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Ecosystem dynamics driven by top-down controls have been well documented in rocky intertidal communities, while the effects of bottom-up influences are comparatively poorly understood. We hypothesized that large-scale signatures of the physical environment may be identifiable along the South African coastline as it is subject to two very different current systems (Benguela and Agulhas Currents) that profoundly influence primary production and thus both food type and availability. Through stable isotope analysis, we examined biogeographic patterns in multiple trophic levels at four sites along a 1400-km stretch of South African coastline and investigated the dietary role of macroalgal-derived organic carbon in rocky intertidal communities. The general positioning of trophic groups was comparable across all sites, with animals from the same trophic levels grouping together and with a δ15N fractionation of 1–2‰ between levels. The species found at all sites demonstrated east–west δ15N enrichment, presumably reflecting a biogeographic shift in nitrogen sources linked to upwelling on the west coast. Filter-feeders gave particularly clear results. Using discriminant analysis, mussels could be categorized into four geographic groups based on carbon and nitrogen signatures: east coast, southeast coast, south-west coast and west coast. Barnacles and polychaetes showed similar geographic groupings to mussels, but with shifts in actual values (1‰ depletion in δ13C and 3‰ enrichment in δ15N relative to mussels). This suggests that fractionation varies between species within a trophic level.  相似文献   

Fish communities over continental shelves are of three types: pelagic, rocky reef and soft substrata. The pelagic community of the South African west coast is dominated by clupeiform fish, which are the principal prey of snoek, the dominant piscivorous teleost in the area, and other fish, including tuna and pelagic sharks. Keystone prey species are broadly similar on the South African south and west coasts, but predator composition differs. Studies of rocky reef fish suggest that the fauna of the South Coast is more diverse than that of the West, the West Coast having fewer species and only two reef fish species being taken in linefisheries. Feeding interactions of some of the dominant species have been established, but the status of commercially less important fish such as elasmobranchs and small species is poorly known. The community and feeding interactions of fish living over soft substrata are better known and part of this fauna is taken by demersal trawlers. The two species of Cape hake dominate the communities on both coasts, but the fauna is more diverse on the Cape south coast. Generally, much of the present ichthyological knowledge is derived from the ecologically narrow perspective of commercial fisheries. Nevertheless, the patterns of diversity appear to conform to previous work, which has indicated a lower species diversity in the Atlantic than in the Indian Ocean. Knowledge of commercially unimportant fish is fragmentary, and understanding of the ecological interactions on the South Coast generally lags that of the West.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(3):209-214
In this paper we will study two auctions for fish found in Norway, and compare them applying auction theoretical assumptions. We will use the Revenue Equivalence Theorem (RET) as a basis to explain why these two different auction mechanisms are chosen for the sale of fish. It is shown that the issues of risk aversion, common values and inclusion of travel costs may explain the choice of auction institution.  相似文献   

-On the basis of the data obtained from the surveys in the Bohai Sea during 1982-1983, this paper analysed and discussed the distribution and seasonal variation of primary productivity in the Bohai Sea, and the correlations between the primary productivity and environmental factors. The organic carbon production and prospect of fishery production in the waters of this sea are estimated. It is shown that, there exists production patential in the Bohai Sea, the primary production is 112 gC/ (m2 ?a)the production of organic carbon being 10 million ton per year, the fishery yields 1 million ton and the maximum catch of sea products 0. 5 million ton. The results of the investigation can serve as the basic data for the exploitation, utilization and management of the fishery resources in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

The origin of arcuate islands and deep-sea trenches has been studied for a long time and various interpretations have been proposed. In this paper, some analytical models are put forward from a geometrical viewpoint and then the theoretical dip angles of the underthrusting slabs of circum-Pacific island arcs are computed and compared with those of the Benioff zone. As a result, it is found that the dip angle of the underthrusting slab is one of the main factors determining the curvature of the arcuate structure. The authors consider that this result may contribute to the plate theory.  相似文献   

The models about lithospheric thickness and thermal conduction inside the lithosphere and the top layer ofthe asthenosphere have been proposed in this study for four type regions: the midoceanic ridge, the extinct spreading ridge, the lithospheric fault fissure and the mouth of the extinct submarine volcanoes which are in deep sea bottom. The solutions of the models are found to be the same. The formulas of temperature distribution inside the lithosphere and the top layer of the asthenosphere, the lithospheric thicknesses to the heat flow and the crustal ages to the heat flow are obtained. The crustal ages and the lithospheric thicknesses of the central basin are calculated. And they are used to draw the lithospheric thicknesses and crustal ages maps of the central basin (in this paper both the central basin and the basin are the central basin of the South China Sea). According to their characteristics, the central basin is divided into three regions. The lithospheric thicknesses, crustal ages and heat flow distribution characteristics are discussed respectively. The formation and evolution of the South China Sea are analysed and it is thought that the South China Sea has undergone three episode-seafloor spreadings.  相似文献   

A preliminary study on microtextures,structures and mineralizing processes of hydrothermal chimneys in Mariana TroughZhangDey...  相似文献   

Seagrasses support a great diversity of epiphytic organisms. There are no detailed published accounts of algae and animals growing on seagrasses in South Africa. The seagrass Thalassodendron leptocaule (previously known as Thalassodendron ciliatum) is unique among southern African seagrasses in that it occurs on exposed rocky outcrops along the Mozambican and north-eastern South African coasts; most other seagrasses are restricted to sheltered bays and estuaries. Here we present accounts of species of flora and fauna identified growing epiphytically on this seagrass in northern KwaZulu-Natal. A total of 52 taxa of macroalgae and 204 species of macroinvertebrates were identified as epiphytic on South African T. leptocaule. The most frequently observed macroalgal epiphytes were predominantly Rhodophyta and were common among periodically exposed, intertidal and subtidal habitats. The crustose red coralline algae Pneophyllum amplexifrons and Hydrolithon farinosum were frequently observed, primarily on stems and leaves of the seagrass respectively. The most diverse groups of epiphytic invertebrates were Arthropoda, Annelida and Mollusca, which together comprised 76% of the macroinvertebrate species recorded. This seagrass species is evidently an important substratum and ecosystem that supports a hidden wealth of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Effectsofadvection,turbulenceandradiationonformationofseafog──AtheoreticalanalysisKeywordsRelativehumidityequation,advection,...  相似文献   

The interdependence between groundfish assemblages and habitat properties was investigated on the Dogger Bank in the North Sea. Abiotic habitat parameters considered included topography, hydrographic conditions, sediment composition, and the biotic habitat variable the prevailing benthic invertebrates. Distinct epi- and infauna communities occurred at different locations on the Dogger Bank. Fish assemblages were clearly linked to both the biotic and abiotic habitat characteristics.Overall, fish and benthic communities revealed similar spatial distribution, represented in the respective clusters of characteristic and abundant species. Distribution patterns corresponded with the prevailing abiotic conditions such as depth and sediment composition, which appear to relate to autecological preferences of individual species.The apparently most generalist species, grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus) and dab (Limanda limanda) occurred at all stations and dominated in terms of biomass in most cases. The absolute numbers of grey gurnards were related to the abundance of suitable prey, invertebrate and fish species, which stomach analyses revealed as part of the diet in an independent study during the same research cruise. Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) were only abundant at deep stations along the flanks of the bank. The occurrence of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and cod (Gadus morhua) was also positively correlated with depth, whereas especially lesser weever (Echiichthys vipera), sandeel species and solenette (Buglossidium luteum) occurred predominantly at the shallower sites. At the same time, individual fish species such as solenette and lesser weever were associated with high densities of selected epi- or infauna species.  相似文献   

Through the water areas extracted from remote sensing images and the combination of the methods for establishing the formula for calculating tidal influx with tidal data, the tidal influx of the Haikou Bay, Hainan Province was found to be 5.14×107m3 in 1990, 5.80×107m3 in 1984 and 5.05×107m3 in 1965, respectively.After the analysis of the morphological and tidal range factors which determine tidal influx, this paper presents the trend of the changes in tidal influx caused by the changes in the morphological factors of the Haikou Bay.It is found that a decreasing trend was shown with a depressive rate of 2×10-3during the period from 1965 to 1984, and an increasing trend with an incremental rate of 1×10-3 during the period of 1984-1990.The main reason for the appearance of the decreasing trend before 1984 is the natural deposition and silting-up of the bay sediments; after 1984, the dredging and expansion of the Haikou Port and the Haikou New Port which caused an increase in water area at the mean low tide are the leading factor which causes the increase in tidal influx.  相似文献   

The Yellow River cut through Sanmenxia Gorge and discharged into the sea via the North China Plain in 150 ka BP; since then, around 86 000 × 108 t sediment has been transported passing Sanmenxia Gorge. Based on land use and land cover changes in Loess Plateau and other available evidence, an estimate of the Yellow River sediment budget is presented here: about 72% of the sedimentary material was trapped in the North China Plain and the remainder(i.e., 26%) escaped to the sea. At the present stage, 0.2×108 t/a suspended sediment of the Yellow River enter the northern Yellow Sea. The transport pattern is determined mainly by the shelf current system. Annually 0.2×108–0.3×108 t of suspended particles are carried to the East China Sea; the materials are derived mainly from coastal and subaqueous delta erosion associated with the abandoned Yellow River on the Jiangsu coast. Since 1972, the lower Yellow River started to have a situation of continuous no-flow. During 1996–2000, the annual water flow and sediment discharge are only 19%, as compared with normal years(i.e., average for 1950–1979). In response to global warming and increase of water diversion from the Yellow River for industrial and urban use, the sediment flux of the Yellow River to the sea will most likely remain small in the next two to three decades.  相似文献   

Previous observational and modelling studies of open ocean frontal regions have found large vertical velocities associated with instabilities on the frontal jet. A combined physical/ecosystem numerical model is used to investigate the impact of jet instability and the associated vertical motions on the local ecosystem. The evolution of the instability of a mesoscale frontal jet gives rise to vertical transport of nutrients into the euphotic zone and subduction of biota out of the euphotic zone. The upwelling of nutrients stimulates increases in primary production, with resulting increases in phytoplankton stocks. The reaction of the ecosystem is found to be dependent on the physical characteristics of the front, but the increase in primary production can be locally of the order of 100%, and of the order of 10% when averaged over the frontal region. The action of upwelling and subduction introduces spatial heterogeneity in primary production and plankton biomass. The heterogeneity is at a variety of length scales, from the order of a few kilometres for thin filaments and up to 50 km for coherent features. With increases in new production occurring over several degrees of latitude, frontal dynamics may make a significant contribution to the strength of the biological pump.  相似文献   

In the first part of the present paper we have explained why we manage to formulate another wave prediction model when so many of them, including the so-called third generation model, have already been in use. The wind-wave part of the proposed model has also been given. Now we proceed to discuss the swell part,the implementation of the model as a prediction method,mumerical experiments done with ideal wind fields and hindcasts made in the Bohai Sea,in the neighboring seas adjacent to China and in the Northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(4):533-542
Seawater samples collected in the northeast Pacific from 112° 50′W to 126° 36′W along a latitudinal band (21–25° N) have been analysed for 228RA and 226Ra. Both nuclides exhibit their characteristic distributions. In the surface water, the exponential-like decrease of 228 Ra away from Baja California can be interpreted by horizontal water mixing with eddy diffusion coefficients (Kx) of 1 × 106 cm2 s−1 and 5 × 107 cm2 S−1 for scale lengths of 200 km and 1000 km, respectively. In the bottom waters, the decrease of 228Ra away from bottom sediments can be modeled by vertical eddy diffusivities (Kz) of 15–30 cm2 s−1 except at one station (24° 16.9′ N, 115° 8.9′ W) where a value of 120 cm2 s−1 is obtained. The 228Ra-derived diffusivities were used to compute the mass balance of 226Ra using a two-box model. The model results show a mean mixing coefficient of 3.8 cm2 s−1 for the thermocline and a mean upwelling velocity of 7.7 m y−1 in the study area, both are about two or three times higher than those generally quoted for the Pacific.  相似文献   

Wave energy resources assessment is a very important process before the exploitation and utilization of the wave energy. At present, the existing wave energy assessment is focused on theoretical wave energy conditions for interesting areas. While the evaluation for exploitable wave energy conditions is scarcely ever performed.Generally speaking, the wave energy are non-exploitable under a high sea state and a lower sea state which must be ignored when assessing wave energy. Aiming at this situation, a case study of the East China Sea and the South China Sea is performed. First, a division basis between the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy is studied. Next, based on recent 20 a ERA-Interim wave field data, some indexes including the spatial and temporal distribution of wave power density, a wave energy exploitable ratio, a wave energy level, a wave energy stability, a total wave energy density, the seasonal variation of the total wave energy and a high sea condition frequency are calculated. And then the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy are compared each other; the distributions of the exploitable wave energy are assessed and a regional division for exploitable wave energy resources is carried out; the influence of the high sea state is evaluated. The results show that considering collapsing force of the high sea state and the utilization efficiency for wave energy, it is determined that the energy by wave with a significant wave height being not less 1 m or not greater than 4 m is the exploitable wave energy. Compared with the theoretical wave energy, the average wave power density, energy level, total wave energy density and total wave energy of the exploitable wave energy decrease obviously and the stability enhances somewhat. Pronounced differences between the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy are present. In the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the areas of an abundant and stable exploitable wave energy are primarily located in the north-central part of the South China Sea, the Luzon Strait,east of Taiwan, China and north of Ryukyu Islands; annual average exploitable wave power density values in these areas are approximately 10–15 k W/m; the exploitable coefficient of variation(COV) and seasonal variation(SV)values in these areas are less than 1.2 and 1, respectively. Some coastal areas of the Beibu Gulf, the Changjiang Estuary, the Hangzhou Bay and the Zhujiang Estuary are the poor areas of the wave energy. The areas of the high wave energy exploitable ratio is primarily in nearshore waters. The influence of the high sea state for the wave energy in nearshore waters is less than that in offshore waters. In the areas of the abundant wave energy, the influence of the high sea state for the wave energy is prominent and the utilization of wave energy is relatively difficult. The developed evaluation method may give some references for an exploitable wave energy assessment and is valuable for practical applications.  相似文献   

As well as range, the AltiKa altimeter provides estimates of wave height, Hs and normalized backscatter, σ0, that need to be assessed prior to statistics based on them being included in climate databases. An analysis of crossovers with the Jason-2 altimeter shows AltiKa Hs values to be biased high by only ?0.05m, with a standard deviation (s.d.) of ?0.1m for seven-point averages. AltiKa's σ0 values are 2.5–3 dB less than those from Jason-2, with a s.d. of ?0.3 dB, with these relatively large mismatches to be expected as AltiKa measures a different part of the spectrum of sea surface roughness. A new wind speed algorithm is developed through matching a histogram of σ0 values to that for Jason-2 wind speeds. The algorithm is robust to the use of short durations of data, with a consistency at roughly the 0.1 m/s level. Incorporation of Hs as a secondary input reduces the assessed error at crossovers from 0.82 m/s to 0.71 m/s. A comparison across all altimeter frequencies used to date demonstrates that the lowest wind speeds preferentially develop the shortest scales of roughness.  相似文献   

-This paper first presents a new potassium reagent and efficient enrichment agent for direct recovery of potassium from seawater, i. e. , 1, 2, 4, 5-tetrahydroxybenzen -O, O' , O", O''- tetraacetic acid (TTAH4). The synthetic method of TTAH4, its enrichment behaviour for potassium ion in low concentration solution and seawater, and the chemical structure of its corresponding potassium salt have been investigated. A mechanism which caused the uptake of potassium ion is suggested. Elementary analysis and IR-spectrum determination of the potassium salt proved correct evidence for a polynuclear complex, i. e. , (TTAH3K)n. Thus, the mechanism which caused the uptake of potassium ion may be interpreted in terms of the formation of polynuclear chains as a continual sandwich type coordination complex.  相似文献   

This paper first presents a new potassium reagent and efficient enrichment agent for direct recovery of potassium from seawater,i.e.,1,2,4,5-tetrahydroxybenzen -O,O'',O",O''"-tetraacetic acid (TTAH4).The synthetic method of TTAH4,its enrichment behaviour for potassium ion in low concentration solution and seawater,and the chemical structure of its corresponding potassium salt have been investigated.A mechanism which caused the uptake of potassium ion is suggested.Elementary analysis and IR-spectrum determination of the potassium salt proved correct evidence for a polynuclear complex,i.e., (TTAH3K)n.Thus,the mechanism which caused the uptake of potassium ion may be interpreted in terms of the formation of polynuclear chains as a continual sandwich type coordination complex.  相似文献   

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