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Abstract In the first extensive, systematic study of inclusions in zircons from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks of the Kokchetav Massif of Kazakhstan (separated from 232 rock samples from all representative lithologies and geographic regions), we identified graphite, quartz, garnet, phengite, phlogopite, rutile, albite, K-feldspar, amphibole, zoisite, kyanite, calcite, dolomite, apatite, monazite, omphacite and jadeite, as well as the diagnostic UHP metamorphic minerals (i.e. microdiamond and coesite) by laser Raman spectroscopy. In some instances, coesite + quartz and diamond + graphite occur together in a single rock sample, and inclusion aggregates also comprise polycrystalline diamond crystals overgrowing graphite. Secondary electron microscope and cathodoluminescence studies reveal that many zircons display distinct zonation textures, which comprise core and wide mantle, each with distinctive inclusion microassemblages. Pre-UHP metamorphic minerals such as graphite, quartz, phengite and apatite are common in the core, whereas diamond, coesite, garnet and jadeite occupy the mantle. The inclusions in core are irrelevant to the UHP metamorphism. The zircon core is of detrital or relatively low-grade metamorphic origin, whereas the mantle is of HP to UHP metamorphic origin. The zonal arrangement of inclusions and the presence of coesite and diamond without back-reaction imply that aqueous fluids were low to absent within the zircons during both prograde and retrograde metamorphism, and that the zircon preserves a prograde pressure–temperature record of the Kokchetav metamorphism which, elsewhere, has been more or less obliterated in the host rock.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the regional thermobaric structure of the diamondiferous Kokchetav ultrahigh‐pressure and high‐pressure (UHP–HP) massif and adjacent units, eclogite and other metabasites in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions, northern Kazakhstan, were examined. The UHP–HP massif is subdivided into four units, bounded by subhorizontal faults. Unit I is situated at the lowest level of the massif and consists of garnet–amphibolite and acidic gneiss with minor pelitic schist and orthogneiss. Unit II, which structurally overlies Unit I, is composed mainly of pelitic schist and gneiss, and whiteschist locally with abundant eclogite blocks. The primary minerals observed in Kulet and Saldat–Kol eclogites are omphacite, sodic augite, garnet, quartz, rutile and minor barroisite, hornblende, zoisite, clinozoisite and phengite. Rare kyanite occurs as inclusions in garnet. Coesite inclusions occur in garnet porphyroblasts in whiteschist from Kulet, which are closely associated with eclogite masses. Unit III consists of alternating orthogneiss and amphibolite with local eclogite masses. The structurally highest unit, Unit IV, is composed of quartzitic schist with minor pelitic, calcareous, and basic schist intercalations. Mineral assemblages and compositions, and occurrences of polymorphs of SiO2 (quartz or coesite) in metabasites and associated rocks in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions indicate that the metamorphic grades correspond to epidote–amphibolite, through high‐pressure amphibolite and quartz–eclogite, to coesite–eclogite facies conditions. Based on estimations by several geothermobarometers, eclogite from Unit II yielded the highest peak pressure and temperature conditions in the UHP–HP massif, with metamorphic pressure and temperature decreasing towards the upper and lower structural units. The observed thermobaric structure is subhorizontal. The UHP–HP massif is overlain by a weakly metamorphosed unit to the north and is underlain by the low‐pressure Daulet Suite to the south; boundaries are subhorizontal faults. There is a distinct pressure gap across these boundaries. These suggest that the highest grade unit, Unit II, has been selectively extruded from the greatest depths within the UHP–HP unit during the exhumation process, and that all of the UHP–HP unit has been tectonically intruded and juxtaposed into the adjacent lower grade units at shallower depths of about 10 km.  相似文献   

Abstract Characteristic features of in situ diamonds can be used to retrace diamond formation during ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism of the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan. These features include the nitrogen aggregation state in diamond, dissolution features observed on diamond surfaces, and the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of the diamonds. The minerals in which the diamonds are included provide additional information and support the view that at least some of the Kokchetav microdiamonds are the products of prograde or peak UHP metamorphism. The coexistence of diamond and graphite is evaluated within this framework.  相似文献   

Abstract The central part of the Kokchetav Massif is exposed in the Chaglinka–Kulet area, northern Kazakhstan. The ultrahigh-pressure–high-pressure (UHP–HP) metamorphic belt in this area is composed of four subhorizontal lithological units (Unit I–IV) metamorphosed under different pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions. The coesite- and diamond-bearing Unit II, which consists mainly of whiteschist and eclogite blocks, is tectonically sandwiched between the amphibolite-dominant Unit I on the bottom and the orthogneiss-dominant Unit III on the top. Total combined thickness of these units is less than 2 km. The rocks of the UHP–HP metamorphic belt are affected by at least four deformational events post-dating peak metamorphism: (i) The earliest penetrative deformation is characterized by non-coaxial ductile flow in a NW–SE direction. The shear sense indicators in oriented samples from Unit I provide consistent top-to-the-northwest motions and those from Unit III provide top-to-the-southeast, south or south-west motions; (ii) Upright folds with subhorizontal enveloping surface refold earlier foliations including shear-indicators throughout the metamorphic belt; (iii) The third stage of deformation is denoted by large-scale bending around a subvertical axis; and (iv) Late localized fault (or shear) zones cut all earlier structures. The fault zones have subvertical shear planes and their displacements are essentially strike-slip in manner. The subhorizontal structure and opposite shear directions between Unit I and Unit III during the earlier deformation stage suggest north-westward extrusion of UHP Unit II.  相似文献   

Hideki Masago 《Island Arc》2000,9(3):358-378
Abstract In the Barchi–Kol area, located at the westernmost part of the Kokchetav ultrahigh pressure (UHP) to high-pressure (HP) massif, northern Kazakhstan, metabasites from the epidote amphibolite (EA) facies to the coesite eclogite (CEC) facies are exposed. Based on the equilibrium mineral assemblages, the Barchi–Kol area is divided into four zones: A, B, C and D. Zone A is characterized by the assemblage: epidote + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz, with minor garnet. Zone B is characterized by the assemblage: garnet + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + zoisite. Zone C is defined by the appearance of sodic–augite, with typical assemblage: garnet + sodic–augite + tschermakite–pargasite + quartz ± plagioclase ± epidote/clinozoisite. Zone D is characterized by the typical eclogite assemblage: garnet + omphacite + quartz + rutile, with minor phengite and zoisite. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorph after coesite were identified in several samples of zone D. Chemical compositions of rock-forming minerals of each zone were analyzed and reactions between each zone were estimated. Metamorphic P-T conditions of each zone were estimated using several geothermobarometers as 8.6 ± 0.5 kbar, 500 ± 30 °C for zone A; 11.7 ± 0.5 kbar, 700 ± 30 °C for zone B; 12–14 kbar, 700–815 °C for zone C; and 27–40 kbar, 700–825 °C for zone D.  相似文献   

Abstract Dolomite marble from the Kumdy–Kol area of the Kokchetav Massif contains abundant microdiamond, mainly in garnet and a few in diopside. The mineral assemblage at peak metamorphic condition consists of dolomite + diopside + garnet (+ aragonite) ± diamond. Inclusions of very low MgCO3 calcite and almost pure calcite occur in diopside and are interpreted as aragonite and/or aragonite + dolomite. Single-phase Mg–calcite in diopside with a very high MgCO3 component (up to 21.7 mol%) was also found in diamond-free dolomitic marble, and is interpreted as a retrograde product from aragonite + dolomite to Mg–calcite. The dolomite stability constrains the maximum pressure (P) at < 7 GPa using previous experimental data, whereas the occurrence of diamond yields the minimum peak pressure–temperature (P–T) condition at 4.2 GPa and 980 °C at X co 2 = 0.1. The highest MgCO3 in Mg–calcite constrains the minimum P–T condition higher than 2.5 GPa and 800 °C for the exhumation stage. As these marbles were subjected to nearly identical P–T metamorphic conditions, the appearance of diamond in some carbonate rocks was explained by high X co 2. A low X co 2 condition refers to high oxidized conditions and diamond (and/or graphite) becomes unstable. Difference in X co 2 for marble from the same area suggests local heterogeneity of fluid compositions during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

U–Pb geochronological, trace-element and Lu–Hf isotopic studies have been made on zircons from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) mafic eclogite from the Kumdy-Kol area, one of the diamond-facies domains of the Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan). The peak eclogitic assemblage equilibrated at > 900 °C, whereas the bulk sample composition displays light rare-earth element (LREE) and Th depletion evident of partial melting. Zircons from the eclogite are represented by exclusively newly formed metamorphic grains and have U–Pb age spread over 533–459 Ma, thus ranging from the time of peak subduction burial to that of the late post-orogenic collapse. The major zircon group with concordant age estimates have a concordia age of 508.1 ±4.4 Ma, which corresponds to exhumation of the eclogite-bearing UHP crustal slice to granulite- or amphibolite-facies depths. This may indicate potentially incoherent exhumation of different crustal blocks within a single Kumdy-Kol UHP domain. Model Hf isotopic characteristics of zircons (εHf(t) +1.5 to +7.8, Neoproterozoic model Hf ages of 1.02–0.79 Ga) closely resemble the whole-rock values of the Kumdy-Kol eclogites and likely reflect in situ derivation of HFSE source for newly formed grains. The ages coupled with geochemical systematics of zircons confirm that predominantly late zircon growth occurred in Th–LREE-depleted eclogitic assemblage, that experienced incipient melting and monazite dissolution in melt at granulite-facies depths, followed by amphibolite-facies rehydration during late-stage exhumation-related retrogression.  相似文献   

Abstract High‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic (HP–UHPM) rocks crop out over 150 km along an east–west axis in the Kokchetav Massif of northern Kazakhstan. They are disposed within the Massif as a 2 km thick, subhorizontal pile of sheet‐like nappes, predominantly composed of interlayered pelitic and psammitic schists and gneisses, amphibolite and orthogneiss, with discontinuous boudins and lenses of eclogite, dolomitic marble, whiteschist and garnet pyroxenite. On the basis of predominating lithologies, we subdivided the nappe group into four north‐dipping, fault‐bounded orogen‐parallel units (I–IV, from base to top). Constituent metabasic rocks exhibit a systematic progression of metamorphic grades, from high‐pressure amphibolite through quartz–eclogite and coesite–eclogite to diamond–eclogite facies. Coesite, diamond and other mineral inclusions within zircon offer the best means by which to clarify the regional extent of UHPM, as they are effectively sequestered from the effects of fluids during retrogression. Inclusion distribution and conventional geothermobarometric determinations demonstrate that the highest grade metamorphic rocks (Unit II: T = 780–1000°C, P = 37–60 kbar) are restricted to a medial position within the nappe group, and metamorphic grade decreases towards both the top (Unit III: T = 730–750°C, P = 11–14 kbar; Unit IV: T = 530°C, P = 7.5–9 kbar) and bottom (Unit I: T = 570–680°C; P = 7–13.5 kbar). Metamorphic zonal boundaries and internal structural fabrics are subhorizontal, and the latter exhibit opposing senses of shear at the bottom (top‐to‐the‐north) and top (top‐to‐the‐south) of the pile. The orogen‐scale architecture of the massif is sandwich‐like, with the HP–UHPM nappe group juxtaposed across large‐scale subhorizontal faults, against underlying low P–T metapelites (Daulet Suite) at the base, and overlying feebly metamorphosed clastic and carbonate rocks (Unit V). The available structural and petrologic data strongly suggest that the HP–UHPM rocks were extruded as a sequence of thin sheets, from a root zone in the south toward the foreland in the north, and juxtaposed into the adjacent lower‐grade units at shallow crustal levels of around 10 km. The nappe pile suffered considerable differential internal displacements, as the 2 km thick sequence contains rocks exhumed from depths of up to 200 km in the core, and around 30–40 km at the margins. Consequently, wedge extrusion, perhaps triggered by slab‐breakoff, is the most likely tectonic mechanism to exhume the Kokchetav HP–UHPM rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks of the Kokchetav Massif of Kazakhstan contain metamorphic microdiamond and coesite inclusions inside rigid capsules such as garnet and zircon. Precambrian protoliths of the UHPM rocks were metamorphosed at around 530 Ma, at pressures of about 7 GPa, which suggests that crustal protoliths were subducted to depths of over 200 km. Primary UHPM minerals are poorly preserved due to partial obliteration by subsequent Barrovian overprint during exhumation and later collision events in Caledonian times. We report the results of detailed mapping of the Kokchetav Massif and use structural data to propose intrusion and exhumation mechanisms for the UHPM rocks. Detailed mapping revealed that many subvertical structures in the ultrahigh-pressure–high-pressure (UHP–HP) units were formed due to later folding. The primary structure appears to be subhorizontal and the total thickness of the UHP rocks is estimated at around 2 km. The first order structure is sandwich-like; that is, the UHP–HP units are separated from underlying low-P metamorphic rocks of the Daulet Series and from feebly metamorphosed to unmetamorphosed sedimentary strata on the top by subhorizontal faults. Kinematic indicators show top-to-the-south sense of shear along the top, and top-to-the-north displacement along the bottom boundaries. These shear senses, together with the observed metamorphic gradients, suggest that the thin UHPM sheet was extruded toward the north. We consider wedge extrusion to have been the most effective mechanism for the exhumation of the UHPM rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract The Kokchetav Massif of Kazakhstan includes high to ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) metamorphic rocks (some of which were recrystallized at depths in excess of 150 km), juxtaposed against much lower pressure metamorphic components. We investigated the relationship between the HP–UHP metamorphic unit and the low pressure (LP) unit (Daulet Suite) in the Sulu–Tjube area, where the metamorphic rocks have previously been interpreted as constituting a megamelange with subvertical structural attitudes. Analyses of fold structures suggest that the HP–UHP metamorphic unit overlies the LP unit across a west-dipping subhorizontal boundary. In addition, kinematic indicators display top-to-the-north senses of shear along the tectonic contact between the two units, indicating that the HP–UHP unit has been extruded northward onto the LP unit. Following the juxtaposition of the two units, upright folds developed in both units, and these are associated with the previously reported steeply dipping metamorphic foliations. These data have important implications for the mode of exhumation of the UHP rocks from upper mantle to shallow crustal depths.  相似文献   

Kokchetav ‘lamproite’ occurs in the east end of Kokchetav massif and consists of phenocryst (mainly clinopyroxene) and matrix (mainly feldspar). The compositions of clinopyroxene, magnetite and biotite phenocryst were determined using wavelength dispersive spectrometry on a JEOL Super-probe 8900 electron microprobe for the purpose of revealing the process of magma evolution. Analyses revealed a core–rim variation, which is consistent with three stages of magmatic evolution: Mg-rich clinopyroxene cores (diopside) and biotite cores (phlogopite) crystallized in a deep magma chamber (stage I); Fe-rich clinopyroxene rim (salite) and biotite rim crystallized at low pressure in a shallow magma chamber (stage II); Magnetite phenocryst core also crystallized in a shallow magma chamber, and co-exists with Fe-rich clinopyroxene rim and biotite rim. The magnetite rims probably formed during magma eruption at the same time when groundmass crystallized (stage III). The calculated temperatures for ilmenite–magnetite pair range from 679 to 887°C, log fO2 values range from −11.1 to −14.9 log units. These values represent the latest conditions of magma as ilmenite exsolution in magnetite probably occurred during magma eruption from the shallow chamber to surface.  相似文献   

The decompressional pressure–temperature (P–T) path was estimated for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite from the Sulu region of eastern China by applying geo‐thermobarometers to well‐preserved equilibrium mineral pairs. The sample studied is a kyanite‐bearing eclogite that was collected from the Taohang area of the Sulu region. Garnet is relatively homogeneous in chemical composition, but omphacite has a clear chemical zoning with decreasing jadeite content from core to rim. Assuming that peak‐P equilibrium compositions are preserved in the cores of garnet (Grt) and omphacite (Omp), P–T conditions were calculated to be about 700°C and 3.4 GPa. On the other hand, the jadeite content of omphacite rims varies from 0.35 to 0.46 mol.%. Nevertheless, the variation in Fe/Mg ratios of omphacite rims is very small. Temperatures of 566 ± 54°C were obtained at 1.5 GPa for garnet rim and omphacite rim pairs. These petrological considerations indicate that temperatures should have significantly declined during the early decompression stage of this eclogite. In other areas of the Sulu region, isothermal decompression paths were proposed, and it was concluded that the UHP rocks were exhumed as a large mass tens of kilometers in thickness to avoid thermal effects from the surrounding materials. However, the newly identified decompression path accompanying the significant cooling may indicate that the Taohang outcrop was located at the margin of the Sulu UHP terrane. Thus, the decompressional P–T path is not unique in the Sulu region and varies depending on the location.  相似文献   

H. Tabata  S. Maruyama  & Z. Shi 《Island Arc》1998,7(1-2):142-158
The ultrahigh- and high-pressure (UHP–HP) metamorphic belt of the Dabie Mountains, central China, formed by the Triassic continental subduction and collision, is divided into four metamorphic zones; from south to north, the greenschist facies zone, epidote amphibolite to amphibolite facies zone, quartz eclogite zone, and coesite eclogite zone, based on metabasite mineral assemblages. Most of the coesite-bearing eclogites consist mainly of garnet and omphacite with homogeneous compositions and have partially undergone hydration reactions to form clinopyroxene + plagioclase + calcic amphibole symplectites during amphibolite facies overprinting. However, the least altered eclogites sometimes contain garnet and omphacite that preserve compositional zoning patterns which may have originated during their growth at peak temperature conditions of ∼ 750 °C, suggesting a short duration of UHP metamorphic conditions and/or consequent rapid cooling during exhumation. Systematic investigation on peak metamorphic temperatures of coesite eclogite have revealed that, contrary to the general trend of metamorphic grade in the southern Dabie unit, the coesite eclogite zone shows rather flat thermal structure (T = 600 ± 50 °C) with the highest temperature reaching up to 850 °C and no northward increase in metamorphic temperature, which is opposed to the previous interpretations. This feature, along with the preservation of compositional zonation, implies complicated differential movement of each eclogite mass during UHP metamorphism and the return from the deeper subduction zone at mantle depths to the surface.  相似文献   

Abstract The Kokchetav Complex is a tectonic mega-melange consisting of seven pre-Ordovician units (units I-VII) of contrasting lithologies and P–T conditions of metamorphism, overlain and/or intruded by four post-recrystallization entities. Most of the constituent rock types display affinities with continental crust; paraschists and paragneisses, which carry biogenically produced carbon, clearly were laid down near the surface of the Earth. Microdiamond (and rare coesite) inclusions are contained in strong, refractory garnet, zircon, clinopyroxene, and kyanite, some of the constituent neoblastic phases of this metasedimentary unit. Systematic mineral parageneses and textural relationships support the hypothesis that the metamorphic assemblages represent a close approach to chemical equilibrium at the time of formation. Metamorphism of diamond-bearing paragneisses and schists transpired at 535 ± 5 Ma; physical conditions included minimum pressures of 40 kbar and temperatures exceeding 900 °C. Other associated units contain mineralogic evidence of somewhat lower to considerably lower pressures and temperatures: observed magnesite + diopside pairs, coesite, grossular-pyropic garnet, potassic clinopyroxene, Si-rich phengite, barroisite-crossite(?), aluminous titanite and/or Al-rutile, and the assemblage talc + kyanite + garnet all testify to relatively elevated pressures of formation. The metamorphosed lithotectonic units represent individual, discrete stages in what initially may have been a continuous P-T series, but intense post-metamorphic dislocation has resulted in the preservation of a chaotically mixed sequence rather than an unbroken gradation in preserved conditions of metamorphism. Only units I-III, and probably VIb may represent portions of a dismembered subduction zone lithologie assemblage. The uplift to mid-crustal levels and cooling of the mega-melange took place by about 515–517 Ma, at which time the complex was stabilized as a part of the Kazakhstan microcontinental collage. An hypothesized Late Vendian-Early Cambrian subduction of the Kazakhstan-North Tianshan(?) microcontinental salient to depths exceeding 125 km, followed by decoupling from the descending oceanic crust-capped lithospheric plate is held responsible for the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of the Kokchetav Complex. Inasmuch as vestiges of a calc-alkaline volcanic/plutonic arc of approximately Early Cambrian age are preserved as only scattered relics in the general region, the plate-tectonic setting may have involved an intra-oceanic, Marianas-type, incipient arc which was subsequently removed through transform faulting or erosion.  相似文献   

Abstract Garnet clinopyroxenite containing porphyroclastic clinopyroxene with garnet lamellae from the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) province, eastern China, records a three-stage evolutionary history. Stage A: precursor aluminous clinopyroxene associated with Mg-rich spinel was stable. Stage B: Mg-rich spinel and aluminous clinopyroxene recrystallized to form porphyroblasts of garnet and diopside with garnet lamellae, respectively. Thereafter, these porphyroblasts were granulated and recrystallized to form equigranular neoblasts in the matrix, being driven by subsolidus deformation. Stage C: the assemblage developed retrograde hornblende, epidote, spinel, chlorite, calcite, and dolomite. The estimated composition of the precursor aluminous clinopyroxene indicates that equilibrium conditions of the stage A were 900-1000°C, and 1.0-1.5 GPa. The neoblast garnet-clinopyroxene pairs, not conjectural, give 740 ± 50°C and higher than 2.5 GPa for the climax conditions of stage B. This implies that the Hujialin garnet clinopyroxenite was transported from a low dP/dT setting to a high dP/dT setting, probably related to subduction during stage B. The Hujialin garnet clinopyroxenite as well as adjacent UHP eclogite which records 700°C and 3.0 GPa as the maximum physical conditions, experienced amphibolite facies retrogression, suggesting that they shared a common P-T history during exhumation.  相似文献   

Abstract The Maksyutov Complex, situated in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia, is the first location where quartz aggregates within garnets exhibiting radial fractures were identified as coesite pseudomorphs (Chesnokov & Popov 1965). The complex consists of two tectonic units: a structurally lower eclogite-bearing schist unit and an overlying meta-ophiolite unit. Both units show evidence for multiple stages of metamorphism and deformation. The high-pressure metamorphism of the eclogite-bearing schist unit, discussed in this report, is suspected to be related to a collision between the Russian platform and a fragment of the Siberian continent during the early Cambrian. At least three stages of metamorphism (M1-3) and two stages of deformation (S1 and S2) were observed in thin sections: M1) garnet (Alm55-60, Prp22-28, Grs16-20) + omphacite (Jd46-56) + phengite (Si ≅ 3.5) + rutile; M2) garnet + glaucophane ± lawsonite + white mica; and M3) epidote + chlorite ± albite ± actinolite + white mica. Observed mineral parageneses define a retrograde P-T path for the eclogite. Mineral assemblages within the most representative eclogite from the lower unit of the Maksyutov Complex indicate minimum peak pressures of 15 kbar at temperatures of approximately 600°C. If the presence of coesite pseudomorph is confirmed, the peak ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism may be as high as 27 kbar at 615°C.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of Tibetan eclogite was investigated at pressures of 1.5–3.5 GPa and temperatures of 500–803 K using impedance spectroscopy within a frequency range of 10-1–106 Hz. The electrical conductivity of eclogite increases with increasing temperature(which can be approximated by the Arrhenius equation), and is weakly affected by pressure. At each tested pressure, the electrical conductivity is weakly temperature dependent below ~650 K and more strongly temperature dependent above ~650 K. The calculated activation energies and volumes are 44±1 kJ/mol and-0.6±0.1 cm3/mol for low temperatures and 97±3 kJ/mol and-1.2±0.2 cm3/mol for high temperatures, respectively. When applied to the depth range of 45–100 km in Tibet, the laboratory data give conductivities on the order of 10-1.5–10-4.5 S/m, within the range of geophysical conductivity profiles.  相似文献   

Lower crustal high grade metamorphic rocks have been successively found at Pamirs nearby the western Himalayan syntaxis, Namjagbarwa and Dinggye nearby the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and the central segment of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt, respec-tively[1―4]. In particular, some researchers deduced that there were probably eclogites at some locations[5]. Moreover, some geochronological data of these lower crustal granulites also have been accumulated. For example, the high-pressure granulit…  相似文献   

A variety of low‐ to high‐pressure metamorphic assemblages occur in the metabasic rocks and metachert in the Upper Cretaceous–Eocene ophiolite belt of the central part of the Naga Hills, an area in the northern sector of the Indo–Myanmar Ranges in the Indo–Eurasian collision zone. The ophiolite suite includes peridotite tectonite containing garnet lherzolite xenoliths, layered ultramafic–mafic cumulates, metabasic rocks, basaltic lava, volcaniclastics, plagiogranite, and pelagic sediments emplaced as dismembered and imbricated bodies at thrust contacts between moderately metamorphosed accretionary rocks/basement (Nimi Formation/Naga Metamorphics) and marine sediments (Disang Flysch). It is overlain by coarse clastic Paleogene sediments of ophiolite‐derived rocks (Jopi/Phokphur Formation). The metabasic rocks, including high‐grade barroisite/glaucophane‐bearing epidote eclogite and glaucophane schist, and low‐grade greenschist and prehnite–clinochlore schist, are associated with lava flows and ultramafic cumulates at the western thrust contact. Chemically, the metabasites show a low‐K tholeiitic affinity that favors derivation from a depleted mantle source as in the case of mid‐ocean ridge basalt. Thermobarometry indicates peak P–T conditions of about 20 kb and 525°C. Retrogression related to uplift is marked by replacement of barroisite and omphacite by glaucophane followed by secondary actinolite, albite, and chlorite formation. A metabasic lens with an eclogite core surrounded by successive layers of glaucophane schist and greenschist provides field evidence of retrogression and uplift. Presence of S‐C mylonite in garnet lherzolite and ‘mica fish’ in glaucophane schist indicates ductile deformation in the shear zone along which the ophiolite was emplaced.  相似文献   

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