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A simple numerical model is constructed to investigate the time-history of the dissipation of the valley wind system. The local wind system is considered as a thermally induced circulation. The Coriolis force, effect of slope of the valley floor and advection of heat and momentum are not considered in this study. The non-dimensional forms of the heat-diffusion and momentum equations along the direction of the valley axis are numerically integrated with a set of specified initial conditions, boundary conditions and assumed heat sources (and sinks). Three cases are presented in this report. The numerical solutions are in good agreement with the observed features of the dissipation of the valley wind provided that a relative heat source at ridge-line level and a relative heat sink at the ground are hypothesized.The major part of the research presented in this paper was done while the author was at the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, New York University.  相似文献   

The development of droplet size, supersaturation, and temperature in an ascending, unmixed parcel of cloudy air was investigated using a numerical model in which condensation and supersaturation are explicitly calculated. Of particular interest was the steady‐state value which the super‐saturation attains, and the time required to reach this value. The results were found to be in reasonable agreement with an approximate analytical solution of the equations that predicts a steady‐state supersaturation equal to G(p, T)U/vr, where G(p, T) is a known thermodynamic function of temperature and pressure, U is the updraft speed (assumed constant), v is the number of droplets per unit mass of air (assumed constant), and r is the droplet radius. The approach to this limiting value is very nearly exponential, with a time constant equal to G(p, T)/Q 1 vr, where Q 1 is a function of temperature. Without giving up the possibility of approximate analytical solutions, the equations can be elaborated to allow an accelerating updraft or to simulate the effects of rapid droplet coalescence.  相似文献   

利用海陆风和山谷风的机制和特点来分析万宁温度、降水分布及变化原因。  相似文献   

We have devised a partial differential equation for the prediction of dust concentration in a thin layer near the ground. In this equation, erosion (detachment), transport, deposition and source are parameterised in terms of known quantities. The interaction between a wind prediction model in the boundary layer and this equation affects the evolution of the dust concentration at the top of the surface layer. Numerical integrations are carried out for various values of source strength, ambient wind and particle size. Comparison with available data shows that the results appear very reasonable and that the model should be subjected to further development and testing.Notation (x, y, z, t) space co-ordinates and time (cm,t) - u, v components of horizontal wind speed (cm s–1) - u g, vg components of the geostrophic wind (cm s–1) - V=(u2+v2)1/2 (cm s–1) - (û v)= 1/(h – k) k h(u, v)dz(cm s–1) - V * friction velocity (cm s–1) - z 0 roughness length (cm) - k 1 von Karman constant =0.4 - V d deposition velocity (cm s–1) - V g gravitational settling velocity (cm s–1) - h height of inversion (cm) - k height of surface layer (cm) - potential temperature (°K) - gr potential temperature at ground (°K) - K potential temperature at top of surface layer (°K) - P pressure (mb) - P 0 sfc pressure (mb) - C p/Cv - (t)= /z lapse rate of potential temperature (°K cm–1) - A(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - B(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - Cd drag coefficient - C HO transfer coefficient for sensible heat - C dust concentration (g m–3) - C K dust concentration at top of surface layer (g m–3) - D(z) variation with height of dust concentration - u, v, w turbulent fluctuations of the three velocity components (cm s–1) - A 1 constant coefficient of proportionality for heat flux =0.2 - Ri Richardson number - g gravitational acceleration =980 cm s–2 - Re Reynolds number = - D s thickness of laminar sub-layer (cm) - v molecular kinematic viscosity of air - coefficient of proportionality in source term - dummy variable - t time step (sec) - n time index in numerical equations On sabbatical leave at University of Aberdeen, Department of Engineering, September 1989–February 1990.  相似文献   

During the passage of a front, data from a light-weight cup anemometer and wind vane, sited in a steep-walled glacial valley of the Mt Cook region of the Southern Alps of New Zealand, were analysed to derive a power spectrum of the wind velocity for periods between 0.5 and 16 min. The energy spectrum roughly followed a -5/3 power law over the range of periods from 0.5–4 min — as might be expected in the case of an inertial subrange of eddies. However, any inertial subrange clearly does not extend to periods longer than this. We suggest that the observed eddies were generated in a turbulent wake associated with flow separation at the ridge crests, and large eddies are shed at periods of 4–8 min or more.A compressible fluid-dynamic model, with a Smagorinsky turbulence closure scheme and a law of the wall at the surface, was used to calculate flow over a cross section through this area in neutrally stratified conditions. A range of parameters was explored to assess some of the requirements for simulating surface wind gusts in mountainous terrain in New Zealand.In order to approximate the observed wind spectrum at Tasman aerodrome, Mount Cook, we found the model must be three-dimensional, with a horizontal resolution better than 250 m and with a Reynolds-stress eddy viscosity of less than 5 m2 s-1. In two-dimensional simulations, the eddies were too big in size and in amplitude and at the surface this was associated with reversed flow extending too far downstream. In contrast the three-dimensional simulations gave a realistic gusting effect associated with large scale cat's paws (a bigger variety of those commonly seen over water downstream of moderate hills), with reversed flow only at the steep part of the lee slope. The simulations were uniformly improved by better resolution, at all tested resolutions down to 250 m mesh size.The spectra of large eddies simulated in steep terrain were not very sensitive to the details of the eddy stress formulation. We suggest that this is because boundary-layer separation is forced in any case by terrain-induced pressure gradients.  相似文献   

Summary Based on measurements made in March 1982 in the Inn valley during the MERKUR experiment, an attempt was made to compute the mass budget of a large alpine valley during periods of mountain and valley wind.The computations come from measurements of the alongvalley mass flux and assumptions on the fluxes in the slope layer and tributaries.Vertical motions in the valley's atmosphere have been evaluated from the mass budget computations. These motions, including the subsidence which compensates for daytime upslope winds and the subsidence which compensates for the valley wind flowing into tributaries during the day, are of great importance for the understanding of the thermal circulation.The results allow better estimation of vertical advection, which contributes to the budgets of momentum and energy.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

A model of the drainage flow in a valley under calm conditions has been developed on the basis of the conservation laws of mass, momentum, and heat. The inflow of mass and heat from side-slopes is incorporated, and the momentum and sensible heat exchanges between valley drainage flow and valley floor are parameterized.The characteristic velocity of valley drainage flow is expressed in terms of the following parameters: three potential temperature differences representing the temperature field in the valey; topographic parameters of the valley; mean bulk coefficients representing the aerodynamic conditions of the valley floor; and the stability of the ambient atmosphere. The characteristic thickness includes additional parameters of side-slope flow.That the model satisfactorily predicts the characteristic thickness and velocity is shown from comparison with observations from valleys several hundred meters to a few hundred kilometers long.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents idealized numerical simulations of the valley wind circulation in the Alpine Inn Valley, which are compared with existing data and are used to improve our dynamical understanding of the valley wind. The simulations have been performed with the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5. They use a high-resolution realistic topography but idealized large-scale conditions without any synoptic forcing to focus on the thermally induced valley wind system. The comparison with the available observations shows that this simplified set-up is sufficient to reproduce the essential features of the valley wind.The results show that the tributaries of the Inn Valley have a considerable impact on the along-valley mass fluxes associated with the valley wind circulation. The upvalley mass flux is found to increase where tributaries enter the Inn Valley from the north, that is, from the direction where the Alpine foreland is located. On the other hand, the upvalley mass flux is reduced at the junctions with southern tributaries because part of the upvalley flow is deflected into these tributaries. For the downvalley flow, the situation is essentially reversed, but the influence of the valley geometry on the flow structure is larger than for the upvalley flow. The most important feature is a lateral valley contraction near the valley exit into the Alpine foreland. It reduces the downvalley mass flux at low levels, so that the wind maximum in the interior of the valley is shifted to a fairly large distance from the ground. North of the valley contraction, however, the downvalley flow strongly accelerates and forms a pronounced low-level jet. A dynamical analysis indicates that this acceleration can be interpreted as a transition from subcritical to supercritical hydraulic flow. Another interesting feature is that the low-level jet maintains its structure for several tenths of kilometres into the Alpine foreland. This appears to be related to the fact that the lateral wind shear on the flanks of the jet is associated with a strong dipole of potential vorticity (PV). Due to the conservation properties of the PV, the downstream advection of the PV dipole leads to the formation of a band-like feature that decays fairly slowly.  相似文献   

Summary Diagnostic consistency relations are set up for an open valley geometry consisting of two main valley sections and a large tributary. Changing various external model parameters one by one, the reaction of the system is being explored.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Hurricanes cause a variety of damage due to high winds, heavy rains, and storm surges. This study focuses on hurricanes’ high winds. The most devastating effects of sustained high winds occur in the first few hours of landfall. During the short period, hurricanes’ rainfall often increases, while the low-level pressure gradients continue to weaken. Latent heating does not appear to strengthen the surface winds. The indicator is that dry mechanisms such as the boundary layer processes and terrain are responsible for the damaging winds in the coastal areas. In this study, the design of a dry hurricane boundary layer wind model is described. The goal is to develop a forecast tool with near-real time applications in expeditious wind damage assessment and disaster mitigation during a hurricane landfall event. Different surface roughness lengths and topographic features ranging from flat land to the mountainous terrain of Taiwan were used in the model simulation experiments to reveal how the coastal environment affected the hurricane surface winds. The model performed quite well in all cases. The experiments suggested that the downward transfer of high momentum aloft played a significant role in the maintenance of high wind speeds at the surface. The surface wind maximums were observed on the lee sides of high terrain. The surface streamline analyses showed that the high mountains tended to block the relatively weak flow and caused small eddies, while they forced the stronger flow to turn around the mountains. Due to great difficulty in data collection, the hurricane boundary layer over land remains one of the least understood parts of the system. The dry model proves to be an effective way to study many aspects of hurricane boundary layer winds over a wide range of terrain features and landfall sites. The model runs efficiently and can be run on a medium-size personal computer. Received March 16, 2001 Revised September 10, 2001  相似文献   

Summary A three-dimensional nonhydrostatic model, forced by a surface energy budget, has been used to study thermally induced circulation in mountainous terrain. The numerical results were compared with observed wind data of the LOWEX-Experiment realized in the Loisach valley near Garmisch. Although the qualitative agreement in space and time is reasonable, the model underpredicts especially the valley wind by a factor of two. The complex structure of the simulated airflow in this region illustrates the difficulties of field experiments to find out the main characteristics of such circulations. In two sensitivity studies, the effect of the size of the integration region and the effect of a slight variation in direction of the larger scale wind is discussed.With 18 Figures  相似文献   

Summary A simple one dimensional wind model, designed for diffusion calculations in flat environments with obstructions, is proposed. It covers the surface layer and up to a maximum height of 500 m with three levels. The lowest level is the internal boundary layer, in which the influence of the immediate environment is manifest. The second is the surface layer in which the wind profile is characterized by the fetch conditions further upstream. The third is the spiral layer, where the wind turns with height. The actual depth of the surface layer is estimated by the model. In both the surface layer and the internal boundary layer, Monin-Obukhov theory is applied. The spiral layer is represented by a classical Ekman-Taylor solution matched at the top of the surface layer. This conceptual model is then tested with data from a meteorological mast at Garching (near Munich, Germany).With 11 Figures  相似文献   

随着气象部门兴办产业的不断发展,好多单位存在有用经营性资产对外投资转化为经营性资产的情况,对此类资产进行核算就需用“对外投资”这一科目,“对外投资”在新会计制度中是一个增加的核算内容,本文就“对外投资”的账务处理作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍了数值预报提供的风场格点资料在客观预报软件中的释用方法,主要从资料处理、天气系统判断、涡旋度判断、急流判断、地面锋区判断及稳定度判断等方面作了详细阐述。为风场预报的客观释用作了较好的总结,在业务科研开发中具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

A previously published technique for using tethered spherical balloons as anemometers for measuring light low-level winds has been further developed. Earlier data on the relationship between the aerodynamic drag coefficient and the Reynolds number of spherical rubber balloons were combined with a large number of new data and re-analysed; and the errors in the relationship were estimated. The results allowed a more accurate calculation of wind speed from the deflection of a tethered balloon from the vertical. When combined with a new technique for calculating the effects of the tether, this enabled light to moderate low-level winds at fixed heights up to 600 m or more to be measured with simple, cheap, and readily mobile equipment; and a slight modification of the technique allowed measurement of winds in and above fog. Wind speeds measured by the ballon technique showed reasonably good agreement with measurements by an anemometer carried beneath the balloon.Glossary of Symbols a, b, c Coefficients in the relationship between lnC d and lnR - A Quantity under square root in solution for lnV whena0 - C d Wind drag coefficient for balloon - C dc Value ofC d given by calibration curve of Table I - D Dynamic wind pressure force on balloon - F Buoyant free lift of balloon with load - Re Reynold's number of balloon (sphere) - R = Re/105 - r Radius of sphere - T Tension in tether - V Wind speed - 83() =(lnC dc -lnC d ) when 83° , or 0 for other - Error in lnC d - Elevation of tether where attached to balloon - Elevation of balloon from ground tether point - Molecular viscosity of air - Ratio of circumference to diameter of circle - Density of air  相似文献   

本文介绍了数值预报提供的风场格点资料在客观预报软件中的释用方法,主要从资料处理、天气系统判断、涡旋度判断、急流判断、地面锋区判断及稳定度判断等方面作了详细阐述.为风场预报的客观释用作了较好的总结,在业务科研开发中具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

Summary A simple, basically two-dimensional multilevel model is used to simulate the passage of a cold front in the Loisach valley as described by Müller and Sladkovic (1990). It is found that the front moves essentially like a density current on its way from the mouth of the Loisach valley towards Garmisch. However, a quasi-stationary state is attained soon after the front passed the branching point of the valley near Garmisch where the cold air is then flowing east- and westward. This flow state is characterized by downward motion in the Loisach valley proper and rapid ascent above Garmisch. This circulation becomes less intense as the valleys are filled with cold air. The agreement of model results and observations is satisfactory given the limitations of the model.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

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