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Individual based simulations of population dynamics require the availability of growth models with adequate complexity. For this purpose a simple-to-use model (non-linear multiple regression approach) is presented describing somatic growth and reproduction of Daphnia as a function of time, temperature and food quantity. The model showed a good agreement with published observations of somatic growth (r2 = 0.954, n = 88) and egg production (r2 = 0.898, n = 35). Temperature is the main determinant of initial somatic growth and food concentration is the main determinant of maximal body length and clutch size. An individual based simulation was used to demonstrate the simultaneous effects of food and temperature on the population level. Evidently, both temperature and food supply affected the population growth rate but at food concentrations above approximately 0.4 mg Cl−1 Scenedesmus acutus temperature appeared as the main determinant of population growth.

Four simulation examples are given to show the wide applicability of the model: (1) analysis of the correlation between population birth rate and somatic growth rate, (2) contribution of egg development time and delayed somatic growth to temperature-effects on population growth, (3) comparison of population birth rate in simulations with constant vs. decreasing size at maturity with declining food concentrations and (4) costs of diel vertical migration. Due to its plausible behaviour over a broad range of temperature (2–20 °C) and food conditions (0.1–4 mg Cl−1) the model can be used as a module for more detailed simulations of Daphnia population dynamics under realistic environmental conditions.  相似文献   

张振华  明瑞梁  彭亮  林秋奇 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1455-1463
比较分析了我国南亚热带湖库7种常见浮游动物,萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、前节晶囊轮虫(Asplanchna priodonta)、颈沟基合溞(Bosminopsis deitersi)、微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)、中华拟同型溞(Daphnia similoides sinensis)、温中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides)和舌状叶镖水蚤(Phyllodiaptomus tunguidus)在温度15~30℃范围内的氮、磷排泄率以及氮、磷含量.氮、磷含量分别为4.9~24.2μg/mg(DW)和51.2~153.5μg/mg(DW);氮磷原子比为11.5~43.0.磷含量与个体干重呈显著正相关关系,但氮含量和氮磷比与个体干重相关性不显著.溶解态无机磷(DIP)排泄率为0.31~2.05μg/(mg(DW)·h),与个体干重呈显著负相关,与温度和个体氮磷含量比值均呈显著正相关.总溶解态氮(TDN)排泄率为24~256μg/(mg(DW)·h),与温度和个体干重均呈显著相关,但与个体氮磷含量比值相关性不显著.排泄的TDN∶DIP原子比为112~352,与温度呈显著正相关,与个体干重和氮磷含量比值均呈显著负相关.结果表明,在高氮磷比的食物条件下,7种浮游动物营养盐排泄均呈现高的氮磷比特征,磷排泄率和排泄的氮磷比的种间差异受个体干重和个体氮磷比影响.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and sliding rate on frictional strength of granite   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Layers of artificial granite gouge have been deformed on saw-cut granite surfaces inclined 30° to the sample axes. Samples were deformed at a constant confining pressure of 250 MPa and temperatures of 22 to 845°C. The velocity dependence of the steady-state coefficient of friction (ss) was determined by comparing sliding strengths at different sliding rates. The results of these measurements are consistent with those reported bySolberg andByerlee (1984) at room temperature andStesky (1975) between 300 and 400°C. Stesky found that the slip-rate dependence of (ss) increased above 400°C. In the present study, however, the velocity dependence of (ss) was nearly independent of temperature.  相似文献   

Pyrite is a common sulfide mineral, particularly abundant in mining waste. It is a focus of mine envi-ronmental concern because the oxidation of exposed pyrite may lead to acid drainage and poisonous mate-rials (like As and heavy metals) release. In the United States, approximately $1000000 per day is spent in alleviating acid mine drainage[1], while the Canadian mining community has environmental liabilities that exceed $2 billion for disposal, management, and rec-lamation of mine waste[2]. …  相似文献   

实验用食物浓度差减法研究了太湖长刺潘(Daphnia longispina)对浮游植物的摄食率及影响因素.在食物为原位湖水中的浮游植物,温度为20℃,光照为2.98×103 lux(光暗比12:12)条件下,测得长刺潘对水柱中浮游植物的摄食率为0.0011-0.0245μg/(ind·h).长刺溞摄食率随其种群密度增大而先增后降,呈良好抛物线分布(R2为0.8836).长刺溞摄食率随食物浓度的增加而增大,呈良好的线性关系(R2=0.8586).长刺溞在黑暗条件下的摄食率高于光照条件下(P<0.05,t检验).长刺溞可有选择性地摄食栅列藻和小环藻等,选择指数分别为0.5425、0.5079,而对丝藻的选择指数为-0.7039.  相似文献   

张钰  谷孝鸿  何俊 《湖泊科学》2008,20(1):100-104
实验用食物浓度差减法研究了太湖长刺潘(Daphnia longispina)对浮游植物的摄食率及影响因素.在食物为原位湖水中的浮游植物,温度为200C,光照为2.98~10^3 lux(光暗比 12:12)条件下,测得长刺潘对水柱中浮游植物的摄食率为0.0011--0.0245μg/(ind.h).长刺涵摄食率随其种群密度增大而先增后降,呈良好抛物线分布(膏为0.8836).长刺潘摄食率随食物浓度的增加而增大,呈良好的线性关系(R^2=0.8586)长刺溢在黑暗条件下的摄食率高于光照条件Y(P〈0.05,t检验).长刺潘可有选择性地摄食栅列藻和小环藻等,选择指数分别为0.5425、0.5079,而对丝藻的选择指数为-0.7039.  相似文献   

王玮  周祖翼  于鹏 《地球物理学报》2005,48(6):1375-1383
对常用的Waples、Middleton及Easy%Ro模型,通过蒙特卡罗方法,得到了相应的简化模型.所有简化模型均表明镜质体反射率(Ro)主要受控于最高温度(Tmax),并且与最高温度附近的温度变化率(Hr)有关.通过对简化模型的比较发现:(1)相对于Easy%Ro模型而言,Waples、Middleton模型对Hr的变化更为敏感;(2)总的来讲,达到相同的Ro值Middleton模型需要的温度最高,Easy%Ro模型其次,Waples模型需要的温度最低.在一定条件下,根据简化模型,利用实测的lnRo-H数据可以求取地层经历的最高温度及相应的地温梯度、热流和时间.实例分析表明岩石热导率等数据的准确性直接影响Ro解释的结果,但这种影响容易分析,而Hr的不确定性则导致多解性.  相似文献   

研究了温度和应变率对岩石破裂强度的影响,得到了岩石圈中一些典型岩石破裂强度的新的经验规律.新的经验规律除考虑围压和标本尺度的影响外,还考虑了温度和应变率的影响,并增加了新岩石的结果,所以更能反映岩石圈内岩石破裂的真实状态.通过对鄂尔多斯平均流变结构的计算和对比研究表明:传统的忽略脆性破裂的流变模型过高地估计了流变强度,流变机制的分布也不尽合理.而考虑了脆性破裂机制的流变模型的结果表明脆性区分为两部分,浅部以摩擦滑动机制控制,深部以脆性破裂机制控制.由于新的经验规律考虑的代表性岩石更全面,并考虑了应变率的影响,得到的脆性区的范围进一步增大,流变强度进一步降低.  相似文献   

不同温度下水流对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响模拟   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
王婷婷  朱伟  李林 《湖泊科学》2010,22(4):563-568
在蓝藻暴发机理研究中,水动力是一个非常重要的参数,目前多数研究在模拟各种流速环境的同时,未能实现实验过程中恒定的光、温条件控制.本研究采用小型环形槽模拟不同水体流速,在恒定的光、温条件下研究铜绿微囊藻(Mi-crocystis aeruginosa905)在流动水体中的生长情况,并对比了两种典型温度(15℃和25℃)条件下的差异.结果表明,水流使微囊藻生长滞后,改变其对数生长期持续时间和比增长率,直接影响微囊藻的最大生物量;不同流速的水流对微囊藻生长的影响与一定温度范围内的温度条件有关,15℃时,水体流动不利于微囊藻的生长繁殖;而在25℃时,微囊藻细胞生理活性增加,微囊藻对水体流动环境适应能力增强,水体流动更有利于微囊藻的生长繁殖,且流速在15cm/s时微囊藻获得最大生物量.  相似文献   

In 11 lakes from cold and warm regions we studied the content of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in seston (<130 μm) and crustacean zooplankton using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. An increase of temperature correlated with a decrease of HUFA content in zooplankton. A multivariate canonical correlation analyses revealed, that the decrease of HUFA content was related with a decrease of per cent of copepods in zooplankton communities, which are known to have higher HUFA levels in their biomass, than cladocerans. This means that temperature primarily affected the HUFA levels indirectly, via changing of taxonomic structure of zooplankton community, while the homeoviscous adaptation of zooplankton individuals had comparatively lower importance. As found, water temperature was better predictor of HUFA contents of zooplankton, than the fatty acid composition of seston. Thus, it can be predicted, that a probable climate warming will decrease the content of the essential HUFA in freshwater zooplankton with possible negative consequences for animals of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

换水率和营养水平对太湖流域横山水库硅藻水华的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨水文过程对水库硅藻异常增殖的影响,对江苏宜兴横山水库的硅藻生消过程中浮游植物、水质、降水、水位、气温等指标进行观测研究.结果表明,横山水库硅藻年际生物量波动很大,9月出现明显的异常增殖,总生物量达到14.27 mg/L,硅藻的优势属为针杆藻(Synedra)、小环藻(Cyclotella)、曲壳藻(Achnanthes)和直链藻(Melosira),以针杆藻的优势度最高;浮游植物生物量与营养盐浓度关系不明显,与总氮浓度甚至呈负相关,但小环藻生物量与水体溶解性磷浓度呈正相关;水库的换水率与浮游植物生物量、硅藻的异常增殖过程和营养盐浓度水平均密切关联,总氮、溶解性磷浓度与水库换水率呈正相关,而硅藻生物量与水库换水率呈指数负相关.数值拟合分析显示硅藻生物量可以用换水率和磷浓度推算而得.研究表明,对于中营养水平的水库,硅藻生物量变化可能受水文过程与水质条件共同控制,在水库的硅藻水华防控中,既要加强营养盐水平的严格控制,也需考虑水文过程的调控手段.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the importance of emergent macrophytes as refugia in lakes of different trophic status. Furthermore, the effect of water quality on diel changes in the distribution of littoral cladocerans was of interest, with special attention paid on diurnal fluctuations of filter feeder communities, induced by pH changes under a heavy phytoplankton bloom. The study was conducted by investigating littoral cladoceran populations in different zones (inside, at the edge and outside the macrophyte stands) in two basins with divergent water quality. No tendency towards diurnal migration related to emergent macrophytes was observed in the clear-water, mesotrophic Isontalonselkä basin. The dominating cladoceran, Daphnia spp., formed highest densities during daytime in the outer zone. Meanwhile, strong nocturnal cladoceran density peaks in all zones, simultaneous with lowered pH, were witnessed in the very turbid, hypertrophic Kirkkojärvi basin. Reverse horizontal migration was observed in large-bodied filter feeders, Limnosida frontosa and Sida crystallina, conceivably due to predation avoidance from young-of-the-year fish aggregating within the vegetation during the day.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is known to provoke a wide range of effects on aquatic animals. Here we use laboratory and field data on Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to illustrate that many of these responses can be explained within the metabolic scope (MS) framework, i.e. taking into account the directive and limiting effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) on the ability of animals to acquire energy for growth and activity. A MS model for cod shows that scope for activity (swimming, feeding, etc.) is proportional to DO and becomes nil, jeopardising survival, when DO is <≈20% air saturation. Laboratory studies have confirmed this lethal threshold and demonstrated that growth and food ingestion were significantly reduced below 70% sat. This loss of appetite has been linked to a reduction of the peak value and an increase in duration of postprandial metabolism, in agreement with the MS model. Dwindling MS during hypoxia imposes an upper limit to swimming performance. Cod may also opt to reduce spontaneous swimming activity to spare oxygen for other activities such as digestion. In the Kattegat, the Baltic Sea, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada, cod completely avoid waters where their MS is near zero. Furthermore, cod density increases exponentially with DO up to ≈70% sat in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Although hypoxia results in other direct and indirect effects as well, the MS framework allows modelling of many of the responses to hypoxia for individual cod that ought to be reflected at the population and community levels. The MS framework is also useful to compare species responses. We show that the impact of hypoxia on MS is similar, when expressed as a proportion of MS in normoxia, in cod, European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), the common sole (Solea solea) and turbot (Psetta maxima). Data are required for other species to evaluate how general these findings are.  相似文献   

The effect of larval and juvenile predation ofGalaxias maculatus on a natural small-sized zooplankton was studied in a South Andes lake. Field data of zooplankton density and composition were combined with fish gut content analysis during a spring-summer season. Results showed thatGalaxias early stages ingested mostly planktonic preys. A shift was observed in prey electivity: larvae preferred copepod nauplii whereas juveniles preferred cladocerans. Larval predation provokes the failure of the summer cohort of the calanoid copepodBoeckella gracilipes. The effect of juveniles is more undefined, but seems to prevent the reappearance ofCeriodaphnia in the summer plankton.  相似文献   

Plate tectonics on the Earth is a surface manifestation of convection within the Earth’s mantle, a subject which is as yet improperly understood, and it has motivated the study of various forms of buoyancy-driven thermal convection. The early success of the high Rayleigh number constant viscosity theory was later tempered by the absence of plate motion when the viscosity is more realistically strongly temperature dependent, and the process of subduction represents a continuing principal conundrum in the application of convection theory to the Earth. A similar problem appears to arise if the equally strong pressure dependence of viscosity is considered, since the classical isothermal core convection theory would then imply a strongly variable viscosity in the convective core, which is inconsistent with results from post-glacial rebound studies. In this paper we address the problem of determining the asymptotic structure of high Rayleigh number convection when the viscosity is strongly temperature and pressure dependent, i.e. thermobaroviscous. By a method akin to lid-stripping, we are able to extend numerical computations to extremely high viscosity contrasts, and we show that the convective cells take the form of narrow, vertically-oriented fingers. We are then able to determine the asymptotic structure of the solution, and it agrees well with the numerical results. Beneath a stagnant lid, there is a vigorous convection in the upper part of the cell, and a more sluggish, higher viscosity flow in the lower part of the cell. We then offer some comments on the possible meaning and interpretation of these results for planetary mantle convection.  相似文献   

Exposure of Mytilus edulis to dissolved copper led to a decrease in heart rate and filtration rate. After 4 days exposure to copper, the concentration of copper causing a 50% reduction in heart rate (EC50) was 0.17 ppm. After 5 days exposure to copper, the EC50 for filtration rate was only 0.002 ppm copper. Reductions in heart rate and filtration rate are not caused by valve or siphon closure.  相似文献   

Recent observations made by Kanamori and Allen about earthquake recurrence time and average stress drop revealed a very interesting relation: earthquakes with longer recurrence times have higher average stress drops. They attributed the difference in stress drop to the difference in long-term average slip rate. To interpret their result in terms of the healing effect, we simulated earthquake recurrence with a one-dimensional mass-spring model, incorporating a recently developed rate-and-state dependent friction law for different loading rates and heterogeneous strength distributions. We first calculated the stress drop and recurrence time as functions of loading rate for a homogenous fault model. We found that the stress drop increases up to 30% when the loading rate decreases from 10 cm/yr to 0.01 mm/yr. Thus, the observed great variability of stress drop, from a few bars to a few hundred bars, which is obtained by replotting the data of Kanamori and Allen in the form of stress drop versus long-term slip rate, may not be attributable to the healing effect alone. Our numerical simulation shows that the variability may be due primarily to the spatial heterogeneity of strength on the fault. Our simulation also suggests that of the two empirical laws that were inferred from the same laboratory friction data, called the power law and the logarithmic law by Shimamoto and Logan, the former can explain the observed relation between stress drop and slip rate better than can the latter, at least for strike-slip fault. The logarithmic law is an earlier and simpler version of the rate-state-dependent friction law.  相似文献   

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