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将GMS低分辨率卫星云图接收机输出的模拟信号,通过市话线,传送到远距离的使用单位,并在IBM PC/AT或PC/XT机上配置的1024×1024高分辨率图形显示器上作实时伪彩色分层显示。显示在屏幕上的图象可以放大1-16整数的平方倍,还可以上下左右移动,而不必修改显示存贮器的内容。可以在屏幕上同时显示四幅经缩小为512×512象素的云图,以分析天气演变过程。  相似文献   

孙松青 《气象》1985,11(12):39-40
几年来我国气象部门一般用模拟设备对GMS气象卫星云图进行实时增强处理。但由于模拟设备取自电压量,而电压量又受到许多因素的影响,经常浮动,使增强后资料的一致性很差,难以进行分析比较。随着价格低廉的微型机及单板机的应用推广与发展,使得用计算机来进行云图实时增强处理已成为可能。本文讨论用单板机进行云图实时增强处理。  相似文献   

姚祖庆  唐新章 《气象》1982,8(9):11-13
近几年来,我们使用日本GMS云图结合天气形势分析,在台风路径短期趋势预报中,发现GMS云图上有几种特征云系可以比较直观地反映台风、副高及西风带系统的相互配置,预示台风未来的移向。 我们分析了1978—1980年在海上150°E以西转向的21个台风(不包括南海台风)。发现在其转向前都有一些特征云系出现。这些特征云系最早出现在台风转向前4—5天,最迟也在转向前12—24小时,因此对预报台风转向有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

GMS云图的自动分类及其在暴雨监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周凤仙  李俊  王路易 《气象》1992,18(5):16-19
本文利用一种自动分类方法把GMS S·VISSR图象分成主要的几类:地表、中低云、强降水云区及卷云,并在分类云图上叠加6小时地面降水资料加以对照分析。最后,对分类后的图象进行数据压缩。压缩后的数据量为原来的1/8左右,有利于产品存档及向远程用户的通信传输。  相似文献   

雾、小雨、中雨、大雨、雷暴及无降水是海南岛地区能够在卫星云图上有表现的六种常见天气现象,本文利用红外IR1和可见光VS二通道光谱建立了这五种天气现象的样本数据库,从中提取光谱特征、灰度特征、灰度统计量和灰度直方图统计量特征,对各单位特征空间计算各类天气现象发生概率,建立了天气现象类属矩阵.用以判别各单位特征空间这几类天气现象发生的集中区域.  相似文献   

海南岛几类天气现象在卫星云图上的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴咏明 《广西气象》2005,26(A01):70-71,83
雾、小雨、中雨、大雨、雷暴及无降水是海南岛地区能够在卫星云图上有表现的六种常见天气现象,本文利用红外IRI和可见光VS二通道光谱建立了这五种天气现象的样本数据库,从中提取光谱特征、灰度特征、灰度统计量和灰度直方图统计量特征,对各单位特征空间计算各类天气现象发生概率,建立了天气现象类属矩阵,用以判别各单位特征空间这几类天气现象发生的集中区域。  相似文献   

陈受钧 《气象学报》1959,30(1):92-98
本文作出了一月,四月,七月,十月,沿东经140°平均剖面.讨论了平均风场平均温度场和平均对流层顶,并和西经80°的结果相比较.  相似文献   

1VGA显示系统简介VGA卡是PC机中应用较广泛的显示卡之一,它支持640×480分辨率,256种颜色。本文需用到对其颜色寄存器和12H模式下显存的操作。1.1颜色寄存器VGA卡有256个颜色寄存器,显示器上象力颜色就是由颜色寄存器的数值经DAC(数模转换器)转换为电压信号送至显示器R、G、B(红、绿、蓝)信号端实现的.计算机启动后,颜色寄存器中就填入了供认值,256个颜色寄存器则对应256种颜色。编程中,为了能实现颜色的任意调配,如需将0~15号颜色改为16级灰度,就需对颜色寄存器编程。每个颜色寄存器为18位,每6位代表一种基本色彩(R…  相似文献   

朱福康 《气象学报》1964,34(1):31-40
本文对北半球多年月平均500毫巴图上60°N和30°N纬圈的高度和纬圈平均的经向运动动能进行了波谱分析,探讨了前3个波幅和位相角的季节变化,以及在高低纬度之间的差异。主要结果如下:1位势场的高度主要贡献,集中在准静止长波范围内,并具有明显的季节变化。2波数为1的波在高低纬度性质有显著的不同,其分界线大约在50°-60°N之间。此外,准静止的长波愈向低纬度去逐渐有向西偏移的现象。例如,在30°N上准静止的长波比60°N上要偏西(1/4)-(1/2)波长。360°N纬圈平均的经向运动动能主要部分亦集中在准静止长波范围内。虽然峰值有明显的季节变化,但最大的极值都出现在波数n=2-4之间。30°N纬圈平均的经向运动动能谱有着明显的季节变化,大致可分成如下3个类型:(1)冬季型:纬圈平均的经向运动动能谱存在着两个极值,最大的极值稳定于准静止长波范围内(n=3附近),次极植位于移动性行星波范围内(n=5-8)。(2)夏季型:纬圈平均的经向运动动能谱只有一个极值,稳定于波数为6-7的波内。(3)过渡型:纬圈平均的经向运动动能谱分布较平坦,没有稳定的极值存在。  相似文献   

A statistical study of GMS low cloud winds in January,April,July and October,1983 shows that on an average,there exist 223.5 low cloud winds over western North Pacific each synoptic time.The low cloud winds have a diurnal change with more low cloud winds at 12 Z than at 00 Z. The wind fields at 850 hPa over western North Pacific,with and without application of low cloud winds, have been analyzed by a successive correction scheme.The results indicate that the flow patterns without low cloud winds are considerably distorted from short of wind data over the oceanic region.On the contrary,with application of low cloud winds,the flow patterns get much more improved over the oceanic region.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of horizontal resolution on the precipitation of the super typhoon Rammasun (1409). The experiment uses WRF (V3.4) model with resolutions of 15 km, 9 km and 3 km. The results suggest that the simulated Rammasun rain band shapes and distributions at different horizontal resolutions are nearly the same. When the resolution is increased from 15 km to 9 km and then to 3 km, heavy precipitation is observed to spread in all directions from a concentrated distribution, especially when the resolution is increased from 9 km to 3 km. The 6h and 1h heavy precipitations also show a more significant comma-shape distribution. Moreover, the water vapor distribution shows the same characteristics as the heavy precipitation with a notably enhanced ascending movement and a decreased height of the strongest ascending movement. Of the three resolutions, the precipitation distribution simulated at 3 km resolution is the closest to the observed distribution; however, there is still a noticeable difference between the simulated precipitation and the actual observation. With the absence of the convection parameterization in the model, the precipitation distributions simulated at 9 km and 3 km resolutions demonstrate the same features as when the KF convection parameterization is applied. However, the simulated precipitations at these two resolutions are smaller than those obtained with the KF scheme. Meanwhile the difference between the simulated precipitations at these two resolutions is also smaller than that in the latter case. In general, when KF scheme is applied to the model, the simulation effect of Rammasun precipitation is better than that obtained without the convection parameterization scheme.  相似文献   

一种基于卫星云图定量估计的三维显示方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李培军  谭永强 《气象科学》2007,27(3):329-334
对卫星云图进行云地分离、云分类、云高估计等定量计算,并利用这些定量结果,用OpenGL进行三维建模,首先叠加地形,然后以混合的形式实现半透明与非透明云及全透明的地表区别显示,以云顶高估计结果作为云高,高程作为地面高度进行三角网格绘制,最终实现与实际云团基本相一致的三维云图。  相似文献   

简要介绍了改进精细分辨率雷达所涉及的提高空间分辨率和智能化、快速扫描等技术。利用改进后的雷达精细分辨率数据和原始分辨率数据,对不同强天气类型的探测效果进行了对比分析,结果表明:精细分辨率数据可获得比原始分辨率数据更大的相对径向速度,辐合辐散和速度极值也更明显;获取更为清晰的超级单体结构以及龙卷涡旋特征和龙卷碎片特征等,更早识别出对流单体和雷暴云团;采用精细分辨率数据进行定量降水估计的精度与原始分辨率数据相当或略有提升。改进后精细分辨率数据具有更高的空间分辨率(双偏振)雷达观测特征,在对中小尺度强对流回波监测和识别的实际业务中具有较明显优势。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式,研究了模式水平和垂直网格分辨率对台风“天鸽”(2017)模拟的影响。结果表明:水平分辨率的改变会对台风路径造成一定的影响,这种影响与改变水平分辨率以后所引起的台风强度和结构的变化有关。使用更高的水平分辨率时模拟的台风强度往往更强。此外,改变垂直分辨率对台风的路径模拟也有一定的影响。采用双曲正切的垂直分层方法,提高垂直层数,模式大气的垂直分辨率都有增加,但是在低层和高层垂直分辨率的增加更大。低层和高层垂直分辨率增加,模拟的台风强度增强。模式的水平分辨率和垂直分辨率之间匹配才能比较好地模拟台风,双向嵌套模式在提高嵌套层数的同时也要增加模式的垂直分辨率。台风强度和结构变化密切相关,台风强度增强的重要原因是台风云墙随着分辨率的增加更加陡峭,垂直风速随着水平分辨率的提高逐渐增强。   相似文献   

Madden-Julian Oscillations (MJO) in six integrations using an AGCM with different cumulus parameterization schemes and resolutions are examined to investigate their impacts on the MJO simulation. Results suggest that the MJO simulation can be affected by both resolution and cumulus parameterization, though the latter, which determines the fundamental ability of the AGCM in simulating the MJO and the characteristics of the simulated MJO, is more crucial than the former. Model resolution can substantially affect the simulated MJO in certain aspects. Increasing resolution cannot improve the simulated MJO substantially, but can significantly modulate the detailed character of the simulated MJO; meanwhile, the impacts of resolution are dependent on the cumulus parameterization, determining the basic features of the MJO. Changes in the resolution do not alter the nature of the simulated MJO but rather regulate the simulation itself, which is constrained by cumulus parameterization schemes. Therefore, the vertical resolution needs to be increased simultaneously. The vertical profile of diabatic heating may be a crucial factor that is responsible for these different modeling results. To a large extent, it is determined by the cumulus parameterization scheme used.  相似文献   

Typhoon Usagi (1319) was simulated by using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model (WRF) with different horizontal resolution to understand the impact of horizontal resolution on the intensity and characteristics of typhoon’s microstructures (including dynamic and microphysical structure). The simulated results show that the improvement of horizontal resolution from 5 km to 1 km has little impact on the track which is comparable to real results, but has a significant impact on the intensity and microstructures, and especially, the impact on wind speed at 10 m height, the vertical movement and precipitation intensity is the greatest. When the resolution is increased to 1 km, the intensity and characteristics of typhoon’s microstructures can be simulated better. In lower resolution simulations, some structural characteristics, including more asymmetrical and more outward tilted eyewall, and less water vapor flux on sea surface, work together to weaken typhoon intensity.  相似文献   

分辨率对区域气候极端事件模拟的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
汤剑平  赵鸣  苏炳凯 《气象学报》2006,64(4):432-442
利用NCAR MM5V3对1999年6月长江流域的极端异常降水事件进行了模拟, 主要研究不同水平和垂直分辨率对极端区域气候事件模拟的影响.数值模拟试验表明:模式能够模拟出极端强降水的主要分布特征;水平分辨率的提高降低了模式模拟的强降水偏差,对逐日降水变化的模拟更加合理,而垂直分辨率的提高基本上也都减小了模拟的强降水过程的偏差,改善对强降水的模拟能力;模式水平、垂直分辨率的提高在一定程度上增强了对强降水过程的模拟能力.水平分辨率的提高能够改善模式对海平面气压的模拟,而垂直分辨率的提高可以改善模式模拟的地面气温和低层环流.分辨率对中层大气环流的影响不是很敏感.不同积云对流参数化方案模拟的对流降水比率随水平分辨率的变化是不同的,Grell方案对流降水比例随分辨率的提高而增加,而Kain-Fritsch方案的结果相反.  相似文献   

We use the WRF (V3.4) model as the experimental model and select three horizontal resolutions of 15, 9, and 3km to research the influence of the model’s horizontal resolution on the intensity and structure of the super-strong typhoon Rammasun (1409) in 2014. The results indicate that the horizontal resolution has a very large impact on the intensity and structure of Rammasun. The Rammasun intensity increases as the horizontal resolution increases. When the horizontal resolution increases from 9km to 3km, the enhancement of intensity is more obvious, but the strongest intensity simulated by 3km horizontal resolution is still weaker than the observed strongest intensity. Along with the increase of horizontal resolution, the horizontal scale of the Rammasun vortex decreases, and the vortex gradually contracts toward its center. The vortex structure changes from loose to compact and deep. The maximum wind radius, thickness of the eye wall, and outward inclination of the eye wall with height decrease, and the wind in the inner core region, updraft motion along the eye wall, and strength of the warm core become stronger. Additionally, the pressure gradient and temperature gradient of the eye wall region increase, and the vortex intensity becomes stronger. When the horizontal resolution increases from 9km to 3km, the change in the Rammasun structure is much larger than the change when the horizontal resolution increases from 15km to 9km. When the model does not employ the method of convection parameterization, the Rammasun intensity simulated with 3km horizontal resolution is slightly weaker than the intensity simulated with 3km horizontal resolution when the Kain–Fritsch (KF) convection parameterization scheme is adopted, while the intensity simulated with 9km horizontal resolution is much weaker than the intensity simulated with 9km horizontal resolution when the KF scheme is adopted. The influence of the horizontal resolution on the intensity and structure of Rammasun is larger than the influence when the KF scheme is adopted.  相似文献   

非定长相关时间序列集内平均序列的摆动异常及其解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洪滨  周江兴 《气象学报》2003,61(4):488-493
文中对多个时间序列的平均序列中常常出现的异常摆动问题进行了探讨。结果表明,给定时间序列集中序列个数的多少会造成其所组成的平均序列的方差的变化,即序列个数越多,平均序列方差越小的可能性就越大,由此定义了方差增长率α。当给定方差增长率限定值α_0并使其满足α≤α_0时,可以得到最小序列个数m_0,且α_0越大或序列间平均相关系数越大,所需要的时间序列数越少。这一结果可应用于气候变化研究中有关平均时间序列建立的研究中,亦可运用到其他相关研究领域。  相似文献   

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