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Although orogeny tapers off in western Taiwan large and small earthquakes do occur in the Taiwan Strait, a region largely untouched in previous studies owing mostly to logistical reasons. But the overall crustal structure of this region is of particular interest as it may provide a hint of the proto-Taiwan before the orogeny.By combining time domain empirical Green’s function (TDEGF) from ambient seismic noise using station-pairs and traditional surface wave two-station method (TS) we are able to construct Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves between 5 and 120 s. Using Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS) stations in Taiwan and in and across the Strait we are able to derive average 1-D Vs structures in different parts of this region. The results show significant shear velocity differences in the upper 15 km crust as expected. In general, the highest Vs in the upper crust observed in the coastal area of Mainland China and the lowest Vs appears along the southwest offshore of the Taiwan Island; they differ by about 0.6–1.1 km/s. For different parts of the Strait, the upper crust Vs structures are lower in the middle by about 0.1–0.2 km/s relative to those in the northern and southern parts. The upper mantle Vs structure (Moho – 150 km) beneath the Taiwan Strait is about 0.1–0.3 km/s lower than the AK135 model. The overall crustal thickness is approximately 30 km, much thinner and less variable than under the Taiwan Island. The inversion of seismic velocity structures using shorter period band dispersion data in the sea areas with water depth deeper than 1000 m should take water layer into consideration except for the continental shelves.  相似文献   

Ambient noise analysis in Northern Taiwan revealed obvious lateral variations related to major geological units. The empirical Green’s functions extracted from interstation ambient noise were regarded as Rayleigh waves, from which we analyzed the group velocities for period from 3 to 6 s. According to geological features, we divided Northern Taiwan into seven subregions, for which regionalized group velocities were derived by using the pure-path method. On average, the group velocities in mountain areas were higher than those in the plain areas. We subsequently inverted the S-wave velocity structure for each subregion down to 6 km in depth. Following the analysis, we proposed the first models of geology-dependent shallow S-wave structures in Northern Taiwan. Overall, the velocity increased substantially from west to east; specifically, the mountain areas, composed of metamorphic rocks, exhibited higher velocities than did the coastal plain and basin, which consist of soft sediment. At a shallow depth, the Western Coastal Plain, Taipei Basin, and Ilan Plain displayed a larger velocity gradient than did other regions. At the top 3 km of the model, the average velocity gradient was 0.39 km/s per km for the Western Coastal Plain and 0.15 km/s per km for the Central Range. These S-wave velocity models with large velocity gradients caused the seismic waves to become trapped easily in strata and, thus, the ground motion was amplified. The regionalized S-wave velocity models derived from ambient noises can provide useful information regarding seismic wave propagation and for assessing seismic hazards in Northern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Recently released reflection seismic lines from the Eastern side of the Jordan River north of the Dead Sea were interpreted by using borehole data and incorporated with the previously published seismic lines of the eastern side of the Jordan River. For the first time, the lines from the eastern side of the Jordan River were combined with the published reflection seismic lines from the western side of the Jordan River. In the complete cross sections, the inner deep basin is strongly asymmetric toward the Jericho Fault supporting the interpretation of this segment of the fault as the long-lived and presently active part of the Dead Sea Transform. There is no indication for a shift of the depocenter toward a hypothetical eastern major fault with time, as recently suggested. Rather, the north-eastern margin of the deep basin takes the form of a large flexure, modestly faulted. In the N–S-section along its depocenter, the floor of the basin at its northern end appears to deepen continuously by roughly 0.5 km over 10 km distance, without evidence of a transverse fault. The asymmetric and gently-dipping shape of the basin can be explained by models in which the basin is located outside the area of overlap between en-echelon strike-slip faults.  相似文献   

The left-lateral Dead Sea Transform (DST) in the Middle East is one of the largest continental strike-slip faults of the world. The southern segment of the DST in the Arava/Araba Valley between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, called Arava/Araba Fault (AF), has been studied in detail in the multidisciplinary DESERT (DEad SEa Rift Transect) project. Based on these results, here, the interpretations of multi-spectral (ASTER) satellite images and seismic reflection studies have been combined to analyse geologic structures. Whereas satellite images reveal neotectonic activity in shallow young sediments, reflection seismic image deep faults that are possibly inactive at present. The combination of the two methods allows putting some age constraint on the activity of individual fault strands. Although the AF is clearly the main active fault segment of the southern DST, we propose that it has accommodated only a limited (up to 60 km) part of the overall 105 km of sinistral plate motion since Miocene times. There is evidence for sinistral displacement along other faults, based on geological studies, including satellite image interpretation. Furthermore, a subsurface fault is revealed ≈4 km west of the AF on two ≈E–W running seismic reflection profiles. Whereas these seismic data show a flower structure typical for strike-slip faults, on the satellite image this fault is not expressed in the post-Miocene sediments, implying that it has been inactive for the last few million years. About 1 km to the east of the AF another, now buried fault, was detected in seismic, magnetotelluric and gravity studies of DESERT. Taking together various evidences, we suggest that at the beginning of transform motion deformation occurred in a rather wide belt, possibly with the reactivation of older ≈N–S striking structures. Later, deformation became concentrated in the region of today’s Arava Valley. Till ≈5 Ma ago there might have been other, now inactive fault traces in the vicinity of the present day AF that took up lateral motion. Together with a rearrangement of plates ≈5 Ma ago, the main fault trace shifted then to the position of today’s AF.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard assessment of the Dead Sea rift, Jordan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dead Sea fault system and its branching faults represent one of the most tectonically active regions in the Middle East. The aim of this study is to highlight the degree of hazards related to the earthquake activities associated with the Dead Sea rift, in terms of speculating the possible future earthquakes. The present investigation mainly is based on available data and vertical crustal modeling of Jordan and the Dead Sea model for the Dead Sea basin with particular emphasis of the recent earthquake activities, which occurred on December 31st, 2003 (Mc = 3.7), February 11th, 2004 (strongest Mc = 4.9 R), and March 15th, 2004 (Mc = 4). The present research examines the location of the strong events and correlates them with the various tectonic elements in the area. The source mechanism of the main shock and the aftershock events is also examined. The analyses were based on the available short period seismogram data, which was recorded at the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan, Seismological Observatory. The seismic energy appears to have migrated from the south to the north during the period from December 31st up to March 12th, where the released seismic energy showed a migration character to the southern block of the eastern side of the Dead Sea, which led the seismic event to occur on March 15th.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea Basin is a morphotectonic depression along the Dead Sea Transform. Its structure can be described as a deep rhomb-graben (pull-apart) flanked by two block-faulted marginal zones. We have studied the recent tectonic structure of the northwestern margin of the Dead Sea Basin in the area where the northern strike-slip master fault enters the basin and approaches the western marginal zone (Western Boundary Fault). For this purpose, we have analyzed 3.5-kHz seismic reflection profiles obtained from the northwestern corner of the Dead Sea. The seismic profiles give insight into the recent tectonic deformation of the northwestern margin of the Dead Sea Basin. A series of 11 seismic profiles are presented and described. Although several deformation features can be explained in terms of gravity tectonics, it is suggested that the occurrence of strike-slip in this part of the Dead Sea Basin is most likely. Seismic sections reveal a narrow zone of intensely deformed strata. This zone gradually merges into a zone marked by a newly discovered tectonic depression, the Qumran Basin. It is speculated that both structural zones originate from strike-slip along right-bending faults that splay-off from the Jordan Fault, the strike-slip master fault that delimits the active Dead Sea rhomb-graben on the west. Fault interaction between the strike-slip master fault and the normal faults bounding the transform valley seems the most plausible explanation for the origin of the right-bending splays. We suggest that the observed southward widening of the Dead Sea Basin possibly results from the successive formation of secondary right-bending splays to the north, as the active depocenter of the Dead Sea Basin migrates northward with time.  相似文献   

城市地球物理探测面临众多人文挑战,像城市交通、密布电网、参差楼群等,对应用不同方法进行数据处理分析提出了技术挑战,需要用创新的方式和技术进行城市探测。为探索和发展适用于城市地下空间资源开发利用的地球物理探测新技术,中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心第一次启动了城市地下空间勘查评价试点工程,并选择济南市作为试点城市,试验短周期密集台阵噪声层析技术,并取得了较好成效。获得的主要认识如下:(1)在非弥散场或非均匀噪声场源的人文干扰较为严重的城市区域,通过长时间的噪声信号的采集,可获得高信噪比的面波信号,因此密集台阵噪声成像技术适应于城市地下空间的背景岩层结构探测工作。(2)本次研究提取出了周期范围为0.2~1.5 s的高信噪比面波信号,并取得与实际地质特征相一致的横波速度结构信息。(3)从横波速度结构特征来看,研究区300 m以浅,主要岩性为灰岩且主要分布于研究区西侧,而侵入岩体主要分布于东侧,中间存在一个明显的分界面,指示存在一个近南北向的隐伏断裂。随着深度的增加,大面积的侵入岩体展布于深层,灰岩只在北侧局部有显现。总体来说,本项研究证明了密集台阵噪声层析方法能够适用于人文干扰严重的城市地下空间背景岩层结构探测,这一成果对认识研究区地下结构、地震防灾、工程应用具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Salt tectonics in pull-apart basins with application to the Dead Sea Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dead Sea Basin displays a broad range of salt-related structures that developed in a sinistral strike-slip tectonic environment: en échelon salt ridges, large salt diapirs, transverse oblique normal faults, salt walls and rollovers. Laboratory experiments are used to investigate the mechanics of salt tectonics in pull-apart systems. The results show that in an elongated pull-apart basin the basin fill, although decoupled from the underlying basement by a salt layer, remains frictionally coupled to the boundary. The basin fill, therefore, undergoes a strike-slip shear couple that simultaneously generates en échelon fold trains and oblique normal faults, trending mutually perpendicular. According to the orientation of basin boundaries, sedimentary cover deformation can be dominantly contractional or extensional, at the extremities of pull-apart basins forming either folds and thrusts or normal faults, respectively. These guidelines, applied to the analysis of the Dead Sea Basin, show that the various salt-related structures form a coherent set in the frame of a sinistral strike-slip shearing deformation of the sedimentary basin fill.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):65-78
This paper discusses the interpretation of ground motions detected in the dried up Lynch Strait, Dead Sea area, by applying radar interferometric techniques to ALOS Palsar Synthetic Aperture Radar images. Four ALOS scenes spanning from December 15, 2007 to May 17, 2008 have been processed leading to the generation of five interferograms. Three ground deformation zones have been detected. One of them shows surface displacement which could be related to an earthquake (ML 3.1) that took place on April 13, 2008. High rates of subsidence have been measured in the northern Lynch Strait. They suggest that these subsidence phenomena follow the same trend of rapid increase as sinkholes. Additional measurements should be carried out in order to refine this observation.

The comparison between sinkholes' distributions in the Lynch Strait with that of Ghor Al Haditha, six kilometers eastward, supports the idea that the earthquake that hit the southern Dead Sea on April 23, 1979 (M 5.1) reactivated faults and fractures in the Lynch Strait triggering the development of sinkholes and subsidence in the frame of the Dead Sea recession.  相似文献   

Using the recorded earthquake strong ground motion, the attenuation of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) are derived in the southern Dead Sea Transform region. The expected values of strong motion parameters from future earthquakes are estimated from attenuation equations, which are determined by regression analysis on real accelerograms. In this study, the method of Joyner and Boor [Bull Seismol Soc Am 71(6):2011–2038, 1981] was selected to produce the attenuation model for the southern Dead Sea Transform region. The dataset for PGA consists of 57 recordings from 30 earthquakes and for PGV 26 recordings from 19 earthquakes. The attenuation relations developed in this study are proposed as replacement for former probabilistic relations that have been used for a variety of earthquake engineering applications. The comparison between the derived PGA relations from this study with the former relations clearly shows significant lower values than the other relations.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2015,347(4):161-169
The Dead Sea Fault is a major strike-slip fault bounding the Arabia plate and the Sinai subplate. On the basis of three GPS campaign measurements, 12 years apart, at 19 sites distributed in Israel and Jordan, complemented by Israeli permanent stations, we compute the present-day deformation across the Wadi Arava fault, the southern segment of the Dead Sea Fault. Elastic locked-fault modelling of fault-parallel velocities provides a slip rate of 4.7 ± 0.7 mm/yr and a locking depth of 11.6 ± 5.3 km in its central part. Along its northern part, south of the Dead Sea, the simple model proposed for the central profile does not fit the velocity field well. To fit the data, two faults have to be taken into account, on both sides of the sedimentary basin of the Dead Sea, each fault accommodating  2 mm/yr. Locking depths are small (less than 2 km on the western branch, ∼ 6 km on the eastern branch). Along the southern profile, we are once again unable to fit the data using the simple model, similar to the central profile. It is very difficult to propose a velocity greater than 4 mm/yr, i.e. smaller than that along the central profile. This leads us to propose that a part of the relative movement from Sinai to Arabia is accommodated along faults located west of our profiles.  相似文献   

We use seismic tomography, exploiting group velocities derived from ambient noise, to delineate the crustal structure beneath Mt Isa and the surrounding blocks and basins. The depth extent of the blocks can be traced into the mid-crust and the spatial extent of the associated velocity anomalies mapped over an area of approximately 500 km by 500 km. The Proterozoic Mt Isa block is imaged as a region of elevated seismic velocities comparable to the Yilgarn craton in Western Australia, while the surrounding basins have relatively low velocities. Seismic velocity anomalies display correlations with the regional Bouguer gravity data and with high crustal temperatures in the region. There are a number of isolated low-velocity anomalies under the Millungera basin that suggest either previously unknown thermal anomalies or zones with high permeability, which can also produce lowered velocities.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(11-12):307-316
We analyze the sensitivity of cross correlations to the anisotropy of the incident field in the context of seismic ambient noise monitoring of small velocity changes. Numerical simulations of elastic waves are performed in a 2D scattering plate with a focus on the comparative character of the direct and coda waves in the cross-correlation. We show that coda waves reconstructed from cross-correlations are far more robust than direct waves in the presence of azimuthal anisotropy of the incident field. We observe similar behavior with real data recorded on Erebus volcano, where a database of impulsive icequakes is used to simulate an anisotropic source field. We propose a simplified approach to evaluate the sensitivity of scattered waves to the anisotropy of the incoming noise field. We rely on previous results obtained for direct waves and on intrinsic properties of scattered waves to predict the errors produced by strong source anisotropy with numerical experiments. These results also yield realistic values for monitoring the accuracy to be expected with real data at crustal scales. Our analysis shows that high-precision noise-based monitoring could be performed with coda waves in the correlation functions, even in the presence of variations in the azimuthal distribution of the ambient noise field.  相似文献   

The Chia-Nan (Chiayi-Tainan) area is in the southwestern Taiwan, and is located at the active deformation front of the collision of the Eurasian continental plate and the Philippine Sea plate, which causes complex folds as well as thrust fault systems in the area. The Chukuo fault zone is a boundary between the Western Foothill and the Western Coastal Plain in the Chia-Nan area. The nature of the crustal structure beneath the fault zone, especially the eastern part of the fault zone with mountain topography, has not been well known in detailed due to lack of drilling data as well as its limitation in using other geophysical methods, such as active source survey. In this study, we deployed an array with 11 broadband seismic stations to monitor the seismicity of the Chukuo fault zone. The array has recorded more than 1000 microearthquakes around this area. It provides an opportunity to use P- and S-wave travel time data to investigate the both the crustal P- and S-velocity in the fault zone, however due to the nature of the earthquake distribution, the ray density is relatively low at depth between 0 and 7 km. In addition, the uncertainty of S-wave reading for small earthquake also a limit in building precise S-velocity profile, Thus, we take the advantages of using cross-correlation of seismic ambient noise to investigate crustal S-velocity profile in the Chukuo fault area, especially in the mountain area where crustal faulting is a dominated phenomenon. The results indicate that S-wave velocity in the uppermost crust in the Chukuo fault zone is shown to be slower than previous studies. A low velocity layer exists at depth between 1 and 2 km in the east of the Chukuo Fault. The low S-velocity is related to a highly fractured upper crust due to intensive deformation caused by the orogenic process.  相似文献   

We constructed the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle (10–100 km) beneath the North China based on the teleseismic data recorded by 187 portable broadband stations deployed in this region. The traditional two-step inversion scheme was adopted. Firstly, we measured the interstation fundamental Rayleigh wave phase velocity of 10–60 s and imaged the phase velocity distributions using the Tarantola inversion method. Secondly, we inverted the 1-D S-wave velocity structure with a grid spacing of 0.25° × 0.25° and constructed the 3-D S-wave velocity structure of the North China. The 3-D S-wave velocity model provides valuable information about the destruction mechanism and geodynamics of the North China Craton (NCC). The S-wave velocity structures in the northwestern and southwestern sides of the North–South Gravity Lineament (NSGL) are obviously different. The southeastern side is high velocity (high-V) while the northeastern side is low velocity (low-V) at the depth of 60–80 km. The upwelling asthenosphere above the stagnated Pacific plate may cause the destruction of the Eastern Block and form the NSGL. A prominent low-V anomaly exists around Datong from 50 to 100 km, which may due to the upwelling asthenosphere originating from the mantle transition zone beneath the Western Block. The upwelling asthenosphere beneath the Datong may also contribute to the destruction of the Eastern Block. The Zhangjiakou-Penglai fault zone (ZPFZ) may cut through the lithosphere and act as a channel of the upwelling asthenosphere. A noticeable low-V zone also exists in the lower crust and upper mantle lid (30–50 km) beneath the Beijing–Tianjin–Tangshan (BTT) region, which may be caused by the upwelling asthenosphere through the ZPFZ.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) was used in an effort to locate a major active fault that traverses Aqaba City, Jordan. Measurements over an exposed (trenched) cross fault outside of the city identify a radar signature consisting of linear events and horizontal offset/flexured reflectors both showing a geometric correlation with two known faults at a control site. The asymmetric linear events are consistent with dipping planar reflectors matching the known direction of dip of the faults. However, other observations regarding this radar signature render the mechanism generating these events more complex and uncertain.GPR measurements in Aqaba City were limited to vacant lots. Seven GPR profiles were conducted approximately perpendicular to the assumed strike of the fault zone, based on regional geological evidence. A radar response very similar to that obtained over the cross fault was observed on five of the profiles in Aqaba City, although the response is weaker than that obtained at the control site. The positions of the identified responses form a near straight line with a strike of 45°. Although subsurface verification of the fault by trenching within the city is needed, the geophysical evidence for fault zone location is strong. The location of the interpreted fault zone relative to emergency services, military bases, commercial properties, and residential areas is defined to within a few meters. This study has significant implications for seismic hazard analysis in this tectonically active and heavily populated region.  相似文献   

Evaporitic‐lagoonal marl and dolomite laminar fill sediments are preserved in relict dry caves of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment (Israel) which has been tectonically active since the Late Neogene. The hosting caves are located within Turonian massive carbonate bedrock and at higher altitudes than previously documented fill sediments of the Dead Sea depression. Based on the relative altitudes of the cave sediments, the ‘reversed stratigraphy’ of the Dead Sea depression fill sediments, possible partial correlation of the cave sediments with other fill sedimentary units of the depression, and sedimentary, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, it is concluded that: (i) the cave sediments are among the oldest of the depression fill; and (ii) the deposition of the cave sediments took place in hypersaline dolomite‐precipitating water bodies of Late Neogene age, during the initial morphotectonic stages of the depression formation. Variable and relatively low Sr/Ca and δ34S ratios of the cave sediments (assuming precipitation from sea water) suggest variable fresh water input into the depositional brine. The present altitudes of the cave sediments reflect Late Neogene levels of water bodies in the depression, modified by vertical post‐Late Neogene tectonic movements within the still active fault escarpment. According to these altitudes, a 50 to 250 m uplift of the western margins of the depression since the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene is inferred.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩系地震相分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在数千公里地震剖面解释基础上,选用频率、振幅、连续性及内部反射结构等4个地震参数,采用“构形 结构 振幅 频率 连续性”的地震相复合命名原则,总结出南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩系近10种地震相单元,5种沉积相类型。沉积特征分析表明,在没有钻井揭示的白垩系中、下部,其油气潜力有可能比泰州组更加可观,是很好的烃源岩。钻井资料也表明白垩系具有生、聚油过程,这进一步说明白垩系中、下部的生烃潜力。中、新生界的数套物性较好的储、盖层和众多与油气大规模运移时间匹配良好的构造圈闭,使白垩系成为南黄海盆地找油的首要对象。  相似文献   

The Dead Sea Basin is the lowest point on earth and is tectonically subsiding. During the Holocene Period the climate became much drier with increasing evaporation whereby initially lacustrine sediments were deposited from the non-marine brines, giving a multi-layered stratigraphy of lime carbonate and halite sediments. The lime carbonate sediments are comprised of laminated, clay to silt sized, clastic sediments (calcite) and authigenic aragonite and gypsum. The halite commonly appears as rock salt. Chemical industries, based on harvesting the salts from the Dead Sea, have developed on both the Israeli and the Jordanian sides of the basin. The lime carbonate soils are used for dike construction, and these soils, together with significant salt layers, are encountered in the foundations of structures, dikes, and tailings dams, requiring definition of their geotechnical properties. Use of standard soil mechanics definitions and testing approaches for the lime carbonates have been found inapplicable, particularly in view of their exceptionally high saline content, and it has been necessary to develop new concepts. The rock salt is encountered at shallow depths, with unit weights considerably lower than those usually discussed in the literature, and with correspondingly different mechanical properties. The geotechnical properties of these soils, and approaches used to define them, are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Calcite veins with fluid and solid bitumen inclusions have been discovered in the south-western shoulder of the Dead Sea rift within the Masada-Zohar block, where hydrocarbons exist in small commercial gas fields and non-commercial fields of heavy and light oils. The gas–liquid inclusions in calcite are dominated either by methane or CO2, and aqueous inclusions sometimes bear minor dissolved hydrocarbons. The enclosed flake-like solid bitumen matter is a residue of degraded oil, which may be interpreted as “dead carbon”. About 2/3 of this matter is soot-like amorphous carbon and 1/3 consists of n-C8C18 carboxylic acids and traces of n-alkanes, light dicarboxylic acids, and higher molecular weight (>C20) branched and/or cyclic carboxylic acids. Both bitumen and the host calcites show genetic relationship with mature Maastrichtian chalky source rocks (MCSRs) evident in isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ34S, and δ18O) and in REE + Y patterns. The bitumen precursor may have been heavy sulfur-rich oil which was generated during the burial compaction of the MCSR strata within the subsided blocks of the Dead Sea graben. The δ18O and δ13C values and REE + Y signatures in calcites indicate mixing of deep buried fluids equilibrated with post-mature sediments and meteoric waters. The temperatures of fluid generation according to Mg–Li-geothermometer data range from 55 °С to 90 °С corresponding to the 2.5–4.0 km depths, and largely overlap with the oil window range (60–90 °С) in the Dead Sea rift (Hunt, 1996; Gvirtzman and Stanislavsky, 2000; Buryakovsky et al., 2005). The bitumen-rich vein calcites originated in the course of Late Cenozoic rifting and related deformation, when tectonic stress triggers damaged small hydrocarbon reservoirs in the area, produced pathways, and caused hydrocarbon-bearing fluids to rise to the subsurface; the fluids filled open fractures and crystallized to calcite with entrapped bitumen. The reported results are in good agreement with the existing views of maturation, migration, and accumulation of hydrocarbons, as well as basin fluid transport processes in the Dead Sea area.  相似文献   

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