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Monitoring the water balance of Lake Victoria, East Africa, from space   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sean Swenson  John Wahr   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,370(1-4):163-176
Using satellite gravimetric and altimetric data, we examine trends in water storage and lake levels of multiple lakes in the Great Rift Valley region of East Africa for the years 2003–2008. GRACE total water storage estimates reveal that water storage declined in much of East Africa, by as much as , while altimetric data show that lake levels in some large lakes dropped by as much as 1–2 m. The largest declines occurred in Lake Victoria, the Earth’s second largest freshwater body. Because the discharge from the outlet of Lake Victoria is used to generate hydroelectric power, the role of human management in the lake’s decline has been questioned. By comparing catchment water storage trends to lake level trends, we confirm that climatic forcing explains only about 50decline. This analysis provides an independent means of assessing the relative impacts of climate and human management on the water balance of Lake Victoria that does not depend on observations of dam discharge, which may not be publically available. In the second part of the study, the individual components of the lake water balance are estimated. Satellite estimates of changes in lake level, precipitation, and evaporation are used with observed lake discharge to develop a parameterization for estimating subsurface inflows due to changes in groundwater storage estimated from satellite gravimetry. At seasonal timescales, this approach provides closure to Lake Victoria’s water balance to within . The third part of this study uses the water balance of a downstream water body, Lake Kyoga, to estimate the outflow from Lake Victoria remotely. Because Lake Kyoga is roughly 20 times smaller in area than Lake Victoria, its water balance is strongly influenced by inflow from Lake Victoria. Lake Kyoga has been shown to act as a linear reservoir, where its outflow is proportional to the height of the lake. This model can be used with satellite altimetric lake levels to estimate a time series of Lake Victoria discharge with an rms error of about .  相似文献   


本文利用CSR发布的GRACE RL06时变重力场模型,结合两种水文模式、卫星测高、降雨和蒸散等多源数据,从多个角度综合系统地分析维多利亚湖流域2003-01-2017-06的陆地水储量变化.比较了正向建模方法和单一尺度因子对泄漏误差的改正效果,经对比采用正向建模方法在此流域效果更好.基于多源数据得出以下三点与此前研究不同的结论:(1)GRACE RL06版本数据探测到流域内的水储量在2003-01-2017-06呈增加趋势,球谐位系数和Mascon产品得到的变化速率分别为14.9 mm·a-1和16.7 mm·a-1,观测误差小于RL05版本的结果,RL05版本低估了流域水储量的变化速率;(2)2013-01-2016-02期间GRACE和测高探测到湖泊水量增长,而水文模式探测到流域内水储量减少,推测这一现象由大坝蓄水造成;(3)受El Niño事件影响,2016-03-2017-06流域降雨减少,流域水储量减少,GRACE球谐位系数和Mascon探测到的变化速率分别为-100.3 mm·a-1和-129.7 mm·a-1.本文结果表明卫星观测数据可为在缺乏直接观测数据的情况下分析人类活动和自然变化对区域水储量的影响提供一种可行的途径,这也为研究我国湖泊流域水储量变化提供参考.


分析了淀山湖水量的主要补给来源及淀山湖水量受潮沙影响的泄流规律,并用1988年的实测资料研究枯水年型的淀山湖水量平衡。计算结果表明:淀山湖区在1988年降水稀少,但它可获取邻近河湖及长江等水体的水源补给,使湖水量达到年内基本平衡。  相似文献   

Planning of water resources systems is often associated with many uncertain parameters and their interrelationships are complicated. Stochastic planning of water resources systems is vital under changing climate and increasing water scarcity. This study proposes an interval-parameter two-stage optimization model (ITOM) for water resources planning in an agricultural system under uncertainty. Compared with other optimization techniques, the proposed modeling approach offers two advantages: first, it provides a linkage to pre-defined water policies, and; second, it reflects uncertainties expressed as probability distributions and discrete intervals. The ITOM is applied to a case study of irrigation planning. Reasonable solutions are obtained, and a variety of decision alternatives are generated under different combinations of water shortages. It provides desired water-allocation patterns with respect to maximum system benefits and highest feasibility. Moreover, the modeling results indicate that an optimistic water policy corresponding to higher agricultural income may be subject to a higher risk of system-failure penalties; while, a too conservative policy may lead to wastage of irrigation supplies.  相似文献   

Awareness of increasing water scarcity has driven efforts to model global water resources for improved insight into water resources infrastructure and management strategies. Most water resources models focus explicitly on water systems and represent socio-economic and environmental change as external drivers. In contrast, the system dynamics-based integrated assessment model employed here, ANEMI, incorporates dynamic representations of these systems, so that their broader changes affect and are affected by water resources systems through feedbacks. Sectors in ANEMI therefore include the global climate system, carbon cycle, economy, population, land use and agriculture, and novel versions of the hydrological cycle, global water use and water quality. Since the model focus is on their interconnections through explicit nonlinear feedbacks, simulations with ANEMI provide insight into the nature and structure of connections between water resources and socio-economic and environmental change. Of particular interest to water resources researchers and modelers will be the simulated effects of a new water stress definition that incorporates both water quality and water quantity effects into the measurement of water scarcity. Five simulation runs demonstrate the value of wastewater treatment and reuse programs and the feedback-effects of irrigated agriculture and greater consumption of animal products.  相似文献   

李想  张雪芹  徐晓明 《湖泊科学》2022,34(1):219-231
气候变化对湖泊水位的影响是湖泊研究的关注热点.作为欧亚大陆最大淡水湖,贝加尔湖水位变化深受自然因素和人类活动的共同影响.在全球变暖背景下,贝加尔湖水位升降将对维系流域生态系统与社会发展至关重要.为此,基于湖区气象站、水文站和湖泊水位观测数据,采用突变检验、变异系数检验等方法,分析了过去40年贝加尔湖周边气候变化及其对水...  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区水资源综合开发与治理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以鄱阳湖区自然条件为基础,分析了湖区水资源开发利用现状,水体污染现状以及水旱灾害,并对湖区2000年与2010年的需水量及水质污染进行了预测,最后,对整个湖区水资源的综合开发治理作了较全面的规划。  相似文献   

季江  胡文英 《湖泊科学》1994,6(2):115-123
详细阐述了马湖的地理位置、湖盆形态、流域水系特征及湖区自然概况。从研究水资源的角度出发,实测了水下地形,并进行了湖水的水量平衡分析计算。分析湖水的理化特性,包括:水色、透明度、温度、溶解性气体、pH值、营养物质、矿化度和水型等,并根据其水资源特点,提出了开发和综合利用的措施。  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on water resources in southern Taiwan   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This study investigates the impact of climate change on water resources in southern Taiwan. The upstream catchment of Shin-Fa Bridge station in the Kao-Pen Creek basin was the study area chosen herein. The historical trends of meteorological variables, such as mean daily temperature, mean daily precipitation on wet days, monthly wet days, and the transition probabilities of daily precipitation occurrence in each month, at the Kao-Hsiung meteorological station, near the catchments were detected using a non-parametric statistical test. The trends of these meteorological variables were then employed to generate runoff in future climatic conditions using a continuous rainfall–runoff model. The analytical results indicate that the transition probabilities of daily precipitation occurrence significantly influence precipitation generation, and generated runoff for future climatic conditions in southern Taiwan was found to rise during the wet season and decline during the dry season.  相似文献   

In this study, a multistage scenario-based interval-stochastic programming (MSISP) method is developed for water-resources allocation under uncertainty. MSISP improves upon the existing multistage optimization methods with advantages in uncertainty reflection, dynamics facilitation, and risk analysis. It can directly handle uncertainties presented as both interval numbers and probability distributions, and can support the assessment of the reliability of satisfying (or the risk of violating) system constraints within a multistage context. It can also reflect the dynamics of system uncertainties and decision processes under a representative set of scenarios. The developed MSISP method is then applied to a case of water resources management planning within a multi-reservoir system associated with joint probabilities. A range of violation levels for capacity and environment constraints are analyzed under uncertainty. Solutions associated different risk levels of constraint violation have been obtained. They can be used for generating decision alternatives and thus help water managers to identify desired policies under various economic, environmental and system-reliability conditions. Besides, sensitivity analyses demonstrate that the violation of the environmental constraint has a significant effect on the system benefit.  相似文献   


With global climate change and impacts of human activity, the water cycle, which has a close relationship with local water resources, has changed rapidly. Based on different greenhouse gas emission scenarios, five relatively independent global climate models are selected from 47 CMIP5 models to simulate future climatic conditions. Data are downscaled to the local projection, with bias neutralized before applying them to the hydrological models, by which availability of future water resources are calculated for the Dongting Lake basin. The results show that the water resources of the Dongting Lake basin are likely to increase in the future, but be distributed more unevenly. All scenarios indicate that water availability will increase during the flood season and decrease during the dry season, with a prominent increase in annual discharge. The scenarios also predict that the greater the greenhouse gas emissions, the more uneven the water distribution becomes. Overall, the water resources of the Dongting Lake catchment show the same increasing and unevenly distributed trend in the future, which could be further accelerated by human activities.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor Q. Zhang  相似文献   

Murchison Bay is a shallow embayment in the north-western part of Lake Victoria, strongly influenced by urban pollution from the Ugandan capital Kampala. Two stations, representing the semi-enclosed innermost part of the bay and the wider outer part of the bay, were sampled in the period from April 2003 to March 2004, in order to assess the phytoplankton community and the nutrient status in the bay. Murchison Bay was highly eutrophic with average concentrations (n=25) of total phosphorous >90 μg L−1 and total nitrogen >1100 μg L−1 in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community was dominated by a variety of cyanobacterial species and diatoms. Cyanobacteria were dominant in the whole bay, whereas diatoms were more abundant in the outer part of the bay. Moreover, the proportion of N-fixing species like Anabaena sp. was higher in the outer part of the bay, whereas species like Microcystis sp. were more abundant in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community, especially in the outer part of the bay, may be influenced by light limitation. Low NO3-N concentrations in the bay may also indicate a possible N-limitation, thus favouring growth of N-fixing cyanobacteria. The open bay is, however, a complex system, and additional environmental factors and loss processes most likely affect the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

In this study, a fuzzy-boundary interval-stochastic programming (FBISP) method is developed for planning water resources management systems under uncertainty. The developed FBISP method can deal with uncertainties expressed as probability distributions and fuzzy-boundary intervals. With the aid of an interactive algorithm woven with a vertex analysis, solutions for FBISP model under associated α-cut levels can be generated by solving a set of deterministic submodels. The related probability and possibility information can also be reflected in the solutions for the objective function value and decision variables. The developed FBISP is also applied to water resources management and planning within a multi-reservoir system. Various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic consequences when the pre-regulated water-allocation targets are violated are analyzed. The results obtained are useful for generating a range of decision alternatives under various system conditions, and thus helping decision makers to identify desired water resources management policies under uncertainty.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to investigate and evaluate the impact of climate change on the runoff and water resources of Yongdam basin, Korea. First, we construct global climate change scenarios using the YONU GCM control run and transient experiments, then transform the YONU GCM grid-box predictions with coarse resolution of climate change into the site-specific values by statistical downscaling techniques. The downscaled values are used to modify the parameters of a stochastic weather generator model for the simulation of the site-specific daily weather time series. The weather series is fed into a semi-distributed hydrological model called SLURP to simulate the streamflows associated with other water resources for the condition of 2CO2. This approach is applied to the Yongdam dam basin in the southern part of Korea. The results show that under the condition of 2CO2, about 7.6% of annual mean streamflow is reduced when it is compared with the current condition. Seasonal streamflows in the winter and autumn are increased, while streamflow in the summer is decreased. However, the seasonality of the simulated series is similar to the observed pattern An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

洞庭湖流域气候变化特征(1961-2003年)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以22个气象站1961-2003年的气象观测数据为基础,对洞庭湖流域的气温、降水和参照蒸散量进行趋势与突变分析.从1970年开始,洞庭湖流域经历了一个缓慢而稳定的增温过程,1990s发生突变进入快速增温时期;尤其是是在春、冬季节,这种突变式的增温特征非常显著;秋季持续而稳定增温,而夏季气温并无明显变化.进入1990s,洞庭湖流域降水有明显增多,尤其是夏季降水突变式增加;与此同时,夏季暴雨频率也突变式增大,但是暴雨强度并无明显变化.1900s迄今,参照蒸散量持续而稳定的减少,夏季减少量尤为显著.全球变暖的区域响应,驱动洞庭湖流域水循环速度加快,夏季降水增多,而蒸发能力减弱,这是1990s洞庭湖流域洪水频发的主要气候因子.  相似文献   

气候背景下冰川在博斯腾湖水量平衡中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孙占东  王润 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):484-489
基于博斯腾湖水量平衡关系,对博斯腾湖水量变化做了分析,认为博斯腾湖近年水位的显著变化与占其入湖水量85%的开都河流量变化有直接关系.冰川作为开都河上游重要的水资源形势,造就了开都河稳定的基流.部分冰川在近20年全球和区域气候变化影响下发生了较大退缩,消退的冰雪直接补给了开都河径流,对开都河连年丰水起了重要作用.随着相对海拔较低的中小冰川的退缩,冰益变薄雪线升高,冰雪储量减少,冰川对气温升高的敏感性开始降低,融水补给量可能随之减少,气候变暖所带来的融水补给效应将减弱,最终影响到博斯腾湖的入流补给.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the current water resources scenario in India, and recent work carried out in India to assess the climate change impact on hydrology and water resources. Issues that need to be addressed with respect to climate change/variability in sustainable water resources planning and management are discussed.  相似文献   

Murchison Bay in the Northern part of Lake Victoria has for decades received a daily wastewater load of 0.2% of its volume from Kampala City, through the Nakivubo channel. In spite of this, the Water Treatment Works abstracts raw water from this bay and has been able to produce drinking water of sufficient quality for the capital. This study monitored various physical−chemical components within the bay during 2000−2003 to understand the processes responsible for the acceptable quality of raw water. Four sampling stations were located along a transect from the channel mouth towards the open lake.Resultsshowed that the wastewater did not accumulate in the bay, instead was already strongly diluted 2.5 km from the channel mouth. This caused an abrupt reduction in conductivity and the concentrations of the nutrients total phosphorus (Tot-P), orthophosphate (PO4-P) and total nitrogen (Tot-N).Inshore−offshore exchange of water was mediated by flows from daily and sub-daily water level fluctuations and wind-driven currents. As a daily average, 2% of the Murchison Bay flowed in and out and the incoming wastewater was diluted 9.7 times.During the dry season from June to August (D2), when the weather was influenced by the south-east monsoon, the thermal stratification in the main lake disappeared and cooler and deoxygenated water from deeper depths entered the bay influencing its water quality.The daily flushing of water in and out of the bay due to water level variation was identified as the main factor diluting the bay water.  相似文献   


A conceptual hydrological water balance model has been developed and employed to assess the water availability in a mid-Himalayan watershed and analyse the dynamics of water supply and its utilization under different scenarios arising out of present and future developments. The model was calibrated and validated using daily runoff and rainfall data at different locations in the watershed. The water availability in streams and springs to meet the human, animal and crop requirements was assessed, and was found to vary in different quarters of the year with inequalities existing in different parts of the watershed. The model was successfully applied to analyse the impact of land-use changes and weather aberrations on water availability in the present and future scenarios. The drought scenarios are more critical in causing water scarcity in a given location, compared to the impact of land-use changes. The findings can be applied for assessing, planning and allocation of water resources among different sectors of water use in hilly areas and to make informed decisions during critical periods of water scarcity.  相似文献   

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