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Although the diamond potential of cratons is linked mainly to thick and depleted Archean lithospheric keels, there are examples of craton-edge locations and circum-cratonic Proterozoic terranes underlain by diamondiferous mantle. Here, we use the results of comprehensive major and trace-element studies of detrital garnets from diamond-rich Late Triassic (Carnian) sedimentary rocks in the northeastern Siberia to constrain the thermal and chemical state of the pre-Triassic mantle and its ability to sustain the diamond storage. The studied detrital mantle-derived garnets are dominated by low- to medium-Cr lherzolitic (~45%) and low-Cr megacrystic (~39%) chemistries, with a significant proportion of eclogitic garnets (~11%), and only subordinate contribution from harzburgitic garnets (~5%) with variable Cr2O3 contents (1.2–8.4 wt.%). Low-Cr megacrysts display uniform, “normal” rare-earth element (REE) patterns with no Eu/Eu* anomalies, systematic Zr and Ti enrichment (mainly within 2.5–5), which are evidence of their crystallization from deep metasomatic melts. Lherzolitic (G9) garnets exhibit normal or humped to MREE-depleted sinusoidal REE patterns and elevated Nd/Y (up to 0.33–0.41) and Zr/Y ratios (up to 7.62). Rare low- to high-Cr harzburgitic (G10) garnets have primarily “depleted”, sinusoidal REE-patterns, low Ti, Y and HREE, but vary significantly in Zr-Hf, Ti and MREE-HREE contents, Nd/Y (within 0.1–2.4) and Zr/Y (1.53–19.9) ratios. The observed trends of chemical enrichment from the most depleted, harzburgitic garnets towards lherzolitic (including high-Ti high-Cr G11-type) garnets and megacrysts result from either voluminous high-temperature metasomatism by plume-derived silicate melts or recurrent mobilization of less voluminous kimberlitic or related carbonated mantle melts, rather than the initially primitive, fertile nature of the Proterozoic SCLM. Calculated Ni-in-garnet temperatures (primarily within ~1150–1250 °C) indicate their derivation from at least ~220 km thick Cr-undersaturated lithosphere at the relevant Devonian to Triassic thermal flow of ~45 mW/m2 or cooler. We suggest the existence of rare harzburgitic domains in the primarily lherzolitic diamond-facies SCLM beneath the northeastern Siberian craton at least by Triassic, whereas the abundance of eclogitic garnets, predominance of E-type inclusions in placer diamonds and specific morphologies argue for diamondiferous eclogites occurring within a ~50–65 kbar diamond window of the Olenek province by the same time.  相似文献   

Several thousand clinopyroxene, garnet, and phlogopite inclusions of mantle rocks from Jurassic and Triassic kimberlites in the northeastern Siberian craton have been analyzed and compared with their counterparts from Paleozoic kimberlites, including those rich in diamond. The new and published mineral chemistry data make a basis for an updated classification of kimberlite-hosted clinopyroxenes according to peridotitic and mafic (eclogite and pyroxenite) parageneses. The obtained results place constraints on the stability field of high-Na lherzolitic clinopyroxenes, which affect the coexisting garnet and decrease its Ca contents. As follows from analyses of the mantle minerals from Mesozoic kimberlites, the cratonic lithosphere contained more pyroxenite and eclogite in the Mesozoic than in the Paleozoic. It virtually lacked ultradepleted harzburgite-dunite lithologies and contained scarce eclogitic diamonds. On the other hand, both inclusions in diamond and individual eclogitic minerals from Mesozoic kimberlites differ from eclogitic inclusions in diamond from Triassic sediments in the northeastern Siberian craton. Xenocrystic phlogopites from the D’yanga pipe have 40Ar/39Ar ages of 384.6, 432.4, and 563.4 Ma, which record several stages of metasomatic impact on the lithosphere. These phlogopites are younger than most of Paleozoic phlogopites from the central part of the craton (Udachnaya kimberlite). Therefore, hydrous mantle metasomatism acted much later on the craton periphery than in the center. Monomineral clinopyroxene thermobarometry shows that Jurassic kimberlites from the northeastern craton part trapped lithospheric material from different maximum depths (170 km in the D’yanga pipe and mostly < 130 km in other pipes). The inferred thermal thickness of cratonic lithosphere decreased progressively from ~ 260 km in the Devonian-Carboniferous to ~ 225 km in the Triassic and to ~ 200 km in the Jurassic, while the heat flux (Hasterok-Chapman model) was 34.9, 36.7, and 39.0 mW/m2, respectively. Dissimilar PT patterns of samples from closely spaced coeval kimberlites suggest different emplacement scenarios, which influenced both the PT variations across the lithosphere and the diamond potential of kimberlites.  相似文献   

A petrochemical analysis was undertaken of peridotitic xenoliths in volcanic rocks that erupted from the Paleozoic to the Cenozoic within the eastern part of the North China craton, and the peridotites as tectonic intrusion in the Early Mesozoic from the Sulu orogen. The results show that the cratonic mantle, which was refractory and existed when the kimberlites intruded in the Paleozoic, had almost been replaced by the newly accreted fertile lithospheric mantle during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. The erosion, metasomatism, and intermingling caused by the accreted asthenospheric material acting on the craton mantle along the weak zone and deep fault (such as the Tanlu fault) in the existing lithosphere resulted in the lithospheric thinning at a larger scale 100 Ma ago (but later than 178 Ma). The largest thinning would be in the Eogene. The upwelling asthenospheric material transformed into accreted lithospheric mantle due to the asthenospheric temperature falling in the Neogene (leading to relatively slight lithospheric incrassation), and finally accomplished mantle replacement. The peridotitic body in the Sulu orogen represents the products spreading from the modified cratonic lithospheric mantle. Translated from Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2006, 31(1): 49–56 [译自: 地球科学—中国地质大学学报]  相似文献   

华北东部大陆地幔橄榄岩组成、年龄与岩石圈减薄   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
对比分析了华北东部地块陆下岩石圈地幔橄榄石Mg#值和单斜辉石的REE配分形式。报道了汉诺坝和鹤壁橄榄岩中不同产状硫化物的激光MC-ICPMS原位Re-Os年龄和信阳橄榄岩中锆石的U-Pb年龄和信阳橄榄岩锆石的U-Pb年龄。在这些资料基础上,进一步讨论了华北东部岩石圈中、新生代时的减薄机制。原位分析在揭示岩石圈深部过程的细节上,有比全岩分析更大的优越性,并揭示出了在华北深部有中元古代(14亿年)和新元古代(7~8亿年)热活动的记录。岩石圈拆沉作用不能很好地解释古老难熔地幔、过渡型地幔和新生饱满地幔并存的事实;同时,单纯的熔体-橄榄岩相互作用也难以解释中、新生代岩石圈的减薄过程和新生地幔单斜辉石中出现强烈LREE亏损现象,即历史复杂的克拉通岩石圈向历史明显简单的“大洋型”地幔的转换。因此,华北东部岩石圈减薄包括地幔伸展、熔-岩作用、侵蚀置换等复杂过程。这些过程可能包括:(1)早中生代时,扬子地块向北俯冲碰撞所引起华北岩石圈的熔/流体交代富集作用、地幔伸展和受扰动软流圈物质上涌并侵蚀被改造了的岩石圈;(2)晚中生代—古近纪,因太平洋俯冲的热扰动致使软流圈物质进一步的强烈侵蚀作用引起岩石圈的巨大减薄;(3)晚第三纪以来的软流圈热沉降作用所带来的小幅度岩石圈增厚过程。岩石圈先大幅减薄、后小幅增厚实现了最终的地幔置换和岩石圈整体的减薄过程。喷发时代为100Ma的阜新玄武岩所捕获的橄榄岩主体是饱满的,说明华北东部部分地区在此之前曾有过地幔置换作用。  相似文献   

The Yangtze craton (YC), in eastern China, is one of the oldest cratons in the world and is characterized by a complex tectonic and geodynamic evolution. This evolution regards most of the eastern China craton, which since Mesozoic time has undergone significant thinning (> 200 km) of Archean lithosphere. This thinning favored the refertilization of the old refractory subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) by the upwelling of younger fertile asthenosphere. Whether this feature is localized only beneath certain areas of eastern China or is a more widespread characteristic of the mantle, including the YC, is a matter of debate.In order to constrain the history of the YC SCLM, we have measured the He- and Ar-isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in mantle xenoliths in the Lianshan area, which is part of the poorly investigated YC in south-east China. We also report new mineral chemistry and trace element compositions of clinopyroxenes from the same suite of samples, for comparison with noble gases. Two distinct types of xenoliths can be identified: Type 1, characterized by mantle-like He-isotopic (3He/4He) ratios (up to 9.1 Ra), represents fragments of a fertile lithospheric mantle; Type 2, showing 3He/4He values in the SCLM range (3He/4He < 7 Ra), represents shallow relicts of a refractory mantle. The patterns of rare-earth elements as well as the Y and Yb concentrations in the clinopyroxenes normalized to primitive mantle (YN and YbN, respectively) indicate that fractional partial melting might have affected the local mantle by < 3% in Type 1 and up to 20% in Type 2 xenoliths from Lianshan, respectively. The range of 4He/40Ar* (40Ar* is corrected for atmospheric contamination) ranges from 4.9 × 10 4 to 3.6 × 10 1, which is below the typical production ratio of the mantle (4He/40Ar* = 1–5); this range is however compatible with this fractional partial melting. The variable 3He/4He and 4He/40Ar* values in Lianshan xenoliths suggest that the local mantle source was also influenced by kinetic fractionation, possibly triggered by metasomatic melts. Metasomatism associated with carbonatitic melts, together with fluxing by CO2-rich fluids, have permeated the mantle beneath Lianshan, generating the observed decoupling between noble gases and trace elements. The interpretative framework is also applicable for other mantle xenoliths from eastern China, indicating that the refertilization of the SCLM by ascending mantle-like melts is common also to YC, which can be identified using noble gases.  相似文献   

The geochemistry and evolution of early precambrian mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven high-purity cumulate clinopyroxenes from 2.7 b.y. maficultramafic rock associations from the Abitibi belt, Superior Province, Canada, have been analyzed for major elements and K, Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Attempts to reconstruct the trace element patterns of the original parent magmas were partially successful; Sr contents (140 ppm), K/Rb (470) and K/Ba (16) ratios are similar to those of modern low-K island arc tholeiites. K/Cs ratios (2700) are significantly lower than island arc tholeiites (17,000) or oceanic island and oceanic ridge basalts (> 30,000); the presentday mantle seems to be more depleted in Cs than in Archean times. Initial Sr isotope ratios of the 7 Archean clinopyroxenes average 0.70114±13(2σ) with relatively little variation; this value is in good agreement with initial ratios published for felsic and mafic rocks of the same age, though the latter show much larger variations and uncertainties. The pyroxene Sr isotope data, in conjunction with data for rocks of other ages, defines the following simple model for mantle evolution:
  1. starting with primordial Sr, a short period of relatively rapid 87Sr/86Sr growth, followed by Rb depletion;
  2. a period between ≧ 3.5 b.y. and ~ 1.7 b.y. when closed-system Sr isotope evolution occurred (with Rb/Sr ~ 0.023);
  3. development of large-scale Rb/Sr heterogeneities in the mantle at ~ 1.7 b.y., leading to a present-day mantle with 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.7023 to 0.7065 and Rb/Sr ranging from ~ 0 to 0.065.

The upper-mantle structure was studied from first-arrival data along the Meteorite profile, run using underground nuclear explosions. Unlike the layered, slightly inhomogeneous models in the previous works, emphasis was laid on lateral inhomogeneity at the minimum possible number of abrupt seismic boundaries. We used forward ray tracing of the traveltimes of refracted and overcritical reflected waves. The model obtained is characterized by considerable velocity variations, from 7.7 km/s in the Baikal Rift Zone to 8.0–8.45 km/s beneath the Tunguska syneclise. A layer of increased velocity (up to 8.5–8.6 km/s), 30–80 km thick, is distinguished at the base of seismic lithosphere. The depth of the layer top varies from 120 km in the northern Siberian craton to 210 km in its southeastern framing. It has been shown that, with crustal density anomalies excluded, the reduced gravity field is consistent with the upper-mantle velocity model.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic carbonatites and related igneous rocks, including A-type granites in the Tatarka-Ishimba suture zone of the Yenisey Ridge are confined to a horst-anticlinal structure that was formed in a transpression setting during the oblique collision between the Central Angara terrane and the Siberian craton. The carbonatites, associating mafic (including alkaline) dikes as well as the Srednetatarka nepheline syenites are the oldest igneous formations of the Tatarka active continental margin complex. Geochronological data indicate that magmatic evolution continued in the studied anticline for nearly 100 m.y. On the earliest stage carbonatites were formed and on the last stage — the emplacement of mantle-crustal A-type Tatarka granites took place. According to new U/Pb zircon studies, the earliest rocks in the Tatarka pluton are A-type leucogranites aged 646 ± 8 Ma. The younger 40Ar/39Ar ages of carbonatites obtained for phlogopites (647 ± 7 and 629 ± 6 Ma) are related to the last tectonic events in the studied region of the Tatarka-Ishimba suture zone, which are coeval with the formation of the A-type granitoids (646–629 Ma).  相似文献   

We discuss problems of the origin, settings, and age of Neoproterozoic A-type leucogranites widespread in the Yenisei Ridge. Combined analysis of geological, petrological, and geochemical (including isotope) data shows that some granitoids (Glushikha complex) were formed at the postcollisional stage (750–720 Ma), and others (Tatarka complex), in an anorogenic environment (680–630 Ma). The anorogenic complex contains diverse igneous rocks, including alkaline varieties and carbonatites. Leucogranites form separate plutons within different igneous complexes. They have high contents of potassium (up to ultrapotassic composition in the Glushikha complex), iron, and fluorine and are depleted in europium. Postcollisional granitoids show the highest concentrations of Rb, Th, and U, extremely low concentrations of Ba and Sr, whereas anorogenic granitoids are rich in Ta, Nb, Y, Sm, and HREE. The obtained data point to the augmented mantle contribution to the formation of continental crust of the Yenisei Ridge between 750 and 630 Ma. We also report new results of U-Pb zircon dating, including SHRIMP and Ar-Ar data.  相似文献   

The paper reports data on the chemical composition of mantle peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites and alkaline basalts that represent the continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) beneath Early Precambrian and Late Proterozoic-Cenozoic structures, respectively. In order to identify compositional trends during the melting of primitive material and propose the most reliable criteria for constraining the conditions of this process and its degree, we analyzed literature data on the melting of spinel and garnet peridotites within broad temperature and pressure ranges. It was determined that the degree of melting (F%) of pristine peridotite of composition close to that of the primitive mantle (PM) can be deduced from the Mg/Si and Al/Si ratios in the residue; an equation was proposed for evaluating F from the Mg/Si ratio. The Ca/Al ratio of residues at low (1–1.5 GPa) pressures and degrees of melting from 2–3 to 20–25% increases several times but decreases with increasing F at pressures higher than 3 GPa. The Na partition coefficient between melt and residue decreases at increasing pressure and approaches one at a pressure close to 20 GPa. Residues after low-degree melting are strongly depleted in Ti, Zr, Y, and Nb but are enriched in Cr. The application of these criteria to the composition of xenoliths brought to the surface from the mantle occurring beneath tectonic structures of various age led us to conclude that compositional heterogeneities of CLM (particularly the variations in the concentrations of major and certain siderophile elements) are controlled, first of all, by the melting of the mantle source material. These processes occurred under various thermodynamic conditions (T, P, and $ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } ) and differed in their intensity, and this predetermined the compositional diversity of the residual mantle material (its concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Na, K, Ni, Co, V, and Cr). Our results are principally consistent with the hypothesis of the global magmatic ocean. It is thought that the early phases of its consolidation were variably controlled by the fractionation of minerals, for example, majorite. Moreover, heterogeneities in the distribution of siderophile elements could be partly predetermined by changes in the properties of these elements at ultrahigh temperatures and pressures. The processes of partial melting were the most intense during the early evolution of the mantle (perhaps, in the Early Precambrian), and hence, the mantle has different chemical composition beneath Archean cratons and Phanerozoic foldbelts.  相似文献   




The study of the Mesoproterozoic (1473 ± 24 Ma) dolerites of the Olenek uplift of the Siberian craton basement has shown their petrologic and geochemical similarity to typical OIB produced with participation of a mantle plume. The dolerites are characterized by variations in the geochemical composition explained by different degrees of melting of the same source. A conclusion is drawn that the parental melts of the rocks were slightly modified by crustal contamination, as evidenced from their Nd isotope composition (£Nd(T) = + 0.6 to − 0.8) and the presence of inherited zircons of four ages (2564, 2111, 2053, and 1865 Ma). Since the Siberian craton in the structure of the Nuna supercontinent (Columbia) was located relatively close to the Baltic continent and the Congo and Sao Francisco cratons, we assume that the Early Mesoproterozoic mafic intrusions (1500–1470 Ma) of all these cratons belong to the same large igneous province (LIP). The province formation was related to the activity of superplume (or mantle hot field), which supplied mantle matter to the lithosphere basement. The superplume core was probably located beneath the northern part of the Siberian craton, where basites are compositionally most similar to the primary mantle source.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies of zircon xenocrysts from kimberlites of the Kuoika field (northeastern Siberian craton) and several kimberlite fields of the eastern Anabar shield, along with data compilation on the age of kimberlite-hosting terranes, reveal details of the evolution of the northern Siberian craton. The age distribution and trace element characteristic of zircons from the Kuoika field kimberlites (Birekte terrane) provide evidence of significant basic and alkaline–carbonatite magmatism in northern Siberia in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic periods. The abundance of 1.8–2.1 Ga zircons in both the Birekte and adjacent Hapchan terranes (the latter hosting kimberlites of the eastern Anabar shield) supports the Paleoproterozoic assembly and stabilization of these units in the Siberian craton and the supercontinent Columbia. The abundance of Archean zircons in the Hapchan terrane reflects the input of an ancient source other than the Birekte terrane and addresses the evolution of the terrane to west (Magan and Daldyn terranes of the Anabar shield). The present study has also revealed the oldest known remnant of the Anabar shield crust, whose 3.62 Ga age is similar to that of another ancient domain of Siberia, the Aldan shield. The first Hf isotope data for the Anabar shield coupled with the U–Pb systematics indicate three stages of crustal growth (Paleoproterozoic, Neoarchean and Paleoarchean) and two stages of the intensive crustal recycling in the Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean. Intensive reworking of the existing crust at 2.5–2.8 Ga and 1.8–2.1 Ga is interpreted to provide evidence for the assembly of Columbia. The oldest Hf model age estimation provides a link to Early Eoarchean (3.7–3.95 Ga) and possibly to Hadean crust. Hence, some of the Archean cratonic segments of the Siberian craton could be remnants of the Earth's earliest continental crust.  相似文献   

High-Mg# peridotite xenoliths in the Cenozoic Hebi basalts from the North China Craton have refractory mineral compositions (Fo > 91.5) and highly heterogeneous Sr–Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7031–0.7048, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5130–0.5118) ranging from MORB-like to EM1-type mantle, which are similar to those of peridotites from Archean cratons. Thus, the high-Mg# peridotites may represent relics of the ancient lithospheric mantle. Published Re–Os isotopic data for Cenozoic basalt-borne xenoliths show TRD ages of 3.0–1.5 Ga for the peridotites from Hebi (the center of the craton), 2.2–0 Ga for those from Hannuoba and Jining (north margin of the craton), and 2.6–0 Ga for those from Fanshi and Yangyuan (midway between the center and north margin of the craton). In situ Re–Os data of sulfides in Hannuoba peridotites suggest that whole-rock Re–Os model ages represent mixtures of multiple generations of sulfides with varying Os isotopic compositions. These observations indicate that initial lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Zone of the North China Craton formed during the Archean and was refertilized by multiple melt additions after its formation. The refertilization became more intensive from the interior to the margin of the craton, leading to the high heterogeneity of the lithospheric mantle: more ancient and refractory peridotites with highly variable Sr–Nd isotopic compositions in the interior, and more young and fertile peridotites with depleted Sr–Nd isotopic composition in the margin. Our data, coupled with published petrological and geochemical data of peridotites from the Central Zone of the North China Craton, suggest that the lithospheric mantle beneath this region is highly heterogeneous, likely produced by refertilization of Archean mantle via multiple additions of melts/fluids, which were closely related to the Paleoproterozoic collision between the Eastern and the Western Blocks and subsequent circum-craton subduction events.  相似文献   

Seismic imaging of lithospheric discontinuities and continental evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. G. Bostock 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):1-16
Discontinuities in physical properties within the continental lithosphere reflect a range of processes that have contributed to craton stabilization and evolution. A survey of recent seismological studies concerning lithospheric discontinuities is made in an attempt to document their essential characteristics. Results from long-period seismology are inconsistent with the presence of continuous, laterally invariant, isotropic boundaries within the upper mantle at the global scale. At regional scales, two well-defined interfaces termed H (60 km depth) and L (200 km depth) of continental affinity are identified, with the latter boundary generally exhibiting an anisotropic character. Long-range refraction profiles are frequently characterized by subcontinental mantle that exhibits a complex stratification within the top 200 km. The shallow layering of this package can behave as an imperfect waveguide giving rise to the so-called teleseismic Pn phase, while the L-discontinuity may define its lower base as the culmination of a low velocity zone. High-resolution, seismic reflection profiling provides sufficient detail in a number of cases to document the merging of mantle interfaces into lower continental crust below former collisional sutures and magmatic arcs, thus unambiguously identifying some lithospheric discontinuities with thrust faults and subducted oceanic lithosphere. Collectively, these and other seismic observations point to a continental lithosphere whose internal structure is dominated by a laterally variable, subhorizontal layering. This stratigraphy appears to be more pronounced at shallower lithospheric levels, includes dense, anisotropic layers of order 10 km in thickness, and exhibits horizontal correlation lengths comparable to the lateral dimensions of overlying crustal blocks. A model of craton evolution which relies on shallow subduction as a principal agent of craton stabilization is shown to be broadly compatible with these characteristics.  相似文献   

A model for Sr evolution in the West Greenland-Labrador region is proposed based on the available data for granitic gneisses ranging in age from 3.6 AE to 1.9 AE and for recent continental tholeiites from West Greenland. The evolution of initial Sr isotopic composition is consistent with a two-stage model for the mantle in this area with a constant Rb/Sr ratio of 0.014 ± 0.002 from ~ 4.45 AE through the present. The model suggests the mantle may have been depleted in Rb ~ 4.45 AE ago if the Earth was originally chondritic with respect to Rb and Sr. This age of differentiation is consistent with recently proposed terrestrial differentiation based on Pb Pb analyses of ancient Amîtsoq gneiss feldspars (~4.47 AE, Gancarz and Wasserburg, 1977). A linear regression of the gneisses, if extrapolated to the present, predicts the present value of Sr87/Sr86 of the mantle in this area to be 0.7034 ± 0.0003 which is the measured Sr isotopic composition of the recent Svartenhuk tholeiites. Various implications of the model with respect to early Earth history, mantle evolution and pre-emplacement histories of gneissic suites are discussed.  相似文献   

Lithium concentrations and isotopic compositions of olivine and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd of coexisting clinopyroxene from peridotite xenoliths from the Quaternary Labait volcano, Tanzania, document the influence of rift-related metasomatism on the ancient cratonic mantle. Olivines show negative correlations between Fo content and both δ7Li and Li concentrations. Olivines in iron-rich peridotites (Fo85–87) have high Li concentrations (3.2–4.8 ppm) and heavy δ7Li (+5.2 to +6.6). In contrast, olivines in ancient, refractory peridotites have lower Li concentrations (∼2 ppm) and relatively light δ7Li (+2.6 to +3.5). This reflects mixing between ancient, refractory cratonic lithosphere and asthenosphere-derived rift magmas. A uniquely fertile, deformed, high-temperature garnet lherzolite, interpreted to be from the base of the lithosphere, has a 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7029 and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51286, similar to HIMU oceanic basalts. It provides the best estimate of the Sr–Nd isotope composition of the upwelling mantle (i.e., plume, sensu lato) underlying this portion of the East African Rift, and is slightly less radiogenic compared to previous estimates of the plume that were based on rift basalts. Although elevated δ7Li are not exclusive to HIMU source regions, the data collectively indicate that the plume beneath Labait has HIMU characteristics in Sr, Nd and Li isotope composition. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The thermal and redox state of the upper mantle beneath the Baikal-Mongolia region was estimated on the basis of the investigation of the chemical composition (including iron oxidation state) of major minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and spinel) in spinel and garnet-spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Cenozoic alkali basalts of the volcanic fields of the Dariganga Plateau, Tariat Depression, and Vitim Plateau. At temperatures of 1030–1500°C and pressures of 29–47 kbar, the Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } values relative to the FMQ buffer (calculated using the olivine-spinel oxygen barometer) range from −0.9 to −1.7 for the xenoliths of the Dariganga Plateau, from −0.9 to −1.8 for the Tariat Depression, and from −0.8 to −0.1 for the Vitim Plateau. The oxygen fugacity of peridotites from all of the areas is, in general, lower than that of the WM buffer. Oxygen fugacity is usually below the CCO and EMOD/G buffers in the peridotites of the Dariganga Plateau and the Tariat Depression and higher than these buffers in the peridotites of the Vitim Plateau. The T-PΔlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } relationships in the xenoliths suggest the existence of spatial heterogeneity in the thermal and redox state of the upper mantle of the Baikal-Mongolia region. This heterogeneity is probably related to the influence of the plume that was responsible for the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic intraplate magmatism of this region and reflects the different distance of the respective mantle domains from the plume head. The C-O-H fluids in equilibrium with the upper mantle peridotites are composed mainly of water and carbon dioxide. The mantle of the Dariganga Plateau and the Tariat Depression (Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } < −0.9) is characterized by the dominance of H2O, whereas CO2-rich fluids are characteristic of the more oxidized mantle of the Vitim Plateau (Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } is mostly higher than −0.8).  相似文献   

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