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Fluvial, colluvial, and aeolian sediments were dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz to improve the chronological framework for Quaternary sedimentation and landscape evolution in the forelands of the Vértes Hills (central Hungary). The separated quartz was suitable for age determination based on an OSL SAR protocol. Most samples have asymmetric equivalent dose distributions and OSL ages were calculated by the mean, central, and minimum De values. Considering geomorphology and earlier age data from the area, the central De values seem most appropriate for age calculation. A fan on the geomorphological level QV in the western foreland of the Vértes Hills was deposited 79–75 (±8) ka ago. In the south-eastern foreland an alluvial fan on level QIIb is at most 42 ± 4 ka old. Fluvial incision and aggradation occurred 16–10 (±1) ka ago on the geomorphic surface QIIa. Loess is 14 ± 1 ka old, and slope sedimentation was active 11–9 (±1) ka ago. Our OSL data demonstrate that in the north-western foreland of the Vértes Hills wind remained an important agent after the last glacial times, into the early Holocene (9–8 ± 1 ka) and was able to accumulate large aeolian dunes.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is situated in the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Its size and proximity to the junction of three major climate systems make it sensitive to climate changes. Some investigations on shorelines of Qinghai Lake suggested highstands during MIS 3, but to what extent the lake level was higher than today is yet undetermined. Others proposed that the maximum highstands probably dated to MIS 5. It has also been shown that the lake level 120 m higher than today occurred at around 12 ka. Most of these previous ages were obtained using 14C dating or multiple-aliquot IRSL/OSL dating. For 14C dating, because of the dating limit (<40 ka) and the lack of suitable dating materials in this arid area, it is difficult to establish reliable chronological control. In the present study, seven samples collected from lacustrine deposits (five samples) and sand wedges (two samples) were dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) with the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. OSL dating results showed that (1) the lake had experienced two high lake levels, one was in MIS 5 and another in early to middle MIS 3; (2) no evidence of high lake levels in MIS 4 has been found; (3) the alluvial gravels, whose surface is at an elevation of ~3246 m, were formed at least 28.8 ± 2.3 ka ago, and the widespread sand wedges within the alluvial gravels were formed during the period of 15.1–28.8 ka, which implied that the lake level had not reached an elevation of ~3240 m after 28.8 ± 2.3 ka.  相似文献   

A sand layer, interpreted as a hyperconcentrated flow deposit, was found interbedded between loess on a Yellow River terrace in Hukou, Shaanxi, China. The site is known as the Longwangchan Palaeolithic site. The deposits from the terrace were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Two samples from the sand layer were dated to 30 ± 2 and 33 ± 3 ka using coarse-grained (CG) quartz, and to 82 ± 7 and 94 ± 5 ka using fine-grained (FG) quartz, respectively. The CG quartz OSL ages are believed to be reliable on the basis of the OSL ages of the bracketing loess samples. The overestimation of the FG quartz OSL ages of the sand samples is explained in terms of hyperconcentrated flow processes during sediment transport and deposition. The large difference between the CG and FG quartz OSL ages of the sand samples helps to better understand the formation of the hyperconcentrated flow deposit. The hyperconcentrated flow deposit in this study indicates an extreme river flood occurring at ~30 ka in this area. In addition, the stone artifacts found in the lower loess layer overlying the bedrock of the terrace were dated to ~47 ka.  相似文献   

The island of Crete in the forearc of the Hellenic subduction zone has a rugged topography with local relief exceeding 2 km. Based on the elevation of marine shorelines, rates of rock uplift during the Late Holocene were previously estimated to range between 1 and 4 mm/a in different parts of the island. These rates may, however, not be representative for longer timescales, because subduction earthquakes with up to 9 m of vertical coseismic displacement have affected Crete in the Late Holocene. Here we use a well preserved sequence of marine terraces near Kato Zakros in eastern Crete to determine the rate of rock uplift over the last ∼600 ka. Field investigations and topographic profiles document a flight of more than 13 marine bedrock terraces that were carved into limestones of the Tripolitza unit. Preliminary age constraints for the terraces were obtained by 10Be exposure dating of rare quartz-bearing sandstone clasts, which are present on some terraces. The 10Be ages of these samples, which have been corrected for an inherited nuclide component, yielded exposure ages between ∼100 ka and zero. Combined with geomorphologic evidence the two oldest 10Be ages suggest that the terraces T4 and T5, with shoreline angles at an elevation of ∼68 and ∼76 m above sea level, respectively, formed during the marine isotope stage 5e about 120 ka ago. The correlation of the higher terraces (T6 to T13) with regional sea-level highstands indicates sustained rock uplift at a rate of ∼0.5 m/ka since at least ∼600 ka. As normal faulting has dominated the tectonics of Crete during the last several million years, upper crustal shortening can be ruled out as a cause for rock uplift. We argue that the sustained uplift of the island results from the continuous underplating of sediments, which are transferred from the subducting African plate to the base of the crust beneath Crete.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic chronology of Yellow River terraces was investigated and studied in Lanzhou Basin, western Chinese Loess Plateau. The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results show that terraces T1, T2 and T3 formed at 8 ka, 20 ka and 70 ka, respectively. Lateral accretion of the riverbed facies gravel sediments occurred during interglacial periods while vertical aggradations of the terrace sediments deposited predominantly under cold and dry glacial period. A thick layer of aeolian loess with a basal age about 35 ka indicates a remarkable drop of air temperature and a dry, cold climate. The temporal correlation between terrace formation and tectonic movement has not yet been established in this research, but the stratigraphic chronology of the terrace sections provides the timing of the terrace formation, the incision rate of the Yellow River, and the slip rate of the fault horizon.  相似文献   

Pleistocene uplift of the Chilean coast is recorded by the formation of wave-cut platforms resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area (~ 31°S), we have identified a sequence of 5 wave-cut platforms. Using in situ produced 10Be exposure ages we show that these platforms were formed during interglacial periods at 6, 122, 232, 321 and 690 ka. These ages correspond to marine isotopic stages (MIS) or substages (MISS) 1, 5e, 7e, 9c and 17. Shoreline angle elevations used in conjunction with our chronology of wave-cut platform formation, illustrate that surface uplift rates vary from 103 ± 69 mm/ka between 122 and 6 ka, to 1158 ± 416 mm/ka between 321 and 232 ka. The absence of preserved platforms related to the MIS 11, 13 and 15 highstands likely reflects slow uplift rates during these times. We suggest that since 700 ka, the Altos de Talinay area was predominantly uplifted during 2 short periods following MIS 17 and MISS 9c. This episodic uplift of the Chilean coast in the Pleistocene may result from subduction related processes, such as pulses of tectonic accretion at the base of the forearc wedge.  相似文献   

We present the results of K-feldspar IRSL dating of the four lower terraces (T3–T6) of the Portuguese Tejo River, in the Arripiado-Chamusca area. Terrace correlation was based upon: a) analysis of aerial photographs, geomorphological mapping and field topographic survey; b) sedimentology of the deposits; and c) luminescence dating. Sediment sampled for luminescence dating gave unusually high dose rates, of between 3.4 and 6.2 Gy/ka and, as a result, quartz OSL was often found to be in saturation. We therefore used the IRSL signal from K-feldspar as the principal luminescence technique. The K-feldspar age results support sometimes complex geomorphic correlations, as fluvial terraces have been vertically displaced by faults (known from previous studies). Integration of these new ages with those obtained previously in the more upstream reaches of the Tejo River in Portugal indicates that the corrected K-feldspar IRSL ages are stratigraphically and geomorphologically consistent over a distance of 120 km along the Tejo valley. However, we are sceptical of the accuracy of the K-feldspar ages of samples from the T3 and T4 terraces (with uncorrected De values >500 Gy). In these cases the Dose Rate Correction (DRC) model puts the natural signals close to luminescence saturation, giving a minimum corrected De of about 1000 Gy, and thus minimum terrace ages; this may even be true for those doses >200 Gy. Luminescence dating results suggest that: T3 is older than 300 ka, probably ca. 420–360 ka (~Marine Isotope Stage [MIS]11); T4 is ca. 340–150 ka (~MIS9-6); T5 is 136–75 ka (~MIS5); T6 is 60–30 ka (MIS3); an aeolian sand unit that blankets T6 and some of the older terraces is 30–≥12 ka. Collectively, the luminescence ages seem to indicate that regional river downcutting events may be coincident with periods of low sea level (associated, respectively, with the MIS10, MIS6, MIS4 and MIS2).  相似文献   

The Qujialing site is a representative Neolithic archaeological site in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Absence of suitable material for radiocarbon dating in this region makes the timing of the similar sites difficult. Here we applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL–SAR) and thermoluminescence (TL–SAR) techniques to date the archaeological and natural deposits from the Qujialing site with known age, testing the techniques on samples at archaeological sites in this region. The results showed that the luminescence properties of quartz from sediment and baked earth samples are very similar. The quartz OSL ages obtained for a sediment sample and a baked earth sample from the cultural layer are 5.4 ± 0.3 and 5.1 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. The quartz TL age of the baked earth sample is 5.6 ± 0.5 ka. These dates are consistent with the calibrated radiocarbon ages (4.9 ± 0.1 and 5.1 ± 0.1 ka cal BP (±1σ)) of the two charcoal samples from the cultural layer at a nearby locality, and are also in agreement with the age of Qujialing culture period. The results indicate that the OSL dating techniques can be applied to date similar archaeological sites in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping of geomorphological and biological sea-level markers around the Capo Vaticano promontory (western Calabria, Italy), has documented the occurrence of four Holocene paleo-shorelines raised at different altitudes. The uppermost shoreline (PS1) is represented by a deeply eroded fossiliferous beach deposit, reaching an elevation of ∼2.2 m above the present sea-level, and by a notch whose roof is at ∼2.3 m. The subjacent shoreline PS2 is found at an elevation of ∼1.8 m and is represented by a Dendropoma rim, a barnacle band and by a wave-cut platform. Shoreline PS3 includes remnants of vermetid concretions, a barnacle band, a notch and a marine deposit, and reaches an elevation of ∼1.4 m. The lowermost paleo-shoreline (PS4) includes a wave-cut platform and a notch and reaches an elevation of ∼0.8 m. Radiocarbon dating of material from individual paleo-shorelines points to an average uplift rate of 1.2–1.4 mm/yr in the last ∼6 ka at Capo Vaticano. Our data suggest that Holocene uplift was asymmetric, with a greater magnitude in the south-west sector of the promontory, in a manner similar to the long-term deformation attested by Pleistocene terraces. The larger uplift in the south-western sector is possibly related to the additional contribution, onto a large-wavelength regional signal, of co-seismic deformation events, which are not registered to the north-east. We have recognized four co-seismic uplift events at 5.7–5.4 ka, 3.9–3.5 ka, ∼1.9 ka and <1.8 ka ago, superposed on a regional uplift that in the area, is occurring at a rate of ∼1 mm/yr. Our findings places new constrains on the recent activity of border faults south of the peninsula and on the location of the seismogenic source the 1905 destructive earthquake.  相似文献   

A geochronological framework for the sequential development of coastal barrier aeolianite complexes in the mouth region of the River Murray, Australia's largest river system is presented based on amino acid racemization and thermoluminescence dating. The sedimentary successions represent a foreshortened and condensed sequence of coastal barriers compared with those of the Coorong Coastal Plain in southern South Australia where the barrier complexes are more widely separated in response to tectonic uplift. The barriers have formed during interglacial sea-level highstands and are correlatives of genetically equivalent landforms of the Coorong Coastal Plain. Thermoluminescence dating and the extent of amino acid racemization in aeolianite ‘whole-rock’ sediment samples, reveal a general increase in age of the barriers landwards from the modern coastline. In detail, however, the individual barriers represent composite structures having formed in more than one interglaciation, due to the reoccupation of Pleistocene shoreline positions during sea-level highstands of similar amplitude, in a zone of gradual basin subsidence. The most seaward Pleistocene aeolianite at Surfer Beach is of interstadial age (Marine Isotope Stage 5c, 105 ± 5 ka; MIS 5c), and correlates with the Robe Range of the Coorong Coastal Plain. The last interglacial shoreline (130 ± 15 ka; MIS 5e) is particularly well-defined in the River Murray mouth region. It is represented by a complex association of coastal parabolic dunes superimposed on a transverse dune system, which runs parallel with the former coastline, and also includes associated estuarine, lagoonal and open ocean beach facies. Landward of the last interglacial succession are distinct barriers relating to the penultimate interglaciation (215 ± 35 ka; MIS 7), as well as earlier interglaciations (350 ± 65 ka; MIS 9 or 11 and 470 ± 70 ka; MIS 11 or 13). The coastal barriers have been successively breached by the ancestral River Murray at times of lower sea level during glacial cycles. Former mouths of the River Murray during interglacial sea-level highstands are likely to have existed near Tauwitchere Island during MIS 7, and between Goolwa and Hindmarsh Island and near the southern-most part of Lake Albert during the last interglacial (MIS 5e). The River Murray mouth region represents a failed delta as the limited sediment brought to this area since late middle Pleistocene time has been either rapidly incorporated within aeolian deposits during sea-level highstands, or transported to the edge of the Lacepede Shelf during glacial maxima. The Holocene and modern River Murray has not established a marine delta, but deposits its load in the settling basins of the terminal lakes. Only a small digitate delta has formed where the river enters Lake Alexandrina.  相似文献   

The Qaidam Basin in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is one of the largest hyper-arid intermontane basins in the northern hemisphere, and has abundant records for the study on palaeo-lake level fluctuations and palaeoclimatic changes. Significant efforts have been invested to define the timing of shoreline deposits using radiocarbon dating. However, due to the dating limit, the absence of organic materials and carbon reservoir effects for radiocarbon dating in arid areas, it is difficult to establish a reliable chronology for shoreline deposits. Therefore, controversy exists regarding the chronology for the high lake level in the Qaidam Basin, as well in the QTP. Some proposed that high lake levels occurred during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, while others recently argued that the highest lake level in the QTP and adjacent regions existed in MIS 5. In Gahai Lake (now a salt lake), we investigated a section comprising lacustrine and shoreline deposits, which was about 25 m above the present lake level. Seven samples were collected for quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. A sample collected from a fine sand layer (the bottom of the section, and 12 m above the present lake level), which was assumed to have been deposited underwater, gave an OSL age of 82 ± 8 ka. It suggested that the lake level was at least 12 m higher than present in late MIS 5. The high lake level could maintain till about 73 ± 6 ka, and then decreased. This lake level decrease resulted in a gravel layer deposit between 73 ± 6 and 63 ± 6 ka (roughly during MIS 4). The lake level rose again (about 24 m above the present lake level) between 63 ± 6 and 55 ± 5 ka (roughly in early MIS 3). No lacustrine or shoreline deposits higher than the top of the current section were found around Gahai Lake. Thus, higher than present lake levels in Gahai Lake occurred in both late MIS 5 and early MIS 3.  相似文献   

In the past decades, archaeologists have found evidences for prehistorical human activity in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In 1982, some Paleolithic stone tools were found in a section from a terrace of the Xiao Qaidam Lake in the Qaidam Basin, NE of the QTP. The age of this Paleolithic site has remained unknown by far. Some believed that the age of human inhabitation in this Paleolithic site was about 30 ka. In this study, quartz optically stimulated luminescence was used to date 10 samples collected from four sections in the Xiao Qaidam Lake, using the single-aliquot regeneration-dose protocol. The two samples from section XCDH2, which is from a lake terrace about ~7–8 m above the present lake level and in which the top gravel layer contains stone tools, were not well-bleached before deposition. Their ages (>101 and >159 ka) determined by SAR should be considered minimums. OSL dating results of six samples from two sections (XCDH1 and XCDH3) of an adjacent lake terrace, which is ~12 m above the present lake level, suggest two possibilities for the age of the tool-bearing gravel layer: (1) younger than ~3 ka if the lake terrace of XCDH2 is younger than the terrace represented by XCDH1 and XCDH3; or (2) between ~3 and 11 ka if these two terraces are part of the deposit of the same time period. In either case, the age of the archaeological layer should be much younger than the previously proposed ~30 ka. As the climate in the early Holocene after 11 ka was increasingly warm and the Xiao Qaidam Lake area could be suitable for human inhabitation then, we deduce that the age range of ~3–11 ka is more likely the time frame for this archaeological site. The age of 3.1 ± 0.3 ka for the surface of terrace XCDH1/XCDH3 suggests a significant lake level decrease after this time and a corresponding arid event at ~3 ka; the lake level did not reach this level again after that time. Section XCDH4 is more than 40 m above the present lake level, and two samples gave ages of 37 ± 4 and 51 ± 4 ka. These two dates and the dates from the other sections demonstrate that two lake levels higher than present existed for Xiao Qaidam Lake, one at ~12 m and dated ~3–11 ka and the another at >40 m and dated ~37–51 ka.  相似文献   

A whole emu egg, with infilling sediment believed to be coeval with egg laying and burial, was found in late Pleistocene lunette sediments near Lake Eyre, central Australia. The stratigraphic context and initial amino acid racemization (AAR) results suggested an age between 25 ka and 35 ka, ideal for a multiple cross-dating comparison. The sediment infilling the egg provided material for luminescence dating that minimized problems of association. Age estimations from AAR, 14C and U series methods were obtained from the eggshell and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of the infilling sediment. All methods agreed within their respective dating uncertainties confirming the utility of all four methods. They indicate an age for the emu egg of 31.24 ± 0.34 ka.  相似文献   

High resolution OSL dating back to MIS 5e in the central Sea of Okhotsk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine sediments contain important archives of past ocean and climate changes, but at high latitudes the absence of carbonate has prevented the construction of accurate chronological models. We have begun a study to (1) determine the accuracy of luminescence ages in deep-sea marine sediments, e.g. by comparison with marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy where possible, (2) describe changes in sedimentation rate through time, and (3) test whether it is possible to date back to marine isotope stage 5e (MIS 5e). We show here that optical dating of fine grains of quartz from the central Sea of Okhotsk is able to provide an accurate and precise chronology for the reconstruction of the palaeoceanic and palaeoclimatic environment at our site. The upper 6.5 m of the 18.42 m long core MR0604-PC07A is believed, based on its magnetic susceptibility and the oxygen isotope (δ18O) records to contain the last ~150 ka. Forty OSL samples were taken from this upper part of the core. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure is used for equivalent dose (De) determination. The luminescence characteristics of fine-grained quartz (4–11 μm) extracted from the core are described. The OSL signal is dominated by the fast component and a dose recovery test shows that we can accurately measure a known dose given in the laboratory prior to any heat treatment. Dose rates were determined using high-resolution gamma spectrometry, and vary between 0.4 and 1.6 Gy/ka. The OSL ages from this section lie between ~140 ka and ~15 ka and are in very good agreement with the δ18O stratigraphy up to MIS 5e. A clear change in sedimentation rate is identified: between ~139 and 110 ka, the sedimentation rate was ~0.09 m/ka, but then from ~110 to 15 ka, the sedimentation rate decreases to a constant value of ~0.04 m/ka. Our data confirm that OSL dating using widely distributed fine-grain quartz has great potential for dating deep-sea sediments. Because luminescence methods use clastic materials, they do not depend on the presence of biogenic carbonate. As a result it is now likely that we can establish a chronology in regions of the ocean that were previously undatable.  相似文献   

Daihai Lake is one of the largest lakes in the mid-latitude of northern China. Previous environmental change investigations using the sediments from the lake have been mainly focused on the last 13 ka. In 2006, we drilled an 80-m borehole on the southwest coast of the lake. Here we report the results of initial optical dating of the upper 22-m sediments from the core. Most of the samples allow separation of the 4–11 μm fine-grained and 45–63 μm medium-grained quartz, both of which were used for equivalent dose (De) determination. Dose recovery test experiments with the single-aliquot regeneration-dose (SAR) protocol indicate that a preheat at 240 °C for 10 s combined with a cut-heat of 240 °C is suitable for these samples. The De values show marked discrepancy between the two grain size fractions with the fine-grained quartz yielding up to over 50% higher De values than the medium ones for some samples. We consider the OSL ages for the samples from upper ~10 m to be overestimated. The main cause of the overestimation is attributed to the incomplete bleaching of the sediment grains at deposition. The OSL ages for the lower part of the sequence are considered to be reasonable age estimates which provide useful temporal constrains on the deposition of the sediments for the period of 20–40 ka.  相似文献   

We present results of a geomorphological and morphotectonic analysis of the northeastern part of the Rif. We show that the present day kinematics of the Rif is characterized by active deformation along the Trougout and Nekor faults in the North-East. Digital Elevation Models of offset drainage features (streams, fluvial terraces) allow determining a normal-left-lateral motion along the Trougout fault and a left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Nekor fault. Preliminary 3He cosmogenic dates of tectonic markers yield vertical and horizontal slip rates of ∼0.9 mm/yr and ∼0.5 mm/yr, respectively along the Trougout fault. The present-day localized transtension seen in the north-eastern Rif morphology (Ras Tarf) is coeval with uplifted marine terraces near the Al Hoceima Bay. U/Th dating of shells yield an average uplift rate of ∼0.2 mm/yr during the past 500 ka. These data show that active transtension in the northeastern Rif is also associated with uplift. These new morphotectonic constraints are consistent with the GPS measurements showing southwestward overall motion of most of the Rif belt with respect to stable Africa.  相似文献   

The Mu Us Desert, located in the northwestern fringe of the East Asian monsoon region, is sensitive to climate variability. The desert is characterized by mobile, semi-fixed and fixed sand dunes. Alternating units of dune sands and sandy palaeosols in the Mu Us Desert imply multiple episodes of dune building and stabilization, in response to the ebb and flow of the East Asian monsoon. Desert evolution and climatic change of high-resolution in the Mu Us Desert are still poorly understood due to limited numerical dating results. In the present study, 19 samples collected from five sand dune sections along a northwest–southeast transect in the Mu Us Desert were dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Internal checks of the OSL dating indicate that the SAR protocol is appropriate for equivalent dose (De) determination for the samples under study. Combined with the lithologic stratigraphy and the luminescence chronology, the sand dune development in the Mu Us Desert during the Late Pleistocene is discussed. Our results indicate that the sand was mobilized approximately at 91 ka, 71 ka, 48–22 ka, 5 ka, 1 ka, and 0.44 ka; the sand was fixed approximately at 65 ka and Holocene Optimum period in the interior Mu Us Desert. The Mu Us Desert formed at least before ~144 ka, and has shown increasing aridity in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The prehistoric site of Ifri n'Ammar is situated in northeastern Morocco, in the northern prolongation of the Middle Atlas Mountains. It is a key location in unravelling the history of anatomically modern humans (AMH) in northern Africa as it reveals Middle and Late Palaeolithic occupation phases since ∼170 ka. Whilst the archaeological sequence within the rock shelter has been well studied, the timing of landscape dynamics around Ifri n'Ammar is still poorly understood. This study therefore aims to establish a detailed chronology of the Wadi Selloum profile at the apron of the shelter, based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of ephemeral stream deposits. Coarse-grain quartz was used for single-grain and multiple-grain dating procedures to investigate the luminescence properties of these deposits and to get more accurate age information concerning the phases of human occupation. Continuous wave OSL (CW-OSL) revealed a dominant fast component for all quartz samples. The dose distribution of the uppermost samples showed overdispersion values >25% and significant positive skewness. We identified partial bleaching as the main source of scatter in the equivalent dose (De) distribution. The lowermost sample appeared to be close to signal saturation. The shapes of the dose response curve varied widely between aliquots and coarse quartz grains exhibited therefore very different dose saturation behaviours among aliquots. With fully saturated dose response curves (DRCs), meaningful D0 values were assumed for De estimation.The eight OSL samples yielded stratigraphically consistent ages ranging from 1.3 ± 0.2 ka to 76 ± 5 ka, thus reaching the Middle Palaeolithic period. Moreover, a pottery shard dated to 7.4 ± 0.6 ka (Early Neolithic period) by thermoluminescence (TL), perfectly matched the Holocene OSL samples extracted at the same depth of the profile. In summary, our results point to fluvial aggradation during OIS 5.1, the late glacial period, and the Holocene.  相似文献   

Knowledge on valley formation and palaeohydrology of the Yarlung Zhangbo (named Brahmaputra south of the Himalayas) is still in an early stage. Research was conducted in the middle valley reach around Gonggar in order to investigate the sediment properties, age and palaeoenvironmental implication of a widespread aggradational valley terrace. This heavily dissected terrace, lying c. 25 m above the present floodplain, consists of topping aeolian and colluvial deposits, intermediate lacustrine fines and basal fluvial sands. Sedimentological properties of the lacustrine layers suggest a cold-climate depositional environment. Geochemical data refer to a common provenance of all sediments investigated from a regional catchment area, implying a local provenance of topping loesses and sands by aeolian sorting of nearby fluvial deposits. OSL dates, representing the first luminescence dating effort partly applied to non-aeolian sediments in this valley, cluster closely in the interval 11.7 ± 0.8–17.4 ± 1.4 ka. During the Late Pleistocene (until c. 16 ka) the investigated middle valley reach around Gonggar was occupied by a lake attaining an extension of at least 100 km.  相似文献   

Northeastern Brazil has experienced earthquake swarms, which include events up to mb = 5.2 in the last 30 years. Ground-rupturing events, however, have not been reported in the last 200 years. We have used a multidisciplinary approach to describe the geometry, kinematics, age, paleostress field, and paleoseismological significance of ground ruptures filled by clastic sediments in the region. Methods included GIS- and remote sensing-assisted structural mapping, borehole and resistivity sounding, grain size and X-ray analysis, and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Single-Aliquot Regenerative-Dose (SAR) chronology. Sediment-filled faults concentrate on the hanging wall of the Jundiaí fault, a 35 km long, NE-trending, late Cretaceous to Quaternary fault. These sediment-filled faults cut across Precambrian granites and overlying alluvial and colluvial deposits and exhibit steeply planar geometry. The largest faults exhibit sediment fills that extend downward to at least 20 m. The faults alternate between normal and right-oblique normal slip, which allowed the gravitational influx of unlithified gravels to gravelly sediments into the granites. Field evidence indicates seismogenic origin associated with multistage opening and infilling. On the basis of OSL and SAR chronology, we distinguish six generations of infills, which represent the main periods of fault activity: 8.0–9.0, 11.0–15.0, 16.0–24.0, 37.0–45.5, 65.0–67.9, and 84.5–93.5 ka. These dates suggest a 15.8 ka recurrence period. A few OSL dates may represent maximum ages due to poor bleaching of sediments, which implies that the recurrence period may be underestimated. We conclude that the Jundiaí fault has been continuously active in respect of surface-rupturing during at least the last ~100 ka. The size of the surface ruptures is consistent with earthquake magnitude M  5.3, close to magnitudes observed in northeastern Brazil in the short instrumental and historical record. We suggest that seismogenic-fault recurrence in intraplate settings is longer than human settlement and should be assessed by multidisciplinary methods, mainly those that provide subsurface data and chronology of clastic sediments. Faults that trap sediments during movements are ideal places for these studies. The structures we describe here may have analogs in both modern and ancient intraplate settings.  相似文献   

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