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2011年,我区组织实施了农村土地整治国家重大工程和自治区重点工程,投入资金20.42亿元。其中,国家和自治区投入17亿元、盟市旗县配套3.42亿元,建设规模166万亩,新增耕地16.5万亩,新增耕地率9.9%。同时,自治区又下达各盟市土地整治资金13.71亿元,用于农村土地整治项目建设。  相似文献   

地域辽阔的新疆,并不因为土地资源充足而忽视对耕地的保护:过去10年来,新疆耕地不但没有减少反而新增230多万亩。日前,自治区再次做出决定,确保今年农田保护率不低于85%。  相似文献   

国土资源部发布的《2009中国国土资源公报》显示,全国农村土地整治新增农用地30.5万公顷,新增耕地26.9万公顷;为保增长、扩内需,全国建设用地供应总量较快增长,全年新批准建设用地57.6万公顷,比上年增长44.6%。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实全国土地调查办召开的第二次土地调查工作会议精神,24日上午,内蒙古自治区国土资源厅在呼和浩特召开了全区第二次土地调查工作研讨交流会。会议强调,要坚持最严格的耕地保护制度,内蒙古要确保1.05亿亩耕地红线,决不能再开荒。  相似文献   

<正>2013年12月,我国原铝产量193.18万吨,同比增长12.5%,环比下降1.1%。2013年全年累计原铝产量2,195.64万吨,同比增长11.6%。2013年国内新增产能持续提振原铝产量,目前产能西移步伐仍在推进,新疆、内蒙古等电力成本低的地方成为迁移中心,铝行业的成本重心下滑,长期基本面恶化趋势未有改变。去年12月,新疆地区电解铝产量为27.4万吨,同比增长95.9%,连续6个月产量在20万吨之上,占全国产量的12.4%,仅次于河南。得益于资源丰富、电力成本低等优势,西部地区电解铝企业具有明显的成本优势,这直接导致新  相似文献   

1990-2010年中国耕地变化对粮食生产潜力的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
刘洛  徐新良  刘纪远  陈曦  宁佳 《地理学报》2014,69(12):1767-1778
1990年以来,在国家生态环境保护工程实施、经济快速增长等因素的影响下,中国耕地数量与空间格局发生了巨大变化,对粮食生产潜力造成了巨大影响。本文采用GAEZ模型,结合中国气象、地形、土壤等因素,定量分析了中国耕地粮食生产潜力空间特征以及1990-2010年中国耕地变化对粮食生产潜力的影响。主要结论如下:① 2010年全国耕地粮食生产潜力总量为10.55亿t,全国耕地平均粮食生产潜力为7614 kg/hm2。中国耕地粮食生产潜力存在显著的空间差异,总体表现为东部高而西北部较低的趋势,并且高值区主要分布在长江中下游地区和华南区。② 1990-2010年的20年间,中国耕地粮食生产潜力变化表现出明显的时空差异,总体呈现南减北增、总量减少的基本特征。新增耕地粮食生产潜力的重心逐步由东北向西北转移。耕地粮食生产潜力总量净减少297万t,占2010年全国实际粮食总产量的0.29%。③ 在1990-2000年与2000-2010年两个时期,耕地变化对耕地粮食生产潜力影响差异明显。前10年,耕地粮食生产潜力总量净增加1011万t,主要集中在东北平原区和北方干旱半干旱区;后10年,耕地粮食生产潜力总量净减少1308万t,主要集中在长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区。从总体看,近20年来耕地粮食生产潜力总量增加主要是由林、草地和未利用土地开垦所导致,而耕地粮食生产潜力总量减少主要是由城市扩展和退耕还林还草所导致。  相似文献   

内蒙古是国家13个粮食主产区省份之一,近年来,农业发展取得了可喜成绩,粮食产量增长到约200亿公斤,预计2011年粮食产量将突破250亿公斤,这是耕地保护和加强耕地质量建设起到的重要作用。目前,自治区耕地面积达到13665.40万亩,基本农田保护面积达到9189.97万亩,分别比国家下达我区的耕地保有量指  相似文献   

Over the past few decades,built-up land in China has increasingly expanded with rapid urbanization,industrialization and rural settlements construction.The expansions encroached upon a large amount of cropland,placing great challenges on national food security.Although the impacts of urban expansion on cropland have been intensively illustrated,few attentions have been paid to differentiating the effects of growing urban areas,rural settlements,and industrial/transportation land.To fill this gap and offer comprehensive implications on framing policies for cropland protection,this study investigates and compares the spatio-temporal patterns of cropland conversion to urban areas,rural settlements,and industrial/transportation land from 1987 to 2010,based on land use maps interpreted from remote sensing imagery.Five indicators were developed to analyze the impacts of built-up land expansion on cropland in China.We find that 42,822 km2 of cropland were converted into built-up land in China,accounting for 43.8% of total cropland loss during 1987–2010.Urban growth showed a greater impact on cropland loss than the expansion of rural settlements and the expansion of industrial/transportation land after 2000.The contribution of rural settlement expansion decreased;however,rural settlement saw the highest percentage of traditional cropland loss which is generally in high quality.The contribution of industrial/transportation land expansion increased dramatically and was mainly distributed in major food production regions.These changes were closely related to the economic restructuring,urban-rural transformation and government policies in China.Future cropland conservation should focus on not only finding a reasonable urbanization mode,but also solving the "hollowing village" problem and balancing the industrial transformations.  相似文献   

2001年内蒙古自治区测绘事业局创建之初,全区基础测绘工作非常滞后,当时1∶1万比例尺地形图覆盖率不足国土面积的4%。历经10年的发展,信息化测绘体系、测绘装备以及测绘队伍实现了大发展,为促进自治区经济社会发展起到了重要作用。首先,《内蒙古自治区基础测绘规划》编制实施,彻底改变了基础测绘现  相似文献   

根据已有观测资料,本文揭示了内蒙古准格尔旗三十年(1959—1987年)来气候变化的主要特征,并对其原因作了简单探讨,最后对研究区未来十年的气候变化趋势作了初步分析。  相似文献   

The quantity and spatial pattern of farmland has changed in China, which has led to a major change in the production potential under the influence of the national project of ecological environmental protection and rapid economic growth during 1990–2010. In this study, the production potential in China was calculated based on meteorological, terrain elevation, soil and land-use data from 1990, 2000 and 2010 using the Global Agro-ecological Zones model. Then, changes in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 were subsequently analyzed. The main conclusions were the following. First, the total production potential was 1.055 billion tons in China in 2010. Moreover, the average production potential was 7614 kg/ha and showed tremendous heterogeneity in spatial pattern. Total production in eastern China was high, whereas that in northwestern China was low. The regions with high per unit production potential were mainly distributed over southern China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Second, the obvious spatiotemporal heterogeneity in farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 had a significant influence on the production potential in China. The total production potential decreased in southern China and increased in northern China. Furthermore, the center of growth of the production potential moved gradually from northeastern China to northwestern China. The net decrease in the production potential was 2.97 million tons, which occupied 0.29% of the national total actual production in 2010. Third, obvious differences in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010 were detected. The net increase in the production potential during the first decade was 10.11 million tons and mainly distributed in the Northeast China Plain and the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. The net decrease in the production potential during the next decade was 13.08 million tons and primarily distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region and the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. In general, the reason for the increase in the production potential during the past two decades might be due to the reclamation of grasslands, woodlands and unused land, and the reason for the decrease in the production potential might be urbanization that occupied the farmland and Green for Grain Project, which returned farmland to forests and grasslands.  相似文献   

内蒙古通辽市国土资源局22日召开新闻通气会,通报该市从2004年至今进行“土地整治”共落实土地整治项目128个,使得当地近31万农业人口年均增收829元.  相似文献   

中国去年钨矿超采近5万吨 世界钨都十年后或枯竭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年11月,"世界钨都"江西大余县被国务院确定为第三批资源枯竭城市。由于长期高强度开采,现有钨矿可开采利用仅剩6.16万吨,开采年限不足10年。  相似文献   

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