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俄罗斯西西伯利亚和外贝加尔地区古河道型铀矿床   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文系统地介绍了俄罗斯 3个具有工业意义的古河道型铀矿化发育区 (外乌拉尔、西西伯利亚和外贝加尔 )的地质背景、铀矿化特征和铀成矿条件 ,指出切割到基底中的古河道型铀矿床 ,既可产于跨地区的造山带周围 ,也可产于活化的年青地台和古老地盾 ;既可形成于干燥的气候条件 ,也可形成于潮湿的气候条件。古河道型铀矿化可以从含矿层的沉积开始一直延续到被泥岩层或玄武岩层完全封盖。古河道的后成氧化分带有两种形式 :氧化带 铀矿化带 原生灰色岩石 ;氧化带 氧化铁再沉积带 漂白带 原生灰色岩石。古河道型铀矿床具宽广的元素谱 ,这主要是与含矿围岩富含有机质和在氧化带尖灭处存在各种地球化学障有关  相似文献   

The marine sedimentary formations of the Middle Albian to Maastrichtian in the Cretaceous Sakhalin Basin (CSB) were investigated. These successions of strata consist of interbedded sandy, clayey and calcareous rocks which are underlain by heterogeneous metamorphosed (up to greenschist facies) Paleozoic to Mesozoic (pre-Aptian) rocks. The studied sections display several different facies reflecting geological settings ranging from an inner shelf to a continental slope. Three depositional complexes bound by regional subaerial unconformities are recognized within the marine successions. Since the Albian, the CSB has been a rapidly subsiding marginal part of the Okhotsk Sea plate. The Naiba Valley succession, corresponding to a sublittoral zone, shows extremely high sedimentation rates up to 190 m/Ma. The stratigraphic distribution of lithofacies indicates that the CSB became shallower from the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

Study of gold potential of the Late Cenozoic alluvium in the Bauntov area is based on the Taloi basin and Sivo sector (China River basin). Primary placer-forming gold is mainly represented by endogenous varieties. In contrast to alluvium of streams in the Taloi basin, Middle-Upper Quaternary alluvium of the Sivo sector (China River basin) is enriched in fine and tiny gold (smaller than 0.25 mm). The paper presents data testifying to a low Au content in the silt fraction of slimes from boreholes drilled in the Cenozoic alluvium (alluvium-deluvium) from transverse valleys in the Taloi basin and, hence, to an significant manifestation of the chemogenic concentration of this metal therein. Issue of the existence of specific conditions favorable for the formation of hydrogenic gold in the northern high-latitude zones requires further studies. The results show that lithochemical gold aureoles have an important prospecting significance. They also suggest the practical significance of accumulations of fine and tiny gold in the syn-stratal alluvium and alluvium-deluvium of large ore placer areas.  相似文献   

A complex (petrographic, micropaleontological, and X-ray diffraction) investigation of the sedimentary cover on the northwestern slope of the Okushiri Ridge in the Sea of Japan revealed that its basal layers are of Oligocene age and composed of terrigenous silty-clayey sediments, which were deposited in coastalmarine environments with calm hydrodynamics and low sedimentation rates. The relative sea-level rise combined with regional tectonic processes at the early-middle Miocene transition resulted in widening and deepening of sea basins and accumulation of a thick diatomaceous-clayey sequence of middle-upper Miocene sediments. Tectonic activation in the Pliocene was responsible for development of the ridge and exhumation of rocks formerly occurring at depth of 500–1000 m.  相似文献   

为查明唐山西部平原区晚新生代以来松散堆积物的沉积演化特征,依托鸦鸿桥幅1:5万区域地质调查工作,对唐山西部PZK14孔进行色度、粒度、视电阻率测井、自然伽马测井等研究,划分沉积相并计算各时段的沉积速率,结果表明: 该地区新生代晚期主要发育湖泊相、三角洲相和河流相。早更新世初始发育三角洲相,随着气候转暖,古滦河冲积扇退积,三角洲相转变为河流相; 早更新世中—晚期,发育3个湖泊-三角洲相沉积旋回; 中更新世发育一个湖泊-三角洲相沉积旋回; 晚更新世初沉积了巨厚的湖相层,随着气候转冷,渤海湾沿岸海侵结束,湖盆开始萎缩,转变为河流相; 全新世则以河间洼地沉积为主。沉积速率-年龄曲线表明: 第四纪以来构造作用对该地区沉积速率控制较弱,气候为影响沉积相发育的主要因素。第四纪各个时期的沉积速率均较快,奥杜威极性亚时(1.95~1.77 Ma)沉积速率最大,约为194.0 m/Ma; 2.52~1.95 Ma沉积速率最小,约为111.2 m/Ma。研究成果对恢复该区域古地理演化、水工环地质勘查等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Violent volcanism developed in the central part of the Caucasus during the last stage of the Alpine orogenic cycle. Three main epochs of volcanic development are here established: the first -late Miocene-early Pliocene; the second-late Pliocene; the third — Quaternary. These epochs of volcanic activity can be subdivided into a series of phases and subphases. The total volume of volcanic products is in the order of 2000 km3. The acidic volcanic rocks are mostly rhyolitic ignimbrites and have a volume larger than 800–820 km3.
Zusammenfassung Im Zentralteil des Großen Kaukasus tritt im Spätstadium des alpinen orogenen Zyklus ein starker Vulkanismus auf. Drei Hauptzeiten der vulkanischen Entwicklung werden verzeichnet: zunächst im späten Miozän bis frühen Pliozän; zweitens im späten Pliozän; drittens im Quartär. Die Zeiten der Vulkantätigkeit können in Phasen und Subphasen unterteilt werden. Das Gesamtvolumen der Vulkanprodukte beträgta etwa 2000 km3, wobei saure Gesteine, vorwiegend rhyolithische Ignimbrite, nicht weniger als 800–820 km3 umfassen.

Résumé Dans la partie centrale du Grand Caucase, au stade postérieur du cycle orogénique se manifeste un volcanisme très fort. On distingue trois époques principales d'activité volcanique: 1re - miocène postérieur-pliocène antérieur;2me -pliocene postérieur; 3 me - quaternaire. Les époques de l'activité volcanique sont subdivisées en phases et sous-phases. Le volume commun des produits volcaniques est environ 2000 km3; les roches acides généralement sont les brêches de nuées ardents à liparite, dont le volume est non moins 800–820 km3.

. 3 : ; , — . . 2000 3; , . ., .

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday  相似文献   

A simple mechanism of arcuate fold belt and back-arc basin formation is presented based on the opening of mega-continental tension gashes along pre-existing, deep, parallel and steep faults that separate lithospheric units with different properties. If plate convergence is parallel to these faults, the fault-bounded units open at right angles to the convergence vector, adopting an arcuate shape with thrusting in front of the bowed-out units and extensional basin opening between the separated units. This model is applied to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean. After the Iberian collision 35–30 Ma, several ellipsoidal basins (Valencia, Alboran, North Algerian and Liguro–Provençal) developed by 10 Ma along the eastern margin of the Iberian plate. The formation of these basins is attributed to an increase in NE–SW horizontal tectonic palaeostress during early–middle Miocene times resulting from the post-subduction collision of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

青藏高原是新生代隆升的构造地貌。本文试图通过对青藏高原东北缘的西秦岭上白垩统的研究, 揭示新生代青藏高原隆升之前的晚白垩世原型盆地和构造地貌背景, 这对探索青藏高原隆起过程的起始至关重要。西秦岭腹地岷县地区分布着一套角度不整合于下伏不同时代地层之上且沉积序列相近的上白垩统红层地层。该套红层现今呈离散分布, 故多被认为是西秦岭陆内造山阶段不同山间盆地或走滑拉分盆地的沉积物。对不同高程和露头上的该套红层与下伏地层之间角度不整合面地质特征对比分析, 特别是对不整合面之上含砾砂岩和砂岩的粒度组成和颗粒的显微结构研究表明, 该套红层底部的胶结砂砾岩和其上的红色砂岩皆具有沙漠沉积的特征, 也就是说西秦岭晚白垩世曾出现过干旱沙漠环境。沙漠环境的出现不仅需要干旱炎热气候条件, 而且需要相对平坦的地形地貌空间条件。据此, 本文提出了西秦岭在晚白垩世可能处于相对平缓的古地貌状态。现今这套红层不连续分布在相对平坦的山顶面, 其下部以洪积砾岩、河床砾岩和砂岩、沙漠相砂岩互层, 上部则以河—湖相红色泥岩、粉砂岩和细砂岩等细碎屑沉积为主。经研究分析认为西秦岭在上白垩统红层开始沉积之时, 总体已处于地形起伏不大的洪积平原和宽谷型河流地貌, 而晚期则演变为平坦湖盆地貌, 其原始盆地为统一宽缓的湖相盆地。现今上白垩统红层地层和角度不整合的弥散性分布是在印度板块—欧亚板块碰撞汇聚的动力学背景下, 青藏高原崛起和逆冲—走滑作用以及地壳不均匀抬升—侵蚀的结果。西秦岭晚白垩世相对平坦的古地貌状态确定可为研究西秦岭中新生代陆内构造过程和高原隆升与板内变形在东北缘的扩展提供重要线索和参考标志。  相似文献   

 During the Cenozoic, in the western Paris Basin, atmospheric weathering of the chalks with flints of the Upper Cretaceous led to the creation of clay with flints. A reconstitution of the chalks lost to dissolution is proposed and is based on the determination of the age of the parent chalks of the clay with flints and the quantification of the thickness of dissolved chalk. The chalks affected by weathering range in age from Turonian to Maastrichtian, thus confirming the deposition of calcareous sediments in the western Paris Basin up to the Maastrichtian. Chalk weathering took place in situ, as indicated by the preservation of the stratigraphic succession of the chalk in the clay with flints profiles. Weathering led to the dissolution of 20–200 m of chalk, with regional variations. The weathering rate varies between 2.1 and 14.5 m/Ma. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1999  相似文献   

利用野外露头、岩心、测井录井和分析化验资料,对柴达木盆地西部(简称“柴西地区”)新生界干柴沟组湖相碳酸盐岩进行了研究,划分了其沉积微相类型,研究了其分布规律,分析其形成环境和控制因素,并建立了相应沉积模式。该区湖相碳酸盐岩在垂向上与碎屑岩频繁互层,湖相碳酸盐岩包括颗粒灰岩、藻灰岩、泥晶灰岩和混积岩4大类11种,划分出了灰泥坪、颗粒滩、藻丘(礁)、浅湖湾以及(半)深湖泥灰岩相等5种沉积微相。通过分析不同碳酸盐岩及其微相时空展布特征,认为其发育主要受控于湖盆构造运动、湖平面变化、陆源碎屑注入、古气候与古水介质条件、古地貌与古水深环境,并在此基础上建立了柴西湖相碳酸盐岩的沉积模式。研究认为柴达木盆地西部干柴沟组沉积时期,湖盆为典型咸化湖盆,构造活动相对稳定,湖平面上升达到峰值。碳酸盐岩主要发育在湖侵期,高频湖平面变化形成了碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩频繁互层。在枯水期,盆地坡折处发育碎屑岩滩坝或三角洲前缘沉积;在湖侵期,盆地坡折处发育了鲕粒滩及藻灰岩,盆地洼陷区发育泥灰岩或灰质泥岩。  相似文献   

晚新生代以来,天山北缘的沉积记录与天山的隆升密切相关.研究表明:始-渐新世安集海河组主要沉积发育水平层理的绿色、灰绿色湖泊相泥岩;晚渐新世沙湾组中上部岩石组合特征为紫红色曲流河相砂岩、粉砂岩和砾岩夹层;早中新世塔西河组下部主要为灰绿色、褐红色砂、泥岩互层,上部主要为土黄色砂岩和粉砂岩夹层;晚中新世-早上新世独山子组为辫状河相灰色砾岩和砂砾岩沉积;晚上新世-早更新世西域组主要为厚层砾岩堆积.土壤碳酸盐中稳定同位素数据表明:安集海河组δ13C平均值为-3.9‰,δ18O平均值为-5.0‰;沙湾组中上部δ13C平均值为-8.1‰,δ18O平均值为-11.0‰;塔西河组δ13C平均值为-5.9‰;δ18O平均值为-7.7‰;独山子组δ13C平均值为-8.5‰,δ18O平均值为-10.3‰;西域组δ13C平均值为-6.0‰,δ18O平均值为-10.4‰.同位素结果和沉积记录共同表明,始-渐新世为湿润温暖气候;晚渐新世为干旱寒冷气候;早中新世早期为半湿润、半温暖气候,晚期为干旱、寒冷气候;晚中新世.早上新世为干旱寒冷气候;晚上新世-下更新世为干旱、半温暖气候.结合古地磁数据和全球气候变化,天山北缘晚新生代以来发生五次主要气候变化事件,即晚渐新世(沙湾组时期中上部)气候转换,约24Ma(沙湾组时期顶部)气候突变,早中新世内部(约24~19Ma)气候转换事件,晚中新世(约7Ma)C4植被迅速扩张和约3.17Ma以来气候的剧烈震荡.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the lithological composition of Cenozoic deposits penetrated for the first time by boreholes BDP-96-1, BDP-96-2, and BDP-98 down to a depth of 600 m on the underwater Akademicheskii Ridge in Lake Baikal. The deposits are subdivided into the upper (Angara) and lower (Barguzin) sequences, which span the Middle Miocene-Holocene period. They formed under different climatic conditions and tectonic settings. Sources of the terrigenous material were also different. Outbursts of diatom-and mineral formation in Lake Baikal can be related to not only climatic fluctuations in the Miocene-Holocene, but also the endogenous activity. By the analogy with the World Ocean, underwater gas-hydrothermal fluid discharge detected at the water-bottom interface in this lake may be accompanied by the formation of diatomaceous oozes and ferromanganese nodule fields and the concentration of rare elements.  相似文献   

辽西义县盆地下白垩统义县组大康堡沉积层分布范围广,为"热河生物群"的重要产出层位。通过对王家沟西山典型剖面的沉积学研究,识别出11种岩相类型,包括基质支撑砾岩相、凝灰质中-粗粒砂岩相、平行层理中-细砂岩相等,并将该时期的湖泊沉积划分为滨浅湖和深-半深湖环境。分析大康堡层垂向序列特征及纹泥特征,将该时期的湖泊演化划分为4个阶段:早期浅水湖泊沉积,见大量浅水生物化石;中期深-半深湖沉积,处于相对封闭-半封闭的状态,盐度增加;晚期湖泊水体变浅,水文动力条件增强,盐度降低;末期深-半深湖环境,纹泥指示陆源碎屑供给极少,降水较少。湖泊的演化过程受古气候控制明显。  相似文献   

渭河盆地新生代沉积相研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
渭河盆地位于鄂尔多斯地块南缘与秦岭造山带的交接部位,为一新生代盆地,古近系和新近系沉积厚度几千米,沉积类型多样,通过钻井及大量野外剖面的详细观察及实测,开展了地层、沉积相及岩相古地理学的研究。对渭河盆地新生代地层单位进行了重新厘定,并根据沉积特征划分为冲积扇沉积、河流沉积、湖泊沉积、三角洲沉积及风成沉积5种沉积类型。研究认为:整个沉积过程,盆地边断、边陷、边充填,纵向上极不对称,沉积中心偏南,平面上西窄东宽,盆地边部以冲积扇沉积为主,向中心由三角洲沉积逐渐过渡为湖相沉积。盆地从始新世开始沉积,渐新世后期抬升并存在沉积间断,中新世冷水沟期接着开始沉积,水体逐渐扩大,寇家村期湖泊广泛发育,至灞河期沉积范围达到最大,上新世游河期盆地存在西安、固市两大沉积凹陷区,边部开始出现风成沉积,第四纪西部隆起,湖泊沉积范围开始缩小,中更新世至全新世,盆地内湖泊萎缩成区域上的小型洼地。  相似文献   

The main episode of Cenozoic volcanic activity occurred simultaneously with formation of the Sayan—Baikal uplift, before the rift depressions were initiated. Volcanism and rifting in this region have developed as independent processes, connected with each other only by an ultimate primary mantle energy source. The volcanic regions do not coincide with the rift depressions, except in the Tunka graben.Chemical features of the volcanics show that during the entire period of volcanic activity there was a complex alternation of basaltic lavas of alkaline, intermediate and tholeiitic composition. Both alkaline and subalkaline lavas are distributed over the entire volcanic region, excepting the Tunka depression where tholeiitic lavas are predominant. However, there is neither mineralogical nor chemical evidence for the existence of two separate magma types within the Baikal rift zone.Judging by the presence of high-pressure, lherzolitic megacrysts of clinopyroxene, and to a lesser extent titaniferous biotite and amphibole in alkaline basalts, variations of lava chemistry are connected with high-pressure fractionation of initial melts, which was more complete for sources outside the rift zone. The predominance of tholeiitic lavas in the Tunka depression is likely to have been caused by a higher degree of partial melting and quick ascent of magma to the surface, facilitated by a high geothermal gradient under the depression where crustal extension is taking place.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区新生代沉积与构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方向 《地质与勘探》2014,50(1):28-36
[摘要]新生代柴西地区南北变形具有很好的对称性,盆地边缘发育高角度逆冲断层,古近纪时期库木库里和苏干湖盆地与柴达木盆地相连,据此认为柴西地区是地壳纵弯褶皱的机制下形成的新生代向斜沉降区。其构造演化经历了古新世~渐新世早期纵弯褶皱形成、晚渐新世~中新世纵弯褶皱发展和晚期盆内断褶构造强烈活动三个阶段,控制了相应时期的沉积边界和沉积相分布。古近纪时期库木库里盆地和苏干湖盆地是柴达木盆地的一部分,新近纪以来,由于盆缘逆冲断层的活动,库木库里和苏干湖盆地逐步与柴达木盆地分割开来。据此认为盆地中部一里坪地区和盆地边缘的油气勘探有较大潜力。  相似文献   

Sedimentary Characteristics of the Cretaceous in the Songliao Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rupture of the lithosphere in Late Jurassic brought about the eruption of basaltic magma in the Songliao Basin. The evolution of the basin in Cretaceous progressed through six stages: pre-rift doming, extensional fracturing, fault subsidence, fault downwarping, downwarping and shringkage, resulting in the deposition of terrstrial facies nearly 10,000 m thick. There are different depositional sequences in these stages: the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Shahezi and Yincheng Formations is the development stage of the down-faulted basin, forming a volcanic rock-alluvial fan-fan delta-lacustrine (intercalated with episodic turbidites)-swamp facies sequences; the period of the Early Cretaceous Dengluku Formation is the transformation stage of fault subsidence into fault downwarping of the basin, forming a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-lacustrine facies; the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Quantou Formation-Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation is the downwarping stage of the basin, forming an alluvial plain-delta-lacustrine facies sequence; the period of the Late Cretaceous Sifangtai Formation-Mingshui Formation is the shringkage stage of the basin, forming again a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-alluvial fan and small relict lacustrine facies. These vertical depositional sequences fully display the sedimentary characteristics of a failed continental rift basin. Many facts indicate that the two large-scale lake invasions, synchronous with the global rise of sea level, which took place in the downwarping stage of the basin development, led to the connection between the lake and sea.  相似文献   

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