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地理栅格数据并行I/O的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感和测绘技术的进步,日益增大的数据量和高效的数据I/O矛盾逐渐凸显。本文针对这个问题提出了地理栅格数据的一种并行I/O模式,并对该I/O模式进行了相应的编程实现。通过设计实验验证其正确性和效率,我们发现相比传统的栅格数据I/O库(GDAL库)而言,采用本文提出的并行I/O模式对应的I/O库将能同时保证结果的正确性和高效性。  相似文献   

随着高性能计算的发展,并行技术已经广泛应用于LiDAR数据的分析处理。本文针对现有LiDAR数据生成DEM并行算法所存在的负载不均衡问题,设计并实现了动态负载均衡的LiDAR数据生成DEM并行算法。该算法采用主从式并行策略,管理进程负责LiDAR点云的高效自适应条带划分,计算进程负责LiDAR点云生成DEM的计算。本文设计了任务量的动态调度策略:首先,由所有进程并行创建任务量由大到小排列的待处理任务队列;然后,管理进程根据计算进程的反馈对待处理任务进行动态分配,以达到负载均衡。在24 核集群环境下,用30 GB(约12 亿点)LiDAR数据对本文算法进行测试,生成分辨率为1 m的格网DEM,算法加速比峰值达到15.16;同时,与静态调度策略进行对比实验,结果显示本文的动态负载均衡策略可更好地保证进程间的负载均衡,有效地提高了LiDAR生成DEM并行算法的整体效率。  相似文献   

Analyzing raw material's structure and performance of bentonite from Panzhihua in Sichuan, the authors think that it is adequate for agglomerant of iron smelting. According to its composition and property we have researched the purification and modification of I/S bentonite under conditions of different dispersants and sodium agent. XRD test result reveals that the essential minerals of Panzhihua bentonite are I/S mixed-layer ones, and FTIR analysis shows that when adding 1 5% sodium pyrophosphate to the bentonite slurry during purification, the composition of quartz in bentonite decreases to less than 4% and I/S is more than 90%. The optimized modification technic conditions are Na2CO3 (4%) and CMC-Na (3%) as modified agents, the clay and water are 10 vs. 1, and the temperature is 75℃. It is 40 min for stirring time and reacting time is 4 h. Under the conditions we can get the modified I/S bentonite with colloid index more than 500 ml/15 g.  相似文献   

Analyzing raw material's structure and performance of bentonite from Panzhihua in Sichuan, the authors think that it is adequate for agglomerant of iron smelting. According to its composition and property we have researched the purification and modification of I/S bentonite under conditions of different dispersants and sodium agent. XRD test result reveals that the essential minerals of Panzhihua bentonite are I/S mixed-layer ones, and FTIR analysis shows that when adding 1.5% sodium pyrophosphate to the bentonite slurry during purification, the composition of quartz in bentonite decreases to less than 4% and I/S is more than 90%. The optimized modification technic conditions are Na2CO3 (4%) and CMC-Na (3%) as modified agents, the clay and water are 10 vs. 1, and the temperature is 75℃. It is 40 min for stirring time and reacting time is 4 h. Under the conditions we can get the modified I/S bentonite with colloid index more than 500 nd/15 g.  相似文献   

工厂模式提供了创建家族产品或依赖对象的接口,但缺乏在交互过程中处理运行期动态构造对象和装配模块的能力.通过运用反射技术对工厂结构进行扩展,提出了一种新的动态组合工厂模型.模型用于对象/关系映射的动态连接,消除了对映射器创建过程的硬编码,实现了关联对象动态组装的不知觉性,满足了系统可扩展和可维护的设计目标.  相似文献   

通过向地层发射快中子并测量中子反应产生的伽玛射线能谱能够确定套管外面地层的含油饱和度。非弹性中子反应产生的伽玛射线能谱可以给出地层中碳、氧含量信息,进而可以得到含油饱和度。在地层水矿化度非常低或未知时,该测井技术在套管中尤为有用。  相似文献   

Ecosystem response to climate change in high-altitude regions is a focus on global change research. Picea/Abies forests are widely distributed at high altitudes of East and Central Asia, and their distribution changes are sensitive to climate change. Humidity is an important climatic factor that affects high-altitude ecosystems; however, the relationship between distribution changes of Picea/Abies forests and millennial-scale variability of humidity is still not dear. Palynological records can provide insights into millennial-scale paleovegetation changes, which have been successfully used to reconstruct past climate change in East and Central Asia. In this study, we synthesized 24 Picea/Abies pollen and humidity/moisture changes based upon Holocene lake records in East and Central Asia in order to explore the response of high-latitude ecosystem to millennial-scale climate change. The changing pattern of Holocene lacustrine Picea/Abies pollen in arid Central Asia differs from that of monsoonal East Asia, which can be due to different millennial-scale climate change patterns between monsoonal and arid Central Asia. Then, the relationship between changes in Picea/Abies pollen and humidity/moisture conditions was examined based on a comparison of pollen and humidity/moisture records. The results indicate that millennial-scale Picea/Abies distribution changes aremainly controlled by moisture variability at high altitudes, while the temperature effect plays a minor role in Picea/Abies distribution changes. Moreover, this research proves that lacustrine Picea/Abies pollen can be used as an indicator of millennial-scale humidity/moisture evolution at high altitudes in East and Central Asia.  相似文献   

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