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Insoluble organic matter (IOM) and hydrothermally treated IOM extracted from two carbonaceous chondrites, Murchison and Allende, was studied using sulfur K‐edge XANES (X‐ray absorption near edge structure) and μ‐Raman spectroscopy, with the aim to understand their IOM's sulfur speciation and structural order, and how aqueous alteration or thermal metamorphism may have transformed these materials. We found that the sulfur‐functional group chemistry of both the Murchison IOM and hydrothermally treated IOM samples have a large chemical variability ranging from oxidation states of S?2 to S+6, and exhibit a transformation in their oxidation state after the hydrothermal treatment (HT) to produce thiophenes and thiol compounds. Sulfoxide and sulfite peaks are also present in Murchison. Sulfates considered intrinsic to Murchison are most likely preaccretionary in nature, and not a result of reactions with water at high temperatures on the asteroid parent body. We argue that the reduced sulfides may have formed in the CM parent body, while the thiophenes and thiol compounds are a result of the HT. Micro‐Raman spectra show the presence of aliphatic and aromatic moieties in Murchison's material as observed previously, which exhibits no change after HT. Because the Murchison IOM was modified, as seen by XANES analysis, absence of a change observed using micro‐Raman indicated that although the alkyl carbons of IOM were cleaved, the aromatic network was not largely modified after HT. By contrast, Allende IOM contains primarily disulfide and elemental sulfur, no organic sulfur, and shows no transformation after HT. This nontransformation of Allende IOM after HT would indicate that parent body alteration of sulfide to sulfate is not feasible up to temperatures of 300°C. The reduced sulfur products indicate extreme secondary chemical processing from the precursor compounds in its parent body at temperatures as high as 624°C, as estimated from μ‐Raman D band parameters. The Raman parameters in Allende IOM that was interpreted in terms of amorphous carbon with regions of large clusters of benzene rings, was transformed after the HT to those with fewer benzene rings.  相似文献   

187Re‐187Os systematics, abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: Re, PGE, and Au), chalcogen elements (Te, Se, and S), and some major and minor elements were determined in physically separated components of the Allende (CV3) and Murchison (CM2) carbonaceous chondrites. Substantial differences exist in the absolute and relative abundances of elements in the components, but the similarity of calculated and literature bulk rock abundances of HSE and chalcogens indicate that chemical complementarity exists among the components, with CI chondrite‐like ratios for many elements. Despite subsequent alteration and oxidation, the overall cosmochemical behavior of most moderately to highly siderophile elements during high‐temperature processing has been preserved in components of Allende at the sampling scale of the present study. The 187Re‐187Os systematics and element variations of Allende are less disturbed compared with Murchison, which reflects different degrees of oxidation and alteration of these meteorites. The HSE systematics (with the exception of Au) is controlled by two types of materials: Pd‐depleted condensates and CI chondrite‐like material. Enrichment and heterogeneous distribution of Au among the components is likely the result of hydrothermal alteration. Chalcogen elements are depleted compared with HSE in all components, presumably due to their higher volatility. Small systematic variations of S, Se, and Te in components bear the signature of fractional condensation/partial evaporation and metal–sulfide–silicate partitioning.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report Mg‐Al and Ca‐Ti isotopic data for meteoritic nanodiamonds separated from the Allende CV3 and Murchison CM2 meteorites. The goal of this study was to search for excesses in 26Mg and 44Ca, which can be attributed to the in situ decay of radioactive and now extinct 26Al and 44Ti, respectively. Previous work on presolar SiC and graphite had shown that 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios in presolar grains can be used to discriminate between different types of stellar sources. Aluminum and Ti concentrations are low in the meteoritic nanodiamonds of this study. Murchison nanodiamonds have higher Al and Ti concentrations than the Allende nanodiamonds. This can be attributed to contamination and the presence of presolar SiC in the Murchison nanodiamond samples. 26Mg/24Mg and 44Ca/40Ca ratios are close to normal in Allende nanodiamonds with upper limits on the initial 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios of approximately 1 × 10?3. These ratios are factors of 10–1000 and, respectively, 1–1000 lower than those of presolar SiC and graphite grains from supernovae. The 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti data for nanodiamonds are compatible with an asymptotic giant branch star or solar system origin, but not with a supernova origin of a major fraction of meteoritic nanodiamonds. The latter possibility cannot be excluded, though, as the diamond separates may contain significant amounts of contaminating Al and Ti, which would lower the inferred 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios considerably.  相似文献   

The size distribution, abundance, and physical and chemical characteristics of chondritic inclusions are key features that define the chondrite groups. We present statistics on the size and abundance of the macroscopic components (inclusions) in the Murchison (CM2) and Allende (CV3) chondrites and measure their general chemical trends using established X‐ray mapping techniques. This study provides a fine‐scale assessment of the two meteorites and a semiquantitative evaluation of the relative abundances of elements and their distribution among meteorite components. Murchison contains 72% matrix and 28% inclusions; Allende contains 57% and 43%, respectively. A broad range of inclusion sizes and relative abundances has been reported for these meteorites, which demonstrates the necessity for a more standardized approach to measuring these characteristics. Nonetheless, the characteristic mean sizes of inclusions in Allende are consistently larger than those in Murchison. We draw two significant conclusions (1) these two meteorites sampled distinct populations of chondrules and refractory inclusions, and (2) complementary Mg/Si ratios between chondrules and matrix are observed in both Murchison and Allende. Both support the idea that chondrules and matrix within each chondrite group originated in single reservoirs of precursors with approximately solar Mg/Si ratios, providing a constraint on astrophysical models of the origin of chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Organic compounds in the Murchison (C2M) and Allende (CV3) carbonaceous chondrites were analyzed by photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; thermal (25–850 °C) and stimulated (7 keV Ar+) desorption were combined with either nonresonant single-photon ionization using 118 nm light or resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (selective for aromatic compounds) using 266 nm light. Samples weighing only 1–10 mg were sufficient for sensitive quantitative analysis of aromatic compounds using thermal desorption. The detection limits for phenanthrene and pyrene using 118 nm light were determined to be 0.8 and 1.4 picomoles, respectively, and the concentrations of these compounds (including their isomers anthracene and fluoranthene) in the Murchison meteorite were determined to be 9 and 12 μg/g, respectively, in good agreement with previously published values. Thermal-desorption (–75–500 °C) field-ionization mass spectra (activated foil-type ionizing source and magnetic sector mass analyzer) of 20–40 mg of the same meteorite material were obtained to verify that the 118 nm photoionization mass spectra were not affected by photofragmentation or photodecomposition and were representative of the organic material extracted by thermal desorption. Photoionization mass spectrometry is a useful technique for studying small quantities (< 1 nanomole) of organic matter in terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples. The present study aims to provide the background and analytical methods necessary for application to new and unsolved cosmochemical problems. Some potential applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The varied organic suite extracted from the Murchison meteorite contains several amino acids that are common to the biosphere. Some of these have been found to be non‐racemic, but the indigenous nature of their L‐enantiomeric excesses has been subject to debate in view of possible terrestrial contamination. We have investigated two amino acids of common terrestrial and meteoritic occurrence, alanine and glutamic acid, and assessed their indigenous enantiomeric ratios in the Murchison and Murray meteorites through the ratios of some of their derivatives. Analyzed were N‐acetyl alanine, α‐imino propioacetic acid, N‐acetyl glutamic acid and pyroglutamic acid. Both alanine derivatives were found to be racemic, while those of glutamic acid showed L‐enantiomeric excesses varying from 16% to 47.2% for pyroglutamic acid, and from 8.6% to 41% for N‐acetyl glutamic acid. The δ13C was determined for the two enantiomers of Murchison pyroglutamic acid both before and after acid hydrolysis to glutamic acid. The values of +27.7%0 (D‐pyro), +10.0%0 (L‐pyro), +32.2%0 (D‐glu) and +14.6%0 (L‐glu) were obtained. The racemic nature of alanine derivatives strongly suggests that alanine itself, as indigenous to the meteorite, is racemic. The explanation of the L‐enantiomeric excesses found for glutamic acid derivatives is less direct; however, the variability of the enantiomeric ratios for these compounds and the distinctly lower δ13C values determined for pyroglutamic L‐enantiomer point to a terrestrial contamination, possibly dating to the time of fall.  相似文献   

Abstract– We analyzed cosmogenic He and Ne in more than 60 individual chondrules separated from small chips from the carbonaceous chondrites Allende and Murchison. The goal of this work is to search for evidence of an exposure of chondrules to energetic particles—either solar or galactic—prior to final compaction of their host chondrites and prior to the exposure of the meteoroids to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) on their way to Earth. Production rates of GCR‐produced He and Ne are calculated for each chondrule based on major element composition and a physical model of cosmogenic nuclide production in carbonaceous chondrites ( Leya and Masarik 2009 ). All studied chondrules in Allende show nominal exposure ages identical to each other within uncertainties of a few hundred thousand years. Allende chondrules therefore show no signs of a precompaction exposure. The majority of the Murchison chondrules (the “normal” chondrules) also have nominal exposure ages identical within a few hundred thousand years. However, roughly 20% of the studied Murchison chondrules (the “pre‐exposed” chondrules) contain considerably or even much higher concentrations of cosmogenic noble gases than the normal chondrules, equivalent to exposure ages to GCR at present‐day fluxes in a 4π irradiation of up to about 30 Myr. The data do not allow to firmly conclude whether these excesses were acquired by an exposure of the pre‐exposed chondrules to an early intense flux of solar energetic particles (solar cosmic rays) or rather by an exposure to GCR in the regolith of the Murchison parent asteroid. However, we prefer the latter explanation. Two major reasons are the GCR‐like isotopic composition of the excess Ne and the distribution of solar flare tracks in Murchison samples.  相似文献   

Abstract— The radicals in the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance and compared to those existing in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. As in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites, the radicals in the Tagish Lake meteorite are heterogeneously distributed and comprise a substantial amount (?42%) of species with a thermally accessible triplet state and with the same singlet‐triplet gap, ΔE ?0.1 eV, as in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. These species were identified as diradicaloid moieties. The existence of similar diradicaloid moieties in three different carbonaceous chondrites but not in terrestrial IOM strongly suggests that these moieties could be “fingerprints” of the extraterrestrial origin of meteoritic IOM and markers of its synthetic pathway before its inclusion into a parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— One hundred forty-three carbon grains, ranging in size from 2 to 8 μm, from two chemical and physical separates from the Murchison CM2 chondrite, were analyzed by ion microprobe mass spectrometry for their C- and N-isotopic compositions. Both separates are enriched in the exotic noble gas component Ne-E(L). Ninety grains were also analyzed for their H and O contents and 118, for Si. Thirteen grains were analyzed by micro-sampling laser Raman spectroscopy. Round grains have large C-isotopic anomalies with 12C/13C ratios ranging from 7 to 4500 (terrestrial ratio = 89). Nitrogen in these grains is also anomalous but shows much smaller deviations from the terrestrial composition, 14N/15N ratios ranging from 193 to 680 (terrestrial ratio = 272). Spherulitic aggregates and non-round compact grains have normal C-isotopic ratios but 15N excesses (up to 35%). Raman spectra of the analyzed grains indicate varying degrees of crystalline disorder of graphite with estimated in-plane crystallite dimensions varying from 18 Å (highly disordered, similar to terrestrial kerogen) to ~750 Å (well-crystallized graphite). Element contents of H, O, and Si are correlated with one another, and H and O are probably present in the form of organic molecules. On the basis of morphology, the round grains fall into two groups: grains with smooth, shell-like surfaces (“onions”) and grains that appear to be dense aggregates of small scales (“cauliflowers”). “Onions” tend to have lower trace element contents, isotopically light C (12C/13C > 89) and a high degree of crystalline order, whereas “cauliflowers” have a larger spread in trace element contents and C-isotopic ratios (they range from isotopically light to heavy) but tend to have a low degree of crystalline order. However, these differences exist only on average, and no clear distinction can be made for individual grains. A few limited conclusions can be drawn about the astrophysical origin of the carbon grains of this study. The 15N excesses in spherulitic aggregates and non-round grains can be explained as the result of ion-molecule reactions in molecular clouds. The round grains, on the other hand, must have formed in stellar atmospheres (circumstellar grains). Grains with isotopically light C must have formed in stellar environments characterized by He-burning, either in the atmosphere of Wolf-Rayet stars during the WC phase or in the He-burning, 12C-rich zone of a massive star, ejected by a supernova explosion. Isotopically heavy C is produced by H-burning in the CNO cycle. Possible sources for grains with heavy C are carbon stars (AGB stars during the thermally pulsing phase) or novae, but the detailed distribution of 12C/13C ratios agree neither with the distribution observed in carbon stars nor with theoretical predictions for these two types of stellar sources.  相似文献   

Chromium isotopic data of physically separated components (chondrules, CAIs, variably magnetic size fractions) of the carbonaceous chondrites Allende and Murchison and bulk rock data of Allende, Ivuna, and Orgueil are reported to evaluate the origin of isotopic heterogeneity in these meteorites. Allende components show ε53Cr and ε54Cr from ?0.23 ± 0.07 to 0.37 ± 0.05 and from ?0.43 ± 0.08 to 3.7 ± 0.1, respectively. In components of Murchison, ε53Cr and ε54Cr vary from ?0.06 ± 0.08 to 0.5 ± 0.1 and from 0.7 ± 0.2 to 1.7 ± 0.1, respectively. The non‐systematic variations of ε53Cr and 55Mn/52Cr in the components of Allende and Murchison were likely caused by small‐scale, alteration‐related redistribution of Mn >20 Ma after formation of the solar system. Chondrule fractions show the lowest 55Mn/52Cr and ε54Cr values of all components, consistent with evaporation of Mn and ε54Cr‐rich carrier phases from chondrule precursors. Components other than the chondrules show higher Mn/Cr and ε54Cr, suggestive of chemical and isotopic complementarity between chondrules and matrix‐rich fractions. Bulk rock compositions calculated based on weighted compositions of components agree with measured Cr isotope data of bulk rocks, in spite of the Cr isotopic heterogeneity reported by the present and previous studies. This indicates that on a sampling scale comprising several hundred milligrams, these meteorites sampled isotopically and chemically homogeneous nebular reservoirs. The linear correlation of 55Mn/52Cr with ε53Cr in bulk rocks likely was caused by variable fractionation of Mn/Cr, subsequent mixing of phases in nebular domains, and radiogenic ingrowth of 53Cr.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Murchison meteorite is a carbonaceous chondrite containing a small amount of chondrules, various inclusions, and matrix with occasional porphyroblasts of olivine and/or pyroxene. It also contains amino acids that may have served as the necessary components for the origin of life. Magnetic analyses of Murchison identify an ultrasoft magnetic component due to superparamagnetism as a significant part of the magnetic remanence. The rest of the remanence may be due to electric discharge in the form of lightning bolts that may have formed the amino acids. The level of magnetic remanence does not support this possibility and points to a minimum ambient field of the remanence acquisition. We support our observation by showing that normalized mineral magnetic acquisition properties establish a calibration curve suitable for rough paleofield determination. When using this approach, 1–2% of the natural remanence left in terrestrial rocks with TRM and/or CRM determines the geomagnetic field intensity irrespective of grain size or type of magnetic mineral (with the exception of hematite). The same method is applied to the Murchison meteorite where the measured meteorite remanence determines the paleofield minimum intensity of 200–2000 nT during and/or after the formation of the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Because the path of the Murchison meteorite fortuitously intersected the Earth's path at an angle of only a few degrees, the visual observations establish the entry velocity to be within 2 km/s of 13 km/s and determine the nature of its orbit with a precision quite unusual for visually sighted falls.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using a nuclear microprobe, we measured the carbon and nitrogen concentrations and distributions in several interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and Antarctic micrometeorites (MMs), and compared them to 2 carbonaceous chondrites: Tagish Lake and Murchison. We observed that IDPs are richest in both elements. All the MMs studied contain carbon, and all but the coarse‐grained and 1 melted MM contained nitrogen. We also observed a correlation in the distribution of carbon and nitrogen, suggesting that they may be held in an organic material. The implications for astrobiology of these results are discussed, as small extraterrestrial particles could have contributed to the origin of life on Earth by delivering important quantities of these 2 bio‐elements to the Earth's surface and their gas counterparts, CO2 and N2, to the early atmosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivines in chondrules of the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite contain two types of micron sized silicate melt inclusions: clear glass (type I) and devitrified glass (type II) inclusions. Many of the type I inclusions contain a gas bubble of variable size. Type II inclusions can be transparent (IIa), with or without a gas bubble, and brown (type IIb), with a gas bubble. A number of inclusions were measured with the Raman microprobe to detect possible presence of carbon. Carbon in the form of graphite was detected only in type II inclusions. Compositions of 11 inclusions were determined with the electron microprobe and proton microprobe in search for possible explanation of this preference of carbon for devitrified inclusions. All of the measured inclusions are rich in Si, Al and Ca. No significant differences between the compositions of the two types of inclusions were found. The data suggest that the inclusions formed from the melt trapped in growing olivine crystals, which themselves crystallized from a silicon rich, gas bearing melt. There is no coherent relation between the occurrence of graphite and the gas abundance in the original melt, as indicated by the sizes of gas bubbles. Therefore, carbon was not combined in a gaseous species (e.g., CO). It must have been preferentially dissolved in some domains of the melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thallium has been quantified in 50 iron meteorites and 6 chondrites using a combination of solvent extraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The accuracy of the data was checked by analysis of two iron meteorites by laser-excited ICP mass spectrometry. The Tl abundance values for irons appear to be the first recorded and show that the Tl content allows for taxonomic separation of several groups on Tl vs. Ni abundance plots. The Tl content of irons is inversely correlated with abundances of platinum group metals such as Ir, Pt, and Rh and, in this respect, behaves like Pd and As that favour sulphur-rich phases in meteorites. Analysis of carbonaceous chondrites showed a 30-fold enrichment of Tl compared with ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— In an effort to confirm earlier observations of fullerenes in the Allende meteorite by Becker et al. (1994), we have treated nine separate whole-rock chips of this meteorite with toluene to search for extractable C60 and C70 fullerenes. The analysis was done with high performance liquid chromatography. Less than 1 ppb C60 and C70 were detected in a total of 131.82 g of this meteorite. Becker et al. (1994) have estimated a content of 100 ppm in one Allende sample. Either they have grossly overestimated the C60 content of their sample, or Allende is very inhomogeneous concerning fullerenes.  相似文献   

Zirconium and hafnium in meteorites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– The ratio of the two refractory trace elements zirconium (Zr) and hafnium (Hf) in meteorites has been proposed to be uniform. The most precise value available is 34.3 ± 0.2 (1σ). It was obtained by isotope dilution ICP‐MS applied to 15 chondrites, most of which were carbonaceous chondrites, and six achondrites. We reinvestigated the case and determined Zr/Hf ratios of a broad spectrum of meteoritic samples via laser ablation ICP‐MS. Our sample suite comprised 29 chondrites and five achondrites. The main objective of the study was two‐fold: we intended to verify the accuracy and precision of a relatively fast and inexpensive sample preparation method combined with expeditious laser ablation ICP‐MS techniques. Furthermore, we were looking into the possibility of systematic fine‐scale Zr/Hf variations among bulk meteoritic matter of different classes. The applied fusion technique together with laser ablation ICP‐MS turned out to be well suited to determine relative refractory trace element abundances. Absolute Zr/Hf ratios yield uncertainties of approximately 4% (1σ). As opposed to the most recent findings, we observed variable Zr/Hf ratios in different meteorites ranging from approximately 28 to approximately 38. Our value for Orgueil (CI1) is 34.0 ± 0.3 (1σ). Including literature data, we propose a solar system value of 34.1 ± 0.3. Our data also suggest that H chondrites tend to exhibit higher Zr/Hf ratios (average of 35.6 ± 0.5 [1σ]) while EL6 chondrites rather show low values (average of 30.8 ± 0.6 [1σ]). In addition to examining Zr/Hf ratios, we also explored the content of refractory major elements in different meteorite groups. Here, we found that EL6 chondrites often show very low Ca/Al ratios. The CI1 value for CaO/Al2O3 is 0.804. EL6 chondrites, however, display ratios as low as approximately 0.3. While the variation in Zr/Hf can be explained by fractional condensation processes in the early solar nebula, the observed low Ca/Al ratios in EL6 chondrites are probably attributable to deficits in oldhamite (CaS).  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied Pb‐isotope systematics of chondrules from the oxidized CV3 carbonaceous chondrite Allende. The chondrules contain variably radiogenic Pb with a 206Pb/204Pb ratio between 19.5–268. Pb‐Pb isochron regression for eight most radiogenic analyses yielded the date of 4566.2 ± 2.5 Ma. Internal residue‐leachate isochrons for eight chondrule fractions yielded consistent dates with a weighted average of 4566.6 ± 1.0 Ma, our best estimate for an average age of Allende chondrule formation. This Pb‐Pb age is consistent with the range of model 26Al‐26Mg ages of bulk Allende chondrules reported by Bizzarro et al. (2004) and is indistinguishable from Pb‐Pb ages of Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from CV chondrites (4567.2 ± 0.6 Ma) (Amelin et al. 2002) and the oldest basaltic meteorites. We infer that chondrule formation started contemporaneously with or shortly after formation of CV CAIs and overlapped in time with formation of the basaltic crust and iron cores of differentiated asteroids. The entire period of chondrule formation lasted from 4566.6 ± 1.0 Ma (Allende) to 4564.7 ± 0.6 Ma (CR chondrite Acfer 059) to 4562.7 ± 0.5 Ma (CB chondrite Gujba) and was either continuous or consisted of at least three discrete episodes. Since chondrules in CB chondrites appear to have formed from a vapor‐melt plume produced by a giant impact between planetary embryos after dust in the protoplanetary disk had largely dissipated (Krot et al. 2005), there were possibly a variety of processes in the early solar system occurring over at least 4–5 Myr that we now combine under the umbrella name of “chondrule formation.”  相似文献   

Abstract— We used the nuclear reaction 37Cl (n,γ) 38Ar, achieved during neutron irradiation for dating meteorites by the 39Ar‐40Ar technique, to calculate the elemental Cl concentration of 132 samples of 94 different meteorites (mostly finds) representing several different classes. determined k and ca concentrations are also reported. Total [Cl] varies considerably, both among meteorites of the same class and among different meteorite classes. The range in [Cl] is approximately 15–177 ppm for ordinary chondrites; approximately 24–650 ppm for enstatite chondrites; approximately 4–177 ppm for eucrites; approximately 7–128 ppm for mesosiderites; approximately 35–268 ppm for acapulcoites and lodranites; and approximately 12–507 ppm for winonaites and iron silicates. As expected, most differentiated meteorites have lower [Cl] compared to chondrites and iron silicates. Analyses of 11 interior samples (~0.1 g each) of a large L6 chondrite varied over 68–129 ppm, which is a measure of the homogeneity of Cl distribution. By evaluating Ar release during stepwise sample degassing, we separated the Cl into low‐temperature and high‐temperature components, the former of which may consist of terrestrial contamination. Most samples show low‐temperature Cl concentrations of <40 ppm, but for several samples terrestrial Cl contamination constitutes significant fractions of the total Cl. Among most differentiated meteorites, finds show considerably greater low‐temperature [Cl] compared to falls.  相似文献   

Analysis of abundance patterns of rare gases Ne22, Ar36, Kr84 and Xe130 on Earth and in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites is presented. A mechanism of chemical adsorption of rare gases at the planetesimal stage during their accretion is proposed to generate the abundance pattern of the heavy rare gases on the Earth. The calculated values for Xe and Kr agree well with the observed values whereas for Ar, the agreement is poor.  相似文献   

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