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Recent observations indicate that many if not all galaxies host massive central black holes. In this paper we explore the influence of black holes on the lensing properties. We model the lens as an isothermal ellipsoid with a finite core radius plus a central black hole. We show that the presence of the black hole substantially changes the critical curves and caustics. If the black hole mass is above a critical value, then it will completely suppress the central images for all source positions. Realistic central black holes are likely to have masses below this critical value. Even in such subcritical cases, the black hole can suppress the central image when the source is inside a zone of influence, which depends on the core radius and black hole mass. In the subcritical cases, an additional image may be created by the black hole in some regions, which for some radio lenses may be detectable with high-resolution and large dynamic range VLBI maps. The presence of central black holes should also be taken into account when one constrains the core radius from the lack of central images in gravitational lenses.  相似文献   

High-resolution MERLIN observations of a newly discovered four-image gravitational lens system, B0128+437, are presented. The system was found after a careful re-analysis of the entire CLASS data set. The MERLIN observations resolve four components in a characteristic quadruple-image configuration; the maximum image separation is 542 mas and the total flux density is 48 mJy at 5 GHz. A best-fitting lens model with a singular isothermal ellipsoid results in large errors in the image positions. A significantly improved fit is obtained after the addition of a shear component, suggesting that the lensing system is more complex and may consist of multiple deflectors. The integrated radio spectrum of the background source indicates that it is a gigahertz peaked spectrum source. It may therefore be possible to resolve structure within the radio images with deep VLBI observations and thus to constrain the lensing mass distribution better.  相似文献   

Rich and massive clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift are capable of magnifying and distorting the images of background galaxies. A comparison of different mass estimators among these clusters can provide useful information about the distribution and composition of cluster matter and its dynamical evolution. Using the hitherto largest sample of lensing clusters drawn from the literature, we compare the gravitating masses of clusters derived from the strong/weak gravitational lensing phenomena, from the X-ray measurements based on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, and from the conventional isothermal sphere model for the dark matter profile characterized by the velocity dispersion and core radius of galaxy distributions in clusters. While there is excellent agreement between the weak lensing, X-ray and isothermal sphere model-determined cluster masses, these methods are likely to underestimate the gravitating masses enclosed within the central cores of clusters by a factor of 2–4 as compared with the strong lensing results. Such a mass discrepancy has probably arisen from the inappropriate applications of the weak lensing technique and the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis to the central regions of clusters, as well as from assuming an unreasonably large core radius for both luminous and dark matter profiles. Nevertheless, it is pointed out that these cluster mass estimators may be safely applied on scales greater than the core sizes. Namely, the overall clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift can still be regarded as the dynamically relaxed systems, in which the velocity dispersion of galaxies and the temperature of X-ray emitting gas are good indicators of the underlying gravitational potentials of clusters.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a new double-image gravitational lens system, B1030 + 074, which was found during the Jodrell Bank–VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). We have collected extensive radio data on the system using the VLA, MERLIN, the EVN and the VLBA, and optical observations using WFPC2 on the HST . The lensed images are separated by 1.56 arcsec and their flux density ratio at centimetric wavelengths is approximately 14:1, although the ratio is slightly frequency-dependent and the images appear to be time-variable. The HST pictures show both the lensed images and the lensing galaxy close to the weaker image. The lensing galaxy has substructure which could be a spiral arm or an interacting galaxy. We have modelled B1030 + 074 using a singular isothermal ellipsoid which yields a time delay of 156/ h 50 d. This lens is likely to be suitable for the measurement of the Hubble constant.  相似文献   

Stars form through the gravitational collapse of molecular cloud cores.Before collapsing,the cores are supported by thermal pressure and turbulent motions.A question of critical importance for the understanding of star formation is how to observationally discern whether a core has already initiated gravitational collapse or is still in hydrostatic balance.The canonical method to identify gravitational collapse is based on the observed radial density profile,which would change from Bonnor-Ebert type toward power laws as the core collapses.In practice,due to the projection effect,the resolution limit and other caveats,it has been difficult to directly reveal the dynamical status of cores,particularly in massive star forming regions.We here propose a novel,straightforward diagnostic,namely,the collapsing index(CI),which can be modeled and calculated based on the radial profile of the line width of dense gas.A meaningful measurement of CI requires spatially and spectrally resolved images of optically thin and chemically stable dense gas tracers.ALMA observations are making such data sets increasingly available for massive star forming regions.Applying our method to one of the deepest dense-gas spectral images ever taken toward such a region,namely,the Orion molecular cloud,we detect the dynamical status of selected cores.We observationally distinguished a collapsing core in a massive star forming region from a hydrostatical one.Our approach would help significantly improve our understanding of the interaction between gravity and turbulence within molecular cloud cores in the process of star formation.  相似文献   

To date, the study of high-magnification gravitational lensing effects of galaxy clusters has focused upon the grossly distorted, luminous arc-like features formed in massive, centrally condensed clusters. We investigate the formation of a different type of image, highly magnified yet undistorted, in two widely employed cluster mass density profiles, namely an isothermal sphere with a core, and a universal dark matter halo profile derived from the numerical simulations of Navarro et al. We examine the properties of images of extended sources produced by these two cluster profiles, paying particular attention to the undistorted images. Using simple assumptions about the source and lens population, we estimate the relative frequency of the occurrence of highly magnified, undistorted images and the more commonly known giant arcs.  相似文献   

We describe two possibilities for the formation of a star by transition of molecular hydrogen from gaseous to the liquid phase in the gravitational field of a spherical mass.Model A.: Contraction through condensation of a polytropic respectively isothermal gas sphere.Model B: Condensation in the isothermal atmosphere which surrounds a core.Model B is sooner possible, because model A introduces certain restrictions of mass and radius of the protostar.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed analysis of the optical gravitational lens ER 0047–2808 imaged with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on the Hubble Space Telescope . Using software specifically designed for the analysis of resolved gravitational lens systems, we focus on how the image alone can constrain the mass distribution in the lens galaxy. We find that the data are of sufficient quality to strongly constrain the lens model with no a priori assumptions about the source. Using a variety of mass models, we find statistically acceptable results for elliptical isothermal-like models with an Einstein radius of 1.17 arcsec. An elliptical power-law model  (Σ∝ R −β)  for the surface mass density favours a slope slightly steeper than isothermal with  β= 1.08 ± 0.03  . Other models including a constant mass-to-light ratio (M/L), pure Navarro, Frenk & White halo and (surprisingly) an isothermal sphere with external shear are ruled out by the data. We find the galaxy light profile can only be fit with a Sérsic plus point-source model. The resulting total  M/L B   contained within the images is  4.7  h 65± 0.3  . In addition, we find the luminous matter is aligned with the total mass distribution within a few degrees. This is the first time a resolved optical gravitational lens image has been quantitatively reproduced using a non-parametric source.
The source, reconstructed by the software, is revealed to have two bright regions, with an unresolved component inside the caustic and a resolved component straddling a fold caustic. The angular size of the entire source is ∼0.1 arcsec and its (unlensed) Lyα flux is  3 × 10−17 erg s−1 cm−2  .  相似文献   

Utilizing topographic models of Saturn's F-ring shepherd satellites Prometheus (S16 1980S27) and Pandora (S15 1980S26), derived by Stooke (1994), and supposing that their mass density is constant, we derived basic geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the moons. They include the volume and mass, the mean radii, the tensor of inertia, and Stokes coefficients of the harmonic expansions of external gravitational potential. The best fitting ellipsoid approximations of the topography were calculated. A simple method of determining the gravitational potential on the surface of an irregular satellite is presented. Examples of equipotential surfaces of the satellites are shown  相似文献   

We investigate gravitational lensing using a realistic model of disc galaxies. Most of the mass is contained in a large spherical isothermal dark matter halo, but the potential is modified significantly in the core by a gravitationally dominant exponential disc. The method used is adapted from a very general multilens ray-tracing technique developed by Mo¨ller. We investigate the effects of the disc-to-halo mass ratio, the disc scalelength, the disc inclination to the line of sight and the lens redshift on two strong-lensing cross-sections: the cross-section for multiple imaging and the cross-section for large magnifications, in excess of a factor of 10. We find that the multiple-imaging cross-section can be enhanced significantly by an almost edge-on Milky Way disc compared with a singular isothermal sphere (SIS) in individual cases; however, when averaged over all disc inclinations, the cross-section is only increased by about 50 per cent. These results are consistent with other recent work. The presence of a disc, however, increases the inclination-averaged high-magnification cross-section by an order of magnitude compared with a SIS. This result has important implications for magnification bias in future lens surveys, particularly those in the submillimetre waveband, where dust extinction in the lensing galaxy has no effect on the brightness of the images.  相似文献   

Based on the DWT (discrete wavelet transform) method, we propose a new smoothing algorithm for computing surface densities from 3D numerical simulation samples. To check its effectiveness, we have applied this algorithm to two Monte-Carlo samples of gravitational lens simulation with different mass resolutions, generated from the isothermal ellipsoid model of dark matter halos. The calculated results indicate that this algorithm can reconstruct accurately the surface density distribution of the gravitational lens simulation sample, and that the lens caustics and critical curves derived from the surface densities agree well with the theoretical curves. We have compared the results calculated by using 3 different wavelet bases (Daub4, Daub6 and B-spline 3th), and identified the best one. Without sacrificing its smoothing capability, this algorithm has a very fast computing speed, suitable for later N-body numerical simulations, which require even higher resolutions.  相似文献   

We study the gravitational lensing effects of spiral galaxies by taking a model of the Milky Way and computing its lensing properties. The model is composed of a spherical Hernquist bulge, a Miyamoto–Nagai disc and an isothermal halo. As a strong lens, a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way can give rise to four different imaging geometries. They are (i) three images on one side of the galaxy centre ('disc triplets'), (ii) three images with one close to the centre ('core triplets'), (iii) five images and (iv) seven images. Neglecting magnification bias, we show that the core triplets, disc triplets and fivefold imaging are roughly equally likely. Even though our models contain edge-on discs, their image multiplicities are not dominated by disc triplets. The halo is included for completeness, but it has a small effect on the caustic structure, the time delays and brightnesses of the images.
The Milky Way model has a maximum disc (i.e. the halo is not dynamically important in the inner parts). Strong lensing by nearly edge-on disc galaxies breaks the degeneracy between the relative contributions of the disc and halo to the overall rotation curve. If a spiral galaxy has a submaximum disc, then the astroid caustic shrinks dramatically in size, whilst the radial caustic shrinks more modestly. This causes changes in the relative likelihood of the image geometries, specifically (i) core triplets are now ∼9/2 times more likely than disc triplets, (ii) the cross-section for threefold imaging is reduced by a factor of ∼2/3, whilst (iii) the cross-section for fivefold imaging is reduced by ∼1/2. Although multiple imaging is less likely (the cross-sections are smaller), the average total magnification is greater. The time delays are smaller, as the total projected lensing mass is reduced.  相似文献   

We model the extremely massive and luminous lens galaxy in the Cosmic Horseshoe Einstein ring system J1004+4112, recently discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We use the semilinear method of Warren & Dye, which pixelizes the source surface brightness distribution, to invert the Einstein ring for sets of parametrized lens models. Here, the method is refined by exploiting Bayesian inference to optimise adaptive pixelization of the source plane and to choose between three differently parametrized models: a singular isothermal ellipsoid, a power-law model and a Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) profile. The most probable lens model is the power law with a volume mass density  ρ∝ r −1.96±0.02  and an axis ratio of ∼0.8. The mass within the Einstein ring (i.e. within a cylinder with projected distance of ∼30 kpc from the centre of the lens galaxy) is  (5.02 ± 0.09) × 1012 M   , and the mass-to-light ratio is ∼30. Even though the lens lies in a group of galaxies, the preferred value of the external shear is almost zero. This makes the Cosmic Horseshoe unique amongst large separation lenses, as almost all the deflection comes from a single, very massive galaxy with little boost from the environment.  相似文献   

In the gravitational lens system Q2237+0305 the cruciform quasar image geometry is twisted by 10c by the lens effect of a bar in the lensing galaxy. This effect can be used to measure the mass of the bar. We construct a new lensing model for this system with a power-law elliptical bulge and a Ferrers bar. The observed ellipticity of the optical isophotes of the galaxy leads to a nearly isothermal elliptical profile for the bulge, with a total quasar magnification of 16+5−4. We measure a bar mass of (7.5 ∼ 1.5) −108 h −175 M⊙ in the region inside the quasar images.  相似文献   

We present polarization observations of the gravitational lens system B1422+231 made at 8.4 GHz using the VLBA and the 100-m telescope at Effelsberg. All four images of the quasar show structure on the milliarcsec scale. The three bright images show tangential stretching as expected from lens models. Some basic properties of gravitational lensing are exhibited by this system. The surface brightness of images A and B are the same and the parity reversal expected in image B is revealed, for the first time, by polarization observations. There is a large differential Faraday rotation between images A and B.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical interactions of mass systems in equilibrium under their own gravity that mutually exert and ex‐perience gravitational forces. The method we employ is to model the dynamical evolution of two isolated bars, hosted within the same galactic system, under their mutual gravitational interaction. In this study, we present an analytical treatment of the secular evolution of two bars that oscillate with respect to one another. Two cases of interaction, with and without geometrical deformation, are discussed. In the latter case, the bars are described as modified Jacobi ellipsoids. These triaxial systems are formed by a rotating fluid mass in gravitational equilibrium with its own rotational velocity and the gravitational field of the other bar. The governing equation for the variation of their relative angular separation is then numerically integrated, which also provides the time evolution of the geometrical parameters of the bodies. The case of rigid, non‐deformable, bars produces in some cases an oscillatory motion in the bodies similar to that of a harmonic oscillator. For the other case, a deformable rotating body that can be represented by a modified Jacobi ellipsoid under the influence of an exterior massive body will change its rotational velocity to escape from the attracting body, just as if the gravitational torque exerted by the exterior body were of opposite sign. Instead, the exchange of angular momentum will cause the Jacobian body to modify its geometry by enlarging its long axis, located in the plane of rotation, thus decreasing its axial ratios. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A broad sample of computed realistic equations of state of superdense matter with a quark phase transition is used to construct a series of models of neutron stars with a strange quark core. The integral characteristics of the stellar configurations are obtained: gravitational mass, rest mass, radius, relativistic moment of inertia, and red shift from the star's surface, as well as the mass and radius of the quark core within the allowable range of values for the central pressure. The parameters of some of the characteristic configurations of the calculated series are also given and these are studied in detail. It is found that a new additional region of stability for neutron stars with strange quark cores may exist for some models of the equation of state.  相似文献   

The main points are presented of a new hypothesis of the origin of the Earth—Moon system, developed on the basis of Savi's (1961) theory of the origin of rotation of celestial bodies. The cooling off and contraction due to gravitational attraction on vast particle systems, with the pushing out of electrons from atom shells result in a continually increasing density. Depending on the amount of mass, this pushing out can lead to the expulsion of electrons and the creation of a magnetic field by which a rotational motion is brought about. These conditions are satisfied for the Earth's mass and all larger masses. If the Earth and the Moon formed a unique body, the protoplanet, then once rotational motion had begun, the primeval spherical body must have taken the shape of a large Jacobi ellipsoid. New condensation followed, however no longer solely around the centre of the protoplanet, but also along the edge of the ellipsoid, the process leading to the creation of the dual Earth—Moon system.  相似文献   

MG 2016+112 is a quadruply imaged lens system with two complete images A and B and a pair of merging partial images in region C as seen in the radio. The merging images are found to violate the expected mirror symmetry. This indicates an astrometric anomaly which could only be of gravitational origin and could arise due to substructure in the environment or line of sight of the lens galaxy. We present new high-resolution multifrequency very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at 1.7, 5 and 8.4 GHz. Three new components are detected in the new VLBI imaging of both the lensed images A and B. The expected opposite parity of the lensed images A and B was confirmed due to the detection of non-collinear components. Furthermore, the observed properties of the newly detected components are inconsistent with the predictions of previous mass models. We present new scenarios for the background quasar which are consistent with the new observations. We also investigate the role of the satellite galaxy situated at the same redshift as the main lensing galaxy. Our new mass models demonstrate quantitatively that the satellite galaxy is the primary cause of the astrometric anomaly found in region C. The detected satellite is consistent with the abundance of subhaloes expected in the halo from cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. However, the fraction of the total halo mass in the satellite as computed from lens modelling is found to be higher than that predicted by CDM simulations.  相似文献   

We present a non-parametric technique to infer the projected mass distribution of a gravitational lens system with multiple strong-lensed images. The technique involves a dynamic grid in the lens plane on which the mass distribution of the lens is approximated by a sum of basis functions, one per grid cell. We used the projected mass densities of Plummer spheres as basis functions. A genetic algorithm then determines the mass distribution of the lens by forcing images of a single source, projected back on to the source plane, to coincide as well as possible. Averaging several tens of solutions removes the random fluctuations that are introduced by the reproduction process of genomes in the genetic algorithm and highlights those features common to all solutions. Given the positions of the images and the redshifts of the sources and the lens, we show that the mass of a gravitational lens can be retrieved with an accuracy of a few percent and that, if the sources sufficiently cover the caustics, the mass distribution of the gravitational lens can also be reliably retrieved. A major advantage of the algorithm is that it makes full use of the information contained in the radial images, unlike methods that minimize the residuals of the lens equation, and is thus able to accurately reconstruct also the inner parts of the lens.  相似文献   

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