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Planetary atmospheres are complex dynamical systems whose structure, composition, and dynamics intimately affect the propagation of sound. Thus, acoustic waves, being coupled directly to the medium, can effectively probe planetary environments. Here we show how the acoustic absorption and speed of sound in the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, Titan, and Earth (as predicted by a recent molecular acoustics model) mirror the different environments. Starting at the surface, where the sound speed ranges from ∼200 m/s for Titan to ∼410 m/s for Venus, the vertical sound speed profiles reveal differences in the atmospheres' thermal layering and composition. The absorption profiles are relatively smooth for Mars, Titan, and Earth while Venus stands out with a noticeable attenuation dip occurring between 40 and 100 km. We also simulate a descent module sampling the sound field produced by a low-frequency “event” near the surface noting the occurrence of acoustic quiet zones.  相似文献   

The LIDAR instrument operating from the surface of Mars on the Phoenix Mission measured vertical profiles of atmospheric dust and water ice clouds at temperatures around −65 °C. An equivalent lidar system was utilized for measurements in the atmosphere of Earth where dust and cloud conditions are similar to Mars. Coordinated aircraft in situ sampling provided a verification of lidar measurement and analysis methods and also insight for interpretation of lidar derived optical parameters in terms of the dust and cloud microphysical properties. It was found that the vertical distribution of airborne dust above the Australian desert is quite similar to what is observed in the planetary boundary layer above Mars. Comparison with the in situ sampling is used to demonstrate how the lidar derived optical extinction coefficient is related to the dust particle size distribution. The lidar measurement placed a constraint on the model size distribution that has been used for Mars. Airborne lidar measurements were also conducted to study cirrus clouds that form in the Earth’s atmosphere at a similar temperature and humidity as the clouds observed with the lidar on Mars. Comparison with the in situ sampling provides a method to derive the cloud ice water content (IWC) from the Mars lidar measurements.  相似文献   

Classified as a terrestrial planet, Venus, Mars, and Earth are similar in several aspects such as bulk composition and density. Their atmospheres on the other hand have significant differences. Venus has the densest atmosphere, composed of CO2 mainly, with atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface 92 times that of the Earth, while Mars has the thinnest atmosphere, composed also essentially of CO2, with only several millibars of atmospheric surface pressure. In the past, both Mars and Venus could have possessed Earth-like climate permitting the presence of surface liquid water reservoirs. Impacts by asteroids and comets could have played a significant role in the evolution of the early atmospheres of the Earth, Mars, and Venus, not only by causing atmospheric erosion but also by delivering material and volatiles to the planets. Here we investigate the atmospheric loss and the delivery of volatiles for the three terrestrial planets using a parameterized model that takes into account the impact simulation results and the flux of impactors given in the literature. We show that the dimensions of the planets, the initial atmospheric surface pressures and the volatiles contents of the impactors are of high importance for the impact delivery and erosion, and that they might be responsible for the differences in the atmospheric evolution of Mars, Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of the primordial atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars have long been a topic of debate between the experts. Some believe that the original atmospheres were a product of outgassed volatiles from the newly accreted terrestrial planets and that these atmospheres consisted primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and residual hydrogen and helium (e.g., Lewis and Prinn, <it>Planets and their Atmospheres,</it> Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1984, pp. 62–63, 81–84, 228–231, 383). Still others think the earliest atmospheres were composed of the gas components of the solar nebula from which the solar system formed (i.e., hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia and water). I consider the latter to be the correct scenario. Presented herein is a proposed mechanism by which the original atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars were transformed to atmospheres rich in carbon dioxide and nitrogen. An explanation is proposed for why water is so common on the surface of Earth and so scarce on the surfaces of Venus and Mars. Also presented are the effects the “great impact” (single cataclysmic event that was responsible for producing the Earth–Moon system) had upon the early atmosphere of Earth. The origin, structure and composition of the impacting object are determined through deductive analyses.  相似文献   

The chemical nature of the Earth's atmosphere is determined by its interaction with the biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Detailed balance is maintained over long time periods by a complex series of cyclical processes. The chemical differences between the atmosphere of the Earth, on the one hand, and the atmospheres of Venus and Mars, on the other, can be understood in terms of the greater complexity of the terrestrial interactions. When this has been taken into account, the origin of all three planetary atmospheres can be explained as resulting from degassing. Despite the similarity of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars, it seems necessary to invoke different mechanisms for the low amount of water vapour on each.  相似文献   

Sediment transport by surficial flow likely occurs on Titan. Titan is thought to have a volatile cycle, such as on Earth and likely in the past on Mars, which would entail surficial liquid flow. And surficial flow is implied in interpretations of Cassini-Hyugens data as showing fluvial channels, which would require sediment transport by surficial flow to form the observable features. We present calculations from basic hydraulic formulae of sediment entrainment and transport by surficial flow. First, we describe the conditions for (non-cohesive) sediment entrainment by grain size through use of the Shields' threshold curve. We then calculate settling velocities by grain size to describe the type of sediment transport—washload, suspended load, or bedload—that would follow entrainment. These calculations allow derivation of required flow depths for sediment transport by grain size over a given slope. A technique to estimate required flow velocities and unit discharges is also presented. We show the results of these calculations for organic and water ice sediment movement by liquid methane flow under Titan gravity. For comparative purposes, plots for movement of quartz sediment by water on Earth and basalt sediment by water on Mars are also included. These results indicate that (non-cohesive) material would move more easily on Titan than on Earth or Mars. Terrestrial field observations suggest that coarse grain transport is enhanced by hyperconcentration of fine-grained sediment; and the apparent availability of organic (fine grained) sediment on Titan, in conjunction with the possibility of convection-driven rainstorms, may lead to hyperconcentrated flows. Thus, significant sediment transport may occur on Titan during individual overland flow events.  相似文献   

We identify mechanisms controlling the distribution of methane convection and large-scale circulation in a simplified, axisymmetric model atmosphere of Titan forced by gray radiation and moist (methane) convection. The large-scale overturning circulation, or Hadley cell, is global in latitudinal extent and provides fundamental control of precipitation and tropospheric winds. The precipitating, large-scale updraft regularly oscillates in latitude with seasons. The distance of greatest poleward excursion of the Hadley cell updraft is set by the mass of the convective layer of the atmosphere; convection efficiently communicates seasonal warming of the surface through the cold and dense lower atmosphere, increasing the heat capacity of the system. The presence of deep, precipitating convection introduces three effects relative to the case with no methane latent heating: (1) convection is narrowed and enhanced in the large-scale updraft of the Hadley cell; (2) the latitudinal amplitude of Hadley cell updraft oscillations is decreased; and (3) a time lag is introduced. These effects are observable in the location and timing of convective methane clouds in Titan’s atmosphere as a function of season. A comparison of simulations over a range of convective regimes with available observations suggest methane thermodynamic-dynamic feedback is important in the Titan climate.  相似文献   

Thanks to its sensitivity, spatial resolution and instantaneous uv-coverage, ALMA will permit many new studies related to the general topic of the couplings between chemistry and dynamics in planetary atmospheres. It will include: (1) three-dimensional mapping of composition, temperatures and winds in the atmospheres of Mars, Venus and Titan; (2) several aspects of Giant Planet composition and dynamics, such as the origin of oxygen, the evolution of Shoemaker–Levy 9 products in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and the deep atmosphere structure and meteorology; (3) the study of tenuous and distant atmospheres (Io, Enceladus, Pluto, Triton and other Kuiper Belt objects).  相似文献   

By the study of simple analogues, either in the form of simplified numerical models or laboratory experiments, considerable insights may be gained as to the likely roles of planetary size, rotation, thermal stratification and other factors in determining the principal length scales, styles of global circulation and dominant waves and instability processes active in the respective climate systems of Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan. In this review, we explore aspects of these analogues and demonstrate the importance of a number of key dimensionless parameters, most notably thermal Rossby and Rhines numbers and a measure of the dominant frictional or radiative timescale, in defining the type of circulation regime to be expected in a prototype planetary atmosphere subject to axisymmetric driving. These considerations help to place Mars, Venus, Titan and Earth into an appropriate context, and may also lay the foundations for predicting and understanding the climate and circulation regimes of (as yet undiscovered) Earth-like extra-solar planets. However, as recent discoveries of ‘super-Earth’ planets around some nearby stars are beginning to reveal, the parameter space determined from axisymmetrically forced prototype atmospheres may be incomplete and other factors, such as the possibility of tidally locked rotation and tidal forcing, may also need to be taken into account for some classes of extra-solar planet.  相似文献   

During the period July 14–September 11, 1973, about 25 000 television pictures of Mars were obtained using a 0.7m telescope in ten spectral regions. A dust storm in moderate latitudes was recorded. It started before Mars passed perigee. During the observation period the atmosphere was gradually clearing.About 3000 pictures of Mars were taken using a 0.5m meniscus telescope during the period of Nobember 19, 1973–February 19, 1974. On November 19 the atmosphere was very hazy and heavy dust clouds were recorded. The second dust storm cleared during December through January.  相似文献   

The atmospheres of Mars and Titan are loaded with aerosols that impact remote sensing observations of their surface. Here we present the algorithm and the first applications of a radiative transfer model in spherical geometry designed for planetary data analysis. We first describe a fast Monte-Carlo code that takes advantage of symmetries and geometric redundancies. We then apply this model to observations of the surface of Mars and Titan at the terminator as acquired by OMEGA/Mars Express and VIMS/Cassini. These observations are used to probe the vertical distribution of aerosols down to the surface. On Mars, we find the scale height of dust particles to vary between 6 km and 12 km depending on season. Temporal variations in the vertical size distribution of aerosols are also highlighted. On Titan, an aerosols scale height of 80 ± 10 km is inferred, and the total optical depth is found to decrease with wavelength as a power-law with an exponent of −2.0 ± 0.4 from a value of 2.3 ± 0.5 at 1.08 μm. Once the aerosols properties have been constrained, the model is used to retrieve surface reflectance properties at high solar zenith angles and just after sunset.  相似文献   

Earth and Titan are two planetary bodies formed far from each other. Nevertheless the chemical composition of their atmospheres exhibits common indications of being produced by the accretion, plus ulterior in-situ processing of cometary materials. This is remarkable because while the Earth formed in the inner part of the disk, presumably from the accretion of rocky planetesimals depleted in oxygen and exhibiting a chemical similitude with enstatite chondrites, Titan formed within Saturn's sub-nebula from oxygen- and volatile-rich bodies, called cometesimals. From a cosmochemical and astrobiological perspective, the study of the H, C, N, and O isotopes on Earth and Titan could be the key to decipher the processes occurred in the early stages of formation of both planetary bodies. The main goal of this paper is to quantify the presumable ways of chemical evolution of both planetary bodies, in particular the abundance of CO and N2 in their early atmospheres. In order to do that the primeval atmospheres and evolution of Titan and Earth have been analyzed from a thermodynamic point of view. The most relevant chemical reactions involving these species and presumably important at their early stages are discussed. Then, we have interpreted the results of this study in light of the results obtained by the Cassini–Huygens mission on these species and their isotopes. Given that H, C, N, and O were preferentially depleted from inner disk materials that formed our planet, the observed similitude of their isotopic fractionation, and subsequent close evolution of Earth's and Titan's atmospheres points towards a cometary origin of Earth atmosphere. Consequently, our scenario also supports the key role of late veneers (comets and water-rich carbonaceous asteroids) enriching the volatile content of the Earth at the time of the late heavy bombardment of terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - The paper is dedicated to the study of dust vortices on the Earth and Mars. The hydrodynamic similarity of convective vortices is considered, and the similarity criteria are...  相似文献   

The sunlit portion of planetary ionospheres is sustained by photoionization. This was first confirmed using measurements and modelling at Earth, but recently the Mars Express, Venus Express and Cassini-Huygens missions have revealed the importance of this process at Mars, Venus and Titan, respectively. The primary neutral atmospheric constituents involved (O and CO2 in the case of Venus and Mars, O and N2 in the case of Earth and N2 in the case of Titan) are ionized at each object by EUV solar photons. This process produces photoelectrons with particular spectral characteristics. The electron spectrometers on Venus Express and Mars Express (part of ASPERA-3 and 4, respectively) were designed with excellent energy resolution (ΔE/E=8%) specifically in order to examine the photoelectron spectrum. In addition, the Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer at Saturn also has adequate resolution (ΔE/E=16.7%) to study this population at Titan. At Earth, photoelectrons are well established by in situ measurements, and are even seen in the magnetosphere at up to 7RE. At Mars, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere, but also in the tail at distances out to the Mars Express apoapsis (∼3RM). At both Venus and Titan, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere and in the tail (at up to 1.45RV and 6.8RT, respectively). Here, we compare photoelectron measurements at Earth, Venus, Mars and Titan, and in particular show examples of their observation at remote locations from their production point in the dayside ionosphere. This process is found to be common between magnetized and unmagnetized objects. We discuss the role of photoelectrons as tracers of the magnetic connection to the dayside ionosphere, and their possible role in enhancing ion escape.  相似文献   

We speculate on the origin and physical properties of haze in the upper atmosphere of Venus. It is argued that at least four distinct types of particles may be present. The densest and lowest haze, normally seen by spacecraft, probably consists of a submicron sulfuric acid aerosol which extends above the cloud tops (at ~70 km) up to ~80 km; this haze represents an extension of the upper cloud deck. Measurements of the temperature structure between 70 and 120 km indicate that two independent water ice layers may occasionally appear. The lower one can form between 80 and 100 km and is probably the detached haze layer seen in high-contrast limb photography. This ice layer is likely to be nucleated on sulfuric acid aerosols, and is analogous to the nacreous (stratospheric) clouds on Earth. At the Venus “mesopause” near 120 km, temperatures are frequently cold enough to allow ice nucleation on meteoric dust or ambient ions. The resulting haze (which is analogous to noctilucent clouds on Earth) is expected to be extremely tenous, and optically invisible. On both Earth and Venus, meteoric dust is present throughout the upper atmosphere and probably has similar properties.  相似文献   

Knowing the chemical, elemental, and isotopic composition of planetary objects allows the study of their origin and evolution within the context of our Solar System. Landed probes are critical to such an investigation. Instruments on a landed platform can answer a different set of scientific questions than can instruments in orbit or on Earth. Composition studies for elemental, isotopic, and chemical analysis are best performed with dedicated mass spectrometer systems. Mass spectrometers have been part of the early lunar missions, and have been successfully employed to investigate the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Titan, and in comet missions. Improved mass spectrometer systems are foreseen for many planetary missions currently in planning or implementation.  相似文献   

The formation of CO2 ice clouds in the upper atmosphere of Mars has been suggested in the past on the basis of a few temperature profiles exhibiting portions colder than CO2 frost point. However, the corresponding clouds were never observed. In this paper, we discuss the detection of the highest clouds ever observed on Mars by the SPICAM ultraviolet spectrometer on board Mars Express spacecraft. Analyzing stellar occultations, we detected several mesospheric detached layers at about 100 km in the southern winter subtropical latitudes, and found that clouds formed where simultaneous temperature measurements indicated that CO2 was highly supersaturated and probably condensing. Further analysis of the spectra reveals a cloud opacity in the subvisible range and ice crystals smaller than 100 nm in radius. These layers are therefore similar in nature as the noctilucent clouds which appear on Earth in the polar mesosphere. We interpret these phenomena as CO2 ice clouds forming inside supersaturated pockets of air created by upward propagating thermal waves. This detection of clouds in such an ultrararefied and supercold atmosphere raises important questions about the martian middle-atmosphere dynamics and microphysics. In particular, the presence of condensates at such high altitudes begs the question of the origin of the condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity and electrical charge on the aerosols in atmosphere of Titan are computed for altitudes from 0 to 400 km. Ionization due to both galactic cosmic rays and electron precipitation from the Saturnian magnetosphere is considered. This ionization results in free electrons and the primary ions N2+ and N+ which are then rapidly converted into secondary ions such as H2CN+ and NH4+ which in turn form ion clusters such as H2CN+(HCN)n and NH4+(NH3)m. In contrast to the atmospheres of Venus and Earth, we find no species in the Titan atmosphere that lead to the formation of appreciable concentrations of negative ions. Consequently, the predicted conductivity is quite different in that a substantial concentration of electrons exists all the way to the surface of Titan. The ubiquitous aerosols observed in the Titan atmosphere also play an important role in determining the charge distribution in the atmosphere. At altitudes above 100 km and for aerosol concentrations above approximately 10/cc, the recombination of electrons and positive ions is controlled by the recombination on the surface of the aerosols rather than by the gas-kinetic recombination rate. For small aerosol concentrations, the ratio of the number of charges per particle to the radius of the particle is approximately 30, for radii in microns. This value is similar to that obtained by previous investigators for terrestrial noctilucent clouds. Because the aerosol particles are highly charged, coagulation is inhibited, particle sizes are smaller, and their settling rates are reduced. As a consequence, the optical depth of the atmosphere is much higher than it would be if the particles were uncharged.  相似文献   

Recent probes of the planet Venus reveal a probable surface temperature exceeding 700K and a pressure exceeding 100 atm. A very dusty lower atmosphere may exist which is composed of micron-sized particles kept airborne by mild turbulence and a gentle circulation of deep adiabatic currents. A study of surface conditions responsible for generation and persistence of surface dust clouds is of fundamental importance in the radiative and dynamic properties of the atmosphere. Also spurious radar echoes may be caused by suspended particulate matter, thus explaining the high relief reported by radar altimeters.Equations describing transportation and deposition of dust and sand have been solved for the surface conditions of Venus. It is concluded that the minimum wind velocity for initiating grain movement is about one order of magnitude smaller than on Earth. In addition, this minimum wind velocity occurs for smaller particles on Venus than on Earth. Once the particles are raised, they can be maintained aloft for longer periods of time and over a larger size range on Venus.Surface structures such as ripples evolved from aeolian deposition are likely to be of smaller vertical dimensions but larger horizontally when compared with equivalent structures on Earth.  相似文献   

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