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太阳风湍流和磁层亚暴的一种机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
太阳风的动量涨落将通过磁层边界在磁尾激发磁流体力学波。快磁声波携带扰动能量传到等离子体片中,发展为激波,或者通过激波的相互作用而耗散能量,使等离子体加热。等离子体片中的随机费米加速机制,使麦克斯韦分布尾巴部分的高能量粒子被加速到更高能。在宁静态时,加热、加速与耗散过程平衡。当太阳风的动量或者其涨落较大时,整个加热和加速过程加剧,更多的高能粒子产生,并从等离子体片中逃逸,形成高速的等离子体流注入近地轨道和极区,表现为磁层亚暴过程。利用这种机制,可以解释地球磁层亚暴的定性特征。  相似文献   

本文讨论了一种地球磁层的亚暴机制。当行星际磁场有大的南向分量时,磁层的位形可由基本闭式转变为开式。磁鞘中的阿尔文波可以携带超过10~(18)尔格/秒的能流传入磁层尾部,并将能量耗散于等离子体片中。等离子体片中的粒子被加热和加速后,注入近地空间,产生环电流和极区亚暴。计算了剪切流场中阿尔文波的传播过程,以及磁层中阿尔文波的耗散。将本文的结算与[4]中的结果合在一起,可以说明当行星际磁场转向南时,容易发生地球磁层亚暴,但这两者并非一一对应的关系,行星际磁场没有南向分量时也可以发生地球磁层亚暴。  相似文献   

基于可压缩磁流体动力学模型,数值研究了由太阳风引起的局部驱动力对地球远磁尾中磁场重联的影响.结果表明,在远磁尾等离子体片中将发生强迫磁场重联,并形成磁岛和等离子体团.形成磁岛的特征时间很大于流动撕裂模不稳定性引起磁岛非线性饱和的特征时间.磁岛宽度随着磁Reynolds数S的增大而减小,随着尾瓣中等离子体压力与磁压之比值β_∞的降低而减小.认为太阳风引起的局部驱动力对地球远磁尾等离子体片中磁场重联的影响,可能不如流动撕裂模不稳定性那样显著.  相似文献   

IMF北向时磁层顶重联的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于自己开发的全球三维磁层模型,模拟研究了IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field)北向时磁层顶重联及磁尾结构.结果发现磁层顶附近存在两种典型的重联过程:一是高纬极尖区IMF与地球磁场的重联,这与空间观测证据和前人的模拟结果是一致的;二是重联后一端在太阳风中另一端与地球相连的磁力线在向磁尾运动中,会发生弯曲、拖曳,在磁尾晨昏侧低纬区域可与尾瓣开放磁力线满足重联条件而再次发生重联.我们认为前一重联会使磁尾等离子片产生与IMF时钟角方向相反的旋转;而后者可重新形成闭合磁力线,可能是LLBL(Low Latitude Boundary Layer)形成的重要原因.  相似文献   

地球磁尾等离子体片磁洞的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用THEMIS卫星的磁场数据和等离子体观测数据,统计分析地球磁尾等离子体片区域线性磁洞的发生率、时空尺度、分布特征、和发生率与地磁AE指数的相关性.分析结果表明磁尾等离子体片区域的磁洞的时间尺度为几秒到几十秒,空间尺度小于当地的质子回旋半径.通过磁洞在空间的位置分布和卫星数据在空间的数据采样分布的对比,我们发现线性磁洞在等离子体片内经常发生,然而在磁尾等离子体片中的发生率要小于太阳风中磁洞的发生率.本文最后统计分析了磁洞发生和AE指数的相关性,结果表明磁洞可能与地磁活动有关系.  相似文献   

磁层亚暴和磁暴是太阳风—行星磁层耦合过程中发生的能量存储和爆发式释放现象,伴随着复杂的等离子体动力学,对磁层以及整个行星都具有强烈的影响.它们的发生不仅会通过粒子沉降引发绚丽多彩的极光,还可以通过电磁场影响人类以及其他生物的生产生活.对地球上的亚暴和磁暴现象的描述与研究至今已有近百年的历史,然而对其他行星上的亚暴以及磁...  相似文献   

主要分析了WIND飞船2004年11月9日探测的磁云边界层引起的大尺度地球磁层活动.磁层响应主要包括以下3个方面:(1)磁云边界层内本身持续较强南向磁场驱动了一个强磁暴的主相.(2)由于磁云边界层内部较强南向磁场持续一段时间后发生向北偏转触发了一个典型磁层亚暴.文中详细分析了亚暴膨胀相发生时夜侧磁层各区域的观测现象,包括极光观测、高纬地磁湾扰、地球同步轨道无色散粒子注入现荆、Pi2脉动突然增强以及等离子体片偶极化现象等.(3)磁云边界层和前面鞘区组成一个动压增强区,此动压增强区强烈压缩磁层,致使磁层顶进入地球同步轨道以内;当磁云边界层扫过磁层时,位于向阳侧地球同步轨道上的两颗GOES卫星大部分时间位于磁层磁鞘中,以致很长时间内直接暴露在太阳风中.利用Shue(1998)模型计算得到当磁云边界层扫过磁层时磁层顶日下点的位置被压缩至距地心最近距离为5.1RE,磁云边界层的强动压结构以及强间断面决定了磁云边界层对磁层的强压缩效应.强动压结构、多个强间断结构以及持续较长时间的强南向磁场是许多磁云边界层的共性,这里以此磁云边界层事件为例分析了磁云边界层的地球磁层响应.  相似文献   

主要分析了WIND飞船2004年11月9日探测的磁云边界层引起的大尺度地球磁层活动.磁层响应主要包括以下3个方面:(1)磁云边界层内本身持续较强南向磁场驱动了一个强磁暴的主相.(2)由于磁云边界层内部较强南向磁场持续一段时间后发生向北偏转触发了一个典型磁层亚暴.文中详细分析了亚暴膨胀相发生时夜侧磁层各区域的观测现象,包括极光观测、高纬地磁湾扰、地球同步轨道无色散粒子注入现象、Pi2脉动突然增强以及等离子体片偶极化现象等.(3)磁云边界层和前面鞘区组成一个动压增强区,此动压增强区强烈压缩磁层,致使磁层顶进入地球同步轨道以内;当磁云边界层扫过磁层时,位于向阳侧地球同步轨道上的两颗GOES卫星大部分时间位于磁层磁鞘中,以致很长时间内直接暴露在太阳风中.利用Shue(1998)模型计算得到当磁云边界层扫过磁层时磁层顶日下点的位置被压缩至距地心最近距离为5.1RE,磁云边界层的强动压结构以及强间断面决定了磁云边界层对磁层的强压缩效应.强动压结构、多个强间断结构以及持续较长时间的强南向磁场是许多磁云边界层的共性,这里以此磁云边界层事件为例分析了磁云边界层的地球磁层响应.  相似文献   

Cluster探测到磁尾等离子体注入的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用Cluster卫星2001~2004年磁尾运行期间RAPID仪器的数据,确定了115例磁尾等离子体注入事件,借助时序叠加法统计研究磁尾等离子体注入现象的特征.注入事件主要分布于磁地方时夜晚20时至凌晨04时.与同步轨道区观测到的粒子注入事件类似,可以将磁尾粒子注入事件分成五类:(1)只有离子注入;(2)离子先于电子注入;(3)离子和电子同时注入;(4)电子先于离子注入;(5)只有电子注入.磁尾粒子注入时,质子(能量范围0~40 keV)的温度和数密度同时显著增加,沿地球径向的传播速度也明显增大.统计分析磁尾注入期间同时观测到的晨昏对流电场,发现电场可分为两类:(A)注入后电场突然增大,电场强度为正;(B)注入后电场突然增大,电场强度为负.利用磁层磁场(T89c)和电场(Volland-Stern)模型模拟粒子注入后赤道面的电漂移速度矢量,模拟结果与统计结果基本一致,表明晨昏对流电场引起的电漂移是驱动磁尾(-18REE)等离子体沿地球径向注入的机制之一.  相似文献   

太阳风—磁层耦合过程会产生各种等离子体波,其中超低频波的频率最低(1 mHz~1 Hz)、波长最长(与内磁层磁力线长度相当)、能量密度最大.超低频波在磁层粒子加速、物质输运和能量转化中起着重要作用.以往的研究主要关注超低频波的全球性传播和分布特征以及这些波动与磁层能量粒子(辐射带电子和环电流离子)的相互作用过程.最近几...  相似文献   

Recent observations have quantified the auroral wind O+ outflow in response to magnetospheric inputs to the ionosphere, notably Poynting energy flux and precipitating electron density. For moderate to high activity periods, ionospheric O+ is observed to become a significant or dominant component of plasma pressure in the inner plasma sheet and ring current regions. Using a global circulation model of magnetospheric fields and its imposed ionospheric boundary conditions, we evaluate the global ionospheric plasma response to local magnetospheric conditions imposed by the simulation and evaluate magnetospheric circulation of solar wind H+, polar wind H+, and auroral wind O+. We launch and track the motions of millions of test particles in the global fields, launched at randomly distributed positions and times. Each particle is launched with a flux weighting and perpendicular and parallel energies randomly selected from defined thermal ranges appropriate to the launch point. One sequence is driven by a two-hour period of southward interplanetary magnetic field for average solar wind intensity. A second is driven by a 2-h period of enhanced solar wind dynamic pressure for average interplanetary field. We find that the simulated ionospheric O+ becomes a significant plasma pressure component in the inner plasma sheet and outer ring current region, particularly when the solar wind is intense or its magnetic field is southward directed. We infer that the reported empirical scalings of auroral wind O+ outflows are consistent with a substantial pressure contribution to the inner plasma sheet and plasma source surrounding the ring current. This result violates the common assumption that the ionospheric load is entirely confined to the F layer, and shows that the ionosphere is often an important dynamic element throughout the magnetosphere during moderate to large solar wind disturbances.  相似文献   

MHD激波能量转换   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从MHDRankine-Hugoniot关系出发,导出激波下游磁能、内能和动能相对上游的增长因子,它们依赖于上游的激波角、等离子体β值和激波强度.对这些因子分析得出:1.由于行星际存在大尺度螺旋磁场,使激波而不同部位能量转换率不同,导致激波面西侧为强磁场区;2.磁能、内能转换与介质流速无关,动能转换与流速呈线性关系;3.在激波驱动过程中,能量通过后向激波输入到前、后向激波间的相互作用区;4.行星际激波能量转换以法向动能为主,随着激波向外传播介质β值不断增大,法向动能增长因子不断减小,致使激波和太阳风介质的相互作用不断减弱.  相似文献   

The process of equilibrium disruption in the system with a current sheet (CS) under the conditions of small magnetic field component normal to CS, which is induced by an external disturbance, has been theoretically studied within the scope of MHD. In the geomagnetotail, this disturbance can be caused by a tearing instability developing in the more distant tail section, or by a ballooning instability in the tail nearest section, or by a rapid reconfiguration at the magnetopause during the disturbance passage in the solar wind. Locally, in a limited CS section, a longitudinal momentum balance is rapidly (on the Alfvén time scale) upset when a fast MHD disturbance, the form of which depends on the presence of CS, passes along the tail. The nonequilibrium temperature, which subsequently evolves through splitting of CS into several current structures, originates on a substantially larger (due to the smallness of the normal field component) time scale. Such a reconfiguration SPONTANEOUSLY develops after the initial equilibrium upset under the action of an external (weak) disturbance. During an analysis within the scope of MHD, this reconfiguration can be described as the well-known process with two pairs of nonlinear waves propagating in both directions from the central sheet plane at constant velocities: these are fast rarefaction waves and the following slow “switching-off” shocks. However, the kinetic theory reveals substantially different relaxation channels. These channels are studied in the second and third work sections, where the kinetic numerical simulation of the problem is presented and the results of this simulation are analyzed.  相似文献   

We have used a global time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the magnetosphere and particle tracing calculations to determine the access of solar wind ions to the magnetosphere and the access of ionospheric O+ ions to the storm-time near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current during the September 24–25, 1998 magnetic storm. We found that both sources have access to the plasma sheet and ring current throughout the initial phase of the storm. Notably, the dawnside magnetosphere is magnetically open to the solar wind, allowing solar wind H+ ions direct access to the near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current. The supply of O+ ions from the dayside cusp to the plasma sheet varies because of changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure and in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Most significantly, ionospheric O+ from the dayside cusp loses access to the plasma sheet and ring current soon after the southward turning of the IMF, but recovers after the reconfiguration of the magnetosphere following the passage of the magnetic cloud. On average, during the first 3 h after the sudden storm commencement (SSC), the number density of solar wind H+ ions is a factor of 2–5 larger than the number density of ionospheric O+ ions in the plasma sheet and ring current. However, by 04:00 UT, ∼4 h after the SSC, O+ becomes the dominant species in the ring current and carries more energy density than H+ ions in both the plasma sheet and ring current.  相似文献   

Solar wind/IMF parameters and their variations influence the state and dynamics of the magnetosphere in several different ways, and the plasma sheet plays its own active role to form the magnetotail’s rssponse to external driving. This field is still quite conrtoversial; key unsolved issues are those which probably involve the nonsteady, nonequilibrium and nonlinear character of the system. This paper discusses an interesting development of concepts concerning (1) plasma sheet convection, (2) mechanisms which initiate the substorm onset, and (3) variability of tail dynamics. A remarkable example is a recognition of Bursty Bulk Flows as a basic way for the plasma sheet to sustain the convective transport of plasma, energy and magnetic flux via transient mesoscale dynamic structures. As concerns the substorm onset, the sharp change from the magnetic reconnection (NEL) model to processes in the dipolar-like near tail is now moving into a synthetic stage. Hear non-linear models of different coupled instabilities are actively explored to find a way to excite the tearing mode starting from a singular thin current sheet configuration which seems to form in the near tail prior to breakup. Variable responses to external drivers and the variability of substorms compel a recognition of the magnetotail as a very complicated nonlinear open system which includes a heirarchy of coupled process of different scales. A unique fleet of magnetospheric spacecraft, simultaneously probing different domains and supported by extensive ground observations, global imaging and solar wind monitoring, noe provides a real chance to understand the magnetotail as a global dynamic system.  相似文献   

The general features of the region of interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere of Venus and Mars are compared using data obtained with the Mariner 5 and the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) spacecraft for Venus and with the Phobos II, the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and the Mars Express spacecraft for Mars. Despite the overall weak intrinsic global magnetic field that is present in both planets there are significant differences in the manner in which the interplanetary magnetic field accumulates and is organized around and within their ionosphere. Such differences are unrelated to the crustal magnetic field remnants inferred from the MGS measurements around Mars. In fact, while in Venus and Mars there is a region in which the magnetic field becomes enhanced as it piles up in their plasma environment it is shown that such a region exhibits different regimes with respect to changes in the ion composition measured outside and within the ionosphere. At Venus the region of enhanced magnetic field intensity occurs in general above the ionopause which represents the boundary across which there is a change in the ion composition with dominant solar wind protons above and planetary O+ ions below. At Mars the region of enhanced magnetic field is located below a magnetic pileup boundary across which there is also a comparable change in the ion composition (solar wind protons above and planetary O+ ions below). It is argued that this difference in the relative position of the region of enhanced magnetic field with respect to that of a plasma boundary that separates different ion populations results from the peculiar response of the ionosphere of each planet to the oncoming solar wind dynamic pressure. While at Venus the peak ionospheric thermal pressure is in general sufficient to withhold the incident solar wind kinetic pressure there is a different response in Mars where the peak ionospheric thermal pressure is in general not large enough to deviate the solar wind. In this latter case the ionosphere is unable to force the solar wind to move around the ionosphere and as a result the oncoming electron population can reach low altitudes where it is influenced by neutral atmospheric particles (the solar wind proton population is replaced at the magnetic pileup boundary which marks the upper extent of the region where the interplanetary magnetic field becomes enhanced). Peculiar conditions are expected near the magnetic polar regions and over the terminator plane where the solar wind is directed along the sides of the planet.  相似文献   

本文得出了高β等离子体中在速度梯度、密度梯度、磁场梯度和温度梯度联合作用下的一种新的不稳定模:漂移动力学磁声-Alfvèn模,导出了线性色散关系,研究了模的特性并讨论了高β和各种梯度项对该模的影响,估算了垂直扩散系数。计算表明,在地球磁层顶边界区中漂移动力学磁声-Alfvèn模总是不稳定的。随着β增加,增长率起初增大,而后减小,这是此模的一个显著特性;速度梯度是驱动此模的重要自由能源;当扰动磁场为1nT时,垂直扩散系数可达~109m2/s。从而说明漂移动力学磁声-Alfvèn模不稳定性产生的反常输运,有可能维持准定常的磁层对流,并且在边界层的形成中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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