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Scour below marine pipelines in shoaling conditions for random waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an approach by which the scour depth below pipelines in shoaling conditions beneath non-breaking and breaking random waves can be derived. Here the scour depth formula in shoaling conditions for regular non-breaking and breaking waves with normal incidence to the pipeline presented by Cevik and Yüksel [Cevik, E. and Yüksel, Y., (1999). Scour under submarine pipelines in waves in shoaling conditions. ASCE J. Waterw., Port, Coast. Ocean Eng., 125 (1), 9–19.] combined with the wave height distribution including shoaling and breaking waves presented by Mendez et al. [Mendez, F.J., Losada, I.J. and Medina, R., (2004). Transformation model of wave height distribution on planar beaches. Coast. Eng. 50 (3), 97–115.] are used. Moreover, the approach is based on describing the wave motion as a stationary Gaussian narrow-band random process. An example of calculation is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper provides a method by which the scour depth below pipelines and around single vertical piles for combined random waves plus current including effects of second-order wave asymmetry can be derived. Here the empirical formulas proposed by Sumer and Fredsøe [1996. Scour below pipelines in combined waves and current. In: Proceedings of the 15th OMAE Conference, Florence, Italy. Vol. 5, ASME, New York, pp. 595–602] for pipelines, and by Sumer and Fredsøe [2002. The mechanics of scour in the marine environment. World Scientific, Singapore] for vertical piles are used together with Stokes second-order wave theory by assuming the basic harmonic wave motion to be a stationary Gaussian narrow-band random process. Comparisons are made with the Sumer and Fredsøe [1996. Scour below pipelines in combined waves and current. In: Proceedings of the 15th OMAE Conference, Florence, Italy. Vol. 5, ASME, New York, pp. 595–602; 2001. Scour around pile in combined waves and current. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(5), 403–411] data for linear random waves plus current. An example of calculation is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper provides an approach by which the burial and scour of short cylinders under combined second order random waves and currents can be derived. Here the formulas for burial and scour for regular waves plus currents presented by Catano-Lopera and Garcia [Catano-Lopera, Y.A. and Garcia, M.H. (2006). Burial of short cylinders induced by scour under combined waves and currents. ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Eng. 132(6), 439–449., Catano-Lopera, Y.A. and Garcia, M.H. (2007). Geometry of scour hole around, and the influence of the angle of attack on the burial of finite cylinders under combined flows. Ocean Eng. 34(5, 6), 856–869.] are used together with Stokes second order wave theory by assuming the basic harmonic wave motion to be a stationary Gaussian narrow-band random process. An example of calculation is also presented.  相似文献   

The erosion depth and the sheet flow layer thickness represent two characteristic parameters for transport processes in oscillatory sheet flow. Formulas for these parameters under regular waves have been applied to obtain characteristic statistical values under random waves. The applicability of the method for practical purposes is illustrated by two examples using data typical for field conditions at water depths of 70 m (Ekofisk location in the North Sea) and 15 m, respectively. Two fictive storms based on the Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes [Dohmen-Janssen, C.M., Hanes, D.M., 2005. Sheet flow and suspended sediment due to wave groups in a large wave flume. Cont. Shelf Res. 25, 333–347] data from large scale wave flume tests have also been utilized to demonstrate how the return period of the sheet flow layer thickness observed in their experiments can be estimated.  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical stochastic method by which the maximum equilibrium scour depth around a vertical pile exposed to long-crested (2D) and short-crested (3D) nonlinear random waves plus a current can be derived. The approach is based on assuming the waves to be a stationary narrow-band random process, adopting the Forristall (2000) wave crest height distribution representing both 2D and 3D nonlinear random waves, and using the empirical formulas for the scour depth by Sumer and Fredsøe (2002). Comparisons are made between the present approach and the Sumer and Fredsøe (2001) data for 2D random waves plus current. An example calculation is provided.  相似文献   

This paper provides a stochastic method by which the two-dimensional onshore scour characteristics along the base of submerged breakwaters exposed to normally incident random waves on both sloping and horizontal sandy seabed can be derived. Here the formulas for the regular wave-induced scour characteristics provided by Young and Testik (2009) are used. These formulas are combined with describing the waves as a stationary Gaussian narrow-band random process to derive the random wave-induced onshore scour characteristics; the maximum scour depth, the scour length, and the distance of the maximum scour depth location from the onshore breakwater face. An example of calculation is also provided.  相似文献   

The effect of boundary layer streaming on the sea bed shear stresses, beneath random waves, is investigated for laminar flow as well as smooth turbulent flow. It is demonstrated how bottom friction formulas for regular waves can be used to obtain the bed shear stresses resulting from steady streaming under random waves. As a result, friction factors for steady streaming under random waves are provided, and the effect of streaming versus the effect of linear waves is discussed. For laminar flow the effect of second order Stokes waves is also included. Examples are included to illustrate the applicability of the present practical method, and results are obtained using data typical for field conditions.  相似文献   

A universal formula for the estimation of equilibrium scour depth around a single cylindrical pile under the action of steady currents, tidal and short waves is presented.  相似文献   

The in-line response of a vertical flexibly mounted cylinder in regular and random waves is reported.Both theoretical analyses and experimental measurements have been performed.The theoretical predictions are based on the Morison equation which is solved by the incremental harmonic balance method.Experiments are then performed in a wave flume to determine the accuracy of the Morison equation in predicting the in-line response of the cylinder in regular and random waves.The interaction between waves and vibrating cylinders are investigated.  相似文献   

The research into hydrodynamic loading on ocean structures has concentrated mostly on circular cross-section members and relatively limited work has been carried out on wave loading on other cross-sections such as rectangular sections. These find applications in many offshore structures as columns and pontoons in semi-submersibles and tension-leg platforms. The present investigation demonstrates the behaviour of rectangular cylinders subject to wave loading and also supplies the hydrodynamic coefficients for the design of these sections.This paper presents the results of wave forces acting on a surface piercing truncated rectangular cylinder set vertically in a towing tank. The experiments are carried out in a water depth of 2.2 m with regular and random waves for low Keulegan–Carpenter number up to 6. The rectangular cylinder is of 2 m length, 0.2 m breadth and 0.4 m width with a submergence depth of 1.45 m from still water level. Based on Morison equation, the relationship between inertia and drag coefficients are evaluated and are presented as a function of KC number for various values of frequency parameter β, for two aspect ratios of cylinders, equals to 1/2 and 2/1. Drag and inertia coefficients obtained through regular wave tests are used for the random wave analysis to compute the in-line force spectrum.The results of the experiments show the drag and inertia coefficients are strongly affected by the variation in the aspect ratios of the cylinder. The drag coefficients decreases and inertia coefficients increases with increase in Keulegan–Carpenter number up to the range of KC number tested. The random wave results show a good correlation between measured and computed force spectrums. The transverse forces in both regular and random waves are found to be small compared to in-line forces.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations are carried out on wave-induced pressures and uplift forces on a submarine pipeline (exposed, half buried and fully buried) in clayey soil of different consistency index both in regular and random waves. A study on scour under the pipeline resting on the clay bed is also carried out. It is found that the uplift force can be reduced by about 70%, if the pipeline is just buried in clay soil. The equilibrium scour depth below the pipeline is estimated as 42% of the pipe diameter for consistency index of 0.17 and is 34% of the pipe diameter for consistency index of 0.23. The results of the present investigations are compared with the results on sandy soil by Cheng and Liu (Appl. Ocean Res., 8(1986) 22) to acknowledge the benefit of cohesive soil in reducing the high pore pressure on buried pipeline compared to cohesionless soil.  相似文献   

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