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Observations of Titan obtained by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) have revealed Selk crater, a geologically young, bright-rimmed, impact crater located ∼800 km north-northwest of the Huygens landing site. The crater rim-crest diameter is ∼90 km; its floor diameter is ∼60 km. A central pit/peak, 20-30 km in diameter, is seen; the ratio of the size of this feature to the crater diameter is consistent with similarly sized craters on Ganymede and Callisto, all of which are dome craters. The VIMS data, unfortunately, are not of sufficient resolution to detect such a dome. The inner rim of Selk crater is fluted, probably by eolian erosion, while the outer flank and presumed ejecta blanket appear dissected by drainages (particularly to the east), likely the result of fluvial erosion. Terracing is observed on the northern and western walls of Selk crater within a 10-15 km wide terrace zone identified in VIMS data; the terrace zone is bright in SAR data, consistent with it being a rough surface. The terrace zone is slightly wider than those observed on Ganymede and Callisto and may reflect differences in thermal structure and/or composition of the lithosphere. The polygonal appearance of the crater likely results from two preexisting planes of weakness (oriented at azimuths of 21° and 122° east of north). A unit of generally bright terrain that exhibits similar infrared-color variation and contrast to Selk crater extends east-southeast from the crater several hundred kilometers. We informally refer to this terrain as the Selk “bench.” Both Selk and the bench are surrounded by the infrared-dark Belet dune field. Hypotheses for the genesis of the optically bright terrain of the bench include: wind shadowing in the lee of Selk crater preventing the encroachment of dunes, impact-induced cryovolcanism, flow of a fluidized-ejecta blanket (similar to the bright crater outflows observed on Venus), and erosion of a streamlined upland formed in the lee of Selk crater by fluid flow. Vestigial circular outlines in this feature just east of Selk’s ejecta blanket suggest that this might be a remnant of an ancient, cratered crust. Evidently the southern margin of the feature has sufficient relief to prevent the encroachment of dunes from the Belet dune field. We conclude that this feature either represents a relatively high-viscosity, fluidized-ejecta flow (a class intermediate to ejecta blankets and long venusian-style ejecta flows) or a streamlined upland remnant that formed downstream from the crater by erosive fluid flow from the west-northwest.  相似文献   

Fine-resolution (500 m/pixel) Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) T20 observations of Titan resolve that moon's sand dunes. The spectral variability in some dune regions shows that there are sand-free interdune areas, wherein VIMS spectra reveal the exposed dune substrate. The interdunes from T20 are, variously, materials that correspond to the equatorial bright, 5-μm-bright, and dark blue spectral units. Our observations show that an enigmatic “dark red” spectral unit seen in T5 in fact represents a macroscopic mixture with 5-μm-bright material and dunes as its spectral endmembers. Looking more broadly, similar mixtures of varying amounts of dune and interdune units of varying composition can explain the spectral and albedo variability within the dark brown dune global spectral unit that is associated with dunes. The presence of interdunes indicates that Titan's dunefields are both mature and recently active. The spectrum of the dune endmember reveals the sand to be composed of less water ice than the rest of Titan; various organics are consistent with the dunes' measured reflectivity. We measure a mean dune spacing of 2.1 km, and find that the dunes are oriented on the average in an east-west direction, but angling up to 10° from parallel to the equator in specific cases. Where no interdunes are present, we determine the height of one set of dunes photoclinometrically to be between 30 and 70 m. These results pave the way for future exploration and interpretation of Titan's sand dunes.  相似文献   

Although we can observe current activity on Saturn's satellite Enceladus with Cassini, insight into past activity is best achieved (for now) through studying the impact crater distributions. Furthermore, approximation of terrain ages can only be attained through calculations using crater densities and estimations of impact rates in the saturnian system. Here we focus on what the impact crater distribution in Enceladus' heavily cratered plains can tell us about Enceladus' geologic history. We use Cassini ISS images to count craters in the heavily cratered plains on Enceladus, along with Rhea, Dione, Tethys and Mimas as references, to develop and compare their size-frequency distributions. Comparisons of our counts show that Enceladus' cratered plains distribution is unique in that it appears to have a relative deficiency of craters for diameters ?2 km and ?6 km compared to the other satellites' heavily cratered plains. Our data also indicates that the impact crater density within the cratered plains changes with latitude. Specifically, both the north and south mid-latitude regions have approximately three times higher density than the equatorial region. We hypothesize that the “missing” small and large craters in Enceladus' cratered plains is due to a combination of viscous relaxation of the larger craters, and burial of the relaxed large craters and small craters by south polar plume and possibly E-ring material. We also conclude that the spatial density distribution is not consistent with recent polar wander.  相似文献   

Five certain impact craters and 44 additional nearly certain and probable ones have been identified on the 22% of Titan’s surface imaged by Cassini’s high-resolution radar through December 2007. The certain craters have morphologies similar to impact craters on rocky planets, as well as two with radar bright, jagged rims. The less certain craters often appear to be eroded versions of the certain ones. Titan’s craters are modified by a variety of processes including fluvial erosion, mass wasting, burial by dunes and submergence in seas, but there is no compelling evidence of isostatic adjustments as on other icy moons, nor draping by thick atmospheric deposits. The paucity of craters implies that Titan’s surface is quite young, but the modeled age depends on which published crater production rate is assumed. Using the model of Artemieva and Lunine (2005) suggests that craters with diameters smaller than about 35 km are younger than 200 million years old, and larger craters are older. Craters are not distributed uniformly; Xanadu has a crater density 2-9 times greater than the rest of Titan, and the density on equatorial dune areas is much lower than average. There is a small excess of craters on the leading hemisphere, and craters are deficient in the north polar region compared to the rest of the world. The youthful age of Titan overall, and the various erosional states of its likely impact craters, demonstrate that dynamic processes have destroyed most of the early history of the moon, and that multiple processes continue to strongly modify its surface. The existence of 24 possible impact craters with diameters less than 20 km appears consistent with the Ivanov, Basilevsky and Neukum (1997) model of the effectiveness of Titan’s atmosphere in destroying most but not all small projectiles.  相似文献   

The about 10.5 km diameter Bosumtwi impact crater is one of the youngest large impact structures on Earth. The crater rim is readily noticed on topographic maps or in satellite imagery. It defines a circular basin filled by water (Lake Bosumtwi) and lacustrine sediments. The morphology of this impact structure is also characterized by a circular plateau extending beyond the rim and up to 9–10 km from the center of the crater (about 2 crater radii). This feature comprises a shallow ring depression, also described as an annular moat, and a subdued circular ridge at its outer edge. The origin of this outermost feature could so far not be elucidated based on remote sensing data only. Our approach combines detailed topographic analysis, including roughness mapping, with airborne radiometric surveys (mapping near‐surface K, Th, U concentrations) and field observations. This provides evidence that the moat and outer ring are features inherited from the impact event and represent the partially eroded ejecta layer of the Bosumtwi impact structure. The characteristics of the outer ridge indicate that ejecta emplacement was not purely ballistic but requires ejecta fluidization and surface flow. The setting of Bosumtwi ejecta can therefore be considered as a terrestrial analog for rampart craters, which are common on Mars and Venus, and also found on icy bodies of the outer solar system (e.g., Ganymede, Europa, Dione, Tethys, and Charon). Future studies at Bosumtwi may therefore help to elucidate the mechanism of formation of rampart craters.  相似文献   

We made a detailed geomorphologic map of the Menrva region of Titan, using Cassini RADAR data as our map base. Using similar techniques and approaches that were applied to mapping Magellan radar images of Venus, and earlier, more generalized Titan maps, we were able to define and characterize 10 radar morphologic units, along with inferred dunes and fluvial channels, from the RADAR data. Structural features, such as scarps, ridges, and lineaments were also identified. Using principles of superposition, cross-cutting, and embayment relations we created a sequence of map units for this region. We interpret Menrva to be a 440 km wide degraded impact basin, in agreement with earlier studies by Elachi et al. (Elachi, C. et al. [2006]. Nature 441, 709-713) and Wood et al. (Wood, C.A., Lorenz, R., Kirk, R., Lopes, R., Mitchell, K., Stofan, E., and the Cassini RADAR Team [2010]. Icarus 206, 334-344), and identify it as the oldest feature in the map region. Exogenic processes including hydrocarbon fluid channelization forming the Elivagar Flumina channel network and dune fields resulting from aeolian activity are the current geologic processes dominating our map area, and these processes have contributed to the erosion of the crater’s ejecta field. There is evidence of multiple episodes of channel formation, erosion and burial by aeolian deposits, as observed elsewhere on Titan by e.g., Barnes et al. (Barnes, J.W. et al. [2005]. Icarus 195, 400-414). Channel outflow regions have morphologies suggestive of streams formed by flash floods, and dune fields are small and restricted rather than forming large dune seas, consistent with a desert-like environment for this region with low supply of hydrocarbon particles, also consistent with other studies by e.g., Lorenz et al. (Lorenz, R.D. et al. [2008a]. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 1132-1144). There is no evidence of cryovolcanism or non-impact-related tectonic activity in the Menrva region, although this region is too small to infer anything about the roles of these processes elsewhere on Titan. This work suggests detailed geomorphologic mapping can confidently be applied to Cassini RADAR data, and we suggest that more extensive mapping should be done using RADAR, ISS, and VIMS data geographically distributed across Titan to assess its usefulness for a future combined RADAR-ISS-VIMS-based global geologic map.  相似文献   

Mark Settle  James W. Head 《Icarus》1977,31(1):123-135
The variation of rim topography as a function of range from the crater rim has been determined for a group of morphologically fresh lunar craters (D = 10–140 km) using the recent series of Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps. The rate at which exterior crater topography converges with the surrounding surface is highly variable along different radial directions at individual craters as well as between different craters. At several craters, oblique impact appears to have contributed to azimuthal elevation/range variations. The topographic expression of a crater above the surrounding surface typically decreases to one-tenth of the estimated rim height at a range of 1.3R–1.7R, well within the rough-textured ejecta deposit surrounding the crater. Comparisons with terrestrial craters suggest that the topographic crater rim is predominantly a structural feature. In most craters large portions of the hummocky facies and virtually all of the radial facies, in spite of their rough appearance and local topographic variations, provide no significant net topographic addition to the preexisting surface. The extreme variability of crater rim topography strongly suggests that ejecta thicknesses are highly variable and that a unique power-law expression cannot truly represent the radial variation of ejecta deposit thickness.  相似文献   

Abstract— A model for an impact ejecta landform peculiar to Saturn's moon Titan is presented. Expansion of the ejecta plume from moderate‐sized craters is constrained by Titan's thick atmosphere. Much of the plume is collimated along the incoming bolide's trajectory, as was observed for plumes from impacts on Jupiter of P/Shoemaker‐Levy‐9, but is retained as a linear, diagonal ejecta cloud, unlike on Venus where the plume “blows out.” On Titan, the blowout is suppressed because the vertically‐extended atmosphere requires a long wake to reach the vacuum of space, and the modest impact velocities mean plume expansion along the wake is slow enough to allow the wake to close off. Beyond the immediate ejecta blanket around the crater, distal ejecta is released into the atmosphere from an oblique line source: this material is winnowed by the zonal wind field to form streaks, with coarse radar‐bright particles transported less far than fine radar‐dark material. Thus, the ejecta form two distinct streaks faintly reminiscent of dual comet tails, a sharply W‐E radar‐dark one, and a less swept and sometimes comma‐shaped radar‐bright one.  相似文献   

All of the large impact features of the middle-sized icy satellites of Saturn and Uranus that were clearly observed by the Voyager spacecraft are described. New image mosaics and stereo-and-photoclinometrically-derived digital elevation models are presented. Landforms related to large impact features, such as secondary craters and possible antipodal effects are examined and evaluated. Of the large impacts, Odysseus on Tethys appears to have had the most profound effect on its “target” satellite of any of the impact features we examined. Our modeling suggests that the Odysseus impact may have caused the prompt formation of Ithaca Chasma, a belt of tectonic troughs that roughly follow a great circle normal to the center of Odysseus, although other hypotheses remain viable. We identify probable secondary cratering from Tirawa on Rhea. We attribute a number of converging coalescing crater chains on Rhea to a putative, possibly relatively fresh, ∼350 km-diameter impact feature. We examine the antipodes of Odysseus, the putative ∼350 km-diameter Rhean impact feature, and Tirawa, and conclude that evidence from Voyager data for damage from seismic focusing is equivocal, although our modeling results indicate that such damage may have occurred. We propose a number of observations and tests for Cassini that offer the opportunity to differentiate among the various explanations and speculations reviewed and evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

We present global-scale maps of Titan from the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument on Cassini. We map at 64 near-infrared wavelengths simultaneously, covering the atmospheric windows at 0.94, 1.08, 1.28, 1.6, 2.0, 2.8, and 5 μm with a typical resolution of 50 km/pixel or a typical total integration time of 1 s. Our maps have five to ten times the resolution of ground-based maps, better spectral resolution across most windows, coverage in multiple atmospheric windows, and represent the first spatially resolved maps of Titan at 5 μm. The VIMS maps provide context and surface spectral information in support of other Cassini instruments. We note a strong latitudinal dependence in the spectral character of Titan's surface, and partition the surface into 9 spectral units that we describe in terms of spectral and spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

Radar imaging results for Mercury's non-polar regions are presented. The dual-polarization, delay-Doppler images were obtained from several years of observations with the upgraded Arecibo S-band (λ12.6-cm) radar telescope. The images are dominated by radar-bright features associated with fresh impact craters. As was found from earlier Goldstone-VLA and pre-upgrade Arecibo imaging, three of the most prominent crater features are located in the Mariner-unimaged hemisphere. These are: “A,” an 85-km-diameter crater (348° W, 34° S) whose radar ray system may be the most spectacular in the Solar System; “B,” a 95-km-diameter crater (343° W, 58° N) with a very bright halo but less distinct ray system; and “C,” an irregular feature with bright ejecta and rays distributed asymmetrically about a 125-km source crater (246° W, 11° N). Due south of “C” lies a “ghost” feature (242° W, 27° S) that resembles “A” but is much fainter. An even fainter such feature is associated with Bartok Crater. These may be two of the best mercurian examples of large ejecta/ray systems observed in an intermediate state of degradation. Virtually all of the bright rayed craters in the Mariner 10 images show radar rays and/or bright rim rings, with radar rays being less common than optical rays. Radar-bright craters are particularly common in the H-7 quadrangle. Some diffuse radar albedo variations are seen that have no obvious association with impact ejecta. In particular, some smooth plains regions such as the circum-Caloris plains in Tir, Budh, and Sobkou Planitiae and the interiors of Tolstoj and “Skinakas” basins show high depolarized brightness relative to their surroundings, which is the reverse of the mare/highlands contrast seen in lunar radar images. Caloris Basin, on the other hand, appears dark and featureless in the images.  相似文献   

Titan shows its surface through many methane windows in the 1–5 μm region. Windows at shorter wavelengths also exist, polluted by scattering off of atmospheric haze that reduces the surface contrast. At visible wavelengths, the surface of Titan has been observed by Voyager I, the Hubble Space Telescope, and ground-based telescopes. We present here global surface mapping of Titan using the visible wavelength channels from Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). We show global maps in each of the VIMS-V channels extending from 0.35 to 1.05 μm. We find methane windows at 0.637, 0.681, 0.754, 0.827, 0.937, and 1.046μm and apply an RGB color scheme to the 0.754, 0.827 and 0.937μm windows to search for surface albedo variations. Our results show that Titan appears gray at visible wavelengths; hence scattering albedo is a good approximation of the Bond albedo. Maps of this genre have already been made and published using the infrared channels of VIMS. Ours are the first global maps of Titan shortward of 0.938μm. We compare the older IR maps to the new VIMS-V maps to constrain surface composition. For instance Tui Regio and Hotei Regio, referred to as 5μm bright spots in previous papers, do not distinguish themselves at all visible wavelengths. The distinction between the dune areas and the bright albedo spots, however, such as the difference between Xanadu and Senkyo, is easily discernible. We employ an empirically derived algorithm to remove haze layers from Titan, revealing a better look at the surface contrast.  相似文献   

We determined the morphologies and dimensions of possible impact craters on the surface of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa from images taken by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Circular depressions, circular features with flat floors or convex floors, and circular features with smooth surfaces were identified as possible craters. The survey identified 38 candidates with widely varying morphologies including rough, smooth and saddle-shaped floors, a lack of raised rims and fresh material exposures. The average depth/diameter ratio was 0.08±0.03: these craters are very shallow relative to craters observed on other asteroids. These shallow craters are a result of (1) target curvature influencing the cratering process, (2) raised rim not being generated by this process, and (3) fines infilling the craters. As many of the crater candidates have an unusual appearance, we used a classification scheme that reflects the likelihood of an observed candidate's formation by a hypervelocity impact. We considered a variety of alternative interpretations while developing this scheme, including inherited features from a proto-Itokawa, spall scars created by the disruption of the proto-Itokawa, spall scars following the formation of a large crater on Itokawa itself, and apparent depressions due to random arrangements of boulders. The size-frequency distribution of the crater candidates was close to the empirical saturation line at the largest diameter, and then decline with decreasing diameter.  相似文献   

Abstract— We use Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) topographic data and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) visible (VIS) images to study the cavity and the ejecta blanket of a very fresh Martian impact crater ?29 km in diameter, with the provisional International Astronomical Union (IAU) name Tooting crater. This crater is very young, as demonstrated by the large depth/diameter ratio (0.065), impact melt preserved on the walls and floor, an extensive secondary crater field, and only 13 superposed impact craters (all 54 to 234 meters in diameter) on the ?8120 km2 ejecta blanket. Because the pre‐impact terrain was essentially flat, we can measure the volume of the crater cavity and ejecta deposits. Tooting crater has a rim height that has >500 m variation around the rim crest and a very large central peak (1052 m high and >9 km wide). Crater cavity volume (i.e., volume below the pre‐impact terrain) is ?380 km3 the volume of materials above the pre‐impact terrain is ?425 km3. The ejecta thickness is often very thin (<20 m) throughout much of the ejecta blanket. There is a pronounced asymmetry in the ejecta blanket, suggestive of an oblique impact, which has resulted in up to ?100 m of additional ejecta thickness being deposited down‐range compared to the up‐range value at the same radial distance from the rim crest. Distal ramparts are 60 to 125 m high, comparable to the heights of ramparts measured at other multi‐layered ejecta craters. Tooting crater serves as a fresh end‐member for the large impact craters on Mars formed in volcanic materials, and as such may be useful for comparison to fresh craters in other target materials.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):2025-2036
Titan's vast equatorial fields of RADAR-dark longitudinal dunes seen in Cassini RADAR synthetic aperture images correlate with one of two dark surface units discriminated as “brown” and “blue” in Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) color composites of short-wavelength infrared spectral cubes (RGB as 2.0, 1.6, 1.3 μm). In such composites bluer materials exhibit higher reflectance at 1.3 μm and lower at 1.6 and 2.0 μm. The dark brown unit is highly correlated with the RADAR-dark dunes. The dark brown unit shows less evidence of water ice suggesting that the saltating grains of the dunes are largely composed of hydrocarbons and/or nitriles. In general, the bright units also show less evidence of absorption due to water ice and are inferred to consist of deposits of bright fine precipitating tholin aerosol dust. Some set of chemical/mechanical processes may be converting the bright fine-grained aerosol deposits into the dark saltating hydrocarbon and/or nitrile grains. Alternatively the dark dune materials may be derived from a different type of air aerosol photochemical product than are the bright materials. In our model, both the bright aerosol and dark hydrocarbon dune deposits mantle the VIMS dark blue water ice-rich substrate. We postulate that the bright mantles are effectively invisible (transparent) in RADAR synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images leading to lack of correlation in the RADAR images with optically bright mantling units. RADAR images mostly show only dark dunes and the water ice substrate that varies in roughness, fracturing, and porosity. If the rate of deposition of bright aerosol is 0.001–0.01 μm/yr, the surface would be coated (to optical instruments) in hundreds-to-thousands of years unless cleansing processes are active. The dark dunes must be mobile on this very short timescale to prevent the accumulation of bright coatings. Huygens landed in a region of the VIMS bright and dark blue materials and about 30 km south of the nearest occurrence of dunes visible in the RADAR SAR images. Fluvial/pluvial processes, every few centuries or millennia, must be cleansing the dark floors of the incised channels and scouring the dark plains at the Huygens landing site both imaged by Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR).  相似文献   

Crater morphology and size play a major role in determining whether wind-blown streaks emanating from craters or dark splotches within craters will form. Both bright and dark streaks emanate almost exclusively from bowl-shaped craters. Dark splotches are found mainly in flat-floored craters, especially those that are deep and have high rim relief. Trends of dark splotches in the northern to southern midlatitudes closely follow those of bright streaks, suggesting both were formed by similar winds. In the high southern latitudes, on the other hand, dark splotch trends closely follow those of dark streaks.Qualitative models of streak and splotch formation have been derived from these data and results of Sagan et al. (1972, 1973). Bright streaks probably form by trapping and simultaneous streaming of bright dust downwind. Dark splotched craters in regions with bright streaks usually have upwind bright patches, suggesting these features form by dumping of bright dust over crater rims with some minor redistribution of dark materials toward the downwind sides of craters. Data are consistent with dark streaks forming by erosion or nondeposition of bright material or by trapping of dark material. Dark splotches in these regions are probably mainly the result of trapping of dark sand in the downwind sides of crater floors. Craters with dark splotches and dark streaks are usually rimless and shallow. This is consistent with ponded dark sands easily washing over crater walls and extending downwind.Plots of streak length versus crater diameter suggest a complex history of streak formation for most regions.Bright streak trends and latitudinal distributions are consistent with return flow of dust to the southern hemisphere. Some dark streaks may be direct relics of passing sand and dust storms. Trends of dark streaks and splotches away from the south pole are consistent with the spreading of a debris mantle from the polar regions toward the equator.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact oblique impact cratering experiment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Deep Impact probe collided with 9P Tempel 1 at an angle of about 30° from the horizontal. This impact angle produced an evolving ejecta flow field very similar to much smaller scale oblique-impact experiments in porous particulate targets in the laboratory. Similar features and phenomena include a decoupled vapor/dust plume at the earliest times, a pronounced downrange bias of the ejecta, an uprange “zone of avoidance” (ZoA), heart-shaped ejecta ray system (cardioid pattern), and a conical (but asymmetric) ejecta curtain. Departures from nominal cratering evolution, however, provide clues on the nature of the impact target. These departures include: fainter than expected flash at first contact, delayed emergence of the self-luminous vapor/dust plume, uprange-directed plume, narrow early-time uprange ray followed by a late-stage uprange plume, persistence of ejecta asymmetries (and the uprange ZoA) throughout the approach sequence, emergence of a downrange ZoA at late times, detachment of uprange curved rays, very long lasting non-radial ejecta rays, and high-angle ejecta plume lasting over the entire encounter. The first second of crater formation most closely resembles the consequences of a highly porous target, while later evolution indicates that the target may be layered as well. Experiments also reveal that impacts into highly porous targets produce a vapor/dust plume directed back up the incoming trajectory. This uprange plume is attributed to cavitation within a narrow penetration funnel. The observed lateral expansion speed of the initial vapor plume downrange provides an estimate for the total vaporized mass equal to ∼5mp (projectile masses) of water ice or 6mp of CO2. The downrange plume speed is consistent with the gas expansion added to the downrange horizontal component of the DI probe. Based on high-speed spectroscopy of experimental impacts, the observed delay in brightening of the DI plume may be the result of delayed condensation of carbon, in addition to silicates. Observed molecular species in the initial self-luminous vapor plume likely represent recombination products from completely dissociated target materials. The crater produced by the impact can be estimated from Earth-based observations of total ejected mass to be 130-220 m in diameter. This size range is consistent with a 220 m-diameter circular feature at the point of impact visible in highly processed, deconvolved HRI images. The final crater, however, may resemble an inverted sombrero-hat, with a deep central pit surrounded by a shallow excavation crater. Excavated distal material observed from the Earth was likely from the upper few meters contrasted with ballistic ejecta observed from the DI flyby, which included deep materials (10-30 m) within the diffuse plume above the crater and shallower (5-10 m) materials within the ejecta curtain.  相似文献   

Abstract— We propose the Sirente crater field to be the first discovered impact craters in Italy. They are located in the Sirente plain within the mountains of the Abruzzo region, central Italy. The craters are distributed in a field 450 m long and 400 m wide. This field consists of ?17 smaller craters close to a larger main crater. The main crater is located in the southern end of the crater field and is 140 m long and 115 m wide, measured rim‐to‐rim. It has a well‐developed, saddle‐shaped rim that rises at a maximum 2.2 m above the surrounding plain. Radiocarbon dating of the target surface preserved below the rim gave a calibrated age of formation at about a.d. 412 (1650 ± 40 radiocarbon years b.p.). This young age is consistent with the apparent little modification of the rim. The morphology of the main crater and its relation to a crater field strongly points to its origin by impact from a projectile that broke up during its passage through the atmosphere. Quartz is very rare in the target and no planar deformation features have been found so far. The rim material and the upper 4 m of the main crater infill are impregnated with ferric oxides, which gives a more reddish colour compared to the other sediments of the plain. Rusty crusts with high Fe and Mn content occur in the rim material, but have not been found in the plain's sediments. Some of these crusts can be separated by magnet, and have sporadic micron‐sized Ni‐rich granules. The main crater is in the size range of the craters with explosive dispersion of the projectile and has many features comparable to both large experimental and meteoritic impact craters formed in loose sediments. We suggest that this crater represents a rare example of well‐preserved, small impact crater formed in unconsolidated target materials.  相似文献   

Planetary impact craters have a high degree of radial symmetry. This hampers efforts to identify the azimuthal impact direction for most craters – the radially symmetric component of an impact crater swamps any asymmetries that may be present. We demonstrate how the asymmetric component can be isolated and the direction of the asymmetries quantified using a two-dimensional eigenfunction expansion over a circular domain. The complex coefficients of expansion describe the magnitude and phase (angular alignment) of each term. From the analysis of hypervelocity impact craters formed in the laboratory, with impact angles ranging from 0° to 50° from the surface normal, we show that asymmetries which reveal the impact direction are still present at just 10° from the surface normal, and that the phase of one complex coefficient of expansion, c 11, indicates the impact direction. Analysis of the lunar crater Hadley shows bilateral symmetry in the radially asymmetric component, which may be due to oblique impact. The 31-km lunar ray crater Kepler has morphological features that indicate the azimuthal impact direction. Coefficient c 11 gives an azimuthal impact direction similar to that expected from the morphology, although post-impact gravitational collapse and slumping obscure the result to some degree. Ray craters may provide a means of testing the method for smaller 'simple' craters when data are available.  相似文献   

Abstract– We detail the Kamil crater (Egypt) structure and refine the impact scenario, based on the geological and geophysical data collected during our first expedition in February 2010. Kamil Crater is a model for terrestrial small‐scale hypervelocity impact craters. It is an exceptionally well‐preserved, simple crater with a diameter of 45 m, depth of 10 m, and rayed pattern of bright ejecta. It occurs in a simple geological context: flat, rocky desert surface, and target rocks comprising subhorizontally layered sandstones. The high depth‐to‐diameter ratio of the transient crater, its concave, yet asymmetric, bottom, and the fact that Kamil Crater is not part of a crater field confirm that it formed by the impact of a single iron mass (or a tight cluster of fragments) that fragmented upon hypervelocity impact with the ground. The circular crater shape and asymmetries in ejecta and shrapnel distributions coherently indicate a direction of incidence from the NW and an impact angle of approximately 30 to 45°. Newly identified asymmetries, including the off‐center bottom of the transient crater floor downrange, maximum overturning of target rocks along the impact direction, and lower crater rim elevation downrange, may be diagnostic of oblique impacts in well‐preserved craters. Geomagnetic data reveal no buried individual impactor masses >100 kg and suggest that the total mass of the buried shrapnel >100 g is approximately 1050–1700 kg. Based on this mass value plus that of shrapnel >10 g identified earlier on the surface during systematic search, the new estimate of the minimum projectile mass is approximately 5 t.  相似文献   

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