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In exploring new sources for economically important products, marine environment draws particular attention because of its remarkable diversity and extreme conditions; it is known to produce metabolic products of great value. It represents untapped source for the discovery of novel secondary metabolites with varying potential such as antibiotic, anti-tumor, antifouling and cytotoxic properties. Marine actinomycetes distributed throughout the marine environment from shallow to deep sea sediments have proved to be a finest source for this discovery. Secondary metabolites derived from marine actinomycetes have proved their worth in industries based on the research on their properties and wide range applications. Spotlight of the review is range of marine based actinomycetes products and significant research in this field. This shows the capability of marine actinomycetes as bioactive metabolite producers. Additionally, the present review addresses some effective and novel approaches of procuring marine microbial compounds utilizing the latest screening strategies of drug discovery from which traditional resources such as marine actinobacteria has decreased due to declining yields. The aim is in the context of promoting fruitful and profitable results in the near future. The recent surfacing of new technologies for bioprospection of marine actinomycetes are very promising, resulting in high quality value added products, and will be de? ning a new era for bioactive compounds with medical and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Norovirus is a highly infectious pathogen that is commonly found in oysters growing in fecally contaminated waters. Norovirus outbreaks can cause the closure of oyster harvesting waters and acute gastroenteritis in humans associated with consumption of contaminated raw oysters. Extensive efforts and progresses have been made in detection and forecasting of oyster norovirus outbreaks over the past decades. The main objective of this paper is to provide a literature review of methods and techniques for detecting and forecasting oyster norovirus outbreaks and thereby to identify the future directions for improving the detection and forecasting of norovirus outbreaks. It is found that (1) norovirus outbreaks display strong seasonality with the outbreak peak occurring commonly in December–March in the U.S. and April–May in the Europe; (2) norovirus outbreaks are affected by multiple environmental factors, including but not limited to precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, wind, and salinity; (3) various modeling approaches may be employed to forecast norovirus outbreaks, including Bayesian models, regression models, Artificial Neural Networks, and process-based models; and (4) diverse techniques are available for near real-time detection of norovirus outbreaks, including multiplex PCR, seminested PCR, real-time PCR, quantitative PCR, and satellite remote sensing. The findings are important to the management of oyster growing waters and to future investigations into norovirus outbreaks. It is recommended that a combined approach of sensor-assisted real time monitoring and modeling-based forecasting should be utilized for an efficient and effective detection and forecasting of norovirus outbreaks caused by consumption of contaminated oysters.  相似文献   

Much of the recent Canadian activity in marine technology has focused on development of capabilities in Arctic waters, and on the update and replacement of naval vessels. This paper describes some of the significant projects and programs now under way, and suggests future research and development requirements.  相似文献   

This paper gives a broad overview of Dutch efforts in marine technological research. Some of the most interesting programs and projects in oceanographical, maritime, and offshore-related research are highlighted. In addition, the main trends and future R&D needs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

海洋生物DNA条形码研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋生物种类多样,分布广泛,具有复杂性、多样性和趋同性等特点,为了对物种进行更快速、准确地鉴定,急需在传统形态分类学基础上,建立并结合便捷准确的分子鉴定手段。DNA条形码提供了可信息化的分类标准和有效的分类学手段,已成为近年来分类学与生物多样性研究中重要的技术依托。本文概述了DNA条形码当前的发展现状与趋势,并介绍了DNA条形码技术在主要海洋浮游植物(红藻、褐藻、绿藻、硅藻、甲藻)、无脊椎动物(海绵动物、刺胞动物、甲壳动物和软体动物等)和鱼类中的研究进展,以及不同条形码基因针对于不同生物类群的有效性和适用性,指出了目前条形码技术在各海洋类群中存在的主要问题,并对未来的相关工作做了展望,希望为今后我国的海洋生物DNA条形码研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Evidence-based decision making is an essential process for sustainable, effective, and efficient marine spatial planning (MSP). In that sense, decision support tools (DSTs) could be considered to be the primary assistant of planners. Although there are many DSTs listed in tool databases, most of them are conceptual and not used in real MSP implementation. The main objective of this review is to: (i) characterize and analyse the present use of the DSTs in existing MSP implementation processes around the world, (ii) identify weaknesses and gaps of existing tools, and (iii) propose new functionalities both to improve their feasibility and to promote their application. In total, 34 DSTs have been identified in 28 different MSP initiatives with different levels of complexity, applicability and usage purposes. Main characteristics of the tools were transferred into a DST matrix. It was observed that limited functionality, tool stability, consideration of economic and social decision problems, ease of use, and tool costs could be considered as the main gaps of existing DSTs. Future developments are needed and should be in the direction of the specific need of marine planners and stakeholders. Results revealed that DST developments should consider both spatial and temporal dynamics of the ocean, and new tools should provide multi-functionality and integrity; meanwhile they should be easy to use and freely available. Hence, this research summarised current use, gaps, and expected development trends of DSTs and it concludes that there is still a big potential of DST developments to assist operational MSP processes.  相似文献   

国际海洋科技领域研究热点及未来布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球海洋研究呈现出若干新的特点.本文基于对近年来全球重要海洋研究进展信息,分析了全球环境变化背景下几个重要研究热点方向的最新进展,包括全球海洋物理环境变化研究、海洋塑料污染研究、海洋酸化研究、南北极和印度洋研究以及海洋技术开发等.基于对美国、英国、日本和俄罗斯等重要海洋国家最新发布的海洋科技创新政策和计划,分析...  相似文献   

海洋养殖鱼类仔稚鱼摄食和营养研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋鱼类人工育苗常出现仔稚鱼死亡率高的情况,它涉及到亲鱼培育、卵子质量、仔稚鱼营养需求、生物饵料供应和配合饲料取代等问题.本文就海洋鱼类仔稚鱼培育的饵料系列、亲鱼和早期发育中的脂类代谢和氨基酸作用、生物饵料的营养强化以及微粒、微囊饲料等研究进展作了概述.  相似文献   

The ecologically and socio-economically important marine ecosystems of Europe are facing severe threats from a variety of human impacts. To mitigate and potentially reverse some of these impacts, the European Union (EU) has mandated the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in order to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in EU waters by 2020. The primary initiative for achieving GES is the implementation of coherent networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). Marine reserves are an important type of MPA in which no extraction is allowed, but their usefulness depends upon a number of ecological, management, and political factors. This paper provides a synthesis of the ecological effects of existing European marine reserves and the factors (social and ecological) underlying their effectiveness. Results show that existing European marine reserves foster significant positive increases in key biological variables (density, biomass, body size, and species richness) compared with areas receiving less protection, a pattern mirrored by marine reserves around the globe. For marine reserves to achieve their ecological and social goals, however, they must be designed, managed, and enforced properly. In addition, identifying whether protected areas are ecologically connected as a network, as well as where new MPAs should be established according to the MSFD, requires information on the connectivity of populations across large areas. The adoption of the MSFD demonstrates willingness to achieve the long-term protection of Europe's marine ecosystems, but whether the political will (local, regional, and continent wide) is strong enough to see its mandates through remains to be seen. Although the MSFD does not explicitly require marine reserves, an important step towards the protection of Europe's marine ecosystems is the establishment of marine reserves within wider-use MPAs as connected networks across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

The interest of the general public, especially young people, in ocean and coastal issues is crucial, and yet high school students often do not consider scientific careers to be attractive. Raising student awareness of careers in marine science is not only a task for educators, but for scientists engaged in marine research as well. This paper summarises the experience of three years of international science camp organized for 15–19 year old students from countries of the Baltic Sea region (Europe) and discusses international science camps as a platform for encouraging interest in marine science.  相似文献   

国际海洋浮游动物研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
综述了国际上有关海洋浮游动物种群、群落结构、多样性及浮游动物对全球气候变化响应等方面研究进展。海洋浮游动物种类繁多, 数量丰富, 分布广泛, 是海洋生态系统中最重要的生物类群。在海洋食物网中, 浮游动物通过摄食浮游植物控制初级生产力, 同时, 又被更高营养阶层的动物(鱼、虾、鲸、海鸟等)捕食, 充当次级生产者的角色, 其群落结构、种群动态和物种多样性影响鱼类和其他海洋动物资源量, 浮游动物是海洋食物网中关键环节。海洋生态系统动力学过程的关键环节是浮游生物的生物学和生态学过程, 多项国际研究计划以生物多样性和年际变化趋势为研究重点并联系全球变化及响应, 因此, 浮游动物的研究已成为海洋生态研究的核心内容之一。国际上对浮游动物的研究主要集中在以下6个方向:(1)浮游动物生境、种群的分布和扩散动力学研究;(2)浮游动物的群落结构和多样性;(3)浮游动物的实验生态和现场受控生态研究;(4)浮游动物对全球气候变化的响应;(5)深海、南北极、低氧区等极端生境的浮游动物生态学研究;(6)浮游动物研究新技术和方法。  相似文献   

海洋来源的功能寡糖具有多种生物活性,如抗炎、抗氧化、抗病毒、抗肿瘤和免疫调节等,因此在医药、农业、化工及环境等领域有着广泛的应用.然而,不同聚合度、不同结构的寡糖所具有的活性差异很大,因此有必要深入研究和探讨不同种类的海洋功能寡糖的结构与功能的关系及其应用潜力.本文对几种研究较多的海藻功能寡糖的来源、制备、纯化及应用进...  相似文献   

藻类免疫防御的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物为了抵抗外界各种病原菌或非病原菌的刺激,形成了自身的一套免疫系统。一直以来,人们认为藻类不像高等动植物能够利用自身受体介导的免疫来防御外来病原菌的侵袭,也没有执行先天性免疫的专一细胞,藻类对于病原微生物的免疫防御更多只是机体固有结构性的化学防御,这种防御是不能调节的,但经过进一步的研究发现,藻类的防御是随时间或环境因素变化的,说明环境因子的调节是存在的,而且大量的证据显示藻类中存在病原激活的防御,并和高等动植物一样,存在着相同的第一信使和防御激活的第二信使,以及受到病原菌刺激后所激活的细胞生物学效应。这些证据说明不同藻类中也存在着先天性免疫[1]。  相似文献   

海水双壳类受精生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 研究概况,在海水双壳类中开展的大量受精生物学研究表明,绝大部分的海水双壳类为卵生型,雌雄配子被排放到海水中完成受精。排放的卵子处于第一次减数分裂前期(生发泡期)或中期。精子入卵后,受精卵恢复减数分裂,先后排放出两个极体,形成雌雄原核并最终启动卵裂。  相似文献   

Marine planning presents considerable new challenges and opportunities for those responsible for managing the marine environment. In the UK, the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) provides a statutory framework for marine planning and has created a new administration responsible for its implementation. If marine planning is to be effective and achieve its stated goals it will require a pool of trained individuals who will be responsible for or will participate in marine planning. Based on data gathered during the development and delivery of an intensive professional course and a masters level programme, this paper explores the key elements of education and training required by marine planners. These include a knowledge of planning processes and national and international laws and conventions; an understanding of how marine plans can integrate with existing terrestrial and coastal plans and other management requirements; and an understanding of the marine and maritime environment, including the human activities and natural features. It concludes with a discussion of the different roles individuals may play in the planning process and thus their different training needs.  相似文献   

Interactions between seals and the fishing industry are an on-going problem in Ireland and indeed globally across the range of most seal species. These interactions occur at both the operational (seal damage to catches and fishing gear) and biological (competition for shared resources) level. With declines in fish stocks there has been increased interest in the extent of competition for resources between commercial fisheries and seals. High levels of seal damage perceived by the fishing industry has led to frequent calls for seal culls, highlighting the significance of the problem. However, the scale of interaction between seals and commercial fishing and aquaculture in Ireland heretofore remained unclear. A comprehensive review of existing data, augmented with data from key stakeholders on the current state of play is presented to provide a realistic and representative account of the situation. This suggests that seal interactions with commercial fisheries in Ireland are most significant in inshore (<12 nautical miles from shore) static-net (or passive) fisheries (e.g. gill/tangle nets) and have increased following the driftnet ban in 2006, which suggests displacement of seal interactions from salmon to other fisheries. The industry highlighted pollack, angler fish, cod, and turbot fisheries as the main inshore fisheries currently impacted by operational damage to gear and catch by seals. Seal damage to line-caught salmon continues, with industry feedback suggesting large geographical variation in the range of damage levels reported. Salmon farming installations are also increasingly being targeted by seals, with significant losses due to seal depredation being reported. In the absence of robust data on seal depredation, the extent to which changes in fishing gear and practices have reduced damage levels, or resulted in displacement of seal foraging effort, is unknown. Recommendations are made to suggest how research efforts should be focused to address critical data gaps identified in the study.  相似文献   

Louisa S. Evans   《Marine Policy》2009,33(5):784-793
To understand the subtle institutional conditions that underlie marine governance, beyond broad conceptualisations of property rights or pre-defined institutional designs, it is necessary to situate governance structures and human interactions within their historical and current social and political context. A two-tiered stakeholder analysis was developed to facilitate this. This analytical tool illuminates divergent perspectives between actors in two marine social-ecological systems in Southern Kenya. Investigating these differences emphasises the variety of historical contexts, social geographies, and current power relations in which different groups are situated. These historical and contextual factors mediate how groups perceive and respond to governance. They, therefore, have important implications for how institutions function.  相似文献   

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