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The variability of two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) (upper and deep Labrador Sea Water) and their respective spreading in the interior North Atlantic Ocean are investigated by means of repeated ship surveys carried out along the zonal WOCE line A2/AR19 located at 43–48°N (1993–2007) and along the GOOS line at about 48–51°N (1997–2002). Hydrographic section data are complemented by temperature, salinity, and velocity time series recorded by two moorings. They have been deployed at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in the Newfoundland Basin during 1996–2004. The analysis of hydrographic anomalies at various longitudes points to a gradual eastward propagation of LSW-related signals, which happens on time scales of 3–6 years from the formation region towards the MAR. Interactions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) with the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) close to Flemish Cap point to the NAC being the main distributor of the different types of LSW into the interior of the Newfoundland Basin. Comparisons between the ship data and the mooring records revealed that the mooring sites are located in a region affected by highly variable flow. The mooring time series demonstrate an elevated level of variability with eddy activity and variability associated with the NAC considerably influencing the LSW signals in this region. Hydrographic data taken from Argo profiles from the vicinity of the mooring sites turned out to mimic quite well the temporal evolution captured by the moorings. There is some indication of occasional southward flow in the LSW layer near the MAR. If this can be considered as a hint to an interior LSW-route, it is at least of minor importance in comparison to the DWBC. It acts as an important supplier for the interior North Atlantic, distributing older and recently formed LSW modes southward along the MAR.  相似文献   

Previous work had examined an ocean model of the subpolar gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean that used the Gent and McWilliams parameterization with a variable eddy-transfer coefficient, and showed significant improvements to the model’s circulation and hydrography. This note examines an extended (80-year-long) integration of the same model and focuses on the adjustment of the intermediate and deep waters as well as on model stability. It is shown that the model is able to retain a good representation of the water masses, especially in the Labrador Sea, through the full integration. Labrador Sea Water dispersal is well simulated by the model in the western basin, with a good correspondence between the model and observational salinities on the σ2 = 36.95 isopycnal surface. Labrador Sea Water dispersal to the eastern basin is not nearly as well represented, as this water mass has trouble passing over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the model. The variable eddy-transfer coefficient significantly improves the model representation of the Cold Intermediate Layer on the Labrador shelf by reducing spurious diapycnal mixing. Finally, the evidence in this note suggests that open boundary conditions do not generate significant model drift, even for integrations approaching a century in length.  相似文献   

High-sensitivity (nanomolar) techniques for nitrate and phosphate were applied to study nutrient patterns in the euphotic zone of mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea during the EDDIES project. Surface concentrations of nitrate plus nitrite (DNN) and phosphate (DIP) were found in the range of 1–20 nM with substantial spatial variability in the eddies, with resulting mean N:P molar ratios of 2.1. Chlorophyll biomass was well correlated with DNN but not DIP in the upper euphotic zone, suggesting N-limitation of marine phytoplankton at this time of year. Within the upper 140 m, the water column experienced a transition from a P-enriched (relative to Redfield ratio) shallow layer to a N-enriched deep layer, which may suggest downward transport and subsequent remineralization of high N/P biogenic products presumably originating from N2 fixation. Chlorophyll biomass in the deep chlorophyll maximum of eddies was found to be tightly related to eddy–induced variability in major nutrients (N, P, Si) and nutrient stoichiometry, suggesting that the impact of eddies on biology is through control of nutrient availability. Because the eddies were likely to be in various phases of development (different degrees of both biological and physical maturity), full interpretation of eddy data and dynamics will require better coverage of a full eddy life cycle.  相似文献   

东北大西洋海洋捕捞渔获物营养级变化研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
东北大西洋是重要的海洋捕捞海域,该海域渔业栖息环境易受北极气候变化的影响。为此,本文基于1950-2012年东北大西洋FAO的渔获统计数据,对已开发的293种渔获物平均营养级(mTL)、营养级平衡指标(FIB)和渔获营养级分类(TrC)进行时间序列的统计,为进一步研究该海域渔业资源受北极气候变化的影响提供基础。研究认为,平均营养级(mTL)从1950年(mTL=3.71)下降至2012年(mTL=3.57),每年下降约0.02TL(r=-0.614;P<0.01),而近8年来营养级平衡指数持续下降。同时,研究表明,东北大西洋渔获物平均营养级和气候变化(海表温上升、北大西洋涛动和海冰缩减等)息息相关,其中渔获量出现高产值均在海表温异常年份:1956年、1976年和1997年。本文分析了东北大西洋渔获物营养级变动情况,为研究东北大西洋渔获组成变化与气候变化的关系提供研究基础,也为渔业资源的可持续开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The short-time-scale variability of the remineralization patterns in the domain of Eastern North Atlantic Central Waters (ENACW) off the NW Iberian Peninsula is studied based on biogeochemical data (oxygen, nutrient salts, total alkalinity, pH, dissolved organic matter and fluorescence of dissolved humic substances) collected weekly between May 2001 and April 2002. The temporal variability of inorganic variables points to an intensification of remineralization during the summer and autumn, with an increase of nutrients, total inorganic carbon and fluorescence and a decrease of oxygen. During the subsequent winter mixing, there is a biogeochemical reset of the system, with lower nutrients, total inorganic carbon and fluorescence and higher oxygen. In contrast to inorganic variables, the levels of dissolved organic matter in the ENACW seem to respond to short-term events probably associated with fast sinking particles, where solubilisation of organic matter prevails over remineralization. Applying a previously published stoichiometric model, we observed a vertical fractionation of organic-matter remineralization. Although there is a preferential remineralization of proteins and P compounds in the entire domain of ENACW, the percentage was higher in the upper ENACW (σ<27.10 kg/m3) than in the lower; the percentage of N and P compounds in the oxidised organic matter was >80% for the upper ENACW and 63% for the lower. Likewise, the redissolution of calcareous structures contributes about 6% and 13% to the carbon regenerated in the upper and lower layers of ENACW, respectively.  相似文献   

东北大西洋北海渔场鱼类群落结构年际变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈爽  陈新军 《海洋学报》2019,41(6):64-75
根据2001-2015年东北大西洋北海渔场进行的国际底拖网调查渔获数据,采用生物多样性指数和多元统计分析研究该海域群落结构的年际变化,并利用格局转变贯序t检验的方法研究鱼类种群的转变规律,结合环境因素与捕捞因素分析群落结构变化的原因。结果显示:2001-2015年北海渔场共出现280种渔业资源,其中鱼类有222种,资源丰度波动较大;物种多样性整体呈上升趋势。聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序分析表明,研究期间大致分为2001-2003年、2004-2011年和2012-2015年3个阶段。大西洋鲱分别在2004年和2014年种群结构发生格局转变,格局转变指数(RSI)分别为-0.45和0.41;黑线鳕在2003年和2012年格局发生转变,RSI值分别为-0.58和-0.66;黍鲱在2014年格局发生转变,RSI值为2。通过对环境因素与捕捞因素的分析发现,北海渔场群落格局第一次发生转变主要受捕捞因素影响,第二次发生转变主要受环境因素影响。  相似文献   

The geographic and bathymetric distribution of “ostur”, that is mass occurrences of large-sized astrophorid demosponges, first recognized at the Faroe Islands during the internordic BIOFAR programme (Marine Benthic Fauna of the Faroe Islands), are mapped for the northeast Atlantic. This is done on the basis of information obtained during the sampling of the BIOICE programme (Benthic Invertebrates in Icelandic Waters) as well as during cruises at Karmoy (southwest Norway), the Trondheim Fjord (middle Norway), the Koster area (southwest Sweden) and the Denmark Strait (southeast Greenland). In addition, information has been acquired from Nordic and German biologists and fishermen regarding the occurrence of “ostur”. These data together with the sparse information in the literature show that the geographic distribution of the “ostur” areas follows two band-shaped arcs, defined by the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the Irminger Current. The local occurrence of “ostur” is, however, to a great extent dependent on areas of variable topography where a hard bottom is present.The results show that two main types of “ostur” can be recognized in the northeast Atlantic. Firstly a boreal “ostur” which is dominated by Geodia barretti, Geodia macandrewi, Geodia atlantica, Isops phlegraei, Stryphnus ponderosus and Stelletta normani, and occurs around the Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, parts of the western Barents Sea and south of Iceland. Secondly a cold water “ostur” characterized by the same genera but represented by different species, viz. Geodia mesotriaena, Isops phlegraei pyriformis and Stelletta rhaphidiophora, which is found north of Iceland, in most of the Denmark Strait, off East Greenland and north of Spitzbergen. A number of hexactinellid species are also represented in the cold water “ostur”, the most frequently occurring being Schaudinnia rosea.Suggestions are given regarding the possible causes for observed changes in the distribution of “ostur” as well as to the biological importance of these areas.  相似文献   

Warming of the northeast Atlantic is expected to affect the location and productivity of fish stocks. It is examined whether variations in catches of cod, herring, mackerel, anchovy and sardines in the ICES statistical areas are related to variations in ocean temperature. Temperatures at certain locations along the Norwegian coast are taken as proxies for temperatures in the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. It is found that the catches of cod in the North Sea are inversely correlated with temperature and that recruitment and catches of cod in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are positively related to temperature. There is also some indication of a positive correlation between temperature and the catches of mackerel in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and between temperature and the catches of sardines in the North Sea.  相似文献   

A shallow subtidal (3 m deep) meiofaunal assemblage in Los Abrigos Bay, Tenerife, Canary Islands was sampled during May 2000-April 2001. Themain aims were to (1) find temporal variations inmeiofaunal assemblage structure and overall abundance, as well as in the most abundant meiofaunal species throughout the study period, and (2) identify environmental variables (sedimentary composition, organic matter content, and total nitrogen) that better explain meiofaunal assemblage structure during the study year. The most abundant species were the nematodes Siphonolaimus sp. 2 and Catanema sp., which represented 46.2% of the overall meiofaunal abundances and varied significantly throughout the study duration. Overall meiofaunal abundance and the most abundant taxonomic groups (nematodes, copepods, and oligochaetes) showed significant temporal variations during the study period. Nematodes overwhelmingly dominated during the study period, ranging from 78% in May to 97.34% in February. Multivariate analyses showed seasonality inmeiofaunal community structure during the study year, with the lowest abundances in May.  相似文献   

The Darwin Mounds are a series of small (5 m high, 75–100 m diameter) sandy features located in the northern Rockall Trough. They provide a habitat for communities of Lophelia pertusa and associated fauna. Suspended particulate organic matter (sPOM) reaching the deep-sea floor, which could potentially fuel this deep-water coral (DWC) ecosystem, was collected during summer 2000. This was relatively “fresh” (i.e. dominated by labile lipids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids) and was derived largely from phytoplankton remains and faecal pellets, with contributions from bacteria and microzooplankton. Labile sPOM components were enriched in the benthic boundary layer (10 m above bottom (mab)) relative to 150 mab. The action of certain benthic fauna that are exclusively associated with the DWC ecosystem (e.g. echiuran worms) leads to the subduction of fresh organic material into the sediments. The mound surface sediments are enriched in organic carbon, relative to off-mound sites. There is no evidence for hydrocarbon venting at this location.  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model is configured for the pan-Arctic and northern North Atlantic Ocean with a 27.5 km resolution. The model is driven by the daily atmospheric climatology averaged from the 40-year NCEP reanalysis (1958–1997). The ocean model is the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), while the sea ice model is based on a full thermodynamical and dynamical model with plastic-viscous rheology. A sea ice model with multiple categories of thickness is utilized. A systematic model-data comparison was conducted. This model reasonably reproduces seasonal cycles of both the sea ice and the ocean. Climatological sea ice areas derived from historical data are used to validate the ice model performance. The simulated sea ice cover reaches a maximum of 14 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 6.7 × 106 km2 in summer. This is close to the 95-year climatology with a maximum of 13.3 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 7 × 106 km2 in summer. The simulated general circulation in the Arctic Ocean, the GIN (Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian) seas, and northern North Atlantic Ocean are qualitatively consistent with historical mapping. It is found that the low winter salinity or freshwater in the Canada Basin tends to converge due to the strong anticyclonic atmospheric circulation that drives the anticyclonic ocean surface current, while low summer salinity or freshwater tends to spread inside the Arctic and exports out of the Arctic due to the relaxing wind field. It is also found that the warm, saline Atlantic Water has little seasonal variation, based on both simulation and observations. Seasonal cycles of temperature and salinity at several representative locations reveals regional features that characterize different water mass properties.  相似文献   

With a limited number of properties (salinity, temperature, total dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, and oxygen) from a recent cruise in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, we use the simple and recent approach TrOCA (Tracer combining Oxygen, inorganic Carbon, and total Alkalinity) to estimate the distribution of anthropogenic CO2 along three latitudinal sections. In order to assess the quality of the anthropogenic CO2 distribution, results from the method are compared to the CFC-11 measurements. We discuss the large-scale distribution of the main water masses of the tropical Atlantic Ocean in the light of the anthropogenic CO2 and the CFC-11 distributions. Keeping in mind that the anthropogenic CO2 emission began 60 years earlier than that of CFC-11, the former provides new insight on the local circulation and efficiency of the tropical waters to store the atmospheric carbon.  相似文献   

Poles of rotation for the North Atlantic have been derived from the results of a new aeromagnetic survey northeast of Newfoundland. Reconstruction of the North Atlantic at anomaly 34 time shows a band of large amplitude magnetic anomalies which parallels anomaly 34 on both sides of the Atlantic from Flemish Cap and Goban Spur to the Azores-Gibraltar Fracture Zone. A group of similar anomalies has also been identified in the Bay of Biscay. North of Goban Spur and Flemish Cap, these anomalies follow the ocean-continent boundary. Poles of rotation derived for this anomaly show that it forms an isochron (100–110 m.y.) during the long Cretaceous normal polarity interval. The cause of this anomaly is not definite, but it may represent an increase in the magnetization of the crust during a limited time within the Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone by a process such as replacement of thermoremanent magnetization by chemical remanent magnetization as proposed by Raymond and LaBrecque.The North Atlantic has also been reconstructed at the time of the initial opening in the region between Flemish Cap and the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone, using inferred ocean-continent boundaries on the west and east sides: it has been shown that the entire region could not have saparated at one time, but that spreading between the British Isles and Newfoundland had to progress from south to north. Consequently, when active sea-floor spreading was taking place between Goban Spur and Flemish Cap (about 110 m.y.) the region to the north was still being stretched. The calculated amount of stretching as derived from the reconstructions (about 25%) agrees well with the extension of the lithosphere obtained from modelling the subsidence history of this region, and with the results of deep seismic studies. Active spreading in the north started about 100 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 (expressed as per mille deviations from Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ18O) is reported for seawater samples collected from seven full-depth CTD casts in the northern North Atlantic between 20° and 41°W, 52° and 60°N. Water masses in the study region are distinguished by their δ18O composition, as are the processes involved in their formation. The isotopically heaviest surface waters occur in the eastern region where values of δ18O and salinity (S) lie on an evaporation–precipitation line with slope of 0.6 in δ18O–S space. Surface isotopic values become progressively lighter to the west of the region due to the addition of 18O-depleted precipitation. This appears to be mainly the meteoric water outflow from the Arctic rather than local precipitation. Surface samples near the southwest of the survey area (close to the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone) show a deviation in δ18O–S space from the precipitation mixing line due to the influence of sea ice meltwater. We speculate that this is the effect of the sea ice meltwater efflux from the Labrador Sea. Subpolar Mode Water (SPMW) is modified en route to the Labrador Sea where it forms Labrador Sea Water (LSW). LSW lies to the right (saline) side of the precipitation mixing line, indicating that there is a positive net sea ice formation from its source waters. We estimate that a sea ice deficit of ≈250 km3 is incorporated annually into LSW. This ice forms further north from the Labrador Sea, but its effect is transferred to the Labrador Sea via, e.g. the East Greenland Current. East Greenland Current waters are relatively fresh due to dilution with a large amount of meteoric water, but also contain waters that have had a significant amount of sea ice formed from them. The Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW, δ18O=0.22‰) and Northwest Atlantic Bottom Waters (NWABW, δ18O=0.13‰) are isotopically distinct reflecting different formation and mixing processes. NEADW lies on the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line in δ18O–salinity space, whereas NWABW lies between NEADW and LSW on δ18O–salinity plots. The offset of NWABW relative to the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line is partially due to entrainment of LSW by the Denmark Strait overflow water during its overflow of the Denmark Strait sill. In the eastern basin, lower deep water (LDW, modified Antarctic bottom water) is identified as far north as 55°N. This LDW has δ18O of 0.13‰, making it quite distinct from NEADW. It is also warmer than NWABW, despite having a similar isotopic composition to this latter water mass.  相似文献   

A video plankton recorder (VPR) and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) were utilized on three cruises in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) between 1995 and 2002 to quantify the size and abundance of marine snow and Rhizosolenia diatom mats within the upper 305 m of the water column. Quantitative image analysis of video collected by the VPR and an ROV-mounted particle imaging system provides the first transect of marine snow size and abundance across the central North Pacific Gyre extending from 920 km NW of Oahu to 555 km off Southern California. Snow abundance in the upper 55 m was surprisingly high for this oligotrophic region, with peak values of 6.0–13.0×103 aggregates m−3 at the western- and easternmost stations. At stations located in the middle of the transect (farthest from HI and CA), upper water column snow abundance displayed values of 0.5–1.0×103 aggregates m−3. VPR and ROV imagery also provided in situ documentation of the presence of nitrogen-transporting, vertically migrating Rhizosolenia mats from the surface to >300 m with mat abundances ranging from 0 to 10 mats m−3. There was clear evidence that Rhizosolenia mats commonly reach sub-nutricline depths. The mats were noted to be a common feature in the North Pacific Gyre, with the lower salinity edge of the California Current appearing to be the easternmost extent of their oceanic distribution. Based on ROV observations at depth, flux by large (1.5 cm) mats is revised upward 4.5-fold, yielding an average value of 40 μmol N m−2 d−1, a value equaling previous estimates that included much smaller mats visible only to towed optical systems. Our results suggest that the occurrence across a broad region of the NPSG of particulate organic matter production events represented by high concentrations of Rhizosolenia mats, associated mesozooplankton, and abundant detrital marine aggregates may represent significant stochastic components in the overall carbon, nitrogen, and silica budgets of the oligotrophic subtropical gyre. Likewise, their presence has important implications for the proposed climate-driven, ecosystem reorganization or domain shift occurring in the NPSG.  相似文献   

A large database representing the bathymetric distribution of 117 species of halocyprid ostracods has been compiled from seven stations forming a transect from the equator to 60°N along 20°W, plus an additional station at 32°N, 65°W. This data base is analysed to examine the latitudinal and bathymetric changes in species composition and diversity of assemblages of this important, yet neglected, holoplanktonic group. At each station stratified sampling of the complete water column from the surface down mostly to 2000 m was carried out both day and night. Each sample resulted from the filtration of at least 2500 m3 of water and was analysed using a consistent protocol. The differences between the day and night profiles are attributable to diel vertical migrations, to local-scale heterogeneity, and possibly to a degree of net avoidance. There is a gradient of increasing species richness and diversity from high to low latitudes. By day, halocyprids are either infrequent or absent from the upper 50 m of the water column, but at night after diel vertical migration they become quite abundant in the epipelagic zone, particularly at low latitudes. Bathymetric profiles show ostracod abundances increase rapidly below the thermocline, reaching maxima at 200-400 m and then declining by at least an order of magnitude at 2000 m. Diversity (both species richness, H′ and evenness, J) also increases below the thermocline and thereafter is either maintained or declines only slightly to 2000 m. There are no relationships among diversity, abundance and productivity, but analysis of the whole database shows that the changes in community structure are consistent with Longhurst’s [Longhurst, A.R., 1998. Ecological Geography of the Sea. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. xiv, 398.] biogeochemical provinces.  相似文献   

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