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English sole recruitment has been linked to environmental conditions occurring during their 6–10 week pelagic egg and larval stages, prior to their appearance in nursery estuaries during their first summer. The purpose of this study was to predict the spawning locations of juvenile English sole observed in estuaries to assess the feasibility of passive transport of egg and larval stages. Current meter data were used to back-calculate the transport trajectories of 19 cohorts of English sole observed as juveniles during estuarine trawl surveys. Only six of these cohorts were predicted to be spawned outside the Oregon–Washington shelf system, assuming passive transport of eggs and larvae. Predicted egg and larval trajectories indicate that most of the English sole found in Oregon and Washington estuaries were spawned off the coast of Washington, with some spawning off northern California and central Oregon. Although these results are not consistent with the presumed spawning locations for the Oregon and Washington shelf, they indicate that passive transport assumptions may be adequate to preserve the larvae in the coastal system until settlement.  相似文献   

由于分辨率不足等原因,当前大部分全球耦合气候模式对南海等海洋区域的模拟能力仍然较低。本文基于超高分辨率(Ultra high-resolution) CESM-UHR耦合模式(大气和海洋水平分辨率分别达到约25 km和约10 km)研究了南海动力海平面对全球变暖的响应。研究发现:(1) CESM-UHR能够较好地模拟出南海冬、夏季节性动力海面高度和表层环流变化;(2)在四倍二氧化碳试验下,冬季南海动力海平面变化呈现出中部低、近岸高的分布特征;夏季则呈现出西北部低、东南部高的分布特征,分别对应冬、夏表层地转流增强趋势;(3)冬、夏动力海平面变化特征与风应力旋度变化具有很好的对应关系;(4)全球变暖下南海海平面变化存在季节循环放大效应,这将增大南海极端水位灾害风险。  相似文献   

A simple one-dimensional model, validated with observations from ship of opportunity programs, was run at different locations in the North and South Atlantic gyres to produce seasonal partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2)–sea surface temperature (SST) relationships. The pCO2–SST relationships obtained at different locations in the North Atlantic gyre can be approximated by two regression lines, one from February to July and another from August to January. An algorithm including SST, latitude, longitude and atmospheric pCO2 was constructed for each period. The robustness of these relationships was tested along several transects in the North Atlantic gyre and found to be in good agreement with the observations. The same approach was used in the South Atlantic gyre, but more observations are required in this region. In both gyres, the pCO2–SST relationships are close to 4%/°C, which is higher than the pCO2–SST relationships deduced from a CO2 climatology.  相似文献   

Connectivity between spawning and potential nursery areas of northern rock sole, Lepidopsetta polyxystra, in the eastern Bering Sea was examined using an individual-based biophysical-coupled model. Presumed spawning areas were identified using historical field-collected ichthyoplankton data, and nursery habitats were characterized based on previously described settlement areas. Simulated larvae were released from spawning areas near the Pribilof Islands, south of the Pribilof Islands along the outer continental shelf, on the north side of the Alaska Peninsula, and in the Gulf of Alaska south of Unimak Island. Simulated larvae were transported along two general pathways: 1) northwards along the outer continental shelf from Unimak Island towards the Pribilof Islands and further north offshore of mainland Alaska, and 2) eastward along the Alaska Peninsula. At the end of the 2-month simulation, drift pathways placed pre-settlement stage larvae offshore of known nursery areas of older juveniles near mainland Alaska, consistent with a hypothesis that initial settlement may be followed by substantial post-settlement redistribution.  相似文献   

本文将TMI(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)Microwave Imager)和AMSR-E(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System)卫星观测的全球海表温度与Argo浮标观测的近海表温度进行了比较。并检验了影响海温变化的因素,包括风速、水汽含量、液态云和地理位置。结果显示,TMI、AMSR-E海表温度与Argo近海表温度均明显相关。在低风速时,TMI、AMSR-E海表温度整体比Argo近海表温度高。在低风速时,TMI比AMSR-E海表温度更接近Argo近海表温度,但TMI海表温度在高纬可能没有经过良好校正。温度差异显示,在低水汽含量时,TMI和AMSR-E海表温度显示出暖的差异,代表TMI和AMSR-E海表温度在高纬均没有经过良好校正。黑潮延伸区的海表温度变化要比海潮区明显。春季在黑潮延伸区,卫星观测的海表温度与Argo近海表温度差异较小。在低风速时,TMI和AMSR-E海表温度均经过了良好校正,而TMI比AMSR-E效果更好。  相似文献   

Data derived from altimetry shows that since 1993 the mean sea level over the East /Japan (EJS) Sea is increasing at a rate of ~3 mm/year, but tide gauge records indicate that a multidecadal reversal trend occurred prior to the early 1980s. We here characterize and quantify the multi-decadal trend of mean sea level in the EJS from the reconstructed sea levels and the in-situ ocean profiles over the past 60 years. Our analysis shows that sea level trends have undergone a shift, revealing a declining trend before the early 1980s, followed by a rising trend from the early 1980s onward with a near basin-wide sea level fluctuation. The trend reversal strongly corresponds to changes in the upper-ocean heat content over the EJS, revealing a negative correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index that correlates negatively with wind stress curl (WSC) in the subtropical North Pacific. The PDO-related WSC, which changes the transport of the western boundary current in the subtropical gyre, may account for the observed trend reversal in the EJS sea level on a multi-decadal time scale.  相似文献   

孙凡  于非  司广成  潘俊 《海洋科学》2019,43(1):15-27
在1982—2016年,苏北浅滩及长江口海域春季海表面温度主要呈现出从南至北、从近岸至离岸升温趋势逐渐减小的特征,其中长江口附近海域升温速率最大。研究显示,苏北浅滩及长江口附近海域春季海表面温度的长期升温趋势主要与该海域经向热输送及长江平流热输送的增强有关。进一步的研究发现,春季经向风速的增强导致该海域经向热输送的增加,而春季经向风速的年际及年代际变率又受到太平洋年代际振荡、北极涛动的调控,其中,太平洋年代际振荡指数与经向风速呈负相关,北极涛动指数与经向风速呈正相关,北极涛动指数的年际增加以及太平洋年代际振荡指数的年际降低使得春季南风增强,进而南向的冷平流减弱,北向的热平流增强,使该海域春季海表面温度长期升温。在此过程中,净热通量对其升温过程起到抑制作用,而前冬海温主要是对春季海表面温度的年代际振荡产生重要影响,其主要体现为1982—1999年的升温及2000—2016年的降温过程。  相似文献   

海洋对台风的响应通常表现为海表温度的降低,然而,出现在2012年8月的台风"布拉万"在经过黄海时却引起朝鲜半岛木浦沿岸海域海表的增温(而非降温),且增温幅度达4.2°C。本研究详细分析了此次异常事件的时空特征,并探讨了其可能的成因。结果发现,此次事件的产生和黄海表层冷水斑块(Surface Cold Patch,SCP)存在密切关系,并恰好出现在木浦SCP所在位置。上升流和潮混合是木浦SCP的两大形成机制,此次增温事件主要是台风"布拉万"通过抑制其生成机制之一的上升流而导致降温不足之故。具体而言,台风"布拉万"过境时位于木浦SCP的左侧,其上的北向风应力带来向岸的Ekman输运,造成外围暖水在木浦SCP地区堆积,从而抑制了该地区原本的上升流(甚至变为下降流)。  相似文献   

Satellite-based microwave radiometers can measure sea surface temperature (SST) over wide areas, even under cloud cover, owing to the weak absorption of microwaves by cloud droplets. This advantage is not available in the case of infrared observations, hence SST data derived from microwave radiometers have been widely used for operational and research purposes in recent years. This paper reviews the significant algorithms, validations, and applications related to microwave observation of SST. The history and specifications of past and present microwave radiometers are also documented. Various physical properties, including sea surface salinity, sea surface wind, molecules in the atmosphere, and clouds, affect the accuracy of SST data estimated by satellite-based microwave radiometers. Estimation algorithms are designed to correct these effects by using microwave measurements in several frequency channels and by using data of ancillary geophysical parameters. Validation studies have shown that microwave radiometer SST data have high accuracy that is comparable to the accuracy of data obtained from infrared measurements. However, certain persistent problems, such as sea-surface wind correction, remain to be solved.  相似文献   

卫星遥感南海海表面日增温的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用搭载在Aqua和Terra卫星上的MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer)、AMSR-E(advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system)传感器测量反演的昼夜海表温度(SST),计算海表面日增温(sea surface diurnal warming),分析南海海表面日增温的短期和年变动特征。受观测平台过境时间、传感器测量SST方式、反演算法等影响,MODIS/Aqua计算的日增温幅度略大于AMSR-E/Aqua和MODIS/Terra,但在表征南海海表面日增温的时空分布特征以及变化趋势上三者并未见显著性差异。南海海表面日增温在时间分布上以冬季为最小,春季为最大;在空间分布上则是南部海域大于中部和北部海域,东部海域大于西部海域。春夏之交的吕宋海峡西北部尤其容易发生日增温事件。海表面日增温与太阳辐射、风速、云量等影响有关,其中风速与海表面日增温显著负相关。  相似文献   

0-Group sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) were sampled in four nursery grounds: two on the Northern French coast and two on the Portuguese coast. Juvenile sole were collected at the Vilaine estuary (Northern Bay of Biscay) in 1992, in the Authie estuary (Eastern English Channel) in 1997, and in the Douro and Tagus estuary (Northern and central Portugal, respectively) in 2005. Left lapilli otoliths were used to estimate age and investigate variability in growth rates and hatch dates. In the French study areas nursery colonisation ended in early June in the Vilaine estuary and in late June in the Authie estuary. In the Portuguese estuaries nursery colonisation ended in May in the Douro estuary and in late June in the Tagus estuary. Growth rates were higher in the Portuguese estuaries, 0.767 mm d−1 in the Tagus estuary and 0.903 mm d−1 in the Douro estuary. In the French nurseries, growth rates were estimated to be 0.473 mm d−1 in the Villaine estuary and 0.460 mm d−1 in the Authie estuary. Data on growth rates from other studies shows that growth rates are higher at lower latitudes, probably due to higher water temperature. Spawning took place between early January and early April in the Villaine estuary's coastal area in 1992. In 1997, in the Authie estuary spawning started in late January and ended in early April. On the Douro estuary's adjacent coast spawning started in mid-January and ended in late March, in 2005, while on the Tagus estuary's adjacent coast spawning started in mid-February and ended in mid-April, in the same year. Literature analysis of the spawning period of sole along a latitudinal gradient ranging from 38°N to 55°N in the Northeast Atlantic indicated that there is a latitudinal trend, in that spawning starts sooner at lower latitudes. Results support that local conditions, particularly hydrodynamics, may overrule general latitudinal trends.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variabilities in sea surface temperature (SST) were analyzed using a time series of MODIS datasets for four separate regions in the Yellow Sea (YS) that were located along a north-south axis. The space variant temporal anomaly was further decomposed using an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) for estimating spatially distributed SST. The monthly SSTs showed similar temporal patterns in each region, which ranged from 2.4°C to 28.4°C in the study years 2011 to 2013, with seasonal cycles being stronger at the higher latitudes and weaker at the lower latitudes. Spatially, although there were no significant differences among the four regions (p < 0.05) in any year, the geographical distribution of SST was characterized by an obvious gradient whereby SST decreased along the north-south axis. The monthly thermal difference among regions was largest in winter since the SST in the southeast was mainly affected by the Yellow Sea Warm Currents. The EOF1 mode accounted for 56% of the total spatial variance and exhibited a warming signal during the study period. The EOF2 mode accounted for 8% of the total variance and indicated the warm current features in the YS. The EOF3 mode accounted for 6% of the total variance and indicated the topographical features. The methodology used in this study demonstrated the spatio-temporal variabilities in the YS.  相似文献   

Kwak  Myeong-Taek  Seo  Gwang-Ho  Cho  Yang-Ki  Kim  Bong-Guk  You  Sung Hyup  Seo  Jang-Won 《Ocean Science Journal》2015,50(1):109-117
Ocean Science Journal - Satellite remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) was compared with in-situ SST in the seas around the Korean Peninsula from 1984 to 2013. A matchup dataset between...  相似文献   

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