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The Luconia Province—offshore Sarawak—is a key hydrocarbon province in Malaysia. However, the gas reservoirs in Central Luconia pose unique problems and challenges as they have partially water-filled microporosity that overprint wireline logs. Microporosity in Central Luconia occurs throughout the Miocene carbonates and is a crucial element that influences fluid flow properties and ultimately the recovery of hydrocarbons. Quantification of macroporosity was achieved using petrographic analysis of thin sections and the FESEM images. The point counting technique was used to estimate the amount of macroporosity from the thin section, which was then subtracted from the total porosity to derive microporosity. The qualitative investigation of the Miocene carbonates indicates the presence of three different types of microporosity namely grain-based microporosity, matrix-based microporosity, and cement-based microporosity. Quantification of microporosity showed that the microporosity varies from sample to sample, ranging from 10 to 60% of the total measured porosity. The depositional texture, mineralogy, and microtexture control this microporosity variation including its abundance and type. The microporosity in Central Luconia is diagenetically controlled based on four major diagenetic mechanisms namely (1) mechanical process/endolithic grains/marine diagenesis; (2) leaching/meteoric diagenesis; (3) cementation/shallow diagenesis; and (4) deeper diagenesis environment.  相似文献   

Neogene strata of the northern part of the Pegu (Bago) Yoma Range, Central Myanmar, contain a series of shallow marine clastic sediments with stratigraphic ages ranging from the Early to Late Miocene. The studied succession (around 750 m thick) is composed of three major stratigraphic units deposited during a major regression and four major transgressive cycles in the Early to Late Miocene. The transgressive deposits consist of elongate sand-bars and broad sand-sheets that pass headward into mixed-flats of tidal environments. Marine flooding in transgressive deposits is associated with coquina beds and allochthonous coral-bearing sandy limestone bands. Major marine regressions are associated with lowstand progradation of thick estuary point-bars passing up into upper sand-flat sand bodies encased within the tidal flat sequences and lower shoreface deposits with local unconformities. The succession initially formed in a large scale incised-valley system, and was later interrupted by two major marine transgressions in the generally regressive or basinward-stepping stratigraphic sequences. Successive sandbodies were formed during a sea-level lowstand and early stage of the subsequent relative rise of sea level in a tide-dominated estuary system in the eastern part of the Central Myanmar Tertiary Basin during Early to Late Miocene times.  相似文献   

The Lower–Middle Miocene Berchem Formation of northern Belgium is an essentially sandy sequence with a varying glauconite content and often abundant shelly intervals. The formation was deposited in a shallow marine environment and rests unconformably on stiff Rupelian clays or Chattian sands. The lithological recognition of the four members (Edegem Sands, Kiel Sands, Antwerpen Sands and Zonderschot Sands members) of the Berchem Formation solely based on lithological criteria proved to be difficult, especially in boreholes. The geometry of the Formation in the subsurface of northern Belgium remained largely unknown. Diverse and well preserved dinoflagellate cyst associations have been recovered from the four members in seven boreholes and two outcrops, and allow a refinement of the biostratigraphy of these deposits. A Miocene biozonation defined in mid‐latitude shallow marine deposits in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of the USA (Salisbury Embayment, Maryland) is readily applicable to this material, and has led to a detailed stratigraphic assessment of each member. Three detailed profiles depicting the distribution of the biozones in the subsurface of northern Belgium allow the reconstruction of the geometry and depositional history of the Berchem Formation. The oldest Miocene deposits are of early Burdigalian age and they testify to a transgression, which invaded Belgium from a north–northwestern direction. The maximum flooding took place during early Serravallian times. The upper boundary of the formation is a major erosional surface of late Serravallian or (slightly) younger age. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Luconia Province – offshore Sarawak – is a key geological unit for understanding the distribution of hydrocarbon resources in Malaysia. Nevertheless, little effort has been made to address the palaeoenvironmental characteristics of the Tertiary carbonates in the key sector of Central Luconia. We study the sedimentology and petrography of core samples from a well in Central Luconia, for which thirteen microfacies have been identified reflecting different depositional settings. This is the first microfacies scheme elaborated for Luconian carbonates. Lithofacies and microfacies distribution are compatible with deposition in a reef complex, originating around a framework reef, within the euphotic zone. Sediments were deposited in environments of backreef, reef crest, and forereef. The fair weather wave base is marked by the presence of coralline red algae, foraminifera, decreasing degree of bioclast fragmentation and other microfacies features. As a result, a depositional-environmental model is constructed, depicting a reef complex built around a framework reef developed on the margin of an isolated platform. In addition, an innovative, preliminary time series analysis of facies, microfacies and depositional environment data reveal the existence of seasonal cycles in the stacking patterns of facies and microfacies.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):233-275
The lacustrine Ermenek Basin evolved as a SE-trending intramontane graben affected by strike–slip deformation, with the initial two lakes merging into one and receiving sediment mainly through fan deltas sourced from the basin's southern margin. The northern margin was a high-relief rocky coast with a wave-dominated shoreline. The Early Miocene lacustrine sedimentation was terminated by a late Burdigalian marine invasion that drowned the basin and its surroundings. The lacustrine basin-fill succession is up to 300 m thick and best exposed along the southern margin, where it consists of four sequences bounded by surfaces of forced regression. The offshore architecture of each sequence shows a thin lowstand tract of shoreface sandstones overlain by a thick transgressive systems tract of mudstones interbedded with sandy tempestites and delta-derived turbidites, which form a set of coarsening-upward parasequences representing minor normal regressions. The corresponding nearshore sequence architecture includes a thick lowstand tract of alluvial-fan deposits overlain by either a well-developed transgressive systems tract (backstepping parasequence set or single fan-deltaic parasequence) and poorly preserved highstand tract; or a thin transgressive tract (commonly limited to flooding surface) and a well-developed highstand tract (thick fan-deltaic parasequence). The sequences are poorly recognizable along the northern margin, where steep shoreline trajectory rendered the nearshore system little responsive to lake-level changes. The resolution of local stratigraphic record thus depends strongly upon coastal morphology and the character of the depositional systems involved.The sequential organization of the basin-fill succession reflects syndepositional tectonics and climate fluctuations, whereas the lateral variation in sequence architecture is due to the localized sediment supply (deltaic vs. nondeltaic shoreline), varied coastal topography and differential subsidence. The study points to important differences in the sequence stratigraphy of lacustrine and marine basins, related to the controlling factors. A crucial role in lacustrine basin is played by climate, which controls both the lake water volume and the catchment sediment yield. Consequently, the effects of tectonics and the dynamics of changes in accommodation and sediment supply in a lacustrine basin are different than in marine basins.  相似文献   

A total of 165 samples were collected from the Qom Formation investigated in a stratigraphic section north of Deh Namak, in Central Iran. From these, 35 genera and 47 species of benthic foraminifera were identified. The age of the studied section is Early Miocene (Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian) based on the occurrence of Borelis melo curdica, Meandropsina anahensis, Meandropsina iranica, Elphidium sp. 14, Peneroplis farsensis, and Triloculina tricarinata. The thickness of the Qom Formation is 401 m of which 161.2 m is early Burdigalian in age. Foraminiferal assemblages in the Deh Namak section are referable to the Borelis melo group-Meandropsina iranica Assemblage Zone and Miogypsinoides-Archaias-Valvulinid Assemblage Zone of [Adams, T.D., Bourgeois, F., 1967. Asmari biostratigraphy. Iranian Oil Operating Companies, Geological and Exploration Division, Report1074 (unpublished) 1–37.] described originally from the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

In the present study the origin of clay deposits occurring in an inland platform, in central Portugal, was investigated by their mineralogical and chemical composition. The clay deposits, exploited for ceramic industry are composed of silt-clay facies, the Monteira Member and the Arroça Member, which are assigned to the Coja Formation (Paleogene) and the Campelo Formation (Miocene), respectively. These clayey facies show almost compositional homogeneity, especially concerning texture. The mineralogical composition of the Monteira Member displays slightly higher content in smectite and interstratified clay minerals, which is supported by the chemical composition of samples analyzed. Both members present similar REE patterns, displaying an intense weathering record and little variation in the source area composition. Minor element geochemistry suggests low content in heavy minerals and transition metals. REE patterns and ratios of geochemical parameters support the dominant metasedimentary provenance, with a granite source contribution and also mature recycled sediments of continental origin. The study results’ suggest that the clays of these two members have the same source in terms of lithology and recycled sediments from the Hesperian massif. During the deposition of the Arroça Member, a major remobilization of the Monteira Member is suggested, explaining the geochemical similarity of both facies.  相似文献   

Located on the south of the Gangdese,the Qiuwu Formation has traditionally been considered as Eocene coal-bearing clastic sediments consisting of sandstone,mudstone and conglomerate,unconformably on top of Gangdese batholith.However,its precise age and depositional environment remain ambiguous.Here,we present a newly measured stratigraphic section near the Ngamring County,western Xigaze.Detrital zircon U-Pb ages were also applied to trace the provenance of sediments and to constrain the maximum depositional age of the Qiuwu Formation.Sedimentary facies analyses indicate subaqueous fan and alluvial fan depositional environments.Clast composition of the conglomerate is dominated by magmatic rocks at the lower part,while chert and mafic detritus occur in the upper part,suggesting a southern source.Sandstone modal analyses indicate that the compositions of quartz,feldspar and lithic grains changed from transitional arc to dissected arc,implying the unroofing of the Gangdese arc.Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the Qiuwu Formation are compared with those from Gangdese magmatic rocks and Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolites,suggesting that the Gangdese arc is a main source of the Qiuwu detritus and that the southern source played a role during the later stage.The major peak of detrital zircon ages is at 45-55 Ma,which corresponds to Linzizong volcanic rocks in southern Gangdese arc.The weighted mean age of the five youngest zircons from the lower part of the section is 21.0 ± 2.2 Ma,suggesting that the Qiuwu Formation was deposited in early Miocene,coeval with other conglomerates exposed along the southern margin of Gangdese.Combining new observations with previously published data,we propose that the provenance of the Qiuwu Formation had shifted from a single northern source to double sources from both the north and the south.Activities of Great Counter Thrust were primarily responsible for the shift by making the south area a high elevation to provide sediments for the Qiuwu Formation.  相似文献   

南海早中新世珠江期东沙台地流花生物礁- 滩组合中,具白垩状结构的灰岩属于广义的白垩状结构 灰岩。白垩状结构灰岩的主要鉴定特征是:在宏观上,岩石为白色或淡色松软、酥脆、多微孔的灰岩,其比重 较轻;在微观上,岩石组构具有低镁方解石微晶及微亮晶格架和晶间孔喉网络,其中含亮晶胶结物甚少。流花 生物礁- 滩组合的白垩状结构化主要形成于成岩早期大气淡水成岩环境,在成岩中-晚期中埋-深埋环境中,通 过进一步溶蚀、淋滤,产生大量溶蚀孔洞,从而形成白垩状孔隙储集层。论述了流花生物礁- 滩组合广泛发育白 垩状结构灰岩的证据、白垩状结构化产生于大气淡水成岩环境的证据及白垩状孔隙储集层的形成机理。  相似文献   

This study investigates the evolution of the Miocene Guangle carbonate platform(or Triton Horst)of the northwestern South China Sea margin.The platform is located at a junction area surrounded by Yinggehai basin,Qiongdongnan basin and Zhongjiannan basin.Well and regional geophysical data allow the identification of the morphologic and stratigraphic patterns.The Guangle carbonate platform was initiated on a tectonic uplift during the Early Miocene.The early platform was limited at Mesozoic granitic basement,pre-Paleogene sediments localized tectonic uplift and was small extension at the beginning stage.While during the Middle Miocene,the carbonate buildup flourished,and grow a thrived and thick carbonate succession overlining the whole Guangle Uplift.The isolated platforms then united afterward and covered an extensive area of several tens of thousands of square kilometers.However,it terminated in the Late Miocene.What are the control factors on the initiation,growth and demise of the Guangle carbonate platform?The onset of widespread carbonate deposits largely reflected the Early Miocene transgression linked with early post-rift subsidence and the opening of the South China Sea.Stressed carbonate growth conditions on the Guangle carbonate platform probably resulted from increased inorganic nutrient input derived from the adjacent uplifted mainland,possibly enhanced by deteriorated climatic conditions promoting platform drowning.Therefore,tectonics and terrigenous input could be two main controlling factors on the development of the Guangle carbonate platforms and main evolution stages.  相似文献   

Dating and forward modelling of the fission-track data of apatite samples from the Dereli– ebinkarahisar region, south of Giresun in the Eastern Turkish Pontides, provides quantitative data on the regional tectonics resulting from the closure of neo-Thetys and the collision of Eurasia and Gondwana. The age vs. elevation profiles identified Senonian (80.7±3.2 to 62.4±2.5 Ma) slow uplift and denudation, interpreted as the result of the diapiric ascent of subduction-related plutons above the neo-Tethyan subduction zone beneath the Eurasian continent. This was followed by rapid differential uplift during the Palaeocene–Early Eocene (57.4±2.4 to 47.8±2.4 Ma), which juxtaposed granitoid units of different ages, compositions, and emplacement levels in the crust, and is thought to be related to the collision between the Pontide (Eurasian) and Anatolide (Gondwana) basements. The modelling results must be interpreted with caution, but appear to indicate a period of Mio-Pliocene (ca. 5 Ma) reheating related to volcanism associated with the westward escape of the Anatolian plate and uplift from the Pliocene (ca. 3.5 Ma) up to the present.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian of the eastern Paris Basin constitutes a remarkable example of the growth and demise of a carbonate platform. Fischer plots, sedimentary and diagenetic features allow the identification of four depositional cycles (S5 to S8) in the Transversarium Zone; they are inserted in a lower frequency cycle of increased/decreased accommodation space (SoIII). The long‐term period of accommodation creation occurred during the older S5 and S6 cycles, the maximum accommodation zone being located in the lower part of the S6 cycle. This high accommodation period was tectonically controlled and was coeval with local distensive activity of a Hercynian fault. A major minimum accommodation zone exists during the S8 cycle. At that time, the platform was isolated and presented both a windward and a leeward margin. The growth of the platform was favoured by a warm and arid climate, oligotrophic conditions and reduced siliciclastic input during a highstand in relative sea‐level. These palaeoenvironmental features favoured the proliferation of phototrophic organisms producing carbonate material. The death of the platform was generated by a reduction in the carbonate production surface during a lowstand in relative sea‐level and by the appearance of mesotrophic conditions induced by the increase in siliciclastic inputs at the beginning of a period with a cooler and more humid climate. In the eastern Paris Basin, during the Middle Oxfordian, the parasequences are ordered and present ‘greenhouse’ characteristics. In contrast, at the beginning of the S8 cycle, the randomness in the thickness of contiguous parasequences increased. Decreased carbonate production during the lowstand caused by a transition from photozoan to heterozoan benthic communities certainly favoured this randomness and the appearance of catch‐down parasequences.  相似文献   

The Eastern Venezuela Basin serves as a world-class petroliferous basin, with the sedimentary environment controlled by interactions between the Caribbean and South American plates. This complex tectonic movement could have an important impact on the unsynchronized sedimentary evolution process and heterogeneous marine transgression of different regions within the basin. Thus, it is important to clarify the impact of interactions between the fluviatic- and marine-deposits on the development of the sedimentary environment, the transition of different delta types, and sand-body distribution within this complicated tectonic movement. Based on interpretation of 3D seismic data, electrical well-logging facies and analysis of the sedimentary characteristics of the core, we were able to identify the different sedimentary association types and understand the evolutionary process of the sedimentary system within the study area. We found that the differential sedimentary process in the eastern and western Carabobo block in the Eastern Venezuela Basin was caused by differential uplift and the corresponding spatial discrepancy transgression process in the Middle and Early Miocene foreland basins in this region. The flat geomorphology in the eastern Carabobo block contributed to the obvious sea level transgression process from North to South, but the uplift in the center of the western Carabobo block continuously blocked the sea level transgression. The different transgression processes led to the different sedimentary evolution processes in the eastern and western Carabobo blocks. In the eastern Carabobo block, braided river deltas (23.3–20.43 Ma) gradually changed into meandering river deltas (20.43–15.97 Ma) and finally into tide-influenced estuaries (15.97 Ma). However, in the western subsiding Carabobo block, impacted by the uplift in the center of this area, braided river deltas (23.3–15.97 Ma) in front of the uplift (adjacent to the sea) quickly changed into tide-influenced estuaries (15.97 Ma) with the generation of meandering distributary channels. However, the relatively weak transgression impacting the area behind the uplift resulted in braided channels being retained. Along with the evolution of the sedimentary environment, the tide-related deltaic distributary channel began to change from a braided channel to a meandering one. After rebuilding the paleo-hydrodynamic field, ancient geomorphology, and combining the hydrodynamic equations, we were able to quantitatively explain why sausage-shaped mouth bars occurred in the West and isolated mouth bars occurred in the East. Differential sedimentary environment evolution in eastern and western Carabobo is related to the spatial discrepancy of transgression, which resulted in the rate of change in hydrodynamic intensity, the direction of water flow confluence, and paleo-geomorphology.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of Vendian and Early Cambrian sediments from the Angara block of the Siberian platform: Shaman (52.08°N, 108.83°E) and Minya (58.0°N, 110.0°E) Formations, and the Tuva-Mongolian block: Tsagan-Olom and Bayan-Gol Formations (46.76°N, 96.37°E) isolated three different components of magnetization through thermal demagnetization. The stable high-temperature characteristic remanence directions show both normal and reverse polarities. The mean palaeopoles computed after these high-temperature components are: 32.0°S/71.1°E (dp/dm=6.9°/13.8°) for the Vendian Shaman Formation (10 sites, 80 samples), 33.7°S/37.2°E (dp/dm=8.6°/14.7°) for the Vendian Minya Formation (12 samples), 22.8°S/28.4°E (dp/dm=10.8°/21.6°) for the Vendian Tsagan-Olom Formation (4 sites, 25 samples) and 21.4°S/167.1°E (dp/dm=9.6°/19.1°) for the Early Cambrian Bayan-Gol Formation (6 sites, 49 samples). From a compilation of Vendian and Early Cambrian palaeopoles from the Anabar, Angara and Aldan blocks of the Siberian platform and Tuva-Mongolia block, we propose a model where these blocks were situated in an equatorial to low south palaeolatitude position, with their present-day southern boundaries facing the north pole. From the analysis of the scatter of these poles, we conclude that the Siberian platform might not have fully amalgamated by this time, and that significant rotations occurred after the Early Cambrian. Our new palaeopoles for the Tuva-Mongolia block, together with previously published ones, show that this block was already adjacent to Siberia by the Vendian and Early Cambrian. We propose that the large counterclockwise rotation of the Tuva-Mongolia block with respect to Angara block could mark the end of the closure of the part of the Palaeo-Asian ocean separating these two blocks, and could account for the occurrence of Vendian-Early Cambrian ophiolites in the region.  相似文献   

The Middle Berriasian deposits of the Jura platform in Switzerland and France have already been well studied in terms of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and different orders of depositional sequences (large-, medium-, and small-scale) have been defined. The hierarchical stacking pattern of the sequences and the time span represented by the investigated interval imply that sea-level fluctuations in the Milankovitch frequency band as well as differential subsidence caused the observed changes of accommodation on the Jura platform. The present study focuses on three small-scale sequences within the transgressive interval of a large-scale sequence. The initial flooding of the platform is marked by a facies change from supra- and intertidal (Goldberg Formation) to shallow-marine subtidal deposits (Pierre Chatel Formation). Detailed logging and facies analysis of 11 sections allow recognizing small environmental changes that define elementary sequences within the well-established small-scale sequences and distinguishing between autocyclic and allocyclic processes in sequence formation. It is concluded that the small-scale sequences correspond to the 100-ka orbital eccentricity cycle, while allocyclic elementary sequences formed in tune with the 20-ka precession cycle. Based on the correlation of elementary and small-scale sequences it can be shown that the Jura platform has been flooded stepwise by repeated transgressive pulses. Differential subsidence and pre-existing platform morphology further controlled sediment accumulation and distribution during the transgression. The combination of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy then enables the reconstruction of hypothetical palaeogeographic maps in time increments of a few ten thousand years.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩(台地)的消亡是沉积学研究的前沿和热点科学问题。南海东北部珠江口盆地东沙隆起所发育的下中新统珠江组碳酸盐岩是我国海相碳酸盐岩的最高层位,东沙台地珠江组碳酸盐岩的生长、繁盛和消亡过程提供了中国南海乃至世界范围内一个典型的受构造、海平面变化和物源共同控制的研究实例。依据采自钻井岩心钙质超微化石和浮游有孔虫化石带将珠江组的上界置于钙质超微化石带NN4与NN5的界线,即中、下中新统界线,下界置于浮游有孔虫N4的底部附近,即位于中新统与渐新统界线。有孔虫属为N4-N8带,钙质超微化石为NN2-NN4带,底界年龄为23.03Ma,顶界年龄为15.97Ma,地震反射上位于T40-T60之间。而其中碳酸盐岩地层最早于21Ma左右开始生长,最晚于16.5Ma被泥岩淹没。早期的东沙隆起北低南高,21Ma以后,东沙隆起沉降而丧失了向珠一凹陷提供物源的功能,沉降较快的东沙隆起北北部地区发育碳酸盐岩;初期为一套碳酸岩缓坡沉积,20Ma以后隆起整体被淹没,开始了大规模的碳酸盐岩建造,实现了由碳酸盐岩缓坡向台地的转变,随沉降向南推移,隆起逐渐转变为北高南低,整个碳酸盐岩台地持续向东南方向退缩,台地沉积逐渐萎缩为局部礁滩复合体,北部古地貌的高部位残存零星点礁;16.5Ma以后,沉降中心向珠二凹陷迁移,北部、北西部碎屑物质持续向东沙隆起前积导致台地消亡。结合珠江组沉积时期的地质事件的分析,本文认为早期碳酸盐岩的消亡是由于这一时期的全球海平面下降到最低位,引起区域上的物源供给加快,灰岩直接被北部沉积物退覆淹没所致;20±0.5Ma~18.3±0.5Ma的碳酸盐岩的消亡时间受制于沉降造成的相对海平面的变化,基底的火山作用及沉降中心的迁移等事件,最晚一期碳酸盐岩(流花地区碳酸盐岩)的消亡应该是构造反转后,北部物源对凹陷的持续填平补齐作用引起碳酸盐岩的生长环境变化所致。由此看,陆源碎屑的注入、沉降中心的迁移、相对海平面的升降及原始古地貌形态是碳酸盐岩生长发育及消亡的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

Early Miocene (ca.?21–18 Ma) volcanism in the Karacada? area comprises three groups of volcanic rocks: (1) calcalkaline suite (andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and their pyroclastics), (2) mildly-alkaline suite (alkali basalt, hawaiite, mugearite, benmoreite and trachydacite), and (3) a single trachyandesitic flow unit. Field observations, 40Ar/39Ar ages and geochemical data show that there was a progressive temporal transition from group 1 to 3 in a post-collisional tectonic setting. The calcalkaline suite rocks with medium-K in composition resemble those of subduction-related lavas, whereas the mildly-alkaline suite rocks having a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O=1.5–3.2) resemble those of within-plate lavas. Incompatible element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the suites suggest that the lithospheric mantle beneath the Karacada? area was heterogeneously enriched by two processes before collision: (1) enrichment by subduction-related processes, which is important in the genesis of the calcalkaline volcanism, (2) enrichment by small degree melts from the astenosphere, which dominates the mildly alkaline volcanism. Perturbation of the enriched lithosphere by either delamination following collision and uplift or removal of the subducted slab following subduction and collision (i.e., slab breakoff) is the likely mechanism for the initiation of the post-collision volcanism.  相似文献   

During the Cenozoic numerous shallow epicontinental evaporite basins formed due to tectonic movements in the Northern Province of the Central Iran Tectonic Zone (the Great Kavir Basin). During the Miocene, due to sea‐level fluctuations, thick sequences of evaporites and carbonates accumulated in these basins that subsequently were overlain by continental red beds. Development of halite evaporites with substantial thickness in this area implies inflow of seawater along the narrow continental rift axis. The early ocean basin development was initiated in Early Eocene time and continued up to the Middle Miocene in the isolated failed rift arms. Competition between marine and non‐marine environments, at the edge of the encroaching sea, produced several sequences of both abrupt and gradual transition from continental wadi sediments to marginal marine evaporites in the studied area. These evaporites show well‐preserved textures indicative of relatively shallow‐brine pools. The high Br content of these evaporites indicates marine‐derived parent brines that were under the sporadic influence of freshening by meteoric water or replenishing seawater. However, the association of hopper and cornet textures denotes stratified brine that filled a relatively large pool and prevented rapid variations in the Br profile. Unstable basin conditions that triggered modification of parent brine chemistry prevailed in this basin and caused variable distribution patterns for different elements in the chloride units. The presence of sylvite and the absence of Mg‐sulphate/chlorides in the paragenetic sequence indicate SO4−depleted parent brine in the studied sequence. Petrographic examinations along with geochemical analyses on these potash‐bearing halites reveal parental brines which were a mixture of seawater and CaCl2‐rich brines. The source of CaCl2‐rich brines is ascribed to the presence of local rift systems in the Great Kavir Basin up to the end of the Early Miocene. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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