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Abstract— For most elements, polymict ureilite EET83309 shows no significant compositional difference from other ureilites, including ordinary (“monomict”) ureilites. Polymict ureilites appear to be mixtures of a wide variety of ordinary ureilites, with little dilution by “foreign” extra-ureilitic materials. Thus, they apparently were mixed (i.e., the ureilites in general formed) on a very small number of parent bodies. In one respect, polymict ureilites do stand out. Along with the only other polymict ureilite that has been analyzed for REE (Nilpena), EET83309 has much higher concentrations of light-middle REE than most ordinary ureilites. Despite these relative enrichments in LREE, polymict ureilites are nearly devoid of basaltic (Al-rich) material. A basaltic component should have formed along with (and presumably above) the ultramafic ureilites, in any closed-system differentiation of an originally chondritic asteroid. This scarcity of complementary basaltic materials may be an important clue to ureilite origins. We suggest that ureilites originated as paracumulates (mushy, cumulate-like, partial melt residues) deep within a primordially-heated asteroid or asteroids. While still largely molten, the asteroid was severely disrupted, and most of its external basaltic portion was permanently blown away, by impact of a large, C-rich projectile. This partially-disruptive impact tended to permeate the paracumulates with C-rich, noble-gas-rich, and 16O-rich magma derived mainly from shock-melting of the projectile. After reaccumulation and cooling, the resultant mixtures of cumulus mafic silicates with essentially “foreign” C-matrix became “monomict” ureilites. Further small impacts produced polymict ureilites as components of a newly-developed, basalt-poor megaregolith. The consistently moderate pyroxene/olivine ratios of the ureilites are as expected for partial melt residues, but not for cumulate (sensu stricto) rocks. The final projectile/target mixing ratio tended to be greatest among the more magnesian and pyroxene-rich portions of the paracumulate, because these portions were lowest in density, and thus concentrated toward the upper surface of the paracumulate layer. As a result, ureilites show correlations among C, Δ17O, and silicate-core mg. This model appears to reconcile many paradoxical aspects of ureilite composition (primitive, near-chondritic, except depleted in basalt, diverse Δ17O) and petrography (igneous, cumulate-like).  相似文献   

Abstract– The Almahata Sitta meteorite is the first case of recovered extraterrestrial material originating from an asteroid that was detected in near Earth space shortly before entering and exploding in the high atmosphere. The aims of our project within the 2008 TC3 consortium were investigating Almahata Sitta’s (AS) magnetic signature, phase composition and mineralogy, focussing on the opaque minerals, and gaining new insights into the magnetism of the ureilite parent body (UPB). We report on the general magnetic properties and behavior of Almahata Sitta and try to place the results in context with the existing data set on ureilites and ureilite parent body models. The magnetic signature of AS is dominated by a set of low‐Ni kamacites with large grain sizes. Additional contributions come from micron‐sized kamacites, suessite, (Cr) troilite, and daubreelite, mainly found in the olivine grains adjacent to carbon‐rich veins. Our results show that the paleomagnetic signal is of extraterrestrial origin as can be seen by comparing with laboratory produced magnetic records (IRM). Four types of kamacite (I–IV) have been recognized in the sample. The elemental composition of the ureilite vein metal Kamacite I (particularly Co) clearly differs from the other kamacites (II‐IV), which are considered to be indigenous. Element ratios of kamacite I indicate that it was introduced into the UPB by an impactor, supporting the conclusions of Gabriel and Pack (2009) .  相似文献   

Ureilites are carbon‐rich ultramafic achondrites that have been heated above the silicate solidus, do not contain plagioclase, and represent the melting residues of an unknown planetesimal (i.e., the ureilite parent body, UPB). Melting residues identical to pigeonite‐olivine ureilites (representing 80% of ureilites) have been produced in batch melting experiments of chondritic materials not depleted in alkali elements relative to the Sun’s photosphere (e.g., CI, H, LL chondrites), but only in a relatively narrow range of temperature (1120 ºC–1180 ºC). However, many ureilites are thought to have formed at higher temperature (1200 ºC–1280 ºC). New experiments, described in this study, show that pigeonite can persist at higher temperature (up to 1280 ºC) when CI and LL chondrites are melted incrementally and while partial melts are progressively extracted. The melt productivity decreases dramatically after the exhaustion of plagioclase with only 5–9 wt% melt being generated between 1120 ºC and 1280 ºC. The relative proportion of pyroxene and olivine in experiments is compared to 12 ureilites, analyzed for this study, together with ureilites described in the literature to constrain the initial Mg/Si ratio of the UPB (0.98–1.05). Experiments are also used to develop a new thermometer based on the partitioning of Cr between olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene that is applicable to all ureilites. The equilibration temperature of ureilites increases with decreasing Al2O3 and Wo contents of pyroxene and decreasing bulk REE concentrations. The UPB melted incrementally, at different fO2, and did not cool significantly (0 ºC–30 ºC) prior to its disruption. It remained isotopically heterogenous, but the initial concentration of major elements (SiO2, MgO, CaO, Al2O3, alkali elements) was similar in the different mantle reservoirs.  相似文献   

Mesosiderites are breccias composed of roughly equal parts of metal phases and silicate clasts. However, the parent body and formation process of mesosiderites remain enigmatic. Northwest Africa (NWA) 12949 is a newly found mesosiderite belonging to type 2A. One type of ultramafic clasts and four types of mafic clasts (gabbroic, poikilitic, subophitic, and cataclastic), compositionally consistent with diogenites and eucrites, have been identified in NWA 12949. However, these clasts have undergone different thermal histories, with cooling rates varying from ~0.0044 °C year−1 to a few °C h−1, and equilibrium temperatures varying from ~880 to 910 °C to ~1000 to 1100 °C. All the lithic clasts have undergone redox reactions during extensive metamorphism, forming excess troilite, chromite, merrillite, tridymite, and pyroxene with lower Fe/Mg and Fe/Mn. The petrology and mineralogy of NWA 12949 support a formation scenario involving two major impact events, and a candidate parent body of 4 Vesta.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of comet 81P/Wild 2 particles, collected in aerogel by the Stardust mission, has been determined using synchrotron Fe‐K X‐ray absorption spectroscopy with in situ transmission XRD and X‐ray fluorescence, plus complementary microRaman analyses. Our investigation focuses on the terminal grains of eight Stardust tracks: C2112,4,170,0,0; C2045,2,176,0,0; C2045,3,177,0,0; C2045,4,178,0,0; C2065,4,187,0,0; C2098,4,188,0,0; C2119,4,189,0,0; and C2119,5,190,0,0. Three terminal grains have been identified as near pure magnetite Fe3O4. The presence of magnetite shows affinities between the Wild 2 mineral assemblage and carbonaceous chondrites, and probably resulted from hydrothermal alteration of the coexisting FeNi and ferromagnesian silicates in the cometary parent body. In order to further explore this hypothesis, powdered material from a CR2 meteorite (NWA 10256) was shot into the aerogel at 6.1 km s?1, using a light‐gas gun, and keystones were then prepared in the same way as the Stardust keystones. Using similar analysis techniques to the eight Stardust tracks, a CR2 magnetite terminal grain establishes the likelihood of preserving magnetite during capture in silica aerogel.  相似文献   

Abstract— Diogenites are recognized as a major constituent of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite group. Recently, several papers (Mittlefehldt, 1994; Fowler et al, 1994, 1995) have identified trace-element systematics in diogenites that appeared to mimic simple magmatic processes that involved large degrees of crystallization (up to 95% orthopyroxene) of basalt with extremely high normative hypersthene. Such a crystallization scenario linking all the diogenites is highly unlikely. The purpose of this study is to explore other possible models relating the diogenites. Computational major-element melting models of a variety of different potential bulk compositions for the eucrite parent body (EPB) mantle indicate that these compositions show a similar sequence in residuum mineral assemblage with increasing degrees of partial melting. Numerous bulk compositions would produce melts with Mg# appropriate for diogenitic parent magmas at low to moderate degrees of partial melting (15% to 30%). These calculations also show that melts with similar Mg# and variable incompatible element concentrations may be produced during small to moderate degrees of EPB mantle melting. The trace-element characteristic of the orthopyroxene in diogenites does not support a model for large amounts of fractional crystallization of a single “hypersthene normative” basaltic magma following either small-scale or large-scale EPB mantle melting. Small degrees of fractional crystallization of a series of distinct basaltic magmas are much more likely. Only two melting models that we considered hold any promise for producing different batches of “diogenitic magmas.” The first model involves the fractional melting of a homogeneous source that produces parental magmas to diogenites with an extensive range of incompatible elements and limited variations in Mg#. There are several requirements for this model to work. The first requirement of this model is that the Dorthopyroxene/melt must change during melting or crystallization to compress the range of incompatible elements in the calculated diogenitic magmas. The second prerequisite is that either some of the calculated diogenitic magmas are parental to eucrites or the Mg# in diogenitic magmas are influenced by slight changes in oxygen fugacity during partial melting. The second model involves batch melting of a source that reflects accretional heterogeneities capable of generating diogenitic magmas with the calculated Mg# and incompatible element contents. Both of these models require small to moderate degrees of partial melting that may limit the efficiency of core separation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have performed petrologic and geochemical studies of Patuxent Range (PAT) 91501 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88663. PAT 91501, originally classified as an L7 chondrite, is rather a unique, near total impact melt from the L‐chondrite parent body. Lewis Cliff 88663 was originally classified as an “achondrite (?)”, but we find that it is a very weakly shocked L7 chondrite. PAT 91501 is an unshocked, homogeneous, igneous‐textured ultramafic rock composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine, low‐Ca pyroxene, augite and chrome‐rich spinels with interstitial albitic plagioclase and minor silica‐alumina‐alkali‐rich glass. Only ~10% relic chondritic material is present. Olivine grains are homogeneous (Fa25.2–26.8). Low‐Ca pyroxene (Wo1.9–7.2En71.9–78.2Fs19.9–20.9) and augite (Wo29.8–39.0En49.2–55.3Fs11.8–14.9) display a strong linear TiO2‐Al2O3 correlation resulting from igneous fractionation. Plagioclase is variable in composition; Or3.0–7.7Ab79.8–84.1An8.2–17.2.‐Chrome‐rich spinels are variable in composition and zoned from Cr‐rich cores to Ti‐Al‐rich rims. Some have evolved compositions with up to 7.9 wt% TiO2. PAT 91501 bulk silicate has an L‐chondrite lithophile element composition except for depletions in Zn and Br. Siderophile and chalcophile elements are highly depleted due to sequestration in centimeter‐size metal‐troilite nodules. The minerals in LEW 88663 are more uniform in composition than those in PAT 91501. Olivine grains have low CaO and Cr2O3 contents similar to those in L5–6 chondrites. Pyroxenes have high TiO2 contents with only a diffuse TiO2‐Al2O3 correlation. Low‐Ca pyroxenes are less calcic (Wo1.6–3.1En76.5–77.0Fs20.4–21.4), while augites (Wo39.5–45.6En46.8–51.1Fs7.6–9.4) and plagioclases (Or2.6–5.7Ab74.1–83.1An11.2–23.3) are more calcic. Spinels are homogeneous and compositionally similar to those in L6 chondrites. LEW 88663 has an L‐chondrite bulk composition for lithophile elements, and only slight depletions in siderophile and chalcophile elements that are plausibly due to weathering and/or sample heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Petrological and bulk geochemical studies were performed on a large silicate clast from the Mount Padbury mesosiderite. The silicate clast is composed mainly of pyroxene and plagioclase with minor amounts of ilmenite, spinel, and other accessory minerals, and it shows subophitic texture. Pyroxenes in the clast are similar to those in type 5 eucrites and could have experienced prolonged thermal metamorphism after rapid crystallization from a near‐surface melt. Ilmenite and spinel vary chemically, indicating growth under disequilibrium conditions. The clast seems to have experienced an episode of rapid reheating and cooling, possibly as a result of metal‐silicate mixing. Abundances of siderophile elements are obviously higher than in eucrites, although the clast is also extremely depleted in highly siderophile elements. The fractionated pattern can be explained by injection of Fe‐FeS melts generated by partial melting of metallic portions during metal‐silicate mixing. The silicate clast had a complex petrogenesis that could have included: 1) rapid crystallization from magma in a lava flow or a shallow intrusion; 2) prolonged thermal metamorphism to equilibrate the mineral compositions of pyroxene and plagioclase after primary crystallization; 3) metal‐silicate mixing probably caused by the impact of solid metal bodies on the surface of the mesosiderite parent body; and 4) partial melting of metal and sulfide portions (and silicate in some cases) caused by the collisional heating, which produced Fe‐FeS melts with highly fractionated siderophile elements that were injected into silicate portions along cracks and fractures.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite consists of heavily aqueously altered chondrules, CAIs, and larger mineral fragments in a fine‐grained, phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix. The vast majority of the coarse‐grained components in this meteorite are surrounded by continuous, 1.5 to >200 μm wide, fine‐grained, accretionary rims, which are well known from meteorites belonging to petrological types 2 and 3 and whose origin and modification is still a matter of debate. Texturally, the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake are very similar throughout the entire meteorite and independent of the nature of the enclosed object. They typically display sharp boundaries to the core object and more gradational contacts to the meteorite matrix. Compared to the matrix, the rims are much more finegrained and characterized by a significantly lower porosity. The rims consist of an unequilibrated assemblage of phyllosilicates, Fe,Ni sulfides, magnetites, low‐Ca pyroxenes, and forsteritic olivines, and are, except for a much lower abundance of carbonates, very similar to the Tagish Lake matrix. Electron microprobe and synchrotron X‐ray microprobe analyses show that matrix and rims are also very similar in composition and that the rims differ significantly from matrix and bulk meteorite only by being depleted in Ca. X‐ray elemental mapping and mineralogical observations indicate that Ca was lost during aqueous alteration from the enclosed objects and preferentially crystallized as carbonates in the porous matrix. The analyses also show that Ca is strongly fractionated from Al in the rims, whereas there is no fractionation of the Ti/Al‐ratios. Our data suggest that the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake initially formed by accretion in the solar nebula and were subsequently modified by in situ alteration on the parent body. This pervasive alteration removed any potential evidence for pre‐accretionary alteration but did not change the overall texture of the Tagish Lake meteorite.  相似文献   

The anomalous polymict ureilite Almahata Sitta (AhS) fell in 2008 when asteroid 2008 TC3 disintegrated over Sudan and formed a strewn field of disaggregated clasts of various ureilitic and chondritic types. We studied the petrology and oxygen isotope compositions of enstatite meteorite samples from the University of Khartoum (UoK) collection of AhS. In addition, we describe the first bona fide (3.5 mm-sized) clast of an enstatite chondrite (EC) in a typical polymict ureilite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 10657. We evaluate whether 2008 TC3 and typical polymict ureilites have a common origin, and examine implications for the history of enstatite meteorite asteroids in the solar system. Based on mineralogy, mineral compositions, and textures, the seven AhS EC clasts studied comprise one EHa3 (S151), one ELb3 (AhS 1002), two EHb4-5 (AhS 2012, AhS 26), two EHb5-6 or possibly impact melt rocks (AhS 609, AhS 41), and one ELb6-7 (AhS 17), while the EC clast in NWA 10657 is EHa3. Oxygen isotope compositions analyzed for five of these are similar to those of EC from non-UoK collections of AhS, and within the range of individual EC meteorites. There are no correlations of oxygen isotope composition with chemical group or subgroup. The EC clasts from the UoK collection show the same large range of types as those from non-UoK collections of AhS. The enstatite achondrite, AhS 60, is a unique type (not known as an individual meteorite) that has also been found among non-UoK AhS samples. EC are the most abundant non-ureilitic clasts in AhS but previously were thought to be absent in typical polymict ureilites, necessitating a distinct origin for AhS. The discovery of an EC in NWA 10657 changes this. We argue that the types of materials in AhS and typical polymict ureilites are essentially similar, indicating a common origin. We elaborate on a model in which AhS and typical polymict ureilites formed in the same regolith on a ureilitic daughter body. Most non-ureilitic clasts are remnants of impactors implanted at ~50–60 Myr after CAI. Differences in abundances can be explained by the stochastic nature of impactor addition. There is no significant difference between the chemical/petrologic types of EC in polymict ureilites and individual EC meteorites. This implies that fragments of the same populations of EC parent bodies were available as impactors at ~50–60 Myr after CAI and recently. This can be explained if materials excavated from various depths on EC bodies at ~50–60 Myr after CAI were reassembled into mixed layers, leaving relatively large bodies intact to survive 4 billion years. Polymict ureilites record a critical timestep in the collisional and dynamical evolution of the solar system, showing that asteroids that may have accreted at distant locations had migrated to within proximity of one another by 50–60 Myr after CAI, and providing constraints on the dynamical processes that could have caused such migrations.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review the petrology of Baszkówka, present new microprobe data on mineral constituents, and propose a model for surface properties of the parent body consistent with these data. The low shock index and high porosity of the Baszkówka L5 chondrite mean that considerable primary textural and petrographic detail is preserved, allowing insight into the structure and evolution of the parent body. This meteorite formed in a sedimentary environment resembling that in which pyroclastic rocks are deposited. The origin of the component chondrules, achondritic fragments (mostly olivine and pyroxene aggregates), chondritic‐achondritic aggregates, and compound chondrules can be explained by invoking collision of 2 melted or partially melted planetesimals, each covered with a thin crust. This could have happened at an early stage in the evolution of the solar system, between 1 and 2 Myr after its origin. The collision resulted in the formation of a cloud containing products of earlier magmatic crystallization (chondrite and achondrite fragments) from which new chondrules were created. Particle collision in this cloud produced fragmented chondrules, chondritic‐achondritic aggregates, and compound chondrules. Within this low‐density medium, these particles were accreted on the surface of the larger of the planetesimals involved in the collision. The density of the medium was low enough to prevent grain‐size sorting of the components but high enough to prevent the total loss of heat and to enable the welding of fragments on the surface of the body. The rock material was homogenized within the cloud and, in particular, within the zone close to the planetesimal surface. The hot material settled on the surface and became welded as molten or plastic metal, and sulfide components cemented the grains together. The process resembled the formation of welded ignimbrites. Once these processes on the planetesimal surface were completed, no subsequent recrystallization occurred. The high porosity of the Baszkówka chondrite indicates that the meteorite comes from a near‐surface part of the parent body. Deeper parts of the planetesimal would have been more massive because of compaction.  相似文献   

The NWA 5491 CV3 meteorite is a CVoxA subtype, and composed of two substantially different units (titled “upper” and “lower” units) in the cm size range with original accreted material and also subsequent alteration produced features. Based on the large chondrules in the “upper” unit and the small chondrules plus CAIs in the “lower” unit, they possibly accreted material from different parts of the solar nebula and/or at different times, whereas substantial changes happened in the nebula's composition. Differences are observed in the level of early fragmentation too, which was stronger in the upper units. During later alteration oxidizing fluids possibly circulated only in the upper unit, mechanical fragmentation and resorption were also stronger there. In the last phase of the geological history these two rock units came into physical contact, but impact‐driven shock effects were not observed. The characteristics of this meteorite provide evidence that the same parent body might accrete substantially different material and also the later processes could differ spatially in the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The trace element distributions of individual minerals from seven acapulcoites and lodranites have been studied. Systematic differences are evident between some members of the two groups. Specifically, pyroxenes from the lodranites MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88177 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88280 exhibit depletions of the rare earth elements (REE) and other incompatible trace elements (Ti, Zr, Y), relative to acapulcoite (Acapulco, Allan Hills (ALH) A81261) pyroxenes, that are consistent with the formation and removal of 15% or more silicate partial melts from these meteorites. Phosphate REE patterns in these lodranites also support this scenario. However, other members of the acapulcoite‐lodranite clan exhibit more complex trace element variations. Elephant Moraine (EET) 84302, which has been classified as transitional between the acapulcoites and lodranites, generally has trace element characteristics similar to the acapulcoites. However, its plagioclase REE compositions suggest a somewhat greater degree of metamorphism than that experienced by acapulcoites such as Acapulco and ALHA81261. Similar and elevated REE abundances in the silicate phases from acapulcoite ALHA81187 and lodranite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 95209 suggest that these two meteorites, in fact, experienced similar thermal histories. This probably included some silicate partial melting, although little melt appears to have been lost from the samples. The observed variations in the trace element abundances of these samples from the acapulcoite‐lodranite clan emphasize the complex and varied processes that have acted on their parent body. The simple bimodal classification of these meteorites based primarily on petrographic criteria, which has been used to date, appears to be inadequate to describe this diverse group of samples, as they represent a range of degrees of partial melting, both with and without accompanying melt migration. In some instances, secondary processes on the parent body, such as cryptic metasomatism, have further modified sample compositions.  相似文献   

A detailed mineralogical and chemical study of Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (MS‐20, MS‐165, MS‐168) was performed to shed light on the origin of these lithologies and their sulfide and metal. The Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (silicates <30 μm grain size) show textural and chemical evidence for severe impact smelting as described for other fine‐grained ureilites. Highly reduced areas in Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites show large (up to ~1 mm) Si‐bearing metal grains (up to ~4.5 wt% Si) and niningerite [Mg>0.5,(Mn,Fe)<0.5S] with some similarities to the mineralogy of enstatite (E) chondrites. Overall, metal grains show a large compositional variability in Ni and Si concentrations. Niningerite grains probably formed as a by‐product of smelting via sulfidation. The large Si‐Ni variation in fine‐grained ureilite metal could be the result of variable degrees of reduction during impact smelting, inherited from coarse‐grained ureilite precursors, or a combination of both. Large Si‐bearing metal grains probably formed via coalescence of existing and newly formed metal during impact smelting. Bulk and in situ siderophile trace element abundances indicate three distinct populations of (1) metal crystallized from partial melts in MS‐20, (2) metal resembling bulk chondritic compositions in MS‐165, and (3) residual metal in MS‐168. Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites developed their distinctive mineralogy due to severe reduction during smelting. Despite the presence of E chondrite and ureilite stones in the Almahata Sitta fall, a mixing relation of E chondrites or their constituents and ureilite material in Almahata Sitta can be ruled out based on isotopic, textural, and mineral‐chemical reasons.  相似文献   

A large shock‐induced melt vein in L6 ordinary chondrite Roosevelt County 106 contains abundant high‐pressure minerals, including olivine, enstatite, and plagioclase fragments that have been transformed to polycrystalline ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite, and jadeite. The host chondrite at the melt‐vein margins contains olivines that are partially transformed to ringwoodite. The quenched silicate melt in the shock veins consists of majoritic garnets, up to 25 μm in size, magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates. The magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates are the terrestrial alteration products of magnesiowüstite and quenched glass. This assemblage indicates crystallization of the silicate melt at approximately 20–25 GPa and 2000 °C. Coarse majorite garnets in the centers of shock veins grade into increasingly finer grained dendritic garnets toward the vein margins, indicating increasing quench rates toward the margins as a result of thermal conduction to the surrounding chondrite host. Nanocrystalline boundary zones, that contain wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, and magnesiowüstite, occur along shock‐vein margins. These zones represent rapid quench of a boundary melt that contains less metal‐sulfide than the bulk shock vein. One‐dimensional finite element heat‐flow calculations were performed to estimate a quench time of 750–1900 ms for a 1.6‐mm thick shock vein. Because the vein crystallized as a single high‐pressure assemblage, the shock pulse duration was at least as long as the quench time and therefore the sample remained at 20–25 GPa for at least 750 ms. This relatively long shock pulse, combined with a modest shock pressure, implies that this sample came from deep in the L chondrite parent body during a collision with a large impacting body, such as the impact event that disrupted the L chondrite parent body 470 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 26 IAB iron meteorites containing silicate‐bearing inclusions to better constrain the many diverse hypotheses for the formation of this complex group. These meteorites contain inclusions that fall broadly into five types: (1) sulfide‐rich, composed primarily of troilite and containing abundant embedded silicates; (2) nonchondritic, silicate‐rich, comprised of basaltic, troctolitic, and peridotitic mineralogies; (3) angular, chondritic silicate‐rich, the most common type, with approximately chondritic mineralogy and most closely resembling the winonaites in composition and texture; (4) rounded, often graphite‐rich assemblages that sometimes contain silicates; and (5) phosphate‐bearing inclusions with phosphates generally found in contact with the metallic host. Similarities in mineralogy and mineral and O‐isotopic compositions suggest that IAB iron and winonaite meteorites are from the same parent body. We propose a hypothesis for the origin of IAB iron meteorites that combines some aspects of previous formation models for these meteorites. We suggest that the precursor parent body was chondritic, although unlike any known chondrite group. Metamorphism, partial melting, and incomplete differentiation (i.e., incomplete separation of melt from residue) produced metallic, sulfide‐rich and silicate partial melts (portions of which may have crystallized prior to the mixing event), as well as metamorphosed chondritic materials and residues. Catastrophic impact breakup and reassembly of the debris while near the peak temperature mixed materials from various depths into the re‐accreted parent body. Thus, molten metal from depth was mixed with near‐surface silicate rock, resulting in the formation of silicate‐rich IAB iron and winonaite meteorites. Results of smoothed particle hydrodynamic model calculations support the feasibility of such a mixing mechanism. Not all of the metal melt bodies were mixed with silicate materials during this impact and reaccretion event, and these are now represented by silicate‐free IAB iron meteorites. Ages of silicate inclusions and winonaites of 4.40‐4.54 Ga indicate this entire process occurred early in solar system history.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present the first detailed study of a population of texturally distinct chondrules previously described by Kurat (1969), Christophe Michel‐Lévy (1976), and Skinner et al. (1989) that are sharply depleted in alkalis and Al in their outer portions. These “bleached” chondrules, which are exclusively radial pyroxene and cryptocrystalline in texture, have porous outer zones where mesostasis has been lost. Bleached chondrules are present in all type 3 ordinary chondrites and are present in lower abundances in types 4–6. They are most abundant in the L and LL groups, apparently less common in H chondrites, and absent in enstatite chondrites. We used x‐ray mapping and traditional electron microprobe techniques to characterize bleached chondrules in a cross section of ordinary chondrites. We studied bleached chondrules from Semarkona by ion microprobe for trace elements and H isotopes, and by transmission electron microscopy. Chondrule bleaching was the result of low‐temperature alteration by aqueous fluids flowing through finegrained chondrite matrix prior to thermal metamorphism. During aqueous alteration, interstitial glass dissolved and was partially replaced by phyllosilicates, troilite was altered to pentlandite, but pyroxene was completely unaffected. Calcium‐rich zones formed at the inner margins of the bleached zones, either as the result of the early stages of metamorphism or because of fluid‐chondrule reaction. The mineralogy of bleached chondrules is extremely sensitive to thermal metamorphism in type 3 ordinary chondrites, and bleached zones provide a favorable location for the growth of metamorphic minerals in higher petrologic types. The ubiquitous presence of bleached chondrules in ordinary chondrites implies that they all experienced aqueous alteration early in their asteroidal histories, but there is no relationship between the degree of alteration and metamorphic grade. A correlation between the oxidation state of chondrite groups and their degree of aqueous alteration is consistent with the source of water being either accreted ices or water released during oxidation of organic matter. Ordinary chondrites were probably open systems after accretion, and aqueous fluids may have carried volatile elements with them during dehydration. Individual radial pyroxene and cryptocrystalline chondrules were certainly open systems in all chondrites that experienced aqueous alteration leading to bleaching.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present Ne data from plagioclase separates from the solar noble‐gas‐rich meteorite Kapoeta, obtained mainly by in vacuo etching. samples rich in solar gases contain an excess of cosmogenic ne compared to solar‐gas‐poor samples, testifying to an exposure to cosmic rays in the parent body regolith. The 21Ne/22Ne ratio of the excess component is slightly lower than that of the Ne acquired during the meteoroid flight. Model calculations indicate that the observed isotopic composition of the excess Ne can be produced by galactic cosmic rays at a reasonable mean shielding of around a hundred to a few hundred grams per square centimeter. No substantial contribution from Ne produced by solar cosmic rays is needed to explain the data. We therefore conclude that they do not offer evidence for a substantially enhanced flux of solar energetic particles early in solar history, contrary to other claims. This conclusion is in agreement with solar flare track data.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nakhla contains crystallized melt inclusions that were trapped in augite and olivine when these phases originally formed on Mars. Our study involved rehomogenization (slow‐heating and fast‐heating) experiments on multiphase melt inclusions in Nakhla augite. We studied melt inclusions trapped in augite because this phase re‐equilibrated with the external melt to a lesser extent than olivine and results could be directly compared with previous Nakhla melt inclusion studies. Following heating and homogenization of encapsulated melt inclusions, single mineral grains were mounted and polished to expose inclusions. Major element chemistry was determined by electron microprobe. The most primitive melt inclusion analyzed in Nakhla NA03 is basaltic and closely matches previously reported nakhlite parent melt compositions. MELTS equilibrium and fractional crystallization models calculated for NA03 and previous Nakhla parent melt estimates at QFM and QFM‐1 produced phase assemblages and compositions that can be compared to Nakhla. Of these models, equilibrium crystallization of NA03 at QFM‐1 produced the best match to mineral phases and compositions in Nakhla. In all models, olivine and augite co‐crystallize, consistent with the hypothesis that olivine is not xenocrystic but has undergone subsolidus re‐equilibration. In addition, measured melt inclusion compositions plot along the MELTS‐calculated liquid line of descent and may represent pockets of melt trapped at various stages during crystallization. We attempt to resolve discrepancies between previous estimates of the Nakhla parental melt composition and to reinterpret the results of a previous study of rehomogenized melt inclusions in Nakhla. Melt inclusions demonstrate that Nakhla is an igneous rock whose parent melt composition and crystallization history reflect planetary igneous processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The timing and processes of alteration in the CV parent body are investigated by the analysis of Sr isotopes, major and trace elements, and petrographic type and distribution of the secondary minerals (nepheline and sodalite) in 22 chondrules from the Allende (CV3) chondrite. The Sr isotopic compositions of the chondrules are scattered around the 4.0 Ga reference line on the 87Sr/86Sr evolution diagram, indicating that the chondrules have been affected by late thermal alteration event(s) in the parent body. The degree of alteration, determined for individual chondrules based on the distribution of nepheline and sodalite, is unrelated to the disturbance of the Rb‐Sr system, suggesting that the alteration process that produced nepheline and sodalite is different from the thermal process that disturbed the Rb‐Sr system of the chondrules. Considering the geochemical behavior of Rb and Sr, the main host phase of Sr in chondrules is likely to be mesostasis, which could be most susceptible to late thermal alteration. As there is a poor connection between the alteration degree determined from abundances of nepheline and sodalite and the disturbance of Rb‐Sr isotopic system, we consider the mesostasis to provide a constraint on the late parent body alteration process. From this point of view, 23 mesostasis‐rich chondrules, including those from literature data, were selected. The selected chondrules are closely correlated on the 87Sr/86Sr evolution diagram, with an inferred age of 4.36 ± 0.08 Ga. This correlation would represent an age of the final major Sr isotopic redistribution of the chondrules in the parent body.  相似文献   

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