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We present the P-wave seismic tomography image of the mantle to a depth of 1200 km beneath the Indonesian region. The inversion method is applied to a dataset of 118,203 P-wave travel times of local and teleseismic events taken from ISC bulletins. Although the resolution is sufficient for detailed discussion in only a limited part of the study region, the results clarify the general tectonic framework in this region and indicate a possible remnant seismic slab in the lower mantle.

Structures beneath the Philippine Islands and the Molucca Sea region are well resolved and high-velocity zones corresponding to the slabs of the Molucca Sea and Philippine Sea plates are well delineated. Seismic zones beneath the Manila, Negros and Cotabato trenches are characterized by high-velocity anomalies, although shallow structures were not resolved. The Molucca Sea collision zone and volcanic zones of the Sangihe and Philippine arcs are dominated by low-velocity anomalies. The Philippine Sea slab subducts beneath the Philippine Islands at least to a depth of 200 km and may reach depths of 450 km. The southern end of the slab extends at least to about 6°N near southern Mindanao. In the south, the two opposing subducting slabs of the Molucca Sea plate are clearly defined by the two opposing high-velocity zones. The eastward dipping slab can be traced about 400 km beneath the Halmahera arc and may extend as far north as about 5°N. Unfortunately, resolution is not sufficient to reveal detailed structures at the boundary region between the Halmahera and Philippine Sea slabs. The westward dipping slab may subduct to the lower mantle although its extent at depth is not well resolved. This slab trends N-S from about 10°N in the Philippine Islands to northern Sulawesi. A NE-SW-trending high-velocity zone is found in the lower mantle beneath the Molucca Sea region. This high-velocity zone may represent a remnant of the former subduction zone which formed the Sulawesi arc during the Miocene.

The blocks along the Sunda and Banda arcs are less well resolved than those in the Philippine Islands and the Molucca Sea region. Nevertheless, overall structures can be inferred. The bowl-shaped distribution of the seismicity of the Banda arc is clearly defined by a horseshoe-shaped high-velocity zone. The tomographic image shows that the Indian oceanic slab subducts to a depth deeper than 300 km i.e., deeper than its seismicity, beneath Andaman Islands and Sumatra and may be discontinuous in northern Sumatra. Along southern Sumatra, Java and the islands to the east, the slab appears to be continuous and can be traced down to at least a depth of the deepest seismicity, where it appears to penetrate into the lower mantle.  相似文献   

东秦岭邓县—南漳反射地震剖面及其构造意义   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
邓县-南漳剖面叶是-邓县剖面南延部分,其反射地震剖面的测定使得从中朝克拉通到扬子克拉通横穿秦岭造山带的一条反射地震剖面得以完成。邓县-南漳反射地震剖面清楚显示了扬子克拉通地壳俯冲到秦岭造山带之下的客观事实,证明襄樊-广济断裂带(即北大别山-大巴山前缘断裂带)并不是一和板块缝合带,而是一条大陆壳俯冲断裂带,扬子克拉通的大陆地壳沿大约20km深的上地壳底面向秦岭造山带之下俯冲。  相似文献   

We investigate the thermo-mechanical properties beneath the young orogenic belt of Taiwan by constructing a shear strength profile from a vertical stratified rheological structure. The stratified rheological structure is estimated based on the recently developed thermal structure and its likely composition. Subduction–collision in the young orogenic belts and the thick accretionary wedge make a significant contribution to the growth of sialic crust in the hinterland. The sialic bulk crust not only results in a low seismic velocity but also produces weak crust in the hinterland. The earthquake depth–frequency distribution in the foreland and hinterland correlates very well with the regimes of the brittle/ductile transition revealed in the strength profile. Our results show that the observed two-layer seismicity in the foreland is due to a moderate geotherm and an intermediate mafic bulk composition; while single-layer seismicity in the hinterland is due to its felsic bulk composition. In the foreland, the mechanically strong crust (MSC) and the mechanically strong lithosphere (MSL) coincide with frequent seismicity. The shallow MSC in the hinterland is consistent with the 20- to 25-km seismicity occurring there. The total lithospheric integrated strength (LIS) in the hinterland is only about half of that in the foreland, suggesting a weak lower crust and lithosphere mantle in the hinterland. The results confirm that the earthquake cutoff depth is a proxy for temperature. The calculated decrease of effective elastic thickness (EET) from the orogenic margin (foreland) to the center (hinterland) is consistent with the results of flexure modeling in most orogenic belts. Due to the weak LIS in the hinterland, crustal thinning and rifting may occur in the future. Our results, thus, suggest that the mechanical structure is also closely related to the composition and is not directly reflected in the thermal structure.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of 3-D tomographic modelling of crustal structure in the Trans European Suture Zone region (TESZ) of Poland, eastern Germany and Lithuania. The data are the product of a large-scale seismic experiment POLONAISE'97, which was carried out in 1997. This experiment was designed to provide some 3-D coverage. The TESZ forms the boundary between the Precambrian crustal terranes of the East European Craton (EEC) and the younger Phanerozoic terranes to the southwest. The 3-D results generally confirm the earth models derived by earlier 2-D analyses, but also add some important details as well as a 3-D perspective on the structure. The velocity model obtained shows substantial horizontal variations of crustal structure across the study area. Seismic modelling shows low (<6.1 km/s) velocities suggesting the presence of sedimentary rocks down to a depth of about 20 km in the Polish basin. The shape of the basin in the vicinity of the profile P4 shows significant asymmetry. Three-dimensional modelling also allowed tracing of horizontal irregularities of the basin shape as well as variations of the Moho depth not only along profiles, but also between them. The slice between P2 and P4 profiles shows about 10-km variations of the Moho over a 100-km interval. The crustal thickness varies from about 30 km in SW, beneath the Palaeozoic platform, to about 42 km beneath East European Craton in NE. High seismic velocities of about 6.6 km/s were found in the depth range 2–10 km, which coincides with K trzyn anorthosite massif. The results of this 3-D seismic modelling of the POLONAISE'97 data will ultimately be supplemented by inversion of seismic data from previous experiments.  相似文献   

We construct fine-scale 3D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath the whole Japan Islands with a unified resolution, where the Pacific (PAC) and Philippine Sea (PHS) plates subduct beneath the Eurasian (EUR) plate. We can detect the low-velocity (low-V) oceanic crust of the PAC and PHS plates at their uppermost part beneath almost all the Japan Islands. The depth limit of the imaged oceanic crust varies with the regions. High-VP/VS zones are widely distributed in the lower crust especially beneath the volcanic front, and the high strain rate zones are located at the edge of the extremely high-VP/VS zone; however, VP/VS at the top of the mantle wedge is not so high. Beneath northern Japan, we can image the high-V subducting PAC plate using the tomographic method without any assumption of velocity discontinuities. We also imaged the heterogeneous structure in the PAC plate, such as the low-V zone considered as the old seamount or the highly seismic zone within the double seismic zone where the seismic fault ruptured by the earthquake connects the upper and lower layer of the double seismic zone. Beneath central Japan, thrust-type small repeating earthquakes occur at the boundary between the EUR and PHS plates and are located at the upper part of the low-V layer that is considered to be the oceanic crust of the PHS plate. In addition to the low-V oceanic crust, the subducting high-V PAC plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km and the subducting high-V PHS zone to depths of approximately 180 km is considered to be the PHS plate. Beneath southwestern Japan, the iso-depth lines of the Moho discontinuity in the PHS plate derived by the receiver function method divide the upper low-V layer and lower high-V layer of our model at depths of 30–50 km. Beneath Kyushu, the steeply subducting PHS plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km with high velocities. The high-VP/VS zone is considered as the lower crust of the EUR plate or the oceanic crust of the PHS plate at depths of 25–35 km and the partially serpentinized mantle wedge of the EUR plate at depths of 30–45 km beneath southwestern Japan. The deep low-frequency nonvolcanic tremors occur at all parts of the high-VP/VS zone—within the zone, the seaward side, and the landward side where the PHS plate encounters the mantle wedge of the EUR plate. We prove that we can objectively obtain the fine-scale 3D structure with simple constraints such as only 1D initial velocity model with no velocity discontinuity.  相似文献   

Spectral ratios of teleseismic P waves for 15 deep (>200 km) earthquakes recorded at 146 High-Sensitivity Seismographic Network stations in the Kanto district and its surrounding area, eastern Japan, were inverted for attenuation parameter $ t_P^{ * } $ . The dataset consisted of good-quality vertical-component seismograms, whose P phases were handpicked. The P wave spectral ratios with high signal-to-noise ratios were calculated up to 1 Hz for all the station pairs, linear regressed, and then inverted for $ t_P^{ * } $ using the technique of least squares . The result showed that the active volcanic areas were clearly characterized by high $ t_P^{ * } $ . In contrast, $ t_P^{ * } $ varied in the nonvolcanic areas. The present result on the $ t_P^{ * } $ distribution was roughly consistent with the shallow part (<30 km) of an attenuation structure, which has been previously obtained based on 3-D tomography by using records of high-frequency (around 5 Hz) P waves from local earthquakes. This suggested that the present method of $ t_P^{ * } $ estimation is valid. The advantage and possible application to other areas were also discussed.  相似文献   

徐楠  吴才来  赵苗苗  刘畅 《地质论评》2023,69(6):2085-2111
南阿尔金造山带是中国西北地区重要的俯冲—碰撞杂岩带。笔者等对茫崖地区出露的闪长岩开展岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Lu—Hf同位素地球化学研究,探讨其岩石成因和成岩时的构造环境。研究表明,茫崖闪长岩亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P、Th、U、HREEs、Ba、Sr等元素,富集Rb等大离子亲石元素及LREEs,显示与俯冲相关岛弧岩浆岩相似的地球化学特征。样品的锆石U-Pb年龄为494~461 Ma,εHf (t)为0.01~3.90,tDM2为1496~1447 Ma,少量εHf (t)为负值(-2.22~-0.03),tDM2为1453~1254 Ma,指示其物质来源以中元古代(1453~1254 Ma)新生地壳物质为主,混合少量中元古代(1496~1447 Ma)古老地壳物质。综上,该期岩浆活动是幔源岩浆的底侵作用导致下地壳熔融的产物,指示南阿尔金造山带在<494 Ma进入深俯冲陆壳断离—折返阶段,同时伴随着大规模幔源岩浆的底侵作用,茫崖闪长岩是深俯冲陆壳断离后折返作用的岩浆活动响应。  相似文献   

徐楠  吴才来  赵苗苗  刘畅 《地质论评》2023,69(3):2023030025-2023030025
南阿尔金造山带是中国西北地区重要的俯冲—碰撞杂岩带。本文对茫崖地区出露的闪长岩开展岩石学、地球化学、锆石U- Pb年代学和Lu—Hf同位素地球化学研究,探讨其岩石成因和成岩时的构造环境。研究表明,茫崖闪长岩亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P、Th、U、HREEs、Ba、Sr等元素,富集Rb等大离子亲石元素及LREEs,显示与俯冲相关岛弧岩浆岩相似的地球化学特征。样品的锆石U- Pb年龄为494~461Ma,εHf (t)为0. 01~3. 90,tDM2为1496~1447Ma,少量εHf (t)为负值(-2. 22~-0. 03),tDM2为1453~1254Ma,指示其物质来源以中元古代(1453~1254 Ma)新生地壳物质为主,混合少量中元古代(1496~1447Ma)古老地壳物质。综上,该期岩浆活动是幔源岩浆的底侵作用导致下地壳熔融的产物,指示南阿尔金造山带在<494Ma进入深俯冲陆壳断离—折返阶段,同时伴随着大规模幔源岩浆的底侵作用,茫崖闪长岩是深俯冲陆壳断离后折返作用的岩浆活动响应。  相似文献   

在本文,我们精心挑选了M1为4.0~5.0发生在台湾地区的壳内地震215个,使用福建台网记录到的这些地震的最大地动位移资料,利用多元回归分析,拟合出最大地动位移的衰减特征为logA=2.07+231.11/Δ与之相应的量规函数的表达式为R(Δ)=3.45-231.1(1/Δ-1/100)利用上式,对上述的215个地震,分别求出福建台网的平均震级及均方差。平均的均方差为0.19,如果在测定震级时,考虑到台基修正值,则平均的均方差为0.13;把测定的结果与台湾相关部门的测定结果进行比较,高了0.12±0.22。又对138个M1大于5.0级的台湾壳内地震进行了相应的计算,我们测定的震级比台湾的结果平均高了0.20±0.22,其他结果与前者没大的差别。  相似文献   

华南沿海地区地震烈度衰减关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立适合本地区的地震烈度衰减关系,是研究地震背景的重要一环。随着资料积累的增加和人们认识的提高,我们在分析历史资料完整性、可靠性基础上,筛选21次有详细宏观调查报告、有仪器测定震级,震级、烈度分布均衡的54组数据。采用最小二乘法,变换常数R,反复统计、搜索方差小,结果符合客观规律的统计结果,并与原东部和华南地区的衰减关系进行全面的比较。建立更符合客观规律,适合本地区的地震烈度衰减关系。  相似文献   

秦岭造山带是华北板块和扬子板块南北两个大陆边缘长期演化的产物,各部分性质和时代不同,是一个复杂的构造混杂体。由于其所处位置的重要性,演化时间上的长期性、多旋回性,空间上的多样性、变异性,一直是地质和地球物理学研究的热点。为了沟通该区复杂的浅表地质现象与深部结构成像,获取更精细的上地壳结构成为厘定秦岭造山带不同块体之间接触关系,揭示其地球动力学演化过程的关键。本文对一条长450 km、南北向跨越鄂尔多斯地块南缘、渭河地堑、秦岭造山带、大巴山逆冲推覆带和四川盆地北缘的宽角反射与折射地震剖面采集的15个大炮数据进行了层析成像研究。本研究对690个初至走时拾取数据使用有限差分算法,采用变网格尺度及平滑参数的迭代策略,经20次迭代反演,走时均方根误差降至0.105 s,收敛良好。成像结果精细刻画了渭河地堑的低速沉积特征,系一个南深北浅的断陷盆地,最深处可达7 km,其发育主要受秦岭北缘断裂、乾县—富平断裂及渭河断裂控制。秦岭北缘断裂与安康—竹山断裂之间的秦岭造山带上地壳呈高速特征,横向变化剧烈,仅残余若干较浅的山间盆地。与南部四川盆地稳定沉积相比,大巴山逆冲推覆带下方沉积层速度结构不统一,反映了逆冲推覆作用的改造,但整体仍保留了3~6 km的沉积厚度。本文分析认为剖面中部的秦岭地区是古生代—早中生代南北板块汇聚的核心地带,之后造山带两翼的南、北陆缘分别于燕山期和新生代转入逆冲推覆和伸展两种迥异的构造环境,而现今研究区的上地壳构造格局是三次事件叠加的结果。  相似文献   

The K-Ar dating method was applied to the volcanic rocks, the boninite and related rocks, from the Bonin Islands. Four fresh samples gave K-Ar ages of about 40 Ma. These ages suggest that the main volcanism of the Bonin Islands occurred about 40 Ma ago, as a result of the initiation of subduction of the Pacific plate at its western margin. Results of the K-Ar dating on other rocks suggest that some volcanism or thermal disturbance may have occurred 5 ~ 10 Ma ago, at least, in Chichijima.  相似文献   

A method for conducting a seismic hazard analysis of active faults using a fault-rupture model and a point-source model is presented. Based on a peak ground acceleration (PGA) attenuation formula, the annual probability of exceedance at a specific site is calculated. The uniform hazard spectrum is also determined based on a spectral amplitude attenuation formula. To improve the reliability of the seismic hazard analysis, a detailed study of hazard parameters is conducted and discussed. A specific site in Taiwan is chosen to illustrate the hazard analysis.  相似文献   

The large-scale POLONAISE'97 seismic experiment investigated the velocity structure of the lithosphere in the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) region between the Precambrian East European Craton (EEC) and Palaeozoic Platform (PP). In the area of the Polish Basin, the P-wave velocity is very low (Vp <6.1 km/s) down to depths of 15–20 km, and the consolidated basement (Vp5.7–5.8 km/s) is 5–12 km deep. The thickness of the crust is 30 km beneath the Palaeozoic Platform, 40–45 km beneath the TESZ, and 40–50 km beneath the EEC. The compressional wave velocity of the sub-Moho mantle is >8.25 km/s in the Palaeozoic Platform and 8.1 km/s in the Precambrian Platform. Good quality record sections were obtained to the longest offsets of about 600 km from the shot points, with clear first arrivals and later phases of waves reflected/refracted in the lower lithosphere. Two-dimensional interpretation of the reversed system of travel times constrains a series of reflectors in the depth range of 50–90 km. A seismic reflector appears as a general feature at around 10 km depth below Moho in the area, independent of the actual depth to the Moho and sub-Moho seismic velocity. “Ringing reflections” are explained by relatively small-scale heterogeneities beneath the depth interval from 90 to 110 km. Qualitative interpretation of the observed wave field shows a differentiation of the reflectivity in the lower lithosphere. The seismic reflectivity of the uppermost mantle is stronger beneath the Palaeozoic Platform and TESZ than the East European Platform. The deepest interpreted seismic reflector with zone of high reflectivity may mark a change in upper mantle structure from an upper zone characterised by seismic scatterers of small vertical dimension to a lower zone with vertically larger seismic scatterers, possible caused by inclusions of partial melt.  相似文献   

为了探测苏鲁超高压变质带的岩石圈结构实施了山东日照到滨洲剖面的宽频带地震探测,于2003~2005年使用REFTER130-01型和CMG-6TD型三分量地震仪(频宽50~60s).以10~25km间距布设了25个台站观测近三年时间.由远震地震层析反演结果得到了华北板块、超高压变质带、扬子板块清晰的P波速度图像.华北板块具有简单的低速体形态,越过郯庐断裂向超高压变质带扩张,并平稳地由郯庐断裂向北延伸直到黄河以北的古城镇.Moho面和岩石圈深度分别为30~35km,75~80km;扬子板块为高速体,界于两者之间的苏鲁超高压变质带地壳的平均速度大于两侧板块,剖面上从日照到五莲-烟台断裂范围内除地壳为高速体外,30~60km深度范围内有一个高速体和一个低速体拼会在一起,构成了超高压变质带岩石圈最突出的构造特征.此高速体应为榴辉橄榄岩等超基性岩组成,它可能属于折返回来又被移动的超高压变质岩组合体,并与华北板块基底直接接触,超高压变质带的下界面深度为60km.下界面平直,可能意味着正在消退的造山带的山根,或是造山带的下一层Moho面?郯庐断裂带地壳出露的共四条带,比较陡的产状向深部延伸,并逐步向南倾,TLF2~TLF4在岩石圈底界处合并.  相似文献   

南北构造带北段位于青藏高原东北缘及其向北东方向扩展的区域,其岩石圈变形特征对于探讨青藏高原东北缘变形机制及其扩展范围具有非常关键的意义。地震波各向异性能很好地反映上地幔的变形特征。因此,本文对布设在南北构造带北段的流动地震台站记录的远震波形资料进行S波分裂研究,获得了研究区上地幔各向异性图像以及该区岩石圈地幔的变形特征信息。S波分裂研究结果表明,研究区地震波各向异性来自于上地幔,区内不同构造单元上地幔各向异性方向不尽相同。快波方向分布显示,青藏高原东北缘,鄂尔多斯西缘以及贺兰构造带北段的快波方向主要表现为NW-SE向,与前人在银川地堑和贺兰构造带中、北部得到的NW-SE向的上地幔各向异性方向一致,显示这些地区岩石圈地幔变形一致,该结果表明青藏高原东北缘向北东方向扩展的影响范围已到达贺兰构造带北段。阿拉善地块内部快波方向显示为NE-SW向,与阿拉善地块北部存在的北东向展布的晚古生代岩浆岩方向一致,表明该NE-SW向的快波方向可能代表地是“化石”各向异性,是晚古生代阿拉善地块受到古亚洲洋闭合作用的结果。此外,鄂尔多斯地块内也存在NE-SW向的各向异性方向,与区内中-晚侏罗世存在的NE-SW向逆冲推覆构造方向一致,因此该各向异性方向也代表了“化石”各向异性,是鄂尔多斯地块受到古特提斯构造域的块体碰撞、古太平洋板块北西向俯冲以及西伯利亚板块向南俯冲共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

In this study, the recent update of the gravity database with new measurements has raised the opportunity of improving the knowledge of the crustal structure beneath the large volcanic system called Mount Cameroon, and its implication in the regional tectonics. The multi-scale wavelet analysis method was applied to highlight the geologic features of the area, and their depths were estimated using the logarithmic power spectrum method. The results reveal a complex crustal structure beneath Mount Cameroon with high variation in the lateral distribution of crustal densities. The upper and lower crusts are intruded by dense materials originating from the mantle with less lateral extension. The trends of Tiko and Ekona faults along the intrusion suggest tectonic activities as deep as 25 km. The difference in mantle composition or temperature between the East and the West of the studied area is clearly seen in detailed wavelet images and agrees with a mantle origin for the Cameroon Volcanic Line.  相似文献   

A preliminary palaeomagnetic investigation of the supposedly allochthonous Permian Maubisse Formation in East Timor yielded a mean direction of magnetization of decl. = 140E, incl. = +45 and α95 = 13°. This direction is indistinguishable from that of the autochthonous Permian Cribas Formation reported earlier. The apparent agreement between the palaec magnetism of the two Formations is interpreted to imply that both are autochthonous and have been part of the Australian continental margin since the Permianand does not support the supposed Asian origin for the Maubisse Formation.  相似文献   

可靠地划分地震区可奠定地震预测与地震危险性评价的地质基础,具有十分重要的意义。笔者等通过研究分析指出板内孕震构造块体侧向边界可由区域性大断层或由区域性大断层与板块边界界定,底边界为康拉德面或低速高导层;板间孕震构造块体为俯冲板块,可由区域性大断层和(或)板块边界约束;在同一个孕震构造块体和同一轮地震周期的地震具有内在联系。因此,地震区可定义为代表相应孕震构造块体地震活动的区域,其可表征该块体内源自锁固段破裂的地震活动。基于笔者等提出的孕震构造块体和相应地震区边界确定原则,把全球两大地震带(环太平洋地震带和欧亚地震带)划分为62个地震区;每个地震区的分区方案均通过了多锁固段脆性破裂理论的检验,这说明方案可靠。进而,笔者等归纳总结了地震区划分方法。  相似文献   

孕震构造块体与相应地震区划分方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴晓娲  秦四清  薛雷  张珂  陈竑然  翟梦阳 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020013-67020013
可靠地划分地震区可奠定地震预测与地震危险性评价的地质基础,具有十分重要的意义。笔者等通过研究分析指出板内孕震构造块体侧向边界可由区域性大断层或由区域性大断层与板块边界界定,底边界为康拉德面或低速高导层;板间孕震构造块体为俯冲板块,可由区域性大断层和(或)板块边界约束;在同一个孕震构造块体和同一轮地震周期的地震具有内在联系。因此,地震区可定义为代表相应孕震构造块体地震活动的区域,其可表征该块体内源自锁固段破裂的地震活动。基于笔者等提出的孕震构造块体和相应地震区边界确定原则,把全球两大地震带(环太平洋地震带和欧亚地震带)划分为62个地震区;每个地震区的分区方案均通过了多锁固段脆性破裂理论的检验,这说明方案可靠。进而,笔者等归纳总结了地震区划分方法。  相似文献   

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