in the order of 105 years), alternating with long relatively quiescent intervals. This suggests caution when components of subsidence are deduced by subtracting long‐term to short‐term subsidence rate.  相似文献   

The Yanshan fold‐thrust belt is an exposed portion of a major Mesozoic orogenic system that lies north of Beijing in northeast China. Structures and strata within the Yanshan record a complex history of thrust faulting characterized by multiple deformational events. Initially, Triassic thrusting led to the erosion of a thick sequence of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary strata from northern reaches of the thrust belt; Triassic–Lower Jurassic strata that record this episode are deposited in a thin belt south of this zone of erosion. This was followed by postulated Late Jurassic emplacement of a major allochthon (the Chengde thrust plate), which is thought to have overridden structures and strata associated with the Triassic event and is cut by two younger thrusts (the Gubeikou and Chengde County thrusts). The Chengde allochthon is now expressed as a major east–west trending, thrust‐bounded synform (the Chengde synform), which has been interpreted as a folded klippe 20 km wide underlain by a single, north‐vergent thrust fault. Two sedimentary basins, defined on the basis of provenance, geochronology and palaeodispersal trends, developed within the Yanshan belt during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous time and are closely associated with the Chengde thrust and allied structures. Shouwangfen basin developed in the footwall of the Gubeikou thrust and records syntectonic unroofing of the hanging wall of that fault. Chengde basin developed in part atop Proterozoic strata interpreted as the upper plate of the Chengde allochthon and records unroofing of the adjacent Chengde County thrust. Both the Chengde County thrust and the Gubeikou thrust are younger than emplacement of the postulated Chengde allochthon, and structurally underlie it, yet neither Shouwangfen basin nor Chengde basin contain a detrital record of the erosion of this overlying structure. In addition, facies, palaeodispersal patterns and geochronology of Upper Jurassic strata that are cut by the Chengde thrust suggest only limited (ca. 5 km) displacement along this fault. We suggest that the units forming the Chengde synform are autochthonous, and that the synform is bounded by two limited‐displacement faults of opposing north and south vergence, rather than a single large north‐directed thrust. This conclusion implies that the Yanshan belt experienced far less Late Jurassic shortening than was previously thought, and has major implications for the Mesozoic evolution of the region. Specifically, we argue that the bulk of shortening and uplift in the Yanshan belt was accomplished during Triassic–Early Jurassic time, and that Late Jurassic structures modified and locally ponded sediments from a well‐developed southward drainage system developed atop this older orogen. Although Upper Jurassic strata are widespread throughout the Yanshan belt, it is clear that these strata developed within several discrete intermontane basins that are not correlable across the belt as a single entity. Thus, the Yanshan has no obvious associated foreland basin, and determining where the Mesozoic erosional products of this orogen ultimately lie is one of the more intriguing unresolved questions surrounding the palaeogeography of North China.  相似文献   

The Ericson Formation was deposited in the distal foredeep of the Cordilleran foreland basin during Campanian time. Isopach data show that it records early dynamic subsidence and the onset of basin partitioning by Laramide uplifts. The Ericson Formation is well exposed around the Rock Springs uplift, a Laramide structural dome in southwestern Wyoming; the formation is thin, regionally extensive, and does not display the wedge‐shaped geometry typical of foredeep deposits. Sedimentation in this area was controlled both by activity in the thrust belt and by intraforeland tectonics. The Ericson Formation is ideally situated both spatially and temporally to study the transition from Sevier to Laramide (thin‐ to thick‐skinned) deformation which corresponded to the shift from flexural to dynamic subsidence and the demise of the Cretaceous foreland basin system. We establish the depositional age of the Ericson Formation as ca. 74 Ma through detrital zircon U–Pb analysis. Palaeocurrent data show a generally southeastward transport direction, but northward indicators near Flaming Gorge Reservoir suggest that the intraforeland Uinta uplift was rising and shedding sediment northward by late Campanian time. Petrographic data and detrital zircon U–Pb ages indicate that Ericson sediment was derived from erosion of Proterozoic quartzites and Palaeozoic and Mesozoic quartzose sandstones in the Sevier thrust belt to the west. The new data place temporal and geographic constraints on attempts to produce geodynamic models linking flat‐slab subduction of the oceanic Farallon plate to the onset of the Laramide orogenic event.  相似文献   

Radical grain size changes between two main units of a sedimentary megacycle in a foreland basin are commonly interpreted to result from changes in tectonic activity or climate in the adjacent mountain range. In central Nepal, the Cenozoic Siwalik molasse deposits exposed in the frontal Himalayan folds are characterized by such a radical grain size transition. Locally gravel deposits completely replace sands in vertical succession over approximately a hundred metres, the median grain size (D50) displaying a sharp increase by a factor of ca. 100. Such a rapid gravel‐sand transition (GST) is also observed in present‐day river channels about 8–20 km downstream from the outlet of the Siwalik Range. The passage from gravel‐bed channel reaches (proximal alluvial fans) to sand‐bed channel reaches (distal alluvial fans) occurs within a few kilometres on the Gangetic Plain in central Nepal, and the D50 ratio between the two types of channels equals ca. 100. We propose that the dramatic and remarkably similar increase in grain size observed in the Neogene Siwalik series and along modern rivers in the Gangetic foreland basin, results from a similar hydraulic process, i.e. a grain sorting process during the selective deposition of the sediment load. The sudden appearance of gravels in the upper Siwalik series would be related to the crossing of this sorting transition during progressive southward migration of the gravel front, in response to continuous Himalayan orogen construction. And as a consequence, the GST would be diachronous by nature. This study demonstrates that an abrupt change in grain size does not necessarily relate to a change in tectonic or climatic forcing, but can simply arise from internal adjustment of the piedmont rivers to the deposition and run out of coarse bedload. It illustrates, in addition, the genesis of quartz‐rich conglomerates in the Himalayan foreland through gravel selective deposition associated with differential weathering, abrasion processes and sediment recycling during thrust wedge advance and shortening of the foreland basin.  相似文献   

The Andean Orogen is the type‐example of an active Cordilleran style margin with a long‐lived retroarc fold‐and‐thrust belt and foreland basin. Timing of initial shortening and foreland basin development in Argentina is diachronous along‐strike, with ages varying by 20–30 Myr. The Neuquén Basin (32°S to 40°S) contains a thick sedimentary sequence ranging in age from late Triassic to Cenozoic, which preserves a record of rift, back arc and foreland basin environments. As much of the primary evidence for initial uplift has been overprinted or covered by younger shortening and volcanic activity, basin strata provide the most complete record of early mountain building. Detailed sedimentology and new maximum depositional ages obtained from detrital zircon U–Pb analyses from the Malargüe fold‐and‐thrust belt (35°S) record a facies change between the marine evaporites of the Huitrín Formation (ca. 122 Ma) and the fluvial sandstones and conglomerates of the Diamante Formation (ca. 95 Ma). A 25–30 Myr unconformity between the Huitrín and Diamante formations represents the transition from post‐rift thermal subsidence to forebulge erosion during initial flexural loading related to crustal shortening and uplift along the magmatic arc to the west by at least 97 ± 2 Ma. This change in basin style is not marked by any significant difference in provenance and detrital zircon signature. A distinct change in detrital zircons, sandstone composition and palaeocurrent direction from west‐directed to east‐directed occurs instead in the middle Diamante Formation and may reflect the Late Cretaceous transition from forebulge derived sediment in the distal foredeep to proximal foredeep material derived from the thrust belt to the west. This change in palaeoflow represents the migration of the forebulge, and therefore, of the foreland basin system between 80 and 90 Ma in the Malargüe area.  相似文献   

Facies distributions, stratal geometry and regional erosional bevelling surfaces in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Santonian) strata of the Alberta foreland basin are interpreted in terms of high-frequency (probably eustatic) relative changes in sea level, superimposed on longer-term basin-floor warping, related to episodic tectonic loading. Thick marine shales correspond to periods of rapid subsidence whereas thin but extensive strandplain sandstones record rapid progradation during slow subsidence. Westward-thickening wedges of coastal plain strata were deposited during initial downwarping of a near-horizontal strandplain, prior to marine transgression. Surfaces of erosional bevelling beneath which between 40 and >160m of strata have been removed extend at least 300 km from the present deformation front and are interpreted to reflect forebulge uplift in the east. Uplift appears to have lagged about 0.25-0.5 Myr behind the onset of accelerated loading. Thin marine sandstones which grade westward into mudstone are interpreted as material winnowed from the crest of the rising forebulge. Subsidence and/or westward migration of the forebulge allowed the sea to flood westward across the eastern flank of the eroded forebulge. The transgressive shoreface cut asymmetric notches which were later blanketed by marine shales which lap out from east to west. The two unconformities which embody the largest erosional vacuity are veneered locally with oolitic ironstone which accumulated in a shallow, sediment-starved setting on the crest of the forebulge. The consistent pattern of erosional bevelling and lap-out of transgressive shales might be interpreted as evidence that the forebulge migrated towards the thrust load over a period of <1 Myr.  相似文献   

Deposition and subsidence analysis, coupled with previous structural studies of the Sevier thrust belt, provide a means of reconstructing the detailed kinematic history of depositional response to episodic thrusting in the Cordilleran foreland basin of southern Wyoming, western interior USA. The Upper Cretaceous basin fill is divided into five megasequences bounded by unconformities. The Sevier thrust belt in northern Utah and southwestern Wyoming deformed in an eastward progression of episodic thrusting. Three major episodes of displacement on the Willard‐Meade, Crawford and ‘early’ Absaroka thrusts occurred from Aptian to early Campanian, and the thrust wedge gradually became supercritically tapered. The Frontier Formation conglomerate, Echo Canyon and Weber Canyon Conglomerates and Little Muddy Creek Conglomerate were deposited in response to these major thrusting events. Corresponding to these proximal conglomerates within the thrust belt, Megasequences 1, 2 and 3 were developed in the distal foreland of southern Wyoming. Two‐dimensional (2‐D) subsidence analyses show that the basin was divided into foredeep, forebulge and backbulge depozones. Foredeep subsidence in Megasequences 1, 2 and 3, resulting from Willard‐Meade, Crawford and ‘early’ Absaroka thrust loading, were confined to a narrow zone in the western part of the basin. Subsidence in the broad region east of the forebulge was dominantly controlled by sediment loading and inferred dynamic subsidence. Individual subsidence curves are characterized by three stages from rapid to slow. Controlled by relationships between accommodation and sediment supply, the basin was filled with retrogradational shales during periods of rapid subsidence, followed by progradational coarse clastic wedges during periods of slow subsidence. During middle Campanian time (ca. 78.5–73.4 Ma), the thrust wedge was stalled because of wedge‐top erosion and became subcritical, and the foredeep zone eroded and rebounded because of isostasy. The eroded sediments were transported far from the thrust belt, and constitute Megasequence 4 that was mostly composed of fluvial and coastal plain depositional systems. Subsidence rates were very slow, because of post‐thrusting rebound, and the resulting 2‐D subsidence was lenticular in an east–west direction. During late Campanian to early Maastrichtian time, widespread deposits of coarse sediment (the Hams Fork Conglomerate) aggraded the top of the thrust wedge after it stalled, prior to initiation of ‘late’ Absaroka thrusting. Meanwhile Megasequence 5 was deposited in the Wyoming foreland under the influence of both the intraforeland Wind River basement uplift and the Sevier thrust belt.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This contribution deals with the External Sierras and a part of the foreland Ebro Basin related to the southern Pyrenean thrust front. The structure of the External Sierras consists of a south‐verging thrust system developed from middle Eocene to early Miocene times. Since the end of the early Oligocene, a regional‐scale detachment anticline (the Santo Domingo anticline) developed, folding the original thrust system and creating new thrust units. The molassic fill in this part of the Ebro Basin (Uncastillo Formation) mainly corresponds to an extensive, composite distributary fluvial system, termed the Luna system, which drained the uplifted Gavarnie Unit to the north. Small, marginal alluvial fans originated along the External Sierras and coalesced in the proximal‐middle portions of the Luna system. Three tecto‐sedimentary units (TSU), late Oligocene to early Miocene in age, comprise the Uncastillo Formation. Lateral relationships and areal distribution of lithofacies through time have been used to establish sedimentary models for the marginal alluvial fans and the Luna fluvial system. Their sedimentary evolution was controlled by tectonics affecting the drainage basins, and based on mapping and stratigraphic relationships of the TSU, the temporal succession of the marginal alluvial fans and their relationships with each thrust system in the south Pyrenean front can be shown. Alluvial fan formation evolved through time from west to east, in accord with the progressive eastward growth of the Santo Domingo anticline as a conical fold. The fluvial network of the Luna system appears to have been mainly radial, but near the basin margin its architecture was influenced by the syndepositional Fuencalderas and Uncastillo anticlines developed within the Ebro Basin. These low‐amplitude folds originated by layer‐parallel shearing caused by rotation of the southern flank of the Santo Domingo anticline. Progressive uplift of these anticlines constrained part of the fluvial discharge to synclinal areas parallel to the basin margin; these areas where characterized by meandering sandy channels. At the peripheral tips of the anticlines the channel system flowed basinward.  相似文献   

Ford  Lickorish  & Kusznir 《Basin Research》1999,11(4):315-336
Tertiary foreland sedimentation in SE France occurred along the western sidewall of the Alpine orogen during collision of the Apulian indentor with the European passive margin. A detailed reappraisal of the stratigraphy and structure of the Southern Subalpine Chains (SSC) in SE France shows that Tertiary depocentres of differing character developed progressively toward the foreland during ongoing SW-directed shortening. The geodynamic controls on each of four stages of basin development are evaluated using a flexural isostatic modelling package of thrust sheet emplacement and foreland basin formation. (1) The initial stage (mid to late Eocene) can be explained as a flexural basin that migrated toward the NW, closing off to the SW against the uplifting Maures–Esterel block. This broad, shallow basin can be reproduced in forward modelling by loading a lower lithospheric plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. (2) The end of detectable flexural subsidence in the early Oligocene coincides with the emplacement of the internally derived Embrunais–Ubaye (E-U) nappes, which caused 11 km of SW-directed shortening in the underlying SSC. The lack of Oligocene flexural subsidence dictates that the E-U units were emplaced as gravitational nappes. Within the SSC, Oligocene sedimentation was restricted to small thrust-sheet-top basins recording mainly continental conditions and ongoing folding. Further west, Oligocene to Aquitanian NNW–SSE extension generated the Manosque half-graben as part of the European graben system that affected an area from the Gulf of Lion to the Rhine graben. (3) Following the Burdigalian breakup of the Gulf of Lion rift, a marine transgression migrated northward along the European graben system. Subsequent thermal subsidence allowed 1 km of marine sediments to be deposited across the Valensole and Manosque blocks, west of the active SSC thrust belt. (4) Mio-Pliocene conglomeratic deposits (2 km thick) were trapped within the Valensole basin by the uplifting Vaucluse block to the west and the advancing Alpine thrust sheets to the east. Late Pliocene thrusting of the SSC across the Valensole basin (approx. 10.5 km) can be linked along a Triassic detachment to the hinterland uplift of the Argentera basement massif.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Rioja Trough is the foreland basin of the western Pyrenees (to the north) and the Cameros-Demanda Massif (to the south). This E–W elongated trough is about 120×35 km. It was filled with Tertiary continental deposits (upper Eocene to upper Miocene), reaching thicknesses between 2500 and 5000 m. Both margins of the Rioja Trough are large thrusts with horizontal displacements of more than 20 km basinward. Rocks that fill the basin originated in alluvial fan and playa-lake environments, with conglomerates in the proximal sectors grading into sandstones, mudstones, lacustrine limestones and evaporites in distal sectors. The Tertiary series are horizontal in the central parts of the basin, with several E–W monoclines caused by north-verging thrusts in the basement of the basin. Near the basin margins, the Tertiary units are folded and thrusted, with several syntectonic unconformities. Calculated velocities for the Cameros-Demanda thrust range from 0.02 to1.1 mm yr?1 (average 0.7 mm yr?1). The sedimentation rate near the southern basin margin varies between 2 and 20 cm 1000 yr?1 (average 10 cm 1000 yr?1). Deposition in the Rioja Trough was strongly controlled by tectonic activity throughout the Tertiary. Eight tectosedimentary units (R1 to R8) have been characterized. These are bounded by angular unconformities at the margins and breaks in the vertical trend of the sedimentary record toward the basin centre. Every tectosedimentary unit (except R6 and R8) shows a fining-upward/coarsening-upward trend, corresponding to tectonic retrogradations and progradations, respectively. The main source area during the Palaeogene was the Cameros-Demanda Massif, whose unroofing sequence was strongly dependent on tectonic activity. During the Neogene a longitudinal WNW–ESE drainage system, with short alluvial fans in the northern and southern margins, developed. The final shape and the evolution of the Rioja Trough are the result of crustal flexure in the northern border of the Iberian plate, linked to the emplacement of the southern Pyrenean thrust system, and intraplate thrusting with basement uplift at its southern margin.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphy from the Kashi foreland basin along the southern margin of the Tian Shan in Western China defines the chronology of both sedimentation and the structural evolution of this collisional mountain belt. Eleven magnetostratigraphic sections representing ~13 km of basin strata provide a two‐ and three‐dimensional record of continuous deposition since ~18 Ma. The distinctive Xiyu conglomerate makes up the uppermost strata in eight of 11 magnetostratigraphic sections within the foreland and forms a wedge that thins southward. The basal age of the conglomerate varies from 15.5±0.5 Ma at the northernmost part of the foreland, to 8.6±0.1 Ma in the central (medial) part of the foreland and to 1.9±0.2, ~1.04 and 0.7±0.1 Ma along the southern deformation front of the foreland basin. These data indicate the Xiyu conglomerate is highly time‐transgressive and has prograded south since just after the initial uplift of the Kashi Basin Thrust (KBT) at 18.9±3.3 Ma. Southward progradation occurred at an average rate of ~3 mm year?1 between 15.5 and 2 Ma, before accelerating to ~10 mm year?1. Abrupt changes in sediment‐accumulation rates are observed at 16.3 and 13.5 Ma in the northern part of the foreland and are interpreted to correspond to southward stepping deformation. A subtle decrease in the sedimentation rate above the Keketamu anticline is determined at ~4.0 Ma and was synchronous with an increase in sedimentation rate further south above the Atushi Anticline. Magnetostratigraphy also dates growth strata at <4.0, 1.4±0.1 and 1.4±0.2 Ma on the southern flanks the Keketamu, Atushi and Kashi anticlines, respectively. Together, sedimentation rate changes and growth strata indicate stepped migration of deformation into the Kashi foreland at least at 16.3, 13.5, 4.0 and 1.4 Ma. Progressive reconstruction of a seismically controlled cross‐section through the foreland produces total shortening of 13–21 km and migration of the deformation front at 2.1–3.4 mm year?1 between 19 and 13.5 Ma, 1.4–1.6 mm year?1 between 13.5 and 4.0 Ma and 10 mm year?1 since 4.0 Ma. Migration of deformation into the foreland generally causes (1) uplift and reworking of basin‐capping conglomerate, (2) a local decrease of accommodation space above any active structure where uplift occurs, and hence a decrease in sedimentation rate and (3) an increase in accumulation on the margins of the structure due to increased subsidence and/or ponding of sediment behind the growing folds. Since 5–6 Ma, increased sediment‐accumulation (~0.8 mm year?1) and gravel progradation (~10 mm year?1) rates appear linked to higher deformation rates on the Keketamu, Atushi and Kashi anticlines and increased subsidence due to loading from both the Tian Shan and Pamir ranges, and possibly a change in climate causing accelerated erosion. Whereas the rapid (~10 mm year?1) progradation of the Xiyu conglomerate after 4.0 Ma may be promoted by global climate change, its overall progradation since 15.5 Ma is due to the progressive encroachment of deformation into the foreland.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):248-268
The architecture of the Western Andes is remarkably constant between southern Peru and northern Chile. An exception, however, is present near Arica at 18°S, where the Andes change their strike direction by ca. 50° and the Coastal Cordillera is absent over an along‐strike width of 50 km. Although this feature has been mentioned in several previous studies, no effort has been made yet to describe and explain this peculiar morphology of the Western Central Andean forearc. Here, we propose a large‐scale model to explain the Myr‐long low uplift rate of the Arica Bend concerning seismic coupling and continental wedge‐top basin evolution. New geomorphic and sedimentologic data are integrated with seismicity and structural data from the literature to interpret the post‐Oligocene pattern of uplift, erosion and sediment transport to the trench. Results show that the Arica Bend has been marked by exceptionally low coastal uplift rates over post‐Oligocene timescales. In addition, this uplift anomaly at the Arica Bend correlates with relatively high sediment discharge to the corresponding trench segment since late Oligocene time. We interpret that before 25 Ma, the forming seaward concavity of the subduction zone induced trench‐parallel extension at the curvature apex of the overriding forearc. The subsequent low uplift rate would have then triggered a feedback mechanism, where the interplay between relatively low interplate friction, low coastal uplift and relatively high sediment discharge favoured Myr‐long relative subsidence at the Arica Bend, in contrast to Myr‐long uplift of the Coastal Cordillera north and south of it.  相似文献   

We present field and seismic evidence for the existence of Coniacian–Campanian syntectonic angular unconformities within basal foreland basin sequences of the Austral or Magallanes Basin, with implications for the understanding of deformation and sedimentation in the southern Patagonian Andes. The studied sequences belong to the mainly turbiditic Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation that includes a world‐class example of conglomerate‐filled deep‐water channel bodies deposited in an axial foredeep depocentre. We present multiple evidence of syntectonic deposition showing that the present internal domain of the fold‐thrust belt was an active Coniacian–Campanian wedge‐top depozone where deposition of turbidites and conglomerate channels of Cerro Toro took place. Cretaceous synsedimentary deformation was dominated by positive inversion of Jurassic extensional structures that produced elongated axial submarine trenches separated by structural highs controlling the development and distribution of axial channels. The position of Coniacian‐Campanian unconformities indicates a ca. 50–80 km advance of the orogenic front throughout the internal domain, implying that Late Cretaceous deformation was more significant in terms of widening the orogenic wedge than all subsequent Andean deformation stages. This south Patagonian orogenic event can be related to compressional stresses generated by the combination of both the collision of the western margin of Rocas Verdes Basin during its closure, and Atlantic ridge push forces due to its accelerated opening, during a global‐scale plate reorganization event.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic, subsidence and structural history of Orphan Basin, offshore the island of Newfoundland, Canada, is described from well data and tied to a regional seismic grid. This large (400 by 400 km) rifted basin is part of the non‐volcanic rifted margin in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, which had a long and complex rift history spanning Middle Jurassic to Aptian time. The basin is underlain by variably thinned continental crust, locally <10‐km thick. Our work highlights the complex structure, with major upper crustal faults terminating in the mid‐crust, while lower crustal reflectivity suggests ductile flow, perhaps accommodating depth‐dependent extension. We describe three major stratigraphic horizons connected to breakup and the early post‐rift. An Aptian–Albian unconformity appears to mark the end of crustal rifting in the basin, and a second, more subdued Santonian unconformity was also noted atop basement highs and along the proximal margins of the basin. Only minor thermal subsidence occurred between development of these two horizons. The main phase of post‐rift subsidence was delayed until post‐Santonian time, with rapid subsidence culminating in the development of a major flooding surface in base Tertiary time. Conventional models of rifting events predict significant basin thermal subsidence immediately following continental lithospheric breakup. In the Orphan Basin, however, this subsidence was delayed for about 25–30 Myr and requires more thinning of the mantle lithosphere than the crust. Models of the subsidence history suggest that extreme thinning of the lithospheric mantle continued well into the post‐rift period. This is consistent with edge‐driven, small‐scale convective flow in the mantle, which may thin the lithosphere from below. A hot spot may also have been present below the region in Aptian–Albian time.  相似文献   

The Dzereg Basin is an actively evolving intracontinental basin in the Altai region of western Mongolia. The basin is sandwiched between two transpressional ranges, which occur at the termination zones of two regional‐scale dextral strike‐slip fault systems. The basin contains distinct Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphic sequences that are separated by an angular unconformity, which represents a regionally correlative peneplanation surface. Mesozoic strata are characterized by northwest and south–southeast‐derived thick clast‐supported conglomerates (Jurassic) overlain by fine‐grained lacustrine and alluvial deposits containing few fluvial channels (Cretaceous). Cenozoic deposits consist of dominantly alluvial fan and fluvial sediments shed from adjacent mountain ranges during the Oligocene–Holocene. The basin is still receiving sediment today, but is actively deforming and closing. Outwardly propagating thrust faults bound the ranges, whereas within the basin, active folding and thrusting occurs within two marginal deforming belts. Consequently, active fan deposition has shifted towards the basin centre with time, and previously deposited sediment has been uplifted, eroded and redeposited, leading to complex facies architecture. The geometry of folds and faults within the basin and the distribution of Mesozoic sediments suggest that the basin formed as a series of extensional half‐grabens in the Jurassic–Cretaceous which have been transpressionally reactivated by normal fault inversion in the Tertiary. Other clastic basins in the region may therefore also be inherited Mesozoic depocentres. The Dzereg Basin is a world class laboratory for studying competing processes of uplift, deformation, erosion, sedimentation and depocentre migration in an actively forming intracontinental transpressional basin.  相似文献   

Quantifying the Cenozoic growth of high topography in the Indo‐Asian collision zone remains challenging, due in part to significant shortening that occurred within Eurasia before collision. A growing body of evidence suggests that regions far removed from the suture zone experienced deformation before and during the early phases of Himalayan orogenesis. In the present‐day north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau, widespread deposits of Cretaceous sediment attest to significant basin formation; however, the tectonic setting of these basins remains enigmatic. We present a study of a regionally extensive network of sedimentary basins that are spatially associated with a system of SE‐vergent thrust faults and are now exposed in the high ranges of the north‐eastern corner of the Tibetan Plateau. We focus on a particularly well‐exposed basin, located ~20 km north of the Kunlun fault in the Anyemaqen Shan. The basin is filled by ~900 m of alluvial sediments that become finer‐grained away from the basin‐bounding fault. Additionally, beds in the proximal footwall of the basin‐bounding fault exhibit progressive, up‐section shallowing and several intraformational unconformities which can be traced into correlative conformities in the distal part of the basin. The observations show sediment accumulated in the basin during fault motion. Regional constraints on the timing of sediment deposition are provided by both fossil assemblages from the Early Cretaceous, and by K–Ar dating of volcanic rocks that floor and cross‐cut sedimentary fill. We argue that during the Cretaceous, the interior NE Tibetan Plateau experienced NW–SE contractional deformation similar to that documented throughout the Qinling–Dabie orogen to the east. The Songpan‐Ganzi terrane apparently marked the southern limit of this deformation, such that it may have been a relatively rigid block in the Tibetan lithosphere, separating regions experiencing deformation north of the convergent Tethyan margin from regions deforming inboard of the east Asian margin.  相似文献   

Seven tectonic subsidence curves, based on outcrop data, have been calculated in order to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Permian–Mesozoic sedimentary succession (up to 10 km thick) of the Central Southern Alps basin (Italy). The analysis of the tectonic subsidence curves, covering a time span of about 200 Ma, allowed us to quantify the subsidence rates, to document the activity of syndepositional fault systems and calculate their slip rates. Different stages, in terms of duration and magnitude of subsidence‐uplift trends, have been identified in the evolution of the basin. The fault activity, reconstructed by comparing subsidence curves from adjacent sectors, resulted as highly variable both temporally and spatially. Strike‐slip tectonics was coeval to Permian sedimentation, as suggested by the strong differences in the subsidence rates in the sections. The evolution and subsidence rates suggest a continental shelf deposition from Early Triassic to Carnian, when subsidence came to a stop. A rapid resumption of subsidence is observed from the Norian, with a subsidence pulse in the Late Norian, followed by the regional uplift, in the Late Rhaetian. The following Early Jurassic subsidence is characterized by tectonic subsidence similar to that of the Norian. The Norian and Early Jurassic pulses were characterized by the highest slip rates along growth faults and are identified as two distinct tectonic events. The Norian–Rhaetian event is tentatively related to transtensional tectonics whereas the Early Jurassic event is related to crustal extension. The Early Jurassic subsidence records a shift in space an time of the beginning of the extensional stage, from Late Hettangian to the east to Late Pliensbachian–Toarcian to the west. From the Toarcian to the Aptian, the curves are compatible with regional thermal subsidence, later followed (Albian–Cenomanian) by uplift pulses in a retrobelt foreland basin (from Cenomanian onward).  相似文献   

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