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Books reviewed:

Rayner, John N. Dynamic Climatology: Basis in Mathematics and Physics

Blair, Alasdair and Hitchcock, David. Environment and Business

Black, Brian. Petrolia: The Landscape of America's First Oil Boom

Sharma, Martha B. and Elbow, Gary S. Using Internet Primary Sources to Teach Critical Thinking Skills in Geography

Klemen?i?, Mladen (ed.) Atlas Europe

Kliot, Nurit and Newman, David Geopolitics at the End of the Twentieth Century: The Changing World Political Map

O’Sullivan, Patrick M. The Geography of War in the Post – Cold War World

Duany, Andres, Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth, and Speck, Jeff. Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream

Kayden, Jerold S. Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience

Borjas, George J. Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy

Andreas, Peter. Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide

England, John. Retail Impact Assessment: A Guide to Best Practice

Outtes, Joel. O Recife: Gënese do Urbanismo, 1927 – 1943 (Recife: The Birth of Urbanism, 1927 –1943)

Njoh, Ambe J. Urban Planning, Housing, and Spatial Structures in Sub-Saharan Africa: Nature, Impact, and Development Implications of Exogenous Forces

Hanson, Philip and Bradshaw, Michael (eds.) Regional Economic Change in Russia

Pyne, Stephen J. Book Review Commentary: A response to Terence Young's review of Stephen J. Pyne's How the Canyon Became Grand  相似文献   

基于CBERS-2遥感数据的艾比湖流域景观生态分类系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观生态分类是景观生态学研究的一项重要内容,是开展景观评价、规划与管理等工作的基础。应用CBERS-2遥感影像数据,以地质地貌、土地利用/土地覆被状况、地表植被等因子为分类依据,对艾比湖流域景观生态类型进行了自上而下地划分。研究认为:景观生态分类是建立在尺度的基础之上,不同尺度上的分类单元在纵向上构成了景观带至景观元的多等级景观生态分类体系;艾比湖流域景观生态类型可划分为2个景观类(4个景观亚类)、14个景观系、27个景观型,且该分类系统属于景观生态分类等级阶梯中的中尺度分类段;艾比湖流域景观生态分类系统,对进一步认识和科学合理地利用、规划及管理干旱区内陆湖泊流域的景观具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Since the period of bank deregulation in the 1980s, deferred deposit loan operations, better known as payday lenders, have become commonplace in the landscapes of many American cities. At the same time, traditional banking facilities have become less common, especially in the inner city. Growing disparities in the type of and accessibility to credit in the inner city has generated calls for greater regulation to curb practices by payday lenders that critics claim disproportionately affect poor and minority consumers. Payday lenders argue that they serve communities neglected by traditional banks. This article analyzes the site‐location strategies of banks and payday lenders in metropolitan Louisiana, and in Cook County, Illinois, and finds that disenfranchised neighborhoods are simultaneously targeted by payday lenders and neglected by traditional banks. The implications these findings have for public policy and for ongoing discourses on the urban condition, race, and class are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

近代天山北麓人口迁移形成的地名景观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阚耀平 《干旱区地理》2005,28(6):869-873
清代以来,新疆天山北麓地区出现了大规模的人口迁移活动,外来人口逐渐占据了当地人口的主体。迁入人口对当地大多数县以下的地名进行了重新命名,使新的地名孕育了移民者本身的文化内涵.具体表现在地名命名方式的差异上,汉语地名多以姓氏、宗教信仰等文化因素命名,蒙古语、哈萨克语地名多重视地理环境因素。在语言上.新地名分别属于汉藏语系和阿尔泰语系,其中,以农业生产为主的汉语地名主要分布在天山北麓东段地区和平原绿洲地带,以游牧业为主的蒙古语、哈萨克语等地名主要分布在天山北麓的西部及适宜于游牧的山区地带。  相似文献   

国内外地震遗迹景观研究经历了地震事件识别、概念创新、分类体系重构、资源开发利用等多个过程.对地震遗迹景观的研究活动已不再局限于对其科学价值的讨论上,而是在交叉学科的指导下,将研究的视角延伸至基于保护前提下的合理开发利用的层面.前期研究对地震遗迹景观分类体系存在较大争议.文中在前人研究的基础上,以龙门山地震遗迹景观类型划分为案例,尝试构建地震遗迹景观科学合理的分类方案,以期为地震遗迹景观的保护以及高烈度山区地震专项旅游产品的开发提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Based on historical-geographical evidence, this paper reports on the influence of the nomadic peoples on the landscapes of the steppe one in Northern Eurasia during the pre-agricultural period, i.e. in the 18th-19th centuries. It is concluded that the landscapes of the steppe one constituted natural-anthropogenic complexes resulting from cultural transformation of space by the nomadic peoples. A rationale is rovided for the problems facing the new branch of knowledge, historical steppe science.  相似文献   

While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile‐producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

红层盆地岩性差异对丹霞地貌发育的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆相红层盆地的岩性在横向上和纵向上都有比较明显的变化,导致发育的丹霞地貌形态迥异。本文以赣东北信江盆地、粤北丹霞盆地、陕北地区为例,采用对比分析、数值模拟等研究手段,总结了红层盆地中常见的岩石及地貌类型,提出岩性在丹霞地貌坡面演化过程中的关键作用。在信江盆地中,龙虎山、龟峰等挺拔高耸的山峰主要发育在盆地南缘的河口组厚层砾岩中,而盆地中部贵溪、弋阳地区的近圆形山丘则产在塘边组大型交错层理风成砂岩中;与其类似,丹霞山的赤壁陡崖主要发育在丹霞组厚层砾岩夹风成砂岩中;相反,陕北地区波浪状地貌主要发育在洛河组风成砂岩中。利用河道-山坡综合地形演化(CHILD)地貌模拟软件,假设在同样的构造抬升和河流侵蚀作用下,分别模拟了细砂岩、细砾岩、中砾岩构成的山体坡面的演化过程。模拟结果显示,细砂岩山体易形成较为平缓的坡面,中砾岩易形成陡峻崖壁和巷谷,而介于二者之间的细砾岩则形成较为明显的沟壑系统。CHILD模拟结果与实地观测一致。因此,红层岩性差异在丹霞地貌演化过程中扮演了重要的角色,也是未来地貌定量模拟研究中需要考虑的关键因素。  相似文献   

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