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Arsenic in drinking water has been shown to increase the risk of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer. However, the lifetime risk of developing urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer caused by exposure to arsenic in drinking water has not been reported. This study aimed to assess the lifetime risk of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer caused by arsenic exposure from drinking water and cigarette smoking habit for residents living in the arseniasis-endemic area in Northeastern Taiwan. We recruited 8086 residents in 1991–1994 and monitored them for their newly developed types of cancers, identified by computerized linkage with the national cancer registry profile. There were 37 newly diagnosed urothelial carcinoma cases and 223 new lung cancer cases during the follow-up period (until 2007). The lifetime (35–85 years old) cumulative risk of developing urothelial carcinoma from an arsenic concentration in the drinking water of <10, 10–99, and 100+ μg/L was 0.29%, 1.07% and 3.43%, respectively. The corresponding probabilities were 7.42%, 8.99% and 17.09% for the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer. Cigarette smoking was associated with an increased risk of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer, showing the hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 2.48 (1.27–4.82) and 3.44 (2.00–5.90) after adjusting for the arsenic concentration in drinking water. After adjusting for cigarette smoking, the hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of developing urothelial carcinoma caused by the arsenic concentration in drinking water of <10, 10–99 and 100+ μg/L was 1.0 (the reference group), 2.18 (0.59–8.01), and 8.71 (2.49–30.48), respectively. The corresponding figures were 1.0 (the reference group), 1.14 (0.80–1.61), 1.84 (1.28–2.65) for lung cancer. Synergistic effects on the development of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer existed between the arsenic exposure level and cigarette smoking. It is suggested that people who have had a high exposure to arsenic in drinking water should stop smoking cigarettes to lower their lifetime risk of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer.  相似文献   

Twenty-six groundwater samples were collected from the Eastern Thessaly region and analysed by ICP-ES for these elements: Al, As, P, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cr, Sb, Cu, Na, Br, Cl, Si, Mg, Ag, Be, Bi, Dy, Er, Eu, Au, Ge, Ho, In, Ir, Os, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Lu, Hf, Hg, Tm, Zr and Nb. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of water contamination with respect to the EC and the USEPA health-based drinking water criteria. The geology of the studied area includes schists, amphibolites, marbles of Palaeozoic age, ophiolites, limestones of Triassic and Cretaceous age, Neogene and Quaternary deposits. The element ranges for groundwater samples are: Al 7–56 μg l−1, As 1–125 μg l−1, Br 6–60 μg l−1, Cl 500–25,000 μg l−1, Cr 1–6 μg l−1, Cu 1–15 μg l−1, Fe 10–352 μg l−1, Mg 2,940–40,100 μg l−1, Mn 0–8 μg l−1, Na 3,650–13,740 μg l−1, P 20–48 μg l−1, Pb 0–7 μg l−1, Sb 0–21 μg l−1, Si 3,310–13,240 μg l−1 and Zn 7–994 μg l−1. The results of groundwater analyses from the region of Eastern Thessaly showed elevated concentrations of As and Sb. Factor analysis explained 77.8% of the total variance of the data through five factors. Concentration of Br, Cl, Mg, Na and Si is directly related to the presence of saltwater in the aquifer, so grouping of these variables in factor 1 probably reflects the seawater intrusion. Al, As and Sb are known to form complexes in the environment, so grouping of these elements in factor 2 indicates their similar geochemical behaviour in the environment. The high negative loading of Mn in factor 2 indicates the presence of manganese oxides–hydroxides in the study area. Pb and Zn are associated together in sulphide mineralisation; so grouping of these elements in factor 3 reflects the sulphide mineralization paragenesis in the Melivoia area. P and Cu are associated together in phosphate fertilizers; so grouping of these variables in factor 4 could be related to agricultural practices. Cr, Fe, Mn and Mg are associated together in iron and manganese oxides–hydroxides and the weathering products of the olivine of the ultrabasic rocks; so grouping of these elements in factor 5 reflects the lithology of the area. There is a natural contamination of groundwaters with elevated concentrations of As and Sb due to the presence of the arsenopyrite and stibnite mineralisation in the Melivoia, Sotiritsa and Ano Polydendri areas. Contamination over the health-based drinking water guidelines given by EC and EPA has been investigated from nine sampling sites out of 26 of Eastern Thessaly region.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the accumulation of arsenic (As) in and on roots of Zea mays (maize) and Helianthus annuus (sunflower) by means of synchrotron-based micro-focused X-ray fluorescence imaging (μ-XRF). Plant and soil samples were collected from two field sites in the Hetao Plain (Inner Mongolia, China) which have been regularly irrigated with As-rich groundwater. Detailed μ-XRF element distribution maps were generated at the Fluo-beamline of the Anka synchrotron facility (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) to assess the spatial distribution of As in thin sections of plant roots and soil particles. The results showed that average As concentrations in the roots (14.5–27.4 mg kg−1) covered a similar range as in the surrounding soil, but local maximum root As concentrations reached up to 424 mg kg−1 (H. annuus) and 1280 mg kg−1 (Z. mays), respectively. Importantly, the results revealed that As had mainly accumulated at the outer rhizodermis along with iron (Fe). We therefore conclude that thin crusts of Fe-(hydr)oxides cover the roots and act as an effective barrier to As, similar to the formation of Fe plaque in rice roots. In contrast to permanently flooded rice paddy fields, regular flood irrigation results in variable redox conditions within the silty and loamy soils at our study site and fosters the formation of Fe-(hydr)oxide plaque on the root surfaces.  相似文献   

Hydrochemistry of groundwater in Chithar Basin, Tamil Nadu, India was used to assess the quality of groundwater for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. Physical and chemical parameters of groundwater such as electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, HCO3, CO32–, SO42–, NO3, F, B and SiO2 were determined. Concentrations of the chemical constituents in groundwater vary spatially and temporarily. Interpretation of analytical data shows that mixed Ca–Mg–Cl, Ca–Cl and Na–Cl are the dominant hydrochemical facies in the study area. Alkali earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and strong acids (Cl, SO42–) are slightly dominating over alkalis (Na+, K+) and weak acids (HCO3, CO32–). The abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ > K+ = Cl > HCO3> SO42– > NO3 > CO32– . Groundwater in the area is generally hard, fresh to brackish, high to very high saline and low alkaline in nature. High total hardness and TDS in a few places identify the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation. Such areas require special care to provide adequate drainage and introduce alternative salt tolerance cropping. Fluoride and boron are within the permissible limits for human consumption and crops as per the international standards.  相似文献   

The incidence of lung cancer in the Gejiu area of Yunnan Province ranks the first in the world.The radon level(indoor,soil) was measured in the Gejiu area by the SSNTD method from 1990 to 1996,The result indicates an extensive high-level of indoor radon in that area though U and Th are lower in local limestones,The indoor radon level of houses located in the geologic fault zone is 6 times high that 2km far from the fault zone.The reason probably is that the radon level of soil in the fault is 6-8 times high that 1 km far from the faults.our data indicate that a lower range of radon levels,0-100Bq.m^-3,exists in healthy families.However,a higher radon level,over 800 Bq.m^-3,is often found corresponding to that of cancer patients‘ homes(the house-owners are suffering from either lung cancer or leukaemia or liver cancer),Obviously,an increase in lung cancer incidence follows an increase in indoor radon level,The risk of cancer induced by indoor radon is no longer an inference,but a fact.  相似文献   

肆虐我国南方局部区数百年以鼻咽癌和肝癌为主的恶性肿瘤病,为典型的地区性癌症。本文以珠江三角洲为例,应用流行病学与生态地球化学相结合的调查方法,检出了病区环境水和饮水中存在致癌物质N亚硝胺,研究了癌病区生态系统由地质构造背景、气候、水文和生态条件制约,自然形成水体N亚硝胺的机理。实验改进、优化了环境饮水微量亚硝胺测定方法,新建立的固相萃取气相色谱串联质谱(GC/El-MS/MS)测定纳克级N亚硝胺方法一次可测9种N亚硝胺化合物,检出限达到0.34~2.19 ng/L。在珠江三角洲癌病区环境饮水中首次发现9种亚硝胺化合物,含量为307~0.34 ng/L,总检出率为40%。四会等较低工业污染区古井水、手压井水和自来水的亚硝胺有相近似的含量统计特点:亚硝基二甲胺和亚硝基二正丁胺的均值和峰值为不高的超标值,均值分别为21.77和15.54 ng/L。这批水样大多采自0~20 m深度井水,属本区代表性特殊地质构造和气候生态环境中形成的地下水,也是研究区生产和生活开发最多的水源层;所含超标亚硝胺可能是本区数百年高发癌症的主因。近年工业发展带来的亚硝胺污染源的叠加,增高了该区环境饮水亚硝胺超标率及癌症发病率。文中分析了珠江三角洲土壤和地下水富氮营养化现象和区域氮的来源。  相似文献   

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