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大气对地球自转季节性变化的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虞南华  郑大伟 《天文学报》2000,41(2):148-152
采用1979-1995年期间新的大气角动量资料,研究了大气在季节性时间尺度上对日长变化和极移的贡献。结果表明,考虑了风和大气压的贡献后,大气在周年和半年时间尺度上对日长变化的贡献分别可达95%和88%。同时还给出了大气对极移激发的定量结果,其中,大气的周年尺度上对极移X分同的贡献为16%,对Y分量的贡献为43%;在半年尺度上海洋的贡献,才能进上步解决地球自转激发的问题。  相似文献   

大气角动量变化以及对地球自转季节变化的激发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用日本气象局AMIPⅡ大气数值模式的输出结果,基于BP方法和SP方法计算了1979年至1996年大气角动量变化以及对地球自转季节变化激发的差异。利用最小二乘谐波拟合方法和气候平均图方法,分析了大气角动量的季节变化,并与同时期采用NCEP再分析资料和JMA客观分析资料计算的大气角动量进行比较。  相似文献   

It is presumed that a north-southern asymmetry of a solid-body rotation of large spots, depending on even and odd solar activity cycles (Gigolashvili and Khutsishvili 1 1989, 1990) may possibly be explained by the asymmetry of the appearance of large structures with strong magnetic fields in the corresponding hemispheres. Spectral analysis of the observational data shows the presence of cyclic variations of differential rotation of large- and middle-sized spots. Variations of differential rotation of small spots are either absent or overlapped by noise. It is also supposed that the discovered and most frequently realized component of the spectrum of solar differential rotation variations — a four-years periodicity — may be either a real phenomenon or the result of overlapping of multiple quasi bi-annual variations.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic core-mantle coupling is one of the most likely hypotheses to explain the connections between both, the decade fluctuations of the Earth rotation and such of the magnetic field of the Earth. Within this paper, the axial and equatorial electromagnetic torques are computed at time intervals of two years from 1903.5 to 1975.5. They are compared with mechanical torques necessary for the excitation of the decade variations of the rotation of the Earth. The comparison is made with regard to the magnitude of the torques, to their time behaviour and to the periods within the time variations of both types of the torques. The computed electromagnetic torques are comparable with that necessary to excite the variations of the rotation of the Earth. But they are two or three orders less than that necessary to excite the decade variations of the polar motion. Some comparable periods were found within the spectra of the electromagnetic and the mechanical torques. This speaks in favour of the core-mantle coupling. But there are differences between both spectra too hinting at other processes which we cannot describe by a simple model of the core-mantle coupling.  相似文献   

Starting from the Hamiltonian model for a solid Earth with an elastic mantle previously developped by the authors, analytical expressions are derived which give the nutation series corresponding to the plane perpendicular to the angular momentum vector, to the plane perpendicular to the rotational axis and to the equator of figure, as well as the series that give the polar motion. The effects of the different perturbations — solid Earth, centrifugal and tidal potentials — are calculated separately. The corrections due to the elasticity of the mantle, which mostly correspond to the Oppolzer terms, are calculated with an accuracy of 10–6 arc sec., given that the intrinsic observational accuracy has reached 0.01 mas.  相似文献   

We analyze the space velocities of blue supergiants, long-period Cepheids, and young open star clusters (OSCs), as well as the H I and H II radial-velocity fields by the maximum-likelihood method. The distance scales of the objects are matched both by comparing the first derivatives of the angular velocity Ω′ determined separately from radial velocities and proper motions and by the statistical-parallax method. The former method yields a short distance scale (for R0=7.5 kpc, the assumed distances should be increased by 4%), whereas the latter method yields a long distance scale (for R0=8.5 kpc, the assumed distances should be increased by 16%). We cannot choose between these two methods. Similarly, the distance scale of blue supergiants should be shortened by 9% and lengthened by 3%, respectively. The H II distance scale is matched with the distance scale of Cepheids and OSCs by comparing the derivatives Ω′ determined for H II from radial velocities and for Cepheids and OSCs from space velocities. As a result, the distances to H II regions should be increased by 5% in the short distance scale. We constructed the Galactic rotation curve in the Galactocentric distance range 2–14 kpc from the radial velocities of all objects with allowance for the difference between the residual-velocity distributions. The axial ratio of the Cepheid+OSC velocity ellipsoid is well described by the Lindblad relation, while σu≈σv for gas. The following rotation-curve parameters were obtained: Ω0=(27.5±1.4) km s?1 kpc?1 and A=(17.1±0.5) km s?1 kpc?1 for the short distance scale (R0=7.5 kpc); and Ω0=(26.6±1.4) km s?1 kpc?1 and A=(15.4±0.5) km s?1 kpc?1 for the long distance scale (R0=8.5 kpc). We propose a new method for determining the angular velocity Ω0 from stellar radial velocities alone by using the Lindblad relation. Good agreement between the inferred Ω0 and our calculations based on space velocities suggests that the Lindblad relation holds throughout the entire sample volume. Our analysis of the heliocentric velocities for samples of young objects reveals noticeable streaming motions (with a velocity lag of ~7 km s?1 relative to the LSR), whereas a direct computation of the perturbation amplitudes in terms of the linear density-wave theory yields a small amplitude for the tangential perturbations.  相似文献   

The tidal long-term decrease in the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation has been estimated on the basis of the angular momentum tidal balance in the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The observed (LLR) tidal long-term decrease in the Moon's mean motion, the apparent secular acceleration in the mean longitude of the Sun and the long-term decrease in the 2nd degree zonal geopotential parameter were used.Presented at the XXth General Assembly of the I.A.G., Vienna, August 15, 1991.  相似文献   

Non-linear equations governing the temporal evolution of the vector of instantaneous rotation are developed for an Earth with a homogeneous mantle having a viscoelastic Maxwell rheology and with a homogeneous inviscid fluid core.This general theory is investigated using the angular momentum theorem applied to the coupled core-mantle system. It allows to study the influence upon the planetary rotation of a quasi-rigid rotational motion in the liquid core. It also enables to investigate the consequences of excitation sources (e.g. pressure), located at the core-mantle interface. Especially, the influence of viscoelastic variations in the inertia tensors resulting from the rotation itself or from various excitation sources are detailed with the help of a Love number formalism. The equations of the linear theory for an elastic Earth with a liquid core, and the non-linear theory for a viscous planet with a quasi-fluid behavior are shown to be particular cases of our generalized system of equations. Some planetological applications may be derived from the quasi-fluid approximation.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the rotation rates of individual starspots on the rapidly rotating young K0 dwarf AB Doradus, at six epochs between 1988 December and 1996 December. The equatorial rotation period of the star decreased from 0.5137 to 0.5129 d between 1988 December and 1992 January. It then increased steadily, attaining a value of 0.5133 d by 1996 December. The latitude dependence of the rotation rate mirrored the changes in the equatorial rotation rate. The beat period between the equatorial and polar rotation periods dropped from 140 to 70 d initially, then rose steadily. The most rigid rotation, in 1988 December, occurred when the starspot coverage was at a maximum. The time-dependent part of the differential rotation is found to have     , which should alter the oblateness of the star enough to explain the period changes observed in several close binaries via the Applegate mechanism.  相似文献   

VLBI-based offsets of the Celestial Pole positions, as well as the variations of UT (series of Goddard Space Flight Center, 1984–2005) are processed applying the Earth’s rotation theory (ERA) 2005 constructed by the numerical integration of the differential equations of rotation of the deformable Earth. The equations were published earlier (Krasinsky 2006) as the first part of the work. The resulting weighted root mean square (WRMS) errors of the residuals , for the angles of nutation and precession are 0.136 and 0.129 mas, respectively. They are significantly less than the corresponding values 0.172 and 0.165 mas for the IAU 2000 model adopted as the international standard. In ERA 2005, the angles , are related to the inertial ecliptical frame J2000, the angle including the precessional secular motion. As the published observational data are theory-dependent being related to IAU 2000, a procedure to confront the numerical theory to the observed Celestial Pole offsets and UT variations is developed. Processing the VLBI data has shown that beside the well known 435-day FCN mode of the free core nutation, there exits a second mode, FICN, caused by the inner part of the fluid core, with the period of 420 day close to that of the FCN mode. Beatings between the two modes are responsible for the apparent damping and excitation of the free oscillations, and are implicitly modeled by ERA 2005. The nutational and precessional motions in ERA 2005 are proved to be mutually consistent but only in case the relativistic correction for the geodetic precession is applied. Otherwise, the overall WRMS error of the residuals would increase by 35%. Thus, the effect of the geodetic precession in the Earth rotation is confirmed experimentally. The other finding is the reliable estimation δc = 3.844 ± 0.028° of the phase lag δc of the tides in the fluid core. When processing the UT variations, a simple model of the elastic interaction between the mantle and fluid core at their common boundary made it possible to satisfactory describe the largest observed oscillations of UT with the period of 18.6 year, reducing the WRMS error of the UT residuals to the value 0.18 ms (after removing the secular, annual and semi-annual terms).  相似文献   

The variation in the length of day has complicated time-varying characteristics and the traditional method for linear time series analysis is always difficult to obtain good effect of prediction. If the non-linear artificial neural network technique is adopted to predict the variation in the length of day, the topological structure of the network model is determined by the least square error method. By taking into account the close relation between the variation in the length of day and the general circulation of atmosphere, the axial sequence of atmospheric angular momentum is introduced into the forecasting model of neural network. The results show that the forecast accuracy is significantly improved by taking advantage of the combination of the length of day and the atmospheric angular momentum sequence in comparison with the individual adoption of the data of the length of day.  相似文献   

We present the results of two simulations of the convection zone, obtained by solving the full hydrodynamic equations in a section of a spherical shell. The first simulation has cylindrical rotation contours (parallel to the rotation axis) and a strong meridional circulation, which traverses the entire depth. The second simulation has isorotation contours about mid-way between cylinders and cones, and a weak meridional circulation, concentrated in the uppermost part of the shell.
We show that the solar differential rotation is directly related to a latitudinal entropy gradient, which pervades into the deep layers of the convection zone. We also offer an explanation of the angular velocity shear found at low latitudes near the top. A non-zero correlation between radial and zonal velocity fluctuations produces a significant Reynolds stress in that region. This constitutes a net transport of angular momentum inwards, which causes a slight modification of the overall structure of the differential rotation near the top. In essence, the thermodynamics controls the dynamics through the Taylor–Proudman momentum balance . The Reynolds stresses only become significant in the surface layers, where they generate a weak meridional circulation and an angular velocity 'bump'.  相似文献   

A new non-singular analytical theory for the motion of near-Earth satellite orbits with the air drag effect is developed in terms of uniformly regular KS canonical elements. Diurnally varying oblate atmosphere is considered with variation in density scale height dependent on altitude. The series expansion method is utilized to generate the analytical solutions and terms up to fourth-order terms in eccentricity and c (a small parameter dependent on the flattening of the atmosphere) are retained. Only two of the nine equations are solved analytically to compute the state vector and change in energy at the end of each revolution, due to symmetry in the equations of motion. The important drag perturbed orbital parameters: semi-major axis and eccentricity are obtained up to 500 revolutions, with the present analytical theory and by numerical integration over a wide range of perigee height, eccentricity and inclination. The differences between the two are found to be very less. A comparison between the theories generated with terms up to third- and fourth-order terms in c and e shows an improvement in the computation of the orbital parameters semi-major axis and eccentricity, up to 9%. The theory can be effectively used for the re-entry of the near-Earth objects, which mainly decay due to atmospheric drag.  相似文献   

The time variations in the latitudinal distribution of the rotation of active regions and coronal holes are investigated. The synoptic maps obtained from observations in the He I 1083 nm line at Kitt Peak Observatory over almost three solar cycles are used as observational data. A Fourier analysis of the time series constructed from synoptic maps has yielded the following results. The rotation of active regions differs significantly from the rotation of coronal holes in all parameters: the set of the most significant rotation periods, their latitudinal distribution, and time variations. The rotation of active regions and coronal holes is characterized by variations from cycle to cycle, a time-varying north-south asymmetry. The power spectra for consecutive cycles of solar activity differ significantly for both epochs of high activity and minima. Analysis of the total power of the spectra within four selected intervals of periods from 21 to 33 days has shown that the total power is highest in the intervals of periods 24–27 and 27–30 days. This is valid for both active regions and coronal holes. The correlation between the total powers in the above intervals of periods changes noticeably with time. Long-lived or successively appearing active regions with rotation periods in the range 24–30 days are typical of the time of a sharp decrease in the total equivalent width of active regions. This includes not only the decline time of the 11-year cycles, but also the minima between recurrent activity maxima during one cycle. A predominance of long-lived coronal holes as their total equivalent width decreases is noticeable for coronal holes with rotation periods in the interval 30–33 days. All of the above results suggest that the rotation of solar structures is determined mainly by the subphotospheric sources of specific structures, not by the rotation of the main volumes of solar plasma of the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

We have analyzed spectra of CO recorded with the instrument PFS onboard Mars Express in the (1-0) band. The dataset we used ranges in time from January until June 2004 (LS=331°.17 until LS=51°.61; end of Mars Year 26, beginning of Mars Year 27). The aim of this work was to determine the amplitude of the CO mixing ratio departures from the mean globally averaged value currently admitted (8±3×10-4) [Kaplan, L.D., Connes, J., Connes, P., 1969. Carbon monoxide in the martian atmosphere. Astron. J. 157, L187-L192] as a function of season, local time and location on the planet. We therefore processed the data from 90 calibrated orbits. The globally averaged CO mixing ratio value we derive from our dataset, 11.1×10-4, is compatible with the range found by Kaplan et al. [1969. Carbon monoxide in the martian atmosphere. Astron. J. 157, L187-L192], although somewhat higher than the “standard” value. However, the CO mixing ratio we retrieve exhibits large variations (roughly between 3×10-4 and 18×10-4). Such relative variations have been used on a statistical basis to derive main trends as a function of latitude for three LS ranges: 331-360°, 0-30° and 30-52°. For the first LS range, we seem to have an enhancement of the CO mixing ratio towards the northern latitudes, probably linked to the CO2 condensation in winter on the north polar cap. The situation for the two other LS ranges is not so clear, mainly as we lack data on the southern hemisphere. We roughly agree with the work of Krasnopolsky [2007. Long-term spectroscopic observations of Mars using IRTF/CSHELL: mapping of O2 dayglow, CO and search for CH4. Icarus 190, 93-102] for LS=331-360°, thus confirming the effect of seasonal condensation of CO2 on the north polar cap, but we have no agreement for other seasons.  相似文献   

Time variations in the solar flux between 1000 and 4000 Å induce changes in the concentrations of minor constituents in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere. The response of mesospheric ozone to variations in the Lyman α line over the course of several solar rotations may be of measurable magnitude. Large Lyman α fluxes lead to small O3 densities above 65 km due to the enhanced dissociation of H2O and resultant destruction of odd oxygen by odd hydrogen. An increase in continuum and Lyman α fluxes causes a slight enhancement in both the odd oxygen and hydrogen concentrations in the upper stratosphere.  相似文献   

The circular restricted problem of three bodies is investigated analytically with respect to the problem of deriving a second integral of motion besides the well known Jacobian Integral. The second integral is searched for as a correction the angular momentum integral valid in the two body case. A partial differential equation equivalent to the problem is derived and solved approximately by an asymptotic Fourier method assuming either sufficiently small values for the dimensionless mass parameter or sufficiently large distances from the barycentre. The solution of the partial equation then leads to a function of the coordinates, velocities and time being nearly constant, which means that its variation with time is about 40–300 times less than that of the pure angular momentum. By averaging over the remaining fluctuating part of the quasi-integral we are able to integrate the first order equations using a renormalization transformation. This leads to an explicit expression for the approximate solution of the circular problem which describes the motion of the third body orbiting both primaries with nonvanishing initial eccentricity (eccentric planetary type orbits). One of the main results is an explicit formula for the frequency of the perihelion motion of the third body which depends on the mass parameter, the initial distance of the third body from the barycentre and the initial eccentricity. Finally we study orbits of the P-Type, being defined as solutions of the restricted problem with circular initial conditions (vanishing initial eccentricity).  相似文献   

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