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Little is known about the recruitment and behaviour of sponge larvae, especially of the class Calcarea. The calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is very common in Southeast Brazil, where it is considered a cryptogenic species. This study quantified recruitment rates in shaded and illuminated habitats for 2 years in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and analyzed larval photoresponses of this species. Four structures, each containing a shaded and an illuminated surface, were exchanged every 3 months for 2 years. The number of recruits was quantified on each plate. In the laboratory, larvae of P. magna were placed in half‐shaded Petri dishes and the number of settlers in each side was counted after 24 h. Paraleucilla magna recruited continuously throughout the experiment. Recruits occurred in greater abundance on shaded surfaces than on illuminated surfaces, and the larvae were negatively phototactic in vitro. Despite the possible influence of other factors in the recruitment of sponges (such as sedimentation, competition and predation), the prevalence of P. magna in shaded habitats may also be related to larval choice.  相似文献   

The macrobenthos of two exposed tropical sandy beaches in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) were compared in relation to density, species richness, and vertical zonation. Biological and sediment samplings were carried out in the austral winter of 2002 and the austral summer of 2003. The sampling design consisted of 10 transects perpendicular to the water line, evenly divided into strata. A sampling unit was taken in each stratum with a 0.04 m2 quadrat sampler. Beaches were also compared according to physical features, such as slope, wave period, wave height, and grain size. According to Dean's Ω morphodynamic index the Pontal is a dissipative beach while the Costa Azul is a reflective one. The mean grain size ranged from median to coarse sand in Costa Azul, whereas in Pontal it ranged from median to very fine sand. Eleven species were collected in the two beaches. Crustaceans were the dominant in the Costa Azul Beach, while the polychaete Scolelepis squamata dominated the Pontal beach. A negative correlation was found between the density of the macrobenthos and mean grain size, and beach slope. On the other hand, the Dean's parameter correlated positively with faunal density. Based on the results of ANOSIM, in both beaches, two groups of stations were identified, defining an upper and a lower beach zone along the vertical distribution of the macrobenthos.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages from two beaches, one in the inner and the other in the outer Sepetiba Bay (latitude: 22°54′–23°04′S; longitude: 43°34′–44°10′W), Southeast Brazil, were sampled by beach seine net, simultaneously, on both seasonal and diel scales, between August 1998 and June 1999. Sites were selected to encompass different environmental conditions which reflect the two bay zones, thus providing a comprehensive assessment of the factors influencing surf zone fish assemblages, and their spatial, seasonal and diel variations. A total of 55 fish species was recorded, mostly young-of-the-year. Anchoa tricolor, Micropogonias furnieri, Gerres aprion, Diapterus rhombeus, Harengula clupeola, Atherinella brasiliensis and Mugil liza were numerically dominant and contributed to 95.2% of the total fish catches. Strong differences in fish assemblages were observed between the two areas, with higher number of species in the outer bay. Increases in fish numbers occurred in winter, while the highest biomass occurred in winter and summer. Transparency, followed by salinity, was responsible for most of the spatial variability and played an important role in structuring fish assemblages. Overall, diel patterns did not reveal any significant trends; however, if we consider each season separately, an increase in fish numbers during the day with peak at sunset was observed in winter, and a higher biomass occurred at night in winter and summer. Species preferences for various combinations of environmental variables are responsible for shifts in the structure and overall abundance of assemblages and dictated some patterns. The sciaenid M. furnieri, the second most abundant species, occurred only in the inner zone, being more abundant in winter. The species of Engraulidae were more abundant in the outer zone in winter/spring during the day. The gerreids G. aprion and D. rhombeus occurred mainly in summer. Overall, temporal fluctuations act more at a specific level than at a structural one, and may be linked to some particular stages of the fish life cycle, but do not significantly influence the spatial organization.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the seabream Diplodus argenteus, a dominant coastal fishery species, was investigated over two consecutive seasons (2001–2002) at Cabo Frio, Brazil, a low-latitude upwelling system. The sex ratio was dominated by females (1.4:1.0) and the length-at-50% sexual maturity (females) was 203mm total length. Females were multiple spawners and the reproductive pattern appeared to be digynous protandrous hermaphroditism. Monthly variations in gonadosomatic index and proportion of ripe females indicated that reproductive activity occurred from late winter to summer (August–February), following coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

An integrated biological-chemical survey of organotin compounds was carried out in Guanabara Bay, the second most important Brazilian harbor complex. The biological survey revealed high levels of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma populations. Inside the bay values of relative penis length index from 42.7 to 107.6 and vas deferens sequence index from III to VI were found, while organisms collected outside the bay had values ranging from <0.1 to 35.2 and from 0 to II. None of the females sampled inside the bay were normal and imposex was found in all stations. Surface sediments in the bay are contaminated by tributyltin (10-522 ng/g d.w.) and triphenyltin (<3.9-39.4 ng/g d.w.) with greater concentrations close to shipyards and marinas. The observed predominance of parent compounds (TBT and TPT) is commonly found when recent inputs occur, but may also indicate slow degradation processes in the anoxic conditions of these sediments. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a combined imposex-sediment approach to evaluate organotin contamination in marine environments of South America, and also the first report of TPT detection in environmental matrices in this region.  相似文献   

本研究以种群生命表为基础,对位于广西珍珠湾内的桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)种群、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)种群、秋茄(Kandelia obovata)种群和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)种群采用径级法及匀滑技术,编制种群特定时间生命表,绘制种群存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线,进行种群数量动态变化和时间序列分析。结果表明:(1)白骨壤种群、秋茄种群和木榄种群年龄结构呈倒"J"形,种群趋于Deevey-II型,即增长型,主要集中在I龄级,存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线均呈现出更新层死亡率较高的特征;(2)桐花树种群年龄结构呈"金字塔"形,属于Deevey-I型,为衰退型,更新层个体数量少,种群总体不具备显著增长性幅度;(3)4种红树种群的数量变化动态指数Vpi和V′pi均大于0.00%,种群稳定但易受外部环境影响;(4)在未来2、4、6、8个龄级时间后,4种红树种群中老龄级个体能够得到不同程度的补充。  相似文献   

The pattern of resource allocation into multiple life‐history traits can vary with the environment; for example, high temperatures generally facilitate growth. Changes in investment in growth due to temperature may alter the allocation to other traits that are in trade‐off with that. Here, we investigated the trade‐off between growth and reproduction and whether the proportion of allocation to these varies with increasing seawater temperature in the lancelet Branchiostoma japonicum. We reared the lancelets of early adult stage under three different temperature treatments (control, + 1°C and + 2°C treatments) for 427 days in the laboratory. Although the total body length at initiation did not differ between treatments, the length was influenced by the interaction between elapsed days and temperature treatments, suggesting that growth rate was temperature‐dependent; the lancelets under higher temperature conditions showed a more rapid growth rate than did those under the control conditions. The frequency of individuals with gonads did not differ between treatments throughout their reproductive season. The monthly growth increments were also not significantly affected by the interaction between the presence/absence of gonads and temperature treatments, although the presence of gonads caused the growth increments to decrease. In addition, the effect of temperature treatments was significant. These results suggest that changes in temperature did not alter the pattern of allocation between growth and reproduction that were in a trade‐off, whereas high temperature would solely result in an increase in resource intake, at least in the early adult stage of this species.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and population dynamics of the cirolanid isopod Excirolana armata (Dana, 1853) were analysed through monthly samples from December 2003 to November 2005 on Una beach, São Paulo state (24° S), in Southeastern Brazil. Sampling was performed along three transects established from the base of foredunes to the waterline. On Una beach, E. armata showed continuous reproduction with higher abundances of ovigerous females in winter and spring (July–November) with a higher peak of juveniles in spring (November 2004). The fecundity ranged from 2 to 18 eggs/embryos per female, depending on the female length. The incubation period was estimated as 2 months. The life span of males and females was nearly 1 year. The short life span and the high energetic expenditure inherent to reproduction with maternal care, probably kept females from producing more than one brood in their lifetime. When comparing the population of E. armata on Una beach (24° S) with populations in Southern Brazil (32° S), Uruguay (34° S) and Argentina (36° S), it was verified that several biological population traits (length of the smallest juvenile, length of the largest individual, length of the smallest and largest ovigerous females, range of fecundity and life span) tended to increase at higher latitudes, whereas other traits (instantaneous rate of mortality and the curvature parameter of von Bertalanffy growth function) tended to decrease. However, comparing E. armata on Una beach (24° S) with a population situated at a close latitude (25° S), unexpected differences in relation to population structure and to growth demonstrated and reinforced the importance of density‐dependent factors over life history traits of E. armata on dissipative beaches.  相似文献   

海草的土壤种子库具有巨大的时空异质性,不同种类密度差别可达5个数量级,同一种植被的土壤种子库,在不同环境、不同阶段亦相差甚大。种子具有休眠现象的海草可形成持久种子库(种子寿命≥1 a),例如喜盐草属(Halophila)、针叶草属(Syringodium)、川蔓草属(Ruppia)和丝粉草属(Cymodocea),或短暂种子库(种子寿命<1 a),例如鳗草属(Zostera)和虾形草属(Phyllospadix)。种子没有休眠现象,例如海菖蒲属(Enhalus)和泰来草属(Thalassia),或具有胎生现象的海草,例如全楔草属(Thalassodendron)和根枝草属(Amphibolis),则不形成土壤种子库。植被特性、环境条件、动物行为等影响海草的土壤种子库。海草土壤种子库密度的研究方法可分为直接计数法和幼苗萌发法两种,采用何种方法取决于种子的大小以及破除休眠的可控性。土壤种子库尤其是持久种子库是一年生海草场或受到较大干扰海草场恢复的关键。我国绝大部分的海草场面临巨大的人为威胁,且不少海草场由一年生海草组成,因此,保护好这些海草场的土壤种子库至关重要。  相似文献   

温度对杂色鲍不同群体生长率与存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在16、20、24和28℃这4个设定的水温下,以杂色鲍(Haliotisdiversicolor)日本群体、台湾群体、越南群体和“东优1号”为材料,进行为期40d的养殖试验,对4个杂色鲍群体在不同温度下的壳长日增长率(LGR)和体重日增长率(WGR)进行比较.结果表明,“东优l号”杂色鲍群体在28℃时的LGR和WGR值分别达到162.23±15.79lxm/d和46.52±6.89mg/d,在4个温度下的LGR和WGR值都优于其他3个群体,台湾群体在较高温度(24和28℃)条件下的LGR和WGR值要高于日本群体,而日本群体在较低温度(16和20℃)时的值则高于台湾群体.双因素方差分析的结果进一步表明,温度对杂色鲍不同群体的生长率指标具有显著影响.  相似文献   

台湾海峡中北部海域刺鲳种群生态学参数及其变动趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2001~2002年周年逐月采集台湾海峡中北部单拖渔船渔获的刺鲳样品578尾,进行群体结构和生长与死亡关系的研究,与1982~1984年渔获群体结构进行了比较,并结合1995~2008年渔业投入量和产出量的变化,探讨其种群变化趋势及管理策略.结果表明:2001~2002年刺鲳群体的L∞值为238.17 mm,W∞值为506.31 g,k值为0.338 3,t0值为-0.953 4a,tr值为2.146 2a.总死亡系数为2.364 1,自然死亡系数为0.841 5,捕捞死亡系数为1.523 0.与1982~1984年相比,渔获群体发生了个体小型化、结构低龄化、性成熟提早等生态学变化.这些变化与该渔场自1993年以来不断加大捕捞的投入和渔获量的产出且大量捕杀幼鱼,开发比率高达0.644 1,处于过度开发有关.因此必须强化对渔业资源的管理,同时实施最小可捕叉长为126.19 mm和最小可捕体重为58.81 g的管理制度,使该海域渔业资源得以恢复,实现渔业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) is an important coastal fish species in New Zealand for a variety of reasons, but the large amount of research conducted on snapper has not been reviewed. Here, we review life history information and potential threats for snapper in New Zealand. We present information on snapper life history, defining stages (eggs and larvae, juvenile and adult), and assess potential threats and knowledge gaps. Overall we identify six key points: 1. post-settlement snapper are highly associated with certain estuarine habitats that are under threat from land-based stressors. This may serve as a bottleneck for snapper populations; 2. the largest knowledge gaps relate to the eggs and larvae. Additional knowledge may help to anticipate the effects of climate change, which will likely have the greatest influence on these early life stages; 3. ocean acidification, from land-based sources and from climate change, may be an important threat to larval snapper; 4. a greater understanding of population connectivity would improve certainty around the sustainability of fishery exploitation; 5. the collateral effects of fishing are likely to be relevant to fishery productivity, ecosystem integrity and enduser value; 6. our understanding of the interrelationships between snapper and other ecosystem components is still deficient.  相似文献   

盐度对海月水母幼体行为、附着和无性生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄渤海沿岸海参养殖池为海月水母(Aurelia aurita)幼体的重要栖息地,海参养殖池盐度波动范围极大,因此,研究不同盐度对海月水母早期生活史的影响对于理解其环境适应机制具有重要科学意义.本研究以海月水母为研究对象,探讨了不同盐度梯度(18、22、26、30、34和38)对海月水母浮浪幼虫行为、附着以及螅状幼体无性生殖的影响.结果表明,盐度对海月水母浮浪幼虫的运动行为存在显著影响,较高盐度环境(30、34和38)海月水母浮浪幼虫运动速度明显高于较低盐度环境(18、22和26);盐度对海月水母浮浪幼虫的附着有显著影响,相对较高盐度促进海月水母浮浪幼虫的附着,盐度为34时,海月水母浮浪幼虫附着率最高;海月水母螅状幼体无性生殖能适应较广的盐度范围,42d无性生殖实验周期后,18~34盐度环境下海月水母每个螅状幼体平均新繁殖螅状幼体个体数为2.8~3.7个,不同盐度处理组间无显著差异,而极高盐度(38)显著降低海月水母的出芽生殖率(1.2个).本研究表明盐度对海月水母早期生活史不同阶段幼体具有不同影响,研究结果为黄渤海沿岸海月水母环境适应机制研究提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population dynamics and life history characteristics of Callinectes similis and C. sapidus in the Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound estuarine system of the northern Gulf of Mexico were studied. We report that C. similis is numerically dominant in open-bays, while C. sapidus is more abundant in shallow salt marshes. Juvenile C. similis recruit into both open-bays and salt marshes, but juvenile C. sapidus primarily recruit into shallow salt marshes. Sex ratios of C. similis and C. sapidus were generally skewed towards higher proportions of males than females. Callinectes similis appears to have a life cycle similar to that of C. sapidus. Egg-carrying C. similis migrate to higher salinity waters and presumably release larvae to nearshore shelf waters; following development, the larvae re-invade estuaries as megalopae. Juvenile C. similis grow more slowly than C. sapidus. This may be attributable to reduced feeding rates. Marked differences in fecundity and reproductive effort were found between these species. Callinectes similis and C. sapidus , respectively, produced 2.4–5.5 times 105 and 2.1–3.2 times 106 eggs and invested 24–49 and 171–372 kJ per brood. Rhizocephalan barnacle infestation by Loxothylacus texanus was encountered in C. sapidus , while sympatric C. similis were free of this rhizocephalan parasite.  相似文献   

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