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Approximately 4000 people were killed due to collapse of buildings in downtown Adapazari during the 1999 Izmit, Turkey earthquake (Mw = 7.4). The downtown is located on a deep sedimentary basin, so-called Adapazari basin. We study site effects of the Adapazari basin based on strong- and weak-motion data obtained by a temporary array observation deployed in and around the Adapazari basin after the earthquake. Four moderate-size aftershocks (M4.6–M5.8) are selected in our study. We evaluate the S-wave amplifications in the basin by using the traditional spectral ratio method. The spectral ratios show that the S waves are considerably amplified in the frequency range of 0.5 to about 5 Hz at the basin sites, but are apparently de-amplified at frequencies higher than about 10 Hz. We make a quantitative interpretation of the empirical amplifications based on the S-wave velocity structures at the stiff-soil reference site as well as at the basin sites; these structures were estimated by the microtremor array measurements. Through the interpretation, we confirm that the amplifications at low frequencies are attributed to the thick sedimentary layers in the Adapazari basin and that the apparent de-amplifications at high frequencies are partly due to the reference site response. In addition to the considerable S-wave amplifications, the basin site records show long-period (about 2 sec) later phases after the S-wave arrival; these later phases are basin-transduced surface waves that are originated from the source and transmitted into the basin. The predominant period of these waves apparently depends on the earthquake magnitude. We conclude that heavy damage in downtown Adapazari during the 1999 Izmit earthquake was caused not only by strongly amplified S-waves but also by long-period basin surface waves of long duration.  相似文献   

Safety against earthquake hazards presents two aspects: structural safety against potentially destructive dynamic forces and site safety related to geotechnical phenomena, such as amplification, landsliding and soil liquefaction. The correct evaluation of seismic hazard is, therefore, highly affected by risk factors due to geological nature and geotechnical properties of soils. In response to these new developments, several attempts have been made to identify and appraise geotechnical hazards and to represent them in the form of zoning maps, in which locations or zones with different levels of hazard potential are identified. The geotechnical zonation of the subsoil of the city of Catania (Italy) suggests a high vulnerability of the physical environment added to site amplification of the ground motion phenomena. The ground response analysis at the surface, in terms of time history and response spectra, has been obtained by some 1D equivalent linear models and by a 2D linear model, using a design scenario earthquake as input at the conventional bedrock. In particular, the study has regarded the evaluation of site effects in correspondence of the database of about 1200 boreholes and water-wells available in the data-bank of the Catania area. According to the response spectra obtained through the application of the 1D and 2D models, the city of Catania has been divided into some zones with different peak ground acceleration at the surface, to which corresponds a different value of the Seismic Geotechnical Hazard. A seismic microzoning map of the urban area of the city of Catania has been obtained. The map represents an important tool for the seismic improvement of the buildings, indispensable for the mitigation of the seismic risk.  相似文献   

The Athens, Greece, earthquake of 7 September 1999 provided a number of reliable strong motion recordings and well-defined patterns of damage at sites with known geological and geotechnical conditions. Joint evaluation of this evidence shows that the very stiff soils of the Athens basin, compared to the nearby outcropping soft rocks, have amplified the peak horizontal acceleration by an average of 40% or more and have shifted elastic response spectra to higher periods. US and the European seismic code provisions (NEHRP-97 and EC-8), place stiff soils and soft rocks at the same site category and consequently fail to predict these adverse effects. A larger number of site categories and new site coefficients that depend on the seismic excitation frequency appear necessary in order to overcome this deficit of the codes.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is the analysis of seismic site effects in various alluvial basins. The analysis is performed considering a numerical approach (boundary element method). Two main cases are considered: a shallow deposit in the centre of Nice (France) [Soil Dyn. Earthquake Engng 19 (2000) 345] and a deep irregular basin in Caracas (Venezuela) [Comput. Geotech. 29 (2002) 573].

The amplification of seismic motion is analysed in terms of level, occuring frequency and location. For both sites, the amplification factor is found to reach maximum values of 20 (weak motion). Site effects nevertheless have very different features concerning the frequency dependence and the location of maximum amplification. For the shallow deposit in Nice, the amplification factor is very small for low frequencies and fastly increases above 1.0 Hz. The irregular Caracas basin gives a much different frequency dependence with many different peaks at various frequencies. The model for Caracas deep alluvial basin also includes a part of the local topography such as the nearest mountain. One can estimate seismic site effects due to both velocity contrast (between the basin and the bedrock) and local topography of the site.

Furthermore, the maximum amplification is located on the surface for Nice, whereas some strong amplification areas also appear inside the basin itself in the case of Caracas. One investigates the influence of this focusing effect on the motion versus depth dependence. This is of great interest for the analysis of seismic response of underground structures. The form and the depth of alluvial deposits are then found to have a great influence on the location of maximum amplification on the surface but also inside the deposit for deep irregular basins. It is essential for the analysis of the seismic response of both surface and underground structures.  相似文献   

In the paper the application of a methodology for the evaluation of site effects in an area of Umbria Region (Italy) is shown. In the project 20 localities were analyzed. In this paper the results of some representative localities are presented. The objective of the project was to develop a methodology that may be easily repeated, in order to take into account site effects in urban planning. Therefore a series of geologic, geomorphologic (1:5.000 scale) and geotechnical analyses have been carried out, to identify the areas affected by site effects and to characterize the lithotechnical units. The expected seismic inputs have been calculated and the numerical analyses 1D and 2D have been done. The results, in terms of elastic pseudo-acceleration spectra and amplification coefficients, as a ratio between spectral intensity of output and input, give elements for urban planning, both for urban general choice and for buildings design.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper lies under the scope of a research program aiming to assess the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on the surface constructions. The concerned section of the program is dedicated to the study of geological site effects and their influence on the mining induced vibrations for which the experimental investigations have been carried out and developed in this paper (Part 1). The empirical methods based on H/V spectral ratios have been applied on data sets provided from mining induced vibrations recorded within private residences above the deep coalmine as well as complementary measurements of ambient noise. The results evidence an amplified zone in the southern part of the Gardanne basin where drilling data confirmed the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. This joint analysis of induced seismicity and ambient noise enabled to validate the method based on H/V ratios applied to the mining context.  相似文献   

Algiers city is located in a seismogenic zone. To reduce the impact of seismic risk in this Capital city, a realistic modelling of the seismic ground motion (SGM) is conducted by using the hybrid method that combines the finite differences method and the modal summation. For this purpose, a complete database of geological, geophysical and earthquake data is constructed. A critical re-appraisal of the seismicity of the zone [2.25°E–3.50°E, 36.50°N–37.00°N] is performed and an earthquake list, for the period 1359–2002, is compiled. The analysis of existing and newly retrieved macroseismic information allowed the definition of earthquake parameters of macroseismic events for which a degree of reliability is assigned. Geological cross sections have been built up to model the SGM in the city, caused by the 1989 Mont-Chenoua and the 1924 Douéra earthquakes. Synthetic seismograms and response spectral ratio is produced for Algiers, and they show that the soft sediments in Algiers centre are responsible of the noticed amplification of the SGM.  相似文献   

An instrumental validation is attempted of an innovative approach devoted to the quick individuation, from macroseismic data, of site amplification phenomena able to significantly modify seismic hazard levels expected on the basis of average propagation effects only. According to this methodology, two evaluations of hazard are performed at each investigated locality: the former, obtained by epicentral intensity data ‘reduced’ at the site through a probabilistic attenuation function and, the latter, computed by integrating such data with seismic effects actually observed at the site during past earthquakes. The comparison, for each locality, between these two hazard estimates allow to orientate the identification of those sites where local amplifications of earthquake ground motion could be significant. In order to check such methodology, indications obtained in this way from macroseismic data are compared with the estimates of transfer functions performed through the HVSR technique applied to microtremors. Results concerning municipalities located in a seismic area of Northern Italy indicate a good agreement between macroseismic and instrumental estimates.  相似文献   

In the paper the results of the numerical and experimental analyses, at a site in the Umbria Region (Città di Castello—PG), are finalized and the evaluations of site effects are shown. The aim of the work was to compare the two types of analyses and give some methodologies that may be used at the level of urban planning. Therefore a series of geological, geomorphological (1:5.000 scale), geotechnical and seismic analyses have been carried out, to characterize the lithological units and to identify the areas affected by site effects. The expected seismic inputs were provided and two-dimensional numerical analyses have been done. An experimental analysis, using the registrations of small events, has been done. The results for the two approaches were performed in terms of elastic pseudo-acceleration spectra and amplification factors. The results are given as a ratio between spectral intensity, calculated using the pseudo-velocity spectra, in the periods of 0.1–0.5 s and 0.1–2.5 s of output and input. The results have been analyzed and compared, to provide a methodology that may be comprehensive and precise.  相似文献   

The Greek coastal town of Egion on 15 June 1995 was shaken by a strong, small epicentral distance, earthquake that caused heavy damages to buildings and loss of life. The damages were concentrated in the central elevated part of the town whereas the flat coastal region remained almost intact. This non-uniform distribution of damage is studied in this article in terms of surface topography effects by conducting seismic response analyses of a simplified 2-D profile of the town. A dynamic finite element code implementing the equivalent-linear soil behavior (FLUSHPLUS) was used for the analyses and it was found that the step-like topography amplified greatly the intensity of motion without affecting its frequency content. The analyses showed that the motion recorded by an accelerograph installed at the center of the town is in agreement with the computed values; they also indicated a particularly intense amplification close to the crest of the steep slope, where a multi-story RC residential building partially collapsed. In contrast, the level of motion was found to be low at the flat coastal zone of the town where the earthquake damages were insignificant. It is concluded that the characteristic surface topography of the town played an important role in modifying the intensity of base motion.  相似文献   

The analysis of site effects is very important since the amplification of seismic motion in some specific areas can be very strong. In this paper, the site considered is located in the centre of Nice on the French Riviera. Site effects are investigated considering a numerical approach (Boundary Element Method) and are compared with experimental results. The experimental results are obtained thanks to real earthquakes (weak motion) and microtremor measurements. The investigation of seismic site effects through numerical approaches is interesting because it shows the dependency of the amplification level on such parameters as wave velocity in surface soil layers, velocity contrast with deep layers, seismic wave type, incidence and damping.In this specific area of Nice, experimental measurements obtained for weak motion lead to strong site effects. A one-dimensional (1D) analytical analysis of amplification does not give a satisfactory estimation of the maximum reached levels. A boundary element model is then proposed considering different wave types (SH, P, SV) as the seismic loading. The alluvial basin is successively assumed as an isotropic linear elastic medium and an isotropic linear viscoelastic solid with Zener type behaviour (standard solid). The influence of frequency and incidence is analysed. The thickness of the surface layer, its mechanical properties, its general shape as well as the seismic wave type involved have a great influence on the maximum amplification and the frequency for which it occurs. For real earthquakes, the numerical results are in very good agreement with experimental measurements for each motion component. The boundary element method leads to amplification values very close to the actual ones and much larger than those obtained in the 1D case. Two-dimensional basin effects are then very strong and are well reproduced numerically.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity, measured recently at 107 strong motion stations, is a new empirical basis in the applicability investigation of empirical classification techniques. These stations are classified considering Iranian Practice Code criteria (Standard 2800). To check the applicability of empirical methods, three different empirical techniques are applied to re-classify the stations using previously determined site classes. The first method is based only on the determination of peak periods at each station. It is found that the fundamental periods in different site categories are within the ranges proposed by Japanese Road Association. The second one is upon the site classification index (SI), suggested by Zhao et al. In this study, a new site index term is proposed for quantitative site classification using the empirical H/V spectral ratio (here after HVRS) method. It is shown that the results from this scheme are comparable with those obtained by applying the method of Zhao et al. and are more reliable than the results from using only peak periods. A large number of strong motion stations are classified in Iran for more control of proposed SI applicability. The mean response spectral ratio curves for all data of ISMN stations are found to be fairly consistent with those obtained by Zhao et al. The results show the practicability and efficiency of the proposed method in site classification. However, more shear wave measurements and further information, like surface geology, borehole data etc., are still needed to clarify the uncertainties of such empirical schemes.  相似文献   

Three studies of site amplification factors, based on the recorded aftershocks, and one study based on strong motion data, are compared one with another and with the observed distribution of damage from the Northridge, CA, earthquake of 17 January 1994 (ML=6.4). In the epicentral area, when the peak ground velocities are larger than vm≈15 cm/s, nonlinear response of soil begins to distort the amplification factors determined from small amplitude (linear) wave motion. Moving into the area of near-field and strong ground motion (vm>30 cm/s), the site response becomes progressively more affected by the nonlinear soil response. Based on the published results, it is concluded that site amplification factors determined from small amplitude waves (aftershocks, small earthquakes, coda waves) and their transfer-function representation may be useful for small and distant earthquake motions, where soils and structures respond to earthquake waves in a linear manner. However in San Fernando Valley, during the Northridge earthquake, the observed distribution of damage did not correlate with site amplification determined from spectra of recorded weak motions. Mapping geographical distribution of site amplification using other than very strong motion data, therefore appears to be of little use for seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

The city of Catania (Italy) in the South-Eastern Sicily has been affected in past times by several destroying earthquakes with high values of estimated magnitude. The seismogenic area to the south of Volcano Etna, known as Iblean Area, is placed between the African and the Euro-Asiatic plates on the west of the Ibleo-Maltese escarpment, to the south of the Graben of the Sicilian channel and on the east of the overlapping front of Gela. Basing on the seismic history of Catania, the following earthquake scenarios have been considered: the “Val di Noto” earthquake of January 11, 1693 (with intensity X-XI on MCS scale, magnitude MW=7.41 and epicentral distance of about 13 km); the “Etna” earthquake of February 20, 1818 (with intensity IX on MCS scale, magnitude MW=6.23 and epicentral distance of about 10 km). The soil response analysis at the surface, in terms of time history and response spectra, has been obtained by 1-D equivalent linear models for about 1200 borings location available in the data-bank of the central area of Catania of about 50 km2, using deterministic design scenario earthquakes as input at the conventional bedrock.Seismic microzoning maps of the city of Catania have been obtained in terms of different peak ground acceleration at the surface and in terms of amplification ratios for given values of frequency.  相似文献   

Strong motion records of Turkey are studied in order to prepare a catalog to be used as a database for further studies (for instance empirical attenuation laws). The network started to be installed in 1973, and the first record was obtained in 1976. The instruments are of SMA-1 analog recorders and SIG SM-2 and GeoSys GSR-16 digital types. Out of a total of 426 records released on the web sites of the General Directorate of the Disaster Affairs and of Kandili Observatory, a set of 210 records was selected with a satisfactory quality, for which it was possible to associate correctly determined source parameters (source magnitudes and epicentral distances). Most of the records are obtained from around North and East Anatolian Fault zones, as well as from western and southwestern parts of Turkey. The main outcome of this paper is a strong motion catalog of Turkey, with the indication of site conditions, of the frequency band of the reliability of the records, peak values of acceleration, velocity and displacements, source parameters (magnitude, epicentral and macroseismic distances), intensity and finally the fault plane solutions whenever possible. The aim is to have, with other regional dataset, a homogenous and good quality dataset.  相似文献   

China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES) deals with a long-term process of development of a multidisciplinary technical system. In the construction, maintenance, and upgrading of CSES, ideas of systems engineering play an important role. This article discusses several concepts which might be useful for CSES, including system metaphor, system performance evaluation, and system design.  相似文献   

Vertical seismometer arrays represent a unique interaction between observed and predicted ground motions, and they are especially helpful for validating and comparing site response models. In this study, we perform comprehensive linear, equivalent-linear, and nonlinear site response analyses of 191 ground motions recorded at six validation sites in the Kiban–Kyoshin network (KiK-net) of vertical seismometer arrays in Japan. These sites, which span a range of geologic conditions, are selected because they meet the basic assumptions of one-dimensional (1D) wave propagation, and are therefore ideal for validating and calibrating 1D nonlinear soil models. We employ the equivalent-linear site response program SHAKE, the nonlinear site response program DEEPSOIL, and a nonlinear site response overlay model within the general finite element program Abaqus/Explicit. Using the results from this broad range of ground motions, we quantify the uncertainties of the alternative site response models, measure the strain levels at which the models break down, and provide general recommendations for performing site response analyses. Specifically, we find that at peak shear strains from 0.01% to 0.1%, linear site response models fail to accurately predict short-period ground motions; equivalent-linear and nonlinear models offer a significant improvement at strains beyond this level, with nonlinear models exhibiting a slight improvement over equivalent-linear models at strains greater than approximately 0.05%.  相似文献   

Microearthquake recordings of local events have been used to quantify the site effects in the vicinity of Bursa City, northwest Turkey. Since the city is located near the southwest branch of the western extension of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) zone, the importance of the seismic hazard in the region becomes progressively more important. The accelerograms of 69 earthquakes that were recorded on different geologic units, massive limestone, slope deposit and Quaternary sediment were analyzed to estimate the response of the recording sites. Site amplification functions were obtained by using three different approaches (standard spectral ratio, SSR; horizontal to vertical, H/V ratio and generalized inversion method, GIM) and the differences between the methods were also evaluated. We found large discrepancies between the SSR and H/V ratio methods, specifically; the former yields almost three times higher amplitudes than those obtained in the latter approach. Station located within the Bursa Quaternary basin (SCKR) is characterized by the largest estimates of the amplification amplitudes (8.0, 4.5 and 4.0 for SSR, H/V ratio and GIM, respectively) in all the three methods. On the other hand, stations located on deep limestone geological unit (SIGD and SKAY) show the least amplification level, ranging between 1.0 and 1.6. Three methods are able to identify resonant frequencies of the sites, although the absolute amplitudes of the amplification function are obtained different from each method.  相似文献   

The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (fstructure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures.  相似文献   

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