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第五春荣  孙勇  王倩 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3520-3530
定量地给出大陆地壳生长速率以及生长量随时间的演化是研究大陆地壳形成与演化的核心问题之一.近年来,利用沉积岩和沉积物中碎屑锆石的U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成已成为目前研究大陆地壳生长和演化最为简捷、有效的工具.本文对来自华北克拉通西部泾河和洛河河沙中的187颗碎屑锆石进行Hf同位素组成分析,并结合已有的资料来探讨华北克拉通地壳的生长和演化规律.结果显示:随着地质历史变化,华北克拉通地壳生长呈阶段性特点.如在中太古代中期-新太古代末期(3.0 ~2.5Ga)地壳生长速率较快,大约已有60%现今大陆地壳形成.此后,陆壳呈较稳定速率增长,到新元古代晚期(600Ma)基本己形成现存大陆地壳.表明现今的大陆主要生长于太古宙和元古宙,而显生宙陆壳的增生量可以忽略不计.根据河流碎屑锆石和前寒武纪岩石中锆石的U-Pb年龄、两阶段模式年龄(t DM2C和tNC2C)和εHf(t)所获得华北克拉通早前寒武纪地壳演化曲线,本文提出~2.7Ga和~2.5Ga分别曾经为华北克拉通太古宙岩浆作用最活跃时期,也是地壳快速生长时期,表明华北克拉通在新太古代曾发生过两期明显的地壳生长.  相似文献   

The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.  相似文献   


The Mesozoic tectonic transition from the Palaeo-Tethys tectonic regime to the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regime in the eastern South China Block has long been debated. Geochemical and zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic studies were conducted on the Dashuang complex in the eastern Zhejiang Province. The Dashuang complex consists mainly of quartz syenite in the northwestern part and quartz monzonite in the southeastern part. New laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry zircon U–Pb data show that the quartz syenite, the quartz monzonite, and its chilled margin (fine-grained granite) crystallized at 235 ± 4 Ma, 232 ± 3 Ma, and 230 ± 1 Ma, respectively. The Dashuang complex intrudes into the Chencai Group gneiss that postdated ~646 Ma and underwent anatexis at 443 ± 14 Ma. The quartz monzonite shows A-type granite affinity, characterized by high K2O + Na2O and Zr + Nb + Ce + Y, high FeOT/(MgO + FeOT) and Ga/Al ratios, an enrichment in light rare earth elements, and depletions in Ba, Sr, and Eu. The quartz monzonite has zircon εHf(t) values of ?14.2 to –11.9 and two-stage model ages of 1788–1922 Ma. Zircon εHf(t) values of the chilled margin (fine-grained granite) and wall rock (gneiss) are scattered (?18.2 to –6.3 and ?19.5 to 10.2). The corresponding two-stage model ages are 1482–2133 Ma and 1184–2471 Ma, respectively. The Dashuang complex was derived mainly from partial melting of Neoproterozoic clastic rocks in the Cathaysia Block. Geochemical data indicate that the quartz monzonite formed in a post-collision extensional environment. These results, considered with previous data, indicate that the transition from the Palaeo-Tethys to the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regimes of the eastern South China Block occurred during the Late Triassic (225–215 Ma).  相似文献   

徐建强  李忠  石永红 《地质科学》2012,(4):1099-1115
鲁西隆起保存并出露比较完整的晚中生代沉积记录,是研究华北东部晚中生代构造演化的重要窗口。本文采用碎屑锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS测年方法分析鲁西隆起北缘淄川地区坊子组和三台组中的两个砂岩样品,以此探讨华北东部侏罗纪的沉积物源并约束构造古地理格架。两个砂岩样品具有近似的U-Pb年龄谱。古元古代和新太古代两组U-Pb年龄及其Hf同位素组成与广泛出露于北部的华北克拉通基底一致,根据缺乏新元古代中期(850~700 Ma)岩浆年龄和三叠纪变质年龄的事实,以此可以排除扬子板块以及现今临近于鲁西隆起东南部的苏鲁造山带物源。坊子组和三台组碎屑锆石显生宙年龄(393~256 Ma)记录的晚古生代岩浆活动均未发现于鲁西隆起及其邻近地区,而可以与大量出露于华北北缘及其北部的兴-蒙造山带的岩浆活动进行对比。此外,相当部分的显生宙碎屑锆石(183 Ma、462 Ma和324~154 Ma)具有正的εHf(t)值(0.9~12.7)同位素特征,也与兴-蒙造山带特征相似,且三台组砂岩中显生宙碎屑锆石及其中εHf(t)值为正值的比例较坊子组均增多。研究认为,华北北缘及其北部的兴-蒙造山带在侏罗纪时从早到晚不断抬升、剥蚀,形成相对华北克拉通内部的高地势特点,由此大量的剥蚀产物向南输运而成为鲁西隆起侏罗系的主要碎屑物源。  相似文献   

To constrain the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, we conducted zircon U–Pb-Hf dating and whole-rock geochemical analyses for metasedimentary rocks from the Dongnancha Formation in the Huadian area in central Jilin Province, Northeastern (NE) China. Most detrital zircons from the metasedimentary rocks display clear oscillatory zoning and striped absorption in cathodoluminescence (CL) images and have Th/U ratios of 0.1–1.8, thus indicating a magmatic origin. U–Pb isotopic dating using LA-ICP-MS method for zircon samples from the metasedimentary rocks reveals that the depositional age can be constrained to the period between 250 and 222 Ma. Geochemical data reveal low to intermediate degrees of weathering of the source material and compositionally low to intermediate maturity. Detailed analyses of detrital zircon U–Pb-Hf geochronology and geochemistry show that these metasedimentary rocks are derived from a bidirectional provenance. The predominant derivation is from Permian–Early Triassic felsic-intermediate igneous rocks of central Jilin Province and adjacent regions in the northern margin of the North China Craton, although felsic-intermediate igneous rocks and continental material in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt from the Cambrian–Carboniferous represent additional sources and minor amounts of Paleoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic material have been input from the North China Craton. A number of geochemical indicators and tectonic discrimination diagrams collectively indicate a continental island arc-active continental margin setting for the deposition of the protoliths of the metasedimentary rocks. The results of geochemical and geochronological analyses of the provenance and tectonic setting of the metasedimentary rocks indicate that the Dongnancha Formation was likely deposited in an intermountain basin in a post-orogenic fast uplift setting, suggesting that the final closure of the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the Huadian area of central Jinlin Province likely occurred between the Early Triassic and Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of Transbaikalia has been largely controlled by the scissors-like closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean that separated Siberia from Mongolia-North China continents.Following the oceanic closure,the tectonic evolution of that region was characterized by collisional uplift and subsequent extension that gave rise to the formation of metamorphic core complexes.This complex tectonic setting prevailed simultaneously between 150 Ma and 110 Ma both in Transbaikalia,North Mongolia,and within the North China Craton.Published paleobotanical and paleontological data show that the oldest Mesozoic basins had formed in western Transbaikalia before the estimated age of extension onset.However no precise geochronological age is available for the onset of extension in Transbaikalia.The Tugnuy Basin,as probably the oldest Mesozoic basin in western Transbaikalia,is a key obj ect to date the onset of extension and following changes in tectonic setting.In this study,U-Pb(LA-ICP-MS) dating of detrital zircons from three key Jurassic sediment formations of the Tugnuy Basin are used to identify the potential source areas of the sediments,understand the changes in sediment routing and provide insights on the topographic evolution of western Transbaikalia.Our results show several significant changes in tectonic regime after the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.A wide uplifted plateau formed during the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean,determining the Early Jurassic drainage system reaching the AngaraVitim batholith to the north and shedding sediments to the continental margin to the South.The following collisional event at the end of the Early Jurassic led to the uplift of the collision zone,which partially inverted the drainage system toward the North.A strike-slip displacement induced by the oblique collision initiated some of the early Transbaikalian depressions,such as the Tugnuy Basin at about 168 Ma.A phase of basin inversion,marked by folding and erosion of the Upper Jurassic sediments,could correspond to the short-term collision event that took place during the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The following inversion in tectonic regime from compression to extension is consistent with the mid-lower-crustal extension that led to the formation of the numerous metamorphic core complexes throughout northeastern continental Asia during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

To constrain the provenance of the Ordos Basin and the evolution history of the Qinling Orogen Belt from the Triassic to the Jurassic, 10 samples from the Dongsheng area and 28 samples from the Yan’an area were analyzed for U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions. The results indicate that Middle Jurassic sediments in the Dongsheng area were derived from the Khondalite Belt, Langshan Mountain and the Yinshan Terrane. Mesozoic sediments in the Yan’an area consist of two parts. One part is derived from the North China Craton (NCC), which has U–Pb age groups of ∼1.8 Ga and ∼2.5 Ga, and Hf model ages of ∼2.8 Ga. The other part is derived from the Qilian–Qinling Orogenic Belt, which has U–Pb age groups of 600–1500 Ma and 100–500 Ma, and Nd and Hf isotopic model ages of less than 2.2 Ga. Combining the U–Pb ages with the Hf and Nd isotopic model ages, Mesozoic detrital zircons with U–Pb age groups of ∼1.8 Ga and ∼2.5 Ga in the Yan’an area are found to also be derived from the Khondalite Belt, Langshan Mountain and the Yinshan Terrane, not from the Trans-China Orogen Belt. From the late–Late Triassic sediments of the Yan’an area, the low average values of the Hf (2.03 Ga) and Nd (2.03 Ga) model ages and the characteristic age population of 600–1500 Ma reveal that the main collision or continental subduction between the NCC and the South China Craton (SCC) occurred in the late–Late Triassic. After the main collision or continental subduction, the proportion of sediments from the Qinling–Qilian Orogenic Belt began to decrease (recorded in the early Jurassic samples), which may be in response to the gradual slowing of the uplift speed of the Qinling Orogenic Belt. In the early-middle Jurassic, the sediments have a main U–Pb age population of 100–500 Ma, low detrital zircon Hf model ages (average value is 1.17 Ga) and low whole rock Nd model ages (average value is 1.13 Ga), which suggests that the Qilian–Qinling Orogenic Belt may have a fast uplift history in the early-middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The involvement of the North China Craton (NCC) in the assembly or breakup of Rodinia has long been debated. Studies of palaeomagnetism, mafic sills (dikes), igneous events, and sedimentary records have led to contrasting opinions on this topic. No igneous events related to the late Mesoproterozoic assembly of Rodinia have been reported in the NCC. However, the authors found numerous late Mesoproterozoic zircons in the Tonian system on the northern margin of the NCC. The Tonian Zhulazhagamaodao formation is composed of meta-sandstone, siltstone, slate, carbonate, and dolomine of the littoral to neritic facies and occurs mainly in the western part of the Bayan Obo–Zhaertai–Langshan rift. U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Tonian system reveals age peaks at 1079 ± 23 Ma, 1092 ± 22 Ma, 1175 ± 50 Ma, 1175 ± 18 Ma, 1260 ± 45 Ma, 1266 ± 16 Ma, and 1270 ± 26 Ma, which correspond to the timing of Rodinia assembly. Considering that coeval igneous rocks and orogenic belts developed mostly in the Laurentia–Baltica cratons, we propose that these cratons supplied clastic material to the northern margin of the NCC and that they had a close spatial relationship between each other during the Tonian.  相似文献   

目前对于华北克拉通东部晚中生代花岗质岩石的成因仍存在地幔柱、加厚/拆沉下地壳部分熔融、俯冲板片脱水导致地壳熔融等不同认识。辽西兴城地区晚中生代花岗质岩石主要由二长花岗岩、石英闪长岩、花岗斑岩和石英正长岩组成,岩浆成因锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果显示岩浆活动主要发生于晚侏罗世(156Ma)、早白垩世早期(139Ma)、早白垩世中期(130~125Ma)。岩石地球化学测试分析结果显示岩石属于高钾钙碱性系列且具有富集K、Pb等大离子亲石元素而相对亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素等活动陆缘岩浆岩特点,表明辽西地区晚中生代岩浆活动的发生与俯冲作用有关。晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期(156~139Ma)花岗质岩石地球化学特征与I型花岗岩类似,同时具有富集的Hf同位素组成(εHf(t)=-22.70~-18.66)和古老的Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄(tDM2=2387~2767Ma),其初始岩浆可能来源于古老中上地壳的部分熔融;形成于130Ma的花岗质岩石同样具有与I型花岗岩相类似的岩石地球化学特征,但其Hf同位素组成突变为亏损(εHf(t)=+3.64~+6.22、tDM1=537~969Ma),其初始岩浆起源于新元古代新生地壳物质的部分熔融并混入少量亏损地幔物质组分;形成于125Ma的花岗质岩石为碱性A型花岗岩,岩石地球化学特征与其他岩石有所不同,具有负的εHf(t)值(-17.30~-11.56)和相对古老的Hf同位素二阶段年龄(tDM2=1917~2278Ma),初始岩浆可能起源于较为古老的中下地壳部分熔融并有幔源物质的参与。华北克拉通东部形成于160~139Ma的花岗质岩石具有I型、高钾钙碱性、与埃达克质岩石类似的高Sr/Y、低Y含量特征和富集的Hf同位素组成,而形成于130~120Ma的花岗质岩石具有A型、碱性、与典型岛弧岩浆岩类似的岩石地球化学特征和相对亏损的Hf同位素组成,同时晚中生代岩浆活动具有向洋年轻化的特点,表明华北克拉通东部156~139Ma期间可能受到古太平洋板块的持续俯冲作用,而139~130Ma古太平洋俯冲板片开始回撤,130~125Ma进入古太平洋俯冲板片持续回撤导致的强烈区域伸展作用阶段。古太平洋俯冲板片脱水交代岩石圈地幔并形成幔源岩浆,幔源岩浆不断底侵作用于古老/新生地壳使其发生部分熔融为花岗质岩石提供岩浆来源。  相似文献   

华北地区晚中生代重大构造转折的地质证据   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
华北地区在侏罗纪和白垩纪分别发生了两次不同性质的岩浆活动,早期形成一套高锶石英闪长岩,另一期为钾玄岩系。两套岩石分别代表地壳加厚和减薄的构造背景,两次岩浆活动的转折期大致在130Ma左右,此外,华北地区自垩纪广泛分布的碱性岩同样表明区域内在白垩纪曾发生过强烈的岩石圈伸展作用。这一地质特征与区内盆地地震剖面、造山带构造活动年龄、变质核杂岩的年龄、早向坚世太平洋板块运动方向和运动速率的改变以及郯庐断裂左旋运动年龄等地质资料相佐证。因此华北地区岩石圈减薄作用主要发生在早向垩世时期,晚侏罗世——早白垩世是华北地区中生代重大构造发生的转折点。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1464-1477
We propose that inherited Neoproterozoic zircons in Mesozoic igneous rocks from the eastern portion of the North China craton (NCC) were initially derived from the Yangtze/South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduced these zircons into the NCC was likely tectonic underplating during Triassic continental subduction/collision of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. The addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the exotic zircons, probably along the Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC crust, led to the crustal thickening of the NCC. These sialic materials contributed significantly to the Mesozoic igneous rocks, either as source rocks or as contaminants of magmas generated during an extensional environment following crustal thickening. Crustal thickening was spatially linked to lithospheric thinning, with both occurring mainly in the eastern segment of the NCC, suggestive of an intrinsic relationship between thickening and thinning events during Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1194-1211
A belt of khondalite-series rocks in the Western Block of the North China craton (NCC) are considered to represent products of the collision between the north Yinshan and the south Ordos terranes before final amalgamation of the NCC basement. The Jining Complex of Inner Mongolia occurs in the eastern part of the Khondalite Belt and is crosscut by the Trans-North China Orogen. Khondalite rocks of the Jining Complex mainly comprise sillimanite-garnet gneiss, garnet/sillimanite-bearing granite, massive porphyritic granite, garnet quartzite, calc-silicate, and marble with minor felsic gneiss and mafic granulite. LA-ICP-MS, U–Pb dating and cathodoluminescence (CL) image analysis of zircons from five rocks from the complex, i.e. Sil-Bt-Grt leptynite gneiss, Spl-Sil-Ksp-Grt vein in (Crd)-Sil-Grt gneiss, Sil-Grt-K-Fsp mylonite from a shear zone, Crd-bearing Sil-Grt gneiss, and granite were used to determine protolith and metamorphic ages of the khondalite-series rocks. Results of 315 detrital zircon grains indicate five age populations: 2410–2550 Ma, 2162 Ma, 2047–2099 Ma, 1950–1993 Ma, and 1866 Ma. CL investigation reveals that zircon grains of most samples are rounded, unzoned with low Th/U, indicating a metamorphic origin, whereas quite a few grains in some rocks are characterized by magmatic oscillatory zoning and comparatively high Th/U, and are typically overgrown by metamorphic, low CL rims with low Th/U. Three samples of Sil-Bt-Grt gneiss record oldest ages of ~2550–2480 Ma, suggesting an Archaean/early Palaeoproterozoic provenance for the Jining Complex. Ages of ~2162–2047 Ma are interpreted as the metamorphic modified inherited source of supercrustal protoliths of the khondalite-series rocks. The khondalite depositional age is defined as 2228–2027 Ma by concordant ages obtained in this research. The Sil-Ksp-Grt vein and the granite have single population ages of 1985?±?28 Ma and 1957?±?19 Ma, respectively, and are inferred to record the same metamorphic event, i.e. formation of the Khondalite Belt within the Western Block owing to the collision of the north Yinshan and the south Ordos terranes. The Sil-Grt-K-Fsp mylonite yields a single group age of 1866?±?22 Ma, which may date final suturing of the Eastern Block and the Western Block and stabilization of the NCC.  相似文献   

华北中、新生代玄武质火山岩和基性脉岩携带的地慢橄榄岩捕虏体中橄榄石和/或橄榄石捕虏晶系统的组成填图显示华北东部中、新生代岩石圈地幔存在明显的时空分布规律和不均一性。这与通过岩石圈地幔源基性岩石的地球化学反演获得的华北中生代岩石圈地幔的时空不均一性及其块体特征完全一致。太行山和鲁皖地区新生代岩石圈地慢的差异演化主要反映古老地幔橄榄岩与熔体相互作用时熔体性质和来源的不同。同时,橄榄石Fo填图还揭示了郯庐断裂对华北东部中、新生代基性岩浆活动及其岩石圈地幔演化的重要制约作用。而且,华北东部中生代岩石圈减薄后尚存古老岩石圈地幔残留。因此,华北东部岩石圈减薄的整体拆沉模式很难成立。  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) preserves the history of crustal growth and craton formation during the early Precambrian followed by extensive lithospheric thinning and craton destruction in the Mesozoic. Here we present evidence for magma mixing and mingling associated with the Mesozoic tectonic processes from the Central NCC, along the Trans-North China Orogen, a paleo suture along which the Eastern and Western Blocks were amalgamated at end of Paleoproterozoic. Our investigations focus on two granitoids – the Chiwawu and the Mapeng plutons. Typical signatures for the interaction of mafic and felsic magmas are observed in these plutons such as: (1) the presence of diorite enclaves; (2) flow structures; (3) schlierens; (4) varying degrees of hybridization; and (5) macro-, and micro-textures. Porphyritic feldspar crystals show numerous mineral inclusions as well as rapakivi and anti-rapakivi textures. We present bulk chemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and REE data, and Lu–Hf isotopes on the granitoids, diorite enclaves, and surrounding basement rocks to constrain the timing of intraplate magmatism and processes of interaction between felsic and mafic magmas. Our LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb data show that the pophyritic granodiorite was emplaced at 129.7 ± 1.0 Ma. The diorite enclaves within this granodiorite show identical ages (128.2 ± 1.5 Ma). The basement TTG (tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite) gneisses formed at ca. 2.5 Ga coinciding with the major period of crustal accretion in the NCC. The 1.85 Ga age from zircons in the gabbro with positive Hf isotope signature may be related to mantle magmatism during post-collisional extension following the assembly of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC along the Trans-North China Orogen. Our Hf isotope data indicate that the Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic basement rocks were derived from complex sources of both juvenile magmas and reworked ancient crust, whereas the magma source for the Mesozoic units are dominantly reworked basement rocks. Our study provides a window to intraplate magmatism triggered by mantle upwelling beneath a paleosuture in the North China Craton.  相似文献   

渤海西南海域自中生代以来历经多期构造活动,记录了华北克拉通的破坏过程。为了明晰渤海西南海域中生代构造演化与区域构造间的关系,以研究区三维地震资料以及深层钻井资料为基础,结合区域构造背景,厘定了研究区中生代构造特征,恢复了中生代构造演化过程,并探讨了其动力学机制及其对华北克拉通破坏的响应。结果表明:(1)不同于渤海湾盆地陆上油区NEE向的构造面貌,渤海西南海域发育多走向、多类型构造,三维地震资料揭示中生代发育NWW向负反转裂陷、NEE向走滑逆冲、挤压褶皱等异于新生代伸展样式的特殊构造,其中尤以NWW向负反转构造占主导。(2)渤海西南海域中生代以来经历了印支期逆冲褶皱成山、燕山早期左旋逆冲改造、燕山中期裂陷反转以及燕山晚期褶皱等多期变形过程, 其中印支期逆冲褶皱是潜山形成的关键时期,而燕山中期反转是构造体制发生变革的关键时期。(3)NWW向构造的形成与印支期华南板块与华北板块的碰撞有关,燕山早期左旋走滑是太平洋板块NWW向俯冲于华北板块之下的结果,代表太平洋构造域接替古特提斯构造域控制华北板块变形;燕山中期的裂陷反转与区域大规模中基性岩浆活动相对应,是华北克拉通大规模破坏的浅层响应。印支期NWW向先存构造燕山中期反转裂陷模式的提出,丰富了传统华北克拉通破坏形成NEE向盆地的简单构造模式。  相似文献   

In northeastern Vietnam, Late Paleozoic and Permo-Triassic granitic plutons are widespread, but their tectonic significance is controversial. In order to understand the regional magmatism and crustal evolution processes of the South China block (SCB), this study reports integrated in situ U–Pb, Hf–O and Sr–Nd isotope analyses of granitic rocks from five plutons in northeastern Vietnam. Zircon SIMS U–Pb ages of six granitic samples cluster around in two groups 255–228 Ma and 90 Ma. Bulk-rock εNd (t) ranges from −11 to −9.7, suggesting that continental crust materials were involved in their granitic genesis. In situ zircon Hf–O isotopic measurements for the granitic samples yield a mixing trend between the mantle- and supracrustal-derived melts. It is suggested that the granitic rocks were formed by re-melting of the continental crust. These new data are compared with the Paleozoic and Mesozoic granitic rocks of South China. We argue that northeastern Vietnam belongs to the South China block. Though still speculated, an ophiolitic suture between NE Vietnam and South China, so-called Babu ophiolite, appears unlikely. The Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic magmatism in the research area provides new insights for the magmatic evolution of the South China block.  相似文献   

Relatively successive sequences of Late Mesozoic are preserved and exposed in Luxi Uplift (LU), eastern North China block (NCB), which is an important region to study the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern NCB. In this study, in situ U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic analyses on detrital zircons from the sandstones of Jurassic Fangzi and Santai Formations in LU combining the analysis of sandstone detrital modes were performed, with an aim to trace the Jurassic sediment provenances and the tectonic–paleogeographic configuration of eastern NCB. Three sandstone samples (one from Fangzi Formation and two from Santai Formation) have very similar U–Pb age spectrums which can be divided into three major groups: Phanerozoic (I), Paleoproterozoic (II), and Neoarchean (III). Detrital zircons of Group II and Group III broadly match the age spectra of the basement of NCC which exposed extensively in the northern part. No middle Neoproterozoic magmatic zircons or Triassic metamorphic zircons were found in this study, ruling out the clastic provenance transported from the Sulu orogen to LU. Dominant zircon populations of Group Iare Late Paleozoic (250–393 Ma) recording the corresponding magmatic activities which are not found both in LU and its peripheral tectonic terranes, but can be well compared with that of the northern NCB (NNCB) and the Xing-Meng Orogenic Belt (XMOB). Furthermore, Hf isotope compositions of the Phanerozoic detrital zircons can be distinctly divided into two clusters with εHf(t) values ranging from −1.0 to +12.7 and −21.9 to −3.0, respectively resemble those from the XMOB and NCB (mainly from NNCB). Sandstone detrital modes analysis indicates the provenance came from the areas that have been eroded deeply to expose the basement rocks which accords with the tectonic setting of the NNCB. This research proposes that an evident mountain or provenance region once increasingly developed along NNCB during Early to Late Jurassic (182–155 Ma) due to the continuous collision of the Siberia and North China–Mongolian plates, easily shed mass clastic materials southward into the inner NCB and became the major provenance of Jurassic sediments in LU.  相似文献   

Geodynamic drivers for the supercontinent cycle are generally attributed to either top-down(subduction-related)or bottom-up(mantle-related)processes.Compiled geochemical data and U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic signatures for magmatic and detrital zircons from the Tarim Craton reveal a distinct change in subduction style during the Neoproterozoic.The subduction cycle is recorded in increasing and decreasing intensity of subduction-related magmatic rocks and time-equivalent sedimentary successions,and converse trends ofεHf(t)values and corresponding changes in crustal incubation time.These trends are consistent with a switch from advancing to retreating subduction.The switch likely occurred at ca.760 Ma when zirconεHf(t)values increase and crustal incubation times decrease following a transitional shift between 800 Ma and 760 Ma.A switch at this time is consistent with Rodinia breakup and may have resulted in the late Neoproterozoic Tarim rift basin.The long-lived(ca.500 Ma)subduction recorded in the Tarim Craton suggests the predominance of a top-down process for Rodinia breakup on this part of its margin.  相似文献   


We report new zircon U–Pb ages, Hf isotopic and geochemical results for the Tongling granitic plutons of Southeast China. SHRIMP U–Pb ages for the Miaojia quartz monzodiorite porphyrite,the Tianebaodan and Tongguanshan quartz monzodiorites, the Xinqiaotou granodiorite porphyry, and the Shatanjiao and Nanhongchong granodiorite are 143 ± 2, 141 ± 1 and 142 ± 1, 147 ± 1, and 145 ± 1 and 139 ± 1 Ma, respectively. Combined with previous geochronological data, our results indicate that the porphyritic rocks are older than rocks of the same type lacking porphyritic texture. Geochemically, these high-K calc-alkaline intrusive rocks are characterized by arc-like trace element distribution patterns, with significant enrichment in LILE and LREE but depletion in HFSE. Lu–Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from the high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) rocks have εHf(t) values of magmatic 139–147 Ma zircons from ?8.1 to ?25.6, with two-stage model ages (tDM2) of 1.71–2.67 Ga, whereas εHf(t) values of inherited 582–844 Ma zircons range from 5.4 to ?9.5, with tDM2 of 1.39–2.22 Ma, younger than tDM2 values of igneous zircon, indicating that newly formed mantle material was added to the continental crust of the Yangtze Block. Moreover, εHf(t) values of inherited zircon cores older than 1000 Ma are from ?7.8 to ?26, similar to magmatic zircons, and the tDM2 values are all greater than 3.0 Ga (3.16–3.75 Ga), reflecting partial melting of ancient sialic material. We conclude that the plutonic melts were derived from both the enriched mantle and the ancient crust. The HKCA Tongling intrusions coincide temporally with the J3–K1 magmatic event that was widespread in Southeast China. This igneous activity may have accompanied sinistral slip along the Tan-Lu fault due to oblique subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

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