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采用一元线性方法建立南海台风模式CMA-TRAMS地形高度偏差和地面气温预报误差的回归关系,分别开展不分级、高度偏差分级和地面气温误差分级的三种订正方法的研究,并进行订正效果评估。结果表明,模式地面气温预报误差与地形高度偏差总体呈负的线性相关关系,地面气温预报绝对误差随地形高度偏差绝对值增大而增大(对模式地形高度偏低站点尤为明显),但不同时刻地面气温预报误差特征表现不同,模式对地形高度偏高(即模式地形高于测站高度)和地形高度偏差小于50 m的站点,06时地面气温(世界时,下同)预报总体偏低,对地形高度偏低大于50 m的站点(即模式地形低于测站高度),06时地面气温预报总体偏高;而无论站点地形高度偏差如何,模式对18时地面气温预报总体偏高。三种订正方法中地面气温误差分级法能有效地减小地面气温预报误差,该方法订正后的分析场准确率可达96%~99%,12~48小时时效预报场准确率总体可提升至90%以上,该方法具有回归关系稳定、效果显著、适用性广、简单易行等特点。  相似文献   

ECMWF模式地面气温预报的四种误差订正方法的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
李佰平  智协飞 《气象》2012,38(8):897-902
采用均方根误差对欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECWMF)确定性预报模式2007年1月至2010年12月的地面气温预报结果进行评估,并分别利用一元线性回归、多元线性回归、单时效消除偏差和多时效消除偏差平均的订正方法,对ECMWF模式地面气温预报结果进行订正。结果表明,4种订正方法都能有效地减小地面气温多个时效预报的误差,改进幅度约为1℃。在短期预报中仅考虑最新预报结果的一元线性回归订正方法要优于考虑多个预报结果的多元集成预报订正方法。在中期预报中考虑多个预报结果的多元集成预报订正方法更优,更稳定。在模式预报误差较大的情况下,多时效集成的订正方法能更稳定地减小误差。  相似文献   

为提升北京冬(残)奥会气象服务保障能力,利用2018—2021年1月1日—3月28日欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)模式预报产品以及冬奥延庆赛区8个自动气象站的2 m气温实况,通过基于地形修正的模式偏差订正和支持向量机算法,构建赛区不同海拔高度站点72 h预报时效内逐3 h的2 m气温集成订正方法。2022年北京冬(残)奥会前夕及赛事期间应用评估表明:集成订正方法对延庆赛区2 m气温的预报准确率为0.856,平均绝对偏差为1.08℃,订正效果较单一订正方法更优,尤其针对海拔高度高出模式地形高度的站点订正性能更为突出,同时,对超阈值及关键过程的气温订正效果也表现较好。对于延庆赛区大多数站点而言,该方法订正的72 h预报时效内逐3 h的2 m气温平均绝对偏差总体上表现出一定的日变化特征,且0~24 h,24~48 h,48~72 h预报时效之间偏差变化相对平稳,但不同站点的日变化趋势存在差异。随着预报时效增加,该方法订正的2 m气温平均绝对偏差的变化趋势表现出海拔依赖性。  相似文献   

采用基于历史资料的模式距平订正法(ANO),利用2011~2015年欧洲中心高分辨率数值预报(ECMWF)的地面2m温度和广西区域自动站气温观测资料,对2016年广西区域2m温度预报进行订正试验,对比分析订正前和订正后的预报误差,结果表明:EC对广西区域2m温度的预报误差随着预报时效增加而逐渐增大,午后误差较大,夜间误差较小,预报值大多偏低。0~72h预报(较短预报时效)冬季误差较小,夏季误差较大;72~240h预报(较长预报时效)夏季误差较小,秋季和冬季误差较大。随预报时效增加,误差增大的幅度夏季较小,冬季较大。误差的离散度在较短预报时效的午后为冬季较小,夏季较大,在较长预报时效及夜间则与之相反。ANO方法对午后温度预报的订正效果优于当日其他时刻。该方法对夏季的温度预报有很好的订正效果,秋季的订正效果次之,春季的订正效果不明显,冬季的订正效果为负面作用。  相似文献   

选取2022年1月1日—12月31日ECMWF细网格模式2 m温度预报24 h以内预报时效产品和对应时次的福建省70个国家站观测资料进行分析,采用ARIMA(差分自回归移动平均)模型和双权重ARIMA模型分别对2 m温度预报产品进行偏差订正,并对订正前后的结果进行对比分析。结果表明:1) ECMWF模式2 m温度预报在福建省主要呈现冷偏差,随着预报时效的增加,均方根误差和准确率随之变差;分别用两种模型进行订正,平均绝对误差由2.1℃以内减小到1.6℃以内,均方根误差从2.5℃以内降低到2.1℃以内,且偏差越大,订正效果越明显。2) ECMWF模式2 m温度逐月预报效果差异较大,订正后各评价指标均有显著改进,各月平均误差在-0.5—0.5℃。3) ECMWF模式2 m温度预报偏差主要表现为福建东部沿海小、中西部较大;订正后平均绝对误差和均方根误差减小至2℃以内,且对高海拔地区的站点改善效果更加明显。与ARIMA模型相比,双权重ARIMA模型订正后平均绝对误差与均方根误差更小、准确率更高,订正效果更好。  相似文献   

北京冬奥服务对站点气象要素预报提出了明确需求,2 m气温预报偏差在±2℃以内,10 m风速预报平均偏差小于观测的30%,文中提出一种基于相似集合嵌套一元线性回归的预报方法—嵌套相似集合(AnEn-Ne),该方法基于相似集合思路,在满足一定条件时,启动其嵌套一元线性回归提供订正预报。冬奥赛期(2021年11月1日—2022年3月15日)实时业务预报表明,嵌套相似集合具有较好的预报效果,相对业务数值模式(CMA-BJ)预报,预报精度显著提高,相对相似集合预报和一元线性回归预报精度明显提高,其预报结果满足冬奥服务需求。复杂地形下的要素预报检验表明,CMA-BJ模式预报2 m气温虽然存在较明显的系统偏差,但与观测相关较强,对观测的表征意义明显,订正后能有效消除复杂地形影响,10 m风速模式预报偏差振荡明显,模式预报与观测相关较弱,表征意义差,订正后站间差异明显;改进CMA-BJ模式复杂地形区近地面风速预报对观测的表征意义,可进一步提高该预报方法对10 m风速订正预报的精度。  相似文献   

为了减小观测站实际地形高度与对应模式地形高度的差异给2 m预报温度带来的误差,基于垂直温度梯度设计两种订正方案:第1种方案假定整层大气温度垂直梯度为-0.006 5℃·m-1;第2种方案计算了距离观测站实际地形高度最近的两层模式温度间的垂直梯度。利用两种方案对天气与预报快速跟新循环(简称WRF-RUC)模式2016年10—12月山东逐日2 m预报温度进行订正并对比订正前后的预报效果,对高度差异最大的泰山站2 m预报温度的订正效果进行研究。结果表明:(1)山东大部分观测站的实际地形高度与对应模式地形高度差异较小,导致两种方案订正效果不明显;(2)对泰山站2 m预报温度的订正,第1种方案在预报前期有正效果,在预报后期出现负效果;第2种订正方案在整个预报时段呈现正效果;(3)WRF-RUC模式2 m预报温度存在负的系统偏差,导致第1种方案在预报后期对泰山站2 m预报温度的订正存在负效果,第2种方案有效克服了逆温影响,对泰山站2 m预报温度的订正效果更优。  相似文献   

利用山东省内123个国家气象站2017年11月至2018年2月逐时观测地面温度对WRF模式08:00和20:00起报的2 m温度进行检验,评估了预报时效为72 h的逐时温度与日最低(高)温度的预报效果并初步分析了个别站点大值误差成因。结果表明:WRF模式08:00起报2 m温度的准确率要高于20:00起报,白天预报的效果优于夜晚;鲁西北和半岛地区的2 m预报温度的平均绝对误差总体低于鲁中和鲁南地区,全省大部分站点负误差比例高于正误差比例;WRF模式对于日最高温度的预报效果优于日最低温度;模式地形高度误差造成泰山站2 m预报温度正误差较大,基于两种温度梯度方案对泰山站2 m温度进行订正,订正后的平均绝对误差总体下降,利用单一的温度梯度在有的预报时刻出现负的订正效果,利用随预报时刻变化而变化的温度梯度在各预报时刻订正效果更为稳定;泰安站出现焚风时2 m预报温度有较大负误差,这主要是受WRF模式泰山站地形高度误差影响;WRF模式在微山湖区域土地类型与真实土地类型存在差异是薛城站夜间2 m温度负误差较大的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

为了提高模式对于7~15 d温度格点预报准确性,基于U-Net模型以及U-Net残差连接模型,采用2018年12月25日—2022年7月5日多种组合气象数据作为输入数据特征,针对TIGGE数据中心提供的全球集合预报CMA-GEPS 2 m气温控制预报,开展168~360 h时效的格点预报误差订正试验。结果表明:对于240 h预报时效,两种深度学习模型中,U-Net模型表现较好;对于不同输入数据特征,加入起报时刻ERA52 m气温产品的U-Net模型表现最佳,在多个预报时效上有较好的订正效果,均方根误差减小率为10%~25%,可有效改善模式对于15.75°~55.25°N,73°~136.5°E区域北部的蒙古高原、西部的青藏高原及部分山地的预报误差较大的不足;而加入CMA-GEPS控制预报10 m风预报产品后改进不明显。总体上,基于U-Net模型构建的模式格点预报偏差订正模型可有效降低7~15 d温度格点预报误差,进一步提升复杂地形下格点预报的准确性。  相似文献   

提出一种基于数值模式预报产品的气温预报集成学习误差订正方法,通过人工神经网络、长短期记忆网络和线性回归模型组合出新的集成学习模型(ALS模型),采用2013—2017年的欧洲中期天气预报中心数值天气预报模式2 m气温预报产品和中国部分气象站点数据,利用气象站点气温、风速、气压、相对湿度4个观测要素,挖掘观测数据的时序特征并结合模式2 m气温预报结果训练机器学习模型,对2018年模式2 m气温6~168 h格点预报产品插值到站点后的预报结果进行偏差订正。结果表明:ALS模型可将站点气温预报整体均方根误差由3.11℃降至2.50℃,降幅达0.61℃(19.6%),而传统的线性回归模型降幅为0.23℃(8.4%)。ALS模型对站点气温预报误差较大的区域和气温峰值预报的订正效果尤为显著,因此,集成学习方法在数值模式预报结果订正中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

The limits of predictability of El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in coupled models are investigated based on retrospective forecasts of sea surface temperature (SST) made with the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) coupled forecast system (CFS). The influence of initial uncertainties and model errors associated with coupled ENSO dynamics on forecast error growth are discussed. The total forecast error has maximum values in the equatorial Pacific and its growth is a strong function of season irrespective of lead time. The largest growth of systematic error of SST occurs mainly over the equatorial central and eastern Pacific and near the southeastern coast of the Americas associated with ENSO events. After subtracting the systematic error, the root-mean-square error of the retrospective forecast SST anomaly also shows a clear seasonal dependency associated with what is called spring barrier. The predictability with respect to ENSO phase shows that the phase locking of ENSO to the mean annual cycle has an influence on the seasonal dependence of skill, since the growth phase of ENSO events is more predictable than the decay phase. The overall characteristics of predictability in the coupled system are assessed by comparing the forecast error growth and the error growth between two model forecasts whose initial conditions are 1 month apart. For the ensemble mean, there is fast growth of error associated with initial uncertainties, becoming saturated within 2 months. The subsequent error growth follows the slow coupled mode related the model’s incorrect ENSO dynamics. As a result, the Lorenz curve of the ensemble mean NINO3 index does not grow, because the systematic error is identical to the same target month. In contrast, the errors of individual members grow as fast as forecast error due to the large instability of the coupled system. Because the model errors are so systematic, their influence on the forecast skill is investigated by analyzing the erroneous features in a long simulation. For the ENSO forecasts in CFS, a constant phase shift with respect to lead month is clear, using monthly forecast composite data. This feature is related to the typical ENSO behavior produced by the model that, unlike the observations, has a long life cycle with a JJA peak. Therefore, the systematic errors in the long run are reflected in the forecast skill as a major factor limiting predictability after the impact of initial uncertainties fades out.  相似文献   

基于TIGGE资料中的欧洲中期天气预报中心、英国气象局、美国国家环境预报中心、韩国气象厅和日本气象厅2015年1月1日—9月30日中国及周边地区地面2 m气温24~168 h集合预报资料,利用长短期记忆神经网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)、浅层神经网络(Neural Networks,NN)、滑动训练期消除偏差集合平均(BREM)和滑动训练期多模式超级集合(SUP)方法对2015年9月5—30日26 d预报期进行集成预报试验。结果表明,BREM对5个单模式进行等权集成,预报结果易受预报效果较差模式的影响,整体预报技巧略低于单个最优模式ECMWF的预报技巧。其中在新疆南部,等权集成后的预报技巧更低。SUP的预报结果比所有单个模式预报更为准确。在144 h之前,SUP的误差明显小于ECMWF的预报误差,但随预报时效增加,误差增长幅度增大。NN对地面气温的预报效果与SUP的预报效果相当。LSTM整体预报效果最好,特别是在预报时效较长(超过72 h)时,比其他方法预报准确率明显提高。LSTM神经网络方法明显改进了我国西北、华北、东北、西南和华南大部分地区的气温预报,但在南疆部分地区误差较大。  相似文献   

We present a model for predicting summertime surface air temperature in Northeast China (NESSAT) using a year-to-year incremental approach. The predicted value for each year's increase or decrease of NESSAT is added to the observed value within a particular year to yield the net forecast NESSAT. The seasonal forecast model for the year-to-year increments of NESSAT is constructed based on data from 1975-2007. Five predictors are used: an index for sea ice cover over the East Siberian Sea, an index for central Pacific tropical sea surface temperature, two high latitude circulation indices, as well as a North American pressure index. All predictors are available by no later than March, which allows for compilation of a seasonal forecast with a two-month lead time. The prediction model accurately captures the interannual variations of NESSAT during 1977-2007 with a correlation coefficient between the predicted and observed NESSAT of 0.87 (accounting for 76% of total variance) and a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.3℃. A cross-validation test during 1977 2008 demonstrates that the model has good predictive skill, with MAE of 0.4℃ and a correlation coefficient between the predicted and observed NESSAT of 0.76.  相似文献   

In this study,we evaluate the forecast skill of the subseasonal-to-seasonal(S2S)prediction model of the Beijing Climate Center(BCC)for the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO).We also discuss the key factors that inhibit the BSISO forecast skill in this model.Based on the bivariate anomaly correlation coefficient(ACC)of the BSISO index,defined by the first two EOF modes of outgoing longwave radiation and 850-hPa zonal wind anomalies over the Asian monsoon region,we found that the hindcast skill degraded as the lead time increased.The ACC dropped to below 0.5for lead times of 11 days and longer when the predicted BSISO showed weakened strength and insignificant northward propagation.To identify what causes the weakened forecast skill of BSISO at the forecast lead time of 11 days,we diagnosed the main mechanisms responsible for the BSISO northward propagation.The same analysis was also carried out using the observations and the outputs of the four-day forecast lead that successfully predicted the observed northward-propagating BSISO.We found that the lack of northward propagation at the 11-day forecast lead was due to insufficient increases in low-level cyclonic vorticity,moistening and warm temperature anomalies to the north of the convection,which were induced by the interaction between background mean flows and BSISO-related anomalous fields.The BCC S2S model can predict the background monsoon circulations,such as the low-level southerly and the northerly and easterly vertical shears,but has limited capability in forecasting the distributions of circulation and moisture anomalies.  相似文献   

The latest operational version of the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system is described. It shows noticeably improved skill for sea surface temperature (SST) prediction compared with previous versions, particularly with respect to El Nino related variability. Substantial skill is shown for lead times up to 1?year, although at this range the spread in the ensemble forecast implies a loss of predictability large enough to account for most of the forecast error variance, suggesting only moderate scope for improving long range El Nino forecasts. At shorter ranges, particularly 3?C6?months, skill is still substantially below the model-estimated predictability limit. SST forecast skill is higher for more recent periods than earlier ones. Analysis shows that although various factors can affect scores in particular periods, the improvement from 1994 onwards seems to be robust, and is most plausibly due to improvements in the observing system made at that time. The improvement in forecast skill is most evident for 3-month forecasts starting in February, where predictions of NINO3.4 SST from 1994 to present have been almost without fault. It is argued that in situations where the impact of model error is small, the value of improved observational data can be seen most clearly. Significant skill is also shown in the equatorial Indian Ocean, although predictive skill in parts of the tropical Atlantic are relatively poor. SST forecast errors can be especially high in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

利用TIGGE资料提供的欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)、英国气象局(UKMO)三个预报中心2013年6月1日至8月31日的地面2 m气温10~15 d预报资料,对延伸期地面气温进行贝叶斯模式平均(Bayesian Model Averaging,BMA)预报试验。结果表明,BMA方法的预报效果随训练期长度而改变,训练期长度为30 d时预报效果最优。BMA方法可提供全概率密度函数,定量描述预报不确定性的大小,且陆地上预报不确定性大于海洋上的预报不确定性,高纬度地区预报不确定性大于低纬度地区的预报不确定性。利用CRPS评分对BMA概率预报技巧进行评估,发现预报技巧随预报时效的延长降低,且预报技巧在海洋上优于陆地、低纬度地区优于高纬度地区。此外,3 d、5 d和7 d滑动平均的预报值反映某些天气过程的平均要素预报,对于提高10~15 d延伸期概率预报技巧有一定效果,且滑动天数越长,预报效果越好。  相似文献   

The statistical scheme is proposed for the forecast of surface air temperature and humidity using operative weather forecasts with 3–5-day lead time from the best forecasting hydrodynamic models as well as the archives of forecasts of these models and observational data from 2800 weather stations of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. The output of the scheme includes the forecasts of air temperature for the standard observation moments with the period of 6 hours and extreme temperatures with the lead times of 12–120 hours. The accuracy of temperature and humidity forecasts for the period from July 2014 till June 2017 is much higher than that for the forecasts of original hydrodynamic models. The skill scores for extreme temperature forecasts based on the proposed method are compared with the similar results of the Weather Element Computation (WEC) forecasting scheme and forecasts by weathermen.  相似文献   

四种定量降水预报客观订正方法对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏翔  袁慧玲  朱跃建 《气象学报》2021,79(1):132-149
基于2019年全年、不同季节、不同预报时效的欧洲中期天气预报中心模式的定量降水预报,检验评估了频率匹配、最优TS评分、最优百分位、概率匹配4种定量降水预报客观订正法的综合性能.利用理想模型研究了不同雨带位移偏差和干湿偏差情形下频率匹配法与最优TS评分的表现,并通过个例订正展示了4种定量降水预报订正法的基本特征.结果表明...  相似文献   

基于TIGGE多模式集合的24小时气温BMA 概率预报   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用TIGGE(THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble)单中心集合预报系统(ECMWF、United Kingdom Meteorological Office、China Meteorological Administration和NCEP)以及由此所构成的多中心模式超级集合预报系统24小时地面日均气温预报,结合淮河流域地面观测率定贝叶斯模型平均(Bayesian model averaging,BMA)参数,从而建立地面日均气温BMA概率预报模型.由此针对淮河流域进行地面日均气温BMA概率预报及其检验与评估,结果表明BMA模型比原始集合预报效果好;单中心的BMA概率预报都有较好的预报效果,其中ECMWF最好.多中心模式超级集合比单中心BMA概率预报效果更好,采用可替换原则比普通的多中心模式超级集合BMA模型计算量小,且在上述BMA集合预报系统中效果最好.它与原始集合预报相比其平均绝对误差减少近7%,其连续等级概率评分提高近10%.基于采用可替换原则的多中心模式超级集合BMA概率预报,针对研究区域提出了极端高温预警方案,这对防范高温天气有着重要意义.  相似文献   

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