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徐杰  姜在兴 《古地理学报》2019,21(3):379-396
沉积物物源研究作为沟通沉积盆地与剥蚀区的纽带,有助于恢复源区构造背景、估计沉积物搬运路径与距离、重建古水系和恢复沉积盆地充填演化历史等,在源-汇系统分析中有着非常重要的作用。传统的方法如岩石学、沉积学、重矿物和元素地球化学等方法在物源体系分析中起着重要的作用。随着同位素测试技术的进步,越来越多的碎屑矿物同位素测年开始大量地被应用到物源分析当中。近些年碎屑锆石测年被广泛地应用到沉积盆地物源体系恢复和古水系重建中,而针对碎屑矿物如金红石、独居石和磷灰石等的同位素测年也同样发挥着巨大的作用。多种矿物组合分析以及单矿物多重定年,可以更全面地恢复物源区的构造演化史,从而更准确地恢复构造演化与盆地充填过程之间的耦合关系。同时随着碎屑锆石U/Pb数据的日益增多,越来越多的数学和统计学方法开始被引入用于定量分析不同物源区对沉积区砂体展布的影响。现今和未来的物源分析将是不断引入新的研究技术、将传统方法与新技术的结合、从单一方法到多种方法的综合、从定性分析到定量化研究、从单一学科到多学科交叉的过程,从而更好地让我们认识沉积物在地表的剥蚀搬运沉积的整个过程。  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis for the Mesoproterozoic clastic sedimentary rocks of the basal Gulcheru Formation of the Cuddapah Basin in the Gugudu-Dadithota-Parnapalle-Palkonda region (extending atleast 40 km) have been performed to highlight their provenance and weathering history. The low K2O/Al2O3 ratios of the representative samples points to the recycled nature of sediments and illite clay in the sediments indicate an overall cold climate (low chemical weathering degree). All the provenance diagrams indicate a mixed source of the Gulcheru sediments with felsic dominancy and Upper continental crust (UCC) signature.  相似文献   

张旗  王焰 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):576-583
扬子地块西南缘晚泥盆世至晚二叠世的基性岩浆岩具有大体类似的地球化学性质, 它们均富集Ti(TiO2> 2% )、LILE和LREE(La/Yb)N= 4.8~14.6),Ti/V(32~67)、Ti/Y(400~693)和Zr/Y(3.2~7.6)比值高,具洋岛玄武岩的特征,推测它们均与地幔柱岩浆的活动有关。该地幔柱岩浆活动的时期与古特提斯洋盆演化的时期大体吻合, 但地幔柱岩浆开始喷发的中心与古特提斯初始扩张的中心相距甚远,看来,金沙江-哀牢山洋盆的张开与地幔柱岩浆活动无关。从晚泥盆世至晚二叠世,地幔柱岩浆活动的规模和强度逐渐增加,玄武岩分布中心从广西的南宁-百色之间逐渐向北西310°方向迁移了约600 km ,推测这一迁移轨迹可能受金沙江-哀牢山洋盆扩张的影响。据此估计, 金沙江-哀牢山洋盆宽度可达约1 000 km 。据地幔柱岩浆轨迹与金沙江-哀牢山缝合带所夹的角度推测, 扬子地块可能经历了顺时针旋转, 与古地磁资料一致。  相似文献   

沉积区物源分析对研究造山带构造演化、盆地沉积过程及划分油气区带等方面具有重要的意义。为了查明柴达木盆地北缘构造带古近纪物源方向,通过对古近系碎屑岩的碎屑组成、岩屑成分、重矿物组合特征和ZTR指数的研究,并结合前人的研究成果,初步确定古近纪柴北缘西段发育五大主力物源区:(1)牛东物源主要来自阿尔金山东段,重矿物组合以稳定且含量较高的电气石区别于邻区,碎屑组分中以石英和含量较高的长石为特征,岩屑中含有少量的碳酸盐岩岩屑;(2)冷北物源主要来自小赛什腾山方向,重矿物组合中榍石和赤铁矿的含量明显偏高,碎屑组分中以高岩屑为特征;(3)赛西物源主要来自赛什腾山西段,电气石和角闪石含量较高,碎屑组分较为均一,母岩以变质岩和火成岩为主,含少量碳酸盐岩岩屑;(4)赛东物源主要来自赛什腾山东段,其白钛矿含量明显高于邻区,碎屑组分以较高含量的石英和长石为主,岩屑类型主要为变质岩、火成岩和沉积岩岩屑;(5)九龙山物源主要来自九龙山和绿梁山地区,石榴石含量高且稳定,碎屑组分较为均一,母岩以变质岩和火成岩为主,含少量的非碳酸盐岩类沉积岩岩屑。  相似文献   

李中尧  丁慧霞  袁玥  张泽明 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3445-3463
位于青藏高原南部的冈底斯岩浆弧形成于中生代新特提斯洋俯冲过程中,并在印度与欧亚大陆碰撞过程中叠加了新生代岩浆作用和变质作用。冈底斯岩浆弧东段出露的中、新生代变质岩是研究其深部组成与形成演化的理想窗口。本文对冈底斯东段米林田兴村地区的变沉积岩,即石榴夕线黑云片岩、含石榴钙硅酸盐岩、黑云斜长片麻岩和大理岩进行了岩石学和锆石U-Pb年代学研究。研究结果表明,石榴夕线黑云片岩由夕线石、黑云母、石榴石、斜长石、钾长石、石英和钛铁矿组成,经历了中压麻粒岩相变质作用,变质条件为810~820℃和6.4~7.8kbar。锆石年代学研究表明,石榴夕线黑云片岩、含石榴钙硅酸盐岩和大理岩经历了87~83Ma的变质作用。本文和现有研究表明,冈底斯弧东段林芝和米林地区的高压麻粒岩相变质岩分布区代表该岩浆弧的下地壳,而包括本文研究点在内的中压麻粒岩相到角闪岩相变质岩分布区为其中地壳组成部分。本文认为晚白垩世大体积幔源岩浆的注入和随后的新特提斯大洋岩石圈平俯冲,导致了冈底斯岩浆弧地壳的生长、加厚和底冲,使上地壳的沉积岩和岩浆岩运移到中-下地壳,并经历了高温变质与部分熔融,形成了分布在上地壳的花岗岩。这表明岩浆弧的新生地壳在晚白垩世新特提斯洋俯冲过程中发生了再造。以长英质岩石为主的表壳岩进入深地壳很可能是岩浆弧中-下地壳由基性转变成中性成分的重要方式。  相似文献   

Environments characterized by fluctuating hypersaline to fresh-water conditions are defined as “schizohaline” and examples are given of situations in which “schizohaline” environments can arise. Fabrics diagnostic for the occurrence of both hyper- and hyposalinity have been recorded in Late Paleozoic rocks from Bear Island (74°30′N, 19°E): evaporite nodules, length-slow chalcedony and very finely crystalline penecontemporaneous dolomite are considered as indicators of hypersaline conditions while euhedral limpid dolomite crystals, coarse poikilitic sparry calcite and microspar calcite are thought to have originated under the hyposaline regime. Zoned dolomite crystals and euhedral crystals of authigenic mega-quartz replacing sulphates have also been recorded in the same rocks; their diagnostic importance for the schizohaline environment is, however, uncertain.Internal structural pores of some crinoid and bryozoan skeletal grains of biosparites from Bear Island are either empty or infilled with very finely crystalline dolomite. Expulsion of Mg2+ ions from the magnesian-calcite skeletons and either: (1) “poisoning” of the micro-environment of the pores; or (2) formation of stagnant “micro-sabkha” conditions in the pores are proposed as an explanation for these phenomena.  相似文献   

Strata-bound sulfide deposits associated with clastic, marine sedimentary rocks, and not associated with volcanic rocks, display distributions of S34 values gradational between two extreme types: 1. a flat distribution ranging from S34 of seawater sulfate to values about 25 lower; and 2. a narrow distribution around value S34 (sulfide)=S34 (seawater sulfate) –50, and skewed to heavier values. S34 (seawater sulfate) is estimated from contemporaneous evaporites. There is a systematic relation between the type of S34 distribution and the type of depositional environment. Type 1 occurs in shallow marine or brackish-water environments; type 2 occurs characteristically in deep, euxinic basins. These distributions can be accounted for by a model involving bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate in systems which range from fully-closed batches of sulfate (type 1) to fully open systems in which fresh sulfate is introduced as reduction proceeds (type 2). The difference in the characteristic distributions requires that the magnitude of the sulfate-sulfide kinetic isotope effect on reduction be different in the two cases. This difference has already been suggested by the conflict between S34 data for modern marine sediments and laboratory experiments. The difference in isotope effects can be accounted for by Rees' (1973) model of steady-state sulfate reduction: low nutrient supply and undisturbed, stationary bacterial populations in the open system settings tend to generate larger fractionations.
Zusammenfassung Schichtgebundene Sulfid-Lagerstätten in Begleitung von klastischen, marinen Sedimentgesteinen ohne Beteiligung vulkanischer Gesteine zeigen kontinuierliche Verteilungen der S34-Werte zwischen zwei Extremtypen: 1. Eine flache Verteilung im Bereich von S34-Werten des Seewasser-Sulfats bis zu Werten, die etwa 25 niedriger liegen. 2. Eine eng begrenzte Verteilung um den S34 (Sulfid)-Wert=S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) –50 und asymmetrischer Verteilungskurve mit stärkerer Besetzung bei den schwereren Werten. Das S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) wird von gleichaltrigen Evaporiten abgeleitet. Es besteht eine systematische Beziehung zwischen der Art der S34-Verteilung und dem Milieu des Ablagerungsraumes. Typ 1 tritt im marinen Flachwasser oder in brackischer Umgebung auf. Typ 2 ist charakteristisch für tiefe euxinische Becken. Diese Verteilungen können erklärt werden mit Hilfe eines Modells mit bakterieller Reduktion von Meerwasser-Sulfat in Systemen, die von völlig abgeschlossenen Sulfat-Mengen (Typ 1) bis zu völlig offenen Systemen reichen, in die bei fortschreitender Reduktion frisches Sulfat zugeführt wird (Typ 2). Der Unterschied in den charakteristischen Verteilungen setzt voraus, daß die Stärke der kinetischen Sulfat-Sulfid-Isotopen-Wirkung auf die Reduktion in beiden Fällen verschieden ist. Dieser Unterschied wurde bereits wegen der Widersprüche zwischen den verschiedenen S34-Werten heutiger mariner Sedimente und Laborexperimente vermutet. Der Unterschied in der Isotopen-Wirkung kann durch das Modell von Rees (1973) für kontinuierlich ablaufende Sulfat-Reduktion erklärt werden. Geringes Nahrungsangebot und ungestörte, gleichbleibende Bakterien-Populationen in offenen Systemen neigen zur Erzeugung stärkerer Fraktionierungen.

综合运用砂岩碎屑组分及岩屑分布特征、砂岩阴极发光特征、重矿物组合特征变化、古水流方向等物源分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地中西部长6油组进行物源分析,认为变质岩、酸性岩浆岩、浅海相碎屑岩及碳酸盐岩为研究区主要的母岩类型,东北、西南部是研究区的主要物源方向,西北、西和南部是为次要要的物源方向。物源是影响储层的重要因素,物源的不同造成研究区砂岩类型、填隙物组成及储层物性特征的差异。  相似文献   

The Late Carboniferous palaeo-tectonic setting of the West Junggar region is comprised of arcs alternating with basins. Geochemical analysis of the sedimentary rocks associated with these arc-related basins was conducted to better constrain the provenance and tectonic setting.Major and trace element geochemistry data of Late Carboniferous mudstones and sandstones in the Hala-alat Mountains suggest that these sedimentary rocks and their source areas are characterized by the following four features: (1) sediments experienced a simple recycling process; (2) a low degree weathering conditions in the source areas; (3) compositional immature of the sedimentary rocks; (4) dominated by intermediate to felsic provenance, with a few intermediate to mafic sediments. Integrated with the palaeo-flow data and previous authors’ works, a fore-arc basin model is proposed for the tectonic setting of the sedimentary rocks. The Sawur arc is the primary provenance and supplies the major intermediate to felsic detrital fragments. The Bozchekul-Chingiz arc and Kexia oceanic island arc are the other two secondary sources.  相似文献   

The role of sample size in the estimation of geological strain, both finite strain (Rs) and that of the orientation of the finite strain ellipse (φs), is investigated for clastic sedimentary rocks. This study looks at four strain methods, the Robin method, the linearization method, the Mulchrone and Meere method and the mean radial length method that are initially tested using simulated strained data sets and subsequently by applying the methods to real data. It is found that the optimum strain analysis sample size for a clastic sedimentary rock is primarily dependant on the intensity of strain suffered by that rock because of the error behavior associated with Rs estimates. An iterative process is therefore recommended starting with a minimum sample size of 150, which can be maintained or reduced based on the initial Rs estimates.  相似文献   

晚侏罗世承德盆地砾岩碎屑源区分析及构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河北承德及寿王坟盆地在晚侏罗世土城子期堆积了大量的粗碎屑沉积.砾石成分统计结果显示,承德-寿王坟盆地充填的土城子组碎屑母岩组合主要有三种,其中火山岩、花岗质岩石和变质岩组合在承德盆地占绝对优势,反映了当时盆地以北的“内蒙地轴”为主要的蚀源区.向北逆冲的双庙断裂将承德盆地分成南北两个部分,断裂两侧的砾石成分组合基本相同,显示出碎屑物质共同来源于北部,同时也暗示了该断裂在土城子期可能没有强烈的活动(强烈活动期可能在土城子组之后?).分析表明,承德盆地南部的不对称向斜构造两侧砾石成分截然不同,说明该向斜构造控制了碎屑分布,是同沉积期形成的.该盆地南侧的碎屑供应量远远小于北侧,反映了控制盆地南缘发育的向北逆冲的灰窑断层可能是一条次要的同沉积断裂.在晚侏罗世整体向南推进的逆冲断裂系统中,灰窑断裂和双庙断裂应属于背向逆冲断层.承德盆地中大量的粗碎屑堆积与同期冲断带的耦合关系分析,指示了这一时期盆地北侧存在强烈的逆冲断裂活动.作为主要物源区,北部的“内蒙地轴”在晚侏罗世发生了强烈的隆升-剥蚀作用,推测当时在地貌上可能存在近E-W走向的古山系(或古高原?).  相似文献   

The Cantabrian Zone of NW Iberia preserves a voluminous, almost continuous, sedimentary sequence that ranges from Neoproterozoic to Early Permian in age. Its tectonic setting is controversial and recent hypotheses include (i) passive margin deposition along the northern margin of Gondwana or (ii) an active continental margin or (iii) a drifting ribbon continent. In this paper we present detrital zircon U–Pb laser ablation age data from 13 samples taken in detrital rocks from the Cantabrian Zone sequence ranging from Early Silurian to Early Permian in depositional age. The obtained results, together with previously published detrital zircon ages from Ediacaran–Ordovician strata, allow a comprehensive analysis of changing provenance through time. Collectively, these data indicate that this portion of Iberia was part of the passive margin of Gondwana at least from Ordovician to Late Devonian times. Zircon populations in all samples show strong similarities with the Sahara Craton and with zircons found in Libya, suggesting that NW Iberia occupied a paleoposition close to those regions of present-day northern Africa during this time interval. Changes in provenance in the Late Devonian are attributed to the onset of the collision between Gondwana and Laurussia.Additionally, the Middle Carboniferous to Permian samples record populations consistent with the recycling of older sedimentary sequences and exhumation of the igneous rocks formed before and during the Variscan orogeny. Late-Devonian to Permian samples yield zircon populations that reflect topographic changes produced during the Variscan orogeny and development of the lithospheric scale oroclinal buckling.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地晚古生代沉积岩源区构造背景及物源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地周缘物源均来自上地壳,以长英质岩石为主,主要为太古宇、元古宇的各类变火山-沉积岩组成的古老变质岩系,同时具有一定量的花岗岩和碱性玄武岩的混合,但物源成分及南北源区构造背景有所差异。在常量元素及稀土元素组成上,盆地南北物源区的沉积岩在地区及层位之间存在差异,且该变化符合大洋岛弧→大陆岛弧→活动大陆边缘→被动大陆边缘常量元素、稀土元素以及负Eu异常的变化趋势。常量元素变化分析表明盆地北部物源主要来自板块俯冲碰撞地带,与被动大陆边缘环境和活动大陆边缘环境相关,少数为与活动大陆边缘相关的岛弧构造环境有关,到晚古生代中晚期才逐渐与被动大陆边缘环境和活动大陆边缘环境相关。稀土元素对比分析表明,盆地北部物源与太古宙、元古宙的花岗片麻岩、闪长片麻岩、二长花岗岩、变余岩屑砂岩及千枚岩具有亲源性;而盆地南部早—中二叠世长期受被动大陆边缘物源影响,具有高SiO2,低Na2O的特征,这与太古宙—元古宙的太华群、秦岭群、宽坪群等岩系的高SiO2含量,K2O/Na2O>1的特征一致,到晚古生代后期,逐渐与活动大陆边缘物源相关。北秦岭晚古生代山间盆地具有快速混杂堆积的沉积特点,属于盆地外缘,并与鄂尔多斯盆地呈连续过渡的状况,物源上具有继承关系;盆地晚古生代沉积岩中Gd含量及(Gd/Yb)N比值具有随时间迁移的特征,分析表明北部物源区在太原期处于构造快速活动期,而南部物源从山西期才开始进入快速活动期,这与区域构造演化背景一致,即北部物源区抬升要早于南部。  相似文献   

Lithochemical features of the Early-Late Paleozoic and Cenozoic glaciogenic and related sedimentary rocks around the world are considered. Comparison of the bulk chemical composition of diamictites with the average Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) revealed that the diamictites do not show any lithochemical characteristics unambiguously indicating their formation under cool climatic conditions. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) often used in the paleoclimatic reconstructions should be considered as additional (though very important) tool, because it is controlled by local factors. Taking into account these facts, there are likely no grounds to expect that the amount of the redeposited sedimentary material in the Late Paleozoic and Cenozoic glaciogenic rocks is more than in their Early Proterozoic and Late Riphean-Vendian analogues.  相似文献   

Collision can be subdivided into “soft” and “hard” types, with the “soft” collision occurring after double-sided oceanic subduction and the “hard” collision after single-sided oceanic subduction. Although two types of collision involve different geodynamics and generate distinct petrological assemblages, whether they can preserve distinct records of detrital zircons remains unclear. This study confirms “soft” collision between the north Western Kunlun terrane (NKT) and the south Western Kunlun terrane (SKT) after the closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. We further compare detrital zircon Hf isotope compositions of the “soft” collision with those of the “hard” collision related to the amalgamation of Rodinia in southern Tarim. Our results show that the NKT is characterized by dominant ca. 800 Ma zircons, whereas the SKT is featured by ca. 244 Ma, ca. 440 Ma, and ca. 620 Ma zircons. As such, sample 17WP53 deposited at 431 Ma in the NKT displays a dominant peak at ca. 500 Ma, indicating minor material exchange between the NKT and the SKT at ca. 431 Ma. Given the 420–405 Ma North Kudi granites displaying geochemical features of within-plate granites formed at a post-orogenic stage, we infer that the final closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean occurred at 431–420 Ma along Western Kunlun. Moreover, zircon εHf(t) data indicate that the “soft” collision between the NKT and the SKT during the amalgamation of Gondwana produced ca. 40% of juvenile crustal materials, whereas the “hard” collision related to the formation of Rodinia generated ca. 12% of juvenile crustal materials. More juvenile materials generated in the “soft” collision may be attributed to complete detachment and sinking of a oceanic slab.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西南部晚古生代早—中期物源分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
鄂尔多斯盆地西南部物源主要为太古界的中—深变质、强烈岩浆活动和混合岩化的复杂变质岩系及下元古界的一套变质火山岩—沉积岩系,在构造上具有稳定与活动的双重性。在不同物源影响区内,轻、重矿物组分特征也明显不同。镇原—庆阳地区的石英主要是棕色变质成因岩石,长石以碱性长石为主,母岩区为祁连—北秦岭造山带的太华群、秦岭群及宽坪群的变质石英砂岩、石英片岩、石英岩、花岗岩或花岗片麻岩等。综合分析,区内有3个不同的物源区,岩屑组成及重矿物组合在南、北物源分布区中明显不同,而且从盒8期青铜峡—固原断裂以西地区开始隆升,西部物源逐渐补给,并伴有火山活动。在REE配分模式上,南或西南物源的与海原地区的差异较大,与陇西古陆的一致,而且此物源的影响区距源区近,砂体厚度大,物性较好,山西组长石溶孔特别发育,并存在次生溶蚀型孔隙发育带,为最有利的勘探目标区。  相似文献   

浙西北地区乃至浙赣皖相邻区早古生代受华南加里东构造活动的影响,仅发育轻微褶皱及断裂,造成上古生界与下伏前震旦系浅变质岩系—下古生界之间的区域性角度不整合,而不发育早古生代、晚古生代岩浆活动。在浙皖交界开化县获得445Ma±19Ma的岩浆岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄,另在金华山后(江绍断裂带北侧)年龄为452.1Ma±2.7Ma的细粒花岗岩旁,发现了206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为334.1Ma±2.4Ma的辉长闪长岩,暗示江绍断裂带在早古生代的构造活动可能引发了断裂带沿线及其北侧偏远处的岩浆活动,在晚古生代仍有较强的构造表现。由此可见,浙赣皖相邻区的加里东构造事件远比以往所认识的更强烈。这组年龄数据对重新认识浙赣皖相邻区和江绍断裂带的构造活动及其演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

拉萨地块西段缺失晚古生代岩浆岩,造成不能从岩浆岩角度探索其晚古生代地质演化,因此沉积岩的对比研究对理解拉萨地块晚古生代的差异演化过程至关重要。本文通过对尼雄地区上石炭统—下二叠统拉嘎组碎屑岩地球化学特征分析,试图揭示其物源特征及源区构造背景,提供拉萨地块晚古生代沉积岩对比分析的基础信息。尼雄地区拉嘎组一段和二段主量和微量元素特征略有差异,二段较一段CaO、Na2O含量更高,V、Cr、Ni、Co及轻稀土含量也更高,反映二者沉积源区有一定差异。拉嘎组物源区的构造背景兼具被动大陆边缘与活动大陆边缘特征,并且二段较一段显示更强的活动大陆边缘亲缘性。结合区域地质资料,认为拉嘎组碎屑岩主要来自成熟的大陆源区,为冈瓦纳大陆北缘基底岩石及早古生代沉积岩的再旋回沉积,二段源区的少量酸性及基性物质组分对应于冈瓦纳大陆北缘泛非期及寒武纪岩浆活动。  相似文献   

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