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采用局地多尺度能量涡度分析法(MS-EVA)和基于MS-EVA的局地正则传输与不稳定性理论对北半球夏季MJO的动能变化进行了诊断分析。结果表明:1)引起对流层上层和下层MJO动能变化的主要影响因素是有效位能转换和气压梯度力做功,其中有效位能转换在对流中心以北有明显的正的大值带,是MJO的主要动能源;气压梯度力做功则主要是将从有效位能转换而来的动能在空间重新分布。2)引起对流层中下层MJO动能变化的主要因素是动能跨尺度传输作用,其中大尺度向MJO尺度的跨尺度传输在对流中心附近表现为明显的正值,因此是该高度上MJO的动能源,并受5~15°N区域上空正压不稳定制约。3)MJO与天气尺度系统间的动能传输则主要表现为MJO的动能汇,其与MJO环流场分布以及MJO对天气尺度波动动量通量的平流输送有关。  相似文献   

高原涡作为经常给我国带来暴雨等灾害的天气系统,其形成一般认为是通过感热和潜热自下而上激发的,然而,2013年5月下旬发生的一次引发其下游灾害性强降水的高原涡却是由对流层高层天气尺度低涡诱发的.为此,基于新发展的多尺度子空间变换和多尺度能量涡度方法以及ERA5再分析资料对其动力学过程进行了详尽的探讨,先将原始场重构到三个...  相似文献   

通过构造两种不同类型的理想序列,将多尺度子空间变换(Multiscale Window Transform,MWT)与传统使用最多的带通滤波方法(Butterw orth)进行比较发现:MWT滤波的结果在整体上与原序列几乎完全吻合,而Butterworth的滤波结果在振幅上总是偏小;同时MWT对边界的处理也比Butterworth要好。为此使用这两种方法分别对MJO进行重构,并比较两种方法下MJO特性的差异。结果表明:在经向(meridional)传播上,两种方法得出的MJO基本类似;但在纬向(zonal)传播及其季节变化上,两种方法的结果无论在强度还是分布上都存在明显的差异,并且这种差异主要存在于西太平洋地区。本文发现:MJO波列从年初到夏季由南向北传播,从夏季到岁末传播方向却逆转成由北向南(尤其是在西太平洋地区),这一点与前人的结果迥异。  相似文献   

2008年1月,中国南方发生了罕见的低温雨雪灾害,造成这次灾害的关键系统之一是乌拉尔山以东地区的异常阻塞高压(阻高)。基于NCEP再分析资料,利用新发展的多尺度子空间变换和重构分析了这一期间阻高的多尺度特征,发现其源头来自欧洲地区,强度减弱后东移,在乌拉尔山—贝加尔湖地区重新增强并得以维持相当长的时间。结果表明,两次阻高过程本质上是同一过程在不同阶段的表现。为探讨上述过程的动力学机制,利用基于多尺度子空间变换的局地多尺度能量分析方法以及正则传输理论对其进行了分析,发现此次异常阻高过程源自32 d以下尺度系统的动能强迫,具体地说,能量来自32 d以下尺度系统向32—128 d低频尺度系统的正压正则传输,而且这种正则传输在阻高环流的东、西两侧不对称,西侧在强度上远大于东侧。分析表明,上述非对称的强迫作用由动能空间输运来平衡,平流将西侧获得的32—128 d低频尺度动能向东侧输运,以此来维持阻高环流的整体稳定和均一。上述两种内部的物理过程是高压环流在东移的过程中得以重新增强并长时间维持的机制。  相似文献   

A novel localized finite-amplitude hydrodynamic stability analysis is established in a unified treatment for the study of real oceanic and atmospheric processes, which are in general highly nonlinear, and intermittent in space and time. We first re-state the classical definition using the multi-scale energy and vorticity analysis (MS-EVA) developed in Liang and Robinson [Liang, X.S., Robinson, A.R., 2005. Localized multiscale energy and vorticity analysis. I. Fundamentals. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 38, 195–230], and then manipulate certain global operators to achieve the temporal and spatial localization. The key of the spatial localization is transfer-transport separation, which is made precise with the concept of perfect transfer, while relaxation of marginalization leads to the localization of time. In doing so the information of transfer lost in the averages is retrieved and an easy-to-use instability metric is obtained. The resulting metric is field-like (Eulerian), conceptually generalizing the classical formalism, a bulk notion over the whole system. In this framework, an instability has a structure, which is of particular use for open flow processes. We check the structure of baroclinic instability with the benchmark Eady model solution, and the Iceland–Faeroe Frontal (IFF) intrusion, a highly localized and nonlinear process occurring frequently in the region between Iceland and Faeroe Islands. A clear isolated baroclinic instability is identified around the intrusion, which is further found to be characterized by the transition from a spatially growing mode to a temporally growing mode. We also check the consistency of the MS-EVA dynamics with the barotropic Kuo model. An observation is that a local perturbation burst does not necessarily imply an instability: the perturbation energy could be transported from other processes occurring elsewhere. We find that our analysis yields a Kuo theorem-consistent mean–eddy interaction, which is not seen in a conventional Reynolds stress framework. Using the techniques of marginalization and localization, this work sets up an example for the generalization of certain geophysical fluid dynamics theories for more generic purposes.  相似文献   

By analyzing the linkage of the Northern Annular Mode (NAM) anomaly to the East Asian jet and the East Asian trough during Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SSW), the influence of SSW on East Asian weather is studied. The results show that the East Asian jet is strengthened and the East Asian trough is deepened during SSW. With the downward propagation of SSW, the strengthened East Asian jet and the East Asian trough would move southward, expand westward and gradually influence the area of north and northeastern China. This implies that the winter monsoon tends to be enhanced over East Asia during SSW.  相似文献   

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