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We study spectral variability of 11 ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX) using archived XMM–Newton and Chandra observations. We use three models to describe the observed spectra: a power law, a multicolour disc (MCD) and a combination of these two models. We find that seven ULXs show a correlation between the luminosity L X and the photon index Γ. Furthermore, four out of these seven ULXs also show spectral pivoting in the observed energy band. We also find that two ULXs show an   L X–Γ  anticorrelation. The spectra of four ULXs in the sample can be adequately fitted with a MCD model. We compare these sources to known black hole binaries (BHB) and find that they follow similar paths in their luminosity–temperature diagrams. Finally, we show that the 'soft excess' reported for many of these ULXs at ∼0.2 keV seems to roughly follow a trend   L soft∝ T −3.5  when modelled with a power law plus a 'cool' MCD model. This is contrary to the   L ∝ T 4  relation that is expected from theory and what is seen for many accreting BHBs. The observed trend could instead arise from disc emission beamed by an outflowing wind around a  ∼10 M  black hole.  相似文献   

We calculate the broad-band radio–X-ray spectra predicted by microblazar and microquasar models for ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), exploring the possibility that their dominant power-law component is produced by a relativistic jet, even at near-Eddington mass accretion rates. We do this by first constructing a generalized disc–jet theoretical framework in which some fraction of the total accretion power, P a, is efficiently removed from the accretion disc by a magnetic torque responsible for jet formation. Thus, for different black hole masses, mass accretion rates and magnetic coupling strength, we self-consistently calculate the relative importance of the modified disc spectrum, as well as the overall jet emission due to synchrotron and Compton processes. In general, transferring accretion power to a jet makes the disc fainter and cooler than a standard disc at the same mass accretion rate; this may explain why the soft spectral component appears less prominent than the dominant power-law component in most bright ULXs. We show that the apparent X-ray luminosity and spectrum predicted by the microquasar model are consistent with the observed properties of most ULXs. We predict that the radio synchrotron jet emission is too faint to be detected at the typical threshold of radio surveys to date. This is consistent with the high rate of non-detections over detections in radio counterpart searches. Conversely, we conclude that the observed radio emission found associated with a few ULXs cannot be due to beamed synchrotron emission from a relativistic jet.  相似文献   

Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with   L x > 1039 erg s−1  have been discovered in great numbers in external galaxies with ROSAT , Chandra and XMM-Newton . The central question regarding this important class of sources is whether they represent an extension in the luminosity function of binary X-ray sources containing neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes (BHs), or a new class of objects, e.g. systems containing intermediate-mass BHs  (100–1000 M)  . We have carried out a theoretical study to test whether a large fraction of the ULXs, especially those in galaxies with recent star formation activity, can be explained with binary systems containing stellar-mass BHs. To this end, we have applied a unique set of binary evolution models for BH X-ray binaries, coupled to a binary population synthesis code, to model the ULXs observed in external galaxies. We find that for donor stars with initial masses  ≳10 M  the mass transfer driven by the normal nuclear evolution of the donor star is sufficient to potentially power most ULXs. This is the case during core hydrogen burning and, to an even more pronounced degree, while the donor star ascends the giant branch, although the latter phases last only ∼5 per cent of the main-sequence phase. We show that with only a modest violation of the Eddington limit, e.g. a factor of ∼10, both the numbers and properties of the majority of the ULXs can be reproduced. One of our conclusions is that if stellar-mass BH binaries account for a significant fraction of ULXs in star-forming galaxies, then the rate of formation of such systems is  ∼3 × 10−7 yr−1  normalized to a core-collapse supernova rate of 0.01 yr−1.  相似文献   

Discoseismic c modes in accretion discs have been invoked to explain low-frequency variabilities observed in black hole X-ray binaries. These modes are trapped in the innermost region of the disc and have frequencies much lower than the rotation frequency at the disc inner radius. We show that because the trapped waves can tunnel through the evanescent barrier to the corotational wave zone, the c modes are damped due to wave absorption at the corotation resonance. We calculate the corotational damping rates of various c modes using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The damping rate varies widely depending on the mode frequency, the black hole spin parameter and the disc sound speed, and is generally much less than 10 per cent of the mode frequency. A sufficiently strong excitation mechanism is needed to overcome this corotational damping and make the mode observable.  相似文献   

We describe a new method to estimate the mass of black holes in Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs). The method is based on the recently discovered 'variability plane', populated by Galactic stellar-mass black-hole candidates (BHCs) and supermassive active galactic nuclei (AGNs), in the parameter space defined by the black-hole mass, accretion rate and characteristic frequency. We apply this method to the two ULXs from which low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations have been discovered, M82 X-1 and NGC 5408 X-1. For both sources we obtain a black-hole mass in the range  100–1300 M  , thus providing evidence for these two sources to host an intermediate-mass black hole.  相似文献   

Observations suggest that accretion discs in many X-ray binaries are likely flared. An outer edge of the disc intercepts radiation from the central X-ray source. Part of that radiation is absorbed and re-emitted in the optical/UV spectral ranges. However, a large fraction of that radiation is reflected and appears in the broad-band X-ray spectrum as a Compton reflection bump. This radiation is delayed and variability is somewhat smeared compared with the intrinsic X-ray radiation. We compute response functions for flat and flared accretion discs and for isotropic and anisotropic X-ray sources. A simple approximation for the response function which is valid in the broad range of the disc shapes and inclinations, inner and outer radii, and the plasma bulk velocity is proposed. We also study the impact of the X-ray reprocessing on temporal characteristics of X-ray binaries such as the power spectral density, auto- and cross-correlation functions, and time/phase lags. We propose a reprocessing model which explains the secondary peaks in the phase lag Fourier spectra observed in Cyg X-1 and other Galactic black hole sources. The position of the peaks could be used to determine the size of the accretion disc.  相似文献   

Gas falling quasi-spherically on to a black hole forms an inner accretion disc if its specific angular momentum l exceeds l ∗∼ r g c , where r g is the Schwarzschild radius. The standard disc model assumes l ≫ l ∗. We argue that, in many black hole sources, accretion flows have angular momenta just above the threshold for disc formation, l ≳ l ∗, and assess the accretion mechanism in this regime. In a range l ∗< l < l cr, a small-scale disc forms in which gas spirals fast into the black hole without any help from horizontal viscous stresses. Such an 'inviscid' disc, however, interacts inelastically with the feeding infall. The disc–infall interaction determines the dynamics and luminosity of the accretion flow. The inviscid disc radius can be as large as 14 r g, and the energy release peaks at 2 r g. The disc emits a Comptonized X-ray spectrum with a break at ∼100 keV. This accretion regime is likely to take place in wind-fed X-ray binaries and is also possible in active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a new hysteresis effect in black hole X-ray binary state transitions, that of the near-infrared (NIR) flux (which most likely originates in the jets) versus X-ray flux. We find, looking at existing data sets, that the IR emission of black hole X-ray transients appears to be weaker in the low/hard state rise of an outburst than the low/hard state decline of an outburst at a given X-ray luminosity. We discuss how this effect may be caused by a shift in the radiative efficiency of the inflowing or outflowing matter, or variations in the disc viscosity or the spectrum/power of the jet. In addition we show that there is a correlation (in slope but not in normalization) between IR and X-ray luminosities on the rise and decline, for all three low-mass black hole X-ray binaries with well-sampled IR and X-ray coverage:   L NIR∝ L 0.5–0.7X  . In the high/soft state this slope is much shallower;   L NIR∝ L 0.1–0.2X  , and we find that the NIR emission in this state is most likely dominated by the viscously heated (as opposed to X-ray heated) accretion disc in all three sources.  相似文献   

We report the results of new Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the positions of six ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). Using images in three Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) filters, we detect good candidate counterparts to four out of six ULXs, with one more possible detection, and observed magnitudes in the range   m ∼ 22–26  in the   F 606 W   filter. The extinction-corrected colours and absolute magnitudes vary from source to source, even after correcting for additional extinction in the host galaxy, and only one counterpart is readily explained as an OB star. Nevertheless, these counterparts are decent candidates for future follow-up in pursuit of dynamical mass constraints on the likely black holes powering these sources.  相似文献   

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