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The Helanshan tectonic belt is located to the west of the Ordos Basin, and separates the Alxa (or Yinshan) Massif to the west from the Ordos block to the east. Triassic sedimentation in the Helanshan tectonic belt records important information about tectono-sedimentary process between the Alxa Massif and the Ordos block. Detailed geological mapping and investigation on the lithological package, sedimentary facies and paleocurrent orientation have been conducted on the Middle to Upper Triassic clastic rocks in the Helanshan tectonic belt. The succession is characterized by upward-fining sequence and comprises coarse grained alluvial-fluvial facies in the lower part as well as deltaic-lacustrine facies in the upper part. Based on detailed study and comparisons on the sedimentary sequence along various sections, the Middle to Upper Triassic strata have been revealed that show clear southeastward-deepening sedimentary differentiation and transgression from southwest to northeast, which are consistent with the southeastward flowing paleocurrent. These features indicate a southeastward-dipping paleogeography in the Helanshan tectonic belt, which was original western part of southeastward orientated fluvial-lacustrine system in the northwestern proto-Ordos Basin. Further to the east, the Triassic succession in the Ordos Basin displays gradually thickening and alluvial-fluvial system flowed from southeast to northwest, showing a huge thick sedimentary wedge in the western basin margin. Together with the Late Permian–Early Triassic closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the north, the Late Triassic extensional structures and diabase dykes in the Helanshan tectonic belt, all the above sedimentary features could be mostly interpreted as records of an extensional basin correlated to post-collisional collapse of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

An arguable point regarding the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the North China Craton(NCC)is whether the tectonic setting in the central belt during the mid-Paleoproterozoic(2.35-2.0 Ga)was dominated by an extensional regime or an oceanic subduction-arc regime.A review of the midPaleoproterozoic magmatism and sedimentation for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region suggests that a back-arc extension regime was dominant in this region.This conclusion is consistent with the observation that the 2.35-2.0 Ga magmatism shows a typical bimodal distribution where the mafic rocks mostly have arc affinities and the acidic rocks mainly comprise highly-fractioned calc-alkaline to alkaline(or A-type)granites,and that this magmatism was coeval with development of extensional basins characteristic of transgressive sequences with volcanic interlayers such as in the Hutuo Group.Although the final amalgamation of the NCC was believed to occur at ~1.85 Ga,recent zircon U-Pb age dating for mica schist in the Wutai Group suggests a collisional event may have occurred at ~1.95 Ga.The metamorphic ages of ~1.85 Ga,obtained mostly from the high-grade rocks using the zircon U-Pb approach,most probably indicate uplifting and cooling of these high-grade terranes.This is because(i)phase modeling suggests that newly-grown zircon grains in highgrade rocks with a melt phase cannot date the age of peak pressure and temperature stages,but the age of melt crystallization in cooling stages;(ii)the metamorphic P-T paths with isobaric cooling under 6-7 kb for the Hengshan and Fuping granulites suggest their prolonged stay in the middle-lower crust;and(iii)the obtained metamorphic age data show a continuous distribution from 1.95 to 1.80 Ga.Thus,an alternative tectonic scenario for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region involves:(i)formation of a proto-NCC at ~2.5 Ga;(ii)back-arc extension during 2.35-2.0 Ga resulting in bimodal magmatism and sedimentation in rifting basins on an Archean basement;?  相似文献   


This paper presents geochronological, geochemical, and zircon Hf–O isotope data for late Mesozoic intrusive rocks from the northeastern North China Craton (NCC), with the aim of constraining the late Mesozoic tectonic nature of the NE Asian continental margin. U–Pb zircon data indicate that the Late Mesozoic magmatism in the northeastern NCC can be subdivided into two stages: Late Jurassic (161 ? 156 Ma) and Early Cretaceous (125 ? 120 Ma). Late Jurassic magmatism consists mainly of monzogranites. These monzogranites display high Sr/Y ratios and the tetrad effect in their REE, respectively, and have negative εHf(t) values (?22.6 to ?15.8). The former indicates that the primary magma was generated by partial melting of thickened NCC lower crust, the latter suggests that the monzogranites were crystallized from highly fractionated magma, with the primary magma derived from partial melting of lower continental crust. Combined with the spatial distribution and rock associations of the Late Jurassic granitoids, we conclude that the Late Jurassic magmatism in the eastern NCC formed in a compressional environment related to oblique subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasia. The Early Cretaceous magmatism consists mainly of granitoids and quartz diorites. The quartz diorites formed by mixing of melts derived from the mantle and lower crust. The coeval granitoids are classified as high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous series. Some of the granitoids are similar to A-type granites. The granitoid εHf(t) values and TDM2 range from ?14.3 to ?1.4 and 2089 to 1274 Ma, respectively. These values indicate that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of lower crustal material of the NCC, but with a contribution of mantle-derived material. We therefore conclude that Early Cretaceous magmatism in the northeastern NCC occurred in an extensional environment related to westward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath Eurasia.  相似文献   

In this paper we present new zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock major and trace element analyses, and zircon Hf isotopic data for magmatic rocks in the Tuotuohe region of the western segment of the Jinshajiang suture. Our aim is to constrain the Early Permian–Late Triassic tectonic evolution of the region. Zircons from the magmatic rocks of the Tuotuohe region are euhedral–subhedral in shape and display fine-scale oscillatory zoning as well as high Th/U ratios(0.4–4.6), indicating a magmatic origin. The zircon U–Pb ages obtained using LA–ICP–MS are 281 ± 1 Ma, 258 ± 1 Ma, 244 ± 1 Ma, and 216 ± 1 Ma, which indicate magmatism in the Early Permian–Late Triassic. A diorite from Bashihubei(BSHN) has SiO2 = 57.18–59.97 wt%, Al2O3 = 15.70–16.53 wt%, and total alkalis(Na2O + K2O) = 4.46–6.34 wt%, typical of calc-alkaline and metaluminous series. A gabbro from Bashibadaoban(BSBDB) belongs to the alkaline series, and is poor in SiO2(45.46–54.03 wt%) but rich in Al2O3(16.19–17.39 wt%) and total alkalis(Na2O + K2O = 5.48–6.26 wt%). The BSHN diorite and the BSBDB gabbro both display an enrichment of LREEs and LILEs and depletion of HFSEs, and they have no obvious Eu anomaly; they have relatively low MgO contents(2.54–4.93 wt%), Mg# values of 43 to 52, and low Cr and Ni contents(8.07–33.6 ppm and 4.41–14.2 ppm, respectively), indicating they differentiated from primitive mantle magmas. They have low Nb/U, Ta/U, and Ce/Pb ratios(1.3–9.6, 0.2–0.8, and 0.1–18.1, respectively), and their initial Hf isotopic ratios range from +9.6 to +16.9(BSHN diorite) and +6.5 to +12.6(BSBDB gabbro), suggesting their primary magmas were derived mainly from the partial melting of a mantle wedge that had been metasomatized by subduction fluids. Taking all the new data together, we conclude that the western and eastern segment of the Jinshajiang suture regions underwent identical processes of evolution in the Early Permian–Late Triassic: oceanic crust subduction before the Early Permian, continental collision during the Early–Middle Triassic, and post-collisional extension from the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Wandashan accretionary complex (AC) in NE China is a key region for constraining the subduction and accretion of the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean; however, the protoliths and structure of the region remain poorly understood, resulting in debates regarding crustal growth mechanisms and subduction-related accretionary processes in Northeast China. In this contribution, we integrate detailed field observations, ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS) reconstruction, and associated geological data to determine the structure and tectonic evolution of the Wandashan AC. The Wandashan AC formed through the progressive incorporation of OPS units along an oceanic trench. The observed OPS comprises, in ascending order, Permian basalt and limestone, Middle Triassic–Early Jurassic chert, Middle Jurassic siliceous shale and mudstone, and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous turbidite. Numerous NNE–SSW-striking thrust faults have segmented the OPS into a series of bedding-parallel tectonic slices that were successively thrust over the Jiamusi massif along a basal thrust (the Yuejinshan Fault), producing a large-scale imbricate thrust system. The Wandashan AC underwent oceanward accretion via multiple deformational processes. The OPS units were detached and rearranged along or within a decollement through offscraping, underplating, thrusting, and duplexing. The units were then emplaced over the Jiamusi massif along the basal thrust. The timing of accretion and thrusting is constrained to the latest Middle Jurassic to earliest Early Cretaceous (ca. 167–131 Ma). Reconstructed accretion-related structural lines within the Wandashan AC trend dominantly NE–SW, close to the direction of Jurassic extension at the eastern Asian continental margin. Large-scale left-lateral strike-slip movement on the Dunmi Fault during the late Early Cretaceous resulted in the folding of structural lines within the Wandashan AC, producing their present-day westward-convex orientation.  相似文献   

The southwestern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) is located between the Alxa Terrane to the northwest, the North Qilian Orogen to the west and the North Qinling Orogen to the south. However, the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution for the southwestern part of the NCC in the Late Paleozoic is still poorly constrained. In order to constrain the Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the southwestern NCC, we carried out detailed field work and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological research on Middle–Late Permian sedimentary rocks at the southwestern margin of the NCC. The U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons from six samples are similar, showing four populations of 2.6–2.4 Ga, 2.0–1.7 Ga, 500–360 Ma and 350–250 Ma. Moreover, on the basis of the weighted-mean age of the youngest detrital zircons (257 ± 4 Ma), combined with the published results and volcanic interlayers, we propose that the Shangshihezi Formation formed during the Middle–Late Permian. Our results and published data indicate that the detrital zircons with age groups of 2.6–2.4 Ga and 2.0–1.7 Ga were likely derived from the Khondalite Belt and Yinshan Block in the northwestern NCC. The junction part between the North Qinling and North Qilian Orogen may provide the 500–360 Ma detrital zircons for the study area. The 350–250 Ma detrital zircons were probably derived from the northwestern part of the NCC. The majority of materials from Shangshihezi Formation within the study area were derived from the northwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the northwestern part of the NCC was strongly uplifted possibly resulting from the progressive subduction and closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. A small amount of materials were sourced from southwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the North Qinling Orogen experienced a minor uplift resulting from the northward subduction of the South Qinling terrane.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Dikes of intermediate and felsic composition from the area of the Vyun deposit and the Shumnyi occurrence, both of which belong to the Yano–Kolyma gold belt...  相似文献   

The Yunmengshan Geopark in northern Beijing is located within the Yanshan range. It contains the Yunmengshan batholith, which is dominated by two plutons: the Yunmengshan gneissic granite and the Shicheng gneissic diorite. Four samples of the Yunmengshan gneissic granite give SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from 145 to 141 Ma, whereas four samples of the Shicheng gneissic diorite have ages from 159 Ma to 151 Ma. Dikes that cut the Yunmengshan diorite record SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 162±2 and 156±4 Ma. The cumulative plots of zircons from the diorites show a peak age of 155 Ma, without inherited zircon cores, and the peak age of 142 Ma for granite is interpreted as the emplacement age of the Yunmengshan granitic pluton, whose igneous zircons contain inherited zircon cores. The data presented here show that there were two pulses of magmatism: early diorites, followed c13 Ma later by true granites, which incorporated material from an older continental crust.  相似文献   

LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data are presented for mafic–ultramafic complexes from the southern Liaoning–southern Jilin area with the aim of determining the nature of the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle and to further constrain the spatial extent of destruction of the North China Craton (NCC). The complexes consist of olivine-websterite, gabbro, dolerite, and gabbro-diorite. Zircons from the complexes show typical zoning absorption, are euhedral–subhedral in shape, and yield high Th/U ratios (1.23–2.87), indicating a magmatic origin. Zircon U–Pb age data indicate that they formed in the Early Cretaceous (129–137 Ma). Geochemically, they have SiO2 = 44.3–49.8%, MgO = 6.8–26.5%, Cr = 102–3578 ppm, and Ni = 31–1308 ppm, and are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), as well as a wide range of Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70557–0.71119; εNd (t) = ?5.4 to ?20.1; (206Pb/204Pb)i = 15.13–17.85; Δ7/4 = ?11.49 to 16.00; Δ8/4 = 102.64–203.48]. Compared with the southern Liaoning mafic–ultramafic rocks, the southern Jilin mafic–ultramafic rocks have high TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, high εNd (t) values, low (La/Yb)N values, low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and low radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions. These findings indicate that the primary magmas of the southern Jilin complexes were derived from lithospheric mantle that was previously metasomatized by a melt derived from the delaminated ancient lower crust, whereas the primary magmas of the southern Liaoning complexes originated from partial melting of a lithospheric mantle source that was previously modified by melt derived from the broken-off Yangtze slab. Therefore, the lateral extent of the NCC destruction should include the southern Liaoning–southern Jilin area.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) was an active convergent margin during Palaeozoic and preserves important imprints of magmatic and metasomatic processes associated with oceanic plate subduction. Here, we investigate the mafic–ultramafic rocks in the Xiahabaqin–Sandaogou complexes from the northern NCC including pyroxenite, hornblendites, hornblende gabbro, and their rodingitized counterparts within a serpentinite domain. We present petrological, zircon U–Pb geochronological, and geochemical data to constrain the nature and timing of the magmatic and metasomatic processes in the subduction zone mantle wedge. The rock suites investigated in this study are characterized by low contents of SiO2, Na2O, and K2O, with high CaO, FeO, Fe2O3, and MgO. The rodingitized rocks show markedly high CaO and lower MgO compared to their ultramafic protolith, suggesting extensive post-magmatic infiltration of Ca-rich, Si-poor fluids derived by serpentinization of mantle peridotite. The enrichment of large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements such as Ba, Sr, K, La, and Ce with relative depletion of high field strength elements like Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf in the ultramafic rocks collectively suggest metasomatism of a fore-arc mantle wedge by fluids released through dehydration of subducted oceanic slab and subduction-derived sediments. Dehydration and decarbonation leading to metasomatic fluid influx and serpentinization of mantle wedge peridotite account for the enriched geochemical signatures for the rodingitized rocks. The zircon grains in these rocks show textures indicating magmatic crystallization followed by fluid-controlled dissolution–precipitation. Magmatic zircons from altered pyroxenite, hornblendite, and rodingitized pyroxenite in Xiahabaqin yield protolith crystallization ages peaks at 396 Ma and 392 Ma and metasomatic grains show ages of 386 Ma, 378 Ma, and 348 Ma. The zircons from hornblendite and basaltic trachyandesite indicate protolith emplacement during 402–388 Ma. Metasomatic zircon grains from rodingitized hornblende gabbro in Sandaogou complex show a wide range of ages as 412 Ma, 398 Ma, 383 Ma, and 380 Ma. The common magmatic zircon ages peaks at 398–388 Ma in most of the rocks suggest a similar time for magma crystallization in the Xiahabaqin and Baiqi during Middle Devonian. Subsequently, repeated pulses fluids and melts resulted in metasomatic reactions in mantle wedge until early Permian. The Lu–Hf analysis of the zircon grains from these rocks display markedly negative εHf(t) values ranging from ?22.4 to ?7.7, suggesting magma derivation from an enriched, hydrated lithospheric mantle through fluid–rock interaction and mantle wedge metasomatism. Rodingitization processes are associated with exhumation of ultramafic mantle wedge rocks within a serpentinized subduction channel close to the subducted slab in response to slab roll back in a long-lasting subduction regime. This study offers insights into magmatic and metasomatic processes of ultramafic rocks in the fore-arc mantle wedge which were exhumed and accreted to an active continental margin during the southward subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic lithosphere beneath the NCC.  相似文献   

The mechanism and process of lithospheric thinning beneath the North China Craton (NCC) are still debated. A key criterion in distinguishing among the proposed mechanisms is whether associated continental basalts were derived from the thinning lithospheric mantle or upwelling asthenosphere. Herein, we investigate the possible mechanisms of lithospheric thinning based on a systematic Re–Os isotopic study of Mesozoic to Cenozoic basalts from the NCC. Our whole-rock Re–Os isotopic results indicate that the Mesozoic basalts generally have high Re and Os concentrations that vary widely from 97.2 to 839.4 ppt and 74.4 to 519.6 ppt, respectively. They have high initial 187Os/188Os ratios ranging from 0.1513 to 0.3805, with corresponding variable γOs(t) values (+20 to +202). In contrast, the Re–Os concentrations and radiogenic Os isotope compositions of the Cenozoic basalts are typically lower than those of the Mesozoic basalts. The lowest initial 187Os/188Os ratios of the Cenozoic basalts are 0.1465 and 0.1479, with corresponding γOs(t) values of +15 and +16, which are within the range of ocean island basalts. These new Re–Os isotopic results, combined with the findings of previous studies, indicate that the Mesozoic basalts were a hybrid product of the melting of pyroxenite and peridotite in ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the NCC. The Cenozoic basalts were derived mainly from upwelling asthenosphere mixed with small amounts of lithospheric materials. The marked differences in geochemistry between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts suggest a greatly reduced involvement of lithospheric mantle as the magma source from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. The subsequent lithospheric thinning of the NCC and replacement by upwelling asthenospheric mantle resulted in a change to asthenosphere-derived Cenozoic basalts.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic geochemistry, sandstone modal analysis, and palaeocurrent analysis of the early Mesozoic strata within the Ningwu basin, China, with the aims of constraining the depositional ages and sedimentary provenances and shedding new light on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the northcentral North China Craton (NCC). The zircons from early Mesozoic sandstones are characterized by three major populations: Phanerozoic (late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic), late Palaeoproterozoic (with a peak at approximately 1.8 Ga), and Neoarchaean (with a peak at approximately 2.5 Ga). Notably, three Phanerozoic zircons in the Early Triassic Liujiagou Formation were found to have positive εHf(t) values and characteristics typical of zircons from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Therefore, the CAOB began to represent the provenance of sediment in the sedimentary basins in the northern NCC no later than the Early Triassic (261 Ma), implying that the final amalgamation of the NCC and CAOB occurred before the Early Triassic. The U–Pb geochronologic and Hf isotopic results show that the Lower Middle Triassic sediments were mainly sourced from the Yinshan–Yanshan Orogenic Belt (YYOB), and that a sudden change in provenances occurred, shifting from a mixed YYOB and CAOB source in the Middle Jurassic to a primarily YYOB source in the Late Jurassic. The results of the sandstone modal analysis suggest that the majority of the samples from the Lower Middle Jurassic rocks were derived from either Continental Block or Recycled Orogen sources, whereas all the samples from the Upper Jurassic rocks were derived from Mixed sources. The change in source might be ascribed to the southward subduction and closure of the Okhotsk Ocean and the resulting intense uplift of the YYOB during the Late Jurassic. This uplift likely represents the start of the Yanshan Orogeny.  相似文献   

The Changyi banded iron formation (BIF) in the eastern North China Craton (NCC) occurs within the Paleoproterozoic Fenzishan Group. The BIF shows alternating quartz-rich light and magnetite-rich dark bands with magnetite (15–65 vol.%), quartz (25–65 vol.%) and amphibole (15–30 vol.%) constituting the major minerals. Minor garnet, epidote, chlorite, calcite, biotite and pyrite occur locally. The BIF bands are interlayered with amphibolite, hornblende gneiss, biotite quartz schist, garnet biotite schist, biotite gneiss and leptynite, and are intruded by granites. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating on zircons separated from the BIF bands and the wallrocks constrains the depositional age as 2240–2193 Ma and metamorphic age as ~ 1864 Ma. The dominant composition of SiO2 + Fe2O3T (average value of 92.3 wt.%) of the BIF bands suggests their formation mainly through chemical precipitation. However, the widely varying contents of major elements such as Al2O3 (0.58–6.99 wt.%), MgO (1.00–3.86 wt.%), CaO (0.22–4.19 wt.%) and trace elements such as Rb (2.06–40.4 ppm), Sr (9.36–42.5 ppm), Zr (0.91–23.6 ppm), Hf (0.04–0.75 ppm), Cr (89.1–341 ppm), Co (2.94–30.4 ppm), and Ni (1.43–52.0 ppm) clearly indicate the incorporation of clastics, especially continental felsic clastics, as also confirmed by the presence of ancient detrital zircons in the BIF bands. When normalized against Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), the seawater-like signatures of REE distribution patterns, such as LREE depletion, positive La and Y anomalies, and superchondritic Y/Ho ratios (average value of 36.3), support the deposition in seawater. Strong positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*PAAS = 1.14–2.86) also suggest the participation of hydrothermal fluids. In addition, the sympathetic correlation between Cr, Co and Ni as well as the Co + Ni + Cu vs. ∑ REE and the Al2O3 vs. SiO2 relations further indicates that the iron and silica mainly originated from hydrothermal fluids. Combined with regional geological investigation and protolith restoration of the wallrocks, a continental rift environment is suggested for the Changyi BIF deposition. The appearance of negative CePAAS anomalies might suggest the influence of the Great Oxidation Event at the time of deposition. The Changyi BIF witnessed the major Paleoproterozoic rifting–collision events in the NCC and their unique distribution in the NCC contrasts with other examples elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

The lagoonal and shallow marine sediments of the Penarth Group in the UK span the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. These sediments contain several disturbed levels with soft sediment deformations (SSDs), such as synsedimentary faults, injective domes, recumbent folds and slumps that are recognised in most basins from SW England and South Wales to NW Northern Ireland. Field observations, notably the close link of the SSDs to active faults, attest an earthquake origin of the SSDs. Fluids, faults, overpressure and lithology guided the style of the SSDs and their distribution in the sedimentary sections. Analysis of the directional data relating to SSDs in each disturbed level shows preferred orientations of deformation, which correspond to the local state of stress at the time. We favour a series of earthquakes, rather than a single mega-event as a trigger of the observed features. The active local extensional tectonic context was driven by the opening of the Permo-Triassic basins in Western Europe. The data from the SSDs in the UK suggest the development of a multi-directional, mosaic-style extensional context to occur during this early phase of the break-up of Pangea. Our integrated tectonic/sedimentary study suggests that directional data from faults, injective domes, recumbent folds and slumps preserved in sediments are reliable to reconstruct past seismic activity and basin geodynamics.  相似文献   

Detrital zircons in five sedimentary samples, MC1 to MC5, from the bottom of the Chuanlinggou Formation in the Ming Tombs District, Beijing, were dated with the LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U–Pb methods. Age spectra of the five samples show a major peak at 2500 Ma and a secondary peak at 2000 Ma, suggesting their provenances were mainly from the crystalline basement of the North China Craton and the Trans-North China Orogen. The youngest zircon has an age of 1673 ± 44 Ma, indicating that the Chuanlinggou Formation was deposited after this age. From sample MC4 to MC5, lithology changed from a clastic rock (fine-grained sandstone) to a carbonate rock (fine-grained dolomite), suggesting that the depositional basin became progressively deeper. The age spectrum of sample MC5 shows a major peak at 2500 Ma and a secondary peak at 2000 Ma. Sample MC4, which is stratigraphically lower than sample MC5, only had one peak at 2500 Ma. We conclude that there was a transgressive event when sediments represented by MC5 was deposited, and seawater carried ca. 2000 Ma clastic materials to the basin where the Chuanlinggou Formation was deposited, leading to the addition of ca. 2000 Ma detritus. Our research indicates that the source area for the sediments became more extensive with time. We conclude that the Chuanlinggou Formation in the Ming Tombs District was deposited in a low-energy mud flat sedimentary environment in the inter-supra tidal zone because it is mainly composed of silty mudstone and fine-grained sandstone with relatively simple sedimentary structures.  相似文献   

A series of significant geological changes indicated by deformation, magmatic–metallogenic systems, and the climate and environment occurred in East Asia during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time, but the timing and development of the ‘Yanshan movement’ on the north margin of the North China Craton has not been well-established. Based on the evidence of tectonic deformation and magmatic activity, previous studies resulted in two views of the beginning of the Yanshan movement: Early Jurassic vs. late Middle Jurassic. In this work, the timing of the initial Yanshan movement was investigated by examining the Jurassic Chenjiabangou section in the Ningwu–Jingle basin overlying the north-central part of the North China Craton. The timing of the initial Yanshan movement was constrained by restoration of stream flow directions, determination of boundaries of sedimentary cycles, identification of heavy mineral assemblages in clastic rocks, quantification of changes in chemical compositions, and zircon U–Pb isotope dating. The results indicate that the basal conglomerates of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation (Bathonian) mark the beginning of the Yanshan movements. Evidence supporting this conclusion includes the following. (1) The switch from transgressive lacustrine deposition to regressive lacustrine deposition in the Yungang Formation sedimentary succession indicates a change from extension to compression, possibly reflecting uplift. (2) Early-stage clastic rocks rich in quartz and feldspar are replaced by feldspar detritus in late-stage clastic rocks; the heavy mineral assemblage dominated by zircon at the early stages changed to garnet-dominated assemblage upsection. Moreover, the concentrations of CaO, MgO, CO2, and Fe2O3 + FeO and the Fe2O3/FeO ratio changed abruptly near the basal conglomerates of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation, suggesting increased denudation. (3) Conglomerates at the bottom of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation were deposited approximately 168 million years ago, as inferred from the age of zircons in tuffaceous micrite (160.6 ± 0.55 Ma) at the bottom of the Upper Jurassic Tianchihe Formation (Oxfordian) and the age of zircons in pyroclastic rocks (179.2 ± 0.79 Ma) in the Lower Jurassic Yongdingzhuang Formation (Toarcian). These lines of evidence indicate that initial Jurassic Yanshan movement began 168 million years ago during Middle Jurassic time.  相似文献   

We present U–Pb zircon ages from a phosphate-cemented pebbly sandstone dredged from the central Lord Howe Rise and a 97 Ma rhyolite drilled on the southern Lord Howe Rise. Four granitoid pebbles from the sandstone give U–Pb ages in the range 216–183 Ma. Most detrital zircons in the bulk sandstone are also Late Triassic–Early Jurassic, but subordinate populations of Late Cretaceous and Precambrian zircons are present. The pebbly sandstone's highly restricted Late Triassic–Early Jurassic zircon population indicates the nearby occurrence of underlying basement plutons that are the same age as parts of the I-type Darran Suite, Median Batholith of New Zealand and supports a continuation of the Early Mesozoic magmatic arc northwest from New Zealand. Zircon cores from the southern Lord Howe Rise rhyolite do not yield ages older than 97 Ma and thus provide no information about older basement.  相似文献   

The Middle–Late Jurassic transition period is a critical period for the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates, but the global fossil record from this time is relatively poor. The Shishugou Fauna of this period has recently produced significant fossil remains of dinosaurs and other vertebrate groups, some representing the earliest known members of several dinosaurian groups and other vertebrate groups and some representing the best-known specimens of their group. These discoveries are significant for our understanding of the origin and evolution of several vertebrate lineages. Radiometric dating indicates that the fauna is aged approximately 159–164 Ma. Comparisons with other similarly-aged terrestrial faunas such as Shaximiao and Yanliao show both taxonomic similarities and differences between these faunas and indicate that the Junggar deposits might have preserved the most complete vertebrate fossil record for a Middle–Late Jurassic Laurasian terrestrial fauna.  相似文献   

Late Triassic–Early Jurassic intrusions of the Erguna Block, Northeast China, are located along the southern margin of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogenic belt. They comprise granodiorite, monzogranite, syenogranite, and lesser gabbro–diorite, of adakitic and calc­alkaline affinity. The adakite-like and calc­alkaline granites share similar light rare earth elements (LREE) characteristics; however, their heavy rare earth elements (HREE) trends differ from one another. The relative abundances of HREE in the calc­alkaline granites are relatively consistent and are similar to those of intrusive rocks formed from dehydration melting of garnet-free amphibolitic source rocks at relatively low pressures. In contrast, the adakite-like granites show more prominent HREE fractionation trends, indicating that they crystallized at higher pressures, where garnet in the source rocks was stable. At least two isotopically distinct sources were involved in the petrogenesis of the granites, but the extent to which they contributed varies between plutons. Most intrusions have incorporated an isotopically primitive component, possibly juvenile mafic crust. The other sources include a small proportion of old continental crustal material and isotopically evolved wall rocks. The gabbro–diorites have high MgO contents (>7 wt.%), a high Mg# (>0.6), and show moderate LREE and HREE fractionation, indicating they formed from the melting of subducted metasomatized lithospheric mantle. All of the intrusions in the study area are characterized by a relative enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE), indicating they were emplaced in an Andean-type active continental margin setting related to southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2008-2015
Growing geologic evidence documents incremental Mesozoic and early Cenozoic shortening and thickening of the Tibetan crust prior to the onset of the main Cenozoic orogenic event. The Tibetan crust shows spatial and temporal variability in thickness, style, and timing of thickening, and in plateau-forming processes. The Songpan–Ganzi area of northeastern Tibet provides evidence for shortening and thickening of the crust in Late Triassic time. An oil exploratory well (HC-1) of 7012.4 m located in the area shows at least six tectonic repetitions, resulting in more than ~46% thickening of the Triassic sequence. It indicates that the true thickness of the Songpan–Ganzi Triassic flysch is not 10–15 km as previously assumed, but not more than 3–5 km. Based on this evidence, combined with prior tectonostratigraphic studies, we propose that substantial crustal shortening and thickening, leading to initial plateau formation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, had already occurred during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

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