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Mass exchange between debris flow and the bed plays a vital role in debris flow dynamics. Here a depth‐averaged two‐phase model is proposed for debris flows over erodible beds. Compared to previous depth‐averaged two‐phase models, the present model features a physical step forward by explicitly incorporating the mass exchange between the flow and the bed. A widely used closure model in fluvial hydraulics is employed to estimate the mass exchange between the debris flow and the bed, and an existing relationship for bed entrainment rate is introduced for comparison. Also, two distinct closure models for the bed shear stresses are evaluated. One uses the Coulomb friction law and Manning's equation to determine the solid and fluid resistances respectively, while the other employs an analytically derived formula for the solid phase and the mixing length approach for the fluid phase. A well‐balanced numerical algorithm is applied to solve the governing equations of the model. The present model is first shown to reproduce average sediment concentrations in steady and uniform debris flows over saturated bed as compared to an existing formula underpinned by experimental datasets. Then, it is demonstrated to perform rather well as compared to the full set of USGS large‐scale experimental debris flows over erodible beds, in producing debris flow depth, front location and bed deformation. The effects of initial conditions on debris flow mass and momentum gain are resolved by the present model, which explicitly demonstrates the roles of the wetness, porosity and volume of bed sediments in affecting the flow. By virtue of extended modeling cases, the present model produces debris flow efficiency that, as revealed by existing observations and empirical relations, increases with initial volume, which is enhanced by mass gain from the bed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debris flows can grow greatly in size by entrainment of bed material, enhancing their runout and hazardous impact. Here, we experimentally investigate the effects of debris‐flow composition on the amount and spatial patterns of bed scour and erosion downstream of a fixed to erodible bed transition. The experimental debris flows were observed to entrain bed particles both grain by grain and en masse, and the majority of entrainment was observed to occur during passage of the flow front. The spatial bed scour patterns are highly variable, but large‐scale patterns are largely similar over 22.5–35° channel slopes for debris flows of similar composition. Scour depth is generally largest slightly downstream of the fixed to erodible bed transition, except for clay‐rich debris flows, which cause a relatively uniform scour pattern. The spatial variability in the scour depth decreases with increasing water, gravel (= grain size) and clay fraction. Basal scour depth increases with channel slope, flow velocity, flow depth, discharge and shear stress in our experiments, whereas there is no correlation with grain collisional stress. The strongest correlation is between basal scour and shear stress and discharge. There are substantial differences in the scour caused by different types of debris flows. In general, mean and maximum scour depths become larger with increasing water fraction and grain size, and decrease with increasing clay content. However, the erodibility of coarse‐grained experimental debris flows (gravel fraction = 0.64) is similar on a wide range of channel slopes, flow depths, flow velocities, discharges and shear stresses. This probably relates to the relatively large influence of grain‐collisional stress to the total bed stress in these flows (30–50%). The relative effect of grain‐collisional stress is low in the other experimental debris flows (<5%), causing erosion to be largely controlled by basal shear stress. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method to predict the runout of debris flows is presented. A data base of documented sediment‐transporting events in torrent catchments of Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy has been compiled, using common classification techniques. With this data we test an empirical approach between planimetric deposition area and event volume, and compare it with results from other studies. We introduce a new empirical relation to determine the mobility coefficient as a function of geomorphologic catchment parameters. The mobility coefficient is thought to reflect some of the flow properties during the depositional part of the debris‐flow event. The empirical equations are implemented in a geographical information system (GIS) based simulation program and combined with a simple flow routing algorithm, to determine the potential runout area covered by debris‐flow deposits. For a given volume and starting point of the deposits, a Monte‐Carlo technique is used to produce flow paths that simulate the spreading effect of a debris flow. The runout zone is delineated by confining the simulated potential spreading area in the down slope direction with the empirically determined planimetric deposition area. The debris‐flow volume is then distributed over the predicted area according to the calculated outflow probability of each cell. The simulation uses the ARC‐Objects environment of ESRI© and is adapted to run with high resolution (2·5 m × 2·5 m) digital elevation models, generated for example from LiDAR data. The simulation program called TopRunDF is tested with debris‐flow events of 1987 and 2005 in Switzerland. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many Alpine catchments the monitoring and hazard mitigation of debris‐flow events require enormous economic and social resources. To confront these problems, a subjective estimation of the most hazardous zones of the basin could be useful in the best, sustainable planning of protective measures. In this paper, a new methodology is proposed that develops a Management Priority Index (MPI) to rank sediment source areas by their quantitative capability to deliver debris‐flow volumes to a point of interest within the catchment. The MPI sets the intervention priority based on a combination of three sub‐indicators: a susceptibility indicator evaluating the overall catchment predisposition to generate debris flow, a triggering indicator and a volume budget indicator assessing the rate of deliverable volume to a selected outlet. MPI was applied to the basin of the Rio Gadria catchment (Venosta Valley, Bolzano, Italy), an alpine basin with an unlimited sediment supply that is characterized by multiple, very active, shallow landslides and bare soil zones. The proposed ranking method was successfully verified using post‐event surveys and through evidence from consolidation check dams built over many years in the basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The debris deposits at the bottom of very steep natural channels and streams in high mountain areas can be mobilized by runoff, triggering a water–sediment mixture flow known as debris flow. The routing of debris flow through human settlements can cause damage to civil structures and loss of human lives. The prediction of such an event, or the runoff discharge that triggers it, assumes an interest in risk analyses and the planning of defence measures. The object of this study is to find a method to determine the critical runoff value that triggers debris flow as a result of channel‐bed failure. Historical and rainfall data on 30 debris flows that occurred in six watersheds of the Dolomites (north‐eastern Italian Alps) were collected from different sources. Field investigations at the six sites, together with the hydrologic response to the rainfalls that triggered the events, were performed to obtain a realistic scenario of the formation of the debris flow there occurred. Field observations include a survey along the channel of the triggering reach of debris flow, with measurements of the channel slope and cross‐section and sampling of debris deposits for grain size distribution. Simulated runoff discharge values based on the rainfall recorded by pluviometers were then compared with values obtained through experimental criteria on the initiation and formation of debris flow by bed failure. The results are discussed to provide a plausible physical‐based method for the prediction of the triggering of debris flow by channel‐bed failure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Dolomitic region, abundant coarse hillslope sediment is commonly found at the toe of rocky cliffs. Ephemeral channels originate where lower permeability bedrock surfaces concentrate surface runoff. Debris flows initiate along such channels following intense rainfall and determine the progressive erosion and deepening of the channels. Sediment recharge mechanisms include rock fall, dry ravel processes and channel-bank failures. Here we document debris flow activity that took place in an active debris flow basin during the year 2015. The Cancia basin is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Antelao (3264 m a.s.l.) in the dolomitic region of the eastern Italian Alps. The 2.5 km2 basin is incised in dolomitic limestone rocks. The data consist of repeated topographic surveys, distributed rainfall measurements, time-lapse (2 s) videos of two events and pore pressure measurements in the channel bed. During July and August 2015, two debris flow events occurred, following similarly intense rainstorms. We compared rainfall data to existing rainfall triggering thresholds and simulated the hydrological response of the headwater catchment with a distributed model in order to estimate the total and peak water discharge. Our data clearly illustrate how debris entrainment along the channel is the main contributor to the overall mobilized volume and that erosion is dominant when the channel slope exceeds 16°. Further downstream, sediment accumulation and depletion occurred alternately for the two successive events, indicating that sediment availability along the channel also influences the flow behaviour along the prevailing-transport reach. The comparison between monitoring data, topographical analysis and hydrological simulation allows the estimation of the average solid concentration of the two events and suggests that debris availability has a significant influence on the debris flow volume. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme rainfall in June 1949 and November 1985 triggered numerous large debris flows on the steep slopes of North Fork Mountain, eastern West Virginia. Detailed mapping at four sites and field observations of several others indicate that the debris flows began in steep hillslope hollows, propagated downslope through the channel system, eroded channel sediment, produced complex distributions of deposits in lower gradient channels, and delivered sediment to floodwaters beyond the debris-flow termini. Based on the distribution of deposits and eroded surfaces, up to four zones were identified with each debris flow: an upper failure zone, a middle transport/erosion zone, a lower deposition zone, and a sediment-laden floodwater zone immediately downstream from the debris-flow terminus. Geomorphic effects of the debris flows in these zones are spatially variable. The initiation of debris flows in the failure zones and passage through the transport/erosion zones are characterized by degradation; 2300 to 17 000 m3 of sediment was eroded from these zones. The total volume of channel erosion in the transport/erosion zones was 1·3 to 1·5 times greater than the total volume of sediment that initially failed, indicating that the debris flows were effective erosion agents as they travelled through the transport/erosion zones. The overall response in the deposition zones was aggradation. However, up to 43 per cent of the sediment delivered to these zones was eroded by floodwaters from joining tributaries immediately after debris-flow deposition. This sediment was incorporated into floodwaters downstream from the debris-flow termini causing considerable erosion and deposition in these channels. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous morphological changes can occur where two channels of distinct sediment and flow regimes meet, including abrupt shifts in channel slope, cross‐sectional area, planform style, and bed sediment size along the receiving channel. Along the Rio Chama between El Vado and Abiquiu Dams, northern New Mexico, arroyo tributaries intermittently deliver sediment from erodible sandstone and shale canyon walls to the mainstem channel. Much of the tributary activity occurs in flash floods and debris flows during summer thunderstorms, which often load the channel with sand and deposit coarser material at the mainstem confluence. In contrast, mainstem channel flow is dominated by snowmelt runoff. To examine tributary controls, we systematically collected cross‐section elevation and bed sediment data upstream and downstream of 26 tributary confluences along a 17 km reach. Data from 203 cross‐sections were used to build a one‐dimensional hydraulic model for comparing estimated channel parameters at bankfull and low‐flow conditions at these sites As compared to intermediate reaches, confluences primarily impact gradient and bed sediment size, reducing both parameters upstream of confluences and increasing them downstream. Cross‐section area is also slightly elevated above tributary confluences and reduced below. Major shifts in slope and bed sediment size at confluences appear to drive variations in sediment entrainment and transport capacity and the relative storage of sand along the channel bed. The data were analyzed and compared to models of channel organization based on lateral inputs, such as the Network Variance Model and the Sediment Link Concept. At a larger scale, hillslope ? channel coupling increases in the downstream third of the study reach, where the canyon narrows, resulting in steeper slopes and more continuous coarse bed material along the mainstem, and thus, limiting the contrast with tributary confluences. However, channel form and sediment characteristics are highly variable along the study reach, reflecting variations in the size and volume of sediment inputs related to the surface geology in tributary watersheds, morphology of the Rio Chama at the junction (i.e. bends, confinement), and the relative magnitude and location of past depositional events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tam Pokhari glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), which occurred in 1998 in the Mt. Everest region of Nepal, was evaluated using hydrodynamic models to gain a better understanding of the flow behaviour. The flood wave was analysed separately under rigid and erodible boundary conditions. In both cases, the calculated dam‐breach hydrograph, which had a peak discharge of about 10 000 m3/s, was routed through the Inkhu River, which originates from the lake. The morphologic changes along the river were also analysed and the results were compared with satellite images, field observations and recorded data. In the case of rigid boundaries, the routing procedure gradually attenuated the peaks of the hydrographs to account for hydraulic pooling in narrow gorges and storage in the channel. In the case of erodible boundaries, such effects were minimized due to the increment in channel capacity associated with erosion by debris flow. The study revealed that the GLOF event produced a large‐scale debris flow. Additionally, the results revealed that erosion and deposition took place intermittently, but that approximately 440 000 m3 of sediment was deposited about 14 km downstream from the lake mouth. The calculated peak of the water and sediment mixture at 14·4 km was found to be 30 000 m3/s, which is almost 6 times as large as that observed when the rigid boundary conditions were used. Further, the increase in the peaks of the hydrographs due to sediment transport was the primary reason for the destruction associated with the GLOF. These findings suggest that the local sedimentology and topography, as well as other geo‐hazard conditions in the area, should be carefully evaluated before recommending any control measures against GLOFs in the Himalayan region. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to study the nature of granular interaction in running water by examining the influence of fine grain inputs to a coarser sediment bed with a mobile surface. Video recordings of grain sorting by both kinetic sieving and spontaneous percolation are used to diagnose the critical processes controlling the overall bed response. Kinetic sieving takes place in the mobile bed surface, with the finer sediment moving to the bottom of the bedload transport layer at the interface with the underlying quasi‐static coarse bed. We show that the behavior at this interface dictates how a channel responds to a fine sediment input. If, by spontaneous percolation, the fine sediment is able to infiltrate into the underlying quasi‐static bed, the total transport increases and the channel degrades. However, if the fine sediment input rate exceeds the transport capacity or is geometrically unable to infiltrate into the underlying bed, it forms a quasi‐static layer underneath the transport layer that inhibits entrainment from the underlying bed, resulting in aggradation and an increase in bed slope. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses a hillslope–channel slope failure event that occurred at Wet Swine Gill, Lake District, northern England. This comprised a hillslope slide (180 m3, c. 203 ± 36 t), which coupled with the adjacent stream, resulting in a channelized debris flow and fluvial flood. The timing of the event is constrained between January and March 2002. The hillslope failure occurred in response to a rainfall/snowmelt trigger, on ground recently disturbed by a heather moorland fire and modified by artificial drainage. Slide and flow dynamics are estimated using reconstructed velocity and discharge values along the sediment transfer path. There is a rapid downstream reduction in both maximum velocity, from 9·8 to 1·3 m s?1; and maximum discharge, ranging from 33·5 to 2·4 m3 s?1. A volumetric sediment budget quantified a high degree of coupling between the hillslope and immediate channel (~92%: 167 m3), but virtually all of the sediment was retained in the first‐order tributary channel. Approximately 44% (81 m3) of the slide volume was retained in the run‐up deposit, and termination of the debris flow prior to the main river meant that the remainder did not discharge into the fluvial system downstream. These results suggest poor transmission of sediment to the main river at the time of the event, but importantly an increase in available material for post‐event sediment transfer processes within the small upland tributary. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In May 2003, a breach in a large irrigation ditch within Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) initiated a debris flow that entered Lulu Creek and the Colorado River, where 36 000 m3 of sediment substantially altered channel forms and processes. We present a proof of concept to understand whether the 2003 disturbance is within the historical range of variability (HRV), and whether the recovery potential of the system is sufficient to adapt to the disturbance. Flow and sediment regimes, and channel morphology and stability were monitored on Lulu Creek and the Colorado River from 2004 to 2011. Dominant channel response following the debris flow within Lulu Creek included step development, bed armoring, and channel widening. Step height‐to‐length ratios (H/L) for three reaches on Lulu Creek are outside the HRV of reference channels, with one reach approaching reference conditions. Erosion of approximately 23% of the debris fan volume occurred as a result of the long duration 2011 peak flow. Sediment within the Lulu Creek fan will persist for ~30–190 years, assuming current maximum and mean removal rates. Planform changes on the Colorado River since the debris flow include an increase in single‐thread geometries, with braided reaches where bar deposition occurred. Bedload transport and grain‐size analysis of bedload indicate translational spreading of a sand wave front with a dispersive component in steeper reaches. Lulu Creek is returning to a condition of natural variability, but the Colorado River is outside the HRV expected for steep‐gradient, pool‐riffle channels. Applying HRV to a situation where management questions require a longer term perspective, and pre‐disturbance baseline data are limited, is a useful approach. The HRV analysis facilitates a better understanding of site variability and delineates the range of possibilities of channel form and process to achieve management goals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formation of landslide dams is often induced by earthquakes in mountainous areas.The failure of a landslide dam typically results in catastrophic flash floods or debris flows downstream.Significant attention has been given to the processes and mechanisms involved in the failure of individual landslide dams.However,the processes leading to domino failures of multiple landslide dams remain unclear.In this study,experimental tests were carried out to investigate the domino failure of landslide dams and the consequent enlargement of downstream debris flows.Different blockage conditions were considered,including complete blockage,partial blockage and erodible bed(no blockage).The mean velocity of the flow front was estimated by videos.Total stress transducers(TSTs)and Laser range finders(LRFs) were employed to measure the total stress and the depth of the flow front,respectively.Under a complete blockage pattern,a portion of the debris flow was trapped in front of each retained landslide dam before the latter collapsed completely.This was accompanied by a dramatic decrease in the mean velocity of the flow front.Conversely,under both partial blockage and erodible bed conditions,the mean velocity of the flow front increased gradually downward along the sloping channel.Domino failures of the landslide dams were triggered when a series of dams(complete blockage and partial blockage) were distributed along the flume.However,not all of these domino failures led to enlarged debris flows.The modes of dam failures have significant impacts on the enlargement of debris flows.Therefore,further research is necessary to understand the mechanisms of domino failures of landslide dams and their effects on the enlargement of debris flows.  相似文献   

This study proposes a sediment‐budget model to predict the temporal variation of debris volume stored in a debris‐flow prone watershed. The sediment‐budget is dominated by shallow landslides and debris outflow. The basin topography and the debris volume stored in the source area of the debris‐flow prone watershed help evaluating its debris‐flow susceptibility. The susceptibility model is applied to the Tungshih area of central western Taiwan. The importance of the debris volume in predicting debris‐flow susceptibility is reflected in the standardized coefficients of the proposed statistical discriminant model. The high prediction rate (0·874) for the occurrence of debris flows justifies the capability of the proposed susceptibility models to predict the occurrence of debris flows. This model is then used to evaluate the temporal evolution of the debris‐flow susceptibility index. The analysis results show that the numbers of watershed which are classified as a debris‐flow group correspond well to storage of sediment at different time periods. These numbers are 10 before the occurrence of Chi‐Chi earthquake, 13 after the occurrence of Chi‐Chi earthquake, 16 after the occurrence of landslides induced by Typhoon Mindulle (Typhoon M), and 14 after the occurrence of debris flows induced by Typhoon M. It indicates that the occurrence of 7·6 Chi‐Chi earthquake had significant impact on the debris flow occurrence during subsequent typhoons. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphological characteristics of small debris flows in a maritime sub‐Antarctic environment are described. The morphological and sedimentological characteristics of the debris flows are comparable to debris flows documented for other parts of the world; their initiation appears closely linked to the unusual environment in which they are found. Sediment supply is generated by diurnal frost heave of loamy sediment associated with Azorella selago. The debris flows are triggered by sediment mobilization upon saturation of the frost‐heaved surface gravel and overland flow over the low‐permeability and frost‐susceptible slope materials. Morphological effects of the flows are short‐lived due to obliteration by subsequent frost heave activity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large woody debris (LWD) can have a significant impact upon local channel morphology by creating scour pools and zones of reduced shear stress in which sediment is deposited. It is important to predict scour depths associated with LWD, as it is becoming increasingly common for debris to be added into river channels to improve sediment retention and create pools for aquatic habitat. Engineered log‐jams should therefore be designed using factor of safety engineering analysis, which includes estimates of associated scour and deposition rates. However, the rate and total depth of scour associated with LWD have not been modelled comprehensively, with authors resorting to the use of generic local and constriction scour models to predict scour depths. Also, constriction scour models presented, to date, do not calculate the rate of scour development. In this paper a model is presented for predicting the rate and total depth of scour associated with a channel constriction. The model is one‐dimensional and is based upon the sediment continuity equation, the calculation of specific head changes through the constricted reach and also allows for a variable free surface elevation above the bed at the constriction. This model could be applied to any channel constriction problem but here is used to determine scour rates and depths associated with deflector‐type LWD jams. Deflector jams are one category of jam type presented in a debris jam classification scheme, in which jam type is a function of the ratio of average riparian tree height to average channel width. Deflector jams, as the name implies, partially block the flow and therefore act as a channel constriction, which results in constriction scour. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research into flood modelling has primarily concentrated on the simulation of inundation flow without considering the influences of channel morphology. River channels are often represented by a simplified geometry that is implicitly assumed to remain unchanged during flood simulations. However, field evidence demonstrates that significant morphological changes can occur during floods to mobilize the boundary sediments. Despite this, the effect of channel morphology on model results has been largely unexplored. To address this issue, the impact of channel cross‐section geometry and channel long‐profile variability on flood dynamics is examined using an ensemble of a 1D–2D hydraulic model (LISFLOOD‐FP) of the ~1 : 2000 year recurrence interval floods in Cockermouth, UK, within an uncertainty framework. A series of simulated scenarios of channel erosional changes were constructed on the basis of a simple velocity‐based model of critical entrainment. A Monte‐Carlo simulation framework was used to quantify the effects of this channel morphology together with variations in the channel and floodplain roughness coefficients, grain size characteristics and critical shear stress on measures of flood inundation. The results showed that the bed elevation modifications generated by the simplistic equations reflected an approximation of the observed patterns of spatial erosion that enveloped observed erosion depths. The effect of uncertainty on channel long‐profile variability only affected the local flood dynamics and did not significantly affect the friction sensitivity and flood inundation mapping. The results imply that hydraulic models generally do not need to account for within event morphodynamic changes of the type and magnitude of event modelled, as these have a negligible impact that is smaller than other uncertainties, e.g. boundary conditions. Instead, morphodynamic change needs to happen over a series of events to become large enough to change the hydrodynamics of floods in supply limited gravel‐bed rivers such as the one used in this research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structured gravel river beds clearly exert a major influence on bed stability. Indexing structural stability by field measurements of bed strength neglects the processes operating to entrain and transport bed material in different parts of each structure. This study takes a morphological approach to interpreting the critical processes, using particle tracing to determine the movement of individual cluster particles over a range of flood event magnitudes and durations. The experiment was carried out on the River South Tyne, UK; it uses flow hydrographs measured nearby and also benefits from previous studies of historical development, channel morphology and sediment transport at the same site. More than 30 clusters were monitored over a seven‐month period during which clusters occupied 7–16 per cent of the bed. Threshold flows delimiting three apparently contrasting bed sediment process regimes for cluster particles are tentatively set at 100 m3 s?1 and 183 m3 s?1; durations of flow at these levels are critical for cluster development, rather than flow peak values. Wake particles are transported most easily. Flow straightening in the wandering channel planform reduces the stability of clusters, since mechanical strength is markedly reduced by this change of direction. The overall area covered by clusters between significant transport events varies little, implying a dynamic equilibrium condition. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A long‐lasting rainstorm event from 20 to 22 August 2005 affected a large part of the northern Alps and Prealps in Switzerland. It resulted in elevated discharges and flooding in many headwater catchments and mountain rivers. The associated geomorphic processes included shallow landslides, deep‐seated slope instabilities, debris flows, and fluvial sediment transport. In many parts of the affected areas human activities are important, including many buildings, traffic lines and other infrastructure. In the steeper parts, geomorphic processes were mainly responsible for flow overtopping and sediment deposition both in and outside of the channel network. In the lower parts, lateral erosion and exceedance of the channel discharge capacity were the main reasons for morphologic channel modification and flooding. Sediment‐related processes contributed a lot to the overall damage. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of two recent (AD 1994) debris flows in upper Leirdalen, Jotunheimen, Norway, suggest deposition controlled by fluid loss into the underlying, highly permeable, coarse talus. The evidence comprises: (1) drainage holes (sieveholes) up to 44 cm wide and 125 cm deep in the debris‐flow channel floors, which remained open throughout the debris‐flow event; (2) marked channel narrowing, with reduced cross‐sectional areas and termination of the debris flows in flat‐topped, clast‐dominated lobes within a relatively short distance after crossing the junction between impermeable and permeable substrate; (3) the presence of fines deposited in the sieveholes demonstrating the passage of transported matrix; and (4) the absence of substantial lateral drainage through (or dissection of) the levées or the terminal lobes. The term ‘sieve deposition’ is considered particularly well suited to this process involving drainage through the substrate, which is likely to be most effective where debris flows traverse coarse talus either for the first time or only infrequently. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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