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浅埋煤层非坚硬顶板强制放顶实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以南梁煤矿地质资料为依据,通过对不同覆岩条件和不同强制放顶方案的相似材料模拟实验,证明整体性较好的顶板以强制放顶减小工作面初次来压步距是可行的,既可实现工作面连续推进,又可避免顶板大面积垮落带来的安全隐患。实验揭示了地表厚粘土层浅埋煤层单体支柱工作面开采时,顶板活动及矿山压力显现规律;为南梁煤矿单体支柱长壁工作面实现连续开采,提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

In China’s western coal mining area, the traditional room mining technology is facing coal pillar instability, mine earthquake, large-area roof subsidence in the goaf, surface subsidence, water and soil loss, vegetation deterioration, and other environmental problems. To solve the aforementioned problems and to improve coal recovery, the roadway backfill coal mining (RBCM) method was proposed as a solution and its technical principle and key equipment were presented in this paper. In addition, the microstructure and mechanical behavior (strain-stress relation in confined compressive test) of aeolian sand and loess backfill materials were studied for a rational backfill design for underground mines. Further, coal pillar stress, plastic zone change, and surface deformation of the RBCM schemes were studied using the FLAC3D numerical simulation software, and a reasonable mining scheme of “mining 7 m and leaving 3 m” was determined. The engineering application in Changxing Coal Mine shows that the RBCM method with loess and aeolian sand as backfill materials allows a stable recovery of coal pillars with a recovery ratio of more than 70 %. The maximum accumulated surface subsidence and the maximum horizontal deformation were measured to be 15 mm and 0.8 mm/m respectively, indicating that the targeted backfilling effect can help protect the environment and also control surface subsidence.  相似文献   

In underground coal mining any increase in coal recovery rate is dependent on a decrease in pillar size. Backfilling is one way of reducing the required size of pillars and hence the volume of coal left underground. Therefore any comparisons made between a self-supported mine layout and backfill supported mine layout are based directly on pillar design. The most effective way to examine the effect of backfill on pillar support, and subsequently the rate of recovery, would be to incorporate the mechanisms of backfill support directly into the current design procedure for coal pillars. This paper presents a review of the mechanics of backfill support, a method of estimating the magnitude of that support based on earth pressure theory, and an example that incorporates backfill support into current coal pillar design.  相似文献   

针对煤体法向应力测试问题,基于煤体法向应力的变化引起钻屑温度改变的实际,通过实验室实验,研究了钻屑温度与煤体法向应力的对应关系。实验研究结果表明:在一定范围内,煤体法向应力不同而其余实验条件相同的情况下钻屑温度随着煤体法向应力的增大而升高;钻头温度最大值、钻头温度上升速率、钻孔温度、煤屑温度与煤体法向应力基本呈线性关系。实验方法可用于测试煤体法向应力水平变化,为预测煤层冲击地压危险性提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Steep coal seam mining activities will frequently occur during the next few decades in China. In this study, both experimental and numerical methods are employed to investigate the coal drawing from thick steep seam with longwall top coal caving mining. A series of analyses is performed to investigate the features of the drawing body, the distribution of top coal recovery ratio and the shape of the rock flow under steep conditions. The results indicate that the drawing body of top coal develops prior to upper side of the panel face obviously, and the top coal in the central part of the panel has a higher recovery ratio than that in the lower and upper parts in steep coal seam with caving mining method. The flow paths of the fragmented top coal are nearly straight lines moving towards the drawing window, and the fastest path maintains a constant angle with the plumb line. The spatial shape of the rock flow indicates “bidirectional asymmetry,” which results from the presence of the shield beam and dip angle of the coal seam; thus, this is the root cause of the appearance of the drawing body’s prior development towards the upper side of the panel. The field observation data indicates the same distribution of top coal recovery as that in the physical experiment and numerical simulation. Furthermore, suggested measurements are proposed to improve top coal recovery in steep seam mining based on the engineering practice of Dayuan coal mine.  相似文献   

坚硬顶板薄煤层条带开采技术在杨庄煤矿中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨庄煤矿村庄下压煤具有典型的坚硬顶板薄煤层特点,具有控制地面沉降,保护地面设施的有利条件,在矿井地质与水文地质条件较为复杂的情况下,对村庄下压煤选择了条带开采技术,成功地解决了村庄下大量压煤和村庄下不搬迁开采问题,为该村庄下压煤开采积累了经验。  相似文献   

为解决煤矿下山巷道爆破掘进中普遍存在的循环进尺小、炮眼利用率低、爆后矸石堆积迎头、留底严重等问题,基于“裂槽、抛碴”思想,有机结合直眼和斜眼掏槽的各自优点,设计了含抛碴眼的楔形掏槽方式这一新型掏槽结构。在华恒矿-1 000水平副暗斜井,通过改变掏槽眼的布置位置和起爆顺序、设置抛碴辅助眼等措施,结合弧形和直线形组成的混合型辅助眼布置方式,制定出3种下山巷道爆破掘进技术方案并进行现场试验。通过掘进进尺、残眼深度、巷道成型、抛碴距离、矸石块度、矸石高度等指标,评价设计方案,最终优选出一种综合指标最好的爆破方案。该矿采用此技术,月进尺提高了40%以上,验证了该技术在下山巷道爆破掘进中的有效性。  相似文献   

李建楼 《地质与勘探》2020,56(4):838-844
煤体结构是煤与瓦斯突出防治和煤与瓦斯共采的重要地质因素之一。为了区分煤体结构在地应力作用下的破坏程度,采集了淮北矿业股份有限公司桃园煤矿8283采煤工作面煤样,基于自相似原理和实验室内对煤样的加压模拟实验,通过煤基质纳米级孔隙在低温氮吸附-解吸曲线上的响应对比分析,建立了低温氮吸附法判识煤体结构的方法,并对淮北矿业股份有限公司桃园煤矿10号煤层内1026和1035工作面煤体宏观结构及微观孔隙发育特征进行了对比研究。结果表明,煤体微观孔隙结构变化与构造煤发育程度密切相关;随着煤体破坏程度的提高,在吸附-解吸曲线上表现为吸附量明显增大,纳米级孔隙的比表面积和比孔容明显增加,平均孔径略有增加;构造煤解吸曲线上有明显的陡降点,而原生结构煤的解吸曲线不具有这个特征。  相似文献   

通过采用柔性加筋注浆技术处理台后回填土现场试验研究并结合室内试验的方式,研究了柔性加筋注浆新技术处理湘西红砂岩土石混填台背的施工工艺特性、加固实现机制和加固效果。现场试验及质量测试表明,水平柔性加筋注浆新技术处理湘西红砂岩土石混填台背施工工艺简单、加固效果良好,具有较好的开发应用价值。同时,现场试验过程取得大量施工参数和试验数据,为改进该新技术的设计计算及施工参数、完善施工工艺获得素材; 对有效预防和减少桥头跳车现象的发生,保证行车的舒适和安全也提供了可供选择的新方式。  相似文献   

The paper presents an innovative numerical approach to simulate progressive caving of strata above a longwall coal mining panel. A proposed Trigon logic is incorporated within UDEC to successfully capture the progressive caving of strata which is characterized by fracture generation and subsequent propagation. A new damage index, D, is proposed that can quantify regions of both compressive shear and tensile failure within the modelled longwall. Many features of progressive caving are reproduced in the model and found to fit reasonably well with field observations taken from a case study in the Ruhr coalfield. The modelling study reveals that compressive shear failure, rather than tensile failure, is the dominant failure mechanism in the caved strata above the mined-out area. The immediate roof beds act like beams and can collapse in beam bending when vertical stress is dominant or in beam shear fracture when horizontal stress is dominant. The proposed numerical approach can be used to guide the design of longwall panel layout and rock support mechanisms.  相似文献   

海岸带波浪破碎区污染物运动的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
由于波浪在岸滩上的演化、破碎使得污染物在海岸带的运动规律变得十分复杂。通过实验模拟,研究了缓坡海岸(坡度为1:100和1:40)波浪破碎区污染物的运动规律,给出了不同时刻污染物在该区域的运动变化趋势。讨论并分析了在斜向规则入射波、不规则入射波及不同入射波波高作用下污染物在沿岸波浪破碎区域的运动变化方向和相应的运动范围分布规律。给出并分析了近岸波浪破碎区域污染物运动分布规律。  相似文献   

用地震资料预测煤层气储层参数的方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析沁水煤田的地震地质条件,利用井信息结合地震资料,得出该区煤层气储层的特征与规律;利用数学地质知识的统计分析、回归分析,讨论了煤层气储层参数(煤层厚度、孔隙度及含气量)的预测方法。  相似文献   

布筋尾砂胶结充填体顶板力学性状试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胶结充填体顶板的稳定性是决定下向分层胶结充填回采断面尺寸的主要因素,结合武山铜矿工程实际,采用相似模拟与现场监测手段,研究了下向分层胶结充填法充填体顶板的破坏模式、变形特征、充填体内钢筋受力特征等。相似模拟试验结果表明,钢筋布置方式不影响顶板的最终破坏形式,竖直布置钢筋与水平布置钢筋相比,更有利于提高顶板整体稳定性。应变监测结果表明,充填体顶板应变状态十分复杂,与通常将下向胶结充填体顶板简化为梁的计算结果有较大不同,垂直方向上应变表现为拉伸应变,而沿分条和垂直分条方向应变均呈现拉、压交错变化。在竖直布置的8根钢筋上布置了24个钢筋测力计,得到了钢筋受力与开采时间的关系曲线,据此将钢筋受力划分为4个阶段,即起始受拉阶段、相对稳定阶段、拉压变化阶段、承载阶段,其中承载阶段钢筋首先承受最大压力,充填体暴露为顶板后,钢筋由受压状态变为受拉状态,并急剧上升到最大拉力,即表现出悬吊作用,并且,进路与分条连接处钢筋承受拉力最大。  相似文献   

介绍了沿煤层长钻孔定向钻进技术的施工设备和技术方法,对该技术在国内相应地质条件下推广应用提供了可靠的依据.  相似文献   

杨敬轩  刘长友  杨培举 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):543-550
采用理论分析与实践、实测相结合的方法,对急倾斜煤层工作面下端头区沿空留巷技术理论及系统工艺问题进行探讨,弄清了充填体受力的影响因素,提出了急倾斜煤层巷旁充填工艺系统。研究表明,急倾斜煤层巷旁充填体承载受采空区矸石有效充填长度、煤层赋存倾角、充填体筑设宽度以及煤岩赋存厚度的影响,受顶底板锚索安设的影响较小;单轴压缩条件下矸石碎块的承载变形规律呈阶段特征,且每一阶段内的应力-应变近似呈线性关系;充填体的承载与变形随着距离工作面位置的不同具有阶段特征,距离工作面煤壁越远,充填体承载变形率越小;以七台河新强煤矿生产实际为背景,现场实践证明,急倾斜煤层矸石混凝土充填工艺系统实施方便、操作简单,沿空留巷整体效果较为明显。  相似文献   

留设合理宽度的区段煤柱是确保特厚煤层综放工作面顺利接续和安全回采的关键。为确保芦子沟煤矿3107特厚煤层综放工作面仰斜开采过程中,双侧采空煤柱能够稳定承载并有效隔水,分析区段煤柱覆岩结构特征,建立区段煤柱应力计算模型,理论计算了双侧采空煤柱应力,结合数值模拟及理论分析手段对煤柱稳定性进行综合评价。通过实施科学合理的深孔爆破切缝卸压方案,降低了3107工作面采动应力对煤柱的影响,优化了煤柱应力环境,提高了煤柱稳定性,保证了3107工作面的安全回采。研究结果对类似开采条件下的区段煤柱宽度确定及坚硬顶板条件下煤柱卸压具有一定意义。  相似文献   

根据煤层割理渗透率的各向异性,采用垂直面割理和平行面割理两个方向布置钻孔抽放煤层气。测定研究表明:垂直面割理方向钻孔初始瓦斯抽放百米流量是平行面割理方向钻孔的1.2倍,衰减系数比平行面割理方向钻孔减少了53.7%。垂直面割理方向钻孔的抽放量在任何相应时期都大于平行面割理方向钻孔的抽放量。从而得出:垂直面割理方向钻孔抽放效果明显优于平行面割理方向钻孔,为探索提高煤层气抽放量找到了一条途径。  相似文献   

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