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Abstract– The 1.4–1.6 km thick Onaping Formation consists of a complex series of breccias and “melt bodies” lying above the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) at the Sudbury impact structure. Based on the presence of shocked lithic clasts and various “glassy” phases, the Onaping has been described as a “suevitic” breccia, with an origin, at least in part, as fallback material. Recent mapping and a redefined stratigraphy have emphasized similarities and differences in its various vitric phases, both as clast types and discrete intrusive bodies. The nature of the Onaping and that of other “suevitic” breccias overlying impact melt sheets is reviewed. The relative thickness, internal stratigraphic and lithological character, and the relative chronology of depositional units indicate multiple processes were involved over some time in the formation of the Onaping. The Sudbury structure formed in a foreland basin and water played an essential role in the evolution of the Onaping, as indicated by a major hydrothermal system generated during its formation. Taken together, observations and interpretations of the Onaping suggest a working hypothesis for the origin of the Onaping that includes not only impact but also the interaction of sea water with the impact melt, resulting in repeated explosive interactions involving proto‐SIC materials and mixing with pre‐existing lithologies. This is complicated by additional brecciation events due to the intrusion of proto‐SIC materials into the evolving and thickening Onaping. Fragmentation mechanisms changed as the system evolved and involved vesiculation in the formation of the upper two‐thirds of the Onaping.  相似文献   

The offset dykes of the Sudbury Igneous Complex comprise two distinct main magmatic facies, a high-temperature inclusion-free quartz diorite (QD), and a subsequently intruded lower temperature, mineralized, and inclusion-rich quartz diorite (MIQD). The MIQD facies was emplaced after QD dykes had solidified. Key controlling factors of the two injection phases were (1) the development of a coherent roof, which confined the melt sheet; and (2) the periodic increase of melt and fluid pressure within the melt sheet. For the injection of QD melt, the melt pressure exceeded the normal stress acting on fracture surfaces. For the later refracturing of QD dykes and the injection of MIQD melt, the melt pressure increased further, exceeding the tensile strength of, and the normal stress acting on, QD dykes. We associate the melt pressure increase required for both injection episodes with degassing and devolatilization of cooling melt close to the roof. Within the hydraulically connected melt column, the related pressure increase was transmitted to the base of the melt sheet where QD and MIQD melt was extracted into dykes. Residual core to rim thermal gradients in the QD dykes produced tensile strength gradients, accounting for the typically central location of MIQD dykes within QD dykes.  相似文献   

Metallic microspheres have been found in rocks from the Onaping Formation of the Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Microspherules are common in contact breccias, the lowest part of the Dowling Member, and rare microspherules have been found in the upper sequences of the Dowling Member. Separate microspherules are dispersed in the breccia matrix and do not form clusters. The sizes of the microspheres range from 5 to 30 μm; most commonly, they are 8–15 μm in size. The microspherules have a regular spherical shape, and in some cases show concentric zonal structures. The microspherules consist mostly of the refractory elements Cr, Co, Fe, Mo, W, and Ti, with a predominant Ni content of 40–75 wt%. The formation of the Sudbury metal microspherules by condensation in a high-temperature plume is suggested by their spherical shape, concentric-zoned structure, uniform composition, and distribution in fallback breccias of the crater-fill Onaping Formation. The content of the most refractory W in the composition of the microspheres indicates early condensation. A decrease in the content of W and an increase in the content of Ni in the microspheres of the upper layers relative to the content of these elements in the earliest microspheres of the contact layers indicate that they could have formed by fractional condensation during the expansion and cooling of the impact vapor plume. As source material, a combination of target rocks with high nickel content with a chondritic impactor is suggested.  相似文献   

The term “suevite” has been applied to various impact melt‐bearing breccias found in different stratigraphic settings within terrestrial impact craters. Suevite was coined initially for impact glass‐bearing breccias from the Ries impact structure, Germany, which is the type locality. Various working hypotheses have been proposed to account for the formation of the Ries suevite deposits over the past several decades, with the most recent being molten‐fuel‐coolant interaction (MFCI) between an impact melt pool and water. This mechanism is also the working hypothesis for the origin of the bulk of the Onaping Formation at the Sudbury impact structure, Canada. In this study, the key characteristics of the Ries suevite, the Onaping Formation and MFCI deposits from phreatomagmatic volcanic eruptions are compared. The conclusion is that there are clear and significant lithological, stratigraphic, and petrographic observational differences between the Onaping Formation and the Ries suevite. The Onaping Formation, however, shares many key similarities with MFCI deposits, including the presence of layering, their well‐sorted and fine‐grained nature, and the predominance of vitric particles with similar shapes and lacking included mineral and lithic clasts. These differences argue against the viability of MFCI as a working hypothesis for genesis of the Ries suevite and for a required alternative mechanism for its formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The South Range Breccia Belt (SRBB) is an arcuate, 45 km long zone of Sudbury Breccia in the South Range of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Impact Structure. The belt varies in thickness between tens of meters to hundreds of meters and is composed of a polymict assemblage of Huronian Supergroup (2.49–2.20 Ga), Nipissing Diabase (2.2 Ga), and Proterozoic granitoid breccia fragments ranging in size from a few millimeters to tens of meters. The SRBB matrix is composed of a fine‐grained (~100 μm) assemblage of biotite, quartz, and ilmenite, with trace amounts of plagioclase, zircon, titanite, epidote, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and occasionally chlorite. The SRBB hosts the Frood‐Stobie, Vermilion, and Kirkwood quartz diorite offset dykes, the former being associated with one of the largest Ni‐Cu‐PGE sulphide deposits in the world. Optical petrography and whole‐rock geochemistry concur with previous studies that have suggested that the matrix of the SRBB is derived from comminution and at least partial frictional melting of the wall rock Huronian Supergroup lithologies. Rare earth element (REE) data from all sampled lithologies associated with the SRBB exhibit crustal signatures when normalized to C1 chondrite values. Additionally, REE data from the quartz diorites, disseminated sulphides in Sudbury Breccia, and a sample of an aphanitic biotite‐hornblende tonalite dyke exhibit flat slopes when compared to the mafic and felsic norites, quartz gabbro, and granophyre units of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), which suggests that these lithologies are representative of bulk SIC melt. We suggest that the SRBB was formed by high strain‐rate (>1 m/s), gravity‐driven seismogenic slip of the inner ring of the Sudbury Impact Structure during postimpact crustal readjustment (crater modification stage). Failure of the hanging wall may have facilitated the injection of bulk SIC melt into the SRBB, along with the Ni‐Cu‐PGE sulphides of the Frood‐Stobie deposit. Postimpact Penokean (1.9–1.7 Ga) tectonism, particularly northwest‐directed shearing along the South Range Shear Zone and associated thrust faulting, could account for the present subvertical orientation of the SRBB, and the apparent lack of a connection at depth with the SIC.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ten pseudotachylyte samples from the North Range of the 1850 Ma Sudbury impact structure have been analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser spot fusion method. Field and petrological evidence indicate that the pseudotachylytes were formed at 1850 Ma by comminution and frictional melting due to impact-induced faulting. The cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline grain size (<30 μm) of the pseudotachylyte matrices and the predominance of orthoclase as the main K-bearing phase, have rendered the rocks particularly susceptible to Ar loss. The age determinations range from ~1850 to ~1000 Ma, with some samples yielding multiple ages that cannot be correlated with known geological events in the area. However, if the finite-difference algorithm of Wheeler (1996) is used to calculate combined Ar loss and the accumulation of radiogenic Ar for the K-bearing phases, it is possible to reproduce the range of observed ages. The model infers that the long-term volume diffusion of Ar has occurred and that, as a result, the Ar system cannot be treated with a conventional closure temperature approach. The algorithm requires burial of the impact structure to 5–6 km depth and 160–180 °C at 1850 Ma, followed by exhumation at ~1000 Ma. These ages may be equated with two events: Penokean thin-skinned overthrusting in the North Range, immediately following impact, and exhumation ~850 Ma later, coincident with the Grenville orogeny to the southeast. The results suggest that, contrary to previously accepted paradigms, the North Range has been affected by a protracted period of postimpact, low-grade thermal metamorphism. If these events also involved tectonic shortening within the North Range (as has been documented for the South Range), then the original size of the Sudbury impact structure has been underestimated.  相似文献   

Abstract— Approximately 130 terrestrial craters are currently known. They range up to 140 km, and perhaps as much as 200 km, in diameter and from Recent to ~2 billion years in age. The known sample, however, is highly biased to geologically young craters on the better known cratonic areas. The sample is also deficient in small (D < 20 km) craters compared to other planetary bodies. These biases are largely the result of active terrestrial geologic processes and their effects have to be considered when interpreting the record. The strength of the terrestrial cratering record lies in the availability of ground truth data, particularly on the structural and lithological nature of craters, which can be interpreted to understand and constrain large-scale impact processes. Some contributions include the definition of the concept of transient cavity formation and structural uplift during cratering events. Depths of excavation are poorly constrained, as very few terrestrial craters have preserved ejecta. Unlike their planetary counterparts, terrestrial impact craters are mostly recognized not by morphology but by the occurrence of characteristic shock metamorphic effects. Their study has led to models of shock wave attenuation and an understanding of the character and formation of various impact-lithologies, including impact melt rocks. They, in turn, aid in interpreting the nature of extraterrestrial samples, particularly samples from the lunar highlands. The recognition of diagnostic shock metamorphic effects and the signature of projectile contamination through geochemical anomalies in impact lithologies provide the basis for recognizing the impact signature in K/T boundary samples. The record also provides a basis for testing hypotheses of periodic cometary showers. Although inherently not suitable to define short wavelength periods in time due to relatively large uncertainties associated with crater ages, the current record shows no evidence of periodicity. Future directions in terrestrial impact studies will likely continue to focus on the K/T and related problems, including the recognition of other impact signatures in the stratigraphic record. Some emphasis will likely be given to the economic potential of craters and individual large structures, such as Sudbury, will provide an increasingly better understood context for interpreting planetary impact craters. To live up to the full potential of the record to constrain impact processes, however, more basic characterization studies are required, in addition to emphasis on topical areas of study.  相似文献   

The weathering products present in igneous terrestrial Antarctic samples were analyzed, and compared with those found in the four Miller Range nakhlite Martian meteorites. The aim of these comparisons was to determine which of the alteration phases in the Miller Range nakhlites are produced by terrestrial weathering, and what effect rock composition has on these phases. Antarctic terrestrial samples MIL 05031 and EET 96400, along with the Miller Range nakhlites MIL 03346 and 090032, were found to contain secondary alteration assemblages at their externally exposed surfaces. Despite the difference in primary mineralogy, the assemblages of these rocks consist mostly of sulfates (jarosite in MIL 05031, jarosite and gypsum in EET 96400) and iddingsite‐like Fe‐clay. As neither of the terrestrial samples contains sulfur‐bearing primary minerals, and these minerals are rare in the Miller Range nakhlites, it appears that SO42?, possibly along with some of the Na+, K+, and Ca+ in these phases, was sourced from wind‐blown sea spray and biogenic emissions from the southern ocean. Cl enrichment in the terrestrially derived “iddingsite” of MIL 05031 and MIL 03346, and the presence of halite at the exterior edge of MIL 090032, can also be explained by this process. However, jarosite within and around the olivine‐bound melt inclusions of MIL 090136 is present in the interior of the meteorite and, therefore, is probably the product of preterrestrial weathering on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Hess Offset is a steeply dipping dyke located 12–15 km north of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury igneous complex (SIC) within the 200–250 km diameter Sudbury impact structure. It is up to 60 m wide and strikes subconcentrically to the SIC for at least 23 km. The main phase of the dyke is granodioritic, but it conforms with what is locally referred to as Quartz Diorite: a term used for all the Offset Dykes of the Sudbury impact structure. Rare earth element data shows that the Hess Offset is genetically related to the SIC. Hess is most closely affiliated with an evolved Felsic Norite component of SIC and not bulk impact melt. This indicates that Hess was emplaced during fractionation of the impact melt sheet, rather than immediately following impact. The main Quartz Diorite phase of the dyke comprises a quartz + plagioclase + hornblende + biotite ± clinopyroxene ± orthopyroxene assemblage. Critically, the Hess Offset occupies a concentric fault system that marks the northern limit of a pseudotachylyte-rich, shatter cone-bearing annulus about the SIC. This fault system was active during the modification stage of the impact process.  相似文献   

Partial thermal remanence experiments on lunar igneous rocks indicate that the magnetization of lunar rocks is not a normal single component thermoremanent magnetization. The magnetization therefore may not have been acquired at the time of initial cooling of the rock and thus should be used cautiously in making estimates of the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field.Contribution No. 201, Geosciences Division, The University of Texas at Dallas.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets (Earth and Venus) are susceptible to pre‐impact tectonic influences on their formation. This means that we cannot expect them to conform to ideal cratering models, which are commonly based on the response of a homogeneous target devoid of pre‐existing flaws. In the case of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure of Ontario, Canada, considerable influence has been exerted on modification stage processes by late Archean to early Proterozoic basement faults. Two trends are dominant: 1) the NNW‐striking Onaping Fault System, which is parallel to the 2.47 Ga Matachewan dyke swarm, and 2) the ENE‐striking Murray Fault System, which acted as a major Paleoproterozoic suture zone that contributed to the development of the Huronian sedimentary basin between 2.45–2.2 Ga. Sudbury has also been affected by syn‐ to post‐impact regional deformation and metamorphism: the 1.9–1.8 Ga Penokean orogeny, which involved NNW‐directed reverse faulting, uplift, and transpression at mainly greenschist facies grade, and the 1.16–0.99 Ga Grenville orogeny, which overprinted the SE sector of the impact structure to yield a polydeformed upper amphibolite facies terrain. The pre‐, syn‐, and post‐impact tectonics of the region have rendered the Sudbury structure a complicated feature. Careful reconstruction is required before its original morphometry can be established. This is likely to be true for many impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets. Based on extensive field work, combined with remote sensing and geophysical data, four ring systems have been identified at Sudbury. The inner three rings broadly correlate with pseudotachylyte (friction melt) ‐rich fault systems. The first ring has a diameter of ?90 km and defines what is interpreted to be the remains of the central uplift. The second ring delimits the collapsed transient cavity diameter at ?130 km and broadly corresponds to the original melt sheet diameter. The third ring has a diameter of ?180 km. The fourth ring defines the suggested apparent crater diameter at ?260 km. This approximates the final rim diameter, given that erosion in the North Range is <6 km and the ring faults are steeply dipping. Impact damage beyond Ring 4 may occur, but has not yet been identified in the field. One or more rings within the central uplift (Ring 1) may also exist. This form and concentric structure indicates that Sudbury is a peak ring or, more probably, a multi‐ring basin. These parameters provide the foundation for modeling the formation of this relatively large terrestrial impact structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— Analytical scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the surface textures and compositions of newly exposed shatter cones from the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Unusual surface microstructures are observed at the micron scale, including silicate melt smears, melt fibres and melt splats. Silicate and Ni-rich spherules up to 5 μm in diameter adorn earlier-formed surface features, and we interpret these to be condensates formed due to shock-induced vaporization of the shatter cone surfaces. The development of striations on the shatter cones is attributed to shock-related fracture and slip. Formation of melts and spherules indicates that the highest ranks of shock metamorphism (Stages IV and V) were realized, but only on a very localized scale. Shatter cone surfaces are, therefore, likely sites for the development of high-pressure polymorphs and, if the chemistry is appropriate, fullerenes. As such, they may be equivalent to “Type A” pseudotachylytes and shock veins in meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied numerous specimens of the Norton County enstatite achondrite (aubrite) by optical microscopy, electron microprobe, and neutron-activation analysis. Our main conclusions are the following: 1. Norton County is a fragmental impact breccia, consisting of a clastic matrix made mostly of crushed enstatite, into which are embedded a variety of mineral and lithic clasts of both igneous and impact melt origin. 2. The Norton County precursor materials were igneous rocks, mostly plutonic orthopyroxenites, not grains formed by condensation from the solar nebula. 3. The Mg-silicate-rich aubrite parent body experienced extensive melting and igneous differentiation, causing formation of diverse lithologies, some of which have not been described previously. These lithologies include dunites (represented by forsterite crystals), plutonic orthopyroxenites (represented by most enstatite crystals in the matrix), plutonic pyroxenites (the pyroxenitic clasts), and plagioclase-silica rocks (like the feldspathic clasts). Presence of impact melt breccias (the microporphyritic clasts and the diopside-plagioclase-silica clast) of still different compositions further attest to the lithologic diversity of the aubrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract The pattern of radial and concentric offset dikes at Sudbury strongly resembles fracture patterns in certain volcanically modified craters on the Moon. Since the Sudbury dikes apparently formed shortly after the impact event, this resemblance suggests that early endogenic modification at Sudbury was comparable to deformation in lunar floor-fractured craters. Although regional deformation has obscured many details of the Sudbury Structure, such a comparison of Sudbury with lunar floor-fractured craters provides two alternative models for the original size and surface structures of the Sudbury basin. First, the Sudbury date pattern can be correlated with fractures in the central peak crater Haldane (36 km in diameter). This comparison indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of between 100 and 140 km but requires loss of a central peak complex for which there is little evidence. Alternatively, comparison of the Sudbury dikes with fractures in the two-ring basin Schrödinger indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of at least ~ 180 km, which is in agreement with other recent estimates for the size of the Sudbury Structure. In addition to constraining the size and structure of the original Sudbury crater, these comparisons also suggest that crater modification may reflect different deformation mechanisms at different sizes. Most lunar floor-fractured craters are attributed to deformation over a shallow, crater-centered intrusion; however, there is no evidence for such an intrusion at Sudbury. Instead, melts from the evolving impact melt sheet probably entered fractures formed by isostatically-induced flexure of the crater floor. Since most of the lunar floor-fractured craters are too small (<100-km diameter) to induce significant isostatic adjustment, crater modification by isostatic uplift apparently is limited to only the largest of craters, whereas deformation over igneous intrusions dominates the modification of smaller craters.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews observational evidence concerning the existence of so-calledbasal heating that occurs in the outer atmospheres of all stars with convective envelopes. Effects of basal heating depend primarily on the effective temperature, with little sensitivity to surface gravity or elemental abundances. Basal heating occurs predominantly in the chromosphere, possibly in the (lower) transition region, but not at an observable level in coronae (except perhaps in early F-type and in M-type dwarf stars). Basal fluxes are observed in the slowest rotators where it shows no significant modulation. The basal flux level is observed directly on the Sun only over regions void of intrinsically strong photospheric fields. There is substantial quantitative observational and theoretical evidence that the basal emission from stellar outer atmospheres is caused by the dissipation of acoustic waves generated by turbulent convection. The magnetic canopy turns out to be of little consequence, but effects of intrinsically weak fields on the basal mechanism cannot be entirely ruled out. Solar observations constrain the spatio-temporal character of the basal atmosphere and the acoustic flux levels as a function of height, resulting in a model in which intermittent wave dissipation causes emission characteristic of both cool and warm atmospheric areas, in which — at least in the solar case — a time-averaged chromospheric temperature rise may not even exist.  相似文献   

TiO2II, a high-pressure polymorph of titanium dioxide, is a diagnostic indicator of shock metamorphism in impact rocks. Due to its typical micro-to-nanometer scale, there are no ab initio structure solutions of natural TiO2II, thereby generating uncertainty about its crystal structure and its known similarity with srilankite (Ti0.67,Zr0.33)O2. Nanoscale electron diffraction investigation of TiO2II from the Australasian tektite strewn field provides the first ab initio structure solution revealing a primitive orthorhombic lattice with cell parameters a = 4.547 Å, b = 5.481 Å, c = 4.891 Å, and space group Pbcn, that is, the same as srilankite and scrutinyite α-PbO2. The linear a and c decrease, and b increase with Ti content indicate TiO2II as Zr-free srilankite endmember in the binary system ZrO2-TiO2. Thereby the name srilankite should be used referring to TiO2II, according to the International Mineralogical Association recommendations. We provide the first evidence for a topotactic subsolidus rutile-to-TiO2II transition, founding their finely intermixing nanocrystals in the same TiO2 crystal, where TiO2II is within the crystal and surrounded by rutile in direct contact. They also show recurrent iso-orientation, with TiO2II [100] parallel to rutile [100], TiO2II [010] parallel to rutile [011], and TiO2II [001] parallel to rutile (0–11). The rutile-TiO2II iso-orientation suggests the compression of rutile (0–11) planes as a possible transition mechanism from rutile to TiO2II, with a consequent shortening of ~0.5 Å per cell. The presence of TiO2II in the distal (~1200 km) impact ejecta from the Australasian tektite strewn field indicates shock pressures of ~12–15 GPa and post-shock temperatures below 500°C followed by rapid quenching.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the origin of Offset Dikes and their age relationships to major impact generated lithologies in the Sudbury multi-ring impact structure, such as the Main Mass of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, zircon and baddeleyite were dated by the U-Pb chronometer. The rocks analysed are one diorite and two quartz diorites from inside the Foy Offset, one quartz diorite from the contact zone, and two country rock samples collected at 10 and 30 m distances from the contact within the Levack Gneiss Complex. The 21 analysed zircon and baddeleyite fractions yield a crystallization age of 1852 +4/-3 (2σ) Ma for the accessory minerals in the Foy Offset Dike and an age of 2635 ± 5 Ma for the shocked Levack country rock, in which zircons show significant shock effects (multiple sets of planar fractures), in contrast to the totally unshocked zircons of the Offset Dike. Within given errors, the new age of 1852 Ma is identical to the pooled 1850 ± 1 Ma U-Pb age determined by Krogh et al. (1984) as the crystallization age of accessory phases in different lithologies of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, which has been interpreted to represent the coherent impact melt sheet of the Sudbury Structure. This excellent agreement of the ages substantiates that emplacement of the Offset Dikes occurred coevally with the formation of the impact melt sheet. Total absence of inherited zircons in the central part of the Foy Offset indicates melting of the precursor material at temperatures well above 1700 °C, which emphasizes the origin of the dike lithologies by impact melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— Since their discovery, fullerenes have been reported from various geological environments. One group of these findings has been related to bolide impacts, e.g., the Sudbury crater and the K‐T and P‐T boundaries. Impact rocks of the Ries crater, Germany, including samples of suevites, metamorphosed crystalline clasts, and glass bombs, have been collected in the Otting, Altebürg, and Seelbronn quarries. No fullerenes in concentrations above 1 ppb have been found in analyzed samples. Laser desorption time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (LD‐TOF‐MS) confirmed the absence of fullerenes in the analyzed samples. These results support the concept that the Ries impactor was a stony meteorite.  相似文献   

我们在文[1]的启发下,计算了磁中性线附近异极性磁区相互入侵(或挤压)引起的等离子体动力学问题。气体初态取用流行的宁静太阳光球色球大气模型,即非等温的密度指数变化的重力分层大气。采用Lagrangian格式数值求解自洽的MHD方程,这可使入侵力学变得直观明显——磁场随流体而运动。我们的新结果是入侵流动在光球低层产生出强的水平磁场(即强的横向场),但光球高层和色球低层的磁结构却变化不大,有力地支持了文[13]提出的光球色球里可能出现磁流体力学间断面的概念。入侵确实在磁中性线附近建立了电流片,但这电流片主要在光球低层,其量级和观测一致。另外还显示垂直下降运动也可能导致异极磁区的入侵。尽管在MHD~1方程里包含了电阻耗散和热传导流,但计算证明它们对入侵力学影响不大,热传导的作用只是使气体温度分布逐渐趋于宁静太阳分布(尽管高度变了)。  相似文献   

Our detailed mineralogical, elemental, and isotopic study of the Miller Range (MIL) 07687 meteorite showed that, although this meteorite has affinities to CO chondrites, it also exhibits sufficient differences to warrant classification as an ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. The most notable feature of MIL 07687 is the presence of two distinct matrix lithologies that result from highly localized aqueous alteration. One of these lithologies is Fe‐rich and exhibits evidence for interaction with water, including the presence of fibrous (dendritic) ferrihydrite. The other lithology, which is Fe‐poor, appears to represent relatively unaltered protolith material. MIL 07687 has presolar grain abundances consistent with those observed in other modestly altered carbonaceous chondrites: the overall abundance of O‐rich presolar grains is 137 ± 3 ppm and the overall abundance of SiC grains is 71 ± 11 ppm. However, there is a large difference in the observed O‐rich and SiC grain number densities between altered and unaltered areas, reflecting partial destruction of presolar grains (both O‐ and C‐rich grains) due to the aqueous alteration experienced by MIL 07687 under highly oxidizing conditions. Detailed coordinated NanoSIMS‐TEM analysis of a large hotspot composed of an isotopically normal core surrounded by a rim composed of 17O‐rich grains is consistent with either original condensation of the core and surrounding grains in the same parent AGB star, or with grain accretion in the ISM or solar nebula.  相似文献   

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