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Caribbean reefs have been unevenly surveyed, with many areas lacking baseline data. In this study, the current status of Orbicella reefs, a structurally complex forereef habitat, was quantified in an understudied region, the Eastern Caribbean. During 2011 the same observers surveyed benthic assemblages, coral juvenile density, herbivorous fishes, and invertebrates at 30 Orbicella reefs in four Eastern Caribbean areas: Antigua, Barbados, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines (hereafter St Vincent). Not all Orbicella forereefs were functionally the same in the Eastern Caribbean. Benthic communities and herbivorous fishes varied greatly among islands. Hard coral had the highest overall percent cover on most reefs in this study, with an average cover of 22%, and was greater than fleshy macroalgal cover at 83% of the sites. Overall, coral juvenile density was low but was positively associated with higher densities of Diadema antillarum, highlighting the importance of herbivory on the reefs. Nearshore coral reefs in Barbados were in a better state than other areas, exhibiting higher coral cover dominated by spawning corals, higher densities of coral juveniles exhibiting higher coral cover dominated by spawning corals, higher densities of coral juveniles and D. antillarum. Low biomass of herbivorous fishes at a majority of the coral reef sites is of major concern for the functioning of these reefs. Conservation of parrotfishes and other herbivores is necessary given the abundance of algae on most of these reefs and the beneficial effect of their presence on coral juveniles. This is the first comprehensive study that compares the state of Orbicella reefs in the Eastern Caribbean, providing valuable information that will be useful in creating realistic targets for future management and conservation.  相似文献   

The juveniles of three species of coral‐trout (Plectropomus) resemble two species of poisonous pufferfish (Canthigaster), one of the latter having two distinct colour morphs. Qualitative data are assembled on the diet, feeding mode, palatability, relative abundance, habitat and geographical range of each species. All observations are consistent with the hypothesis that juvenile coral‐trouts are generalized mimics of pufferfishes. Speciation within Plectropomus is discussed with respect to its mimetic relationships with Canthigaster.  相似文献   

Ecological succession has been scarcely investigated on sublittoral rocky cliffs. The few relevant studies deal with the structure of the developing community and are limited to higher taxa or sessile forms. The objective of the present study was to examine succession patterns on algal‐dominated rocky cliffs both at the structural (species composition) and functional (feeding guild composition) level, using Polychaeta, a dominant taxon in this marine habitat, as a reference group. Cement panels were seasonally installed on the rocky substratum (25–30 m depth) and sampled every 3 months over a 1‐year period. Twenty‐nine polychaete species were recorded, previously reported from the surrounding benthic community, and classified into eight feeding guilds. Most species were assigned as sessile filter‐feeders; this guild dominated in abundance and biomass. A strong effect of the length of immersion and of the seasonal onset of succession on the developed communities was assessed: species composition analyses suggested convergence into a similar organization as succession proceeds, whereas the impact of starting season on succession was stronger when analysing feeding guilds. In both cases succession was faster on panels installed in winter. The main emerging patterns were in agreement with relevant surveys of the entire benthic fauna, thus supporting the efficacy of polychaetes as a surrogate group for studying ecological succession in the benthic marine environment.  相似文献   

沉积物对珊瑚礁及礁区生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海水中日益增多的悬浮物和泥沙沉降是导致珊瑚礁严重衰退的原因之一。沉积物覆盖在珊瑚礁生物表面,影响其呼吸作用,而海水浊度的增加会减少光合作用的可利用光。过多的沉积物改变了礁区的物理以及生物过程,从而对珊瑚礁生态系的结构和功能产生不利影响。为了有效评估珊瑚礁的变化趋势,如优势种丰度以及空间分布的变化等,应用标准的监测方法进行长期监测对于掌握这一复杂生态系统的变化是非常关键的。综述了沉积物对珊瑚生长率、生长形态、代谢和繁殖与补充以及礁区生物的影响,并指出未来的研究方向,以期为珊瑚礁的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

本研究利用碳、氮稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N)技术,估算了秋季涠洲岛珊瑚礁主要鱼类的营养级(TL)和主要碳源,结合6个群落营养结构量化指标,初步分析秋季涠洲岛珊瑚礁主要鱼类的营养关系。结果表明,不同鱼类之间的δ13C和δ15N值差异显著(p < 0.01),其中,δ13C值介于−18.3‰~−15.4‰,δ15N值介于12.9‰~16.3‰。鱼类TL介于2.5~3.4,平均TL为3.0 ± 0.8,显示涠洲岛的鱼类以肉食性为主。涠洲岛鱼类的有机碳源比较复杂,但大型海藻和底栖微藻是驱动鱼类食物网的关键碳源。鱼类群落的食源多样性水平和营养级长度(CR和NR)分别为2.35和3.09。凸多边形总面积(TA)、平均离心距离(CD)、平均最近相邻距离(MNND)和最近相邻距离的标准差(SDNND)分别为4.48、0.89、0.40和0.29,表明涠洲岛珊瑚礁鱼类群落的营养结构具有营养冗余程度较高,但食物链较短和营养多样性低等特征。以上结果表明,涠洲岛珊瑚礁生态系统食物网结构不完整,未来有必要开展适当的管控和修复措施恢复涠洲岛珊瑚礁生态系统的结构和功能。  相似文献   

采用文献计量和科学知识图谱的方法,对1902—2017年期间国际珊瑚礁研究领域的科技论文进行了分析。结果表明,与西方海洋研究领域先进国家相比,我国在珊瑚礁研究领域起步较晚,但近5年发展迅速,并在论文影响力、国际合作和研究技术发展方面有待加强。针对研究结果提出了我国珊瑚礁研究的发展建议,本研究将为了解当前国际珊瑚礁领域的研究现状和发展态势以及我国今后珊瑚礁保护方面的政策制定、项目规划和科学研究提供情报参考。  相似文献   

Commercially harvested since ancient times, the highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is an octocoral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Eastern Atlantic Ocean, where it occurs on rocky bottoms over a wide bathymetric range. Current knowledge is restricted to its shallow populations (15–50 m depth), with comparably little attention given to the deeper populations (50–200 m) that are nowadays the main target of exploitation. In this study, red coral distribution and population structure were assessed in three historically exploited areas (Amalfi, Ischia Island and Elba Island) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea) between 50 and 130 m depth by means of ROV during a cruise carried out in the summer of 2010. Red coral populations showed a maximum patch frequency of 0.20 ± 0.04 SD patches·m?1 and a density ranging between 28 and 204 colonies·m?2, with a fairly continuous bathymetric distribution. The highest red coral densities in the investigated areas were found on cliffs and boulders mainly exposed to the east, at the greatest depth, and characterized by medium percentage sediment cover. The study populations contained a high percentage (46% on average) of harvestable colonies (>7 mm basal diameter). Moreover, some colonies with fifth‐order branches were also observed, highlighting the probable older age of some components of these populations. The Ischia population showed the highest colony occupancy, density and size, suggesting a better conservation status than the populations at the other study locations. These results indicate that deep dwelling red coral populations in non‐stressed or less‐harvested areas may diverge from the inverse size‐density relationship previously observed in red coral populations with increasing depth.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of patterns of habitat use by juveniles of coral reef fishes according to seasons and at two spatial scales (10–100 m and 1–10 km). We conducted underwater visual censuses in New Caledonia's Lagoon between 1986 and 2001. Co-inertia analyses highlighted the importance of mid-shelf habitats at large spatial scale (1–10 km) and of sandy and vegetated habitats at small spatial scale (10–100 m) for most juveniles. Among all juvenile species, 53% used different habitats across seasons (e.g. Lutjanus fulviflamma and Siganus argenteus) and 39% used different habitats as they grow (e.g. Lethrinus atkinsoni and Scarus ghobban). During their ontogeny, at large and small scales, respectively, 21% and 33% of the species studied showed an increase in the number of habitats used (e.g. L. fulviflamma, L. atkinsoni), 10% and 3% showed a decrease in the number of habitats used (e.g. Amphiprion melanopus, Siganus fuscescens), 23% and 3% showed a drastic change of habitat used (e.g. S. ghobban, Scarus sp.) whereas 46% and 61% showed no change of habitat used (e.g. Lethrinus genivittatus, Ctenochaetus striatus). Changes in habitat use at both small and large spatial scales occurred during the ontogeny of several species (e.g. S. ghobban, Scarus sp.). Results pointed out the different spatial and temporal scales of juvenile habitat use to account for in conservation decisions regarding both assemblage and species-specific levels.  相似文献   

涠洲岛位于热带北缘,对珊瑚生长而言其纬度相对偏高,冬季低温是制约其珊瑚生长和珊瑚礁发育的关键因素。重建涠洲岛珊瑚礁发育的过程,对于了解珊瑚对过去气候的响应以及预测珊瑚礁的发育趋势等具有重要科学意义。以涠洲岛珊瑚礁钻孔(GS-3)为材料,利用高精度铀系测年技术测定珊瑚年龄,建立涠洲岛珊瑚礁发育的年代框架;通过粒度、生物组分、矿物成分分析揭示了其物质组成。结果显示,GS-3岩芯5.57 m处的珊瑚铀系年代为3737±17 aBP(相对于公元1950年),基于此年代计算的珊瑚礁平均发育速率为1.49 m/ka。在3737~2476、2288~1191以及325 aBP以来涠洲岛珊瑚礁快速发育,其发育速率分别为2.21、1.13及1.85 m/ka;在2476~2288、1191~325 aBP珊瑚礁缓慢发育,发育速率分别为0.64、0.48 m/ka。沉积物的生物组分主要为珊瑚、珊瑚藻和软体动物;矿物成分主要为文石和石英。基于珊瑚礁发育速率与气候背景的关系对比,得出涠洲岛珊瑚礁快速发育阶段与全新世大暖期后期、罗马暖期以及现代暖期大致对应;缓慢发育阶段与降温期、黑暗时代冷期后期、中世纪气候异常期、小冰期前期大致对应。总体来看,相对高纬度的涠洲岛珊瑚礁的发育快慢受气候冷暖所调控,暖期的气候有利于珊瑚生长和珊瑚礁发育,冷期珊瑚礁发育慢。  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of larval and juvenile fishes were described from five offshore petroleum platforms in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Light traps and passively-fished plankton nets were used nocturnally between 1995–2000 to collect fishes in surface and deep (15–23 m depth) waters within the platform structure, and light traps were also used in surface waters directly down-current of the platforms. Light traps fished at the surface, as opposed to at-depth, collected greater CPUEs and greater diversity of larval and juvenile fishes. Of the dominant taxa collected by light traps, clupeids, engraulids, synodontids, and presettlement blenniids were most common in surface waters within the platform, while postflexion scombrids and settlement-size blenniids and pomacentrids were most common in surface waters down-current of the platforms. Deep plankton nets collected greater densities of non-clupeiform larval fishes, although surface plankton nets collected greater numbers of taxa. The vertical distribution patterns described for dominant larval fish collected by plankton nets were generally consistent with those from other studies, i.e. clupeid, carangid, sciaenid and scombrid larvae more abundant in surface waters at platforms, and synodontid, bregmacerotid, gobiid and bothid larvae more abundant in deeper waters. Oil and gas platforms likely impact larval and juvenile fish populations, particularly considering their proliferation in the Gulf (i.e., over 4000 platforms). The results from this study provide valuable baseline information for future research investigating how platforms impact the life history stages of fish populations.  相似文献   

The present work analyses the spatial and temporal fluctuations of fish communities on Réunion coral reef flats on three different reefs, each comprising three geomorphological zones, over eight seasons within a 6-year period. These three reefs are subjected to different environmental conditions and displayed various percentages of live coral cover. Our objectives were not only to describe the spatio-temporal patterns, but also to organize the factors involved in variation hierarchically, and to quantify the degree of community structuring that could be monitored over various spatial and temporal scales. We also focus on fish guilds to link the spatio-temporal patterns not only to species but also to the roles fish are playing (mainly involving trophic activity). We found that spatial attributes strongly determined fish distribution, with intra-reefal zones (back-reef, inner reef flat and outer reef flat) playing a much more important role than the different reefs. This suggests that the percentage of live coral cover of a given reef was less significant than its morpho-structural organization to explain fish distribution. Seasons had only a weak role in fish distribution, although fish communities were significantly more homogeneous in winter than in summer, possibly due to the arrival of numerous juveniles belonging to various species during summer settlement events. We also identified a marked temporal persistence of the spatial patterns found over the course of the study. This is discussed in relation to the current trend of increased surface seawater temperatures involved in the possible future increase in number/intensity of ENSO events. We consider the average squared Euclidian distance as a candidate for monitoring tools to quantify future changes in fish community structuring.  相似文献   

全球珊瑚礁监测与管理保护评述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了全球珊瑚礁监测成果与管理保护新战略。从20世纪80年代末以来世界珊瑚礁受到普遍关注,催生了以全球珊瑚礁监测网络、全球珊瑚礁考查和全球珊瑚礁数据库为主的全球珊瑚礁监测体系,并从1998年起每2年出版世界珊瑚礁现状报告。到2004年为止,全球珊瑚礁已损失20%,另外的50%受到不同程度的威胁。全球变化影响可能超过人类活动影响,但未来情况有很大不确定性。全球珊瑚礁图集提供了最新面积资料。珊瑚礁管理保护必须采取维持礁系统的弹性、避免衰退相转移和维持礁生物关键功能组、扩大完全保护区面积等新战略。中国是世界珊瑚礁大国,应该为世界珊瑚礁保护作出贡献。  相似文献   

Although grazing is considered an essential process controlling epiphyte biomass on seagrass leaves, there is still a lack of fundamental knowledge about the species‐specific consumption rates of the most common grazers in Mediterranean meadows. This study experimentally assessed the effect of Posidonia oceanica‐associated gastropod grazing on early successional biofilm and the species‐specific relationship between biofilm consumption rates and biofilm biomass. Two biofilms on artificial substrata, both developed in situ (in a P. oceanica meadow), one under ambient conditions and the other under nutrient‐enriched conditions, were offered in aquaria assays to nine species of grazers found in P. oceanica meadows. Biofilm consumption rates and their association with biofilm biomass were assessed. It was found that: (i) there was a positive association between biofilm consumption and biofilm biomass up to 20 mg Chl a·m?2 for Bittium reticulatum, Gibbula ardens, Jujubinus exasperatus and Tricolia pullus; (ii) Alvania montagui, B. reticulatum and Jujubinus striatus showed the highest consumption rates and are thus expected to be amongst the leading consumers in early‐successional epiphytic communities; (iii) there was not an increase of consumption rate when a substratum colonized under nutrient‐enriched conditions was offered to any of the nine studied species. This study provides species‐specific consumption rates knowledge that is useful for the assessment of the strength of grazer–epiphyte interactions and trophic fluxes in P. oceanica meadows.  相似文献   

To elucidate which environmental factors affect lagoonal‐scale sea cucumber distributions in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, intertidal and subtidal areas of three coral reef lagoons were classified into several ground divisions by bottom characteristics, and sea cucumber densities therein were compared with the composition of sediment cover, grain size and organic content, and coverage of macroalgae, seagrass, and massive corals. Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Stichopus chloronotus, and Synapta maculata had highest densities in the nearshore areas but were rare in reef flats, probably because of wave disturbance and low areal cover of sand sediment as potential feeding environments. No relationship was observed between sea cucumber densities and sediment organic content or grain size. Thus, even if these sea cucumbers have selectivity for habitats with a high sediment organic content, the effect of such selectivity on the distribution seems to be limited to relatively small areas. The sea cucumber distributions can be classified by bottom sediment/biota composition into bedrock (H. leucospilota), sand (H. atra), and lagoonal types (St. chloronotus and Sy. maculata). These habitat selections were possibly related to various aspects of sea cucumber ecology such as refuge from predators or turbulence, or settlement and nursery place, which have implications for importance of the complexity of lagoonal‐scale topography and sediment/biota conditions for the coexistence of various holothurian species.  相似文献   

Coastal populations of maritime countries in eastern Africa rely on fish as a primary source of protein, but baseline information on the abundance of fish communities on these coastlines is often lacking. We used baited remote underwater video stations to compare the abundance and diversity of reef fishes targeted by fishing at two sites in southern Mozambique, one at Lighthouse Reef within the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park and the other to the south at San Sebastian Reef on the San Sebastian Peninsula. Fish that are known targets of fisheries (mostly small-scale and artisanal) had an abundance that was almost three-times greater at San Sebastian Reef (80.22 ind. h–1 [SE 18.00]) than at Lighthouse Reef (29.70 ind. h–1 [SE 8.91]). Similarly, there was greater mean species richness at San Sebastian Reef (38.74 species h–1 [SE 2.79]) than at Lighthouse Reef (25.37 species h–1 [SE 3.66]). The main drivers of targeted fish abundance were habitat and depth, with shallow (<15 m) and mixed reef areas having the greatest abundance and richness. More sampling was done over sand habitat at Lighthouse Reef, which likely led to the lower abundance and species richness observed at this site; however, that finding could also be attributable to the fact that protection is provided to only a section of available coral reef habitat in a small area. Nevertheless, fish community structure was comparable between the sites, with similar proportions of carnivores (78–81%), herbivores (12–14%) and omnivores (7–8%). Our findings highlight the variation in species abundance and assemblages of coral-reef fish targeted by fishing in Mozambique and emphasise the importance of localised environmental variables as a driver of these patterns. To ensure maximum protection of Lighthouse Reef fish communities, we recommend an extension of the no-take zone to include the entire reef complex.  相似文献   

珊瑚岛礁海岸波流动力复杂、地貌形态特殊、工程响应未知, 波浪传播变形和波生环流对建筑物安全、地形地貌演变、防灾减灾和生态环境保护都有重要影响。本文从大范围大洋海脊导波与岛礁波浪俘获、中等尺度的礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统波流特性、建筑物前沿的局部波流特性及工程响应等三种不同空间尺度上综述了波流运动特性研究的新进展, 主要包括深水大范围的海脊波浪引导与岛礁波浪俘获的理论解析、礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统整体物理模型实验、基于大水槽实验的建筑物影响下波流演化过程及越浪量和波浪力计算方法, 并提出亟需深入研究的重点内容。  相似文献   

珊瑚礁破碎带附近波浪演化和波生流实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究珊瑚岸礁破碎带附近波浪演化和波生流特性,通过水槽实验对规则波浪作用下珊瑚岸礁上沿礁分布的水位和流速进行了详细的测量。在典型卷破波条件下,测试了礁冠存在与不存在的两种情况。实验结果表明,多重波浪反射作用引起岸礁上形成不完全驻波,而破碎带附近的浅化作用则产生高次谐波,波浪破碎所耗散的波能主要来源于主频波,礁坪上透射波成分中二次谐波与主频波的能量相当;礁冠的存在引起破碎带宽度减小、礁坪上增水变大以及礁坪上各次谐波变小;礁冠不存在时,岸礁上波生流的沿礁分布与平直海岸相似,而礁冠的存在一定程度上阻碍了礁坪上水体向外海的回流。研究成果将丰富和发展珊瑚礁水动力学理论,并为岛礁工程的建设和维护提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

The growing coastal development, dredging and dumping activities, overfishing and expansion of marine cage culture in Nha Trang Bay (NTB) of Central Vietnam since the beginning of the 2000s have resulted in a dramatic decrease of live coral cover. Surveys conducted in April–May 2013 and the same period in 2014 revealed that with an increase in distance from the outer part of the bay towards the mainland, the rivers’ influxes and dredged areas, coral cover decreased from 75% to 0.6% and species richness from 63 to 5, while the abundance of macroalgae increased from 0% to 56%. These changes correlate with differences in the concentration of suspended sediments on the same gradient. The abundance of the crown‐of‐thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and of the echinoid Diadema setosum significantly increased between the first estimation in 1998 and the survey in 2014, from 0 to 1.7 individuals (ind.) per 100 m?2 and from 50.8 to 94.5 ind. per 100 m?2, respectively, contributing to coral loss and intensive bioerosion of the reef framework in the bay. The large sizes of adult colonies of tabulate Acropora on the remote stations with negligible sedimentation and eutrophication loads were inconsistent with the assumptions that temperature‐induced coral bleaching or cyclones could be the major impacts in Nha Trang Bay. Analysis of the 16‐year thermal history of the bay did not reveal any instances in which the coral thermal bleaching threshold had been exceeded up to the present study. Seasonal upwelling, which occurs annually in the vicinity of Central Vietnam, may contribute to mitigation of thermal anomalies within NTB and to the maintenance of healthy coral communities on the remote reefs with relatively low anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Understanding processes that contribute to a better comprehension of the population dynamics of long‐lived species is critical for the maintenance and potential recovery of such species. Despite the abundance of soft corals in Mediterranean rocky reefs, little information exists on their life histories and reproductive patterns. In this study, we assessed the main reproductive characteristics and early life‐history traits of the long‐lived soft coral Alcyonium acaule. The sex ratio was 1:1; the smallest fertile colonies were one finger in size (2.1 ± 0.6 cm in height), and both colony and polyp fertility increased with colony size. Likewise, the number of eggs and spermary sacs per polyp increased significantly with colony size, whereas the diameter of the female and male sexual products did not. Over 6 years of observations (2007–2012), spawning occurred primarily in July, after the seawater reached 20 °C, in a single spawning episode per year. Approximately 80% of female colonies released eggs, which were retained on the surface of the mother colony by mucous strings for up to a few days. High fertilization rates were observed during spawning in 2008 and 2009 (94.9% and 87.0%, respectively). The timing of development was ~24 h for the blastulae, ~48–72 h for the planulae and 8–22 days for metamorphosis into primary polyps. Survivorship of planulae was relatively high (~50% at 45 days after release), but only 24% of larvae metamorphosed into primary polyps, and their survivorship was moderate after 2 months (65% in 2008 and 74% in 2009). Asexual reproduction was negligible, indicating that sexual reproduction is the main mechanism supporting the maintenance and recovery of populations.  相似文献   

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