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The microstructures and compositions of olivine and refractory components in six amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in the Allan Hills A77307 CO3.0 chondrite have been characterized in detail using the focused ion beam sample preparation technique with transmission electron microscopy. In the AOAs, refractory components (perovskite, melilite, spinel, anorthite, and Al‐Ti‐bearing diopside) provide evidence of a high degree of textural and compositional heterogeneity, suggesting that these phases have formed by disequilibrium gas–solid condensation at high temperatures under highly dynamic conditions. We infer different possible reactions of early‐condensed solid minerals (perovskite and spinel) with a nebular gas, forming diopside with wide ranges of Al and Ti contents and/or anorthite. The progressive, incomplete consumption of spinel in these reactions may have resulted in the Cr enrichment in the remaining, unreacted spinel in the AOAs. In contrast to the refractory components, olivines in the AOAs have equilibrated textures with 120° triple junctions, indicating that the AOAs were subjected to high‐temperature annealing after agglomeration of olivine and refractory components. Because the AOAs consist of fine‐grained olivine grains with numerous pores, the annealing is constrained by experimental data to have occurred for a short duration of the order of a few hours to tens of hours depending on the annealing temperature. In comparison, the effects of annealing on the refractory components are minimal, probably due to pinning of grain boundaries in the multiphase assemblages that inhibited grain growth.  相似文献   

Abstract Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) in the Yamato-791717 CO carbonaceous chondrite contain 5 to 80 vol% of nepheline, along with minor sodalite, and thus are among the most nepheline-rich CAIs known. The primary phases in inclusions are mainly spinel, fassaite, aluminous diopside, perovskite, and hibonite. In contrast to many CO chondrites, melilite is rare. Spinel contains variable amounts of Fe (0 to 57 mol% FeAl2O4) and is commonly zoned. Texture suggests that nepheline is a secondary alteration product formed by replacing mainly melilite, fassaite, and spinel; melilite is the most susceptible to alteration of the primary phases, so most of it was probably already consumed to form nepheline. The majority of inclusions are single concentric objects or aggregates of concentric objects. Lightly altered inclusions have cores of spinel surrounded by bands of nepheline (replacing fassaite), fassaite, and diopside. In moderately altered inclusions, spinel cores are replaced by nepheline. In heavily altered inclusions, the major part of internal areas (50 to 80% in volume) are replaced by nepheline. In some moderately and heavily altered inclusions, only diopside rims remain unaltered. Textural relationships indicate that the resistance of primary phases to alteration increases in the order melilite, fassaite, spinel, diopside. The alteration probably proceeded with reaction of the primary phases with the low-temperature (≤ 1000 K) nebular gas rich in Na, Fe and CI. The degree of alteration in Y791717 CAIs appears to be much higher than those in CAIs in other reported meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 97990 (CM2.6) is among the least‐altered CM chondrites known. It contains 1.8 vol% refractory inclusions; 40 were studied from a single thin section. Inclusion varieties include simple, banded and nodular structures as well as simple and complex distended objects. The inclusions range in mean size from 30 to 530 μm and average 130 ± 90 μm. Many inclusions contain 25 ± 15 vol% phyllosilicate (predominantly Mg‐Fe serpentine); several contain small grains of perovskite. In addition to phyllosilicate, the most abundant inclusions in QUE 97990 consist mainly of spinel‐pyroxene (35%), followed by spinel (20%), spinel‐pyroxene‐olivine (18%), pyroxene (12%), pyroxene‐olivine (8%) and hibonite ± spinel (8%). Four pyroxene phases occur: diopside, Al‐rich diopside (with ≥ 8.0 wt% Al2O3), Al‐Ti diopside (i.e., fassaite), and (in two inclusions) enstatite. No inclusions contain melilite. Aqueous alteration of refractory inclusions transforms some phases (particularly melilite) into phyllosilicate; some inclusions broke apart during alteration. Melilite‐free, phyllosilicate‐bearing, spinel inclusions probably formed from pristine, phyllosilicate‐free inclusions containing both melilite and spinel. Sixty‐five percent of the refractory inclusions in QUE 97990 appear to be largely intact; the major exception is the group of spinel inclusions, all of which are fragments. Whereas QUE 97990 contains about 50 largely intact refractory inclusions/cm2, estimates from literature data imply that more‐altered CM chondrites have lower modal abundances (and lower number densities) of refractory inclusions: Mighei (CM ? 2.3) contains roughly 0.3–0.6 vol% inclusions (?10 largely intact inclusions/cm2); Cold Bokkeveld (CM2.2) contains ?0.01 vol% inclusions (on the order of 6 largely intact inclusions/cm2).  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured O‐isotopic ratios in a variety of olivine grains in the CO3 chondrite Allan Hills (ALH) A77307 using secondary ion mass spectrometry in order to study the chondrule formation process and the origin of isolated olivine grains in unequilibrated chondrites. Oxygen‐isotopic ratios of olivines in this chondrite are variable from δ17O = ?15.5 to +4.5% and δ18O = ?11.5 to +3.9%, with Δ17O varying from ?10.4 to +3.5%. Forsteritic olivines, Fa<1, are enriched in 16O relative to the bulk chondrite, whereas more FeO‐rich olivines are more depleted in 16O. Most ratios lie close to the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous minerals (CCAM) line with negative values of Δ17O, although one grain of composition Fa4 has a mean Δ17O of +1.6%. Marked O‐isotopic heterogeneity within one FeO‐rich chondrule is the result of incorporation of relic, 16O‐rich, Mg‐rich grains into a more 16O‐depleted host. Isolated olivine grains, including isolated forsterites, have similar O‐isotopic ratios to olivine in chondrules of corresponding chemical composition. This is consistent with derivation of isolated olivine from chondrules, as well as the possibility that isolated grains are chondrule precursors. The high 16O in forsteritic olivine is similar to that observed in forsterite in CV and CI chondrites and the ordinary chondrite Julesburg and suggests nebula‐wide processes for the origin of forsterite that appears to be a primitive nebular component.  相似文献   

The petrologic and oxygen isotopic characteristics of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) in CO chondrites were further constrained by studying CAIs from six primitive CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, including two Antarctic meteorites (DOM 08006 and MIL 090010), three hot desert meteorites (NWA 10493, NWA 10498, and NWA 7892), and the Colony meteorite. The CAIs can be divided into hibonite‐bearing inclusions (spinel‐hibonite spherules, monomineralic grains, hibonite‐pyroxene microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), grossite‐bearing inclusions (monomineralic grains, grossite‐melilite microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), melilite‐rich inclusions (fluffy Type A, compact type A, monomineralic grains, and igneous fragments), spinel‐pyroxene inclusions (fluffy objects resembling fine‐grained spinel‐rich inclusions in CV chondrites and nodular/banded objects resembling those in CM chondrites), and pyroxene‐anorthite inclusions. They are typically small (98.4 ± 54.4 µm, 1SD) and comprise 1.54 ± 0.43 (1SD) area% of the host chondrites. Melilite in the hot desert and Colony meteorites was extensively replaced by a hydrated Ca‐Al‐silicate during terrestrial weathering and converted melilite‐rich inclusions into spinel‐pyroxene inclusions. The CAI populations of the weathered COs are very similar to those in CM chondrites, suggesting that complete replacement of melilite by terrestrial weathering, and possibly parent body aqueous alteration, would make the CO CAIs CM‐like, supporting the hypothesis that CO and CM chondrites derive from similar nebular materials. Within the CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, asteroidal alteration significantly resets oxygen isotopic compositions of CAIs in CO3.1 chondrites (?17O: ?25 to ?2‰) but left those in CO3.0‐3.05 chondrites mostly unchanged (?17O: ?25 to ?20‰), further supporting the model whereby thermal metamorphism became evident in CO chondrites of petrologic type ≥3.1. The resistance of CAI minerals to oxygen isotope exchange during thermal metamorphism follows in the order: melilite + grossite < hibonite + anorthite < spinel + diopside + forsterite. Meanwhile, terrestrial weathering destroys melilite without changing the chemical and isotopic compositions of melilite and other CAI minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract– We used the electron microprobe to study matrix in the ungrouped type 3.0 carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 using 7 × 7‐point, focused‐beam arrays; data points attributable to mineral clasts were discarded. The grid areas show resolvable differences in composition, but differences are less pronounced than we observed in studies of CR2 LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02342 (Wasson and Rubin [2009]) and CO3.0 Allan Hills A77307 (Brearley [1993]). A key question is why Acfer shows an anomalously uniform composition of matrix compared with these other carbonaceous chondrites. Both whole‐rock and matrix samples of Acfer 094 show enhancements of Ca and K; it appears that these reflect contamination during hot desert weathering. By contrast, the whole‐rock abundance of Na is low. Although weathering effects are responsible for some fractionations, it appears that nebular effects are also resolvable in matrix compositions in Acfer 094. As with LAP 02342, we infer that the observed differences among different areas were inherited from the solar nebula and may have been carried by porous chondrules that experienced low (about 20%) degrees of melting. Acfer 094 has been comminuted by one or more impact events that may also have caused volatile loss. Thus, despite preserving evidence (e.g., an exceptionally high content of presolar SiC) implying a high degree of pristinity, Acfer 094 is far from pristine in other respects. This evidence of comminution and an O‐isotopic composition similar to values measured in metamorphosed CM chondrites suggest that Acfer was hydrated before being outgassed by the inferred impact event. Convection within the plume associated with the impact event probably also contributed to the homogenization of the Acfer 094 matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract— It was suggested that multilayered accretionary rims composed of ferrous olivine, andradite, wollastonite, salite‐hedenbergitic pyroxenes, nepheline, and Ni‐rich sulfides around Allende calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) are aggregates of gas‐solid condensates which reflect significant fluctuations in physico‐chemical conditions in the slowly cooling solar nebula and grain/gas separation processes. In order to test this model, we studied the mineralogy of accretionary rims around one type A CAI (E104) and one type B CAI (E48) from the reduced CV3 chondrite Efremovka, which is less altered than Allende. In contrast to the Allende accretionary rims, those in Efremovka consist of coarse‐grained (20–40 μm), anhedral forsterite (Fa1–8), Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and fine‐grained CAIs composed of Al‐diopside, anorthite, and spinel, ± forsterite. Although the fine‐grained CAIs, AOAs and host CAIs are virtually unaltered, a hibonite‐spinel‐perovskite CAI in the E48 accretionary rim experienced extensive alteration, which resulted in the formation of Fe‐rich, Zn‐bearing spinel, and a Ca, Al, Si‐hydrous mineral. Forsterites in the accretionary rims typically show an aggregational nature and consist of small olivine grains with numerous pores and tiny inclusions of Al‐rich minerals. No evidence for the replacement of forsterite by enstatite was found; no chondrule fragments were identified in the accretionary rims. We infer that accretionary rims in Efremovka are more primitive than those in Allende and formed by aggregation of high‐temperature condensates around host CAIs in the CAI‐forming regions. The rimmed CAIs were removed from these regions prior to condensation of enstatite and alkalies. The absence of andradite, wollastonite, and hedenbergite from the Efremovka rims may indicate that these rims sampled different nebular regions than the Allende rims. Alternatively, the Ca, Fe‐rich silicates rimming Allende CAIs may have resulted from late‐stage metasomatic alteration, under oxidizing conditions, of original Efremovka‐like accretionary rims. The observed differences in O‐isotope composition between forsterite and Ca, Fe‐rich minerals in the Allende accretionary rims (Hiyagon, 1998) suggest that the oxidizing fluid had an 16O‐poor oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fassaite is a major component of Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) of Types B and C that crystallized from liquids. In contrast, this mineral is rarely reported in Type A inclusions and has been much less studied. In this paper, we report highly Ti‐, Al‐enriched fassaite that occurs as rims on perovskite in two compact Type A inclusions from the Ningqiang meteorite. In addition, one of the inclusions contains an euhedral grain of Sc‐fassaite (16.4 wt% Sc2O3) isolated in melilite. The occurrence and mineral chemistry of the fassaite rims can be explained by a reaction of pre‐existing perovskite with CAI melts. Hence, such rims may serve as an indicator for partial melting of Type A inclusions. The Sc‐fassaite is probably a relict grain. A third spherical CAI contains several euhedral grains of V‐fassaite (4.8–5.4 wt% V2O3) enclosed in a melilite fragment. The high V content of fassaite cannot be related to any Fremdlinge, magnetite, or metallic Fe‐Ni, because these phases are absent in the inclusion. In the same CAI, other fassaites intergrow with spinel and minor perovskite, filling voids inside of the melilite and space adjacent to the Wark‐Lovering rim. The fassaite intergrown with spinel is almost V‐free. The coexistence of two types of fassaite suggests that this CAI has not been completely melted.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal nodules are one of the major textural components of Kaidun sample #01.3.06 EH3-4. In terms of structure, the nodules are of three types: (1) globular, (2) zoned with a massive core and globular mantle, and (3) nodules with no internal structure. The size and composition of the globules in the nodules and grains of metal of the matrix are almost identical: no greater than 20 μm and Ni, 5.95; Si, 3.33 wt%. The nodules contain small (usually <5 μm) inclusions of SiO2; albitic glass; enstatite; roedderite; and a mixture of SiO2 and Na2S2. This is the first reported occurrence of a simple sulfide of an alkaline metal in nature. The formation of the inclusions appears to be related to condensation of material onto the surfaces of metal grains. The nodules appear to have formed by aggregation of separate grains (globules) of metal, with conservation of condensates on the grain surfaces as inclusions. The inclusions probably condensed over a significant temperature range from 1400 to 600 K. The aggregation of metal grains and formation of the nodules probably occurred simultaneously with condensation.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM chondrite clasts that have experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration occur in H‐chondrite and HED meteorite breccias. Many clasts are fragments of essentially unshocked CM projectiles that accreted at low relative velocities to the regoliths of these parent bodies. A few clasts were heated and dehydrated upon impact; these objects most likely accreted at higher relative velocities. We examined three clasts and explored alternative scenarios for their formation. In the first scenario, we assumed that the H and HED parent bodies had diameters of a few hundred kilometers, so that their high escape velocities would effectively prevent soft landings of small CM projectiles. This would imply that weakly shocked CM clasts formed on asteroidal fragments (family members) associated with the H and HED parent bodies. In the second scenario, we assumed that weakly shocked CM clasts were spall products ejected at low velocities from larger CM projectiles when they slammed into the H and HED parent bodies. In both cases, if most CM clasts turn out to have ancient ages (e.g., ?3.4‐4.1 Ga), a plausible source for their progenitors would be outer main belt objects, some which may have been dynamically implanted 3.9 Ga ago by the events described in the so‐called “Nice model.” On the other hand, if most CM clasts have recent ages (<200 Ma), a plausible source location for their parent body would be the inner main belt between 2.1–2.2 AU. In that case, the possible source of the CM‐clasts' progenitors' parent fragments would be the breakup ?160 Ma ago of the parent body 170 km in diameter of the Baptistina asteroid family (BAF).  相似文献   

Abstract— To investigate the nature, origin, and history of the fine‐grained matrix in Semarkona and develop techniques suitable for small samples, we have measured the induced thermoluminescence properties of six matrix samples 10 μm to 400 μm in size. The samples had TL sensitivities comparable with 4 mg of bulk samples of type 3.2–3.4 ordinary chondrites, which is very high relative to bulk Semarkona. The other induced TL properties of these samples, TL peak temperatures, and TL peak widths distinguish them from other ordinary chondrite samples where the TL is caused by feldspar. Cathodoluminescence images and other data suggest that the cause of the luminescence in the Semarkona fine‐grained matrix is forsterite. In some respects the matrix TL data resemble that of Semarkona chondrules, in which the phosphor is forsterite and terrestrial forsterites from a variety of igneous and metamorphic environments. However, differences in the TL peak temperature versus TL peak width relationship between the matrix samples and the other forsterites suggest a fundamentally different formation mechanism. We also note that forsterite appears to be a major component in many primitive materials, such as nebulae, cometary dust, and Stardust particles.  相似文献   

Microtextural study of a single troilite‐metal nodule (TMN) from the Katol L6‐7 chondrite, a recent fall (May, 2012) in India suggests that the TMN is primarily an aggregate of submicron‐scale intergrowth of troilite and kamacite (mean Ni: 6.18 wt%) juxtaposed with intensely fractured silicates, mainly olivine (Fa: 25 mole%), low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs: 21.2 mole%), and a large volume of maskelynite. Evidence of shock textures in the TMN indicates a high degree of shock metamorphism that involves plagioclase‐maskelynite and olivine‐wadsleyite/ringwoodite transformations and formation of quenched metal‐sulfide melt textures due to localized shear‐induced frictional melting. It is inferred that the TMN formation is an independent, localized event by a high energy impact and its subsequent incorporation in the ejected chondritic fragment of the parent body. Katol chondrite has been calibrated with a peak shock pressure of S5 (~45 GPa) after Stöffler et al. (1991), whereas peak shock pressure within the TMN exceeds the shock facies S6 (>45 GPa) following Bennett and McSween (1996) and Stöffler et al. (1991). Overall, the shock‐thermal history of the Katol TMN is dissimilar as compared to the host chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Moss meteorite is the first CO chondrite fall after a time period of 70 yr and the least terrestrially contaminated member of its group. Its cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age (T3 ~ 13.5 Ma; T21 ~ 14.6 Ma) is distinct among CO chondrites and, within witnessed falls is the shortest after Lancé, which we have reanalyzed. Gas retention ages are approximately 3.95 × 109 yr (U/Th‐He) and approximately 4.43 × 109 yr (K/Ar), respectively. Trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe are present in Moss in abundances typical for CO chondrites, with “planetary” elemental and isotopic compositions. Presence of HL‐xenon from presolar diamonds is observed in the stepwise release analysis of Lancé. It may also be present in Moss, but it is difficult to ascertain in single‐step bulk analyses. It follows from our new data combined with a survey of the literature that the abundance of trapped gases in CO chondrites is not a good indicator of their petrological subtype.  相似文献   

Abstract— Oxygen isotopes have been measured by ion microprobe in individual minerals (spinel, Al‐Ti‐diopside, melilite, and anorthite) within four relatively unaltered, fine‐grained, spinel‐rich Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka. Spinel is uniformly 16O‐rich (Δ17O ≤ ?20‰) in all four CAIs; Al‐Ti‐diopside is similarly 16O‐rich in all but one CAI, where it has smaller 16O excesses (‐15‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?10‰). Anorthite and melilite vary widely in composition from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor (‐22‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?5‰). Two of the CAIs are known to have group II volatility‐fractionated rare‐earth‐element patterns, which is typical of this variety of CAI and which suggests formation by condensation. The association of such trace element patterns with 16O‐enrichment in these CAIs suggests that they formed by gas‐solid condensation from an 16O‐rich gas. They subsequently experienced thermal processing in an 16O‐poor reservoir, resulting in partial oxygen isotope exchange. Within each inclusion, oxygen isotope variations from mineral to mineral are consistent with solid‐state oxygen self‐diffusion at the grain‐to‐grain scale, but such a model is not consistent with isotopic variations at a larger scale in two of the CAIs. The spatial association of 16O depletions with both elevated Fe contents in spinel and the presence of nepheline suggests that late‐stage iron‐alkali metasomatism played some role in modifying the isotopic patterns in some CAIs. One of the CAIs is a compound object consisting of a coarse‐grained, melilite‐rich (type A) lithology joined to a fine‐grained, spinel‐rich one. Melilite and anorthite in the fine‐grained portion are mainly 16O‐rich, whereas melilite in the type A portion ranges from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor, suggesting that oxygen isotope exchange predated the joining together of the two parts and that both 16O‐rich and 16O‐poor gaseous reservoirs existed simultaneously in the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— –The CH/CB‐like chondrite Isheyevo consists of metal‐rich (70–90 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) and metal‐poor (7–20 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) lithologies which differ in size and relative abundance of Fe,Ni‐metal and chondrules, as well as proportions of porphyritic versus non‐porphyritic chondrules. Here, we describe the mineralogy and petrography of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in these lithologies. Based on mineralogy, refractory inclusions can be divided into hibonite‐rich (39%), grossite‐rich (16%), melilite‐rich (19%), spinel‐rich (14%), pyroxene‐anorthite‐rich (8%), fine‐grained spinel‐rich CAIs (1%), and AOAs (4%). There are no systematic differences in the inclusion types or their relative abundances between the lithologies. About 55% of the Isheyevo CAIs are very refractory (hibonite‐rich and grossite‐rich) objects, 20–240 μm in size, which appear to have crystallized from rapidly cooling melts. These inclusions are texturally and mineralogically similar to the majority of CAIs in CH and CB chondrites. They are distinctly different from CAIs in other carbonaceous chondrite groups dominated by the spinel‐pyroxene ± melilite CAIs and AOAs. The remaining 45% of inclusions are less refractory objects (melilite‐, spinel‐ and pyroxene‐rich CAIs and AOAs), 40–300 μm in size, which are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other chondrite groups. Both types of CAIs are found as relict objects inside porphyritic chondrules indicating recycling during chondrule formation. We infer that there are at least two populations of CAIs in Isheyevo which appear to have experienced different thermal histories. All of the Isheyevo CAIs apparently formed at an early stage, prior to chondrule formation and prior to a hypothesized planetary impact that produced magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains in CB, and possibly CH chondrites. However, some of the CAIs appear to have undergone melting during chondrule formation and possibly during a major impact event. We suggest that Isheyevo, as well as CH and CB chondrites, consist of variable proportions of materials produced by different processes in different settings: 1) by evaporation, condensation, and melting of dust in the protoplanetary disk (porphyritic chondrules and refractory inclusions), 2) by melting, evaporation and condensation in an impact generated plume (magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains; some igneous CAIs could have been melted during this event), and 3) by aqueous alteration of pre‐existing planetesimals (heavily hydrated lithic clasts). The Isheyevo lithologies formed by size sorting of similar components during accretion in the Isheyevo parent body; they do not represent fragments of CH and CB chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Textures, mineral assemblages, and Al‐Mg isotope systematics indicate a protracted, episodic secondary mineralization history for Allende Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Detailed observations from one type B1 CAI, one B2, one compact type A (CTA), and one fluffy type A (FTA) indicate that these diverse types of CAIs are characterized by two distinct textural and mineralogic types of secondary mineralization: (1) grossular‐rich domains, concentrated along melilite grain boundaries in CAI interiors, and (2) feldspathoid‐bearing domains, confined mostly to CAI margins just interior to the Wark‐Lovering rim sequence. The Al‐Mg isotopic compositions of most secondary minerals in the type B1 CAI, and some secondary minerals in the other CAIs, show no resolvable excesses of 26Mg, whereas the primary CAI phases mostly yield correlated excesses of 26Mg with increasing Al/Mg corresponding to “canonical” initial 26Al/27Al ~ 4.5–5 × 10?5. These secondary minerals formed at least 3 Ma after the primary CAI minerals. All but two analyses of secondary minerals from the fluffy type‐A CAI define a correlated increase in 26Mg/24Mg with increasing Al/Mg, yielding (26Al/27Al)0 = (4.9 ± 2.8) × 10?6. The secondary minerals in this CAI formed 1.8–3.2 Ma after the primary CAI minerals. In both cases, the timing of secondary alteration is consistent with, but does not necessarily require, alteration in an asteroidal setting. One grossular from the type B2 CAI, and several grossular and secondary feldspar analyses from the compact type A CAI, have excesses of 26Mg consistent with initial 26Al/27Al ~ 4.5 × 10?5. Especially in the compact type A CAI, where 26Mg/24Mg in grossular correlates with increasing Al/Mg, these 26Mg excesses are almost certainly due to in situ decay of 26Al. They indicate a nebular setting for formation of the grossular. The preservation of these diverse isotopic patterns indicates that heating on the Allende parent body was not pervasive enough to reset isotopic systematics of fine‐grained secondary minerals. Secondary mineralization clearly was not restricted to a short time interval, and at least some alteration occurred coincident with CAI formation and melting events (chondrule formation) in the nebula. This observation supports the possibility that alteration followed by melting affected the compositional evolution of CAIs.  相似文献   

Palisade bodies, mineral assemblages with spinel shells, in coarse‐grained Ca‐, Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) have been considered either as exotic “mini‐CAIs” captured by their host inclusions (Wark and Lovering 1982 ) or as in situ crystallization products of a bubble‐rich melt (Simon and Grossman 1997 ). In order to clarify their origins, we conducted a comprehensive study of palisade bodies in an Allende Type B CAI (BBA‐7), using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), micro‐computed tomography (Micro‐CT), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). New observations support the in situ crystallization mechanism: early/residual melt infiltrated into spinel‐shelled bubbles and crystallized inside. Evidence includes (1) continuous crystallography of anorthite from the interior of the palisade body to the surrounding host; (2) partial consolidation of two individual palisade bodies revealed by micro‐CT; (3) a palisade body was entirely enclosed in a large anorthite crystal, and the anorthite within the palisade body shows the same crystallographic orientation as the anorthite host; and (4) identical chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions of the constituent minerals between the palisade bodies and the surrounding host. Oxygen isotopic compositions of the major minerals in BBA‐7 are bimodal‐distributed. Spinel and fassaite are uniformly 16O‐rich with ?17O = ?23.3 ± 1.5‰ (2SD), and melilite and anorthite are homogeneously 16O‐poor with ?17O = ?3.2 ± 0.7‰ (2SD). The latter ?17O value overlaps with that of the Allende matrix (?17O ~ ?2.87‰) (Clayton and Mayeda 1999 ), which could be explained by secondary alteration with a 16O‐poor fluid in the parent body. The mobility of fluid could be facilitated by the high porosity (1.56–2.56 vol%) and connectivity (~0.17–0.55 vol%) of this inclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk compositions of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), amoeboid olivine aggregate (AOA), and Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite. Eighty‐two CAIs (0.1% of the section surface area) were found. They are hibonite‐rich (9%), grossite‐rich (18%), melilite ± spinel‐rich (48%), fassaite ± spinel‐rich (15%), and fassaite‐anorthite‐rich (10%) refractory inclusions. Most CAIs are rounded in shape and small in size (average = 40 μm). They are more refractory than those of other groups of chondrites. CAIs in SaU 290 might have experienced higher peak heating temperatures, which could be due to the formation region closer to the center of protoplanetary disk or have formed earlier than those of other groups of chondrites. In SaU 290, refractory inclusions with a layered texture could have formed by gas‐solid condensation from the solar nebula and those with an igneous texture could have crystallized from melt droplets or experienced subsequent melting of pre‐existing condensates from the solar nebula. One refractory inclusion represents an evaporation product of pre‐existing refractory solid on the basis of its layered texture and melting temperature of constituting minerals. Only one AOA is observed (75 μm across). It consists of olivine, Al‐diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel with a layered texture. CAIs and AOA show no significant low‐temperature aqueous alteration. ARCs in SaU 290 consist of diopside, forsterite, anorthite, Al‐enstatite, spinel, and mesostasis or glass. They can be divided into diopside‐rich, Al‐enstatite‐rich, glass‐rich, and anorthite‐rich chondrules. Bulk compositions of most ARCs are consistent with a mixture origin of CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules. Anorthite and Al‐enstatite do not coexist in a given ARC, implying a kinetic effect on their formation.  相似文献   

Abstract– An anomalous Ca‐Al‐Fe‐rich spherical inclusion (CAFI) was found in the Vigarano CV3 chondrite. The CAFI has an igneous texture and contains large amounts of almost pure and coarse‐grained hercynite grains (approximately 56 vol%) as well as refractory phases such as grossite and perovskite. However, melilite and Mg‐spinel, which are common in ordinary Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions, are very rare (<1 vol%). Another unique characteristic of the CAFI is the presence in its core of dmitryivanovite (CaAl2O4), which was formed by shock metamorphism of a low‐pressure form of CaAl2O4 that was originally crystallized from a molten droplet. The fine‐grained hercynite and unidentified aluminous phase in the rim of the CAFI may have been produced from grossite during aqueous alteration in the Vigarano parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The microtextures of pigeonite in four ureilites, Allan Hills (ALH) 77257, Reckling Peak (RKP) A80239, Yamato (Y‐) 791538, and Allan Hills A81101, chosen to span a range of composition and shock level, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two of the samples were also investigated by single crystal X‐ray diffraction to determine Fe2+‐Mg cation site partitioning. The low‐shock and compositionally homogeneous pigeonites in ALHA77257 and RKPA80329 (Wo 6.4 for both, mg 86.3 and 84.3 respectively) display irregularly spaced, shock‐induced stacking faults oriented parallel to (100), and large antiphase domains (50–100 nm). Antiphase domains have no preferential orientation. No evidence of exsolution was observed. The low‐shock Y‐791538 pigeonite is homogeneous and has higher Ca and mg (Wo 9.4, mg 91.2). TEM investigation showed spinodal decomposition, indicative of incipient exsolution; small antiphase domains were observed (~5 nm). Single crystal refinement yielded R4s? = 5.71%, with Fe2+‐Mg partitioning coefficient kd = 0.077(8) and Tc = 658(35) °C. ALHA81101 has compositionally heterogeneous pyroxenes, with large local variations in Wo and mg (Wo = 4–13, mg = 86–68). No compositional gradients from core to rim of grains were observed, and the heterogeneity is interpreted as related to cation migration during shock. In one relatively Ca‐rich region (Wo~12), TEM analysis showed augite‐pigeonite exsolution lamellae, with spacing 145(20) nm. Results for ALHA77257, RKPA80239, and Y‐791538 support a model of rapid cooling following breakup of the ureilite parent body. The presence of exsolution lamellae in ALHA81101 can be related to a local shock‐induced Ca enrichment and provides no constraint on the late cooling history.  相似文献   

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