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杨丰华  刘仁强 《高原气象》2023,(6):1529-1535
通常基于准地转的变换的欧拉平均框架下提出的涡动热通量近似理论计算极区平流层温度变化的动力和非绝热加热贡献,但是这可能会带来一定的误差。本文根据Liu and Fu(2019)提出的欧拉平均框架下新形式的面积加权平均的热力学能量方程,通过滑动累加得到逐月的温度变化方程。再利用1980-2019年欧洲中期天气预报中心第五代再分析资料(EuropeanCentreforMedium-range Weather Forecasts fifth reanalysis data, ERA5),计算北半球极区低平流层100 hPa在全时段(1980-2019年)和两个分时段(1980-1999年、 2000-2019年)各月温度增量、动力加热、非绝热加热和对流加热项(W项)的气候平均值,进而讨论涡动热通量近似理论成立的最佳参考纬度。结果表明,新导出的W项使得极区累积的动力和非绝热加热项之和与温度增量项之间的误差在冬春季减少了一半。在100 hPa上,W项随月份和纬度变化,尤其在冬春季节对温度变化贡献明显,由此得到涡动热通量近似成立的最佳参考纬度应该在W项的零等值线附近。进一步验证表明参考纬度可以取在...  相似文献   

两类极区平流层异常增温的特征及其与850hPa温度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,将冬季极区平流层增温分为两种类型:Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型,并分析了两种类型增温的特征、机制及其与850hPa温度的关系。结果表明,波动强迫的强度和对流层的热量能否向上到达平流层是决定两类平流层异常增温的两个主要因素。Ⅰ型平流层增温期间,对流层也表现出了明显的增温特征,850hPa与平流层温度距平场呈现相当正压结构,极区和中纬度异常表现为反位相的振荡,呈现典型的北极涛动的特征;Ⅱ型平流层异常增温期间,增温异常仅局限在平流层范围内,平流层的中低层与高层呈现反位相的距平分布,850hPa温度距平场呈现无规则的分布特征。  相似文献   

杨云峰 《大气科学》1991,15(3):77-86
文章从对赤道β平面上静止大气中线性方程分解着手,得出控制对称运动和反对称运动方程组,对方程求解,从理论上证实在热带子流层低层中存在两种特殊性质的运动即对称运动和反对称运动,并证实赤道Kelvin波是典型的对称运动,而混合罗斯贝-重力波是反对称运动。文章分析了非绝热加热对对称运动和反对称运动的影响,当非绝热加热为唯一的外源扰动时,对称的非绝热加热是产生Kelvin波的重要条件,而反对称的非绝热加热是产生赤道区域平流层混合罗斯贝-重力波的重要条件。另外,随着非绝热加热增加,对称运动和反对称运动强度也增加。  相似文献   

平流层臭氧变化对大气加热率及到达地面紫外辐射的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
孙学金 《气象科学》1997,17(1):71-82
平流层臭氧的变化对平流层的温度结构,整个大气环流以及到达地面的紫外辐射均有影响。本文采用一个计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的参数化方法和有关资料,研究了臭氧变化对大气最大加热率和到达地面的紫外辐射通量密度的影响情况。文中给出的参数化方法可直接应用于大气环流模式计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的加热率。  相似文献   

根据1980—2000年ERA-Interim再分析的风场和温度场资料,计算12月与1—2月北半球行星波的EP通量及其散度,并按冬季不同月份分析了平流层整层温度和风场从20世纪80年代到90年代变化的特征及其与行星波活动变化的关系。结果表明,12月高纬度地区中低平流层呈增温趋势;而1—2月温度变化呈冷却趋势。在12月中高纬度中上平流层纬向风明显减速;而在1—2月高纬度中高平流层,随着纬度和高度的增加,纬向风呈明显加速趋势。冬季北半球行星波主要沿低纬度和极地波导两支波导向上传播。但是,12月行星波沿低纬度波导的传播减弱,沿极地波导向平流层整层的传播则明显增强。而1—2月行星波沿低纬度波导的传播明显增强,沿极地波导向平流层的传播则减弱。因此,北半球极区平流层1980—2000年间12月与1—2月波流相互作用的年代际变化形势趋于相反,有必要针对冬季不同月份分开进行讨论。  相似文献   

采用北京气候中心大气辐射模式(BCC-RAD)、日本气象厅JRA-55月平均再分析资料,研究了北半球冬季低纬度平流层上、下两个温度异常区对太阳周期的响应及其机制。结果表明,太阳活动偏强年,低纬度的上平流层温度暖异常是由臭氧短波加热异常引起的,它在中纬度的上平流层激发出异常强西风,阻碍行星波正常上传,由波破碎驱动的Brewer-Dobson环流也减弱,该环流上升支减弱的动力加热作用导致了低纬度的下平流层暖异常。  相似文献   

蔡宏珂  郭静超  周任君 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1159-1168
本文采用卤素掩星试验(Halogen Occultation Experiment,HALOE)资料探讨了火山活动相对平静期平流层气溶胶与O3、H2O、HC1、NOx、CH4、HF等微量气体以及温度的关系.滞后相关分析显示气溶胶与微量气体和温度有显著关系,不同成分的相关性特征有所差异,中低纬度上空70~20 hPa高度...  相似文献   

利用ERA-Interim再分析资料,研究1979~2011年间平流层温度与平流层水汽的时空演变趋势。结果表明,平流层纬向平均温度场和平流层水汽的分布随高度、纬度、季节的变化而变化,且二者密切相关,互相影响。过去33a间在热带地区平流层温度均呈上升趋势,在南北半球,温度在平流层中下层呈下降趋势,而在平流层上层呈增温趋势。平流层水汽在不同层次、不同纬度带均呈增加趋势。平流层纬向温度在南北两半球的下降趋势与平流层水汽含量的增加趋势,进一步验证了全球气候正在变暖的事实。   相似文献   

田文寿  黄金龙  郄锴  王涛  徐勉 《气象科学》2020,40(5):628-638
随着大气探测技术以及计算机性能的不断提高,近年来平流层探测数据日渐丰富,中层大气模式也得到了快速发展,平流层中一些重要的物理、化学以及动力过程得以深入研究,对平流层大气环流的认识也进一步加深。本文分析了平流层准2 a振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,QBO)、平流层残余(Brewer-Dobson,BD)环流和平流层极地环流等主要的平流层大气环流系统和信号的气候态特征、形成机制、年际变率以及长期趋势等,阐述了它们的主要影响因子和过程,讨论并展望了与平流层环流有关的一些主要科学问题。  相似文献   

对流层和平流层温度中ENSO信号的多种资料比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于超越  周天军  李博 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1020-1032
本文利用1980~1999年卫星资料Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU)和5种再分析资料(ERA40、JRA25、NCEP1、NCEP2、MERRA),分析了北半球冬季全球对流层中层和平流层低层温度变化中的ENSO信号,讨论了ENSO暖冷位相时温度异常的对称性和非对称性,并以MSU卫星资料为标准,...  相似文献   

Using a state-of-the-art chemistry-climate model,we analyzed the atmospheric responses to increases in sea surface temperature (SST).The results showed that increases in SST and the SST meridional gradient could intensify the subtropical westerly jets and significantly weaken the northern polar vortex.In the model runs,global uniform SST increases produced a more significant impact on the southern stratosphere than the northern stratosphere,while SST gradient increases produced a more significant impact on the northern stratosphere.The asymmetric responses of the northern and southern polar stratosphere to SST meridional gradient changes were found to be mainly due to different wave properties and transmissions in the northern and southern atmosphere.Although SST increases may give rise to stronger waves,the results showed that the effect of SST increases on the vertical propagation of tropospheric waves into the stratosphere will vary with height and latitude and be sensitive to SST meridional gradient changes.Both uniform and non-uniform SST increases accelerated the large-scale Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC),but the gradient increases of SST between 60°S and 60°N resulted in younger mean age-of-air in the stratosphere and a larger increase in tropical upwelling,with a much higher tropopause than from a global uniform 1.0 K SST increase.  相似文献   

Using a detailed, fully coupled chemistry climate model (CCM), the effect of increasing stratospheric H2O on ozone and temperature is investigated. Different CCM time-slice runs have been performed to investigate the chemical and radiative impacts of an assumed 2 ppmv increase in H2O. The chemical effects of this H2O increase lead to an overall decrease of the total column ozone (TCO) by ~1% in the tropics and by a maximum of 12% at southern high latitudes. At northern high latitudes, the TCO is increased by only up to 5% due to stronger transport in the Arctic. A 2-ppmv H2O increase in the model's radiation scheme causes a cooling of the tropical stratosphere of no more than 2 K, but a cooling of more than 4 K at high latitudes. Consequently, the TCO is increased by about 2%--6%. Increasing stratospheric H2O, therefore, cools the stratosphere both directly and indirectly, except in the polar regions where the temperature responds differently due to feedbacks between ozone and H2O changes. The combined chemical and radiative effects of increasing H2O may give rise to more cooling in the tropics and middle latitudes but less cooling in the polar stratosphere. The combined effects of H2O increases on ozone tend to offset each other, except in the Arctic stratosphere where both the radiative and chemical impacts give rise to increased ozone. The chemical and radiative effects of increasing H2O cause dynamical responses in the stratosphere with an evident hemispheric asymmetry. In terms of ozone recovery, increasing the stratospheric H2O is likely to accelerate the recovery in the northern high latitudes and delay it in the southern high latitudes. The modeled ozone recovery is more significant between 2000--2050 than between 2050--2100, driven mainly by the larger relative change in chlorine in the earlier period.  相似文献   

2019-2020冬季北极平流层极涡异常并且持续的偏强,偏冷.利用NCEP再数据和OMI臭氧数据,本文分析了此次强极涡事件中平流层极涡的动力场演变及其对地面暖冬天气和臭氧低值的影响.此次强极涡的形成是由于上传行星波不活跃.持续的强极涡使得2020年春季的最后增温出现时间偏晚.平流层正NAM指数向下传播到地面,与地面AO...  相似文献   

陈文  魏科 《大气科学进展》2009,26(5):855-863
We investigated the interannual variations of the winter stratospheric polar vortex in this paper. EOF analysis shows that two modes of variability dominate the stratospheric polar vortex on interannual timescales. The leading mode (EOF1) reflects the intensity variation of the polar vortex and is characterized by a geopotential height seesaw between the polar region and the mid-latitudes. The second one (EOF2) exhibits variation in the zonal asymmetric part of the polar vortex, which mainly describes the stationary planetary wave activity. As the strongest interannual variation signal in the atmosphere, the QBO has been shown to influence mainly the strength of the polar vortex. On the other hand, the ENSO cycle, as the strongest interannual variation signal in the ocean, has been shown to be mainly associated with the variation of stationary planetary wave activity in the stratosphere. Possible influences of the stratospheric polar vortex on the tropospheric circulation are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

沈熙  徐海明  胡景高 《气象科学》2017,37(6):718-726
本文采用1979—2014年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料、CMAP和GPCP月平均降水资料,分析了北半球平流层极涡崩溃早晚的环流特征及其与南亚降水的关系。结果表明,北半球平流层极涡崩溃时间存在明显的年际变化特征。极涡崩溃偏早(偏晚)年,自3月开始异常信号从平流层向下传播,之后的4月,从平流层到对流层高层极区温度异常偏高(偏低),极涡异常偏弱(偏强),极夜急流异常偏弱(偏强)。结果还表明,5月南亚降水异常与平流层极涡崩溃时间的早晚存在显著相关,5月南亚降水异常与平流层极涡崩溃早晚年平流层异常信号的下传有关。当平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年,4月平流层极区表现为位势高度异常偏低,而中纬度则位势高度场异常偏高,并伴随位势高度异常场的向下传播,5月该位势高度异常场下传至阿拉伯海北部大陆上空对流层顶,形成有利于降水的环流场,导致南亚降水偏多。反之,则相反。  相似文献   

Considering the main thermal forcing factor, which is critical for the development of synoptic systems,the concept of the moist ageostrophic vector Q is introduced. A formula of the moist ageostrophic Q and the ageostrophic diabatic equation, in which the divergence of the moist ageostrophic Q is taken as a single forcing term, is derived. Meanwhile, the moist ageostrophic Q is applied to diagnose a torrential rain process in North China. The results suggest that the moist ageostrophic Q can clearly reveal the system development during the torrential rain process; the corresponding relationship between the divergence of the moist ageostrophic Q and the rainfall area is better than that of the vertical velocity (ω) and the divergence of the dry Q; the 6-h rainfall region can be correctly drawn according to the negative area of the divergence of the moist ageostrophic Q, and its precipitation is positively correlated to the magnitude of the divergence of the moist ageostrophic Q. The research provides valuable information for improving short-term weather forecast.  相似文献   

张华  卢鹏 《气象学报》2014,72(6):1257-1268
为了在不大幅度增加计算成本的情况下提高大气辐射传输计算的精度,利用单层四流球谐函数结合多层二流累加法,构造了可用于多层大气的四流球谐函数算法。为了比较与其他辐射传输算法的差异,引入48流离散纵坐标算法作为比较标准,Eddington 近似、四流离散纵坐标算法作为比较对象。在真实大气廓线条件下,计算了晴空和有云大气顶向上辐射通量、地表向下辐射通量以及加热率廓线。得出以下结论:在晴空情况下,与作为标准的48流离散纵坐标法相比,Eddington 近似、四流离散纵坐标法和新构造的四流球谐函数方法加热率绝对误差都小于0?3 K/d;向上、向下辐射通量的相对误差分别小于1%和0?6%。这表明在晴空情况下,3种算法对加热率的计算精度差别不大;对辐射通量的计算精度,两种四流近似算法比传统的 Eddington 近似更为精确。在有云情况下,与48流离散纵坐标法相比,四流球谐函数和四流离散纵坐标法计算的云顶加热率相对误差小于1%,而 Eddington 近似计算的云顶加热率相对误差大于5%。结果表明:新构造的四流球谐函数算法可用于大气辐射传输模式,在不大幅度增加计算成本的同时,提高了晴空大气的整体辐射计算精度和有云大气辐射加热率的计算精度。  相似文献   

利用1998—2016年NCEP/DOE逐日的日平均地面感热通量和地面潜热通量、MICAPS历史天气图资料、青藏高原低涡切变线年鉴,对高原低涡涡源区与高原地面加热特征进行统计分析,对比研究了移出青藏高原的高原涡(移出涡)、未移出青藏高原的高原涡(未移出涡)的涡源与高原地面加热的季节变化特征,及移出涡、未移出涡涡源区的地面加热特征及高原地面加热与低涡生成的相关性。结果表明,高原涡、未移出涡、移出涡的涡源分布季节变化特征相似,由冬到春到夏,初生区域逐渐扩大,由夏到秋到冬正好相反,不同的是移出涡涡源区明显比高原涡、未移出涡小,初生中心位置的季节变化也不同;高原地面感热、地面潜热、地面热源分布的季节变化特征相似,由冬到春到夏经历了明显增强的过程,由夏到秋到冬经历了减弱的过程,不同的是热源的快速增强、减弱程度及其发生季节差异大,地面潜热由春到夏增强特别明显,这与移出涡生成个数的明显增加相一致;未移出涡、移出涡春、夏、秋季主要涡源区所处的地面热源值域不同,移出涡夏季的值比未移出涡高,移出涡生成对高原区域地面热源依赖要比未移出涡强一些;夏季移出涡、未移出涡的涡源区都处在与高原地面热源正相关区内,它们与地面潜热的显著正相关区比高原地面感热的大,尤其是移出涡,高原地面潜热在高原涡生成中有重要作用,对移出涡生成影响更大。  相似文献   

Wintertime temperature and ozone in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere vary significantly between years. Largely random, those variations are marked by compensating changes at high and low latitudes, a feature that reflects the residual mean circulation of the stratosphere. Interannual changes of temperature and ozone each track anomalous forcing of the residual circulation. This relationship is shown to be obeyed even over the Arctic, where transport is augmented by heterogeneous chemical processes that destroy ozone. Chlorine activation obeys a similar relationship, reflecting feedback between changes of the residual circulation and anomalous photochemistry.Changes of stratospheric dynamical and chemical structure are found be accompanied by coherent changes in the troposphere. Vertically extensive, they reflect inter-dependent changes in the stratosphere and troposphere, which are coupled by the residual circulation through transfers of mass. The corresponding structure is shown to share major features with empirical modes of interannual variability associated with the AO and its cousin, the NAO.A 3D model of dynamics and photochemistry is used to simulate anomalous temperature and ozone. Driven by anomalous wave activity representative of that observed, the model reproduces the salient structure of observed interannual changes. Anomalous temperature and ozone follow in the integrations from anomalous downwelling, which, under disturbed conditions, renders temperature over the Arctic anomalously warm, and from anomalous poleward transport, which renders Arctic ozone anomalously rich.Accompanying random interannual changes in the observed record was a systematic decline of Northern Hemisphere temperature and ozone during the 1980s and early 1990s. Comprising decadal trends, these systematic changes are shown to have the same essential structure and seasonality as random changes, which, in turn, vary coherently with anomalous forcing of the residual circulation. Implications of the findings to the interpretation of stratospheric trends are discussed in light of anomalous residual motion, photochemistry, and feedback between them.  相似文献   

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