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植被内部的风速分布规律和湍流交换特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘树华 《气象》1990,16(3):8-12

胡倬  唐仁茂 《气象》1988,14(6):16-18
本文使用对数律和幂指数律公式,计算了年平均和不同稳定度、不同风速等级下的丘陵山地的风指数(α)和综合粗糙度(Z_0)值,对公式及计算结果的适用性进行了探讨。结果表明,对于地面边界层(SBL),此两公式在丘陵山区条件下均有较好的适用性。可利用某地年平均地面风速(V_(10))和数次实测烟囱口高度的风速(V_烟),应用对数律或幂指数律推算该地各高度上的风速。对于丘陵山区,对数律可适用于地面以上300m层次内。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse diabatic wind profiles observed at the 213 m meteorological tower at Cabauw, the Netherlands. It is shown that the wind speed profiles agree with the well-known similarity functions of the atmospheric surface layer, when we substitute an effective roughness length. For very unstable conditions, the agreement is good up to at least 200 m or z/L–7(z is height, L is Obukhov length scale). For stable conditions, the agreement is good up to z/L1. For stronger stability, a semi-empirical extension is given of the log-linear profile, which gives acceptable estimates up to ~ 100 m. A scheme is used for the derivation of the Obukhov length scale from single wind speed, total cloud cover and air temperature. With the latter scheme and the similarity functions, wind speed profiles can be estimated from near-surface weather data only. The results for wind speed depend on height and stability. Up to 80 m, the rms difference with observations is on average 1.1 m s–1. At 200 m, 0.8 m s–1 for very unstable conditions increasing to 2.1 m s–1 for very stable conditions. The proposed methods simulate the diurnal variation of the 80 m wind speed very well. Also the simulated frequency distribution of the 80 m wind speed agrees well with the observed one. It is concluded that the proposed methods are applicable up to at least 100 m in generally level terrain.  相似文献   

Temperature and wind speed profiles obtained from 3?years of radio acoustic sounding system sodar measurements at a rural site in the northern Spanish plateau were fitted to polynomial functions. Depending on the extrema of these fits, several groups of profiles were considered. Daily evolution of temperature profiles corresponded to the lower boundary layer evolution. However, wind speed profiles revealed a frequent low-level jet during the whole day. CO2 surface concentrations were analysed, and surface CO2 dilution was also considered by selection of thin canopies with variable depth, resulting in dilution rates of 7 and 18?ppm when the layer increased 100?m for the 95th percentile and temperature and wind speed profiles, respectively.  相似文献   

Instrumented wind towers are used to measure the three components of wind about a simulated block building. The mean horizontal wind profiles over the building are compared with wind profiles measured in the absence of the building and the wind speed deficit in the wake of the building is correlated.Horizontal mean wind speeds measured in the natural atmospheric boundary layer with and without the presence of a simulated building show excellent reproducibility and agreement with fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics. The data possess all the characteristic features reported from wind-tunnel studies of building flows. In the present study the turbulence intensity is of the order of 20% in the undisturbed flow whereas the free stream turbulence intensity of wind-tunnel studies is generally not more than 5%. The effect of smaller averaging periods and the structure of the turbulence will be reported at a later time.The velocity profiles measured in the undisturbed flow zones support the representation of a neutrally stable atmospheric boundary layer with a logarithmic wind profile.  相似文献   

To estimate the sublimation rate of snow during relocation by wind, sizes and concentration of ice crystal fragments were measured at 6 levels in the lowest 1 m, during ten 10-min runs, in a nocturnal blizzard. Power-law functions of height described the decrease in mean particle diameter and concentration. The vertical gradient of water vapor, measured with a thermocouple psychrometer, was approximately linear from 0.2 to 1.0m above the surface. Evaporation of blowing snow over 3 km of transport distance was estimated to be 39% of transport rate, under conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of the spectra of wind speed and air temperature in the mesoscale frequency range from 1.3 × 10-4 to 1.5 × 10-3 Hz (10 min to 2 h periods) have been studied through observations over land for one year. Spectrographs [time series of isopleths of spectral densities, f · S(f) vs f] of wind speed and air temperature contain occasional peaks that are attributed to short-lived mesoscale atmospheric activity with narrow frequency bands. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed were found in 19% of the total observations in winter, and in 15–16% in the other seasons; for air temperature, they occured in 12% of observations in autumn, and in 16–19% in the other seasons. The peaks most often occurred in the period range from 30 min to 1 h; most had durations less than 24 h. Mesoscale fluctuations of wind speed and air temperature were highly correlated, and in most cases, phase differences were 90–180 ° with air temperature leading wind speed. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed often occurred during northerly seasonal cold winds in winter, and accompanied tropical and/or mid-latitude cyclones in the other seasons. When the peaks occurred, wind speed was usually relatively high and the atmospheric surface layer was unstable.  相似文献   

The profile structure of wind speed and temperature in katabatic flow over a melting glacier is analyzed within the log-linear framework. Similarity between windspeed and temperature profiles is indicated but the log-linear model should be restricted to heights within 1.5 m of the ice. Marked deviation from the model occur at greater heights, probably due to the effects of flux divergence.Unlike results from other stable atmospheres, a decreases with increasing stability. This may arise from the use of the Obukhov length L. When the height H at which the wind speed reaches its maximum value is used instead, does not vary with stability. It has mean values of 4.5 and 4.3 for windspeed and temperature profiles, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Extreme values of the ground level concentration of air pollutants were evaluated as a function of plume rise Δh, and wind speed in two cases. Firstly, when a plume rise depends on the downwind distance x, and secondly, with a constant plume rise (i.e., independent on x). Also, the extreme values for the effective stack height were evaluated for different stability classes. The maximum value of the ground level concentration was obtained in unstable stability when plume rise depends on x and in the neutral stability when plume rise independent on x. Also, in stable case, the extreme values of the ground level concentration of air pollutants showed similar values in the two cases when plume rise depends on x, and with constant plume rise. Finally, it was found that the extreme value of the ground level concentration occurred near the stack and after that it was decreases in all stabilities.  相似文献   

Carried out is the statistical analysis of contemporary observed variations of air temperature and wind speed in the troposphere of the Northern Hemisphere based on the data on global surface air temperature for 1850–2013 obtained from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (HadCRUT4) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (1948–2013). Revealed are the long-term trends of air temperature and wind speed at different constant-pressure levels. Established is the anticipatory role of the zonal atmospheric circulation in the long-term variability of air temperature in the lower troposphere averaged for the zone of 30°–70° N. According to the results of correlation analysis, in some areas of the Northern Hemisphere the contribution of the wind speed to air temperature variability makes up not less than 60%.  相似文献   

Based on the data from an array of buoys during the JASIN-1978 field experiment made in an area northwest of Scotland, power spectra of surface wind speed and air temperature over the ocean in the mesoscale frequency range were studied. The averaged composite spectrum of wind speed for the whole period shows the existence of a spectral gap in the frequency range from 10–4 to 5 × 10–3 Hz. However, significant peaks in this range are often seen in particular spectra under certain weather conditions. Mesoscale spectral peaks of wind speed occur in 14 segments of the data record, approximately 10% of the total duration of the observations. In 4 of these segments, the mesoscale spectral peaks of both wind speed and air temperature occurred simultaneously. Several wave patterns of mesoscale atmospheric disturbances when mesoscale spectral peaks were seen are derived from phase differences between buoys. Significant mesoscale peaks in spectra appear in relatively strong winds and unstable or near-neutral atmospheric conditions, and none in stable atmospheric conditions. A criterion of wind speed and atmospheric stability is found for the mesoscale spectral peak appearance.  相似文献   

The dependence of energy consumption on air temperature for every day of the period from 1990 to 2015 is for the first time studied for mid-latitudes using the long-term observational data of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory. It is demonstrated that this dependence is generally descending in the Moscow region: energy consumption decreases as air temperature rises. At the same time, the energy consumption increase slows down due to energy saving in case of severe frosts, whereas the opposite trend is manifested in case of abnormally hot weather, that is, the energy consumption increase along with the air temperature rise due to additional consumption for air conditioning. The optimum temperature for energy saving is 18°C. The relationship between energy consumption and air humidity characteristics is analyzed. There is almost no link with relative humidity, while in the link with the partial pressure of water vapor, the dependence of the latter on air temperature is reflected indirectly.  相似文献   

A formula is obtained for calculation of wind speed in tornado, as proportional to the speed of convective updraft. Results are presented of wind speed calculation using the formula for 57 tornadoes observed at different time and in different regions of the world. Possibilities are shown of tornado wind speed forecasting taking into account criteria of tornado danger of the Cb clouds.  相似文献   

黄河流经我国干旱半干旱地区,其流域蒸散发变化对当地的生态安全和经济发展尤其重要。本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心第五代再分析产品(ERA5)定量分析了1979-2020年黄河流域蒸散发的时空变化特征,并结合气温、降水和风速数据,对黄河流域蒸散发与3种气候因子进行了相关性分析。结果表明:黄河流域蒸散发在1979-2020年呈波动下降趋势,空间分布差异明显,源区附近蒸散发上升,上游的干旱区附近蒸散发基本不变,而中游和下游地区主要呈现下降趋势。1979-2020年黄河流域气温持续上升,降水呈波动下降趋势,风速呈上升趋势。对黄河流域蒸散发与气候因子的相关性分析表明,蒸散发与气候因子的相关性空间差异较为明显,蒸散发与气温、风速呈负相关,与降水呈正相关的区域占流域的较大部分;而在复相关性方面,黄河流域大部分地区蒸散发与气候因子的相关性较强,其中以流域上游的干旱区附近复相关性最强。研究黄河流域不同地区蒸散发与气候因子的相关性可为黄河流域水资源的开发管理和区域气候调节提供科学参考。  相似文献   

热带气旋(TC)登陆时中心最大风速会发生明显衰减,研究此时的风压关系对风暴潮模拟和预测具有重要意义。采用中国气象局上海台风研究所数据资料,对1949—2016年风压关系序列的一致性进行检验,登陆风压关系公式拟合及误差分析。结果表明:1970s后风压关系发生变异;新公式在计算登陆风速时要优于原公式,尤其是大风速情况下;相同气压下台风在近岸时风速明显小于大洋中,且登陆时风速越大衰减越剧烈。  相似文献   

Summary Climate parameters are usually collected on some grid or pattern that is supposed to represent the unobserved neighborhood. Spatial dependence is a measure of the extent to which observed data represent the unobserved neighborhood. Geostatistical analyses provide procedures for measuring spatial dependence. In this study, semivariograms were estimated from hourly observations of screen-height air temperature obtained from a dense meteorological observation network. The range and spatial component normalized by the sill were estimated from the semivariogram in order to obtain information on the spatial structure of the air temperature. Zones of spatial correlation were delineated, using the range of the semivariogram. Scales of spatial correlation depended on the regional mean air temperature and regional wetness at the ground. The range or spatial scale for data collected in winter was larger than those in summer. The range under wet conditions was larger than under dry conditions. Effects of regional wind speed on range were different, depending on the regional mean air temperature. The normalized spatial component was used as an index for measuring continuities on the interpolation surface. The normalized spatial component generally increased as the range increased.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Temperature fluctuations with periods of about half an hour have been recorded at hill stations near Fairbanks, Alaska during periods of strong surface inversions. These fluctuations can be explained as seiches in the lake of cold air enclosed on three sides by the hills surrounding Fairbanks.  相似文献   

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