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Extensive export quality reserves of granite, dolerite and marbles which are used for interior decorations as wall facing, paving floors, kitchen counter tops, etc., are available in Azad Kashmir. Since these stones contain radium in trace amounts, therefore, its use as a building material may be a potential source of indoor radon. In order to assess health hazards due to the use of these stones as a building material, samples were collected from different mining sites. After processing, these samples were placed in plastic containers and box type radon detectors were installed in it at the height of 25 cm above the surface of the samples. The containers were then hermetically sealed. After 60 days of exposure to radon, CR-39 detectors were etched in 6 M NaOH at 70 °C for 9 h and measured track densities were related to radon concentration. Radon exhalation rate form the studied granites, marble and dolerite samples varied from 87 ± 26 to 353 ± 36 mBq m?2h?1, 79 ± 25 to 650 ± 42 mBq m?2h?1 and 90 ± 26 to 324 ± 36 mBq m?2h?1, respectively. These decorative stones are therefore used in buildings and for export purposes as the observed radon exhalation values are smaller than that of the EPA recommended-action level.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of indoor radon concentration measurements in 120 dwellings of district Sudhnuti of Azad Kashmir. Measurements were taken with CR-39 passive alpha track detector. CR-39 based box type radon detectors were installed in a bedroom and living rooms of each house. The detectors were retrieved after exposing to indoor radon for period of 6 months and then etched in 6 M NaOH at 80°C for 16 h, the observed track densities were converted in to the indoor radon concentration. Indoor radon concentration varied from 20 ± 12 to 170 ± 4 Bq m−3 for the houses of the district Sudhnuti. Arithmetic mean (AM), geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviations (GSD) were found to be 82 ± 6, 77 ± 6 and 1.51, respectively. The minimum value of weighted average radon concentration was recorded in one of the house of Mang town, whereas the maximum value was found in the Pattan Sher Khan region. Doses due to indoor radon exposure vary from 0.50 ± 0.31 to 4.28 ± 0.11 mSv year−1 AM, GM and GSD. of mean effective doses were found to be 2.06 ± 0.13, 1.95 ± 0.18 and 1.51, respectively. According to the recommendations made by the Health Protection Agency, UK (200 Bq m−3) all the houses surveyed are within the safe limits.  相似文献   

The Reshian-Lamnian area within the Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis in Pakistan is composed mainly of the rocks of the Salkhala, Panjal and Murree formations. Base metal sulfide mineralization in the form of sphalerite and galena with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite is present within the Salkhala Formation of the study area. Chemically all these ore phases are homogeneous in composition. The Pb isotopic composition of galena from the area suggests that there is very little or negligible variation in the ratios of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb. Modal ages ranging from 509 to 562 Ma and the μ values of 10.71 to 10.93 have been calculated for the studied Pb-Zn mineralization. On the basis of field features, mineralogy and Pb-isotope signatures, it is concluded that the Pb-Zn sulfide mineralization in the Reshian-Lamnia area is pre-Himalayan in age and can be correlated with the Cambro-Ordovician (Pan-African) orogenic event.  相似文献   

Water resources in the Algerian South are rare and difficult to reach because they are often too deep. This is the case of Guerrara which is characterized by an annual precipitation average of less than 60 mm. The water supply is warranted from groundwater, frequently too deep and badly known. The main purpose of the present study is to determine the geometry of aquifer from geophysical data. Fourteen vertical electrical soundings covering the total surface area were carried out by using an arrangement of electrodes called “Schlumberger array.” The length of the selected transmission line (AB) was 1,000 m, which allowed a vertical investigation reaching up to 160 m of depth. The analysis of the results shows that the prospected zone is characterized by the succession of layers with different electrical resistivities. A sandstone aquifer characterized by resistivities near 100 Ω m overcoming a limestone aquifer stronger with values that exceed 1,000 Ω m, separated by a conductive layer of clay with average resistivity of 15 Ω m. Distribution map of sandstones thickness shows the structural variations of this horizon allowing an estimation of its hydraulic potential.  相似文献   

The clastic sediments of the Murree Formation of Miocene age are exposed in Jhelum valley areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan. Field observations revealed the cyclic deposition in the Murree Formation. The sandstone, siltstone, and shale constitute a single cycle within the formation. This single unit is divided into five different lithofacies which constitute the Bouma sequence in the Murree Formation. The Murree Formation shows faulted contacts with Panjal Formation and Nagri Formation in the study area. The modal mineralogy data obtained from the petrography of sandstone indicates that sandstone is litharenite and lithic greywacke. The mineralogical and textural data suggests that sandstone is compositionally mature and poorly to moderately sorted. The dominantly angular to sub angular quartz grains show nearness of the source area. Fractured and sutured quartz grain reveals tectonodiagentic changes that occurred in Murree Formation. The sandstone experienced diagenetic changes. The pressure solution and cementation reduced the primary porosity of sandstone. However, alteration of feldspar and fractures in grains have produced secondary porosity. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the shale samples indicates that shale of the Murree Formation is argillaceous and dominated by illite clay mineral. The illite crystallinity values indicate very low grade metamorphism of Murree Formation in core of Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis. The petrographic data suggests that the provenance of sandstone is recycled orogen. Quartz is of igneous and metamorphic origin. Feldspar (albite and microcline) composition suggests its derivation from acidic igneous rocks. The rock fragments of volcanics, slate, phyllite, and schist suggest igneous and metamorphic provenance. The petrographic data suggests that at the time of deposition of Murree Formation, igneous and low grade metamorphic rocks were exposed. However, presence of some clasts of carbonates indicates that sedimentary rocks were also exposed in the source region. The quartz content and clay minerals in the shale revealed that source region was igneous and metamorphic rocks. Cyclic deposition, lithofacies, and various sedimentary structures like cross bedding, ripple marks, and calcite concretions suggest that deposition of Murree Formation occurred in fluviatile environment by meandering river system having decreasing turbidity current.  相似文献   

The presence of groundwater is strongly related to its geological and geohydrological conditions.It is,however,important to study the groundwater potential in an area before it is utilized to provide clean water.Werner-Schlumberger’s method was used to analyze the groundwater potential while hydraulic properties such as soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity were used to determine the quality and ability of the soil to allow water’s movement in the aquifer.The results show that the aquifer in the Sekara and Kemuning Muda is at a depth of more than 6 meters below the ground level with moderate groundwater potential.It is also found that the aquifer at depths of over 60 m have high groundwater potential.Moreover,soil porosity in Kemuning is found to be average while the ability to conduct water was moderate.This makes it possible for some surface water to seep into the soil while the remaining flows to the rivers and ditches.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard study for Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir has been conducted by using probabilistic approach in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) in m/s2 and also seismic hazard response spectra for different cities. A new version of Ambraseys et al. (Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53, 2005) ground acceleration model is used, and parameterization is based on most recent updated earthquake catalogs that consisted of 14,000 events. The threshold magnitude was fixed at M w 4.8, but seismic zones like northern Pakistan–Tajikistan, Hindukush and northern Afghanistan–Tajikistan border had M w 5.2. The average normalized ‘a’ and ‘b’ values for all zones are 6.15 and 0.95, respectively. Seismicity of study area was modeled, and ground motion was computed for eight frequencies (0.025, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 s) for different annual exceedance rates of 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002 and 0.001 (return periods 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 years) for stiff rocks at the gridding of 0.1° × 0.1°. Seismic hazard maps based on computed PGA for 0.02, 0.01 and 0.002 annual exceedance are prepared. These maps indicate the earthquake hazard of Pakistan and surrounding areas in the form of acceleration contour lines, which are in agreement with geological and seismotectonic characteristics of the study area. The maximum seismic hazard values are found at Muzaffarabad, Gilgit and Quetta areas.  相似文献   

The Dhanbad district in Jharkhand faces acute water scarcity and is chronically drought-prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat-5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) data of band 2 and band 4 and false colour composite (FCC) of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, and pediplain, buried pediment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting. The occurrence and movement of groundwater is restricted to the unconsolidated material, weathered and fractured rocks. For the selection of tube well sites, geoelectrical resistivity investigations have been carried out at the sites, which were found suitable based on hydrogeomorphological and hydrogeological studies. Twenty-six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) have been carried out by using Schlumberger electrode configuration, which have brought out 3 to 7 layered sub-surface layers. The resistivity of water-bearing weathered/fractured rocks varies from 120–150 ohm m. The integrated studies have revealed that the blue colour zones are most promising for groundwater exploration and dug wells may be dug up to depths of 30±5m.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples (n = 163) were collected across Kashmir Valley in 2010 to assess the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater in shallow and deep aquifers and its suitability for domestic, agriculture, horticulture, and livestock purposes. The groundwater is generally alkaline in nature. The electrical conductivity (EC) which is an index to represent the total concentration of soluble salts in water was used to measure the salinity hazard to crops as it reflects the TDS in groundwater ranging from 97 to 1385 μS/cm, except one well in Sopore. The average concentration of major ions was higher in shallow aquifers than in deeper aquifers. In general, Ca2+ is the dominant cation and HCO \(_{3}^{-}\) the dominant anion. Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–HCO3, Na–HCO3 were the dominant hydrogeochemical facies. High concentration of HCO3 and pH less than 8.8 clearly indicated that intense chemical weathering processes have taken place in the study area. The groundwater flow pattern in the area follows the local surface topography which not only modifies the hydrogeochemical facies but also controls their distribution. The groundwater in valley flows into four directions, i.e., SW–NE, NE–W, SE-NW and SE–NE directions. The results suggest that carbonate dissolution is the dominant source of major ions followed by silicate weathering and ion-exchange processes. The concentrations of all the major ions determined in the present study are within the permissible limits of WHO and BIS standards. The results of Total Hardness, SAR, Na%, Kelly Index, USDA classification, Magnesium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, and PI suggested that groundwater is good for drinking, livestock, and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

 The natural (electrical) potential (NP) method – also known as self-potential, spontaneous potential and streaming potential (SP) – has been used to locate areas of groundwater flow in karst terrane. NP is the naturally occurring voltage at the ground surface resulting from ambient electrical currents within the earth. The measurement of NP can be used to characterize groundwater flow in karst terrane because electrical potential gradients are generated by the horizontal flow of water along fractures or conduits and the vertical infiltration of water into fractures or shafts. NP data from a site on the Mitchell Plain of southern Indiana, USA, revealed that NP data can be decomposed into three components: topographic effect, residual NP and noise. At this site, NP was inversely proportional to elevation, but the correlation varied with time. The topographic correction factor varied from –2.5 to –1.2 mV/m (NP change per unit elevation increase), with an average linear correlation coefficient (R) of 0.95. Because the site slopes toward an adjacent creek that is the local groundwater discharge zone, one possible explanation for this effect is a streaming-potential mechanism generated by groundwater movement toward the creek. The residual NP data revealed three negative anomalies at the survey area. Two of them coincide with sinkholes. A part of the third anomaly is coincident with a small valley, and concentrated infiltration does occur at this elevation in other valleys at the site, as evidenced by the existence of sinkholes. However, the dispersed, low-magnitude nature of the third anomaly does not prove the existence of concentrated groundwater recharge activity. Received: 18 March 1998 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

The project area lies in the southern part of the Hazara Kashmir syntaxis. The Hazara Kashmir syntaxis is an antiformal structure. The project area includes Rumbli, Namb, Chatrora, Chachan, Panjar, Barathian and Utrinna areas of Rawalpindi and Sudhnoti districts. The southeastern limb of the Hazara Kashmir syntaxis is imbricated along Punjal thrust, Main Boundary thrust and Riasi fault. The Jhelum fault truncates the western limb of Hazara Kashmir syntaxis. The core of syntaxis comprises of Himalayan molasse deposits. These molasse deposits represent the part of cover sequence of Indian plate. These Himalayan molasse deposits include the Early to Middle Miocene Kamlial Formation, Middle to Late Miocene Chinji Formation, Late Miocene Nagri Formation and Late Miocene Dhok Pathan Formation. The area is highly deformed resulting folds and faults. The major folds in the project area are the Panjar anticline, Barathian syncline, Barathian anticline, Rumbli anticline, Chatrora antiformal syncline and Namb syncline. The folds are either northwest-southeast trending or southwestnortheast trending. The folds are asymmetric, open, and gentle and close in nature. The folds are southwest, northeast or southeast vergent. The Jhelum fault truncates the northeast and northwest trending structures. The folds and faults are the result of northeastsouthwest or northwest-southeast Himalayan compression.  相似文献   

Vertical electrical sounding (VES), employing a Schlumberger electrode configuration, was used to investigate the sediments and aquifer repositories in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom state, southern Nigeria. This was done in sixteen (16) locations/communities with the maximum current electrode spread ranging between 800–1000m. The field data were interpreted using forward and iterative least square inversion modeling, which gives a resolution with 3–5 geoelectric layers. The observed frequencies in curve types include 31.25% of AKH, 18.8% of AAK and HK and 6.25% of K, QHK, AKH, KA and KHQ, respectively. These sets of curves show a wide range of variabilities in resistivities between and within the layers penetrated by current. The presence of K and H curve types in the study area indicates the alteration of the geomaterials with limited hydrologic significance to the prolific groundwater repository. A correlation of the constrained nearby borehole lithology logs with the VES results shows that the layers were all sandy formations (fine and well sorted sands to gravelly sands or medium to coarse-grained sands as described by nearby lithology logs) with some wide ranges of electrical resistivity values and thicknesses caused by electrostratigraphic inhomogeneity. The geologic topsoil (motley topsoil) is generally porous and permeable and as such the longitudinal conductance (S) values for the covering/protective layer is generally less than unity of Siemens (S < 1Ω?1), the value considered for efficient protection of the underlying aquifers by the topmost and overlying layer. The spatial orientations and the leveling patterns of the most economically viable potential groundwater repository within the maximum current electrode separations has been delineated in 2-D and 3-D contoured maps. The estimated depth range for the desired groundwater repository is 32.6–113.1m and its average depth value is 74.30m. The thickness of this layer ranges from 27.9–103m while its average depth has been evaluated to be 63.02m. Also, its resistivity range and average value have been estimated to be 507–5612m and 3365.125Ωm  相似文献   

The southern regions of Madagascar have the country’s lowest water supply coverage and are highly vulnerable to drought. Access to potable drinking water is a major challenge for the local population. Chronic droughts lead to annual emergency appeals to save the lives of acute malnourished children. UNICEF’s response consisting in providing potable drinking water through the drilling of boreholes has been challenged by the complex hydrogeology, the low yield of boreholes and high-level salinity of water, the lack of reliable groundwater data and the weak capacity of the drilling sector. These constraints result in a high rate of drilling failure. To improve drilling success and provide more potable drinking water to local communities, it is vital to undertake reliable groundwater investigation.UNICEF Madagascar and the European Union delegation in Madagascar collaborated on the use of satellite imagery to improve sector knowledge and access to safe and clean water for local communities in southern Madagascar. The methodology relies on produce thematic layers of groundwater potential areas. Later, these thematic layers were overlaid with ground-based hydrogeological data to map the groundwater potential zones (GWP) and identify the most suitable sites for borehole siting and drilling. Findings of this study are very encouraging, and the integrated approach used has proven its applicability in mapping groundwater potential areas in the eight drought-affected areas of south Madagascar. The groundwater potential zone map is being used by UNICEF and partners to plan water supply projects and identify the best sites for positioning new boreholes and reduce the likelihood of drilling failure. Additionally, the project developed a database of groundwater resources, which will improve knowledge of the regional hydrogeological context and strengthen the capacity of the water sector. Lessons learnt from this study show that an integration of the groundwater potential zone map with demographics and water demand information will help identifying priority areas for detailed studies. Moreover, a capacity building activity is required for knowledge/technology transfer to the Ministry of Energy, Water and Hydrocarbons (MEEH), allowing the possibility of scaling-up this integrated approach to the rest of Madagascar. Finally, strengthening the capacity of the MEEH and refining this approach as suggested above will certainly help in the pursuit to improve equitable access to safe and clean water for households located in the drought-affected areas of southern Madagascar, allowing them to be more resilient to the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

A large number of valleys and basin systems are present in the northwestern part of the Himalayas in Pakistan which form significant aquifers in the region. Hydrogeophysical investigations in the western part of Nowshera District, a part of the intermontane Peshawar basin, were undertaken to help to determine the availability of groundwater resources in the region. Thirty vertical electrical resistivity soundings (VES) were acquired using a Schlumberger expanding array configuration with a maximum current electrode spacing (AB/2) of 150 m in delineating the groundwater potential in the study area. The results of the interpreted VES data using a combination of curve matching technique and computer iterative modeling methods suggest that the area is underlain by 3 to 5 geo-electric layers. The interpretation results showed that the geo-electrical succession consists of alluvium comprising of alternating layers of clay, silty clay, fine to coarse sands, sand with gravels and gravels of variable thickness. High subsurface resistivity values are correlated with gravel–sand units and low resistivity values with the presence of clays and silts. The modeled VES results were correlated with the pumping tests results and lithological logs of the existing wells. The pumping test suggests the transmissivity of the aquifer sediments is variable corresponding to different sediments within the area. The gravel–sand intervals having high resistivity value show high transmissivity values, whereas clay–silt sediments show low transmissivities. It is concluded that majority of the high resistive gravel–sand sediments belong to an alluvial fan environment. These gravel–sand zones are promising zones for groundwater abstraction which are concentrated in the central part of the study area.  相似文献   

Geoelectrical survey was carried out in the western delta region of River Vasista Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India, for delineation of groundwater prospective zones due to acute shortage of water supply for various purposes. Forty-six vertical electrical soundings (VES) were done, employing the Schlumberger configuration with a maximum AB/2 of 160 m. The interpreted results of VES show four to five layers with variable thicknesses, such as topsoil zone (1.5–3 m), clay zone (0.84–32 m), finer sand zone (2–72 m), medium to coarse sand zone (4 to 28.8 m) and clay zone (1.2–∞ m), indicating a multi-aquifer system. These results are corroborated with the known lithologs of the study area. Further, the resistivity is also compared with electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater observed nearby shallow wells representing buried channel (BC), flood plain (FP) and coastal (C) zones, which indicate slightly brackish to brackish water (EC: 1470–6010 µS/cm), whereas the groundwater observed from deep wells shows the fresh (EC: 726–1380 µS/cm), fresh to brackish (EC: 1010 to 3250 µS/cm), and brackish water (EC: 3020 to 4170 µS/cm) located in BC, FP and C zones, respectively. This survey reveals the prospective aquifer zones with potable water at VES locations of 4–6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16–28, 33–36, 39 and 42–44, where the resistivity values vary from 10 to 40 Ω m. The slightly brackish and brackish water zones are also observed from the resistivity of less than 10 Ω m at shallow depth in BC (VES-22, 37, 38 and 46), FP (VES-1, 2, 7, 29, 30 and 40) and C (VES-3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32, 41 and 45) zones. As a result, the present investigation has delineated the freshwater zones at shallow (<?12 m) and also at deeper depths (30–45 m) as prospective areas, where BC zone occurs. Freshwater pockets also identified in FP (VES-8 and 39) and C (VES-11, 14 and 15) zones. Thus, this study helps to solve the drinking and irrigation water problems.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this research work to evaluate the concentration of nitrate in groundwater and its management in Apple town and its environs. Groundwater pollution has been reported in many aquifers because of high concentration of nitrate in ground water, which is the result of excessive use of fertilizers to cropland. Systematic sampling was done, with a view to understand the source of nitrate concentration in the study area. Fifteen sample sites were selected and the samples were taken for a baseline study to understand the geochemistry of the study area and to assess its physicochemical characteristics. The water quality parameters were investigated for summer (May, 2007) and winter (December, 2007) seasons and were compared with the standard values given by ICMR / WHO. The hydrochemical data of 15 samples indicates that the concentration of almost all parameters fall within the permissible limits except nitrate. Linear Trend Analysis on seasonal and annual basis clearly depicted that nitrate pollution in the study area is increasing significantly. About 85% of samples during summer season and 67% of the samples during winter season were showing a high concentration of nitrate, exceeding permissible limit of WHO (50 mg/l), which is due to the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the study area. Appropriate methods for improving the water quality and its management in the affected areas have been suggested.  相似文献   

Integrated geoelectrical resistivity, hydrochemical and soil property analysis methods were used to study the groundwater characteristics of sandy soils within a shallow aquifer in the agriculture area, Machang. A pilot test investigation was done prior to the main investigation. The area was divided into two sites. Test-Site 1 is non-fertilized; Test-Site 2 is the former regularly fertilized site. From the surface to depths of 75 cm, a lower average resistivity was obtained in Test-Site 2 (around 0.37 less than in Test-Site 1). The presence of nitrate and chloride contents in pore water reduced the resistivity values despite the low moisture content. The pH values for the whole area range from 4.11 to 6.88, indicating that the groundwater is moderately to slightly acidic. In the southern region, concentration of nitrate is considered to be high (>20 mg/l), while it is nearly zero in the northern region. In the south, the soil properties are similar. However, the geoelectrical model shows lower resistivity values (around 18 Ω m) at the sites with relatively high nitrate concentration in the groundwater (>20 mg/l). Conversely, the sites with low nitrate concentration reveal the resistivity values to be higher (>35 Ω m). Basement and groundwater potential maps are generated from the interpolation of an interpreted resistivity model. The areas that possibly have nitrate-contaminated groundwater have been mapped along with groundwater flow patterns. The northern part of the area has an east to west groundwater flow pattern, making it impossible for contaminated water from the southern region to enter, despite the northern area having a lower elevation.  相似文献   

The valley of Kashmir is blessed with abundant water resources. However, high population growth and concentration of population at favorable locations have resulted in increased demand for water. The problem is further aggravated in Lidder catchment where unplanned tourism development has resulted in deterioration of water quality. Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach is adopted using IRS P6 LISS III satellite data 2010, geological map published by Geological Survey of India, toposheets prepared by Survey of India, 1961 and field observation. Seven thematic layers (slope, lineament density, drainage density, soil, geology, geomorphology and land use land cover) are generated in GIS environment and weighted according to their relative relevance to groundwater occurrence. Knowledge-based weights and ranks are normalized, and a weighted linear combination technique is adopted to determine the groundwater potential (GWP). The catchment is divided into five zones of very high, high, medium, low and very low GWP. The results show that 50.22% of the total catchment area, which is uninhabited, has very low GWP. However, the densely populated southern part of the catchment has moderate to very high GWP. The study demonstrates that MCE using remote sensing and GIS technology could be efficiently employed as a very useful tool for the assessment and management of groundwater resources especially in regions where data is poor.  相似文献   

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