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The exploration of new locations for possible groundwater potentiality is required to support the needs of urban and agricultural activities in arid regions such as Wadi Watir basin. The aim of this study is to locate new groundwater wells that can help overcome the water shortage. In order to define favorable zones for groundwater potentiality, several essential factors contributing to groundwater potentiality were identified. These factors include textural classification of alluvial deposits, lithological units, surface and subsurface structures, topographic parameters, geomorphological features and land use/land cover. A hydrogeological prospective model was developed using spatial data which represent these factors. For final groundwater potential map, all factors were converted to raster data to integrate spatially as important thematic layers based on weightage analysis. The groundwater potential map was classified to five classes including very poor to very good potential. The classes of groundwater potential map were checked against the distribution of the groundwater wells, Bedouin communities and agriculture areas, which present a general knowledge of groundwater potential in the study area.  相似文献   

An attempt to carry out morphometric, statistical, and hazard analyses using ASTER data and GIS technique of Wadi El-Mathula watershed, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Morphometric analysis with application of GIS technique is essential to delineate drainage networks; basin geometry, drainage texture, and relief characteristics, through detect forty morphometric parameters of the study watershed and its sub-basins. Extract new drainage network map with DEM, sub-basin boundaries, stream orders, drainage networks, slope, drainage density, flow direction maps with more details is very necessary to analyze different morphometric and hydrologic applications for the study basin. Statistical analysis of morphometric parameters was done through cluster analysis, regression equations, and correlation coefficient matrix. Clusters analyses detect three independents variables which are stream number, basin area, and stream length have a very low linkage distance of 0.001 (at very high similarity of 99.95%) in a cluster with the basin width. Main channel length and basin perimeter (at very high similarity of 99.83%) are in a cluster with basin length. Using the regression equations and graphical correlation matrix indicates the mathematical relationships and helps to predict the behavior between any two variables. Hazard analysis and hazard degree assessment for each sub-basin were performed. The hazardous factors were detected and concluded that most of sub-basins are classified as moderately to highly hazardous. Finally, we recommended that the flood possibilities should be taken in consideration during future development of these areas.  相似文献   

Wadi Feiran is an important drainage basin in southern Sinai Peninsula covering an area of about 1785 \(\hbox {km}^{2}\), its streams drain into the Gulf of Suez crossing variety of rocks and sedimentary units varied in age from Precambrian to Quaternary. Field investigations, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing studies including Landsat-7 ETM+, Radarsat-1, and SRTM DEM were integrated to reveal its lithologic, geologic and geomorphic features. Besides the field investigations, rock units including basement and pre- and syn-rift sedimentary units were discriminated using band ratios and principal component analysis techniques (PCA). Such techniques revealed that the crystalline rocks covering W. Feiran are unaltered rocks lacking OH-bearing minerals. Radar data successfully displayed the structures and geomorphic features related to topography. Moreover, the techniques allowed the extraction of the dyke-like structures along faults and shear zones. This also characterized the topographic variations through analysis of the shaded terrain and the altitudinal profiles. The results of data integration, lineament analysis and lineament density maps revealed that the structural grain in the present study has four different trends: N20–45E, N30–45W, N–S and E–W. Based on analysis of radar data and geomorphic indices, W. Feiran is an asymmetrical basin, its left side occupies \(\sim \)34% of the total area that leads to a supposedly massive tilt towards the south which caused the southwestward slope.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Floods represent catastrophic environmental hazards that have a significant impact on the environment and human life and their activities. Environmental and water management in...  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Many parts of Upper Egypt as Sinai and Red Sea areas were hit by severe flash floods since 1976. Wadi Qena is considered one of the most watersheds that suffers from floods in Red...  相似文献   

A classification approach has been implemented in the present work by integrating traditional water sample analysis methods and Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities in order to classify zones with acceptable groundwater quality for drinking. GIS extrapolation capabilities with their multi-conditional layering facilities were integrated together in order to assess in the determination of areas suitable for drinking purposes. This technique was implemented in Wadi Rabigh, Western Saudi Arabia, due to its significance as one of the most promising areas in the Western Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, owing to the establishment of King Abdullah Commercial City and King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) nearby. Results show that only a limited area in the aquifer can be used for domestic purposes. This area is located in two separate patches in the upstream part of the aquifer while most of the aquifer water is categorized as brackish which might be used for agriculture purposes to a certain extent. The downstream area of the aquifer is very saline due to sea water intrusion effect.  相似文献   

To increase the potentiality of development and land reclamation activities, the Egyptian government funds the construction of a new desert road in Upper Egypt. This road connects Upper Egypt with the Red Sea Governorate. Surrounding the road is 207,000 acres of land surface which is almost flat and suitable for reclamation. To ensure the sustainability of the proposed development surrounding the road, analyses of the morphometric parameters, infiltration test and the grain size distribution, geoelectrical and hydrogeological investigations were conducted in the area. The results indicated a possibility of flash flood hazards and poor drainage condition for land reclamation activities is expected. The hydrogeological and geoelectrical investigations revealed that the unconfined Quaternary and confined Nubian Sandstone aquifers are the main aquifers in the area. The depths to water in the two aquifers range from 18 to 36 and 80 to 300 m with an average thickness of 40 and 275 m, respectively. The aquifers are made of sands and silt with clay intercalations. The total dissolved solids of water ranges between 1,700 and 5,400 mg/L, whereas the sodium absorption ratio ranges between 7 and 30 meq/L, indicating the suitability of water for irrigating medium- to high-salt-tolerant crops with proper drainage facilities. Thus, water in this area is not suitable for domestic use. Based on hydrogeological equations, the available water for extraction from the aquifers in the area is about 17.195?×?109 m3, and this volume is not feasible to reclaim the whole proposed area for reclamation. Meanwhile, it may be possible to water small farms (not more than 60,000 acres for 50 years). Surface water source should be considered for the sustainability development of the area.  相似文献   

Drilling information, historical water table levels, groundwater salinity records of the existing water wells in Wadi Al Bih area, United Arab Emirates, were stored in a geodatabase and used to characterize the geological and hydrogeological settings of this area. A 2D earth resistivity imaging survey was conducted for the first time in the Northern UAE to determine the potential of the Quaternary aquifer and its groundwater quality in the areas where there are no monitoring wells. The results of the chemical analyses of the collected groundwater samples together with the inversion results of the resistivity data were used to draw a total salinity map and determine the spatial variations in groundwater quality. The inversion results of the 2D earth resistivity imaging data indicated that the Quaternary aquifer in the study area is in a good connection with the underlying carbonate aquifer. It also indicated that the carbonate aquifer is of major regional and vertical extension and it contains the fresh water in this area. The data stored in the developed database were used to produce different types of geopotential maps.  相似文献   

The main target of this research paper was to the hydrogeological assessment of the groundwater resources to irrigate 600 ha of irrigable agricultural lands, distributed along the Dead Sea–Aqaba Highway in Umm, Methla, Wadi Musa, Qa’ Saideen and Rahma, southern Jordan. Therefore, a comprehensive groundwater study was commenced by drilling eight new wells which can be used to supply irrigable areas with the existing groundwater that would be enriched by the yield of three proposed recharge dams on Wadi Musa, Wadi Abu-Burqa, and Wadi Rahma. The evaluation of the pumping test data of the drilled was carried out using the standard methods of pumping test interpretation. This was based on the available water table measurements at well locations and knowledge of water flow in the general. The sustainable yield of each well was calculated based on the pumping test parameters. The obtained results indicate that pumping out of Beer Mathkor wells should not exceed 1,100 m3/day in the case of continuous pumping and 8,700 m3/day in the case of intermittent pumping. Since the water table did not significantly change with small changes in pumping (it took eightfolds of magnitude increase in pumping from approximately 1,100 to 8,700 m3/day to show a significant drop in the water table equivalent to about 5.5 MCM per year from the aquifer.  相似文献   

Eighteen echinoid species (seven regular and eleven irregular) belonging to twelve genera have been described from the Turonian-Santonian succession of two sections located in the northern part of Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert. The diversity of the recorded species is low in the Turonian (six species), but comparatively high in the Coniacian-Santonian (twelve species). Of the recorded species, Most of these species (72%) are recorded for the first time from Wadi Qena area, one left in open nomenclature, Mecaster sp., represents a new species, and two, Phymosoma microtuberculatum and Thylechinus (T.) said, represent new records for Egypt. The taxonomic rank of Parapygus sudrensis has been changed. Phymosoma microtuberculatum which is known from the ‘Senonian’ of southwest Europe is recorded herein in the lower Turonian. Two echinoid assemblage zones are recognizable in each of the studied two sections. They are correlated with other fossil assemblage zones in Egypt. Faunal affinity and paleobiogeography of the species are discussed. A new arrangement of apical disc plating in spatangoids is described and discussed.  相似文献   

The current research has been conducted to evaluate groundwater aquifers qualitatively in the area located in the Western side of Qena city. The Quaternary aquifer represents the main groundwater source in the study area. It exists under unconfined to semiconfined conditions at depths varying between 4 m due North and 80 m in the South. The chemical analyses of the groundwater samples indicate that 77% of the total samples are fresh and 20% are brackish, while only 3% are saline. In addition, the iso-salinity contour map indicates that the salinity increases towards the central and northern parts of the study area. The total and permanent hardness increase as water salinity increases and vice versa in case of temporary hardness in the groundwater samples. The chemical water types and the ion ratios indicate meteoric origin of groundwater as well as the dissolution of terrestrial and marine salts. The contribution of recent recharge from the River Nile to a few groundwater wells in the study area varies from low to high. In addition, the most recharge sources are from the precipitation. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater increase towards the central and Northern areas significantly elevated in response to increasing anthropogenic land uses. Much of the solutes and physicochemical parameters in these waters are under the undesirable limits of World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking purpose, and a plot of sodium adsorption ratio versus EC shows that about 23% of the groundwater samples are good water quality, about 45% of groundwater samples are moderate quality, and 23% of the groundwater samples are intermediate water class, while the rest of samples (9%) are out of the range.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater is important for sustainable development and effective management of the groundwater resource. Fifty-six groundwater samples were collected from shallow tube wells of the intensively cultivated southern part of district Bathinda of Punjab, India, during pre- and post-monsoon seasons. Conventional graphical plots were used to define the geochemical evaluation of aquifer system based on the ionic constituents, water types, hydrochemical facies and factors controlling groundwater quality. Negative values of chloroalkaline indices suggest the prevalence of reverse ion exchange process irrespective of the seasons. A significant effect of monsoon is observed in terms chemical facies as a considerable amount of area with temporary hardness of Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ? type in the pre-monsoon switched to Ca2+–Mg2+–Cl? type (18%) followed by Na+–HCO3 ? type (14%) in the post-monsoon. Evaporation is the major geochemical process controlling the chemistry of groundwater process in pre-monsoon; however, in post-monsoon ion exchange reaction dominates over evaporation. Carbonate weathering is the major hydrogeochemical process operating in this part of the district, irrespective of the season. The abundance of Ca2+ + Mg2+ in groundwater of Bathinda can be attributed mainly to gypsum and carbonate weathering. Silicate weathering also occurs in a few samples in the post-monsoon in addition to the carbonate dissolution. Water chemistry is deteriorated by land-use activities, especially irrigation return flow and synthetic fertilisers (urea, gypsum, etc.) as indicted by concentrations of nitrate, sulphate and chlorides. Overall, results indicate that different natural hydrogeochemical processes such as simple dissolution, mixing, weathering of carbonate minerals locally known as ‘‘kankar’’ and silicate weathering are the key factors in both seasons.  相似文献   

The Wadi Watir delta in the Wadi Watir watershed is a tourist area in the arid southeastern part of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, where development and growth of the community on the delta are constrained by the amount of groundwater that can be withdrawn sustainably. To effectively manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta, the origin of groundwater recharge, groundwater age, and changes in groundwater chemistry in the watershed needs to be understood. Mineral identification, rock chemistry, water chemistry, and the isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon in groundwater were used to identify the sources, mixing, and ages of groundwater in the watershed and the chemical evolution of groundwater as it flows from the upland areas in the watershed to the developed areas at the Wadi Watir delta. Groundwater in the Wadi Watir watershed is primarily from recent recharge while groundwater salinity is controlled by mixing of chemically different waters and dissolution of minerals and salts in the aquifers. The El Shiekh Attia and Wadi El Ain areas in the upper Wadi Watir watershed have different recharge sources, either from recharge from other areas or from different storm events. The downgradient Main Channel area receives groundwater flow primarily from the El Shiekh Attia area. Groundwater in the Main Channel area is the primary source of groundwater supplying the aquifers of the Wadi Watir delta.  相似文献   

The present study represents an application of the 2D homogeneous function method to investigate the near-surface groundwater potentiality to the east of Qena town, Egypt. The homogeneous function automatically inverts first arrival refractions to derive a 2D velocity distribution, which involves seismic boundaries. A complex set of observed refracted traveltimes along four seismic profiles (12 spreads) is used to construct refraction velocity field section and structural section. Such sections allow viewing the complex layered structure and delineating its boundaries and faults. The interpreted geoseismic layers were traced, according to their own gradients and velocity ranges. The resultant models were successful in fulfilling the proposed objective, as they provide: (1) the required details on the delineation of the subsurface layers, where three geoseismic layers with different ranges of velocities were detected; (2) determination of the thickness and the inversion boundary of water-bearing layer; and (3) detection of normal and reverse faults with displacement of about 10–40 m and variable dipping directions. The obtained result was found to be completely compatible with the information gained from identified boundaries of the nearby borehole.  相似文献   

Application of geographic information systems and remote sensing are a powerful tool for the assessment of risk and management of flood hazards. By using these techniques to extract new drainage network with more details to prepare natural hazard maps which may help decision makers and planners to put suitable solutions reducing the impact of these hazards. Ras Sudr city and surrounding area had been attacked by flash floods of Wadi Sudr and Wadi Wardan which are nearly perpendicular to the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, and many infrastructures had destroyed. GIS techniques and remote sensing are used to find the interrelation between the morphometric parameters by using statistical correlation to determine the area under varying flood conditions. The results of morphometric parameters and the new data of last flood which occurred on 17-18th January 2010 indicate that the two basins are threatened by the risk of flash floods and Wadi Wardan is more risky than Wadi Sudr.  相似文献   

The study area, the Fasa Plain, is situated in the semiarid region of Fars Province in the south of Iran. The Salloo diapir is a salt dome that crops out in the northwest of the study area. Isotopic and hydrochemical analyses were used to examine the water and how the origin of salinity and the diapir affect the quality of the groundwater quality in the study area. Groundwater was sampled from 31 representative pumping wells in alluvial aquifer and five springs in order to measure their stable isotope compositions, bromide ion concentration, and physical and chemical parameters. The alluvial aquifer was organized into two main groups based on the chemistry, with Group 1 consisting of low-salinity well samples (544–1744 µS/cm) with water type Ca–Mg–HCO3–SO4 which were taken in the center and north of the area, and Group 2 consisting of high-salinity samples (2550–4620 µS/cm) with water type Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 which were taken from the wells in the south and southwest of the area. A saline spring near the salt dome with an EC of 10,280 µS/cm has water type Na–Cl, while the compositions of the water in the other karstic springs is comparable to the fresh groundwater samples. All groundwater samples are undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite, and halite and are supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. Stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) differentiated four water types: saline springs, freshwater spring, fresh groundwater, and saline groundwater. The results indicate that meteoric water is the main origin of these water resources. Halite dissolution from the salt dome was identified as the origin of salinity. The Na/Cl and Cl/Br ratios confirmed the results. Groundwater compositions in the southwestern part of the area are affected by the intrusion of saltwater from the salt dome. The average saltwater fraction in the some water wells is about 0.2%. In the south and southwestern part of the area, the saltwater fraction is positive in mixed freshwater/saltwater (Group 2). Different processes interact together to change the hydrochemical properties of Fasa’s alluvial aquifer. The main processes that occur in the aquifer are mixing, gypsum dissolution, and calcite precipitation.  相似文献   

The groundwater in Wadi Queh exists in two main hydrogeological units; fractured Precambrian basement and sedimentary rocks with high contribution for groundwater recharge. To study the impacts of phosphate mining activities on the groundwater quality in the area, three groundwater samples that represent all water wells in the area were collected and analysed for major ions and some heavy metals. In addition, three bulk samples representing the phosphatic sediments collected from upstream and downstream of the drainage basin were collected and analysed to understand the source of groundwater contamination. The total concentrations of dissolved solids suggest that the groundwater in the area grades from fresh to brackish water (961–1,580 mg/l), and is characterized by sodium–calcium–sulphate–chloride and sodium–magnesium–sulphate–chloride chemical types. The results showed high concentrations of the heavy metals in well nos. 1 and 2 in downstream parts compared to well no. 3 in upstream part reflecting their influence by the mining activities.  相似文献   

South Sinai Governorate acts as one of the most vital regions in Egypt for its location and natural resources. This governorate has a special economic importance to increase the national income due to its tourism expansion and petroleum. The fresh water is transferred from Cairo through pipelines to cover the demands of local inhabitants in the north Sinai governorate and the capital city of south Sinai governorate. The groundwater exploration and exploitation in this area have a great importance to cover the need of water for the different activities (tourism, petroleum, and agriculture) and to achieve a maximum development in this region. Therefore, the present study deals with using the different geophysical exploration techniques (magnetic, geoelectrical resistivity and shallow refraction seismic) to detect the groundwater aquifer or aquifers in the area between latitudes 27°52′ and 28°05′?N and longitudes 33°55′ and 34°05′?E. in southwestern Sinai—Egypt. The main results of these tools are the maximum depth to the basement surface 180 m and structure elements which affected on this area are represented by a number of normal faults have a trends (NNW–SSE and ENE–WSW) making two grabens isolated by one horst. Tariff Sandstone bed recorded as water-bearing formation and the basement ridge gates in the gulf direction are not capable to pass the ground water from the study area to the Gulf of Suez. Finally, the best locations for drilling groundwater wells were selected from the decision map which generated by using the GIS technique.  相似文献   

Fluoride contamination in groundwater resources of Alleppey,southern India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alleppey is one of the thickly populated coastal towns of the Kerala state in southern India.Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the 240,991 people living in this region.The groundwater is being extracted from a multi-layer aquifer system of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sedimentary formations,which range in age from Recent to Tertiary.The public water distribution system uses dug and tube wells.Though there were reports on fluoride contamination,this study reports for the first time excess fluoride and excess salinity in the drinking water of the region.The quality parameters,like Electrical Conductivity(EC) ranges from 266 to 3900 μs/cm,the fluoride content ranges from 0.68 to2.88 mg/L,and the chloride ranges between the 5.7 to 1253 mg/L.The main water types are Na-HC03,NaCO_3 and Na-Cl.The aqueous concentrations of F~- and CO_3~(2-) show positive correlation whereas F~- and Ca~(2+) show negative correlation.The source of fluoride in the groundwater could be from dissolution of fluorapatite,which is a common mineral in the Tertiary sediments of the area.Long residence time,sediment-groundwater interaction and facies changes(Ca-HCO_3 to Na-HCO_3) during groundwater flow regime are the major factors responsible for the high fluoride content in the groundwater of the area.High strontium content and high EC in some of the wells indicate saline water intrusion that could be due to the excess pumping from the deeper aquifers of the area.The water quality index computation has revealed that 62%of groundwater belongs to poor quality and is not suitable for domestic purposes as per BIS and WHO standards.Since the groundwater is the only source of drinking water in the area,proper treatment strategies and regulating the groundwater extraction are required as the quality deterioration poses serious threat to human health.  相似文献   

Dykes predominate within the Neoproterozoic rocks, especially granites, of Wadi El Redi-Wadi Lahami area in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The dyke swarms form three major suites: from the oldest to the youngest, they are basaltic andesite—Suite 1 (E-W and ENE-WSW), rhyolite—Suite 2 (NE-SW), and andesite—Suite 3 (NNE-SSW, NNW-SSE, and NW-SE). Despite the wide ranges of the dyke compositions, the feldspar and amphibole are usually the essential forming minerals. The plagioclase arrays between Ab0.9An99.10 in the basaltic andesite and Ab98.80An0.70 in the rhyolite, while sanidine ranges from Or44.60Ab49.70 to Or98.40Ab1.60. Amphibole in Suite 1 and 3 (Al2O3, TiO2, Na2O, and K2O are the lowest and those of SiO2 and CaO are the highest) samples are usually magnesio-hornblende, whereas it is edenite and tschermakite in Suite 2 dykes. Despite all parent magmas have calc-alkaline affinity, some elements such as Ni show an erratic behavior against the progressing differentiation from one magma chamber and implying for an assimilation of the country rocks. The high contents of amphibole, the depletion in Ti, and the enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (such as K, Rb, Ba, Sr, and Ba) compared to the primitive mantle composition are consistent with parent hydrous melts generated due to extension above the subduction zone. The estimated compositions of liquids in equilibrium with amphiboles and the pressures at which they crystallized (4.61–7.8 kbar for the Suite 2 and 1.5–2 kbar for the Suites 1 and 3) are greatly varied. These are indications for a difference in the source regions of the parent magmas of the studied dykes. It is supposed that the Suite 1 and 2 dykes are a conjugate set emplaced due to the NW-SE crustal extension in the Arabian-Nubian shield, whereas the Suite 3 dykes generated due to the rifting along the Red Sea.  相似文献   

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