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Several previous studies have reported high levels of genetic differentiation between populations inside European Marine Reserves and their adjacent coastlines for a direct‐developing species. These studies suggest that sea loughs may not represent the most suitable sites for inclusion into Marine Protected Area (MPA) or Marine Reserve networks as they are not well connected to other populations. However, many marine species have pelagic larvae, and the connectivity of populations of such species inside sea loughs with non‐lough populations remains unknown. Here, I investigated the levels of gene flow between populations of the acorn barnacle Semibalanas balanoides inside and outside Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland; this species has a long‐lived pelagic larvae (4–6 weeks). There were no significant differences in the levels of genetic diversity between sea lough and non‐lough populations and no evidence for genetic differentiation between any of the populations examined; the populations appear well mixed and well connected, in contrast to what has been reported for a previous direct‐developing species.  相似文献   

Fisheries can have profound effects on epifaunal community function and structure. We analysed the results from five dive surveys (1975-1976, 1980, 1983, 2003 and 2007), taken in a Special Area of Conservation, Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland before and after a ten year period of increased trawling activity between 1985 and 1995. There were no detectable differences in the species richness or taxonomic distinctiveness before (1975-1983) and after (2003-2007) this period. However, there was a shift in the epifaunal assemblage between the surveys in 1975-1983 and 2003-2007. In general, the slow-moving, or sessile, erect, filter-feeders were replaced by highly mobile, swimming, scavengers and predators. There were declines in the frequency of the fished bivalve Aequipecten opercularis and the non-fished bivalves Modiolus modiolus and Chlamys varia and some erect sessile invertebrates between the surveys in 1975-1983 and 2003-2007. In contrast, there were increases in the frequency of the fished and reseeded bivalves Pecten maximus and Ostrea edulis, the fished crabs Cancer pagurus and Necora puber and the non-fished sea stars Asterias rubens, Crossaster papposus and Henricia oculata between the surveys in 1975-1983 and 2003-2007. We suggest that these shifts could be directly and indirectly attributed to the long-term impacts of trawl fishing gear, although increases in the supply of discarded bait and influxes of sediment may also have contributed to changes in the frequency of some taxa. These results suggest that despite their limitations, historical surveys and repeat sampling over long periods can help to elucidate the inferred patterns in the epifaunal community. The use of commercial fishing gear was banned from two areas in Strangford Lough in 2011, making it a model ecosystem for assessing the long-term recovery of the epifaunal community from the impacts of mobile and pot fishing gear.  相似文献   

双壳类适应性进化遗传基础尚未有大量研究。而生活在沿海潮间带和深海环境中的双壳贝类适应性进化的分子机制更鲜有报道。我们首次测序组装了潮间带生活的偏顶蛤Modiolus modiolus的转录组序列。同时与生活在深海热液冷泉喷口的偏顶蛤Bathymodiolus platifrons进行了比较转录组分析,阐明了这两个物种在不同环境中的适应性进化机制。M. modiolusB. platifrons的转录组组装共产生182,476和156,261个转录本,N50值分别为1,769和1,545。同时注释到27,868和23,588个基因。GO富集分析表明这些基因有相似的富集模式。两物种进化分析鉴定到10,245个直系同源基因,其中26个基因受到强烈正选择(Ka/Ks>1),12个基因受到中度正选择(0.5M. modiolus的转录组组装拼接序列,同时通过比较转录组学分析阐明了其与近缘物种B. platifrons的适应性进化机制。这为两个物种后续研究提供了序列资源和研究基础。  相似文献   

Giant clams (Family: Tridacnidae) are endangered species distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. In this study, survival rate and development of Tridacna gigas larvae were studied for three days in ambient water (32 psu), copper (2.5 microg Cu(2+) L(-1)), reduced salinities (25 and 20 psu) and the combination of copper and 25 psu salinity. No significant differences were found in larval development between treatments. The survival rates decreased considerably with reduced salinities although the combination of copper and reduced salinity gave synergistic effects. As a consequence, this could limit population growth of giant clams in coastal areas and could also explain the absence of larval settlement on reefs close to harbours or river mouths. More research is needed to understand the basic requirements and stress tolerance in giant clam larvae for reef restoration and other management actions to be successful.  相似文献   

The Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) fishery in southern New Zealand comprises many localised populations (oyster beds) that have survived disease mortality and 150 years of fishing. The reproductive biology of O. chilensis underlies the assumption that these populations are self-recruiting. A three-year study using passive, artificial collectors deployed in a gradient design around an isolated natal population investigated the hypothesis of self-recruitment. Spat settlement patterns measured the distributions of competent larvae as indicators of dispersal. This research also investigated the relationship between settler and brooder densities. Settler densities were not predicted by direction along or across the current, distance from the focal population, or by brooder densities. Settlement was widespread, and settlement patterns imply greater dispersal and larval mixing than previously reported. The swift currents and variable pelagic larval duration may enhance mixing and connectivity between populations. Demographically open recruitment should provide some resilience to disease mortality and fishing.  相似文献   

The use of geochemical tags in calcified structures of fish and invertebrates is an exciting tool for investigating larval population connectivity. Tag evaluation over relatively short intervals (weeks) may detect environmental and ecological variability at a temporal scale highly relevant to larval transport and settlement. We collected newly settled mussels (Mytilus californianus and M. galloprovincialis) weekly during winter/spring of 2002 along the coast of San Diego, CA, USA, at sites on the exposed coast (SIO) and in a protected coastal bay (HI), to investigate temporal patterns of geochemical tags in mussel shells. Analyses of post-settlement shell via LA-ICP-MS revealed statistically significant temporal variability for all elements we examined (Mg, Mn, Cu, Sr, Cd, Ba, Pb and U). Despite this, our ability to distinguish multielemental signatures between sites was largely conserved. Throughout our 13-week study, SIO and HI mussels could be chemically distinguished from one another in 78–87% of all cases. Settlement varied between 2 and 27 settlers gram-byssus?1 week?1 at SIO and HI, and both sites were characterized by 2–3 weeks with “high” settlement. Geochemical tags recorded in early larval shell of newly settled mussels differed between “high” and “low” settlement weeks at both sites (MANOVA), driven by Mg and Sr at SIO (p = 0.013) and Sr, Cd, Ba and Pb at HI (p < 0.001). These data imply that shifts in larval sources or transport corridors were responsible for observed settlement variation, rather than increased larval production. In particular, increased settlement at HI was observed concurrent with the appearance of geochemical tags (e.g., elevated Cd), suggesting that those larvae were retained in upwelled water near the mouth of the bay. Such shifts may reflect short-term changes in connectivity among sites due to altered transport corridors, and influence the demography of local populations.  相似文献   

There have been no previous studies of the composition of nearshore larval fish assemblages along the coast of Portugal. We aimed to describe the composition and horizontal distribution patterns of larval fish assemblages and their temporal dynamics near a rocky reef at depths shallower than 13 m (inshore) and at two miles (3.70 km) from shore (offshore), as well as along transects perpendicular to the shoreline, from the reef to 10 miles offshore (18.52 km). Samples were taken using 5 min sub-surface trawls at the rocky shore of the Arrábida Marine Park (W Portugal). A total of 1021 larvae were collected, belonging to 61 taxa inshore and to 29 taxa offshore. Along transects, 626 larvae of 52 taxa were collected. Most larvae belonged to coastal species associated with rocky reefs. Total larval abundance and diversity were higher from May to July, which is consistent with the spawning activity of adults. Diversity and total larval abundance decreased significantly with increasing distance from shore, both in the inshore/offshore comparison and in the transects, where this decrease was evident at a very small spatial scale (within the first mile from the reef). Species assemblages differed in the pattern of distribution, with most species clearly associated to the extreme nearshore. The distribution patterns obtained were independent of the spawning mode of species. Results are discussed in the light of the possible physical mechanisms that can potentially act at the Arrábida Marine Park to facilitate larvae retention and the role of larval behaviour.  相似文献   

Successful reproduction by scleractinian corals is essential for the maintenance of populations that form the foundation of coral reef ecosystems. Laboratory experiments were done to determine the effects of reduced salinity on the fertilization success and larval survival of two coral species, Platygyra daedalea and Acropora millepora, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Fertilization rates of P. daedalea and A. millepora were significantly reduced at 25.8 psu and 33.1 psu, respectively, and completed blocked at 18.4 psu for A. millepora. The estimated larval survival times were similar from 36.8 to 25.8 psu (P. daedalea 291–312 h, A. millepora 207–264 h), whereas the 18.4 psu treatment resulted in estimates of 153 h and 24 h for P. daedalea and A. millepora, respectively. These results demonstrate that reduced salinity is detrimental to the reproductive success of these corals, and if salinity is lowered by natural or anthropogenic sources during spawning, this would lead to decreased reproductive success and recruitment on reefs.  相似文献   

近年来气候变化和人类活动导致全球范围内珊瑚礁大幅度退化,珊瑚礁生态系统面临严重威胁.开展珊瑚礁生态修复是恢复珊瑚礁生态系统最有效、最根本的措施之一,它不仅可以恢复珊瑚礁在生态系统中的功能,还可以提供相应的社会、文化、经济效益以及服务价值.近十几年来,我国在海南、西沙以及广西等海域开展了大量的珊瑚礁生态修复实践,但在评价...  相似文献   

鹿回头佳丽鹿角珊瑚卵母细胞发育的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
海南省三亚市鹿回头海域珊瑚礁生态系统退化严重,为了恢复珊瑚礁资源,引进国际上最新的珊瑚礁恢复策略--捕获珊瑚幼虫安放到珊瑚礁退化区域,该策略的重点是准确掌握珊瑚的排卵时间.实验通过组织学分析珊瑚卵母细胞发育情况从而判定珊瑚的排卵时间,而野外的珊瑚幼虫捕获实验也证实我们对排卵时间的判断.通过观测卵母细胞的发育情况,我们确定佳丽鹿角珊瑚Acropora pulchra的排卵时间为4月底5月初.同时也证实佳丽鹿角珊瑚共生的虫黄藻Zooxanthellae是后天获得的.将组织学分析应用到珊瑚礁的恢复中来,使得以后大量的捕获珊瑚幼虫,加快对珊瑚礁退化区域进行恢复成为可能.  相似文献   

The intertidal zone around Mar del Plata’s sewage discharge (38° S, 57° W) is characterized by the presence of the non-indigenous spionid polychaete Boccardia proboscidea. This species has been classified as tolerant to moderate and high levels of organic contamination. During early stages of colonization this species can reach very high densities without suffering from interspecific competition, building biogenic structures such as reef. The aim of this work was evaluate the recovery time of the reef to a small-scale experimental physical disturbance. Five independent rocks with B. proboscidea reefs on them were selected randomly and a small-scale disturbance was generated by corers (16 cm2). At the beginning of the experiment, six corers were collected in each reef to produce the disturbance. The original density of B. proboscidea in each reef was determined in these corers. The reefs with disturbed corer were sampled on successive days to assess the reef recovery time. The number of larvae, juveniles and adults was quantified. Polychaete reefs had very high densities before the disturbance (mean density: 1,021,250 ind m−2). Boccardia proboscidea reefs had a fast recovery rate after small-scale disturbance. Four days after disturbance the density reached about 50% of the original density and after 5 days the disturbed reefs could not be differentiated from the undisturbed reef. The initial recolonization of disturbed patches occurs as a result of migration which appears to be driven by larvae and juveniles. These reefs can not be seen as biodiversity hotspots and the presence of the species demonstrates great environmental deterioration.  相似文献   

在全球珊瑚礁生态系统面临退化威胁的情况下,珊瑚礁生态修复工作成为人类帮助珊瑚礁恢复健康的重要手段之一,并且在全球各个珊瑚礁区域都得到广泛应用.我国近岸珊瑚礁生态系统退化严重,本实验探讨利用珊瑚移植技术在三亚市蜈支洲岛典型的近岸珊瑚礁环境下恢复造礁石珊瑚的覆盖率,希望推动企业参与海洋生态保护并从中受益.在与当地旅游公司的...  相似文献   

This study aimed to contribute to conservation management of reefs of Serpula vermicularis by increasing understanding of the factors influencing larval settlement. The study was carried out in Loch Creran, which supports the most extensive known development of S. vermicularis reefs in the world. Settlement plates were deployed to examine the influence of season, depth, reef density, substrate type and orientation. Monthly deployment of plates revealed settlement of S. vermicularis to occur predominantly from mid-June to mid-October, peaking in late August to early September. Settlement of Pomatoceros spp. peaked much earlier, in late May to early June. Deployment of plates at different depths revealed a marked reduction in S. vermicularis settlement intensity between 6 and 12 m. As this corresponds with the deeper limit of the peripheral fringe of serpulid reefs in the loch, it is suggested that this limit is imposed by a depth-correlated settlement response, rather than reduction in available substrata. Comparisons of various substrata showed a preference by S. vermicularis larvae for a slate over a scallop substrate and no evidence of enhanced recruitment to occupied or unoccupied tubes of S. vermicularis, suggesting that gregarious attraction is unlikely to be a factor causing reef formation. Settlement onto the upper side of a horizontal scallop substrate was found to be insignificant in comparison with the underside or a vertically orientated scallop. Evidence for the role of light in controlling the depth and substrate-orientation preferences of S. vermicularis larvae is discussed. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are made regarding remediation of areas suffering reef damage.  相似文献   

Intertidal population dynamics are driven by a complex series of processes, including larval supply and the possibility of larval predation by benthic animals such as filter-feeders. We hypothesised that cannibalism by adults could play a major role in the population connectivity of mussel populations by removing larvae as they attempt to settle in the adult habitat. Specifically, we tested hypotheses that consumption of mussel larvae by adults removes a significant proportion of potential settlers and is influenced by both settlement intensity and tidal state (flooding or ebbing). Predation of mussel larvae by adult mussels was investigated on incoming and ebbing tides during four spring tides by analysing the gut contents of adult Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from the low intertidal mussel zone between October 2005 and January 2006. Consumption rates were then compared with estimates of successful settler densities on natural beds. The results showed that mortality of competent mussel larvae through adult ingestion removes up to 77% a of potential settlers. Rates of larval consumption were highest during months of intense settlement, suggesting that mussels feed opportunistically, filtering a relatively fixed volume of water and removing particles, including larvae, in proportion to their densities in the water. Rates of larviphagy were also higher during receding than incoming tides. We suggest that this is due to changes in larval density or, more probably, in adult filtration efficiency that are related to the state of the tide. Despite significant effects of both tidal state and settlement intensity on rates of larval ingestion, neither had a significant effect on the proportion of potential settlers removed. During settlement more than half of all potential settlers are lost through cannibalism, with potentially serious consequences for population maintenance. The results highlight the paradoxical nature of the evolution of settlement mechanisms in mussels, which must balance the advantages of settlement in habitats favourable to adults against the consumption of larvae by adults.  相似文献   

Plankton samples collected in November 2002, February, May and August 2003 were used to examine seasonal variation in tidal exchange of zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition between Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve and the adjacent Atlantic coast. Micro- to mesozooplankton were collected by pump over 24-h sampling periods during spring and neap tides from the narrow channel connecting the semi-enclosed water body to the Atlantic. Sample biomass (dry weight) and total zooplankton abundance peaked in the summer and were lowest in winter, showing a positive relationship with temperature. Zooplankton biomass, total abundance and numbers of holo- and meroplankton revealed import during some diel cycles and export in others. However, the tidal import of these planktonic components was generally dominant, especially during May. The greatest import of numbers of holoplankters and meroplanktonic larvae occurred during May and August, respectively. There was no significant variation in sample biomass between periods of light and dark, but some variation in zooplankton abundance could be explained by this diel periodicity. Significant differences in sample assemblage composition between flood and ebb tide samples were always observed, except during winter neap tides. There was a net import of the copepods Temora longicornis and Oithona helgolandica and the larval stages of Mytilus edulis during spring and summer. Proceraea cornuta and Capitellid trochophores were imported during winter, and a hydrozoan of the genus Obelia during the spring spring tides. Seasonal export from the lough was shown by Pseudopolydora pulchra larvae (autumn and spring), Serpulid trochophores (autumn) and veligers of the bivalve Anomia ephippium (summer). It is suggested that the direction of tidal exchange of meroplanktonic taxa is related to the distribution of the adult populations. Copepod naupliar stages dominated the assemblages except during May spring tides when the copepod Pseudocalanus elongatus made up over 22% of the abundance. The general import of micro- to mesozooplankton may, in part, explain the higher densities of this size-class of zooplankton within the semi-enclosed system of Lough Hyne.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) formed extensive reefs on soft sediments in sheltered embayments around northern New Zealand until overfishing and/or increased sediment input caused their virtual disappearance by 1980. To determine the role of mussel reefs as habitat for other animals, we located remnant soft-sediment reefs in five locations and compared the density, biomass, productivity and composition of mobile macroinvertebrate communities, and the density of small fishes associated with mussels, with fauna in the surrounding soft sediments. The mussel reefs had a distinct assemblage of macroinvertebrates, which had 3.5 times the density, 3.4 times the biomass and 3.5 times the productivity of surrounding areas. The density of small fishes was 13.7 times higher than in surrounding areas. These results show that soft-sediment mussel reefs support an abundant and productive fauna, highlighting the probable large loss of productivity associated with the historical decline in mussel habitat and the consequent desirability of restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the status and general faunal composition of sponge reefs in the Georgia Basin (GB), British Columbia, Canada. Fourteen distinct deep-water glass sponge (Hexactinellid) reefs have been mapped using multibeam bathymetry and sidescan sonar in the GB. Seven of these have been surveyed visually using video from remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Analysis of video data indicated that three reefs were undamaged, two were damaged and the other two were damaged but potentially recovering. The nature of the damaged reefs, with large areas of scattered dead sponge skeleton fragments and few live reef-building sponges (Aphrocallistes vastus and Heterochone calyx), as well as video evidence of tracks suggest they were damaged mechanically by mobile fishing gear.Relative abundance of the megafauna associated with the reefs is discussed in the context of oceanographic conditions, such as sediment accumulation and organic flux, as well as overall reef status. Of particular interest for fisheries conservation efforts in the area was the fact that one undamaged reef in the southern GB showed higher taxonomic richness and abundance of rockfish (Sebastes spp.), both adult and juvenile, compared to an adjacent damaged reef. This result suggests that undamaged reefs may act as refugia for these endangered stocks.  相似文献   

Corals in Malakal Bay reefs were devastated in the 1979 Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) outbreak. It has been almost 30 years since the outbreak and coral cover at the study sites have not come close to the cover before the outbreak. A question is asked: what factors may contribute to the slow recovery of these reefs: recruitment or post-settlement mortality? Two habitat types within the reef systems were monitored using coral transplants to determine if corals can survive in these environments and recruitment tiles to see if there are larvae coming into the system. The study revealed that coral survivorship is high in the fore reef areas compared to the reef channel slopes and that larvae is not a limiting factor to natural recovery. Stability of the reef framework, i.e. unstable rubble substrate, and possibly high post settlement mortality, are the structuring factors that determine the recovery process in these reef systems and possibly so for similar habitats in other reef systems throughout Palau.  相似文献   

When the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg) was introduced into France for aquaculture in the mid-sixties, it was initially confined to the sites where it was farmed. Subsequent global warming most likely facilitated the establishment of wild populations throughout the French coastline. This phenomenon of spread has become so great that oyster reefs have recently appeared in sheltered estuaries, on both soft and hard substrate. The present study examined two such sites in the Bay of Brest, Brittany. It is the first to investigate the impacts of this new substrate on the biocoenosis of uncolonised intertidal habitats in France. Increased species richness and abundance of intertidal macrofauna were observed in the presence of oyster reefs on both, mud (4 and 20 fold respectively) and rock (5 fold for both). The dominance of suspension feeders in mud changed to carnivores in reefs and their underlying sediment. Calculation of biotic coefficients (BC) of the soft-bottom fauna revealed only a slight organic enrichment, and the organic and silt composition in the sediment beneath oyster reefs were not significantly different from that on bare sites. On rock, the dominance of grazers remained unchanged between bare rock and oyster reef, while reef on rock was also characterised by deposit and detritic feeders. C. gigas is suspected to cause a homogenisation of coastal habitats with an impoverishment of overall quality but we detected only 11 common species between reefs on mud (60 species) and those on rock (55 species).  相似文献   

Networks of no-take marine reserves (NTMRs) are widely used for managing marine resources. Because they restrict fishing, managers need to monitor reserves to reassure stakeholders that they are achieving the intended results. In 2004, the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park was rezoned and the area of NTMRs was greatly increased. Using manta tow we assessed the effectiveness of the new NTMRs in conserving coral trout (Plectropomus and Variola spp.), the principle targets of the GBR reef line fishery. Over a six year period, we sampled regional groups of matched pairs of similar reefs, ones closed to fishing under the rezoning and ones that remained open. Coral trout populations were significantly higher in NTMRs. While coral trout populations declined on reefs open to fishing, stocks were maintained in NTMRs, highlighting the ongoing benefits of marine reserves.  相似文献   

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